what must i do now!

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  • 8/20/2019 What Must I Do Now!



    What Must I Do Now!?

    By John Collorafi 

    As we go to press in mid-Decemer! t"e co#ntdown to $%n#%r& (!))! *#ic+,& %ppro%c"es On t"%t d%& % .er& ,ood& w%r m%& re%+

    o#t It m%& res#,t in t"e de%t"s o/ 0!000 to 10!000 USA %nd 2%n%di%nso,diers It is possi,e t"%t it co#,d e%si,& esc%,%te into 3or,d 3%r III

    4eop,e %re %s+ing #s: 53"%t c%n I do65 Since O#r L%d& o/ F%tim% c%meto te,, #s t"e on,& w%& to pe%ce! w"%t is it S"e w%nts #s to do6 53e

    +now t"%t it depends on t"e 4ope %nd t"e 7is"ops to consecr%te R#ssi%e/ore pe%ce is gi.en to t"e wor,d! #t isn't t"ere %n&t"ing I person%,,&c%n do now to "e,p t"e c%#se o/ wor,d pe%ce65

    3%r is % p#nis"ment /or sin %nd t"ere is more %nd more sin going onTo pre.ent w%r we m#st "eed O#r L%d&'s Mess%ge To "e,p #s %,,

    #nderst%nd w"%t e%c" one o/ #s c%n do in o#r own person%, ,i/e o/pr%&er %nd rep%r%tion we present t"is %rtic,e written especi%,,& /or TheFatima Crusader  **

    F%tim% %nd T"e Mos,ems

    The very name of Fatima has come down to us from this period of the Crusades,Fatima was the daughter of a certain Moslem prince. She converted toCatholicism when she married a Crusader, Goncalo Hermingues. This eautifulprincess died very young, and the widower !on Goncalo ecame a Cistercianmon" of #lcoaca. The aey founded a priory in the neighoring mountains,where !on Goncalo too" the remains of his dear Fatima. The area too" hername and has "ept it.$

    The mystery of Fatima seems to e intimately associated with the futureconversion of the Moslems. %y a providential design, &ur 'ady had chosen aplace named after the daughter of Mohammed. Saint 'ouis de Montfort andother saints( spo"e of the power which the %lessed )irgin would eercise overthe infidels in the last times, ringing them to Christ.+ There is every reason toelieve that this time is very near.

    T"e App%ritions o/ t"e Ange,


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    The apparitions of the #ngel in -$ prepared the way for the great Marianmanifestation at Fatima. This message has een called an angeliccatechesis. /n her Memoirs, Sister 'ucia descried the first apparition of the#ngel to the three young shepherds, who had een amusing themselves withtheir sheep 0 1... when a strong wind egan to sha"e the trees. 2e loo"ed up,

    startled, to see what was happening, for the day was unusually calm. Then wesaw coming towards us, aove the olive trees, the figure 3of the #ngel4. #s itdrew closer, we were ale to distinguish its features. /t was a young man, aoutfourteen or fifteen years old, whiter than snow, transparent as crystal when thesun shines through it, and of great eauty.

    12e were surprised, asored, and struc" dum with ama5ement. &n reachingus, he said6

    1!o not e afraid7 / am the #ngel of 8eace. 8ray with me.1

    9neeling on the ground, he owed down until his forehead reached the ground.'ed y a supernatural impulse, we did the same, and repeated the words whichwe heard him say6

    1My God, / elieve, / adore, / hope and / love Thee7 / as" pardon of Thee forthose who do not elieve, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee71

    Having repeated these words three times, he rose and said6

    18ray thus. The Hearts of :esus and Mary are attentive to the voice of yoursupplications.1

    Then he disappeared.-

    5I Do 8ot 3%nt De%t" o/ t"e Sinner #t R%t"er t"%t 9e e 2on.erted%nd Li.e5

    This very first apparition epresses the theme of the Fatima apparitions6 theyare for the redemption of men, for the conversion of sinners, those who 1do notelieve, do not adore, do not hope and do not love1 their God7 For God desiresnot the death of the sinner, ut rather 1that he e converted from his ways, andlive1 3;5. 6

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    The second apparition must have een at the height of summer, when the heatof the day was so intense that we had to ta"e the sheep home efore noon andonly let them out again in the early evening. 2e went to spend the siesta hoursin the shade of the trees which surrounded the well that / have alreadymentioned several times. Suddenly, we saw the same #ngel right eside us.

