what stars and chakras foretell about the present and the immediate future of india…

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  • 7/30/2019 What Stars and Chakras foretell about the present and the immediate future of India


    What Stars and Chakras foretell about the presentand the immediate future of India25 days ago byAnil Aggarwala1

    Ever Since the Ingress of Rahu in Libra and Conjuction with Saturn,There have been major events in the Globe like a Powerful

    Earthquakes in China on the 20th April 2013 very close to the Lunar Eclipse on the 26th April 2013 and then a massive Tornado

    on the 20th May 2013 in Oklahoma, which had a deadly and a massive impact. Indonesia: FloodsJan

    2013 http://reliefweb.int/disaster/fl-2013-000006-idn.

    January 2013 Current Events: World Newshttp://www.infoplease.com/news/2013/current-events/world_jan.html. So many

    other happenings

    All this is the Attribution of these 2 Planets and the Eclipses on the 26th April and the 9th May 2013. If you go through my predictions on the articleSaturn -Rahu Conjunction and Eclipses in Early 2013dated 3rd Dec. 2012

    andStudy of2013s eclipse effects on the Foundation Charts of Countriesdated 5th Dec. 2012 you would appreciate the same .

    Read this Para

    India Kashmir Issue may surface in the form of clashes at the Boarder.

    In Foundation chart Mars placed in the 2nd house and is Lord of the 12th and the 7th house and aspected by Jupiter the 8th Lord .

    The Mars in Indias chart doesnt have any connection with 3rd, 6th, 7th and 12th house is the reason for our history of being a

    non-aggressive, but since Mars is aspecting the 8th house of mass deaths and Jupiter the 8th lord is placed in the 6th house

    it does make it prone to terrorist activities by neighbouring countries , but himself India will never take initiative to attack

    boarders of any country in first move.In the present context since dasha of Sun- Saturn is running till 28-6-2013. This not good at

    all as mentioned above . India has to be alert from the neighboring countries , Pakistan and China, epidemics, secret plots

    and war like situations along with Earthquakes and natural calamities.Strong Religious Provocations .

    Pakistan Lagna is Aries Mars is placed in the 3rd house aspecting the 6th house.Prone to create terrorist activities for the

    neighboring countries.Pakistan is running the dasha of VenusMoon till 26-12-2013 , Venus is 7th lord , hence the war

    mongering tendencies will increase all the more . VenusMoon and then Venus-Mars again not good since the placement of

    Mars in the 3rd house conjunct with Moon. In the chart Mercury is in Mrityu Bhag, placed in the 4th house with Saturn,Venus7th lord and with Sun. Hence Pakistan can be involved in a series of terrorist activities and war like situations in the present

    context.Eclipse is taking place in the 1/7 axis,which is not good for the country though the Dasha of Venus- Moon is running.

    The country can also have a fall

    I am hereby analyzing the Present situations after the 7th August 2013 Paksha Kundali and the commencement of the Lunar

    Month Sravana and the near future from the Paksha Kundali of the 5th Sept. to 19th


  • 7/30/2019 What Stars and Chakras foretell about the present and the immediate future of India


    In the Paksha Kundali of the 7th August 2013 03-20 hrs ,the Lagna rising is Gemini 18.29 degrees in the nakshatra of Rahu

    and influenced closely by 7th and 10th lord Jupiter and 6th and 11th lord Mars in the nakshatra of Jupiter again. Mars and Jupiter

    both are near the most effective point of Lagna and Mars has crossed it whereas Jupiter is behind, hence the effect of Mars will

    be more than Jupiter . The Lagna and the Lagna Lord are influenced by Mars and Saturn who are 6th and the 8th lord

    respectively and aspect of Saturn on the Lumanaries the Royal Planets is not good for the fortnight as they are the King and the

    Queen and is indicative of malefic happenings specially connecting the 2nd house and the Finance sector .The Lagna Lord

    Mercury is also afflicted in the 2nd house and Karka for Finance, Jupiter also in affliction ,clear indication ofFinance sector

    suffering , Untoward happenings at the Boarder, since Sun the 3rd Lord is afflicted, by the 8th lord involvement. We are

    already experiencing it.12th lord Venus in the 3rd House and aspecting the 9th house is also indicative of the above. There may

    be fall in Rupee, Financial markets could have a jolt in this fortnight till 21st August 2013 and the trend may continue for

    some time more. If we superscribe the Planets of this Paksha Kundali on the India Independence chart then we find that the 8th

    Lord Jupiter is transiting over the natal Mars who is the 7th and the 12th lord showing a secret plan for terrorism and attack

    being hatched, incidentally the Transit Mars is also there in the 2nd house over the natal Mars. Transit of Mars on the 8th lord or

    8th lord transiting over the Mars is conducive to give Malefic results and capable to bring about a disaster which is powerful

