what is vegetine?wt travel faster than we did-and tciij by wiru and not iiy roa or eliu tin- j>r...

DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,1870. NO. 41 E I R O N . E R A Business Cards. BEN J. II.VOGT. EDlTOil isc PflOltiETOK. >eou Morris Strait near Bl&ofcwell, TERMS OF 6UI1SUUFTION ItlTAIllJLJLV IS ADYAKHE. Tear, - . - - - S2.00 11,,, . . - 1.00 l O i i t l H , - - - - - - - 6 0 IPASSAGE TICKETS TO AMD FKOH yerpmi- ami Queonstown,' JllIAJV, WHITE STAIt, NATIONAL, firaflH un Eugluml ami Xloyt'. Dunk of Trulntit glioluwnt rales. YfchON, Agonth, ehvdl Stroet, Dovei, N.J. iDr. P. A. HARRisT flVSICIAN ami SURGEON, DOYEll, N. J. AT THE JlEHIUEtlClt Dl- DAS1LI, VUiglHR, l. tlLJMWWCM. AM) EtJElIX BTUCEID. OU%- V, ST1CKL.E, Counsellor at Law U. A. BENNETT, M. D , HOMOSOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts., (Oppoeito Dover Hank,) DOVEU, N.J., : - of Vfomm B»a CliiMrrn, and or 111 Kjc niiu Car spnciiiltluii, urn:7t.)D A.M.,lto8aud?to8P. M. J.L.I.AWJiI3A*Cfi, TJR V E T O R. Surveys, Lcvelsand Grades OFFICE : BTJSSEX. STKEET, [Near Urn Cam) Driileu.] y DOVEII.H.J. KOCKA"\VAY, N. J. J. J, VREELAND, jurpenter and Bnil«l»vt Jobbing promptly attended to. a IlLACiaVELL St., unit in Qnjjo HijHu.v'tt JiUJtlfor mill. JoiitraeU taken, aud mat, rial fnmlalied. Corner of Jllichtvcll and HHGSOS Kin, ' DOYER, N. J. * |B. JOLLEY, Proprietor. Jlorgou nml Currlcjrfl In I.ol. L. W. THURBER, I'EIIISTSWlJCSi 1 OF I'UIJLIO SgilOOl OP Moiuus coujfrv. Oftko (icer OEO. JIICJI-UtDS ACo,'« 8T0UE, rliici-lal ofllcc u, liii a I 1 . M. ' T, IJUPDHT, Counsellor at Law, t- AND MASTEB IS OUANCEIW, folko In |!,r ^albul Uj.lon Jtak ) i.ll.lu.t- 1 .u. ST., DOVEU, K. J. J\U. J. W. UH.J.I.\S, uri'IOE DIH! lllialDliNCli ..iipuriilf llio SCHOOL HOUSE, MINK HIM.., N. .1. TUiuiinnvii A QsiiTii, IHOBNBYSA COUNSELLORS A'l 1 LAW, "ixVvisn, N. J. MrJilii, 187), ' . 1-lyr ATTORNEY Counsellor at Law, JJOVJ3K, N. J. nt Bvand flew cif (lio National Union IJ i B 2j-if |gA. 0II.L1S.Y, ^Furnishing Undertaker I UCEPWCD iTjcrrjosEUii AND casratts- 1 aiO^En 0FDi!£D3," r Ml or nrn promptly attended Io. it XL STUGET, Btn-*i-, ». •?• Iparriages and Sleighs, Of Ifivcry Di'lcrtjitloii.' [Toor Blucliwoll mill IJflrsonSts, n o V E I t , N, J. V. MAUIE, Jr., ATTOENEY A.T LA"ff, OVEU BROWN'S MUOO STOIII' Cor. Btaoknoll nnd Sumoz Sts, fl ^ OVEIt. N. J. MTOSES EI/AUOHATiD, ATTOllKEYiTI.AV, DOVEU, N. J.'* IRA C. COOPER, Masou and Builder, ContmctBt»konfornIl fciii'tfa of JTHBOH Wuift idJobblug. I.IJIE, PLAHTER "A^^D CESIEN'T, Furnlahccl at sliorl notico. iflko nmlor (r Xiio Irou Em. OfflEO," D*iwr, N.J. ,. n-i-i •OVGIl li.VItUltATfltt V. A m y , Bnil Annlysra tit all dCBOrlplfoiiHor tfi OKIiBANOlIINlilULS t\ CAHEPULLY MADE. ^ • . L. o. DiEmyiim^ A -' Dover Murrfs Ointy N.J.T, Allen Palmer &.Scm, >Cnrpcntei-s DOVEB, K. J. omptly attended to. S. J. PALJIEll, AiclUlcct. •PIANOS, . ^7 Melodeons Repaired and Tuned promjilly,In unj pflit «r Mortln County. : Ad- Jre,« ' W. S. \VIirailT, fliivnr;$..T poKnu.»,..r.., ATTO1VNEY A.T LAW, OrnMi OHBI.iOK\VEU.tiIlll3T, ht . t f OrpoHiM BKOUIT'S BA JOHN DUUMMKIl'S SHAVING'AND. HAIB CUTTING SALOON, i SUSSEX STREET, 11tilwwui Uio MANSION HOUSE aud Dcpu DOVEU, N: X '• • 11 a flam Una been entirely rofittcdiu a iicnt ma ncr.. 'Ibo Tory Ixrct brands uf Foreign and Domestic Segars AI.WA.V10.Vn.lND. 8H-tr GEO. A; FRESCOTT, CARPENTER.and BUILDER, . TABERIfACLE HALL, DOVEIJ, Jf, J. jontt OF LVERr.iinacnirtios DESIGNED. ami cifculcd, tnJ material fiindsliuJ. VLAK8and SPECIFICATIONS TnrulBtifld» anil crmlrncls taten .'or Ml ivoth, Thoboal rororciipci clvi:n as tn capneit/i bh' f tt Ci Thoboal rororciipci ry branch' of ,tt>0 nlil as tn capneit/in UOVl'.H.n. J. A. Beemer, HEAL. ESTATE AGKNT, JJloehroll St., ncu; Siissei, DHVOP, TA.3. HOUSES IND, : LOTS : TOll SALE. * Pur 'deacrlpltoni of Properly uud |urtii-dli ljt( ffl ' ~ J. M. IiASSETT, Civil Engineer and Surveyor, IICICKAIVAY, N. J. AU. OKDF.ng PIloSItTLV A1TENDEDTO. A JUDiONCOK, LICENSED AUCTIONEElt bOUVKVOIUnrt INSURANCE : l DuVBl l K.J. arx Inn at BI. II. DtcUurKon'a Bturo. cr at Hldcnro will rfCtlvc prompt Hlttulfoii, init-liaHd goadKar ell (iL'iLTllnluuH butiKht 0. B. GAGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office UII Iilucliwcll Sued, DOVEU, N. J. Collwl!(in»n(lo!ii!ixU<iwl<li<]i!lfit>tifC. AIHO, AKmit f.r tliu bed Jjfi) nuj l ; iro Iniiir- BRADBURY PIANO *S» 111!! SMITH AMERICAN ORCJAN. Yla'B Torir low, Olii »t D. A. UUltHVfi nlncu DfuultAull Bt., Duvur, N. J. J3-tf of 1876. Fashionable Millinery AND Ooo<l.su TII13' Latest Stylos & Newest Designs EABM OrrOSlTE NATIONAL L'NlON DA^Ii DniLBlKO. DOVEU, N. I. Tliu hrKOst anil iiiiici cum|>lcto stuck el Milit- ary mill Fancy (foods to bo fminti in Dover Hoimctn,. Ilnfs, f loivcrs* Feftf- tiiti* Itiuiiousj liuccB—real an.I lt»u'f>* Collarsv Luce ttuu Lilian (!(8, Crj>Itt!8. iMolll'lltllg IluilllCtB iiiid Iti>lls( •V lino assort me] it uf hignens, Switches, Qra'ids, &c. AUo, avcry Inrfio vnrlttyo ZEPHYR aoODF, Ami a.Uimitoclt uf Goods. mil mail c u p Grandin 'House. LOOYARDS FROM D. L. & VT. D E P O T . T. P. OUAXDIN, Piop»r. . Eicidlont accamiiiuiUtfnuH fur trannfout or ormaconflicariltTM, HIMCIH livory and Duardlng tnUo ttlnuhud h i In-horn: VniisunucrB Ink oil and frorn_ Umid'M L.iku ami 1JIUO HnpKtcniift .tfiIS. h\ S b PH0tiPkcTGJi& Miiieml Proportj,;•' IN, H. J. ... PASSAQE TICKETS;; DRAM, HAflCE & Co.'sSTORE,' 'r UIUM, N. J. OH nil tint inloolpal linen ot - - limn K M Irak ti, Llvuri,™,! .t LOWEST TIW. Mrfa DUAFW ON HHKAT11UITAIN JIUEIANl/." FA; RESTAUEANT ri,r*tcilicfl nml iicnlluiuii, DLACIUVELL St., UUVlilt, S. J., Vutvc JDBi'i>. Bi'X uud Utaii. Utx. X VISE IHLIilAill) ItOOJt . cl,etl, will, tn-ol)ilr»lil Inlflcfl. Sl-lf nnilBODA \7AIBtl, ALE,. ISnLlkd I.»j;tr, AIDHIHI l'm-lir. FvxtivalH, I'm " Knl Vk-nm mwptivil prwwnit.v, at wbolc- „.>,., ralos. Onloni loft at tha Sticklo HIHIHO, Dovri-, N..T.t»tl€.'iidod to iinminlly. 2J-2m V0ORHEES ; BROTHERS, Hardware, Iron and Steel, NAILS, BUILDERS- HAITOW/IEE, JIECHAiltCfl' AND JARMEIHi 1 TOOLa AND .UAllUUCIB JlAKEll'S MOR1USTOWN. H, .T. Wooden lViii'o and llouselteciiing.(»ooil.s. ' PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, .ml M.aiirartiirDi.' Atlfclti eeiicrnliji Lime, Cement, Plaster., Dtrno Diiit, Super riinnphito nr Lime, Mil Ml atlmr PerllUiurt, tlQirislonn, £«pt. 23*1,1874.' it Uaniifnctuton pricejt, Tim mlmcrlbtn will irll tliclcEnlire Stock of Piunni BUII Orfim, now second li*n<l,iUctt maile, niuila buaba.aiiil mev cbiudlif, itTCrjucirci!»(prfft* for cub pi BEITEWIEJI rroTluus la remoTiUo their neir tlon 40 Enul titn tit., Lilian Squnrc, Oct. Int. Illuntnlcil ttUlrguti nulled. Aa'UtB AYknlfld.- FiwcUlinduc«ii(tit« <u tlto(r*''e. Horace 1Va( way, Nctr rort. • - - ••• M-#w' - POKTIC. tuetHc.twi-l :>:-•'>*'VJii-y3ii-0i BTertluc s'»-!'-*. (.•.••^•.Nti C'wri ufiui cut.m -'. - ».. •03 HP .. --•jj'i- B.' Ity G. CJiolc 9. C'niicli tml /j;«r, Ci.J -inJ "JC LA. .. -, l l l *orUivnlnii;til/*<'i ttt.Kort. »:..•..!.. 1 to. (Jrliinry VVt. . BI. l'aUlfY.. I i SI. l>l*tnu» cr : 81. ):ull?i<"-.''< : St. l>iTi!nh'*-^i <-•; country, frri li price. ^ddrutM Humphreys' ml at J. II. Ult'iWlS'B ilruff at ore, cornor n tlavhwult ntid HiibBi-* t^ift., and ViiUKlit A Kill pro, noVcoffJcrdruacNfre, Dnr<;r, N. J. !7-lw MRS. A. BEEMEB w riadj witlt all llio newKIJIUBfor prv|! ilif j utl competent a nL-Tin:>Vare ..Store, AJjh BUJUDING. SUCCASUIVNAV'N. .1. mF-HUl»oril)cr tones plonmiro In Irtfoi-niitift Illu diinmm «>t Hiizcumiiiiia nnil furronntl; [ ['unfitly, tbat Im lian cHlalilluiiud & iituvi .. j (in uoru ettablMtnwnl at tho abort) AUIJI), nnclvr tliu HitpcrvlHluu uf Mr. J. (UHTIl. ircli knnivu riun> fliporinnecJ otova dealer and tin- JII.HIK Tho BIOCII <>r RIVI(]« consintfng of 111c >AIILOII &KITCHEN STOVES, IAKOEH nml IIEATEHN, IIBVU Juatbnen i, BIHI sr« cuiiHeqiiouilv the VEltV NEW ii I)E£IC1M. KUltPI^G, rtlfMOIftCJ i JOiiuiKb, at tboluweiit lUUD-VAB I'rkoa. JOS. X CORVIN. oteatauna, N. J., Oat. Slit, 1875. J5-!f WHAT IS VEGETINE? I t i« a comMttud-iiitpcloiJ frem brnlii, rooti nilliotkR, It in Nilnro'i. lUtncilv. It Is p>t Tpoily Imrinlcis tttnn toybad vuuolupon Die BVHIPtn, It in iiou lulling andtlrcngthoniay. It acts (llrtctlv ii put! tlio bliiod. It qiuois tliu aanmti eystetn. It eJtea roo (font) uirooi slcon lib nl^lit.. Itla a imunctia fur our'figpil rutliers and niollwrs,fur it glM t!.eio dtroitglli, nnluts >ir mrvo«,atiirniYi39 tboto " •'• . . .. mdvli _ _ __ liuvej JinU cumil tliouamfln. It IBvary pleaaau t tabo t ovcry olillil liEcea ft. It rrlicvei and rtfl nil d'K0in3i otiRiailitid fmm Impute •Ml.. Tiy tlto VE0BT1NE. Oho it t fair nl fur j o u r cotftplainlfl ; tboa you will nv to nr ItKinl, ItuigiibnrnuiUciiiiiiutBncu, "Try t'i it hatcurfil mo." RELIABLE EVIDENCE: I'IIP (iiilunjni; nnHullclUd toBlfaiimlal from nareriiumli, ]Sml> l'riiv!tloiico,H,I.1ii Uucvdlcti ml ttilit tL-stimmiial Uthu rcmi ;>wri.!UC£ wllh Ibeu>a nr VEf l!ev, Mr. TiValkor'd fntblly, «liu Hiunlii Tail to obnurve or lira renr!* TINE /a 11)u tr proiiauncu , It. I., ICt Tniunfl fit. ji-SfirL-aa wilb my MUiionyourV" 1 It fur ilia Us •WE. Jly auulr Itaie uwui It fur ilia hat two yean, hi UITVUIU urbtlity It InInvklnable, »uil I roconi- mewl Ittotllwliu vaij ucoil mi Inrbjunting, rcuuvalins tonic. O,T, W.VLKBIl. ' l l Tlie.Best ETidence. Tli« fuIkiAitia l^llct r.nm ll«v. E. 8. Brat, BBior or tht) M. E. Cbtirdi, Katiek, Mam., 4ill bo mil wild iDtcrest by many pliyilctana; also tlinsL-mimfiliBfroniUittmnioalBi-nBonaoraicttd Use son <il the Jicv. K. a, Uest, NopcrBuii »u doubt lliii k'Htlmsiiy, as ilioro It no doubt bout Uioeumlii'o linger or TCaEriNE. SATICK, MSBS., Jin, 1st, 1379. TEreHS: Via liaro good reason for roirnrd* oubt lli bout Ui Ult. . Wu ftt'l asmirctl t!mi ft busfenIho -H»f nvinjf our nun's Hfo. Ho IB now 17 jean, urncu; lur tin lnettwujoi>n bo him auf- il Ironi nctrOBii nf bU lag, caused bv ITIIIOHA nfToctioti, nnil wtn go far tcJuooJ that ncarlj-all (TIIOtan 1 Wm ilioucltt lift recac- ry imponlblo. A council or oblu pbvalciiui null! she ua but, tli« fajnlL-Bt 1)ope of UIB nrci allylng; Itvo of the number ilcclailnc tliat lio wns beyond tlio ruscn ot Imnian remcdit-n, tlmt II aaipntatlaa could not «vo Mmta lio ltd TiKorcnouRb tocudnro tlio operation. Jmt n wt* tninnmucoil giTlns him VEQETIKE mid from Ibat tlmn to tlia prcioot Uc Una been ronilnnoiiBlylmpruviiiR. Huba1lnlol5rDBuni1.il ((oiiiti'. tiir«irn tmy uU.ctaiehei end cane, J,,HiijjlilbL'io ianiillHomodisrliar^B from IU< r niiiR TIU'JTO bi< Itmb \rai lanced, wo lix«. r»Ho Tnii of Uio lflto.lturua.U. Graves, of "'jjWlfilowii, mutes Ujo following munlftcent 7EQ)UCistB: Foe tho eduoaUon of Uio colored l"c:aij,]0.of tbo Eoulhr $100,000i AmcripiiB Wt travel faster than we did -And tciiJ by wiru and not Iiy roa Or eliu tin- j>r ee or Hwlin mid HII And wool auJ Uilk'a. Vi'u tonqiior Tune, malm liglit of And ovory pmsiutr day Huildi xoiiiunfiv foroo Itom KnIu And t But a r ttu mtj Sixkty 6f Uio CongrcgntioiiiJ Clnrcli, exlin College of Ohio, Be«a Coltcga of iitucky, DrooWj-n Orpliau Asylutn, g- ^man'a Missionary Society of America, niid II * \ Americnn Bonn] of Fordflu MimlofiB, p.OOO each [ Boston Cownimptheii 1 Home, jw Yort Children's AidSociety, Brooklyn n, of "Brookljii^.Holyqio- Scminniy of ~ i l City Ulsnion, o!BrooWyn,;.i$5,6oO cuoli'; L - Ljj - 1 —" M M I , imra libra?, W.OOO, l*r nf n million of tlollitn J BdTdrtliiiiS. < yi'iy ' \< Or liruvu am! (,'uud m tliry? B|)i.'ali u|i, old in. lurv) Id) iliu liulh I UUo IU tbe jL-B-or KAVI Kfnraiu.v, B B»y. TLat clolbu a niuDrlmid lumf; Hut wbiitliOK wind ftiid it-uTngQ red Bliuvvud Autuiuu'K tint »nil tunu. - ' Abomuly [.urlunic, froali ajiil 8w«;t, A rosu (rliciio'er m/ VfltKJcr'nfi fc#t From iliytnu'tur.ttflbooli tliuduw; Ami (liraugli (bo lii'dctun'it tlamltig rsd Tlio liartbfll raised Un dainty h.-aci, Lfgbt, trciiiulnuu, nud blue. Afar,outar,on ovirvbanil, A ]mr|>los[)Iti):li)relullicil llii land ; Dilifi!)! tiwk nil my brtiujb TOBOQ how fill 1 tljo in0011and lay Ueforo mi (till Kapluniber iay, Puckud wilh tbo bcuny litatli, I Urcd my furebcad tntbi- brn RO. Anil slmiijlitway dioj)poil ii|iou tn.v kucc-a iinonR HID)>urflo QotTOTD. My bartljbbomgt ibat Kprlngnii frco Jlinratli tbe nil Iqit i-lorTu tint be, As uiiCur (iimmcr alioircrs. A. Lrowu bco o.ivicd niQ i n ; piano, Wlioro rwii mid liamlull lonciicj in; face, And biiEKid alturc, a'-ounJ ; . Cat 011 uach Uouib-ball's purplo lip La; lioaoy-duw I lonj;o»l tu Rip, /nil so I kupl my ({touttJ. I did not nimk ta wrong I lie t»v, lint Ibc-Be brlcbt bio moms ii-M f»r mo Tlivir dtdan fi'osrauor, full noil lino, An iiouoy B«OP1, IB Btrong us wioe, I listened—overy purplo bell ; Ara*a»nEO)»dtorran;»«il will Tliu; ttpaka oat, tnio nml clone An<! as ] kiitU ii'iiou llio nlopo, OllO WhiAJVcrOtl OOCIIAQB, OlIC 6(IJ IIOI'E, Ami QUO tit<lv"Cost oaf laar," And 01m mid, low tn minor toy, "Ftrgct tliu paet; 'Ha gout! fottliofl Tu cUticU tliciB Iwclmnfl ulaliB." And ono xakL ina flrmortono, "Oo rmwarJ bohll.v, nil i« won If tboii bul KiaBp (lie prlzo," . And DUO lr.iitli';d (»rily, "Oofn i»aco, . Turn luvu limU bitl lUy Hcnow coano, And Joy cornea noir at lt»i." I roso, and mid. witb quitlitmad troatli, "An annel (Holla ammiglliu lieatlij" And from tlio incorinnd pafattl. ERA-DUTIONS, A Londonnr'a rural reflection: Tlie bnyflelil h bottet Hwn tlio Hujinai-kot. A Bt. Lguia man' rnu six bloots attar lis nose, tliinltinffho was going toa flra. Eren jntbo liardcat times cloclta ctn- IQJCII Uicit ragiit't tiunibcr of lmi^cU. "Would it 1)« tu-nper to aiil a rotired iijuor-ilealer'u country cslato 0 liir-own* il iimiision? ' ' A Goorgia^ nmn id fitting nnbtticr for one conL'e damage to lite HOSO. Nut mticli ilsJntUnt. •'• Railway oomiliug :" Wlion tbo \iax- tur umrrlca tlio-joung lnOy in tlio re- fiosumcnt department. ' Boxes goTcru tieworld—Tlio cnrtvfilgo box and. ballot hoi; tbo-jury buz tho band Loz, »nd tbo ['ill box. A mnn is said to bo abaont-minded ben Uo thinks lio has loft bia watolt at bomo tiid takes it out of bis pooliet to BOO [f bo lins time to rot urn homo and gotit.. _ . , •'. •'' ' - ( A girl died ia Vei jinnt tbe other day rrom ijot'son io tlto . colored elocllogs bioli ebe bnd haso In tbo habit of wear- R." Tliia aliould serve m o lessoDto girls "not to pull llicir colored fltootinge on witb their toolb. ' A cnndiJnto for sheriff in a 'Western Uiaioy/ho had earned a In)let ID LIB bead for sovcral yenrs, linil it cxtrnoted, and tbo rosult wns flint I10 becamo very stupid, wlierflupon Ilia sapporters ap- pointed a committcQ (0 shoot liJm npaiti. 'Aro ybu (iioro, my love ?" tie wbia-. pored Ibrougli a bnln in tbo fence of lna bsloocd'a back yafil. "Yes, darling," waa tlie reply. "Jump riglit over." IIo did ao, nnd nligiteil in tlio. preaenco of jer molbctl n broom-BlMc and n imlico man.' ' '. Two trnrnps sLopiiod at tlio uotiso ol n ono widow ; io W'DstcIiRstcr coiihty, and 3HD icent iu'to.lie^. Verjsonu bo canio .•lit wilh a bloody noso nnd a lilitck eyo. anylbinff Jaclc ?" "Yes." growlod tlio mifforor, "I'vo got tbe widow's might." ' . A younfi forty xtlta teachesrausic'inan icndeiny in Westorn Now York, snuUn irdcr to n pttblislior recently, in whidi lie bad Hi')e))i!d worHn vot^pDcrly. Slio apologized by adding n' jiostcriiit us fol- lows ; "You must csfcews Ibis Ictforns jila bi noat, but sjiol bi ear." A laborer of. Hibernian estr.ictlou w:vs nDt long sincelamentingllic bard times, and drnwinp for a oonlrnBt a bright-pic- ture, of, his homo.in tins old ouuntry. <AIi," Enid ho finally, ?nv I vraa otily bnclt ngin iu tno futber's palliB.*' A jolly foHow-wotkumn nqniutc.1 Iii3> cyo und replied—"Bhvrc, annv.yo wore (hereyo rooiglit.stbtin' on Ibo grmitv'flu'reneb yar ban' down (Iio cbimblcy nn' npori tlio door av it," . . . Woll, uncle, I10W is tlie CHUKO of religion gettiqg on in jonr neigliuor- "ilifllity poor—mifebiy poor." •No now eonyerth. oil ?" "Not n single one—tot Jo sign of aue." "WLntficcms to TJO Ilia malter ?" asked tbo citizen, after a lengthy pause. "Do mutter is _it soma ono liez sluleu four big wuter^ melous out 0* tuy cJvt din nftcriioou, nn' I feel in my bonea ilat rcligiou ia gwioo [own bill nil fi-oo dis looaitly !". ."AwM Gardiner" vraa oucj u \vel!- •"lvn-pugilist nnd sportiug obuinclcrin ov jyork, - On*ono occasion howuut Io witb a "sulcct party" topivo n ing mliibitlon, Tlie ucgru wlio liad of tlie ball where- llio HIIOW naa to van of a giguutw stature, and wngerednhoHlii nf fnl Gardiuor" could not knock cgro dowu witb tiia fct. TLcy Has it occurred to you, Air. Editor, t wonder Bufficicntly ovei* tUe fnct tlmt bill «boiiU linvo [Muuod our Uutioni Ijpgiuintiiro dumonetizinB a ii'otiil froin wbicblmlf tbe cuin in tlio wholo plobe ia made, wliicli Iind been money with ua from tho day of our national birth, and wbiuh bad bean tbe tnono.v of the world ttotn lliaccalieat days thd Liatorj- )K menti un of—tbnfc bucli a bill tliuuld hi jiaasGd without awakening ncbullotigo Irom a 8li)g)c)jeirsj)nj)orf a single wn ziue, g aingJc liUtcainnn uf tills country —tbat tlio very fuct of its passage aliould Imvo liGon uuliuowu to our people until, iu facing Ibo soro ueceBsity of a return Bi>euio payments, wodkcovor of Hinideti tbat half tho nmtorial with wbicb no e=i>pcled (o nccompllbli (bat rotun bos bouu etoleu from us in tuo dark? Will, wo tho wonder l'ns growu space with each fresh stop uf luqtiiry into its history, uutil, 1131 lay uaide tlie record, it lias reitcbcd full-blown nmazoment, coupled witb a senso of tlio lad tlmt a "govuniumul of tbopcoplo" should I>avo utood flubl''mel,v iguorant rbtle Iban&anda uf millions ol its most mrliWuble property was being divested ot hull to tv<ML. It is tbo iii* _ ' tliia tmirvolloui procediii-13 ttiat 1 wish to ty before you—or rnthpi", to tudioufe t< olhtra, tlirongb you, tlioplnco* wliero it uiny bo* found, for tho subject in ntfbroiid tliat I caii pivo but its barest oat line. Your readers are donbtleas woll aware tlmt up to tlio ynfir 1878 tlio silver dollar aim, by our CbnsUlat'wn, by tlto dcoi- jioiiB of oiirBuproino Ojjrt, nnd by tbo ixintiug statutes, nut only a lognl tender for all debts, publio and private, but our uuit of value. Upou this iioint 1 need, ttiorolWe, waste 110 time, but proceed at 01100 to tho biotory of tboolinngo. Dur- ing Ibe'interval betweou I'JB Forty-ilrat nod Forty'Second Congresses it occurred to Eomo geutlcnioti intorceted in -llio iola'l production tlmt a uaudsoaiB profit tnigbt bomade, nud tbocouulry of course leucutod, byextending Iho use of t l )at metal up into tlia aiiiior cojrts of tlip United 8tate3 ; tlio open nrguro'eut for Uio uioosuro being Llmt our .EtibxidWy coin vms worth nliogotber too much, more tbau tbe token coinago of any other itry, mid fieucouugbt to bo debused. Thoscliomo was orHully vinyeh up into a bill for regulating tlio nssay ofBues, nifita, und coiangno! the United Suites, and introduced to tlie Uouso -tbrough a Pennsylvania member \vhi»,tbero ia every i&tobelieve, WBS wholly ignorant of tlio puiposo' it concealed. Thore was nppni-enll; but ono Eoiircaentative (Pot- ter, of NewYork) Hlirend ono'ugh'U) uu- irctund tbo mcasu'roj and he 'droyo it nod itflfotfodaeeront ot lha Uouao in coufasion. Tlio sclome, however, hud Borvcd tliia purpofie—It bud; shown tu Bhorrlvg coil a g il •A in tba ball for tha coming ntlhe jnitor witb ligbta. HD npproflo iml a candlo sbaded ia IIJB hands, U came- within armV ioacb, tbo ul 1 mcasiirod liiro, and atniolc Bnnaro Ibo Blionliler, Tbe negro bardly oil. Ho Bimply turned his'bead towards the pugitlsf, and suid, men, bo alittle car'f ul ub ycr elbows. ANINTEHESTINQ HXHTOE1'. if aniiat bl>l ootild bo utilized in making mouoy of tbat lvlii'cli novcr bad Leon, it was fully OB valuable en inBtraroant for confining the attribntea of money to a single malarial, and thereby vastlyin- creasing Ibo value of credits wbieb could only be pnici in tbat material. Such irsona ivero tlio great boldcrs.of our bonded indebtedness at home and nbroud —particularly tha Eojliah capitalists. UnoQ this idea was founded the bill whoso hiBtory we aro about tonarrate, , Tlio measure (U. B, 1,427} mniio its net oppeiiranoa during tlie Bocond ses- sion of tuQ-Fortv-seooad XJoncrosa, an February Oth, 1872. {Globe, \mpi 913), reported from tho Committee' on CoJnagfl, Weights and Mciwares, by ilf. Hooper, of MiiBsacbnsotta, Tho title of tbojbill—"To regulate tbe Mintu, Assay offices, and Coinofio of tbo United States" Was one not calculated to attrcot atten- tion at a tfmo" wlioa ooius wro bnrdiy aeon from ono year's end. to another, Tbo subject of mints and assays WAS ono of great intricacy, ot which nineteen Congressmen in twuuly kuuw nothing pd kss. Tlio osl'ome length of Iho billfllsc-^-Hbud over sixty SCCMOUG, and ivuuld All u full tibeel tit your paper —wns repelfaut, nnd, being putfurtli ag rejircsctiUng tbo visbes of tbo mint offi- cers aud the 1 Secretary ot tbe Treasury, it was cxtit-ctcd tu pass wilb JillJo or no iiquiry. It wtva nt onco recommitted ut requwViuid ordrred j.riuLcil. '< On February 18th, (jinso DS)S) tbo bill wi's CQ'-Oilup ii^uiii nml made, a npccml order till dinpoai'i] -tif,"- Oo this occasion tbo cloven loot firnt liccaino vieiblc to lie kcc.u oltservcr. Mr. McNceley, uicra- licrof Ibe Committee on Coinage, ire,, iAqiiired of Mr. Hooper by what autltar- ily lie. repotted tbobill.' Mr. Hooper miid bo hnil bct-ii instvnclej by Uio committee-to do no, Mr.' McNteley iiskcil when. Itfi-. Huopcr enid hocauid lot remember, hut tbat ilwns sorao time ngo, Hr. NcNrelcy replied : "I have ueror seen n liiiijurity of the committed present tit itH mi;etiiigs, # aud I wisli to llud uiit toaieihiug about tliia bill. I IGJIC, asameintmrol tlicoonimitte6,thut it will noh bo i-rcaenM," It was oloar (lint only tlio Savaveil /cv ou tho com- mittee know miytbiiig of tbe moosurB, and tbat ibWHS lining \n\i forvuid secretly ind irregulnrty. The nmttor was dropped [nr tbo prescut, and iu tbo menu liino McNeolcy was "HictkS When tlio bill icxtcamo up lio remntked that lio had at flrstiiueslioiicd itHwisdom, .but now iff tbiugs in aflifferoui-light. " .Ou April Otli, 1872, Ipago 2,a0i), Mr. Hooper got the biEl upngni'u OE^, took tho floor to explain il iua upeechbi great length. Xmay lere premise that tlio text of tlmbill is t/otv nowhere lo bo fuiind. It vimajrofully lic^.t out of tbo Ohio, It is not tobo found I Slat nt 03, because it did not bcoomo n law. Even in the index to tbe ieyou find no reference to ttio pro- coodiugn upon it, tinlosa you hanpcii to JQ directed totlicwonl "Assay," a pluoo u'liere onii vtuuid bo ]oasl likely to look, Ibo only information wlriab tbo public can find concerning tbo measure is in tbo speeches of itn mnnngcrs. Mr. Hooper, na above mentioned, un- dertook to explain tlio feature of Ibo bill 3M, not giving tho'toit, btit bis interpretation. lie credited it with Ibo <n i>f JhoSccrotnry of tbe Treasury. Tho following open admission, iu U.i " f is of nolittle intercut: " Mr. ErncBt 80yd, of London, a distinguished .ritcr, vfbo has given .great attention to lao subject of minla and coinaee, ofler examining llio first draft of tbo bitl, fur- ntrtbcJ mnny vuIuublesiig^cHtious wiitcl li'avo been iiicurjiorntc-d in this bill.' 1'erbupn your rcadeiB aro aware that Mr. Sefd-miles in the interest ot ono oj Eaiojse'u heaviest banking firms. Tbo moat of Mr, lloopcr'» apecch boa uo intercut to un—Ibrte of Ibo6 ! xty sections only concerned the country. "When be came to the fonitoentli declion lie said "In addition, it fleclnroH tbo gold dollni 0" 24 840 frtiiuB of guli? tobe tho uu t>i \a\ao, gold having been in tbi» con- try, for many years tbo etaudnrd01 inensure ul value, as it is legally iu Great Britain and moat of tho European coun- tries, 'Jbo Bilver dollar, which by la' now llie Jegully declared unit of value, does not bear a correct relative propor- tion to (bo gold dollar. Being worth MriuBiculJy ubout $1.03 cauls in gold, it cminot circulate concurrently, wilh lio gold coin." llow huiootlily be sweeps over tbe rci giat of tbe bill; aud will tbe reader picas irate tlmt ercn lie admits that tlio filvcr dollar wufl tbea our legal unit of value ? Whim lie comus .Iu utotloo 10 wo learn as rodcli as he eeee Si to toll us of tvbnt tbe bill proposes to dowitb silver. Section 16 re-enocU the iiroviaioua of exiflliug laws ucflning Ibe silver coini and their weights respectively, except in relation to Hie silver dollar, wbich ia reduced la weight from 412| to 8G1 grainH, lima inakirg it a subsidiary coin in linrmony with tbe silver cola of less denomination to secure Us concurrent "'rcttation witb tiiera, The siivo if il21 grains, by reaanu of its bullion •r iulriusic vaiuobebg greater tlian ita totnlaa) TBJIIO, Jong siueo ceased to bo a coin of circulation, and IBmelted by manufiictnrers of silverware. Several tlnppa are noticeable lore. Tbo project in this bill ia still to cointbe silver dollar, but to debase it (otto level of tbo subsidiary coin, the oslemiblo argument buiug that tlmt will bring much'prized silver dollar back into oir- ilation. "Wilb abametesa deceit Mr. Hooper CODCOUIB, tbrongtiout bis whole ]., Hit) fact tlmt tbo bill makes tlio ailvor dollnr no kiDgur a legal tender. Mr. Stotiglitou, who follows him, makes a blrnder, mid exposou tlio fact that the silver dollar is to bo no longer a legal louder mvo for $5, sod supports the poiut by BngUfih authorities furnished by tlio London, gentlemnd wbo drafted the bill, Mr Potto*, of NowToik, DIBO B mom- jr of tiro committee, now takes Clio floor, and warmly opposes tho measure, llasaya;. 