    1?2hat are you doing7 8ray, pray very much7 The Holy Hearts of :esus and Maryhave designs of mercy on you. &ffer prayers and sacrifices constantly to theMost High.?

    ?How are we to ma"e sacrifices@? / as"ed.

    ?Ma"e of everything you can a sacrifice, and offer it to God as an act ofreparation for the sins y which He is offended, and in supplication for theconversion of sinners. Aou will thus draw down peace upon your country. / amits #ngel Guardian, the #ngel of 8ortugal. #ove all, accept and ear with

    sumission the suffering which the 'ord will send you.?1B

    Rep%r%tion /or Sinners

    This second angelic apparition introduces the notion of reparation. This conceptis at the heart of the Fatima message, including the great reuest for theconsecration of Dussia.

    Deparation is the vicarious atonement offered to God y living memers of theMystical %ody of Christ, on ehalf of sinners. This loving reparation isoffered through the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary to the %lessed Trinity, for

    poor sinners.

    The #ngel?s words call to mind three tets of Holy Scripture. First, he says61offer prayers and sacrifices constantly to the Most High1, corresponding to St.8aul?s instruction6 1pray without ceasing.1 3 Thess. E6+4

    %ut aove all, the #ngel adds, 1accept and ear with sumission the sufferingwhich the 'ord will send you.1 This is simply the command of Christ Himself6 1/fany man will come after me, let him deny himself, and ta"e up his cross, andfollow me.1 3Mt. $64

    Deparation, practiced in this spirit, gains many graces for the conversion ofsinners and peace in the world. The message of Fatima, li"e St. 8aul, invites usto 1fill up those things that are wanting of the sufferings of Christ, for His %odywhich is the Church.1 3Col. 64

    5T"e 7od& %nd 7,ood o/ $es#s 2"rist! 9orri,& O#tr%ged &

    Ungr%te/#, Men5 T"ird App%rition o/ t"e Ange,


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    The third angelic apparition uilds on this profound theology of reparation,solidly grounded in the ew Testament, and adds a new reparatory practice6 thecommunion of reparation for sinners. Here is how Sister 'ucia descries this1;ucharistic Theophany16

    The third apparition must have ta"en place in &ctoer, or towards the end ofSeptemer 3-$4, as we were no longer returning for siesta ... #fter our lunch,we decided to go and pray in the hollow among the roc"s on the opposite sideof the hill. To get there, we went around the slope, and had to clim over someroc"s...

    #s soon as we arrived there, we "nelt down, with our foreheads touching theground, and egan to repeat the #ngel?s prayer.

    1My God, / elieve, / adore, / hope and / love you ...1

    / don?t "now how many times we repeated this prayer, when an etraordinarylight shone upon us. 2e sprang up to see what was happening, and eheld the#ngel. He was holding a chalice in his left hand, with the Host suspended aoveit, from which some drops of lood fell into the chalice. 'eaving the chalicesuspended in the air, the #ngel "nelt down eside us and made us repeat threetimes6

    Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, / adore Aou profoundly and / offerAou the most precious %ody, %lood, Soul and !ivinity of :esus Christ, present inall the taernacles of the world, in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges andindifference y which He is offended. #nd through the infinite merits of His most

    Sacred Heart, and those of the /mmaculate Heart of Mary, / eg of Aou theconversion of poor sinners.

      Then, rising, he too" the chalice and the Host in his hands, He gave theSacred Host to me, and shared the %lood from the Chalice etween :acinta andFrancisco, saying as he did so6

    Ta"e and drin" the %ody and %lood of :esus Christ, horrily outraged yungrateful men7 Ma"e reparation for their crimes and console your God.

    &nce again, he prostrated himself on the ground and repeated with us, three

    times more, the same prayer6 1Most Holy Trinity ...1 and then disappeared.

    Moved y a supernatural force, which enveloped us, we had imitated the #ngelin everything, that is, we prostrated ourselves as he did and repeated theprayers that he said...

    2e remained a long time in this position, repeating the same words over andover again ...


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  • 8/20/2019 What Must I Do Now!


