what is your favourite colour?

What What is is your your favourite favourite colour? colour? by Jelina by Jelina

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Post on 10-May-2015




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The cultural basis for colour symbolism can be very powerful. Throughout the history colour play an important part of our ancestors. Everyone of us has its own favourite colour. What’s yours? My favourite colour are sky-blue because to me it represents the sky, peace and enlightenment, ochre represents the land, green represents the earth and pink. These slides are all my original works therefore copyirght is probihited without any permission from me. Copying someone's works are illegal under copyright law.


Page 1: What is your favourite colour?

What What

is is

your favourite your favourite colour? colour?

by Jelina by Jelina

Page 2: What is your favourite colour?

The cultural basis for colour symbolism can be very The cultural basis for colour symbolism can be very powerful. Throughout the history colour play an powerful. Throughout the history colour play an important part of our ancestors. important part of our ancestors.

Everyone of us has its own favourite colour. What’s Everyone of us has its own favourite colour. What’s yours? yours?

My favourite colour are sky-blue because to me it My favourite colour are sky-blue because to me it represents the sky, peace and enlightenment, ochre represents the sky, peace and enlightenment, ochre represents the land, green represents the earth and pink. represents the land, green represents the earth and pink.

Disclaimer: All slides featured under on my name are my Disclaimer: All slides featured under on my name are my own artworks including the photography slideshow. own artworks including the photography slideshow.

Page 3: What is your favourite colour?
Page 4: What is your favourite colour?
Page 5: What is your favourite colour?
Page 6: What is your favourite colour?
Page 7: What is your favourite colour?
Page 8: What is your favourite colour?
Page 9: What is your favourite colour?

Nature provide us with its endless colour combination. Nature provide us with its endless colour combination. Nature is really good on mixing colours and doesn’t Nature is really good on mixing colours and doesn’t make mistakes. make mistakes.

    No matter how vivid or subtle, they always seem to work No matter how vivid or subtle, they always seem to work together - lime greens, blues, violent pinks and yellows together - lime greens, blues, violent pinks and yellows etc………etc………

Page 10: What is your favourite colour?
Page 11: What is your favourite colour?
Page 12: What is your favourite colour?
Page 13: What is your favourite colour?
Page 14: What is your favourite colour?
Page 15: What is your favourite colour?
Page 16: What is your favourite colour?
Page 17: What is your favourite colour?
Page 18: What is your favourite colour?
Page 19: What is your favourite colour?
Page 20: What is your favourite colour?