1 Now, when weliavosuspended paynianta to: ton years, and prac- lically have bad 110 coioo^o circnlation Ibat time, a bill is introduced hero for the purpose, of revising All tbe laws :u rcapEot to coinngo, nnd not only introduced Iiero* utter tha eounlry has •ided UBJDg or dealing iu coia to cgi-tiu, but iutioiluced at a period thcto is no p;osjjeot Uiiit it will nt my DOM period resume ooinngo circula- tion.- I confess, tbcretofo, tint the introduotion of tbo bill at such a period ncited my noapicion, I was and am at rlbss to gather from nnylhingl'kaoircr :nn lcaia tlmt there ia any uceeBsity for lie ndaptiou of tlio measure now," &o. Mr. KeDoy, of Pennsylvania, enpportrd tbo bill apparently on tbo solo ground of beeping tboEther dollar at homo. "Why sir," said he, " there ia not a merchant iu tho world that would not gladly eend gold liero.wftli wlit'cb to buy AtoericaD silver dollnrs, and nmlio 8} cents onthe exchange of every silver dollar. Mr. Potter flfjaiu denounced the W)l 1 u "cover" to something hocould not understand—the light of tho present day '03 avk upon him, Tho. Boueo tbcu, iftcrsomofurthcrrcmnrlis of no hearing un onr preacnt brnncli uf (IiO subject, went into committeu of tliu whole to conaider tbe bill by sections under tbo uio nilo, tba Clci-k reading ODC tieoHon at a time, and, debate ensuing upon it. They had get as far as tho mvontli scetiun {tbo meat docs not come iu until the fotutecQlb], ivbej, alarmed it the GenieliiDg inquiry" tint waa being mde, iho rcanngere of thobill mnved and carried sn adjournment. This-vras an April Olh, 1872 JflB'3 let it ho reraetc- licred tbat it was tba only dobaia ever ind in oitber Housflonjlbo merits of the >ill. Nor was it dobale—it was only carefully prepared Bpecobca of tbo bill uiaiicgein. Tho HOUBO was' after infor- mation—it was wholly igunrant of the subject—only Mi. .' Potter Euapectcd imelliiifp,*but could not uaiJ it, Iu tho menu time tbo powers behind 10 throne'got together for Consultation. Tliey eawuovund ttealt places und u^ieb- ed tucm un, Tliey 'did not propose ta linvo any niora inquiry, nud arraugoit to. irovontft. NothiDR.was lieard of ttie mcosiiro again (although thnHoauu had teft offftt 11 very intcrasting'poiatj for npnrly two months, wlion, on May 27, 1872, (paRa' 3,882), Mr. Hooper again ;ouk liio tloor. At, this point wo. copy tlia record cut lie, m it in' thu liiglioal degree instructive: Mr Hooper, of Srasancbiisolte—Jdo- hiro tocull op tbo bill [H. It, Ho, 1,427] revising aud nmonding II10 hm relative .0 mints, away oljlcoa, and coinago of ;he United States. Ida so fortba [i(it> [joso of offering un amendment to tba bill, iutbo Datura ol a tMtbstittttc-^fca whioh lilts bcou very carefully propavnd, and wliioli I linvo submitted to 1J10 diff- erent' gtntlcmon inthis HmiRn wlio huva tnkou a pptjclnl iaioi-eift iti, the httl I find that it meets with uuivcrcnl apnro- iwtion, in (ho form rii wLteli I offer it. Lmove that tbo nllcs bo siisjiondod, nnd :bat tha Butjstihitfl bo put niton its pass- . Brooks—I ask tho ffeutjeiaan from Massachusetts to poetpone bia mo- tion until his colleague on ttie commit- tee, my colleague from New y6rk (Mr, Potter), is in IIIH seat. It is iay impress- ion tbut bo doo3 not concur m this nul> Btituto, • - [The rondov will observe that Mr. Huopor ounuiugly introduced lii« ne«- bill in tbo absence of tbo only man wlio tins been shrewd cr.ongli toMss[tpct and bold enough to cbargo fraud.] Mr, Jloopcr—itissolato jn tlio eess- .bivt I unfit decline wAitiog any looger. Mr. Brooks—I waald agaih suggest to tlio gootlotnnu Hint bo should wuit uutil my oojleaguo comes in. Mr. Hooper;—I cannot d."> HO. [Eu ibiro not possibly risk tbe return of Wlor,] Mr, Holinnn— Ifinppawit is intend- ed to bivo tbo hill toad before it is put. upon its passdgo ? * • Tbo 8peakor—I hopo not. It la* a lonRbill, and tlioso who aro intcreslfd hi it aro perfectly fnmiH&r wilh all iti provisions. ' ; [This new bill ho docs not propose to Iinve rend at nlf. TUD iondiaa at tito other initdo him trnnblo enough.'] Mr. Korr—Tlio rutea aaumit bo sa»- pcuded no ait tc dispense witli tho rend* Ing off bo bill. Tbo Hpenher—They can bo. Mr. Kerr—I want ttioHoitsa taiitidur fitandihnt it is attempted togettbrougi ' 'k bill without boiug read. The Speaker—Dues tho gentleman from ITi'ssticlJiifief (A move flint life rvui, ing of ttia bill b(* diKpenseti witb 'f Mr. Zfogucr-1 will BQfrcmo uiy wc tion U> suHjicuil tho ruloa that it i iHspcaee vrith the rcadiog ot the bill The Speuket—Tbo geutlcmun i>oin Macsao'tdecttamnves tbut thofulca h suspended, and that tbo bill ]HIBH, tin reading thereof being di«\teusc wilh. Mr. llandall—;Cuuuot wo Luvti a di ion at tlmt motion. TboSpeutier—A. motion to Huwp the rulua canuat be dirklod. Tbo motion was tbun put and the HOIIHO reutsed to submit to tlia gag, voting down tbo motion to suspend. Other matters tbcu ioterreood. but it a ebort time Hooper nga : n got tho floor, ancl, determined not to lose an oppocUi- iiity wlieu tbo licuse vaa almost emply iud Ilia ilttiigc-rtme Potter away, prcpar- ..I _ l^.ll n a J-. I ~ 1 • ^1. 11. .... r il aud Ilia daiigt'i-flus rotwr away, props ed a little trap, into wb'cli tboy fel 'J'tiin time Lo appeared to consent ta tin loading. Air. Hooper—I now move that tli rules be srHpoudoci, and tie aabatitut if the bill iu relation to miuUi stid coin- igo piisBod, and 1 auk tliut tbe eubstitule id read. Tlio Clerk began to read tbia Bubati tufa. Mr. Brooks—In that llio original bil!' Tlie tipealier—Ttie motion 0/ tlio gau tlenmu from Unvtaoiiusctti npniins tc the mhatiiuta, and tbat on winch tlio House is called to act'.» bo-'Jg read. Mr. liroo'is—As there is to lio na tit hnte, tbo only c'aanco we liavo to know wbnt wo aro doing is to liavc uolh tlie bill and tlio substitute read. Tlie tipeabe 1 '—Ti'G motion of do geu- lomftn from Miu r .riiRhi)>.eltH being to BUH- icuti tbo rt'lc; and pass tlio stibstiiiitc, t gives no choice Imtwoen tlio two bills. Tbo fJouso must eit'jur pass flic substi- tute or none. Mi". Brwhu—How can we choocu be- tweoa tbo origiinl bill aud tbo substi- ite uuless wo liiivo tliem botli read f Tbe Speaker—Tho gcntlDmcn can vola !iyo"or "no"ou t'io quobtion wbotb- ir this substiLatQ shall bo posned. Mr. Brooks—I em vory mucb in (l>a labit of vollDg "uo" wheu I do uot now what it going on. [It would bavo been fortunate for Hi. country if otber motnbcrB iind foil ns Mr. Urookn did.] Mr. Jfo'man—ifcforc tin questtor. taken upoa .suBpoodirg.tho va\ea and posjing tho bill I hope the gentleman roni MassjichueeHB will explain the leading changes mmlo by tliia bill in tin tinting law, eapeciully <n roteronco tt IQ coiua3o. It would Beem that all Uio iina'l coiuageof tbo country is iuteuactl 10 ho rcoolT?ed, Mr. Hooper—Tho bill cimnges in tbe existing im iu that re- gard. Oo tho contrary I undorsUpd 'mt-tiio Scoi'elaryof (he Trcasmypro- siOB to Jsauona'ordor to stop tho co'n- ngo of all mitior coiua, as there is now a great abuudanco of them in tiia couDtrv. The salaries ara not increajcd. I^iey remain as they wo'e. It ml! bo observed that tho Clerk bas only commenced } read and has been immediately hiterupted hy members ask- ing for information. Ut. Holmnn, it appears, ia totally in the davk as to tbo lending features of (bo bill, and Mr. Hooper replies with virtual falsehood, lucetUinatlia in-iiorjiiit ulu<u|ii>a Ibat makes in sliver. Following Mr, Hoi- au's inquiry came a (score of others xoin diffumut. members, esliibitlnor tbe total and lamentablo iguorauco of the HOUBQ of whnt it was ycitiug on. Mr. Hoover evades them all, fever once toiiobing tbo gist of tbo onsc, nud all the while urging speedy action bv quot- ing tlio Secretary of tho Treasury, the aflicers of tbo mint, kc,, &a. Finally, ha bill being stilt tiarcnd, Ibo motionto mapendiajaut by tha willing Spealior, thdiB" earned hy a'vote "of HO yena to L3 nays. Theraoi-o but 120 members in tbo House, Let tho reader note imd reuombor ibeso facts: That tha bill in pushed throng! without ndy debate, without over having bcou road nt all, without any known oiidorsoneat of tho committoe, whilo l'ottor IB away, wbilo there are hut 123 mentors in tbo House, ind ossleted by tboenjter and grossly irregular oonmmnoo of tlio Speaker.- Now, what Mbis bill, pmed in this itrauga faebioa ? It will not ha found IQ tbe.bndy of tbe (Kobe, but It is spread lutin tbeG/000 appendix to tbe .third BcsH.on of tbo Forty-scotion Congresrf. It has Biitj-sevon aotiaus nnd Hits five full pages of tlio bulky volume. Tbe ;ornal of llio wtoU thing is ia tbrec tbo fourteenth,flftoentU,'and 11 tli. • Tlio fourteenth declares but thogold dollar' Sball horoaftor be mrunito[voluo. .Section 15 provides :lmt tbo silver coins of tlie United States ihn'l bo n trado dollar,' a half dollar, or iiventy-fivo cent piece, 'Ice., *** ntid ,ii coins shall:bo a legal: tender at loir nominal valuo for any amount not sxoocding 85 in any one payment. Section 17 declares tbat no coins, litber of golil, Bilvor, or iniior ooinnge, bnlllieceaftor bo issued from the mint other tbiw those of the donomlnations, standards, nod weights heroin sot faith. Haroin tbisnew billtlio worU is nil put in. The old silver dollar is. wholly abolished, tbo Irndo dollar ia created for Uio purpose, as will bcrenltor be sjony >f bamboorlins tbo Sotinte, ailrcr ia. de- aonptizaj, aud gold made tlia only itandnrd of value. All tins Mr. IIoDp- conceited from tho HOUBO, Tlio bill went to tlia Sonate, and on [ay 29,1872 fpago 3,083)^ was retorted j tuo CommUteo of Finance,' where it itnyod till the next session. - In tbo in- orvttl notbing.was' board of it'by tlio Boautry, snvo that a trade dollar was be- ing created far the haieJU of our trade wiift China. At tho ibiril Fcssiou of tho Forty-ccc- oni) Oouffress,. ou December' IQ, 1872, page 202), Hr. Slibrttan reported hack ie bill. HoEa<d tlto bill badbeon pass- ed bytbo House, nnd tbat tho Sonato })n\\ lieen fumilinr witb U, and inlitna- tod tltfttti rending --was quite' unncces- Bnry, HD would uot aalc • for present oonsideititiDn,<ns tbat would doubtla^s Tcqn'noa ie,aiiir\f', Jlr.' Edaiunda de- manded Ibat Iho hill should bo printed. Mr. Ebcrmaathmiglit tlmt on entirely unneccssnfy espeuso, (Curious how iniiona all tbo mnunjera ara tbat tbo till should not hecomo too faniilinr.) Ifr. Colo ulsoinuistei] upon tbo printiug, id tbo Vice-president so ordered. On January 17, 1873 (pago (581), ibo jill again 1 cntno up, nnd was ordered -end, bnttboSeerabuy.ty.18 siispomlod in the middle of the tending hy tb,o ax- [lirntionof tlio morning hour. On Jnii- irry 19 tho subjeot 'was' renewed, nud 1)0 Secretary finishing rrauliag Iba list half. 'Xbero wcro two or three nmond- rocntB ottered, affecting- notliing of in- terest tous.' Tlio brief debato ia tho Seuato Doverstanytime touched upon tho real issue,- being oonflncilto tbe sub- ject of tbo abni'lod wins and, tbo quca- tion wbotlier tbo oaglo aboultl romrin FIX tlio subsiiJInry siJrer, &c. Senators tiuatm igaoiant of what waa' being ma aa membcta otthoRonsohnHbecu, Sot onco -was it made known 1 that'nny jao knew th&t silver wns being domoa- :tizcu. Onco a Senator pot "wnrio," aa IiecIiiMrec say, by inquiring irhot tho trndo dollnr \v»>;for, and Shonnun- ttira ed him gently off by quoting Dr. Lin- de-man's authority that it' was a eon- 'cai'ent mafic ot jimmoling intcrnalioQ- 11 coinage, inasmuch nsit was preoisnly equtralcot totlio Ftotich nro-tntno piece, anil chcckiiift further inquiry oy coQstnBlly "rgi'jfj l)je folly and nnkinO- ncsflol delay. And so tho bill passed the Senate—every one ttppawnily ia to- tal ignoronco of tho evi! TIO-U it via ao- oomplilig. Snob is the astonishing history ol this Eoglisli bill in a United .Stales-Con- gress. Ol tho dehorning nud the framl below t]iasurfnc$ no can only imagine \ buttheoiien, nndftniahlo fncU aro sneb us (o nraiiso tlt«nlnrai and tho indigiia- tiou nf tho country. Volumes could k •ritten on tlio iofjenuity with 'which il .:B8 mannged—tbo skill and audacitj willi vhieit every etna was kept ia tlio dark. Tbero iB DD ponlU4 to it in tbe history at OUT ]L-eJ»]iitiuii. It was a (•: fraud from beginning to eud, and bhou\d be »jiet'i)iiy undone. A WIMWUII Wit A geulleiuan coimeeLed with tlie pics WHS in St. Lonis receully, nnd toa/riend the dutuili. of uu ndvcut'iri in a Huston hotel. Tho stury is brii but with aa iuimoiiBe moral a$ thowit how, iu Hume tbiugs, lovely woman wil ilweyaoome ta the relief of a sister h distress to outwit tho tyrant matt. TIJI jonrnnliBt nbova referred to, stopping n1 tbo lioiol, a piivato oupwhero tbegucstti were ncciiBtotned to tbo eotiro freedom of tho bouae, folt, one night, tbo imper- ative neceaaity »f eating Some fruit be. fore retiring. It wqs loo lute to sem it and buy any j bo did not want tc a.vnso the servants ot tho house at late an bour, aud yet fruit or preserves or something toothsoino of the kind Bonmed to him a jiereoual ueceasity. Hi knew wbero tlio store-rourn was, know tlmt (lie door wng left open, and finally rusolsed to go down quietly and prig enough sweetmei.U to ftniiftfy \m need. No sooner was iho thought conceireQ ilod upon, and withinflvomin- utes, be was in tbe storeroom hooking teiiorveo put of ajar and enjoying him ell immensely in satisfying tbo cravinc bicli bad come upon Mm, For a few miiiiiten thoenjoymcut of Ibo tcau at tho preserves HUB complete, Tlion be woe startled hy u Jiglit, swift <ttep ia the hnll, tiiera was a wbish and of garweuU, tbu door ojieueduud- •denly and some 0110 bounded in with such suddenness n3, coming squarely the /orni of tlie midofgnt raidoir, lo knock him half way across thoroom •id fairly off hia feet. Leaping up nt JJCO ho closed with hia unconacions as- sailnnt, to bo startled hy n subdued sbnofe and to find tbnt bo had captured woman 1 Purtber, he discovered that JO lady, who had wanted somethingto at us Tvell aahe, «TIS only clad in auight [reaa. Still, though trying, tbooccasion was not 0110 of unmixed honor by anj racaus, nlid iuaroonjeDtthogeatleaicn 1 nerve returued nnd bis cnrioiily rose 0 foyer heat. "Wbo is tliia ?" ho demanded. Noaa- iwer. "Whola it?" ho ropeatcd. "Xou'ti )t get out of tbia until you toll." Still uo answer, but a struggle; in tbe dark- Dees, tbe Jmly trying to get away. Again the query was repeated, witb iijualiack of roHpouBe, but this time a mnding slap in tha faco from a hanO l«nt was doubtless pretty hut wbich hit •itb decided force, «•«« ilio retrani ot lio qiicstiouer. Ho was put on bia mottlo ct onco. IVu tbinlt ycn'Jl gt»l uJl'• uukijuwu j "'o'll sec about that I" he exclaimed.— 'I've a(levico tbat'Jf work, I thiuk." Lnd tbou, oft ;r a silent hut determined trugple, ho oaugbb alittlo hit of tbo la- \y f s right cheek betw«en Us teeth and bit itr-^not HObadly as to break the TOI- wry skin, but sufficiently bard to leave a mark which ho knew coujd not disap- icnr for a day prtwo., Then ho released a unknown prisoner, and elio flew tike 10 wind along tho passage, disappear- igin Bomo room impostiible to locate iu llio dnrhDpsa; . The next morning tlio fjentloninu witli mystery lo BOIVO cnmo.daivu to -Ijreakv fast early. 1 No ladles had jot npiiearod, but at bio fable wcro one or two intimate ilo Mends, and to tliem ha confided 1 story ol hia adventure in tbo night, relating also tho means ha had taken to secure tlie identification of iho trob&ota] ndy. Tho3 moat intonBO curiosity at m^o prevailed at ttie table, nnd tho ad- it of Iho ladies was awaited with nn impatience scarcely to bo controlled. Pivo miuutm later the door opened and* the belle of tbo Lotol entered demurely, glided across tho room and seated her- •elfiorbroaWuBl,. Eager eye* followed lor, and ns her face was fairly closed, "lore was a sensation amonf; tbo -gentle- men. .Upon lier right cheek wna a strip of courtplastci an inob long! Tho men exchanged : glfmcos and wliispcred and mnileoV Tbo mystery was solved early; But just thun another lady entered, iia lima a dignified" matron. As shp loated heraolf there waa disclosed bpon li3r ngut oliobk ai piece of courtploatcr identical in oppoaranco with; that upon Lbo fuco of iho bollo 1 Another and an- )tber lady- entered. Upon, the Tight ilieok of every ono o[ them eppeorod a >f eoiirtjiIftEtcr. Tho tables filled ip nnd not a ludy at onoot thom.hnt ire coortplaster on tho lifiut check 1 1(7 then llio gontlcmon looking confl- dqntly for nrevelation willed.' They comprchondeu tlio .aitnatjon. Tbo. Indy who Latl been capturei] in tbo night lad confided hor citrcmity to hor friends, and tbey bad coin'o to thoroccno, to out- wit malo humanity. ' They had et ' id, too. Tho discomfited man at tbat tr toblo Knew (list boneaih one of tho mtio.v pieces of courtplaator in the room were bidden tho marks of teeth, but-wbicb vns tho identic-i] bit of eocrt- ilaster tliey could not 'tell. And they lover loomed. , Jluman Nature. ; • It IB tho nanio here, says tho Daily Nut Jhcll, aain Cairo or New Jersey. Tho ilher day wbon ,o Tarheel, witb annkon !yca nud high cheek bones sat dowu on lio stejia offtprocory, boSido .sovornl Lhors, ho sighed bcaUy and asked : •. •'Ocntleaen, if any of you found aflvo m tbofiiilewalk, would you hunt for'tho ivnor ?" . "I •would,"- camofrnm each individual itb irroniptncas and dispntcb. "Haven't any of yon last a five, havo 'on V" anxiously continued tho man. *'I havo," answered one, and tbo echo went nil Along tieline; . . "Describo hor, gentlemen," remarked bo man, • . " One said bis had a ugura 'flro* on it. \notl.iur said 1'ie l a d a pjoturo of. JJi Solo diacovotipg tho month ot tho Mis liajippl r'ver." Athird said the words •XJ. S." were plain to bo Been on Iho jill Ibat foil oft of his vast pocket. "Gentleman, "that five don't tally, ! noura/nlly remarked Tarheel. '"Non of yon bavo hit the doscriiition wilbin miio nndasand bfl-, 1 ,' 'Lot's see," nsked two ot threo at the sumo tima •. • . It's a five, nnd. I foand it on tli walk," bo whispered, holding ont h'u hand. Tlio flra.wits nnicltJo. Somo of tb< crowd leaticfl hack, and hold their hundt iu their outraged hearts, vbilo othctt rose up, rarofulljr brushed their coat tails, nnd said it was limo iogo home. Only ono ot tho violins Boomed to ap- preciate tlie fiitttttion. ' He cbuckli .." sped, and aaki'd Iho Htranger wbi ho wmiul (al(c. •"•Whisky straight," was tho iiroinj reply uf tlio aiiifi. "Bo would I, if I over urnnlt," said tha citizen, ami ho lounged down to to RL't np a tot ontho wuatlicr. IVnrfiil Aci-idciil—Tltc Ki'Jccted I»is \iaich, Ahuut this Ume tbu circus agent hursts tlo the cnuiitry newrspui^r omca and "'•i'uu the editor'!" *'l mil, sir." "Uorriapondoiit for Bofliu of tuemat- lojioiitati press ?" 'Yea, tir," 'I'vu gut tho bib'trest scuwition you over B«W, aud I wnat- yon to sood it off bv fipeuiul to all tli« big papera." 'Tim editor guta «at bin l'«™i' nuJ t]uire of piinliug i-api*, and auya : "Bia 'a," , Tbo ciicua agent says : > 'Put duwa that liloivbaid's Gigiinlic JfiimrootJi Gol- den M(f{uluthitaii.i:uriua OirouH—it's a big lliiuB, I tell yon, and 11110 ugsnt; Bar- turn's ia a sideshow to it, aud Lent ,/ould liftve to burst uji und po homo on fuot only our old uio 1 lent him money— 1 0 you (jot that down ?" 'I have." 'Wull, ndd tlmt. we have becu tenting UD in tho north-west and been coining nuDoy evfti-yvvbero, wbito ullthe littlo mo-burse concerns that get up big poH- er« nud obtain money uuderfulso pre- euF.es haven't been tuking iu Btomps enough to pay for their Hceuses— nous- es papered, nil of 'cm." "Go on." "Well, luat wok wbilo wo van mm- ng Iboshow fruni OBIIUOSII to QOWTIIU, 11 Bcvtm Npeeiul truins aud 103 enrsf tbe I'tiin carrying tho Zoological Camivon- um rau o'ff the track ami all tlio Jens were Hiua»hcd to pieces aud the uuimula gotlooic." 'Blows uivsoul, you don t Bay so 1 •The mmcondu swullowed tbo oiily real Africna Oimflu in this country, im- ported specially for u& ut a cost of 8158,- »O0, all but ten or fifteen feet o[ its neck. Tbo iioor onimarB efforts to fiscupc frnm its living luinh ivrtu fiautic, and tfio look of dumb, nlmost human, agonyin it's large, luatroiia black eyes, moved tie '•"rnent aiivunce ngeut lo tears." 'Denr me!" 'Tbcu tbo royal Bengal tiger, the Su- malnm lion, null tbo big honied rhiuou- , eros got into a tb •eo-cornei'iidfight,and ,ho way in which the p'l 1 wits full, of vU, nnd diiHt- nml blood, big chunks meat liko sirloin Hteuks n-wbizzing mil—H makes mo ehudOev to think if it." 'It roust have been terrible. 'Terrible ain't 110 word for it. Thoa . he Cbinsplan gigantic orang autang and -bo blue faced gorillncatneup witb cluba iormed of sapliugs <lftoen feet long, and big rouud aa your leg, and sailed ia -e policemen into a primary meeting, nJ ia 2ili\ tbeyWl flntteocd out-them jgers, and Jious, and rbiuocoroscs, till - .here waeii't ono of them darod nay his ul was his own," "Wonderful I wonderful 1 "You're just tulking. Tueu tho elo- . phant, Mercutio, turned wild witb fear aud rage, and trumpeting like a thunder Ktorat, ran into a fold where a farmer " a flock of 100,000 merino Bbcen, and itch inuttoj juggling I never saw in, my ifo. Ho'd just yank up a sheep with his .molt, nnd &.vo l i ' a a jerk, and—zip 1 b,it Bbeep wou]d goBhoatfng, tbronch JG air, and come down Hat ns a pancake ii bundled or seven hnndred yards off. was juut old chain lightning, and it . jald havo ruadu yuiir eyes Btidt out to r ico i t - W h y , once he bad seventeen-.. Iteepm fbofiir at once." . •" •'••. . "How many lives lost ?" , • '•None,' tbnuli Heaven, -Wo nlwnya , • •e a steam flro engine- filled vrith clilo* . itorm on iho train witb us, and its soon - i.v;o could get it ont,'and get Steam up ; ?obagnu playing on them, ao3, of conrae ebon they wcro ntapofled,. it was-thoVm iisiost thing iu tie world'to catch them , .nd put them back intho cages." ,r -- "I umJorstond ; but- how nbotit Ihat •:•,.. oor giraffe ?" "Ob, we gave tbe anaconda n barrel if emetics, and thogiraffe came, up kit- ng, hut Ibo action of the anaconda's ;astrio juice has taken nil tho color off . , if bia hindquarters and hnlf-meitPil off .. . its-'hoofB." '•-.•. ; ' "How wondprfnl methe works of nn- irol" . . "You bet. NowBoeliit to tbem fed- . lot nnd lively, and I'll ante up alt Uio icleta to tbotihovf you want." T . Tbe editor docs no, and goon to bed to , .. Irene. tLathp is nn anaconda trying to •• wallow a long-tieokcd circna, marked-: ;/ 'special eomplimontjiry," wbea he-is; , walteted. by tbo tolograph boy, wbo . briuRs liita tbo folloiviag: .'.' .-'-." i> .' > "Your special;about:-circus accident. ••.''• faecd, Vienna pay 1 bearer8615.34.!'.-^;. Tiio Cnnanl Sonlcc. •/"• : ' They are a steady-going, conservative it tile old Cimardcrs, nBd never do their ' tifiincBswith 1 * flourish or spasm—net-'. Ilior tlio onffefs uortlio officers.- -Tbo •'' line, whicb iocludos over-fifty largo 1 .;; stenmers, remains oxcltisifely' in ; the .." LiiJfl of tho firm tbat started it, - There " no. sUiek-jobbing or patroricgo nboat * it, Tbo men cmp]»yed are selected for 'heir wortli, nnd cot al tho instigation •• : any meddlesome director.- Thochief . •• jimderalion ia building'the obipS is \ :rongth, nnd Ilia second consideration •.'•• ia speed; lint atreogth IBaayersaoriflo- ; •:•• ' ed to speed or appearaoces/ Tho matia-*.; ,..""•' iii'Lfverpool ia Mr. Ohatiea Maclver,%'•• mo of tho fouudars—whose son is one, of. ••; fio members nt Purlioment for (ha t^frn ;, •a straight, shrewd, pmotical man/Vrith ' " , personal knowledge of nearly rill his ., ifHcera, and a still more intimate knpwl- '' /- _„_ of his fillips. Ho ciac&s tho atiiat- •at attention to duty, and ooror pardons an error in this directtoa^ -Ho often drives down to tba docks nnd inspects tho steamers in part from thu o{ylte-hols- lo the wbeoMiouso. Tbo boar ot, bis doming ia never feaown, and if nny man IB found away from his post that man iay as wall rcsiga. An offloor {Mr, ' : ;—~) died in Liverpool recently, who nd 'or nineteen years hsld tho namo po- itionin the service, while others had icon promoted over his head. He was a - ol-ut man, an csperioncGil Rflilor f tmd ft ' ' killfnl linvigotor. JJany wondered: why 10 never rose, nnd Bomo toll this oneu- foto in cxplaontiun. One sight vkl Mr.: Joclvcr drove down to tba Huskisaon lock, and risked, on one of tlio aienm- un. lor thoofficer iu charge, 1'ho walch- nan stated tbat ho ead gone ohahovo, nit wuuld bo back in an hour or two. "Who is it ?" asked Mr, Mnclrcr. "Me 0 , sir." . "i.'ery well; when Mr. Q~ - voiues .1 tio.\rd, tell htinto tal:oniy cwringo, . - mtl drivo to my lions?," When Mr. G rcrtchod tho honso 10 found "Mr. WHCIVCJ.- seated inhiali' irary. 'l'oti weroabsont from your poat _to- light, Kir j I wanted to sc^you,'sir;. ., hat'aali." And Mr, O w«i hoirod mt by thd implacable old Scotchman, rlioao oyos a nogloet of duty was tlio. _.st possible offense, and never from :hat niqlit to tin day ,of liis;*lefltb waa . 110 promoted to u inoro responsible poai- ion. . On nnolhcr occasion, Wr. Maclvcr wns OQ board ono of thostcitraci-s as sbo was passirg Irora tlifc river into dock, and stood watcliiu^some estilors JiauHiiff a ropo under tlio direction of a mato in uniform, WHO was betying them witli it will. Mr. Maclvcr was secretly ltosed witlj his zeal; hut, touiubing him on tlio sboulder, soid.uwith affected sovsrity— *'Vlo do notnngnRO you for that Uiad of Ben-ice, Bir 1" - Tuo 'mato relinquished tlio ropo nt ouco, axwatmg nfurther re- nruof ; but tluriugtbo nost week bo was iromoted from tho third to tho second ink.—2w-em AppUtonxt Journal for Oc- Of all tljoncliRns uf a man's lifo, hia marriage does least ooncarn other people; yet, ot Jill tbo nctionf of our life, it is most meddled with by other pcoplo. - - Wo nro williug to utako our. old straw lint against n newwiotortlmt on either, lint against n Done wi Tilden or Haye3. Tb injured by th itill very low. o individual vrko vita accidentally ed by the diBobniTjo of bls.duty & l