    Pope John Paul II atFatima (with ahandkerchief in his hand)to wae adieu to "ur#ad$% &e will return inMa$' ' on the *+thanniersar$ of "ur #ad$,sfirst appearance atFatima to thank &er forsain- his life . $ears

    preiousl$ on Ma$ /'0%

    T"e 2&c,e o/ O#r L%d&'s App%ritions in )=

    /t is not y chance that &ur 'ady first appeared on May =. Historians haveanaly5ed the correlations of May = with other Marian themes. 2e have seenthat on May =, 8ope %oniface /I granted the reuest of 9ing :ohn / of 8ortugal,that in the 1'and of Holy Mary1 all Cathedrals would e dedicated to Her, theirHeavenly 8atroness. Moreover at Dome, on May =, $B, 8ope %oniface /) hadconsecrated the ancient 8antheon 3which for five centuries had een dedicated

    to all the gods of paganism4 to the Mother of God and all the martyrs.>

    For some years May = had also een the feast of &ur 'ady of the %lessedSacrament, a devotion dear to St. 8eter :ulian ;ymard and 8ope St. 8ius I, whoauthori5ed its celeration, and indulgenced a prayer in Her honor as well as theinvocation6 1&ur 'ady of the %lessed Sacrament, pray for us71 /n the firstapparition of May =, the seers indeed received a special light on the mystery of the ;ucharistic 8resence, through Mary?s mediation.E


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    5A 3om%n More 7ri,,i%nt T"%n t"e S#n5

    Sister 'ucia descries this apparition of 1a woman more rilliant than the sun16

    High up on the slope of the Cova da /ria, / was playing with :acinta and

    Francisco at uilding a little stone wall around a clump of fur5e. Suddenly wesaw what seemed to e a flash of lightning.

    2e?d etter go home, / said to my cousins, that?s lightningJ we may have athunderstorm.

    Aes, indeed7 they answered.

    2e egan to go down the slope, hurrying the sheep along towards the road. 2ewere more or less halfKway down the slope, and almost level with a large holmoa" tree that stood there, when we saw another flash of lightning. 2e had only

    gone a few steps further when, there efore us on a small holm oa", we ehelda 'ady all dressed in white. She was more rilliant than the sun, and radiated alight more clear and intense than a crystal glass filled with spar"ling water,when the rays of the urning sun shine through it.

    2e stopped, astounded, efore the apparition. 2e were so close, ust a few feetfrom Her, that we were athed in the light that surrounded Her, or rather, whichradiated from Her. Then &ur 'ady spo"e to us6

    1!o not e afraid. / will do you no harm.112here does Aour Grace come from@1

    1/ am from Heaven.112hat does Aour Grace want of me@11/ have come to as" you to come here for si months in succession, on the =thday, at this same hour. 'ater on, / will tell you who / am and what / want.#fterwards, / will return here yet a seventh time.11Shall / go to Heaven too@11Aes, you will.11#nd :acinta@11She will go also.11#nd Francisco@11He will go there too, ut he will have to say many Dosaries1?

    Then / rememered to as" aout two girls who died recently. They were friendsof mine and used to come to my home to learn weaving with my eldest sister.

    1/s Maria da eves in Heaven@11Aes, she is.1

    3/ thin" she was aout $ years old.4


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    1#nd #melia@11She will e in 8urgatory until the end of the world.13/t seems to me that she was etween and

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    %y May -+ the Supreme 8ontiff reali5ed that his efforts were ineffectual. &nMay E, -+, %enedict wrote to the Cardinal Secretary of State, orderingprayers for peace to the %lessed )irgin6

    %ecause all graces ... are dispensed y the hands of the Most Holy )irgin, we

    wish the petitions of Her most afflicted children to e directed with livelyconfidence more than ever in this awful hour, to the great Mother of God.

    &ur ardent desire 3is4 that recourse e made to the Heart of :esus, Throne ofGrace, and that recourse to the Throne e made through Mary...

    To Mary, then, who is the Mother of Mercy, and allKpowerful y grace, let lovingappeal go up from every corner of the earth...

    'et it ear up to Her the anguished cry of mothers and wives, the wailing oflittle ones, the sighs of every generous heart, that Her most tender and "ind

    solicitude e moved, and the peace we as"ed for e otained for our trouledworld.