    ,specially when Rahu and Saturn are also conjunct over the 8th lord Jupiter in the 6th house. Transit Jupiter activating the natal

    Jupiter . Sun, Moon, Mercury activating the natal Sun, Moon and Mercury . Saturn aspecting the 2nd Lord Mercury is again

    indicating as above 8th house aspected by Mars and 8th lord with Rahu are indicative of untoward happenings. 10th Lord Jupiter

    is also afflicted by Mars hence difficult time for the Head of the country and Head of the States. There will be total dissatisfaction

    in the General Public and an atmosphere in the country will not be a healthy one . Jupiter and Venus aspecting the 9th house

    shows Legal Norms stipulated will come in force.This Fortnight till 21st August 2013 is indicating Focus on the Financial

    sector and a Jolt on it and Boarder Clashes with neighbouring countries Pakistan and China I have already mentioned

    this prediction earlier in my articles.

    If you go through the Parameters mentioned below in the article you shall find 3 parameters satisfying in the Fortnight from 7th

    August 2013 forDisasters Natural and man


  • 7/30/2019 What Stars and Chakras foretell about the present and the immediate future of India


    Let me First Tabulate the Parameters which can be responsible to bring a

    disaster in the Present . There are Five major Factors which can be responsible to bring about a disaster like Tornado,

    Earthquakes, Natural and Unnatural events like Terrorism and Clashes with neighboring countries

    1.. Rahu and Saturn in Kendra or in Conjunction. The conjunction took place on the 14th Jan. 2013 and this conjunction

    is till 14th July 2014. Conducive to bring strong Disasters. 11th Sept. , 17th Sept. and 1st Nov.2013, 9th Sept. for USA

    specifically, could be most crucial in this regard. This conjuction happens every 11-12 years and the previous happenings

    have been mentioned in my previous Article of the 3rd Dec.


    2. Mars in Kendra from Rahu and Saturn or Conjunct

    . Mars will be in Kendra in the Cancer sign from Saturn and Rahu on the 19th August 2013 till 6th Oct. 2013 and will be

    Debilitated and there will be aspect on Saturn and Rahu and Saturn will give a return aspect, which is disastrous in the

    present context. Airy sign Libra and Watery sign getting connected , Disasters relating to Air and Water this period from

    19th August to 6th Oct 2013, Resulting in Air disasters , Tornado, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Tsunami . Normally there are

    Political deformations and transformations in the countries during their conjunction as well. It has been observed that

    even one or two of the Parameters listed above can bring about Disasters


    3. Mars in Kendra or in Conjunction with Jupiter. Mars Joined Jupiter on the 5th July and will be in conjunction till

    19th August 2013 . Explanation given above as per Paksha Kundali for the Present Scenario. 28th November again Mars

    and Jupiter will be in kendra from each other which is again close to Total Annular Solar Eclipse which could result in

    Massive malefic results in the Globe in the countries Australia,New Zealand, Central Pacific, North Australia, Solomon

    Islands and other countries Covered by this Eclipse. 4.Mercury behind Sun, Jupiter

    connection with Mercury and Eclipses with in 3 months conducive to give an Earthquake with other Parameters

    satisfying . Mercury is at 3.20 degrees and just about to change nakshatras, Boarder clashes.Air Accidents.

    5. Solar and Lunar Eclipses taking place with in 3 months of the event, The disaster could be even before the Eclipses . Next

    Total Solar Eclipse is taking place on the 3rd Nov. 2013 . The Planetary position of Sun, Moon , Saturn and Rahu degree wise is

    alerting and conducive to bring about a disaster again. More so since all these planets will be in Rahu nakshatra and Rahu will be

    in forward motion and become Poison. We have already Experienced the UttraKhand Disaster of very high


    6.Mars Transiting over the 8th house or 8th lord is a crucial Parameter or transit of malefic planets over the 8th lord, In the

    India Independence chart Rahu transiting over the 8th lord Jupiter placed in the 6th house from 14th Jan 2013 to 14th July 2014

    ,and Saturn till 14th Nov. 2014 is crucial . Some other Factors which also influence the above are Mercury Behind Sun, Mercury

    and Jupiter in same nakshatra . Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Mars are the most malefic planets influencing the mundane events. .