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Page 1: WHAT IS VEGETINE?Wt travel faster than we did-And tciiJ by wiru and not Iiy roa Or eliu tin- j>r ee or Hwlin mid HII And wool auJ Uilk'a. Vi'u tonqiior Tune, malm liglit of And ovory


E I R O N . E R A Business Cards.

BEN J. II.VOGT.EDlTOil i sc PflOltiETOK.

>e ou Morris Strait near Bl&ofcwell,TERMS OF 6UI1SUUFTION


Tear, - . - - - S2.0011,,, . . - 1.00l O i i t l H , - - - - - - - 6 0


yerpmi- ami Queonstown,'


firaflH un Eugluml ami Xloyt'. Dunk of Trulntitg l io luwnt rales.

YfchON, Agonth,ehvdl Stroet, Dovei, N . J .




Counsellor at Law




Cor. Blackwell & Warren Sts.,(Oppoeito Dover Hank,)

DOVEU, N.J., : -of Vfomm B»a CliiMrrn, and or 111

Kjc niiu Car spnciiiltluii,urn:7t.)D A . M . , l t o 8 a u d ? t o 8 P . M.



Surveys, Lcvelsand Grades


[Near Urn Cam) Driileu.]




jurpenter and Bnil«l»vt

Jobbing promptly attended to.

a IlLACiaVELL St., unit in QnjjoHijHu.v'tt JiUJtlfor mill.

JoiitraeU taken, aud mat, rial fnmlalied.

Corner of Jllichtvcll and HHGSOS Kin, '

DOYER, N. J. *

|B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.Jlorgou nml Currlcjrfl In I.ol.


OP Moiuus coujfrv.

Oftko (icer OEO. JIICJI-UtDS A Co,'« 8T0UE,

rliici-lal ofllcc

u, liii a I1. M.


Counsellor at Law,

t- AND MASTEB IS OUANCEIW,folko In |!,r albul Uj.lon Jtak ) i.ll.lu.t-1 .u. ST., DOVEU, K. J.

J \ U . J . W. UH.J.I.\S,

uri'IOE DIH! lllialDliNCli ..iipuriilf llio


TUiuiinnvii A QsiiTii ,


"ixVvisn, N. J.MrJilii, 187), ' . 1-lyr


Counsellor at Law,J J O V J 3 K , N . J .

nt B vand flew cif (lio National UnionIJ i B 2j-if

|gA. 0II.L1S.Y,

^Furnishing Undertaker

I UCEPWCD iTjcrrjosEUii AND casratts-1 aiO^En 0FDi!£D3," r

Ml or nrn promptly attended Io.it XL STUGET, Btn-*i-, » . •?•

Iparriages and Sleighs,

Of Ifivcry Di'lcrtjitloii.'

[Toor Blucliwoll mill IJflrsonSts, n o V E I t , N, J.

V. MAUIE, J r . ,



Cor. Btaoknoll nnd Sumoz Sts,

f l ^ OVEIt. N. J.



DOVEU, N. J.'*

IRA C. COOPER,Masou and Builder,

ContmctBt»konfornIl fciii'tfa of JTHBOH WuiftidJobblug.

I.IJIE, PLAHTER "A^ D CESIEN'T,Furnlahccl at sliorl notico.

iflko nmlor (rXiio Irou Em. OfflEO," D*iwr,N.J. ,. n-i-i

•OVGIl li.VItUltATfltt V.

A m y , Bnil Annlysra tit all dCBOrlplfoiiH ortfi OKIiBANOlIINlilULSt\ • CAHEPULLY MADE.

^ • . L . o. DiEmyiim^A -' Dover Murrfs Ointy N.J.T,

Allen Palmer &.Scm,

> Cnrpcntei-s


omptly attended to.

S. J . PALJIEl l , AiclUlcct.

•PIANOS, . 7

MelodeonsRepaired and Tuned

promjilly,In unj pflit «r Mortln County. : Ad-Jre,« ' W. S. \VIirailT,


poKnu.»,..r.., • •


OrnMi OHBI. iOK\VEU.t i I l l l3T,

h t . t f OrpoHiM BKOUIT'S BA




i SUSSEX STREET,11 tilwwui Uio MANSION HOUSE aud Dcpu

D O V E U , N: X '• •11 a flam Una been entirely rofittcdiu a iicnt

ma ncr.. 'Ibo Tory Ixrct brands uf

Foreign and Domestic SegarsAI.WA.V10.Vn.lND. 8H-tr




jontt OF LVERr.iinacnirtios


ami cifculcd, tnJ material fiindsliuJ.


TnrulBtifld» anil crmlrncls taten .'or Ml ivoth,Thoboal rororciipci clvi:n as tn capneit/i

b h ' f tt CiThoboal rororciipciry branch' of ,tt>0

n l i l

as tn capneit/in

UOVl'.H.n. J.

A. Beemer,


JJloehroll St., ncu; Siissei, DHVOP, TA.3.


: TOll SALE.

* Pur 'deacrlpltoni of Properly uud |urtii-dlil j t ( ffl ' ~


Civil Engineer and Surveyor,





arx Inn at BI. II. DtcUurKon'a Bturo. cr atHldcnro will rfCtlvc prompt Hlttulfoii,init-liaHd goadKar ell (iL'iLTllnluuH butiKht

0. B. GAGE,

JUSTICE OF THE PEACE,Office UII Iilucliwcll Sued,

DOVEU, N. J.Collwl!(in»n(lo!ii!ixU<iwl<li<]i!lfit>tifC.AIHO, AKmit f.r tliu bed Jjfi) nuj l;iro Iniiir-



Yla'B Torir low, Olii »t D. A. UUltHVfi nlncuDfuultAull Bt., Duvur, N. J. J3-tf

of 1876.

Fashionable Millinery



Latest Stylos & Newest DesignsEABM OrrOSlTE NATIONAL L'NlON DA^Ii

DniLBlKO. DOVEU, N. I .Tliu hrKOst anil iiiiici cum|>lcto stuck el Milit-ary mill Fancy (foods to bo fminti in Dover

Hoimctn,. Ilnfs, f loivcrs* Feftf-tiiti* Itiuiiousj liuccB—real

an.I lt»u'f>* CollarsvLuce ttuu Lilian

(!(8, Crj>Itt!8. iMolll'lltllg IluilllCtBiiiid Iti>lls(

•V lino assort me] it uf

hignens, Switches, Qra'ids, &c.AUo, avcry Inrfio vnrlttyo

ZEPHYR aoODF,Ami a.Uimitoclt uf

Goods.mil mail cup

Grandin 'House.LOO YARDS FROM D . L . & VT. DEPOT

. T. P. OUAXDIN, Piop»r. .

Eicidlont accamiiiuiUtfnuH fur trannfout orormaconflicariltTM, HIMCIH livory and DuardlngtnUo ttlnuhud h i In-horn: VniisunucrB Ink oil

and frorn_ Umid'M L.iku ami 1 JIUO HnpKtcniift

. tfi IS. h\

S b PH0tiPkcTGJi&

Miiieml Proportj,;•'

IN, H. J . ...



'r UIUM, N. J.OH nil tint inloolpal linen ot - -

limn K M Irak ti, Llvuri,™,! . t LOWESTTIW. Mrfa DUAFW ON HHKAT11UITAINJIUEIANl/."


RESTAUEANTri,r*tcilicfl nml iicnlluiuii, DLACIUVELL St.,UUVlilt, S. J., Vutvc JD Bi'i>.Bi'X uud Uta i i . Utx.


cl,etl, will, tn-ol)ilr»lil Inlflcfl. Sl-lf

nnilBODA \7AIBtl,ALE,.