    #nd the 8ope ordered an invocation to e added to the 'itany of &ur'ady6 "egina pacis# ora pro no$is%-

    &nly eight days later &ur 'ady came to Fatima. She came to teach us 1the wayof peace1, 3'". 6+-4, and important truths 0 which the 8astors of the Churchmust recogni5e 0 efore we can enoy the gift of peace.

    First Tr#t": 4e%ce is %

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    The Sacred 'iturgy seems to identify the /mmaculate Heart of Mary with theThrone of Grace, for in the /ntroit of the Feast, instituted y 8ius I// on #ugust

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    The /mmaculate Heart of Mary holds in reserve a torrent of graces and favors,which She can pour out on our souls, our families, on Christendom, and thewhole world 0 ut only in response to the humle, constant supplication of ourinnumerale Dosaries.

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    1Aes, we are willing.1

    1Then you are going to have much to suffer, ut the grace of God will e yourcomfort.1=<

    &n :uly =, &ur 'ady urges the children6

    1Sacrifice yourselves for sinners, and say many times, especially when youma"e some sacrifices6 & :esus it is for love of Thee, for the conversion ofsinners, and in reparation for sins committed against the /mmaculate Heart ofMary.?1==

    /n #ugust, &ur 'ady ehorts them6

    18ray, pray very much, and ma"e sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hellecause there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them.1=>

    &ne of the sacrifices the children made was wearing a penitential cord, a ropearound the waist which caused intense pain. The children even wore it in theirsleep. The Mother of God does not discourage this corporal penance. /nSeptemer She told the children6 1God is pleased with your sacrifices. He doesnot want you to sleep with the rope on, ut only to wear it during thedaytime.1=E

    9eroic irt#es o/ t"e 2"i,dren

    Sister 'ucia?s Memoirs ear witness to the etraordinary constancy and

    generosity of the children, in offering sacrifices. /n these pages we learn howthe children egan to fast and practice wor"s of mercy, giving their lunch topoor children, and freuently going even without water. 'ucia suffered freuentreproaches and eatings from her mother, who at first did not elieve in theapparitions.=$

    'ucia also suffered from indifference, even persecution from within her ownfamily, where previously she had een the favorite. %ut perhaps her greatestinner torment was caused y the parish priest, who suggested that theapparitions might e a deceit of the devil.=+

    The children suffered persecution also from the Masonic rulers of 8ortugal. /n#ugust -+ they were aducted, even threatened with death if they did notreveal the Secret of :uly =. The children were ready to suffer martyrdom ratherthan disoey any of &ur 'ady?s reuests 0 the authorities had threatened tothrow them into a cauldron of oiling oil7=

    %ut even after the three seers had proved their heroic virtue 0 and theirwillingness to suffer martyrdom 0 the %lessed )irgin spea"s words not of


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    consolation or comfort, ut continues urgently reuesting sacrifices for sinners618ray, pray very much and ma"e sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hellecause there are none to sacrifice themselves and pray for them.1=-

    ictim So#,s: 4%rt o/

  • 8/20/2019 What Must I Do Now!


    going to end, ut if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will rea"out during the reign of 8ius I/. 2hen you see a night illuminated y anun"nown light, "now that this is the great sign given you y God that He isaout to punish the world for its crimes, y means of war, famine andpersecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.

    To prevent this, / shall come to as" for the consecration of Dussia to My/mmaculate Heart, and the Communion of Deparation on the First Saturdays. /fMy Deuests are heeded, Dussia will e converted and there will e peaceJ ifnot, she will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars andpersecutions of the Church. The good will e martyred, the Holy Father will havemuch to suffer, various nations will e annihilated.

    *he Fatima Crusader  has eplained many times that lasting world peace cannotcome to the world until the 8ope oeys the solemn reuest of &ur 'ady, Nueenof Heaven and ;arth that he specifically consecrate Dussia to the /mmaculate

    Heart of Mary in a solemn pulic manner and the Catholic ishops must do thesame thing on the same day and hour as the 8ope.

    Father Paul 1rinchard' author of2postas$ Within and 2rthur3kinner' recent -uests on "ur14 pro-ram' FATIMA: "TheMoment Has Come look at the2d in defense of the Faith

    pu5lished 5$ the internationalFatima 6osar$ 7rusade whichwas' read 5$ more than +%8million People%

    E.en In T"is t"e F%it"/#, 9%.e %n Import%nt Ro,e


  • 8/20/2019 What Must I Do Now!


