what's new with the epri cim primer

Smart Grid Information Sharing Webcast April 24, 2013 Common Information Model Update

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Page 1: What's new with the EPRI CIM Primer

Smart Grid Information Sharing Webcast April 24, 2013

Common Information Model Update

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• CIM Primer –Background –EPRI’s CIM Strategy –Walkthrough – What’s New?

• CIM Success Stories • CIM 2013 Survey

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Gerald R. Gray, PhD Principal Technical Leader

Enterprise Architecture & Integration Smart Grid Information Sharing Webcast

April 24, 2013

What’s new with the EPRI CIM Primer?

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Agenda Agenda


EPRI’s CIM Strategy

Walkthrough – what’s new!

Final Thoughts

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CIM History

• EPRI Operator Training Simulator work in early 90s – Initial goal: allow utilities to procure “best of breed”

subsystems for their Energy Management Systems • Provided electric utility model as first wave of “enterprise

application integration” hit in mid-90s • Became IEC standard in 1996 • Mandated by NERC and first IOP test in 2000 • CIM Users Group established 2005

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CIM as an IEC Standard • Actually 3 standards:

– 61970 (network model, XML file exchange) – 61968 (asset, meter, messaging) – 62325 (Markets)

• 3 Working Groups – WG13 – 61970

Convener: Terry Saxton [email protected] – WG14 – 61968

Convener: Greg Robinson [email protected] – WG16 – 62325

Convener: Jim Waight [email protected] • IEC “owns” paper documents • CIMug “owns” the UML

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CIM and EPRI • Early sponsorship

– EPRI OTS – Control Center Application Programming Interface (CCAPI)

• Extensions – Planning models (61970) – Dynamic models (61970) – Environmental Data (62325)

• Harmonization – 61850 – MultiSpeak

• Testing – 16 standards-vetting IOPs – Test harness – Support for UCA testing activities

• Education – CIM Primer (www.epri.com – search for “CIM Primer”) – http://www.epri.com/abstracts/Pages/ProductAbstract.aspx?ProductId


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EPRI’s CIM Strategy

• Advancing the standard – Developing specific models/profiles, addressing gaps

(eg. CIM for Dynamics, DER, CIM for Environmental Data, Asset Health modeling)

– Support interoperability testing • Technical Guidance

– CIM maintenance and upgrade strategies – Use Case Integration – Standardized CIM-related RFP language

• Education – CIM Primer 2nd Ed

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IntelliGrid Program

The IntelliGrid Program conducts research, development and demonstrations on the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) that Enable Smart Grid applications

IntelliGrid • Transmission • Distribution • End-Use (AMI/DR)

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Highlights of Changes

• Learning objectives

• Case Study

• Questions to reinforce learning

• New section on application integration

• CIM “success stories”

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Learning objectives

• What the student is expected to understand at the conclusion of each section

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Case Study

• Fictionalized account; based on real world experiences

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Example Section Questions…

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Application Integration: Naming Conventions

• Based on IEC 61968-100 Integration Guidance for 61968

• Naming convention uses a combination of Verbs and Nouns – Actions – Objects

• Example: Query, I need the meter readings for a customer – Get (query) MeterReadings

• IEC 61968-100 describes the “how to do it” • IEC 61968-9 describes the “what”; message

XSD for MeterReadings

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Application Integrations: Patterns

• Integration is represented with sequence diagrams

• One systems sends or asks for something from another systems

• Actors: human, system, application

• Basic: Request-Response • Complex: Multiple request

– response, PUSH, PULL, combination JMS, WS

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Final Thoughts

• EPRI and the Common Information Model (CIM) – A long history of support – Benefit to the utility industry

• CIM Primer is a key deliverable to support the CIM education strategy

• It’s free!


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John J. Simmins, Ph.D. Technical Executive

Smart Grid Information Sharing Webcast April 24, 2013

CIM Success Stories IntelliGrid Common Information Model Primer: Second Edition.

EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2013.3002001040.

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CIM Success Stories…

• Green Button – CIM-based, core objects and semantics

• Utility usage – Enterprise integration – Semantic models – Enterprise Information Management – Governance

• Commercialization

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Success Story – Green Button

• Usage – how much energy is consumed during a billing cycle or any other period?

• History – how much energy is used as a function of time intervals – 15 minutes, hours, days, and months?

• Cost – what is the cost associated with energy usage?