ISnLlkd I.»j;tr, AIDHIHI l'm-lir. FvxtivalH, I'm" Knl Vk-nm mwptivil prwwnit.v, at wbolc-„.>,., ralos. Onloni loft at tha Sticklo HIHIHO,Dovri-, N..T.t»tl€.'iidod to iinminlly.



Hardware, Iron and Steel,




Wooden lViii'o and


' PAINTS, OILS, GLASS,.ml M.aiirartiirDi.' Atlfclti eeiicrnliji

Lime, Cement, Plaster.,Dtrno Diiit, Super riinnphito nr Lime, Mil Ml

atlmr PerllUiurt,

tlQirislonn, £«pt. 23*1,1874.'

i t Uaniifnctuton pricejt, Tim mlmcrlbtn will irlltliclcEnlire Stock of Piunni BUII Orfim, nowsecond li*n<l,iUctt maile, niuila buaba.aiiil mevcbiudlif, itTCrjucirci!»(prfft* for cub piBEITEWIEJI rroTluus la remoTiUo their neir tlon40 Enul titn tit., Li l ian Squnrc , Oct. Int.Illuntnlcil ttUlrguti nulled. Aa'UtB AYknlfld.-

FiwcUlinduc«ii(tit« <u tlto(r*''e. Horace 1Va(

way, Nctr rort. • - - ••• M-#w' -


tuetHc.twi-l :>:-•'>*'VJii-y3ii-0i

B T e r t l u c s'»-!'-*. • (.•.••^•.Nti

C'wri u f i u i c u t . m -'. - » . .


HP.. --•jj'i-

B.' ItyG. CJiolc9. C'niicli

tml /j;«r, Ci.J-inJ "JC LA. .. -,l l l

*orUivnlnii;til/*<'ittt.Kort. »:..•..!.. 1to. (Jrliinry VVt. .BI. l'aUlfY.. I iSI. l>l*tnu» c r :81. ):ull?i<"-.''< :St. l>iTi!nh'*-^i <-•;

country, frri liprice. ^ddrutMHumphreys'

ml at J. II. Ult'iWlS'B ilruff at ore, cornor ntlavhwult ntid HiibBi-* t ift., and ViiUKlit A Kill

pro, noVcoffJcrdruacNfre, Dnr<;r, N. J.!7-lw

MRS. A. BEEMEBi» w riadj witlt all llio new KIJIUB for

prv|!ilif j utl competent a

nL-Tin:>Vare ..Store,


S U C C A S U I V N A V ' N . .1.mF-HUl»oril)cr tones plonmiro In Irtfoi-niitift

Illu diinmm «>t Hiizcumiiiiia nnil furronntl;[ ['unfitly, tbat Im lian cHlalilluiiud & iituvi

.. j (in uoru ettablMtnwnl at tho abort) AUIJI),nnclvr tliu HitpcrvlHluu uf Mr. J . (UHTIl. ircliknnivu riu n> fliporinnecJ otova dealer and tin-JII.HIK Tho BIOCII <>r RIVI(]« consintfng of 111c


ii I)E£IC1M. KUltPI^G, rtlfMOIftCJ iJOiiuiKb, at tboluweiit lUUD-VAB I'rkoa.

JOS. X CORVIN.oteatauna, N. J., Oat. Slit, 1875. J5-!f

WHAT IS VEGETINE?I t i« a comMttud-iiitpcloiJ frem brnlii, rooti

nilliotkR, It in Nilnro'i. lUtncilv. It Is p>tTpoily Imrinlcis tttnn toy bad vuuolupon DieBV HIP tn, It in iiou lulling andtlrcngthoniay. I tacts (llrtctlv ii put! tlio bliiod. I t qiuois tliuaanmti eystetn. It eJtea roo (font) uirooi slconlib nl^lit.. I t la a imunctia fur our'figpil rutliersand niollwrs,fur it g l M t!.eio dtroitglli, nnluts

>ir mrvo«,atiirniYi39 tboto " •'•

. . .. mdvli _ _ __liuvej JinU cumil tliouamfln. I t IB vary pleaaau t

tabo t ovcry olillil liEcea ft. It rrlicvei andrtfl nil d'K0in3i otiRiailitid fmm Impute•Ml.. Tiy tlto VE0BT1NE. Oho it t fairnl fur jour cotftplainlfl ; tboa you will nv tonr ItKinl, ItuigiibnrnuiUciiiiiiutBncu, "Try

t'i it hatcurfil mo."


I'IIP (iiilunjni; nnHullclUd toBlfaiimlal from

nareriiumli, ]Sml>l'riiv!tloiico,H,I.1ii

Uucvdlctiml ttilit tL-stimmiial U thu rcmi;>wri.!UC£ wllh Ibe u>a nr VEf

l!ev, Mr. TiValkor'd fntblly, «liu

Hiunlii Tail to obnurveor lira renr!*TINE /a 11)utr proiiauncu

, It. I., ICt Tniunfl fit.

ji-SfirL-aa wilb myMUiionyourV"1 It fur ilia Us

•WE. Jlyauulr Itaie uwui It fur ilia hat two yean, hi

UITVUIU urbtlity It In Invklnable, »uil I roconi-mewl Ittotllwliu vaij ucoil mi Inrbjunting,rcuuvalins tonic. O,T, W.VLKBIl. '

l l

Tlie.Best ETidence.Tli« fuIkiAitia l^llct r.nm ll«v. E . 8. Brat,BBior or tht) M. E. Cbtirdi, Katiek, Mam., 4ill

bo m i l wild iDtcrest by many pliyilctana; alsotlinsL-mimfiliBfroniUittmnioalBi-nBonaoraicttdUse son <il the Jicv. K. a, Uest, No pcrBuii » udoubt lliii k'Htlmsiiy, as ilioro It no doubtbout Uioeumlii'o linger or TCaEriNE.

SATICK, MSBS., J i n , 1st, 1379.TEreHS:Via liaro good reason for roirnrd*

oubt llibout Ui


. Wu ftt'l asmirctl t!mi ft bus fen Iho-H »f nvinjf our nun's Hfo. Ho IB now 17

jean, urncu; lur tin lnettwujoi>n bo him auf-il Ironi nctrOBii nf bU lag, caused bvITIIIOHA nfToctioti, nnil wtn go far tcJuooJ

that ncarlj-all (TIIOtan1 Wm ilioucltt lift recac-ry imponlblo. A council or oblu pbvalciiuinull! she ua but, tli« fajnlL-Bt 1)ope of UIB nrciallylng; Itvo of the number ilcclailnc tliat lio

wns beyond tlio ruscn ot Imnian remcdit-n, tlmtII aaipntatlaa could not «vo Mm ta lio ltdTiKorcnouRb to cudnro tlio operation. Jmtn wt* tninnmucoil giTlns him VEQETIKE

mid from Ibat tlmn to tlia prcioot Uc Una beenronilnnoiiBlylmpruviiiR. Huba1lnlol5rDBuni1.il((oiiiti'. tiir«irn tmy uU .ctaiehei end cane,

J,,HiijjlilbL'io ianiillHomodisrliar^B from IU<

rniiiR TIU'JTO bi< Itmb \rai lanced, wo lix«.r»Ho Tnii of Uio lflto.lturua.U. Graves, of

"'jjWlfilowii, mutes Ujo following munlftcent7EQ)UCistB: Foe tho eduoaUon of Uio coloredl"c:aij,]0.of tbo Eoulhr $100,000i AmcripiiB

Wt travel faster than we did

-And tciiJ by wiru and not Iiy roa

Or eliu tin- j>r ee or Hwlin mid HIIAnd wool auJ Uilk'a.

Vi'u tonqiior Tune, malm liglit ofAnd ovory pmsiutr day

Huildi xoiiiunfiv foroo Itom KnIuAnd t

But a r ttu

mtjSixkty 6f Uio CongrcgntioiiiJ Clnrcli,exlin College of Ohio, Be«a Coltcga ofiitucky, DrooWj-n Orpliau Asylutn,

g- ^man'a Missionary Society of America, niidI I * \ Americnn Bonn] of Fordflu MimlofiB,

p.OOO each [ Boston Cownimptheii1 Home,jw Yort Children's Aid Society, Brooklyn

n, of "Brookljii^.Holyqio- Scminniy of

~ i l City Ulsnion, o!BrooWyn,;.i$5,6oO cuoli';L - L j j - 1 — " M M I , imra libra?, W.OOO,

l*r nf n million of tlollitn JBdTdrtliiiiS. < yi'iy ' \<

Or liruvu am! (,'uud m tliry?B|)i.'ali u|i, old in . lurv) Id) iliu liulh I

UUo IU tbe jL-B-or KAVI

Kfnraiu.v,B B»y.

TLat clolbu a niuDrlmid lumf;

Hut wbiitliOK wind ftiid it-uTngQ redBliuvvud Autuiuu'K tint »nil tunu. -

' A bomuly [.urlunic, froali ajiil 8w«;t,A rosu (rliciio'er m / VfltKJcr'nfi fc#t

From iliytnu'tur.ttflbooli tliuduw;Ami (liraugli (bo lii'dctun'it tlamltig rsdTlio liartbfll raised Un dainty h.-aci,

Lfgbt, trciiiulnuu, nud blue.

Afar,outar,on ovirvbanil,A ]mr|>los[)Iti):li)relullicil llii land ;

Dilifi!)! tiwk nil my brtiujbTOBOQ how fill1 tljo in0011 and layUeforo mi (till Kapluniber iay,

Puckud wilh tbo bcuny litatli,I Urcd my furebcad tn tbi- brn RO.Anil slmiijlitway dioj)poil ii|iou tn.v kucc-a

iinonR HID )>urflo QotTOTD.My bartljbbomgt ibat Kprlngnii frcoJlinratli tbe nil Iqit i-lorTu tint be,

As uiiCur (iimmcr alioircrs.A. Lrowu bco o.ivicd niQ in; piano,Wlioro rwii mid liamlull lonciicj in; face,

And biiEKid alturc, a'-ounJ ; .Cat 011 uach Uouib-ball's purplo lipLa; lioaoy-duw I lonj;o»l tu Rip,

/nil so I kupl my ({touttJ.

I did not nimk ta wrong I lie t»v,lint Ibc-Be brlcbt bio moms ii-M f»r mo

Tlivir dtdan fi'osrauor, full noil lino,An iiouoy B«OP1, IB Btrong us wioe,

I listened—overy purplo bell ;A ra*a»nEO )»d tor ran; »«il will

Tliu; ttpaka oat, tnio nml cloneAn<! as ] kiitU ii'iiou llio nlopo,OllO WhiAJVcrOtl OOCIIAQB, OlIC 6(IJ IIOI'E,

Ami QUO tit<lv "Cost oaf laar,"And 01m mid, low tn minor toy,"Ftrgct tliu paet; 'Ha gout! fottliofl

Tu cUticU tliciB Iwclmnfl ulaliB."And ono xakL ina flrmortono,"Oo rmwarJ bohll.v, nil i« won

If tboii bul KiaBp (lie prlzo," . •And DUO lr.iitli';d (»rily, "Oo fn i»aco, .Turn luvu limU bitl lUy Hcnow coano,

And Joy cornea noir at lt»i."I roso, and mid. witb quitlitmad troatli,"An annel (Holla ammiglliu lieatlij"

And from tlio incorinnd pafattl.


A Londonnr'a rural reflection: Tliebnyflelil h bottet Hwn tlio Hujinai-kot.

A Bt. Lguia man' rnu six bloots attarlis nose, tliinltinffho was going to a flra.

Eren jn tbo liardcat times cloclta ctn-IQJCII Uicit ragiit't tiunibcr of lmi cU.

"Would it 1)« tu-nper to aiil a rotirediijuor-ilealer'u country cslato 0 liir-own*il iimiision? ' 'A Goorgia^ nmn id fitting nnbtticr for

one conL'e damage to lite HOSO. Nut mticliilsJntUnt. •'• • •

Railway oomiliug :" Wlion tbo \iax-tur umrrlca tlio-joung lnOy in tlio re-fiosumcnt department. '

Boxes goTcru t ie world—Tlio cnrtvfilgobox and. ballot h o i ; tbo-jury buz thoband Loz, »nd tbo ['ill box.

A mnn is said to bo abaont-mindedben Uo thinks lio has loft bia watolt at

bomo tiid takes it out of bis pooliet toBOO [f bo lins time to rot urn homo andgotit.. _ . , •'. •' ' ' -

(A girl died ia Vei jinnt tbe other dayrrom ijot'son io tlto . colored elocllogs

bioli ebe bnd haso In tbo habit of wear-R." Tliia aliould serve m o lessoD to

girls "not to pull llicir colored fltootingeon witb their toolb. '

A cnndiJnto for sheriff in a 'WesternUiaioy/ho had earned a In)let ID LIBbead for sovcral yenrs, linil it cxtrnoted,and tbo rosult wns flint I10 becamo verystupid, wlierflupon Ilia sapporters ap-pointed a committcQ (0 shoot liJm npaiti.

'Aro ybu (iioro, my love ?" tie wbia-.pored Ibrougli a bnln in tbo fence of lnabsloocd'a back yafil. • "Yes, darling,"waa tlie reply. "Jump riglit over." IIodid ao, nnd nligiteil in tlio. preaenco ofjer molbctl n broom-BlMc and n imlicoman.' ' '.

Two trnrnps sLopiiod at tlio uotiso ol nono widow;io W'DstcIiRstcr coiihty, and3HD icent iu'to.lie^. Verjsonu bo canio.•lit wilh a bloody noso nnd a lilitck eyo.

anylbinff Jaclc ?" "Yes."growlod tlio mifforor, "I'vo got tbewidow's might." ' .

A younfi forty xtlta teaches rausic'in anicndeiny in Westorn Now York, snuUnirdcr to n pttblislior recently, in whidilie bad Hi')e))i!d worHn vot^pDcrly. Slio

apologized by adding n' jiostcriiit us fol-lows ; "You must csfcews Ibis Ictforns

jila bi noat, but sjiol bi ear."

A laborer of. Hibernian estr.ictlou w:vsnDt long sincelamentingllic bard times,and drnwinp for a oonlrnBt a bright-pic-ture, of, his homo.in tins old ouuntry.<AIi," Enid ho finally, ?nv I vraa otily

bnclt ngin iu tno futber's palliB.*' A jollyfoHow-wotkumn nqniutc.1 Iii3> cyo undreplied—"Bhvrc, annv.yo wore (hereyorooiglit.stbtin' on Ibo grmitv' flu' renebyar ban' down (Iio cbimblcy nn' nporitlio door av it," . . .

Woll, uncle, I10W is tlie CHUKO ofreligion gettiqg on in jonr neigliuor-

"ilifllity poor—mifebiy poor."•No now eonyerth. oil ?" "Not n single

one—tot Jo sign of aue." "WLntficcmsto TJO Ilia malter ?" asked tbo citizen,after a lengthy pause. "Do mutter is

_it soma ono liez sluleu four big wuter^melous out 0* tuy cJvt din nftcriioou, nn'I feel in my bonea ilat rcligiou ia gwioo[own bill nil fi-oo dis looaitly !".

."AwM Gardiner" vraa oucj u \vel!-•"lvn-pugilist nnd sportiug obuinclcrinovjyork, - On*ono occasion howuut Io

witb a "sulcct party" to pivo ning mliibitlon, Tlie ucgru wlio liad

of tlie ball where- llio HIIOW naa tovan of a giguutw stature, and

wngerednhoHlii nffnl Gardiuor" could not knock

cgro dowu witb tiia fct. TLcy

Has it occurred to you, Air. Editor, twonder Bufficicntly ovei* tUe fnct tlmtbill «boiiU linvo [Muuod our UutioniIjpgiuintiiro dumonetizinB a ii'otiil froinwbicblmlf tbe cuin in tlio wholo plobeia made, wliicli Iind been money with uafrom tho day of our national birth, andwbiuh bad bean tbe tnono.v of the worldttotn lliaccalieat days thd Liatorj- )Kmen ti un of— tbnfc bucli a bill tliuuld hijiaasGd without awakening n cbullotigoIrom a 8li)g)c)jeirsj)nj)orf a single wnziue, g aingJc liUtcainnn uf tills country—tbat tlio very fuct of its passage aliouldImvo liGon uuliuowu to our people until,iu facing Ibo soro ueceBsity of a return

Bi>euio payments, wo dkcovor ofHinideti tbat half tho nmtorial with wbicbno e=i>pcled (o nccompllbli (bat rotunbos bouu etoleu from us in tuo dark?Will, wo tho wonder l'ns growu spacewith each fresh stop uf luqtiiry into itshistory, uutil, 1131 lay uaide tlie record,it lias reitcbcd full-blown nmazoment,coupled witb a senso of tlio ladtlmt a "govuniumul of tbo pcoplo"should I>avo utood flubl''mel,v iguorantrbtle Iban&anda uf millions ol its mostmrliWuble property was being divested

ot hull to tv<ML. It is tbo iii* _ 'tliia tmirvolloui procediii-13 ttiat 1 wish toty before you—or rnthpi", to tudioufe t<

olhtra, tlirongb you, tlioplnco* wliero ituiny bo* found, for tho subject in ntfbroiidtliat I caii pivo but its barest oat line.

Your readers are donbtleas woll awaretlmt up to tlio ynfir 1878 tlio silver dollaraim, by our CbnsUlat'wn, by tlto dcoi-jioiiB of oiirBuproino Ojjrt, nnd by tboixintiug statutes, nut only a lognl tenderfor all debts, publio and private, but ouruuit of value. Upou this iioint 1 need,ttiorolWe, waste 110 time, but proceed at01100 to tho biotory of tboolinngo. Dur-ing Ibe'interval betweou I'JB Forty-ilratnod Forty'Second Congresses it occurredto Eomo geutlcnioti intorceted in -llio

iola'l production tlmt a uaudsoaiB profittnigbt bo made, nud tbocouulry of courseleucutod, by extending Iho use of tl)at

metal up into tlia aiiiior cojrts of tlipUnited 8tate3 ; tlio open nrguro'eut forUio uioosuro being Llmt our .EtibxidWycoin vms worth nliogotber too much,more tbau tbe token coinago of any other

itry, mid fieucouugbt to bo debused.Thoscliomo was orHully vinyeh up intoa bill for regulating tlio nssay ofBues,nifita, und coiangno! the United Suites,

and introduced to tlie Uouso -tbrough aPennsylvania member \vhi»,tbero ia every

i& to believe, WBS wholly ignorant oftlio puiposo' it concealed. Thore wasnppni-enll; but ono Eoiircaentative (Pot-ter, of New York) Hlirend ono'ugh'U) uu-

irctund tbo mcasu'roj and he 'droyo itnod itflfotfodaeeront ot lha Uouao incoufasion. Tlio sclome, however, hudBorvcd tliia purpofie—It bud; shown tu

Bhorrlvg coil a

g il•A in tba ball for tha coming ntlhejnitor witb ligbta. • HD npproflo imla candlo sbaded ia IIJB hands, U

came- within armV ioacb, tboul1 mcasiirod liiro, and atniolc Bnnaro

Ibo Blionliler, Tbe negro bardlyoil. Ho Bimply turned his'bead

towards the pugitlsf, and suid,men, bo alittle car'f ul ub ycr elbows.


if aniiat bl>l ootild bo utilized in makingmouoy of tbat lvlii'cli novcr bad Leon, itwas fully OB valuable en inBtraroant forconfining the attribntea of money to asingle malarial, and thereby vastly in-creasing Ibo value of credits wbieb couldonly be pnici in tbat material. Such

irsona ivero tlio great boldcrs.of ourbonded indebtedness at home and nbroud—particularly tha Eojliah capitalists.UnoQ this idea was founded the bill whosohiBtory we aro about to narrate, ,

Tlio measure (U. B, 1,427} mniio itsnet oppeiiranoa during tlie Bocond ses-

sion of tuQ-Fortv-seooad XJoncrosa, anFebruary Oth, 1872. {Globe, \mpi 913),

reported from tho Committee' onCoJnagfl, Weights and Mciwares, by ilf.Hooper, of MiiBsacbnsotta, Tho title oftbojbill—"To regulate tbe Mintu, Assayoffices, and Coinofio of tbo United States"Was one not calculated to attrcot atten-tion at a tfmo" wlioa ooius wro bnrdiyaeon from ono year's end. to another,Tbo subject of mints and assays WAS onoof great intricacy, ot which nineteenCongressmen in twuuly kuuw nothing

pd kss. Tlio osl'ome length ofIho bill fllsc-^-H bud over sixty SCCMOUG,and ivuuld All u full tibeel tit your paper—wns repelfaut, nnd, being putfurtli agrejircsctiUng tbo visbes of tbo mint offi-cers aud the1 Secretary ot tbe Treasury,it was cxtit-ctcd tu pass wilb JillJo or noiiquiry. I t wtva nt onco recommitted ut

requwViuid ordrred j.riuLcil. '<

On February 18th, (jinso DS)S) tbo billwi's CQ'-Oilup ii^uiii nml made, a npccmlorder till dinpoai'i] -tif,"- Oo this occasiontbo cloven loot firnt liccaino vieiblc tolie kcc.u oltservcr. Mr. McNceley, uicra-

licrof Ibe Committee on Coinage, ire,,iAqiiired of Mr. Hooper by what autltar-ily lie. repotted tbo bill.' Mr. Hoopermiid bo hnil bct-ii instvnclej by Uiocommittee-to do no, Mr.' McNteleyiiskcil when. Itfi-. Huopcr enid ho cauidlot remember, hut tbat ilwns sorao time

ngo, Hr. NcNrelcy replied : " I haveueror seen n liiiijurity of the committedpresent tit itH mi;etiiigs,#aud I wisli tollud uiit toaieihiug about tliia bill. IIGJIC, asameintmrol tlicoonimitte6,thut

it will noh bo i-rcaenM," It was oloar(lint only tlio Savaveil /cv ou tho com-mittee know miytbiiig of tbe moosurB,and tbat ib WHS lining \n\i forvuid secretlyind irregulnrty. The nmttor was dropped[nr tbo prescut, and iu tbo menu liinoMcNeolcy was "HictkS When tlio billicxtcamo up lio remntked that lio had

at flrstiiueslioiicd itH wisdom, .but nowiff tbiugs in a flifferoui- light. ".Ou April Otli, 1872, Ipago 2,a0i), Mr.

Hooper got the biEl up ngni'u OE^, tooktho floor to explain il iu a upeech bigreat length. X may lere premise thattlio text of tlmbill is t/otv nowhere lo bofuiind. I t vim ajrofully lic^.t out of tboOhio, I t is not to bo found

I Slat nt 03, because it did notbcoomo n law. Even in the index to tbe

ieyou find no reference to ttio pro-coodiugn upon it, tinlosa you hanpcii toJQ directed totlicwonl "Assay," a pluoou'liere onii vtuuid bo ]oasl likely to look,Ibo only information wlriab tbo publiccan find concerning tbo measure is intbo speeches of itn mnnngcrs.

Mr. Hooper, na above mentioned, un-dertook to explain tlio feature of Ibo bill

3M, not giving tho'toit , btit bisinterpretation. lie credited it with Ibo

<n i>f JhoSccrotnry of tbe Treasury.Tho following open admission, iu U.i

" f is of no little intercut: " Mr.ErncBt 80yd, of London, a distinguished.ritcr, vfbo has given .great attention to

lao subject of minla and coinaee, oflerexamining llio first draft of tbo bitl, fur-

ntrtbcJ mnny vuIuublesiig^cHtious wiitclli'avo been iiicurjiorntc-d in this bill.'1'erbupn your rcadeiB aro aware that Mr.Sefd-miles in the interest ot ono ojEaiojse'u heaviest banking firms. Tbomoat of Mr, lloopcr'» apecch boa uointercut to un—Ibrte of Ibo6!xty sectionsonly concerned the country. "When became to the fonitoentli declion lie said"In addition, it fleclnroH tbo gold dollni0" 24 840 frtiiuB of guli? to be tho uut>i \a\ao, gold having been in tbi» con-try, for many years tbo etaudnrd 01in ensure ul value, as it is legally iu GreatBritain and moat of tho European coun-tries, 'Jbo Bilver dollar, which by la'now llie Jegully declared unit of value,does not bear a correct relative propor-tion to (bo gold dollar. Being worthMriuBiculJy ubout $1.03 cauls in gold,it cminot circulate concurrently, wilhlio gold coin."

llow huiootlily be sweeps over tbe rcigiat of tbe bill; aud will tbe reader picasirate tlmt ercn lie admits that tlio filvcr

dollar wufl tbea our legal unit of value ?Whim lie comus .Iu utotloo 10 wo learnas rodcli as he eeee Si to toll us of tvbnttbe bill proposes to do witb silver.