    Earthquakes of higher intensity of 7.7 Richter Scale in Canada on the 28th Oct. and 7.4 on the Richter scale on the 8th Nov 2012

    in Gautmala of Central America have already taken


    In my articleFortnight of September 2013-An Astrological Study of a Possible Natural Disasterdated 14th June 2013

  • 7/30/2019 What Stars and Chakras foretell about the present and the immediate future of India


    I wrote In

    the New Moon chart of 5th Sept.2013 below, Sun is in the 8th house , the 4th house has become the 8th house , which is also the

    Lagna of the Hindu New Moon chart of 10th April 2013, there will be untoward happenings concerning the 4th house in the

    fortnight starting from 5th Sept. 2013, 4th house is landslides, hotel industry, weather conditions, throne of the King, trade

    etc, hence this can strongly surface in this period starting from 5thSept to 19th Sept. 2013. I also wrote

    In the Paksha Kundali of 5th Sept. 2013 Mars is debilitated in the 7th house,further aggravating the situation to surface untowardhappenings . Mars is aspecting the Lagna and Lagna Lord in the 10th house where Lagna Lord Saturn is in almost degrees with

    Rahu, Mars is also close degrees aspect to Rahu and Saturn in the 10th house , There is a return aspect of Saturn on Mars, this

    combination of planets is a dreaded combination in mundane astrology, things can explode concerning the 10th house which is

    badly afflicted ,and in fact all the kendras are afflicted , This combination in the fortnight could surface strong untoward

    happenings in the country with respect to the 10th house , the head of the country and the states . The ruling party could lose

    grounds . Mars being in watery sign , there could be excessive rains, Landslides, Water born diseases, disasters etc.

    Saturn has been designated by kalidas as Dukhakarka in nakshatra of Rahu is malefic specially when it is aspecting the 8th house

    , there could be natural disasters of high magnitude , which could take the life of masses. In the Paksha Kundali I have already

    explained the combination and Return aspect on it from Mars , it is highly afflicted along with Rahu and degree conjunction on

    the 17th Sept. 2013 .

    Libra sign affliction is considered to be very bad in the mundane and signifies Market places in the Metopolitan cities Libra sign

    and Swati nakshatra also sigify Jammu and Kashmir by Accient Astrologers . From the above it is indicative of untoward

    happening in the fortnight from 5th Sept. to 19th Sept. 2013 more to do with water hazards, Flood flashes, Land slides,

    Epidemic , Boarder clashes with neighbouring countries Pakistan and China taking a greater dimension etc

    Mars ingress in Cancer in the sign of Deblitation on the 19th August early morning at 02-00hrs. and remain there till 6th

    Oct 2013 will be the most crucial parameter in the near future ,and there will be degree return aspect of Mars and Saturn on

    the 11th Sept. 2013. Saturn will be in Degree conjunction with Rahu on the 17th Sept.2013. I have already explained the impact

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    of the same above. and the results of the same , In the present context the Period which are crucial are Presently From 5th July

    2013 to 6th Oct 2013 and then from 3rd Nov. 2013 onwards this Transit of Mars could act as Fuel to the fire and the

    Boarder Clashes could take a greater dimension, Pakistan and China could be instrumental in creating a Panic situation in the

    country , specially after Mars Transit in Cancer, there could also be a natural Disaster of a Greater magnitude , as mentioned

    above ,out of which the crucial periods will be from 7th August to 21st August and then 5th Sept. to 19th Sept. 2013 for

    India specificaly and Results as mentioned above

    . .

    If the Planets of the New Moon Chart on the 5th Sept. 2013 are superscribed on the India Independence chart , it reveals that the

    main culprit is Mars Debilitated on the 5 Planets in the Foundation chart together with the Transit of Rahu and Saturn

    on the 8th Lord Jupiter and is sufficient enough to indicate the malefic happenings. Lumanaries along with Mercury in the

    8th house and mars in the 7th house is again enough to point out the Disaster of a higher magnitude and Kendras totally afflicted .

    In the Solar ingress chart of Leo Sun is placed in the 4th house and Taurus sign is rising and same as that of the India

    Independence chart is again Indicating malefic happenings. All this is pointing towards Earthquake, Tornado or Tsunami. India

    is also running the dasha of Sun-Mercury is not at all good fortnight, since Sun is the 4th lord and Mercury the 2nd and the

    5th under affliction and in the 8th house with 7th Lord Moon. The worst part is the lagna lord Venus getting Deblitated in the 5th

    house the house of Public Money. Mars is aspecting the Lagna and Lagna Lord in the 10th house where Lagna Lord Saturn is in

    almost degrees with Rahu, Mars is also close degrees aspect to Rahu and Saturn in the 10th house , There is a return aspect of

    Saturn on Mars, this combination of planets is a dreaded combination in mundane astrology, things can explode concerning the

    10th house which is badly afflicted ,and in fact all the kendras are afflicted , This combination in the fortnight could surface

    strong untoward happenings in the country with respect to the 10th house , the head of the country and the states . The ruling

    party could lose grounds . Mars being in watery sign , there could be excessive Rains,cloudburst, Landslides, Water born

    diseases, disasters etc.Sun is in the 8th house , the 4th house has become the 8th house , which is also the Lagna of the Hindu

    New Moon chart of 10th April 2013, there will be untoward happenings concerning the 4th house in the fortnight starting from

    5th Sept. 2013, 4th house is landslides, hotel industry, weather conditions, throne of the King, trade etc, hence this can strongly

    surface in this period starting from 5th Sept to 19th Sept. 2013, Apart from The boarder clashes and Terrorist activities.