    #lthough the faithful are not memers of the hierarchy, and therefore cannot dothe actual Consecration itself that &ur 'ady reuested, there is much they cando aout it. 2e have mentioned this a numer of times in the past ut here weshall list a few very important things they can do.

    . Sign the 8ostcards to the 8ope and Cardinal Dat5inger and Cardinal'uachivs"y to free Sister 'ucy from the =B years of silence 0 Sister 'ucy muste heard efore she dies 0 See Father 'eonard?s article 1The FatimaConsecration Hoa1. 32rite or phone The Fatima Crusader for your freepamphlet aout this and your postcards.4

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    %ut we cannot do it without your help. 2e desperately need your financialsupport now. 3See Father Gruner?s letter 1!ear Friend of &ur 'ady1 in thisissue.4 /f you cannot afford it, you can at least pray &ur 'ady inspires enoughdonors to give enough donations now. 2e are desperately in need of yourcontriutions.

    . Dememer to pray the Dosary every day for the 8ope and the %ishops and ifpossile do it as a family as well.


    1. Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, The Whole Truth About Fatima, Vol. I, p.4.Immaculate Heart ublication!, 1"#".

    $. Ibid., pp. %&'.

    (. Ibid., p. '.

    4. Ibid., pp. 1(&14.

    %. Ibid., p.1).

    '. Ibid., p. *.

    *. True Devotion to Mary , +%)&%". Montort ublication!, 1"*%.

    #. Frère Michel, op. cit., p. *(.

    ". Ibid., pp. '*&'#.

    1). Ibid., pp. *$&*(.

    11. Ibid., pp. *%&**.

    1$. For an e-cellent account o the ma!!ie !acrile/e! accompan0in/ the litur/ical reorm!ee Michael aie!, Pope Paul's New Mass, An/elu! re!! 1"#). aie! deote!

    entire chapter! to the principal !acrile/e! in the 2eorm3 hi! te-t! con!titute adea!tatin/ chronicle o apo!ta!0.

    1(. For e-ample, !ome American bi!hop! hae alloed illicit and perhap! een inalidmatter to be u!ed in the Ma!!. aie!, op. cit., Appendi- VI. For a /ood account oadditional !candal! o the 5orth American hierarch0, !ee 2ichard 6oden&7uido, John Paul II And The Battle For Vatican II , Trinit0 6ommunication! 1"#'.

    14. Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, op. cit., p. 1$4.

    1%. Ibid.

    1'. Ibid., pp. 11$&114.

    1*. Shar8e0, on. The Woan !hall "on#uer , ro 1"*', p. "#.

    1#. Ibid., pp. "#&"".

    1". Ibid.

    $). Father Franci! 9. 2iple0, Mary$ Mother o% the "hurch, TA5 boo8! 1"*(, p. 1$.

    $1. Ibid., p. 11.

    $$. Ibid., pp. 1$&1(.



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    $(. Ibid., p. 1$.

    $4. Introit Adeaus cu %iducia, or the ea!t o the Immaculate Heart o Mar0, ormerl0 Au/u!t $$.

    $%. 2iple0, op. cit., p. 1%.

    $'. Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, op. cit., pp. 114, 1%#, 1#), $(%, $%#, $"1.$*. Si!ter :ucia, Fourth Meoir , pp. 1$(&1$4. Fatima, o!tulation 6enter, 1"*'.

    $#. Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, op. cit., pp. $"*&$"".

    $". Ibid., p. $"*.

    (). Ibid., p. $"1. 6. al!o Fourth Meoir , p. 1'#.

    (1. Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, op. cit., p. $"%.

    ($. Ibid., p. 11(.

    ((. Ibid., p. 1#1

    (4. Ibid., p.$(%.

    (%. Ibid., p. $%#.

    ('. See or e-ample the Second Memoir, pp. '*&'#, and 9acinta;! innumerable penance!de!cribed in the Fir!t Memoir and passi.

    (*. Si!ter :ucia, Second Memoir, pp. '*&'".

    (#. Si!ter :ucia, Second Memoir, p. **. Frère Michel de la Sainte Trinité, op. cit., p. $** et!e