Section 16 re-enocU the iiroviaioua ofexiflliug laws ucflning Ibe silver coiniand their weights respectively, except inrelation to Hie silver dollar, wbich iareduced la weight from 412| to 8G1grainH, lima inakirg it a subsidiary coinin linrmony with tbe silver cola of lessdenomination to secure Us concurrent"'rcttation witb tiiera, The siivoif il21 grains, by reaanu of its bullion•r iulriusic vaiuobebg greater tlian itatotnlaa) TBJIIO, Jong siueo ceased to bo a

coin of circulation, and IB melted bymanufiictnrers of silverware.

Several tlnppa are noticeable lore.Tbo project in this bill ia still to coin tbesilver dollar, but to debase it (otto levelof tbo subsidiary coin, the oslemibloargument buiug that tlmt will bringmuch'prized silver dollar back into oir-

ilation. "Wilb abametesa deceit Mr.Hooper CODCOUIB, tbrongtiout bis whole

]., Hit) fact tlmt tbo bill makes tlioailvor dollnr no kiDgur a legal tender.

Mr. Stotiglitou, who follows him, makesa blrnder, mid exposou tlio fact that thesilver dollar is to bo no longer a legallouder mvo for $5, sod supports thepoiut by BngUfih authorities furnished bytlio London, gentlemnd wbo drafted thebill,

Mr Potto*, of Now Toik, DIBO B mom-jr of tiro committee, now takes Clio

floor, and warmly opposes tho measure,llasaya;.1 Now, when weliavosuspended

paynianta to: ton years, and prac-lically have bad 110 coioo^o circnlation

Ibat time, a bill is introducedhero for the purpose, of revising All tbelaws :u rcapEot to coinngo, nnd not onlyintroduced Iiero* utter tha eounlry has

•ided UBJDg or dealing iu coia tocgi-tiu, but iutioiluced at a periodthcto is no p;osjjeot Uiiit it will nt

my DOM period resume ooinngo circula-tion.- I confess, tbcretofo, tint theintroduotion of tbo bill at such a periodncited my noapicion, I was and am atrlbss to gather from nnylhingl'kaoircr:nn lcaia tlmt there ia any uceeBsity forlie ndaptiou of tlio measure now," &o.

Mr. KeDoy, of Pennsylvania, enpportrdtbo bill apparently on tbo solo ground ofbeeping tbo Ether dollar at homo. "Whysir," said he, " there ia not a merchantiu tho world that would not gladly eendgold liero.wftli wlit'cb to buy AtoericaDsilver dollnrs, and nmlio 8} cents on theexchange of every silver dollar.

Mr. Potter flfjaiu denounced the W)l1 u "cover" to something ho could not

understand—the light of tho present day'03 avk upon him, Tho. Boueo tbcu,iftcrsomofurthcrrcmnrlis of no hearing

un onr preacnt brnncli uf (IiO subject,went into committeu of tliu whole toconaider tbe bill by sections under tbo

uio nilo, tba Clci-k reading ODCtieoHon at a time, and, debate ensuingupon it. They had get as far as thomvontli scetiun {tbo meat docs not comeiu until the fotutecQlb], ivbej, alarmedit the GenieliiDg inquiry" tint waa being

mde, iho rcanngere of tho bill mnvedand carried sn adjournment. This-vrasan April Olh, 1872 JflB'3 let it ho reraetc-licred tbat it was tba only dobaia everind in oitber Housflonjlbo merits of the>ill. Nor was it dobale—it was only

carefully prepared Bpecobca of tbo billuiaiicgein. Tho HOUBO was' after infor-mation—it was wholly igunrant of thesubject—only Mi. .' Potter Euapectcd

imelliiifp,*but could not uaiJ it, •Iu tho menu time tbo powers behind10 throne'got together for Consultation.

Tliey eaw uovund ttealt places und u^ieb-ed tucm un, Tliey 'did not propose talinvo any niora inquiry, nud arraugoit to.irovontft. NothiDR.was lieard of ttiemcosiiro again (although thnHoauu hadteft offftt 11 very intcrasting'poiatj fornpnrly two months, wlion, on May 27,1872, (paRa' 3,882), Mr. Hooper again;ouk liio tloor. At, this point wo. copytlia record cut lie, m it 1« in' thu liiglioaldegree instructive:

Mr Hooper, of Srasancbiisolte—Jdo-hiro to cull op tbo bill [H. It, Ho, 1,427]revising aud nmonding II10 hm relative.0 mints, away oljlcoa, and coinago of;he United States. Ida so fortba [i(it>[joso of offering un amendment to tbabill, iu tbo Datura ol a tMtbstittttc-^fcawhioh lilts bcou very carefully propavnd,and wliioli I linvo submitted to 1J10 diff-erent' gtntlcmon in this HmiRn wlio huvatnkou a pptjclnl iaioi-eift iti, the httl Ifind that it meets with uuivcrcnl apnro-iwtion, in (ho form rii wLteli I offer it.L move that tbo nllcs bo siisjiondod, nnd:bat tha Butjstihitfl bo put niton its pass-

. Brooks—I ask tho ffeutjeiaanfrom Massachusetts to poetpone bia mo-tion until his colleague on ttie commit-tee, my colleague from New y6rk (Mr,Potter), is in IIIH seat. It is iay impress-ion tbut bo doo3 not concur m this nul>Btituto, • -

[The rondov will observe that Mr.Huopor ounuiugly introduced lii« ne«-bill in tbo absence of tbo only man wliotins been shrewd cr.ongli to Mss[tpct andbold enough to cbargo fraud.]

Mr, Jloopcr—itissolato jn tlio eess-.bivt I unfit decline wAitiog any looger.

Mr. Brooks—I waald agaih suggest totlio gootlotnnu Hint bo should wuit uutilmy oojleaguo comes in.

Mr. Hooper;—I cannot d."> HO.[Eu ibiro not possibly risk tbe return

of Wlor , ]Mr, Holinnn— Ifinppawit is intend-

ed to bivo tbo hill toad before it is put.upon its passdgo ? * •

Tbo 8peakor—I hopo not. I t la* alonRbill, and tlioso who aro intcreslfdhi it aro perfectly fnmiH&r wilh all itiprovisions. • ' ;

• [This new bill ho docs not propose toIinve rend at nlf. TUD iondiaa at titoother in itdo him trnnblo enough.']

Mr. Korr—Tlio rutea aaumit bo sa»-pcuded no ait tc dispense witli tho rend*Ing off bo bill.

Tbo Hpenher—They can bo.Mr. Kerr—I want ttioHoitsa taiitidur

fitandihnt it is attempted togettbrougi' 'k bill without boiug read.

The Speaker—Dues tho gentleman

from ITi'ssticlJiifief (A move flint life rvui,ing of ttia bill b(* diKpenseti witb 'f

Mr. Zfogucr-1 will BQ frcmo uiy wction U> suHjicuil tho ruloa that it iiHspcaee vrith the rcadiog ot the bill

The Speuket—Tbo geutlcmun i>oinMacsao'tdecttamnves tbut tho fulca hsuspended, and that tbo bill ]HIBH, tinreading thereof being di«\teusc wilh.

Mr. llandall—;Cuuuot wo Luvti a diion at tlmt motion.

TboSpeutier—A. motion to Huwpthe rulua canuat be dirklod.

Tbo motion was tbun put and theHOIIHO reutsed to submit to tlia gag,voting down tbo motion to suspend.Other matters tbcu ioterreood. but ita ebort time Hooper nga:n got tho floor,ancl, determined not to lose an oppocUi-iiity wlieu tbo licuse vaa almost emplyiud Ilia ilttiigc-rtme Potter away, prcpar-..I _ l ^ . l l n a J-. I ~ 1 • 1 . 11. . . . . r il

aud Ilia daiigt'i-flus rotwr away, propsed a little trap, into wb'cli tboy fel'J'tiin time Lo appeared to consent ta tinloading.

Air. Hooper—I now move that tlirules be srHpoudoci, and tie aabatitutif the bill iu relation to miuUi stid coin-igo piisBod, and 1 auk tliut tbe eubstituleid read.

Tlio Clerk began to read tbia Bubatitufa.

Mr. Brooks—In that llio original bil!'Tlie tipealier—Ttie motion 0/ tlio gau

tlenmu from Unvtaoiiusctti npniins tcthe mhatiiuta, and tbat on winch tlioHouse is called to act'.» bo-'Jg read.

Mr. liroo'is—As there is to lio na tithnte, tbo only c'aanco we liavo to knowwbnt wo aro doing is to liavc uolh tliebill and tlio substitute read.

Tlie tipeabe1'—Ti'G motion of do geu-lomftn from Miur.riiRhi)>.eltH being to BUH-icuti tbo rt'lc; and pass tlio stibstiiiitc,t gives no choice Imtwoen tlio two bills.

Tbo fJouso must eit'jur pass flic substi-tute or none.

Mi". Brwhu—How can we choocu be-tweoa tbo origiinl bill aud tbo substi-

ite uuless wo liiivo tliem botli read fTbe Speaker—Tho gcntlDmcn can vola!iyo"or "no"ou t'io quobtion wbotb-

ir this substiLatQ shall bo posned.Mr. Brooks—I em vory mucb in (l>a

labit of vollDg "uo" wheu I do uotnow what it going on.[It would bavo been fortunate for Hi.

country if otber motnbcrB iind foil nsMr. Urookn did.] •

Mr. Jfo'man—ifcforc tin questtor.taken upoa .suBpoodirg.tho va\ea andposjing tho bill I hope the gentlemanroni MassjichueeHB will explain the

leading changes mmlo by tliia bill in tintinting law, eapeciully <n roteronco ttIQ coiua3o. It would Beem that all Uio

iina'l coiuageof tbo country is iuteuactl10 ho rcoolT?ed,

Mr. Hooper—Tho billcimnges in tbe existing im iu that re-gard. Oo tho contrary I undorsUpd'mt-tiio Scoi'elaryof (he Trcasmy pro-siOB to Jsauona'ordor to stop tho co'n-

ngo of all mitior coiua, as there is now agreat abuudanco of them in tiia couDtrv.The salaries ara not increajcd. I^ieyremain as they wo'e.

It ml! bo observed that tho Clerk basonly commenced } read and has beenimmediately hiterupted hy members ask-ing for information. Ut. • Holmnn, itappears, ia totally in the davk as to tbolending features of (bo bill, and Mr.Hooper replies with virtual falsehood,

lucetUinatlia in-iiorjiiit ulu<u|ii>a Ibatmakes in sliver. Following Mr, Hoi-au's inquiry came a (score of others

xoin diffumut. members, esliibitlnor tbetotal and lamentablo iguorauco of theHOUBQ of whnt it was ycitiug on. Mr.Hoover evades them all, fever oncetoiiobing tbo gist of tbo onsc, nud allthe while urging speedy action bv quot-ing tlio Secretary of tho Treasury, theaflicers of tbo mint, kc,, &a. Finally,ha bill being stilt tiarcnd, Ibo motion tomapendiajaut by tha willing Spealior,thdiB" earned hy a'vote "of HO yena toL3 nays. Theraoi-o but 120 membersin tbo House, Let tho reader note imdreuombor ibeso facts: That tha bill inpushed throng! without ndy debate,without over having bcou road nt all,without any known oiidorsoneat of thocommittoe, whilo l'ottor IB away, wbilothere are hut 123 mentors in tbo House,ind ossleted by tbo enjter and grosslyirregular oonmmnoo of tlio Speaker.-

Now, what Mbis bill, pmed in thisitrauga faebioa ? It will not ha foundIQ tbe.bndy of tbe (Kobe, but It is spreadlutin tbe G/000 appendix to tbe .thirdBcsH.on of tbo Forty-scotion Congresrf.It has Biitj-sevon aotiaus nnd Hits fivefull pages of tlio bulky volume. Tbe;ornal of llio wtoU thing is ia tbrec

tbo fourteenth, flftoentU,' and11 tli. • Tlio fourteenth declares

but tho gold dollar' Sball horoaftor bemrunito[voluo. .Section 15 provides:lmt tbo silver coins of tlie United Statesihn'l bo n trado dollar,' a half dollar, oriiventy-fivo cent piece, 'Ice., *** ntid

,ii coins shall:bo a legal: tender atloir nominal valuo for any amount not

sxoocding 85 in any one payment.Section 17 declares tbat no coins,

litber of golil, Bilvor, or iniior ooinnge,bnlllieceaftor bo issued from the mint

other tbiw those of the donomlnations,standards, nod weights heroin sot faith.

Haroin tbisnew billtlio worU is nilput in. The old silver dollar is. whollyabolished, tbo Irndo dollar ia created forUio purpose, as will bcrenltor be sjony>f bamboorlins tbo Sotinte, ailrcr ia. de-aonptizaj, aud gold made tlia onlyitandnrd of value. All tins Mr. IIoDp-• conceited from tho HOUBO,Tlio bill went to tlia Sonate, and on[ay 29,1872 fpago 3,083)^ was retortedj tuo CommUteo of Finance,' where it

itnyod till the next session. - In tbo in-orvttl notbing.was' board of i t 'by tlio

Boautry, snvo that a trade dollar was be-ing created far the haieJU of our tradewiift China.

At tho ibiril Fcssiou of tho Forty-ccc-oni) Oouffress,. ou December' IQ, 1872,page 202), Hr. Slibrttan reported hackie bill. HoEa<d tlto bill badbeon pass-

ed by tbo House, nnd tbat tho Sonato})n\\ lieen fumilinr witb U, and inlitna-tod tltfttti rending --was quite' unncces-Bnry, HD would uot aalc • for presentoonsideititiDn,<ns tbat would doubtla^sTcqn'noa ie,aiiir\f', Jlr . ' Edaiunda de-manded Ibat Iho hill should bo printed.Mr. Ebcrmaathmiglit tlmt on entirelyunneccssnfy espeuso, (Curious howiniiona all tbo mnunjera ara tbat tbotill should not hecomo too faniilinr.)Ifr. Colo ulsoinuistei] upon tbo printiug,

id tbo Vice-president so ordered.On January 17, 1873 (pago (581), ibo

jill again1 cntno up, nnd was ordered-end, bnttboSeerabuy.ty.18 siispomlodin the middle of the tending hy tb,o ax-[lirntionof tlio morning hour. On Jnii-irry 19 tho subjeot 'was' renewed, nud1)0 Secretary finishing rrauliag Iba list

half. 'Xbero wcro two or three nmond-rocntB ottered, affecting- notliing of in-terest to us. ' Tlio brief debato ia thoSeuato Doverstanytime touched upontho real issue,- being oonflncilto tbe sub-ject of tbo abni'lod wins and, tbo quca-tion wbotlier tbo oaglo aboultl romrinFIX tlio subsiiJInry siJrer, &c. Senators

tiuatm igaoiant of what waa' beingma aa membcta otthoRonsohnHbecu,

Sot onco -was it made known1 that'nnyjao knew th&t silver wns being domoa-:tizcu. Onco a Senator pot "wnrio," aaIiecIiiMrec say, by inquiring irhot tho

trndo dollnr \v»>;for, and Shonnun- ttiraed him gently off by quoting Dr. Lin-de-man's authority that it' was a eon-'cai'ent mafic ot jimmoling intcrnalioQ-11 coinage, inasmuch nsit was preoisnlyequtralcot to tlio Ftotich nro-tntnopiece, anil chcckiiift further inquiry oycoQstnBlly "rgi'jfj l)je folly and nnkinO-ncsflol delay. And so tho bill passedthe Senate—every one ttppawnily ia to-tal ignoronco of tho evi! TIO-U it via ao-oompli l ig .

Snob is the astonishing history ol thisEoglisli bill in a United .Stales-Con-gress. Ol tho dehorning nud the framlbelow t]iasurfnc$ no can only imagine \buttheoiien, nndftniahlo fncU aro snebus (o nraiiso tlt«nlnrai and tho indigiia-tiou nf tho country. Volumes could k

•ritten on tlio iofjenuity with 'which il.:B8 mannged—tbo skill and audacitjwilli vhieit every etna was kept ia tliodark. Tbero iB DD ponlU4 to it in tbe

history at OUT ]L-eJ»]iitiuii. I t was a (•:fraud from beginning to eud, andbhou\d be »jiet'i)iiy undone.


A geulleiuan coimeeLed with tlie picsWHS in St. Lonis receully, nndtoa/riend the dutuili. of uu ndvcut'iriin a Huston hotel. Tho stury is briibut with aa iuimoiiBe moral a$ thowithow, iu Hume tbiugs, lovely woman wililweyaoome ta the relief of a sister h

distress to outwit tho tyrant matt. TIJIjonrnnliBt nbova referred to, stopping n1tbo lioiol, a piivato oupwhero tbegucsttiwere ncciiBtotned to tbo eotiro freedomof tho bouae, folt, one night, tbo imper-ative neceaaity »f eating Some fruit be.fore retiring. It wqs loo lute to sem

it and buy any j bo did not want tca.vnso the servants ot tho house atlate an bour, aud yet fruit or preservesor something toothsoino of the kindBonmed to him a jiereoual ueceasity. Hiknew wbero tlio store-rourn was, knowtlmt (lie door wng left open, and finallyrusolsed to go down quietly and prigenough sweetmei.U to ftniiftfy \m need.No sooner was iho thought conceireQ

ilod upon, and within flvo min-utes, be was in tbe storeroom hooking

teiiorveo put of ajar and enjoying himell immensely in satisfying tbo cravincbicli bad come upon Mm,For a few miiiiiten tho enjoymcut of

Ibo tcau at tho preserves HUB complete,Tlion be woe startled hy u Jiglit, swift<ttep ia the hnll, tiiera was a wbish and

of garweuU, tbu door ojieueduud-•denly and some 0110 bounded in withsuch suddenness n3, coming squarely

the /orni of tlie midofgnt raidoir,lo knock him half way across tho room•id fairly off hia feet. Leaping up ntJJCO ho closed with hia unconacions as-

sailnnt, to bo startled hy n subduedsbnofe and to find tbnt bo had captured

woman 1 Purtber, he discovered thatJO lady, who had wanted something toat us Tvell aahe, «TIS only clad in auight[reaa. Still, though trying, tbo occasion

was not 0110 of unmixed honor by anjracaus, nlid iuaroonjeDtthogeatleaicn1

nerve returued nnd bis cnrioiily rose0 foyer heat.

"Wbo is tliia ?" ho demanded. Noaa-iwer.

"Whola i t ?" ho ropeatcd. "Xou'ti)t get out of tbia until you toll." Still

uo answer, but a struggle; in tbe dark-Dees, tbe Jmly trying to get away.

Again the query was repeated, witbiijualiack of roHpouBe, but this time a

mnding slap in tha faco from a hanOl«nt was doubtless pretty hut wbich hit•itb decided force, «•«« ilio retrani otlio qiicstiouer.

Ho was put on bia mottlo ct onco.IVu tbinlt ycn'Jl gt»l • uJl'• uukijuwu j

"'o'll sec about that I" he exclaimed.—'I've a (levico tbat'Jf work, I thiuk."Lnd tbou, oft ; r a silent hut determinedtrugple, ho oaugbb alittlo hit of tbo la-\yfs right cheek betw«en Us teeth and

bit itr-^not HO badly as to break the TOI-wry skin, but sufficiently bard to leavea mark which ho knew coujd not disap-icnr for a day prtwo., Then ho releaseda unknown prisoner, and elio flew tike10 wind along tho passage, disappear-igin Bomo room impostiible to locate

iu llio dnrhDpsa; .

The next morning tlio fjentloninu witlimystery lo BOIVO cnmo.daivu to -Ijreakv

fast early.1 No ladles had jot npiiearod,but at bio fable wcro one or two intimate

ilo Mends, and to tliem ha confided1 story ol hia adventure in tbo night,

relating also tho means ha had taken tosecure tlie identification of iho trob&ota]ndy. Tho 3 moat intonBO curiosity atm o prevailed at ttie table, nnd tho ad-

it of Iho ladies was awaited with nnimpatience scarcely to bo controlled.Pivo miuutm later the door opened and*the belle of tbo Lotol entered demurely,glided across tho room and seated her-•elfiorbroaWuBl,. Eager eye* followedlor, and ns her face was fairly closed,

"lore was a sensation amonf; tbo -gentle-men. .Upon lier right cheek wna a stripof courtplastci an inob long! Tho menexchanged :glfmcos and wliispcred andmnileoV Tbo mystery was solved early;

But just thun another lady entered,iia lima a dignified" matron. As shp

loated heraolf there waa disclosed bponli3r ngut oliobk a i piece of courtploatcridentical in oppoaranco with; that uponLbo fuco of iho bollo 1 Another and an-)tber lady- entered. Upon, the Tightilieok of every ono o[ them eppeorod a

>f eoiirtjiIftEtcr. Tho tables filledip nnd not a ludy at onoot thom.hnt

ire coortplaster on tho lifiut check 11(7 then llio gontlcmon looking confl-

dqntly for n revelation willed.' Theycomprchondeu tlio .aitnatjon. Tbo. Indywho Latl been capturei] in tbo night ladconfided hor citrcmity to hor friends,and tbey bad coin'o to thoroccno, to out-wit malo humanity. ' They had et 'id, too. Tho discomfited man at tbat

tr toblo Knew (list boneaih oneof tho mtio.v pieces of courtplaator in theroom were bidden tho marks of teeth,but-wbicb vns tho identic-i] bit of eocrt-ilaster tliey could not 'tell. And theylover loomed. ,

Jluman Nature. ; •I t IB tho nanio here, says tho Daily Nut

Jhcll, aain Cairo or New Jersey. Thoilher day wbon ,o Tarheel, witb annkon!yca nud high cheek bones sat dowu onlio stejia of ft procory, boSido .sovornlLhors, ho sighed bcaUy and asked : •.

•'Ocntleaen, if any of you found aflvom tbo fiiilewalk, would you hunt for'thoivnor ?" ."I •would,"- camofrnm each individual

itb irroniptncas and dispntcb."Haven't any of yon last a five, havo

'on V" anxiously continued tho man.* 'I havo," answered one, and tbo echo

went nil Along t ie line; . ."Describo hor, gentlemen," remarked

bo man, • • • . "One said bis had a ugura 'flro* on it.

\notl.iur said 1'ie lad a pjoturo of. JJiSolo diacovotipg tho month ot tho Misliajippl r'ver." A third said the words•XJ. S." were plain to bo Been on Ihojill Ibat foil oft of his vast pocket.

"Gentleman, "that five don't tally,!

noura/nlly remarked Tarheel. '"Nonof yon bavo hit the doscriiition wilbinmiio nndasand bfl-,1,'

'Lot's see," nsked two ot threo at thesumo tima •. • .

I t ' s a five, nnd. I foand it on tliwalk," bo whispered, holding ont h'uhand.

Tlio flra.wits nnicltJo. Somo of tb<crowd leaticfl hack, and hold their hundtiu their outraged hearts, vbilo othctt

rose up, rarofulljr brushed • their coattails, nnd said it was limo io go home.

Only ono ot tho violins Boomed to ap-preciate tlie fiitttttion. ' He cbuckli

.." „ sped, and aaki'd Iho Htranger wbiho wmiul (al(c.

•"•Whisky straight," was tho iiroinjreply uf tlio aiiifi.

"Bo would I, if I over urnnlt," saidtha citizen, ami ho lounged down toto RL't np a tot on tho wuatlicr.

IVnrfiil Aci-idciil—Tltc Ki'Jccted I»is •\iaich,

Ahuut this Ume tbu circus agent hurststlo the cnuiitry newrspui^r omca and

"'•i'uu the editor'!"*'l mil, sir.""Uorriapondoiit for Bofliu of tuemat-

lojioiitati press ?"'Yea, tir,"'I'vu gut tho bib'trest scuwition you

over B«W, aud I wnat- yon to sood it offbv fipeuiul to all tli« big papera."'Tim editor guta «at bin l'«™i' nuJ •

t]uire of piinliug i-api*, and auya : "Bia'a," ,

Tbo ciicua agent says : >'Put duwathat liloivbaid's Gigiinlic JfiimrootJi Gol-den M(f{uluthitaii.i:uriua OirouH—it's a biglliiuB, I tell yon, and 11110 ugsnt; Bar-turn's ia a sideshow to it, aud Lent

,/ould liftve to burst uji und po homo onfuot only our old uio 1 lent him money—1 0 you (jot that down ?"