    There could be depression in the housing Industries, Taxes and interest rates will be hiked. Financial upsets and Financial

    Problems will be the focus of the world. Share, markets, Gold prices can have reverse trends. The other countries which can

    be influenced are Egypt, Turkey,United States, Australia, Could be adversely influenced, China and Pakistan could be

    instrumental in creating terrorist like activities and boarder clashes, they could also get involved in natural calamities as

    mentioned above. In the fortnight from5th Sept. to 19th Sept. 2013 there could be a Natural/Unnatural disaster of a

    greater dimension concerning Tornados, Cyclones, Earthquakes, Cloud Burst Terrorism, Air , Rail Accidents and

    Boarder clashes.

  • 7/30/2019 What Stars and Chakras foretell about the present and the immediate future of India


    In the Rashi Sanghatta chakra, the Asc Capricorn is afflicted by Rahu and Saturn and Sun, Moon and Mercury afflicted by

    Deblitated Mars.During the times of the Kings and Kingdom this chakra was used to see the impeding Wars, Peace, Treaties,

    Since the Lagna is afflicted The country may also take a aggressive step to ward of the clashes at the boarder., since there are no

    benefics aspect on the Lagna the Boarder issues may not be resolved and can escalte further.

    In the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra This chakra like the Rashi chakra as above is also used for similar references , The Lagna

    is afflicted again in this and the Luminaries as well, this is indicative of the situations taking a ugly turn.Asc. Again is afflicted by

    Rahu and Saturn and Luminaries afflicted by Debilitated Mars. Saturn has been designated by kalidas as Dukhakarka in

    nakshatra of Rahu is malefic specially when it is aspecting the 8th house , there could be natural disasters of high magnitude ,

    which could take the life of masses. In the Paksha Kundali I have already explained the combination and Return aspect on it from

    Mars , it is highly afflicted along with Rahu and degree conjunction on the 17th Sept. 2013 .

    Kota Chakra Kot Pal is Rahu is placed in a benefic position, but the Luminaries in worst condition along with Mercury the

    6th and the 9th Lord, Moon is also Kot Swami. Mars would attain a worst positionafter 5th Oct. and on the 28th Oct. and on

    the 20th Nov. 2013 Lumanaries also will be in worst condition in this chakra then.

    Kurma Chakra Asc, Sun- South East, Mars- East, SaturnSouth West , Rahu- South West, Ketu- North

    East Directions having malefic effects.South west will be most

    afflicted. Chandra Kanal Chakra Lagna Nak. Sun and Mercury under


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    Since Rahu and Saturn both in the nakshatra of Swati and Swati is signified by south west direction as per korma chakra, . as

    perancient Astrologers Libra and Swati nakshatra are signified by Jammu and Kashmir. In the foundation chart the dasha will be

    ofSun-MercuryVenus . , All the 3 are ill placed in this fortnight . Hence Maharashtra, Himalayan region and some parts of

    China will have landslides , Flash Floods and heavy rains. There will also be loss of lives, due to this disaster. This disaster can

    also bring about adversity on the part of the Govt. not handling the situation properly and may lose grounds Politically. This is

    what we can see from the planetary position from 5th Sept. 2013 to 19th Sept. 2013 and then upto 5th Oct 2013 . The Date 17th

    Sept. 2013 is most sensitive in this fortnight , and a Period from 1st Nov. 2013 could be crucial for rest of the Globe where the

    Annular Solar Eclipse is visible. Hence in the Present Context from 7th

    August to 21st August 2013, the Finance sector can have a jolt along with Intrusions on the boarder and a possible

    Earthquake. After 21st August specially after the 5th Sept. 2013 Natural and Unnatural Disaster on the cards as explained and

    Boarder clashes taking a greater dimension. The Eclipse of the 3rd November 2013 is dreaded one , since the degrees are very

    close, Saturn 19.49,Sun and Moon 17.12 and Rahu 13.42 in the sign of Libra. and on the 1st Nov. 2013 Mars and Jupiter will

    again be in kendra from Each other , this could surface a strong Earthquake, Tornado, Cyclone and a natural disaster of a high

    magnitude in the countries specially where the eclipse is taking place in the 4/10 axis. This Annular Solar Eclipse is visible

    in Australia, New ZeaLand,Central Pacific,Northern Australia, Solomon Islands. Apart from these countries The other countries

    which could have an impact because of the planetary configurations are China, India, USA, Indonesia, Mexico etc

    Global predictions have already been

    made in the Article

    Study of2013s eclipse effects on the Foundation Charts of Countries anil aggarwala 9th August 2013

  • 7/30/2019 What Stars and Chakras foretell about the present and the immediate future of India
