what kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) a. argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) b. narrative...

What kind of writing is it? What kind of writing is it? A. Argumentative writing ( ( 议议 议议 ) ) B. Narrative writing ( 议议议 ) C. Explanative writing ( 议议议 )

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Page 1: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

What kind of writing is it?What kind of writing is it?

A. Argumentative writing ( (议论文议论文 ))

B. Narrative writing (记叙文 )

C. Explanative writing (说明文 )

Page 2: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

who when

whatMy Mom

When I was young

Mom played a role model in her life

A Note to My Mom


to express my love & appreciation to my Mom because of her modeling. Good parents can act as positive models.

Zhang Liang is a male model.

You modeled for fashion photographers.

Page 3: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

her role model

Modeled for fashion photographers

was buried under

challengecompletingstartingbeing a mother



In action


Page 4: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

With your words of wisdom in my youthful mind, I suddenly felt felt---. I set out to ---

Your words became my motto. I constantly found myself---

Encouraged by your statement, I have forged ahead with my life’s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and eagerly meeting each challenge.

evaluationIn life, you can do anything you want to do

The writer modeled herself on her mother.


Page 5: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )


Page 6: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

___________________________________________________as dad was on the sea most of the time. I watched___________________________________

______________________. From dawn to dusk, you___________________ to support our family. You always put our happiness before your own, never discouraged in front of us. ________________________________________

__________________________________. I can’t thank you enough for________________________over dinner when I was ten. With admiration, I told you one of my classmates would move to a better school in the city because her parents donated a large sum of money to the school. You replied ______________ but no criticism, “your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.”

Young as I was,____________________________________. Encouraged by your statement, I have forged ahead with my life’s journey, _________________________

a deeply buried memory

When I was a little girl, I would often accompany youas you faced the challenge of being

a Mom of three children were buried in work

It was years later that I finally understood

what you told me

with wisdom

that statement kept ringing in my ears

eagerly meeting each challenge.

what role modeling played in my life


Page 7: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

Dear mom,

It is your birthday today. On this special day, I want to thank you for you have done for me. I know how hard you’ve been worked during these years. I remember you worked late into night and struggled me up in the early morning. Every time I went to your office, you were always bury in your work. I watch you face the challenges of teaching, while still being a head teacher and a mom. when I asked you to accompany me ,you always turned the deaf ear to me. However ,it was last year when we moved to your school. Young as I am, I know what you did is to create a better living environment for me. I set out to live our life filled with happy, play with more friends. I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to life. My whole world opened up.

Encouraged by your accompany,I have forged ahead with my life’s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and eager meeting each challenge. I love you mum!

Yours zizheng

∧ what











Page 8: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

Sharing I can’t thank you enough for

what you told me ---.

As young as I was, that statement kept ---

With your words of wisdom in my youthful mind, I suddenly felt---

Your words became my motto. I found myself---

Encouraged by yourstatement, I ---

Page 9: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

家庭是孩子成长的第一环境,也是最重要的生长环境,可能会伴随孩子一生。中国的一句俗语“有其父,必有其子”,印证了父母的行为处事对孩子的影响。请以约120 个词就父母言行对小孩子的影响这个话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括: ( 1 )举例说明父(母)的言行对你学习或成

长的影响( 2 )你怎样看待父(母)的言行对你的影响。

Page 10: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

Thank you

Page 11: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )
Page 12: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )
Page 13: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )
Page 14: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )
Page 15: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )
Page 16: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )

a deeply buried memory

When I was a little girl, I would often accompany you as dad was on the sea most of the time. I watched as you faced the challenge of being a Mom of three children . From dawn to dusk, you were buried in work to support our family. You always put our happiness before your own, never discouraged in front of us. It was years later that I finally understand what role modeling played in my life. I can’t thank you enough for what you have told me over dinner when I was ten. In low spirits, I told you one of my classmates would move to a better school in the city thanks to the extensive social connections of her family. You replied with wisdom but no criticism, “your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.” Young as I was, that statement kept ringing in my ears. Encouraged by your statement, I have forged ahead with my life’s journey, eagerly meeting each challenge.

Page 17: What kind of writing is it? ( 议论文 ) A. Argumentative writing ( 议论文 ) B. Narrative writing ( 记叙文 ) C. Explanative writing ( 说明文 )