'I have."'Wull, ndd tlmt. we have becu tenting

UD in tho north-west and been coiningnuDoy evfti-yvvbero, wbito ullthe littlomo-burse concerns that get up big poH-er« nud obtain money uuderfulso pre-euF.es haven't been tuking iu Btomps

enough to pay for their Hceuses— nous-es papered, nil of 'cm."

"Go on.""Well, luat wok wbilo wo van mm-

ng Ibo show fruni OBIIUOSII to QOWTIIU,11 Bcvtm Npeeiul truins aud 103 enrsf tbeI'tiin carrying tho Zoological Camivon-

um rau o'ff the track ami all tlio Jenswere Hiua»hcd to pieces aud the uuimulagotlooic."

'Blows uiv soul, you don t Bay so 1•The mmcondu swullowed tbo oiily

real Africna Oimflu in this country, im-ported specially for u& ut a cost of 8158,-»O0, all but ten or fifteen feet o[ its neck.

Tbo iioor onimarB efforts to fiscupc frnmits living luinh ivrtu fiautic, and tfiolook of dumb, nlmost human, agony init's large, luatroiia black eyes, moved t i e'•"rnent aiivunce ngeut lo tears."

'Denr me!"'Tbcu tbo royal Bengal tiger, the Su- •

malnm lion, null tbo big honied rhiuou- ,eros got into a tb •eo-cornei'iid fight, and,ho way in which the p'l1 wits full, of

vU, nnd diiHt- nml blood, big chunksmeat liko sirloin Hteuks n-wbizzingmil—H makes mo ehudOev to think

if it."'It roust have been terrible.'Terrible ain't 110 word for it. Thoa .

he Cbinsplan gigantic orang autang and-bo blue faced gorillncatneup witb clubaiormed of sapliugs <lftoen feet long, and

big rouud aa your leg, and sailed ia-e policemen into a primary meeting,nJ ia 2ili\ tbeyWl flntteocd out-themjgers, and Jious, and rbiuocoroscs, till • -.here waeii't ono of them darod nay his

ul was his own,""Wonderful I wonderful 1"You're just tulking. Tueu tho elo- .

phant, Mercutio, turned wild witb fearaud rage, and trumpeting like a thunderKtorat, ran into a fold where a farmer

" a flock of 100,000 merino Bbcen, anditch inuttoj juggling I never saw in, myifo. Ho'd just yank up a sheep with his.molt, nnd &.vo l i ' a a jerk, and—zip 1b,it Bbeep wou]d go Bhoatfng, tbronchJG air, and come down Hat ns a pancakeii bundled or seven hnndred yards off.

was juut old chain lightning, and it .jald havo ruadu yuiir eyes Btidt out to r

ico i t - W h y , once he bad seventeen-..I t e e p m fbofiir a t once . " . •" •'••. .

"How many lives lost ?" , •'•None,' tbnuli Heaven, -Wo nlwnya , ••e a steam flro engine- filled vrith clilo* .

itorm on iho train witb us, and its soon -i.v;o could get it ont,'and get Steam up ; •

?o bagnu playing on them, ao3, of conraeebon they wcro ntapofled,. it was-tho Vmiisiost thing iu t ie world'to catch them ,.nd put them back in tho cages." ,r --

"I umJorstond ; but- how nbotit Ihat •:•,..oor giraffe ?"

"Ob, we gave tbe anaconda n barrelif emetics, and tho giraffe came, up kit-ng, hut Ibo action of the anaconda's;astrio juice has taken nil tho color off . ,if bia hindquarters and hnlf-meitPil off .. .its-'hoofB." ' • - . • . • ; '

"How wondprfnl me the works of nn-irol" • • . ."You bet. NowBoeliit to tbem fed- .

lot nnd lively, and I'll ante up alt Uio • •icleta to tbotihovf you want." T.

Tbe editor docs no, and goon to bed to , ..Irene. tLathp is nn anaconda trying to ••wallow a long-tieokcd circna, marked- :;/'special eomplimontjiry," wbea he- is ; ,walteted. by tbo tolograph boy, wbo • .briuRs liita tbo folloiviag: .'.' .-'-." i> .' >

"Your special;about:-circus accident. ••.''•faecd, Vienna pay1 bearer8615.34.!'.-^;.

Tiio Cnnanl Sonlcc. •/"• : 'They are a steady-going, conservative

it tile old Cimardcrs, nBd never do their 'tifiincBswith1* flourish or spasm—net-'.

Ilior tlio onffefs uortlio officers.- -Tbo •' 'line, whicb iocludos over-fifty largo1.;;stenmers, remains oxcltisifely' in ;the . . "

LiiJfl of tho firm tbat started it, - There "no. sUiek-jobbing or patroricgo nboat *

it, Tbo men cmp]»yed are selected for'heir wortli, nnd cot al tho instigation ••

: any meddlesome director.- Tho chief . ••jimderalion ia building'the obipS is • \:rongth, nnd Ilia second consideration •.'••

ia speed; lint atreogth IB aayersaoriflo- ; •:•• 'ed to speed or appearaoces/ • Tho matia-*.; ,..""•'iii'Lfverpool ia Mr. Ohatiea Maclver,%'•• •mo of tho fouudars—whose son is one, of. ••;fio members nt Purlioment for (ha t^frn ; ,•a straight, shrewd, pmotical man/Vrith ' "

, personal knowledge of nearly rill his .,ifHcera, and a still more intimate knpwl- ' ' /-_„_ of his fillips. Ho ciac&s tho atiiat-•at attention to duty, and ooror pardons

an error in this directtoa^ - H o oftendrives down to tba docks nnd inspectstho steamers in part from thu o{ylte-hols-lo the wbeoMiouso. Tbo boar ot, bisdoming ia never feaown, and if nny manIB found away from his post that man

iay as wall rcsiga. An offloor {Mr, ' :

;—~) died in Liverpool recently, whond 'or nineteen years hsld tho namo po-itionin the service, while others hadicon promoted over his head. He was a -ol-ut man, an csperioncGil Rflilorf tmd ft ' 'killfnl linvigotor. JJany wondered: why10 never rose, nnd Bomo toll this oneu-foto in cxplaontiun. One sight vkl Mr.:Joclvcr drove down to tba Huskisaonlock, and risked, on one of tlio aienm-un. lor tho officer iu charge, • 1'ho walch-nan stated tbat ho ead gone oh ahovo,nit wuuld bo back in an hour or two.

"Who is it ?" asked Mr, Mnclrcr."Me 0 , sir." ."i.'ery well; when Mr. Q~ - voiues

.1 tio.\rd, tell htinto tal:oniy cwringo, . -mtl drivo to my lions?,"

When Mr. G rcrtchod tho honso10 found "Mr. WHCIVCJ.- seated inhial i 'irary.

'l'oti weroabsont from your poat _to-light, • Kir j I wanted to sc^you, 'sir ; . .,hat'aali." And Mr, O w«i hoirodmt by thd implacable old Scotchman,

rlioao oyos a nogloet of duty was tlio._.st possible offense, and never from

:hat niqlit to tin day ,of liis;*lefltb waa .110 promoted to u inoro responsible poai-ion. .

On nnolhcr occasion, Wr. Maclvcrwns OQ board ono of tho stcitraci-s as sbowas passirg Irora tlifc river into dock,and stood watcliiu^some estilors JiauHiiffa ropo under tlio direction of a mato inuniform, WHO was betying them witli itwill. Mr. Maclvcr was secretly ltosedwitlj his zeal; hut, touiubing him on tliosboulder, soid.uwith affected sovsrity—*'Vlo do notnngnRO you for that Uiad ofBen-ice, Bir 1" - Tuo 'mato relinquishedtlio ropo nt ouco, axwatmg n further re-nruof ; but tluriugtbo nost week bo was

iromoted from tho third to tho secondink.—2w-em AppUtonxt Journal for Oc-

Of all tljoncliRns uf a man's lifo, hiamarriage does least ooncarn other people;yet, ot Jill tbo nctionf of our life, it ismost meddled with by other pcoplo. - -

Wo nro williug to utako our. old strawlint against n new wiotortlmt on either,lint against n Done wiTilden or Haye3.

Tbinjured by thitill very low.

o individual vrko vita accidentallyed by the diBobniTjo of bls.duty &


Page 2: WHAT IS VEGETINE?Wt travel faster than we did-And tciiJ by wiru and not Iiy roa Or eliu tin- j>r ee or Hwlin mid HII And wool auJ Uilk'a. Vi'u tonqiior Tune, malm liglit of And ovory

THE IROX ERA.BEXJ 11. TOOT, Editor *nd Prep'i

Oriiriu oflht " J m t j Hint*."

llii/lT-fiv^hnii'jrt-j ' •yj.Ji"i?' tilt*N^w rL (,r. LU r--t:ea

fe>r O:

Saturday. Sept. 23, 1S7(1. S'w.

Oililoio i I'rojH-rit/.: i«'j.'t Dtrriik, of Oi! Ciihour* (-ie.-lN-rjt 'irticleiiudhe*] , from wLicb * P fcitnc

United "pipe LiiTe otl at t U n ! n thew tlie

The Vii-torv nt ( r t tdnxivr . t [lO,'

Tfcaia *t CntOtu ' - ' r cirri** •-.; t " e**ry ' I*"'- b ' ' u/ *

t *"Aiaencitti hear*, uu l »-= r^iilv ~ *!jtj;i'"t til - j"}"" ' r r , ' "i&aUc>trtl coLgn-'.^Iati-.a, n - uitiit not . j ^ , fdrEtitux*omit to pay <3ti'-- loaor t'j tLe Jri*l, ' \ Jin'.^L (/anjjC'jtcL, CaLLil.,,3 ami AiiAlr^iiD T taa* . j until after t i e

paljKc htaliiu*rit UVOTLA t U trAlM j d ^ u -- i^t-yei t f-hr^tij; i,ot l l - t v.fc v.-.-rt .Trpo^-I to f occur. *iUf-»

i.ii is:.-\ Li-. ar

W,HJ U...jr l»::i If ft ate cf Irtbtfiicvruiiiittt-*!

butTW o

aad otated, i M a* OJIIVLI'J'Jwhtrover *lit-v jif•-**.-it'-l tLemwtbr: hoil of the Kcitr-M Me. Iri»li3.i>iioutvied Irhlm.(ii in the warm:)) f.f their

of * vuij/atLT tiifctine U-f.Tt-&n tLe twoiiatiuualitifcH. lriiliui(-3 delighted toliocur Amcricju*. ansi AweriuiLi wtn-(rtJliCfl to ficJ.bv contrail, t i k i "Moodwas tljifktr than wat t r" in MJtnt localititiou the ivtLer f.iJe ol tlie herring-poiir].

Tbe high rtimUiliou of American fckil<ttitit tbe iiP."- WM octfQKt'jl to ourTtaia. aod «•• ry citizen felt t i n t he Ladnu individual iatereet in their nuc:fc«.At one time, *erifjua misgiving* wwe

want ol diMijiliuc- aad orEanitit ioo, wtwould not be able to ntaiiitaiu th'; qil'.D-

riglil nobly havt oar rr-|,revnUtivc» uji*h t l J oar faun*, ua-1 altlioiiglj defeat atthis Lund* of our ai lTerurks o u M havecarried withjt IJ'> ilifchtiiitr, tiie ptojileowe in d'.-!jt ot gratitude for the di»tiu-

tbt-fl.avc- won fcueefevs.

UBI\ k^'Ctiorul aLtiiKOijiirjj^, tliift biirL*-If-.* little fttniw nf au American r icf- r j 1Jf

:it if:*- targf't (l''rn"n»tnst>a how umcb, | ib'.-irVx--.lt'.-;novcrtlitlrjis, we c i t aui ta l tui a pcr.p.i-, I-i'trc-ii,



r, *«,e h r B : ,oihiu with to

.] j rjui- at «1.M. *•** ^oHb 37.feG0.fjO0. '-Pmc Brit- was the va!uo cf tL'j oil ou li'itid at tha t ."jii the : ticaa. Siiite then not less than 2,&W,-.-it fur- OOO have !*£*•[! ^litp(/td from Ibe ro^iou, 'jif ' /rti- whiclj, rtckoniLg it wortb J 3 W jwrlwr- :

•T look rfcl itlit i rem^e jjiicfc issjjmetbiDif tnor^j r

Nfvatk Ciiae iij*'j th'r rrgi'jc fur oil 'uk*-D awar. ;B-ilh : To*; ririct i t tbis wntiog is S:i.'Ji 1-2, a t ;

< uany : wbicti tbe j - rev^ t atock ->f ali-.at 3.3JO,- •r cow- ' (M bjrrtls of rnc-rchaijtaiite oil woo 10 bfima:ab : wr>rth 312.532,5-'*, TUii U the vitr.i <;f |ti.'rziiil ' l'1^ il r*'iw 1J* * J in tLt rctfi'jJ-. ' io t IJI1* '

' aiuMirjt a J J tlit « ! n c of tliat rerjjovtd, •

From tLii Je iuc t HJ'J vj!'ifc "1 tLa *:™.-i; •ou tb t itti nt Jtmi.; i'T.t'J'J.^W. ant] we jluve #12 C52,iy>j, as th* iocrc^.- in the jn i n e of t b e t

To lbi» *boalij b'-- a*U*;;I ib& inf.reaie .

tminiunt. but u«s rajiIJlv. A tjutnral iLrjuiry i>lurf, and it i» oLe touchi- lli:m utlswert 1. Ttierest'tfacliro to tbew pet-

u i tb t l

Mine. A :.(u.j Itiloui rtory ooticernia« T b e ^ BUbopEJiamn] fi. Ja.-jca of H J B M . E.<loi" Tilf'ti has b«-n «o fallv j3iuuclcd :n [CLorcb, di&l at bia residenct; in N<-«-llif- Siu;']fly pApcnr, tbat a'brief record jVork ?ifondar. Ha bad been in hi -

Thf-ec j o f i t M-i'iia neidfal as a ioatteruf netf i - j ing health for a u imber nf r '^ra, iiudujwa tbo i ta t*-Icoi^f iueJiohis lioiia.-if. "

tbe F i n t Av *eeii5. H,



o ptbfj curreut oluoutiiiaallj

It • . , „ , ,luentK <jUntie E , . , __ __spd Minima Hiver :rived in tbis ciiy earlv.ing. "

iD[»lorees upon tbe Fin A»jirtrj), on tlieXev YorfeC«o:rai

Hi H i bbwb-ebc morn-


•hsfIK, while a t t e r ! Pfaitiburg sboat ii A. 5L. vL?3 lbs r n i o ' United tilute3 hasthe whole, except ' amTeJ a[ P]*--«* AIEMST. rij^-Jti!:^ '•"* i - i i ' N-'l oaly a-i t'

r dip r e - ; t i* wif*1. « t o a fc*dsi.'ri*M-i H^ fwu^c !

I;'; p i i , j ^ c as tbe wen are aiwenJ- '• a Clan, ho»c-irr. ;r. :!>• ^ - r : : :3 j-3.o:trl •nl ilt-M^Q.Iitij/. Bat the flv i* £ 1 out ta bia I * i£> ;• r.rr. * : 1 :L:si:af:

k:ief. i/Tiad'.-., the w]tu tlio dim lijrbt tif the i

1 Miiwaciiu-K;tU, b^ira April i7 , 1807, oail was con-teqaeni ' j in tbe 70th j ea r of lii* use-,» n i began bis lung ministry at tbe age"f 2 1 l a tlie "leath of iJinljop JADC^he Mclii-wluf EjiL-copal Cburtb of tltti

istained a g n a t loss,lor meaibsr cf tbe

but m a «lse cjaoselor. an•rt-iC!

>iAl!Kli 1».MO!:GAK- -M.fi)NNLI,L-.S'j.t.

the M. K. ]'afi.,:u^-. S U n u ^C. S!»TJ.am.lVi!ilinu J!-ii^.i!i,f.r

T(>'.ll'K!V:i-J[:!;-'-.>.! n;!. .'.-IliiJl, In."., I..- f:-». J. H. IJ.



- wA i t it!lnLi'-jt a k-v ha

UiiK*"—3E.d were c^iutaaii'lol b* CJJ»-tditi Litlc-it, ub'J dist;r;gaJ-Lwl Liui^lf

r luiLj darin;.; i-xpl"itA.On tin- .jiv ttit- ilriiti'.ti Kirn-sju al»aii-ji.fc-1 N' l i rk and warrlieJ to Eliza- j which ii Lot i-'-.n tl.i

\W.-l tliat a rlf.-tiicbueut ! caust oa tijt-2-Jif. of Jnuc- it i«j t«at toward CVjtHWticut Fjrrns. i ly prodiisi&g tv. tba value of a k

Car-Uiii LitIdl; 750 i*tr *l*v, while D«W, the proJacaon.ud'liwillQesfij^lilv WI^TL-I ttiem. ; « t im«Hat !J7,W9 al 6'J.W 1-:

meet-1 $106.575.• . . . . . . : , . . . : . . . . 1.. - ' - , i f i i l t . | b a n . i i : '

: , i V» those detc nd;cg t ' iotsr, too, b n * p l ' s i . u l! l t k

U-.--3 shut n p .iz tL*.L-Li (J the laincrs, *nd i_yifLOH:E to t'ie Sower l«T*:i,

3 i

[ l'Jf r-*r--fr ' L i b i-j-i ii-es-i. "itf jv.r-j t*r i-rls t i •.;•.;;_•; v . a j ; vis i- *tlfb

i -j miniiter, Biilntp Juac-s wasg lie

iiw oU ng^, and bi3 long lift-1i witb mcrcaiiag lub^r. Ii*i |

b e n , ir«i ; : i .• _>.r. ?.:.r_:r? t--! w.n coasuatlr nlkvl to jwsiiion3 of Iff«ivrf. f.-i; L :: .s ; - - : z.^-: v="p f-; JI-'C-.T ao-J tra«.t in the varioa? ]>bilao-iwi^v-r"! t::-_ TO.: a•«. "rito*..irf T:-ici f tar-'uiirorpiiiizaiions with whiclj a Dunu i i * ! « - . }i*. TT^-.TI s.-;.i!s-.l ii;;:. L-:bi-zeal auJ public spirit wai likelvi his !>;r;b. iui w '•; i->!jntc!c.i. Iu thu pro^ecutiou of

l mllifuriuUd dutiesoj land-f. Of all It is

tralT eaid tbit it ff».


D O V B R . a>cr

ta u T I J S t i iV .* :* - ; i i • v ;

^ fil c«e «f in f j - The Asueriwua Stilt AlituO,A r.tara ma'.cli between sis uicmWd

of tbe A ui erica a team and a like Dumlteruf U»- Iriili team was ahot ut CreeduiiMirou TLurtiLiv, tbe Americana af iia wiu-

0(1,165 tol,15i. The

I-* I« j ar:. ti-.l >lr. Till. -io bis o»i ba-e.—IW^r.

ihc "rebels devils;" but thtv iu turnUl'.d, hXi'i VJUfjbl t^f

• oJw-llyfur him. baJ ilifs b-

ucil. The engineer uared !jtailing frntn the locomotiv

Liki-o frgci iu jtind cAcape.) witb 3 few lijditTbenenj-tTbe Sretu4ij ni^biiriej beneath thu 'le-

ft bris. and wbea Liken out '\m% di'ad.

died prtvioj;W,grave and Lrntiil.bers of tbe IahmJthe neighborhood, and the RomanCutli-l

Tbe bapgage-tnsster was tliroaa beneatl

g gthe locomotive aud so badly f.Ciilded byh i b(Mrtying a pitchfork in ratorwiw a. mil-

We, who b:islieuaut

y g pbis band?. The old gentleman stood

hU l hi h



FEVER and AGUE.All t!^ iitVitall.ut !-, cut.-.tl


ii-«--v DRUGGISTS.

A* tb*-y KTB prep

•i!T La Vi be driventt-jciy. 'VVtiil.- collcctli

:-il forcfc'-i in the roa'l bcloi

feticeliue, Sn-'l upon thf-ia. and

witb the rr:jirtM:ijlativLii "f otbtr aa-tioLf, no iiiiiur whtllitr uationaHy orjierbonallv. the IJTB O( couutnr prtduu*iuittii, orerridiug all minor obsUc-iei,mi'l nijiuing forth t\ tbfi bright, panien-|«r Tirtuc *JI our j»e<iple.

fu ti.is, tlit boar of triumph. AtuL-rt-

iltctatotbc most niiifiaail'-A hospitalityVt our m i tor*, arid it ii xmatiavMtj to

.•>3j the* will rtce-ivc it yhc-rfrer tbeyrniyKOtbronfihont oar bna-1 domain.Ttere ia uo jralaco too liigh,ufj tamlct tooubricarc where oar vuitiug frirrodi Killfail to find filling welcocno in Aiatrica.When they Khali embark to return lotheir homes, defeated but by no lac-aosJit graced, there will g'J forth from ev-K-TJ AraRricaii heart an earnest "Ciod-

ape«d." for iho honor oar Cenl nial t

i bjr c

Sundoj'tf (ircut Slorm.I'rolwbly tho Krcat fgih of Suuduy

erutiinK van the tail end of MJIOO liurn-cane. It won ceriftiulj woverfi Giinu^bfor it. 'ITicdamagn by tbo utoim wosvury cunBidcrublu all over l!iu tiuiiutryand ulunfj tlio wajil Vtrv w.-ldoia liasthere bef;n & liigbcr iwa than ]i.*cTitilc<Jdaring Ibe etona, aud us a contH-qiumce.tho count'trum LKIHK Inbnii to >'onlUtrolina U ftfaffn with wrcckf.. Tlier.ure, however, no treat dinasfcre t<> re-port. I'art ot tbo tower of tlic »ew'Jalbolic (Jhurcli, ot Bonlentowpwan blown down, and Iho Hi-cntidI'reBbyterian Cbarrli at Ilabway Riiffer-cd coDatdcrably. Tho Stockton Houso,»t Capo May, waa partial!v unroofed.VeuelH ate reported aflliore uear Italti-more, Wilmington, N. C , Norfolk, Fwr-trtMSIoaroo. Witcasset, Me, and atother points along Ihe count- A trc«tlc-

. _ _ . «- • • * . . 4

iDT titimatt' t</ tlie LUI«:'lants, sud fled like tl

under 21aye without t LII

juar<lisc being present a«d, {riving tbeir consent thereto, or being

ibe.-».f ttieir aa- f j atbor affirtQitioc. Ib'ia oalb must be•eir prcdec-'wrs. e u t*t«J on t ie back of tbe certificate.

TLc justice or miuUttr iaav also (jual-

At.v,f»ri, (Ja., aViptembtr W, -Mn, filed >Alouso ILtficy, «li'v lirMbsarKiirerbin, | jAikcn CounlT, was as.'iatilted at her resi-

Thc j or m r also (juaj iijT partife* d'.*siring to lie married ELI tot b i ' b th f f i t i

er pinta clong lUc COOHL Awork at NcwbnrRb, blov dowu. c«8,000 lottubioli water did much

t A l d V d Kdam-f l,^eat Alexandria. Vx, and ut Norfolk

a number of buildings wero nuroofed,and tbo wina blew 72 miles un hour.

Halifax, Toronto and drafter., Ont,in tbo ^Dominion, report cosiflidtmbledttraogo froin tho «torni.

In Monlclair, tliu lar^e liberty jiolo tothe central part of tho town wan throwacrosi tlic Kronnd* of the Prt-sbjterianChnrch and broken in pieces.

One thoaeand hothead* uf tobaccostored nt tbo fibtrwood'u totmncowharf, Jersey City, wcra damaifwl bythe high tido. The imtneniw coff»;r dam

:- at fifteenth street parted it* mo»ringn' and crashed a cannl boat lyingin llurs-

iraiw Cove, which contained tbecaptoio,hifl wifa and children, who cooped.

The foundation!) of tho new etoro-IIOUBCS of the Delaware, Lackan-anun,and WcBtcra eonk wreral feet in tvemkplflccfl, Qbd tba itsmcDK timbers woretorn from Iho faaloninKs, Tlio Hobo-].ca forry boaeo and appurtconuccs w<>r(Jomogcd nearly 63,0(10. At CavnuPoint, tha wool factory cellar nai CooJ-cd ond a dozen barrels of opslokcd lime

•.. were destroyed, The heat created was>* TO great tbat tlio fnotory cougbt flrp and

(Jio workB bid n narrow escape. TheWIBJ carried tho iravcB dear over theftLoiia wall and (aw path nf tlie MorrisCannl at GrccnVillo, Ulliog it so that itoverflowed its tanks all through JerseyOily.

