what roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

H. Orians William K. Purves David M. Hillis Biologia.bl u C – Il corpo umano Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance

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David Sadava H. Craig Heller Gordon H. Orians William K. Purves David M. Hillis Biologia.blu C – Il corpo umano Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance. Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance. What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

David Sadava H. Craig Heller Gordon H. Orians William K. Purves David M. Hillis

Biologia.bluC – Il corpo umano

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance

Page 2: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

• What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

• How does the human kidney produce concentrated urine?

• How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

• What mechanisms regulate kidney function?

• What is dialysis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance

Page 3: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory organs control volume, concentration, and composition of the extracellular fluid.

Cell volume depends on water movement to or from extracellular fluid.

Water movement depends on differences in solute concentrations.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Page 4: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Kidneys filter blood and produce urine.

Ureter: a duct from the kidney that leads to the urinary bladder.

Urethra: a tube for urine excretion.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How does the human kidney produce concentrated urine?

Page 5: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How does the human kidney produce concentrated urine?

The human excretory system (part 1)

Page 6: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The ureter, renal artery, and renal vein enter the kidney on the concave side.

The ureter branches and envelops the renal pyramids.

Renal pyramids make up the medulla, or internal core.

The cortex is the outer layer of the medulla.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How does the human kidney produce concentrated urine?

Page 7: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How does the human kidney produce concentrated urine?

The human excretory system (part 2)

Page 8: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Nephrons have a regular organization:

• glomeruli are located in the cortex;

• the proximal convoluted tubules—the initial, twisted segments of the renal tubules—are located in the cortex.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How does the human kidney produce concentrated urine?

Page 9: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Urine formation in vertebrate nephrons:

• filtration - blood is filtered in a glomerulus, a ball of capillaries;

• tubular reabsorption - glomerular filtrate flows into the renal tubule, where it is modified by reabsorption of specific ions, nutrients, and water;

• tubular secretion - glomerular filtrate in the renal tubule is further modified.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 10: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Tubule cells transport substances to be excreted into the tubular contents.

Peritubular capillaries work with the glomerular capillaries, and transport substances to and from the renal tubules.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 11: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

The vertebrate nephron

Page 12: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Blood is filtered in the glomerulus.

Blood enters through the afferent arteriole and leaves through the efferent arteriole.

The efferent arteriole becomes the peritubular capillaries, which surround the tubule and serve as exchange sites.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 13: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The renal tubule begins with Bowman’s capsule, which encloses the glomerulus.

Podocytes are capsule cells that contact the glomerular capillaries.

Podocytes have fine processes that wrap around the capillaries.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 14: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The glomerulus produces a fluid that lacks cells and large molecules.

The rate of filtration is high in the glomerulus due to:

• high capillary blood pressure;

• high permeability of glomerular capillaries and their podocytes.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 15: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Fluid passing down the renal tubule changes composition through reabsorption and secretion.

Tubule cells:

• reabsorb molecules from the tubule fluid;

• secrete into the fluid substances delivered by the peritubular capillaries.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 16: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The renal tubule descends into the medulla and forms the loop of Henle which is important for urine concentration.

After forming the loop, the tubule returns to the cortex.

The ascending limb of the loop of Henle becomes the distal convoluted tubule.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 17: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The distal convoluted tubules join the collecting duct in the cortex.

Collecting ducts descend through renal pyramids and empty into the pelvis.

Pelvic divisions join and leave the kidney as the ureter.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 18: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Blood vessel organization in the kidney parallels that of the nephrons.

Afferent arterioles carry blood to the glomeruli.

Glomeruli are drained by arterioles that become the peritubular capillaries.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 19: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The vasa recta is a network of peritubular capillaries parallel to the loops of Henle and the collecting duct.

All peritubular capillaries from a nephron join into venules that lead to the renal vein.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 20: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) is responsible for most reabsorption of water and solutes.

• PCT cells have microvilli to increase surface area, and have mitochondria.

• They actively transport Na+, glucose, and amino acids.

• Water follows the transport of solutes.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 21: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Concentration of urine is due to a countercurrent multiplier mechanism in the loops of Henle.

Tubule fluid flows in opposite directions in the ascending and descending limbs.

The loops increase osmolarity of interstitial fluid in a graduated way.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 22: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Concentrating the urine

Page 23: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Loop of Henle segments:

• thick ascending limb actively transports Na+ (Cl– follows) and raises their concentration in the interstitial fluid;

• thin descending limb loses water to the neighboring interstitial fluid with high Na+ and Cl– concentration;

• thin ascending limb receives concentrated fluid from descending limb and allows diffusion of Na+ and Cl– into the interstitial fluid.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 24: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Kidneys also regulate blood pH.

HCO3– ions are the major buffers in

blood, formed from hydration of CO2, followed by dissociation of carbonic acid (H2CO3).

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 25: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The buffer system can be controlled by physiology.

Lungs control level of CO2 in blood; called the acid portion of the reaction as more CO2 = more H+.

Kidneys control the base portion by removing H+ and adding HCO3


Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

Page 26: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - How do humans maintain salt and water balance?

pH regulation

Page 27: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

A constant glomerular filtration rate (GFR) needs blood supplied to the kidneys under adequate pressure.

Autoregulatory mechanisms ensure blood supply and blood pressure:

• dilation of afferent renal arterioles— maintains glomerular blood pressure;

• kidney releases renin if GFR still falls, this activates angiotensin.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - What mechanisms regulate kidney function?

Page 28: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Angiotensin: constricts efferent renal arterioles and peripheral blood vessels to raise blood pressure.

Stimulates release of aldosterone to increase Na+ uptake, and stimulates thirst to increase water ingestion to raise blood volume and pressure.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - What mechanisms regulate kidney function?

Page 29: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

The hypothalamus can stimulate release of antidiuretic hormone (ADH), also called vasopressin.

ADH increases the permeability of membranes to water.

Osmoreceptors that detect a rise in blood osmolarity will stimulate ADH release.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - What mechanisms regulate kidney function?

Page 30: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - What mechanisms regulate kidney function?

Antidiuretic hormone increases blood pressure and promotes water reabsorption

Page 31: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Renal failure results in retention of:

• salt and water (high blood pressure);

• urea (uremic poisoning);

• metabolic acids (acidosis).

Dialysis treatment passes blood through membrane channels bathed in a plasma-like solution to remove wastes.

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - What is dialysis?

Page 32: What roles do excretory organs play in maintaining homeostasis?

Excretory System and Salt and Water Balance - What is dialysis?

Artificial kidneys and dialysis