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Success Story - LIPA

• Processes and Governance • Centrally Managed

Semantic (Data) Model (EXM) based on IEC CIM

• Centrally Managed Exchange Model (EXM)

• Centrally Managed Development and Run-Time Deployment

Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) leverages IEC Common Information Model (CIM) for

Enterprise Information Management and Semantic Integration initiatives.

Presentation Notes
LIPA has embarked on a SmartGrid program that comprises the implementation of new applications and the integration of these applications with legacy applications.   Key business drivers are to reduce the cost and complexity of the development and maintenance of integration solutions and data repositories, enable the ability to inte grate LIPA data among multiple service providers and implement “Best of Breed” applications. Key characteristics of this approach are: End-to-End Model-Driven approach Paradigm Shift compared with the conventional approach Bridges the chasm between design, development and run-time Increased Agility, Responsiveness, Speed Decreased Time, Cost, Risk Enabler for implementation of new functionality, processes and analytics solutions Key components of the methodology are: Processes and Governance Centrally Managed Semantic (Data) Model (EXM) based on IEC CIM Heterogeneous interfaces mediated through common model Capability to manage private extensions and other modifications needed to the standard CIM model The ESM also supports all design of database projects, to ensure consistent semantics between data-in-flight and persisted data. Centrally Managed Exchange Model (EXM) Service Definition, Semantic Mapping and Business Rules Orchestration and Exception handling Integrate & Reuse Business Rules, transformations, mappings Automate gap analysis, documentation No coding is performed, it generates “ready-to-go” services for deployment Centrally Managed Development and Run-Time Deployment Generate ready-to-go SOA services Continuous testing Deploy into any Java runtime environment Automate impact analysis on change, across all deployed services and the common model (ESM) The methodology has helped LIPA establish a layered and loosely-coupled architecture with the business benefits of being more agile and responsive to business and regulatory changes, leveraging services on new projects (enabling re-use with minimal refactoring).
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Success Story – Consumers Energy

• Eliminating duplicate work on integration

• Maximizing the reusability of a common data model

• Lowering the cost on overall integration and support

• Facilitating the composition and consumption of information across multivendor landscapes

• Leveraging vendor’s CIM-based solutions and SOA approaches for integration Consumers Energy leverages IEC Common Information Model (CIM) for

Enterprise Integration and a enterprise semantic model.

Presentation Notes
Consumers Energy has been adopting IEC CIM standards since 2008 when they started its service gap analysis as part of the AMI solution effort. The intention was to deploy a solution that is based upon existing vendor systems using open industry standards such as IEC CIM where available. The goal was to perform the gap analysis between these vendor applications and standards-based services, and work with vendors to ensure that there is sufficient coverage and support for industry standards from vendor products perspective to deliver an open and integrated AMI solution for Consumers Energy. As a result, interoperability could be achieved among various systems and applications, and common semantics can be established to represent power system objects in the company. The standards that involved are mainly IEC 61968-1, IEC 61968-9, and IEC 61968-100. The IEC 61968-1 Interface Reference Model (IRM) is used to group functional requirements. Its business functions and abstract components are used as actors to describe application/systems interaction using UML sequence diagrams. IEC 61968-9 is the base to define the Metering and Control context models in XML schemas (XSDs) for the integration. The framework includes a set of plug-ins that enables users to work within EA’s user interface through each step of the methodology. As a result, a semantically consistent common language is provided for exchanging data information across platforms and systems within the enterprise. Major benefits the company recognized are: Eliminating duplicate work on integration Maximizing the reusability of a common data model Lowering the cost on overall integration and support Facilitating the composition and consumption of information across multivendor landscapes Leveraging vendor’s CIM-based solutions and SOA approaches for integration
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CIM Success – Commercialization

• AGSI – OMS – DMS – Social Media visualization – CIM database

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CIM Success – Commercialization

• OpenGrid Software – Based on EPRI project – GIS – OMS – Asset Management – Augmented reality – Implementing at Southern

Scotland Electric

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John J. Simmins, Ph.D. Technical Executive

Smart Grid Information Sharing Webcast April 24, 2013

CIM Survey of Adoptions Common Information Model Update for 2013.

EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 2012.3002003034

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Respondents Segmented By Organization Type

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CIM Survey Number of Customers

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Respondents Segmented by Utility Type








0% 20% 40%

State/Municipal/Public Utility

Distribution System Operator

Transmission Owner/Operator

Independent System Operator

Generation Plant Owner/Operator

Electricity Cooperative


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Mean number of application affected

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Number of interfaces based on CIM

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Migration to progressive CIM versions

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