At E^otaway anil Cotipy Iubml, tbotccDodnricgthoiitonn WUH ajipallinglytno({iitfic«nt. Mneli domago waa douo,mpccintly nt itocLtamy. to batliiugIionscs, platforms, clc. '. Tbo benefit oftho storm comes principally totnillowi-

j en* and raftsmen, . • -There wan a narrow escape ( r o r a £ r e

nt MoQtQoutb Beach:. Mr. WbcclurPeckbam'a. cbimnfly took fire iu tl«inidjit of tbo tcrribla storm, and ii comuiunlcafcd to tlia rafters, FortnD&Uilyit van diicoTcrcd it. timo ta yrovimt acoDflngintioD. Tto mrt was ueverhnoini to bo so higli or the breaker* noviolent. In sevarol places tbov brokeorcr !ho bflnch nnd catisetl more or lesnfright. . From tha East Enii, Hotelwiith io tbe W«t End, alt tho batUiuyhouse* irilhin rpjicb of llio angry naveswere carried awnj. Much damage wasto tho flbaJo trixa and ehrubbcrr,Mr. John Hoey lout on o of tlio beautiful

• flillow trees In front of hia lodgo, andmuchdnmago wiw dor ' **water elevator.

Two aovtu beenmo wedged in Tmbadcoen a freight tmin nnd theiraiQ .from Philadelphia nt Torre»—below Trenton, and throw tho nuungertrain front tho track, Tbo intiil car wa«thrown offiU tructa and npset, tho lap.gage cjr was tbroivu ovar aa embank.

• inentaix feet high, and two imMcugorcars were tcIosuoacdiiDd bad I? vrucked.Xiio matt nnd Adams Eiprcan ciru weresaanbed to piccca. Clowect Joues, mailagent, WM hurt about Om head and in-wardly. Ho waa talon to tlio conventnear by. Bin inmrica are «onnidoreddangoronH. O. W- HytU, through bag-gage mafltor, was bsdly hurt in tlio groinnnOliiri. A. E. UoCTtr, mail agent.woaumtscd nboultho b«<ly IUI] W M badlyout in the forehead. Copt. A- H. Her-bert, Bloppingcorcondnctor.'waibrniacdabout tbo body. Great pralao*«a«ircnto engineer Van Arsdalo for liii pretenceof mind and t ic promi.t manner In which

' ho commnndod tbo ffltnutioa hr pnttiogon ateum and JriWns ohauli'3Jy doinithis bosaTod tbe can fron^boiDgpilcLono upon Boother. Tho engine; broke

kit Friday bjr two ne#ra men.Ifr. Hartep wfc* ut wr.rk on Itia farra,and -Mra. Hurley nan in the house withher sou, igeJ nine yran, anJ au infauttbrte weeks (iJd. .She waa knockeddown two ortlirt-ctiinm.nijdberwrfain'iaod tbovs of ber HOD alarmed the tie-groea, who fled. Wbea the report uttheasaaultoaSln. Harleybecamekuownthe citizens assciablcd and laido&eartblor tie ne^roc, cne of vhom waaarreit-ed and tbot. Tlic otlinr negro escaped.0a Saturday a wamnt WOJ iasur-d forbia arrest. The warrant was placed in jihti laud* at & countable, ivbo, with tbetid of n [«)Hnc of white men, ott«uptcdjto make tho crrest, which waa resittedby a largr: crowd uf negroeo, about IwthuDtlrpd io nntubcr, &naed witb ihotgum and Winchester rifloH, On SnDdajIhe excitement tymtiDued, IJoth whites

(1 blacks ncre full; arin(«l, nn toll ingeach tJtbcra' movcmenla. There in a re-port of a Hkirmith during the day, inwbicli two (IT three pomouu were wound-ed. Towards night u compromise wascereal upoo, bfitu parties coasenling lodibband and re!ire to their home*. Tlienegroes agreed to surrender tbe coloredmini who matte tlio uwunilt on Mra. Bur*ley and deliver him uver to tboitatbori'• .t Aikeu. With thin undflrei

• itb tbe Oiuntv Clwfc hliail be hia

:icw, uiiuisttra and the clerks ofreligion! nock-tic**, muut keep a registerp r g

id within three monthsfile o copy of the eertiftcale of the mar-riage with the Ojnnty Clerk. Failurew comply with the liitk-r rei-jaireuicnt

sthetiff.'Ddcr toafiucol 85), tobe recuverod witb c

b h

ol 85), toby tbe Cuuntv

lb rec itb U y be CClerk or bj 3DT other perwju who[ r o c u t e for tb me

j 3DT ofor tbo

Bncb l>ooka ofh l k

irM no kept byl k s f h

Bncb l>ooka of incmairM no kept bIhc court clerks or the clerks of rath r

hligiou societies on tire authorized to

n i gthe whites tjhperectl, and wbilo retiringtu their homoi, it is reported tnatiwv-

^1 of them mbanc&ded and shotby nc^roea. Tbo city is fnll of minorsas to tbo ii amber hilled, bat there hastec nothing definite ascertained,

1 TB*D( WlttntED DT THE KOB.

The pasaencer train from Augnsta forPort Bojai, nhicli tott tbi» morning atAu'cluck, baa returceJ. Proceeding toJacksoo Htatioa tbo traok was Haaonr*ed to have been torn up, end a freighttrain whicb left here &tO o'clock (bismorning was found wrecked, and thonegroes h&d poWsaioa of Ihoroud. Ua-IHiriateodCDt Fleming, of the Port Itoyalroad, ban t«!egn>pbed tho utato of af-fair« lo Qdvernor (Jbambcrlaiu, askinghim far troops. He I u also applied toLieutenant Oembardt. United HUitesArmy, stationed at Hamburg, for assist-ance. A Dumber of citizooi hayo loftfor the scene ot the ,dint.irbanco, whbbii abfmt thirty raileit from AnguBta, un[he 1'ort lU yo'l road.


Tliir latctL ropo/t from theisceuoof(he riot in Houth Carolina js that onewhite man b wounded mid sis UHPTQUHkilled,

IhneltiK In Church.A pastor o( n eliurel in New York

ba« been waking a verv literal applica-tion of Solomon's imiug tbat there IK a(imo for all thiegv. Ue prcacbos onBundiy and tnrim his churoli into adance hororo on Tbaradny. Tba cdiBaaruus throiiRli from No. 812 Henry strictto No, 201 Alndinon Btrcct. There 1H al-

l ti

Rolemnize marriages, shall be admittedas evidence in all courts uf law and eqci-ty in thin fitnte. The law alw> requirestbe BecTCiaTj of State to lurnifu t l rclerks ot tlia ecTeral town-bipH withbotiks in whicli to register ujarriages,and inch bookn are adinitt«t! pa evidencein iny court in the Htate,

Tiie report of Sir. Baring, Secretoryof ihe British Legatioa at CooHtanti-noplc. on the atrocities committed .bytbo Tark* in liulparin, is nt lost publish-ed.

Ttic report givci a, circumstantial nc-coiint of tbo deist met ion of each tatrn.It fitatofl tliat tbo most fearful tragedy oftlio *lin!a ipnurreotion ooenrred at ])a-tak, Hearing that piepirationa for to-Tolt were going on here, Aebanet A«^waa ordered to atls;k the town. .summoned tho iiihahitanU to give utheir anas, bat, diitruHtinjr. IIIH intea-tionii, tLey refused to obey. A demltorvlight ttucccated, lutiug tiro days. Ontho Olh of May tba inhabitanUi badparley with Aelimet, who aoleinnly BVUIthat if they gave np tbuiramnnotliair of Iheir heailH would ba tnoetiedTbo 'villagers thereupon eurTeiidorectheir arras. Then nil tho money in th<plaoo VM demanded, after HccariD;wbiob UioBftBlii UazoukB set unmi tUpeople ond Blnugktfired Ibem like aheeiAbout 1,600 took refngo in Iho ohmivwhich baffled all tha nttctnpti to lirafrom tbo outside. Tlio BanU Uazoakifinally climbed tn the ro»f, tore off tintiles, and throw barninir pieces of woocand rapi dipped in pe^oleam amongIhotbipklj packed mass of hmaan be' T( l>o!ow. At last Iho door was forced

._ __ _>nce there wsna E-.cij fLu>h uf lii^hiiiiuSt the Lejv^Dijuemed to be ou fire, ami be aan- histwo little bays liurled out of tbe wa"onb«.l frrMmMt. and in a twinkle b^tlihorses dropped. Mr. Inngdon harrioJto tbe Kceueaiid foaiidthu boy of foar-tst-n &track doail, and tbo yoanger onelying underneath one of the bones, bothhariiig fallen dead ia tbeir tracks. Ueuoticjil fcigas of life ia I be younger b' . j ,anil BMJU tuccceded iu re.seuiujf him

CM Mt'ei, w t!tiolw-r 7 h, Mnc>4'X) lodgCM, and tirit murniug ntiru.-it*dil. He captured all the lodges aud

( .1 _ T . . . 1 - . . . . . . . > . .Titka [»rUo-

from his iwsition. The two m;nwere fulbuiug the wagon

IR-rty of the Iudiainers, but theB0O3t of „ r_ed. Among bi« booty are U 0 ] oaies,and alsa tbe g lidoua of Cus'er'a cavalryrefritnent, witu unine of iho 8]»par>l oft i e troops who were ma^sacrei!. Tlipre

nix J found nassc-s I^QC-J to • "-;o!»dso „. \ Indians nt Spoiled Tail Aguriey," d"lod

WHAT W I L L H E D O W I T H H I U ?—"Ii tin™ git f>w tir MIA h«,"Biid Shrrlff

ilrj, on &;•]) [Conner of Jf«w York, vepterday, "A].eJ aSionx vijlagiof tbonpb 1-xee-l broke it. I havu had

some Cjiro-Hponileijcp witb tbe .Secretaryof State t.n<] other officials. l o t i-ee, Idon't know what lo rlo emctlv if Tuc t i lfihould he broiiRht bac'i. So "far. I ha1

not had o n j d cul:-d answtr as tu wtthe GOT .'njujcut auihoriti^^ ft

pursue, and to I don't know what Isbnlido myself. Ve,, I have b a l commnuieatiuos with O'.voriior Tildra, You

verely shockwJ ns to be perfectly daze I, j 'ast winter. The troops lost tliree killedaudit was sotna time before they Euffi* i""'1 " : "1"1

cientlj recovered to kui.w what hart <.c-1rntwd. TIJL- fork waH uTenrhwt frura Ithe hired inau'shani!, oad hurled Rome'distancafrom wh^rehe btooil when theliKhtuiogiitrjrk.

Tho younfjer turn, altboagli badly•ruiftci and burned, will reooper.

Tlic cud QcoiJent \IM caal a gloom orerthe eutire neighbyrliD'jX Tho d.jaJboy was bnriod Tlmnday.

A U n ? l*IniiJ U i e Klary.MifJt Ida I'ostcr.yonngcBtdaughterofa

wealthy citizen ur'Flaslifng, L. L, wasto baw been married on Bentember 6tb,to n neighbor uatfled Hiok«, tbe proi-pective iwayasor f 8T5O00 At l t

open,i U iopen, aodthBiDaiiSflprecomploted,iaUriorof tho oharoh was aurnad,

l i f hi i

Theo oh w a r n a d , Tin

nly survivor of. this Biaagutor to bfound Tiaaan old woman, ebo alone r<maining alive of a family of eevea.

Mr. Haring continues : " I visited thplace on tho 31st of Jnly. H d loorpso Lad been bnried. ^Vbero a marfull thcio be DOW lioo, Jn tlio fllrect» oievery atflp lay uumnn rctnain*" duwyiag

B 3 BA-clujringintlie son, T h i ntenci f t b d i ll

: visited thJnly. Hardly ;. ^Vbero a maJ l

wu8 overpowerwere killed hoi

N , There 1H ala largo extension room, about fifty

feet long by thirty wide, in wbieli tverocarried on tho daucea complained of bytbe'tcRidoats of tlio viciuily. CaptaiiiCliacliy and a Bcctian of o(Uccrs rafdodon tho IIIQCQ OD Tburadny night, andfount] about JO girls and GO yonng mooand boys do.ncing to tbo roumo of a mis-crabla band, tho Rev. HtcleusKi oelinvM factotum and master of ceremonies.The girls and young men ranged fromeo to twenty years old. Great confua-

ioa ptovai;nty yearsiled amen,ig tbe danccnj nucn

the polico appeared, aud Captain Clincliyiickod .up adoggar uith a blade two

— thrown in tho con-- ^mero it


p another. The engine;j(j) conpling, Dr lia would :haTo amoHtoftbo dntnogo that ocoarrod.a result o ' tbia aocldaat tlie track wuablockaded for ovor five lionra, and 232passenger can fllbd to tboir utmostcapacity were kept'/flitinpantil tueroadwas elcareJ. 1'fuj were bound for thoCentennial. ' : -

ftmion connoqnonl on the raid. CaptainOlincli.v nluMd nil tlio danoors underlirtcon yeora old aad retained tbo remain-der—Ihirtoen girb and forty-ni no youngmen—as prisoners. Tbelfov, AdobesnHielcnski was also tnken iuto enstody,nnd BQvcn dollar* nnd fifty' cents fotiuilin tlio boi office *aBCdDffjeatocl by thopolico. On being • nrraicnod beforoJudRO Smith tit tlio Essex Mnrket Conrt,yosterilay, tlio imsoncra did not BOCBI

bia lotl^o, and to realize tboir position, anfl ckalteJto the wmd and and laughed together without uny ap-

prehension of legal punishment. JUJRQHmtth, coniidoring they hail been flnffl-ciout'y pauisliwi for tbnir mfuconduct,d In charged tbom from onsUiily, oantion-ing them tbat i( .they - attended anymore balls in tb<J Fokub oharoh theywoutd bo ngaiti arrostcil nnd raoroBoverely dealt with. Tlie ROT. Mr. Mio-leaski wan then callod on to plead to acharge of keeping a difionlarlj houseHa was roprosented by oounval andjilcaded not puilty. When signing bisformal examination bo prefixed "revcr-ond" t a b u name. Judge Hmitb t o n up.ho paper and made bim sign aver ngaiti,

Ho tboa adilMd tbo word "pantor,"whichwiis BCratalicd out by Chief plcrk Heily.Judge 8niitB held (he raveronu defend-ant for trial ia default of «500 bail.

Tni EUTETIM QDBsnoH.—A atrongfcchngBgflinsttbo traditional policy alEngland in lUpporltngTarkoy is makiuaitself miblo amoLg the EnRliah people.Olnaatone has declnrod ngniflet it, andtlio proaeut outlook indicate* tbat the" Rick man" of Europe may bo denertfldbytbwold political ally. . Turkish bar-bnntics oontinuo to bo roportcd and aroea.Iing_ Iptiillj for n« intcrfornncn nf

ie ciWliked I'owcru. Gompll-

fivuthoitnand iniro; aud about 80 cirli wero

carried off. The nurviving' iniiabitantalive in wooden buU, outsida tbo Tillnge,in graitmitory."

+-*-»Th.n Dcrgen Kill Tunn 1.

Tho great tunnel through Bergeo Hivbich coat 81,000.000, la now ootnplutouiid workman aro uluaniog out tljodubri>9 uuil layiog (rBck through tlio enlinlength, preparatory to running of trains,Withiu thirty days tbo road will bo iqfull oporatioc on tbB son track. Tbogreat iron drawbridge noros» tbe Hack-cnnnck river (connecting witb the tnn-nalj is also complete, no that trainsoonldho run over it now if ncocasary.

Thn mrnnnny haft gnvlrxl nliont a mileand A half of road at tho weat end of theto one!, vbere tlio track crosses the ErioHallway, twenty foot above it, and thir-ly-RGvbu feet ubavfl tido, Atwut twomiles of tlio line, extondipg from theonstant end of tba tannol to tbe Hobo-ken depot, I* rlno grndeil, About ona

of the company's[ of the P.rin tunnel

c-liaif ailea .track at tho weal nua . ,will he abandoned and deeded to thaErio Railway Company, for wbich aou*aiderntion tha Delaware, Irtokawannaanil Western trains will ho ftllowcd tocross at grade certain of tho Erio Bnil-wny tracks without stopping. Thobuilding now occdpied by tba offlcora oftlio compaay »t Hoboken will bo takenOnwa to mako zoom for tbo now track.Tlio passenger, trains will ba ran intotlia unrao depot an at proaont.

Thn Odd KelloiTi.Tho Orand Lodge af Indepcttdotit Or-__ ..„,..«... .. -- n(J


Tho Orand Lodgo of Indeptlar of Odd Fellows oogan its flnnmuil Hdifinii A*« Hfnn J . m* innnuid Mondny i

Tiie LABT TitTCW. BOAHHAI. DISIED.—Frank Moult DH hnk Boon Theodore Til-ton Bfnce the poblication of tbo ulcep-

'. ing-car soudnl, nnti sayithoro'n not a. won! o/ tmtb ia it—tbat Theodore un ' tfooroDougb to bebare t

. to bare bclitTetl, and! iideort any way.

iu he is reportedid did nothing of tlie

somo ol theealloni n u yet nriao onTi,f StrnuMes whiclinballlundtott general

I ? £ B ^ l l ^ u p Qromtm—The Ponnsyl-rania Railroad Company b u boon sotnnob,atiBoycil:by tramp* anil rongbstbat, under tho net of lBPr- -•-^ — L - — • — . "•» "«"«j i.uiijv*ii:(H

ing them to appoint Bpecinl policemen,they are having their engineers, hrnke-meii, flagmon, and oilier employeesswora in and oommiasioutid by tho Qnv-ernor. Tlcio cmployoea will bo author-ized to mako arresU, and will he ahlo toquell disturbances promptly aa well asarrest disorderly charocicrx..

Fund Hall. 'The addrcu of welcome wasdelivered by M. \t.- Qrand Maater Oeo.F. Boric-, from the report road duringhe Bcssion, and prcaented by Grand SireU.J.Dnrliam of Kentucky, tho following

itoma oE intorcnt arn nolcolod ;Number of Grand LntJges, i8 ; Hubor

diaate Lodges, 6,395 ; Grand Eacumpmentfl, 89 ; nubordinate Encara t imt1,750 ; Lodge initiations, 60,043 ; Loilgimembers, 4Ci,080 ;• EncampmEnt mem-hers, 87,450; total relief, $1,038,808 00 :tobl revonne, 84,714.241.70.

Tho rcjiort of the Gruud Seoretarylctrathfl total amount expondod lo

roliof, for tlio period embracing tho veai1830 to December 31st, 1875, la bo $22,-278,330.63, and tlio total rccointa for tbesame time, *50,015,L>2(U2.

pcetifeposuLWor of8T5,000. . . .BO Lc-rparonU LaJ ordained and so itwas ennonnced. Miss Ida herself, too,bail ecu ctenanosd tho report to tbo ej-tout of going to clinrcli with Hiciis andappearing ia hia company at \A.\wt ofl»pular xAiutL Bill ou tho day befurothat appointmcat for the marriage Hi&sIda was not to be found. The namemorning Frank Blocnm. the Jav fiietnanof iho engine at tbe Flushing WaterWorks, was not nt hi* poat. Bubs«-cjnent ioyeHtfgntlnn diEcfoned Aha (apttbat MUs Ida bur followed Hicks totbo goto as bo had left the bouoo thoerening before, nnd, instead of re torn-tng, iJcw to tlip expeotttut nnns of fllo-ODD), who itmfgbtiyoy took lior to hiaparenls' hoaw in Jersey Oily, wheretucy wcro murricd, Tuursday morn-inptho cnirjfDtia brldogrounj tuturuedto hia port it) tho engine house, andwhen ponfronted by hia bride's inilig-Dant [athur, who threatened to diBin-hDritliBr, saiii that lie had inarriod forlove, and vox perfectly able to supportlih wife.

I.eneral »w« .Lewis (intves, uhont siiE.r

i(,'e, renidin^ t Ni i d f d

(, , r ^ tsuicide a f'--m darb

by cuttinthnmt. A neiglibor named Smith Guile,had commenctd u suit opuinst biio,iLatgiDf- him with wtaniug tbe aScc-tioDi of dia wiK The coaiphinnct and




Iftiir Brnsiirs,Tooth Briislics,

Cloflics Brushes,Xuil Bruslies,

Silver Brushes,Flesh Ilrushes.f.


Clothier and Merchant TailoraUJH-rti afMjrtCCEt of

SPF:!NQand SUMMER GOODS. F I T 1'JO CEXTEXNIAL YEAR, 1870, cunaislifg o[


A compl.lt- lii.& nf DIAGONALS for COATS and YE&Tg. Tbe latest elyleofP L A I U HUITIXGS f T M L N S l O U T l i S ' JIOTH' and CBHJ>BEK*S TVEAB.

JJL.VC'K ("U>TK LOIMilN VI^-TIN'ns i f >ll dt^nutiot i.uo b)«H<.r L< •> lie i* l<iii:i. He Iu al*. firiK

UKADY-M^VJ>K CLO'rHI^Ojihee in tbt t'niup. JDefviag fcl' ccuipc.elMKtifie. The*j«:lil »t lent (on uf t i tIIKIC] * full stock uf tbe bt ts t tijltt of


to the post-office, DOVER, N. J

nJ iW in (hiuIE»I*I;!ST (

ptiLlie M nllt-d to :tie f&ci tbat lie lia* tousUnllj t

CEM's' rm.Mislll.\G GOODS, A?LI

GEORGE FEDZR, »«* &>»', Mir Iltli, 1STC.

JinoutnoBii of thoBlieep'seiw, it inBald, mirpuww all tbinua in qctoro that Iknow of. Tbo ewe will distinguish herowu lumb'u bleat among- a thousand, nil

ntiuKaUhoHuiRotiaie, and makingajsc a tbounaud tiuioa luiidor than tbefitujj of psilrns ut a Cameraman sacra-

incut in tbe Helile, where thousands arecanKrfigated—and that ia no joke eitherBesides, tlio distinfruiabmentof voico isperfectly reciprocal between thoewo andtba Iamb, who, ntnid tlio deaf GU { I< u nan ltdrun to meet oun naotbor.

There nrs few things which havo everamused mo moro than a sheep uhearinc,and tlion tlio i |»i t rontinnea ths wholed«y. Wo put Itie flo«k into the fold, tiotoMtaJUholamhato tho hill, and thisodd'thB ewes to tliom ac tboy ore shorn.Tlia momant that tho lamb lieara ilsdam's voice It rtnkea frnnj tho orowd tomeet licr. lu t iaslood of finding therough, well-olad, comfortable mammawhich it left anhourorfow honrs nioit mecla a poor, Dakod, Bliiverine— a do-plotabte looking creature.

It wliceli about, and uttering a low]omaloDH blent of porfocL doBpair, llioa

rlcMful viBJon The mother'st f l i

bis wife are each nhoat sixty yeirs cfftgeabo. OravMi was Ingblv e-,teeineJand had a lnrgo fomily. flnife's cliargesure disbelieved by Graven" frien-iif,

Tbo body of &n unknown mnn .fannd bnnx ta a branch of & tree ia thewoods ot Htplinok, L. I., Friday hB|.ID ft pocket was found a pice? of paper,upon wtaiob woB writlon, "T. O. Aine,tiral of life, being nnabla to obtainwork." Thobcdy bad apparently beeahanging for Bomo time, ns it naa conoid-craLlj decomposed. It was dressed indark clothing, and there van a gold ringon one of the fingers.

Tbo London Standard' corrcspon<dent at Vign writes on tho 13tb thatTweed appears to be jn pnod kealtb. Hal?n»t;rlb«! hlin M aboot flO years of sgeTUll nod etont,.witb a gray beard. Hunt,he aayo, ia nbautdO years old, and ofdark complexion. Tha prisoners woreconducted from tbQirplaaa of quarantinetbronjjh tbo town on foot, by carbineers,to their quarters la Fort Castro,

Biohnrd Roaoli, of 218 East oigiioenUhilrect,New Yorlf, bought a pitolier ofbeer Monday morning, After pouringin the oontouba of a nmnll vial, be drunk& portion of it nod gave bin daughter, adull ninoytsus olil, a drink. Shortlyalter both were taken violently il, aollnotwitbstanilin^ everything wtu donapossible for their relief, both died before

Tlie distance by wire from „„Mass., to 8au FninciEco, Cal- ia 3,000milcfl. By a rtecnt cxperiuient, ancloolria npnrk nisaod ovct tha wint) amirctnniod in tbreo-fonrthB ofa'scoond.Ana would go amund tbo earth in 2Jsecondn, and would muke the e'reait uf

•hall knon- n!l i

•, Uilv was sick io licr he-1at ill li.iy fitret-t, Jersey Oitv, ooTIiday a wsek,;be thoagb:that she hbrrliTiibauJ, ivlio was at n-.» k on VJ»-(krbiU'M- nin dcvati.r, cM I., her tbrrctimes. Kouwing that ie was doins |ier

;nrk aloft, us a carpenter, hhc be-ilistncte-J. Mr. I>ak returned

home sjfo tbat ui^bt but ML* ill at ease,and ou tlte following inorning tihratik*rom Rdiog to nork, Wbcu hi1 Tretit

" fr. In prtciAcl.r twn'y.four hoursg h r . I preciely tw Byfourafter Jlr,. Djl;fur.s£be beard liisMr. DalylcHthiababncsnafl l


tanceoffort7-ciBlitftct,and MM killed.

Tt is fiU'cJ lb»t the Council of Carul-jalB has unatiimoaety adopted a jiropoat-tion to (irnit in the tnectiuj tif tbe futureconclave a »me ctremoQita parely sccoa-dury, in order to hcBtco the election ofa new Pope, anil thus prevent tho opera-tion nf fytv?ign infliiooc*.

Miss Bella St. Clare, a young lady 23yean of age. h&s completed Iho feat ofwalking 1,000 miloa in 950 hours, whiobBliQcntntnenced it the Xnrth WoolwioO d tb 25b f J

omaloDH blent offrom tbo frlcMfulvoioe arreiU its fli

d turns—fliioe arreiU its fligbtvrlt roturns—fliouAnd rotumt again generally t«n or a'dor-aa titnea before tbe ia«inot!ialian isper-


Co.—Jeromi d i bKuporwitz, a Polaudor, raidingabonta

milo from tlio villngo of liiatontown,Jonmnnth Co, V, J., relumed to bia" i Monday aigbt lout in a state of

intoxication, aad, plokiug

Ibo Iadinnnpoliff Jouronl anys:few days ago a gentleman ia this city waa

wished to rcccivo a telegram from hiaa i ^ t . f t . . . M M H l i l . ^ f 1 , _ i _ . . I . . I _ . ! . • _ . . .

tomshDU to rcccivo a tolcgram from Liawife, who waa at tbo Centennial, askingbim for tba nameof Uiabotcl nt wbichsilo wa» utepping. Ho aoawcrcd, ofcourse, but tba myatory was not eiplain-ed until licr return jestorday. I t seemstliat vbiloin tlo Centennial grounds alioMcamo Mparnted from bor Iricndi, oudOnding that hbn ooold not Jisoofor tliom™< about to inqniro lor way to tbo lio-tol, bat was moro ibttnostoniabod to findtllit «be could not recall the namo ot it,nor tho strpct upon wbicli it wns locatedBo »bn plated bcnolf in elmrgo of an of-fleer until bor hiuband'a nnswer lo tbeWccrraia reliorea lier of tbo nnnleiuantpredicament inlo-which nho bad falbn."

to deliberately shot hia wife in tho head';illing bur instantly. Ilis two littloibilOreo, frigbUncd nt whai they badwou, mn into an adjoining room anilml, Aft*r nbmtltiff Ills wife, Katior-

witzwent tip stairs tu liii bedrooia audwrolo a note in the Polish languaftc,whioli lio posted on tho cover of binibo«t. RetjrnlnR to tlio lowor floor, beound tlia two olniarou eryinp over theirnothcr'a body, ond piokipgop tho jmnigain ho bid bwobildron cood-bynm]ion «Lo( birosolf In tho bend. 1'bo twonldroB rnn from tho house to a ueich-

Kir's, nndinformod Uiem what had tuk-ID plaoo. Ktiporwilz had bcoa employ.3d for Bomo timo as a laborer on thearm ol James Boyaoldfl. Ho often toldus friends of an impioper ictimnoy thatloeimpectpd hia wife of having with onan in EastontawnTamed ChaaBrbwo.jowollor. Uo froquciiMy threatuned toII nnr if sbodid notdliuontinuo her

Isits to Browa'a plaoa.

TOE N. J. SWTBPAIH JLT Vfi.ntttLx.~-Tho Eighteenth Aonnfil Rur of tho N.J. Stato Agricultural SocietT opened on•fueaday. Tho exbibitJi in'borees, o a i -tie, poultry, product* uf tbB farm, andin fact everything, except in tho runoliin-cry department, exceeded any fair jotlieW l.y the Society Ono of tba moatnttrnotivo exhibits ia tlio bortical.tirolutsniay, impcrintendcd by Mr. V, T.Qulnn.. Bomprisinp; flnu apeainusns of

(lie earth's orbit in 2 hoars, 40 miunte-i,instead cf 305} dayn. . '

Tlio steatqsbip Robecoa Clyde, waawreaked QU Hqniiuy eff Portsmouth,frmlico Sound, duriag the gale. Onpt,Ctiilda, two mates, two engineers, threefleamon, Ihoateiford, two coal heivnrs,and one pasccnger nom3d "WLilJonwero lost,

InthoMuiq Exposition Building theAmerican Uiblo Society exhibit no (it-tractive case, oonlainlog Iliblea in twohnnilred different laugtiaRen, arrangedwith open pages so tlint mitora CJQ ex-otainQ tbaoj.

Tweed's lawyers ore giving siffas oty, mvo iirop

2,000 printed oetflviit b i l i t i'rash tcebDicalitien. This seems to're

fnto (bo Htorj tlmt Tweed hns no mmmoney, -

Col, Dull, oommauding nt tbo Choy.>noe agenoy, nqurta the narrenfter of»00 Indinns, 20 of whom wcro oncngediu tbo Littlo Horn massacre. Thoycame into t|ie agency of thoir owa ac-cord.

Doubtless na a manner uf paniteatiiilnervicofor fatsmaoy political aina. *«p0.roleum V. Nasby," utberwise Mr. D. B.

Locke, bna set liinujDlf to tho wnrli olcomposing religions nonga.

Sonjetitnes a tramp will labor. At thoCanton nial flro tn inJasttioua A^tuimeuwn3 fonml who had captared i watchesaurin(f tbe hilf-hour panio w.nacd bvtue conflagration. ' . •

Tho potato bug bus nrrived in Gcr-mnny.. He crossed Iho Atlantic QS a«tow-away ia a atoam9hi[i from MowYork, unci will next Summer make thetonr of Europe.

All florin of report* como from Oliio

. tbo25tb of July. It •„...therefore bo seen that aho bnd tiro daysto spare.

Liver Complaint.ly H. V, PIEBCE, Jf, D,, of tba World's Dis-

inary, Euffalo, N. Y., Author of "Thejple's Common Seuw Medical Adviser."

•nio Uver la the great depurating (purifj--iKJ ortpn cf the system, and has Fery an-

propnaUJy been termed the "houMkeemt"of oar health. 1 have oWrved in the dis-i>octiiig.room, and also In making rosr-ucm-TEM Gxaminationa of tha bodies of tioso whoharo died of different diseases, Out ia a largeproportion of emu*, tha I m r hui given evi-dence or liarlng at some timo bsen diseased.LiWT aftoctiona uro eqaaJly prevrdent inbearii Every butcher Taavs that the livenor cattle, Bheep and swine, are ten timea hefrenuently diseiuted us any other organ. Ahealthy hver each, day neo-etea about two and% halt pound* of bile, WUeu it becomes tor-pld, congested, or if, from any cause, it bedisabled in tha performance of its duties, itia evident that tho element* of Uie bile mustremain in the blood, than irritating, poison-ing, anil penciling, every vital process,Nntoie attempt* to rid tho syetflm of U.«MnoxiauH muterlalii by mevui of other orcansas tti« kfOnejs, Inugs, nkin, e ta , wliicfi be^como ovcrtnxcfl in porfortntriB their addiUoimllabor, and arc unable to witustaiid Ibe pie»-•Tire.

Tha brain, which is t h t « a t tlectrlt-fllcentra of all vitality, become*«. •ratimulatedwith unhealthy blood, wid failf ,-i ncrra"'1"perform ita functiooH, Hence thcrs is d




BIRD SEED (fresh.)

Bird Gravel,Cuttlefish Bone.


< l - i » DBUGOISTS.



O.\E rnicu. oxc rmcE. OSE PJIICE.

HEW FANCY DRESS GOODS,bin athnt « d fane*. In ilic ncv oilut* an.

New Mourning Dress Goods,new cuioifB.


EL.10K CAIHUFItES, tLe IHECKI li,.f, butgooOj niid lowcit price in marlul.

' DIIAP D'ETE,fall line from 11.40 per j i rd up.

T.LACK DiiESS BILK, al former prim.


. I 3 O . M E S T I C S <jf oil kinds reiy clieap.

L»ncaitcr ami Renfrew GINGriAM.S for IIeti. per yard. GLASGOW Jur 0 c is .p t r j t rd .




DRESS GOODS of fashionable styles.AND jaJLVOY G-OOIJS,


BOO'X'S A-1VT> S H O E S ,


FANCY GROCERIES: Teas, Sugars, Spices

Coffees, Canned Fruits and "Vegetables.






EEDUCED PEI0ES for 1876.

E. LINDSLEY & SON, Agents,






. . . — j , impairmout of tho memoryJizi lno^ gloomy foreboding,, Hud lailnbtl.ily of temper. WTicn l i e blood » dineimd,tho dun maniteau di.«ilored spota, plmpl««ilotches,


b d b, , whunlcB, and Mrofulo

tumors. Tlic Rtomacb and boneta sooner orlater, becomoaffecled, anil coaKtipatiou, piles,dropsy, dyppepsia, or dimrhtea, is tbo iriev-lUblensulL '

F XJVEll OOMPIAINT.A eallaw color of tho Bkin, or yellowish,

brown spots on tho face and other parts ofthe body f dullnciiii and drowriuMs, with fre-quent headacho j dlrzincaa, bittoror bad tastem the mouth, diynCBs of the throat, andinternal heat; palpitation or the heart, a dry,teasing cough, sow throat, unsteady appetite•onr rtoaaan, raising of the food, andfhoUngBcnHttion In the t h r t d f a

g of the food, and ag In the throat; defames and

onutlog, distresa, heavliies,. ouJ n !(Ioal«Lor full feeling about the etomach and sides^oggraTaUng pains in Ib Jd b kbreast and b t th h

desp in bo (JdeH, b,wk, or

about the fihoaldernj colic palnBoroncBB through tho bowels; coiifititMi-

iOTX, nlfernixtiag with d i anhaa ; pUes, flatu-lenoo, •norvoumwnti, coldneos of the ettremi-tiefl, rush of blood lo the head, with symp-tontH of npopleiyj numbnea of the Utnba{especially ftt nlghi.) and cldlls, altemaUngVmJ^ nnibp.n t kil*ney bni other urinary

d l



G5D B R O A D S T .


WOTIOJ3,)b»uiiotv ipen, atonruanatLOWl'RlCE-S,


Lailto, Qonl.. a.«.i» an.l clIMren ia fullnnd half regular mailo i;oo(l< uf tljo ecleb[att»l


anufactnro. I'arcbahlng tboso Koada direct« aroooablod looffjr i l im la Ur B «t rancl .

andatlovtBt prievs. Alu as 8]wcl.Uirs tbofoIlowlnB: TboBamoLnlloaVMt.andDniwwBn sol J bj u. U t j-uir for Oi ct.. in all feint

BO Ooxxta X3aoli.'A «ap.tlor An,rri«.n natioryOonipaii,'. t r t t

iaontl.25p ry Com

»DI! ariwcr, IQ ill elzus, worth k»tt OO CENTS•t OO CENTS HACII,



• * B T O V H S , tam.


both porlatlo md brld « l , M"E ALSO MAKE


A SFECIALTV, and employ onlj pnelicTLCMCEItS tor ifcii brancb of tbe trade.

Plena and Ei«c.Q(atfoLfl airenwhen rtfjoired.


it lowest markot rates.

Wood and Iron Pumpa and Fipo


FilUugi ol'all liuOa for DniVEN WELLS.

Oor DIIDV j^scipor ience lallnj above tradrokblciua tokBacrt willf conCJeutcoiir alility

to do any and til work in Oils Imo of mdo totlic entiic salii«faclion of tbe eraptojer.

S3C -A. R . 3NT 3E


Xvvtr knoTrn lo boas clieap before ni noir a:



DOVER. 1ST.-.7.-n;

A Urge and trell tekektl itott of "


HORSE CLOTHING,-.-.oti, Fljr Nct(r,Cm-T7 Oombs, finuliu, DbrwtQootfl, of all deacriptiooi botti lor rotd uai«ck. A 1 kiuili or Letry tlttatt and ColkriTor dnnght ptirwiM», Hilton., CIIIIBIOIB fkin*.Spongts and EVEBYTHIHa in tLu 2 ^ ^ - * ^

A fico TirictT pf ilaniDfltUUf, Hoof Dintenl^Z •n.b'iborfl.RoodB, lilts til elio ilieia,

•iQici, biTebftd » LietTj Ji l l luptlMKtiJ TIU 'be gold ut loweit^nKV, "" - •' •

October Slat, 1671.



ca glTcn whe-i rcqulrol

a. A, ujKtMai


reduced twenty to thirty per cent. Newaa with pricci on 1« Amo-icsi. Watch-terms. nu*ta Get a Witcb witboui



uniiatynnd gloomy

of these Bjniptoms

All florts oand Indianatl D

m Oliiothe cliances ofbli f

Q n n . Brnpriaine flno apeoiroens oftropical plnnts, rare and bcantisul; anda goodly assortment of mammoth peara,npplea, grope-i, etc., pumpkins, snuosh,wowrmdoas, ote., otc. Tbo finest ci-ilbit of oitllo ii from Hunterdon Co.Mr. O. J. aambmnt, formerly of thiacounty, eibinits n noblo bnll of tho Hoi-aloin breed, ubich ia ouo of tho band-someat animals on tlio ground. Haalnohas several grade cows on cxbibitii

Tlio prosiicct of tlio pnbiio olilainiugwncli nrij-aolago from tuo gifts of Mr.James Lick aro not considered Tory en-couraging at San Francisco. The Mew$-tetleral that eit;,* wbieli calls Mr. Lioka. "ninolibtok PealwOy," naya : '-Tliofact lias slowly but thoroughly develop-ed tliat thn Lick Fund is but tha vehiclethrough which tho vaguios of * childishnD(l petulant old man aro to periodicallyafflict tl«e public Tbo npahot of thavlioio btmiuons will douhtkis ban lanrecrop nflowBulta after Mr Liok'a dettb.ona the usani aivision ol liis propertyamong heira *nd their lawyers.fl

tlio Democrats ami EcpuWieana for car.rjiog Uio 8.«to. Bull] sidoo uro coon-Joot of Tictorj.

Efforts ure malinB to p r cu tn the oldOottrt Hoiiso. of Orafton oountv, Nowu«m|i»lilrB, in whicli Djniol * c k , t an»ilo I113 ami apeech boforo o jarj.

Tiio cjnom of InUia iaviuitinn tinCcnlunnml Eiliibition., Bho woigls 2,.200 pnnnilj and .lands Ucntj-ono atdonc-liLilf hamfe high. She is ii mule.

Ne* ca»» of jtllow fBVOr continue tolo roiu,rted l^iurlr in .Savannah, Odor-

Illinoia bn» O29.M0 ljoraos, nnr l i2.000,000 ojW^ 1000,000 tap, 17,575KUIOS, 21,008 moloilcoin. and 155 72sewing raachinai.

The miDenof tlio Dslawaro.-Laeka-anna nnd Western Railroail Comnaur

raimied mrk on full t i m 0 lfo 'nilnimorning last. 7

ilifficulti™, , . . .forrfKxlinp. Onlvaft. „ m _ . / « 1 « ™ 1 1

™ titlT y t o I l w l e i l t in any casfl at. . . -.--tax Dr. Kcree'B doWra

Medical Discovery, witlj amoll diwea of hisPleasant Wrgatire Pellets, vhicli act an aialteratiYO on tlo tar. For l iv i r Complnimnnd the variouii alToctions cauued by.a dis-eased hyor, theiie rtmedies ara nnrorpaasea.« » Oo den Medieal Diseovery does not «im-plypalliato t i e dWa»o, bnt it projue., „lasting etfect B j iu-uiio,, the liver aidstomach oro changid to an active, bcaltWslate, tto apptlita ta rsmjatod, tha blonipimflcd and cnrichid, and tin tu t i r emUm.vnovaled nnd nmtprcd to health.

Ib«D»ieiit«ryiiisoIdbydn.Bii«ui. It.'lerce, M. D-, Prcpriitor, World's ""rtry, toaEaXo, New York.-

p a r Canfleld,tbroo mon aud

"S'! '1"!,"Mll l ! r c IP l" i 1"1

Ohio, Tnwdny, killin.injuring several i h e n .

Oemaoj is considering a propositionto boMju inl^nialijnal exLilition i»1882. She has never hold one.

It is estimntod tliat nt leait 11,000 iioo-plo b a n left Bavjunih sine, the Beltingin of tbo yellow fever panic.

Tho Pbilndclphinns am snb.orihin.cart liberally to brinr; the orphans olsoldiers to tho Cuntcaninl

»i Axtnituf r m r t t - S o people In tkId anffur aa ranch wild DjgrW|.g!a tl

™r"«'ro MneVto'r°u5r°»,lj',o''•n'd"li,cSi'iita, aiich ai F«ar Hlnmadi HearUwray-<T<!'"\ WfJ" HeadaelV' oSRS anilpiUtioii ur tbe Hein, Lifer Complain., com.

:E« we iwlievDtbtrnfi no c.,.,,it nnuat be tmmedlattly rtlin«i3,mid lad year wifhoni ono rauo c

Tlie totalninl,

inantity of aalmou cauKl

Tlin ROT. Josinh Henson, ILo 01of '-Uncle Tom" ia lecturing inland. ,

UrlBhtE rc*.r<Alia™ Ml to iirodnt.pinion tt difwed with pi

hinh. To nineilf Uintlit* "Qlenn't Boipbnr Soap." »iinr> Hircitoni the tlngi of jnulb to gnj belt.

Lctterit remaining unclaimedIn (lie Post OfllcD ot Dover, iV. J.

me.M.J.llir .m,i. Carillon,

Kate OiTenjr,

sw 2M, 1JOIIQ Broun,K n p h n S l t k

ADJOnilNED SHERIFF'S SALEj[nClianccrrotS(iijmc;_Fi. fa. ntrial i irniortEaj:e<l tiicmiaea. Wherein Ira Tliarr ttiMahcr lj. l'lnrp, iilplnLiramr, o | n i l , oiliarp UeceaseiJ, aru Cumplaluunla, aniltliL-SUhft if . IoV™e«"»ai Oominnr are1875 lMnrnpbtn to Oclob«r 'JWra

p i l E . J o nbeb i l ro r Ibo abovo-nami^l par-1. 'ifci, la adjonnteit In lake place at lliollaD-mn ILiui. Iloiel, in Morriilinn, N. J.",n


'•lik*/'6!!1"""°°° " " h°°" " " tt " " ' °JKSSE nOFPJIAN, LateSk-rlrr.

Bated Jnno 2«tl., IBM. l u .

1876. 1876.


Merchant Tailor,MOUR1STO\V«. N . J . ,

r' is with a creat deftf or plcaanre that

QUABTEbTap A ' C E N T D R T ,[ liaie beep abb tfl tniulster to Ihclr iranla inthe I no ol CLOTIIISa «nb «n.)l prolll bm(jrMl pltiianru to myaoir. and irltlt lacrcatinc.

In Chancery of New Jersey.TO CYBUa C. rol tCB, In.:

rirtue of an order i | tlio Conrl^,f CILfNewJurtoy, made on tlio dor or tinM in a eaua. trhcrck, AILcrtil. I t l K ,

ISirfcSIJi'K.-ent™"1"'"bill wiltiiotakifi

OloriQft out mikf or 8DM JIEn DltESSGOODS. lawnn.OrgiQjlM.GrontdiDet.EJtniii,SitlBB, T«rk>foni, ti> I* sold without re«*ril lo•o«t to mike room for PALL QOODB,

IWgilni in ilf LiQila of DHY GOODS for thooMtTHUtTYDAYa.

35 w . 8. nAltHTTT,QHO1UE USE . . .

XllESS CAMBRICSanil PERCALES, j o , i ro,cITto u am ihlilln'e

ay ICS, ,

piircliattd at baolmpt ai, at ,1™, il,.MUIKET KATES.


. »nl witli ii that I am

p-KU ilb a lull lin^ I, KBW QOIbem teiur DAIWAIS8 ilm


: cbcaprr no* tban they lure bom

nfi«, or (litI igl.UBt VUQ,

Cl.rk'.OUnof'itocbalSofjErTi'Z i or nurlmsn, page Hi. i c '

AodjouaniiiiaO. . ilnltodant k,c.n.o jm

a demon aBaitmt yuu tor an

i or nAodj

NEIGimODR A SHITO,Bulicitora of Ccmnhluiuii

Dated Soptcniber 12tli, 1B7B. 4WV

mts and rcul cttotToi* u ld dcrJt bo Huldan Kill bo siHUclcnt to

SlvW, iDd RAHDWJibI31E[LE3 to ink|jo jon torgot »U about


•PP.* medium for luncllin md iiz« tt»t iiancoi'd lie«ll»to»bi)tit ordering car menu ronrln-i ? «ia te oat uris.lil.n in ,t," muntt,

1%a^f>*l^«M Fiuck Com,. ,u . Frci

BUSINESS SUITSail sizes of t u i M ana CBECZM « r o l n voBae.

SPKING OVERCOATS* e cnt ' M m ^ H ^ <J>ado of Dlack anil OxrnnJ






atabool hilrijstycat'a priecs.AV- S- BABBITT.

IF. S. BABBITT,lornalmtp,JolT27lli|l«C7,



I'. 11. HOFFMAN.


, L.VMIH, KEIt0aEriE,4c.,4c.larre siaortnipnt ot drmrclula' nncv roods

oonai.uV nt Pcjumoy, B ! l aw Jlf.vlni'Soans, OHDbf «na JJrpab... ol III tlnd?. II II

l e n b r u tosnumtralo what m hare lor"•In i jon cao purchan ol ni nhiteinr vou ean

SKJS?;.HonVj Nolli,Anniu C. ConnclJames S'liidrrKi,« l W

Ji i , . l l . r , I . rko ,H.»arO: j .M.W.Doclr, Cheater. N.l .ToolJaliran.Yornna Icllcn raj "ad.

rrrlifleil am] giro dale at thia Hit.A. BEIMEIt, P. II.



To Agents, or aiy who need yfai.IHE BIG BONANZAS%!;'„,

lnatratUna aa>o for a i W t t a i " A S o ".rk nr o™«i;« alum on nma Inn b o i l O

tlila one. h will flu your pocaeli a n » r Donla> ...1 k . , i m | U w

V S k '


Fashionable Dress-Makers,naES ST., p.,,,- N. J. Mr.. a.lPa b


"rn ~~T"h "•»i".iry«d toll.

35 T7, S. BABBITT.

. HUHTED,6Wir :



$15 for $1 5S,'1ui1i,'S."Sn.c'ir*™«-." •anSj"iS."!£u.«!.".".!JSui.''

i, onnpjio co., niii«ii.ipbitVr..

Page 3: WHAT IS VEGETINE?Wt travel faster than we did-And tciiJ by wiru and not Iiy roa Or eliu tin- j>r ee or Hwlin mid HII And wool auJ Uilk'a. Vi'u tonqiior Tune, malm liglit of And ovory




Tliruugli Hit!, O.'JS A. M.; Oiwugo Kipresi.9,II) A.M. [ Cuntuu Ei|ir<:E», 2.UUP.M ; EautonEiprcii, 6.S7 I1. 11.; Iihii,'Utii|itnD Eip ' -w,O.HU I1. U . ; Haclu-ttBlotvn Ei|iroai, 0.01 I1. I I . ;KurilaUirt; Hjiccla), HMO I1. M,

rnoii nurai noisa EAST :Hurrixburg fpcrisl, 4.30 A. I I . ; Dover Ei-

urcu, C.60 A. 11.; Hackottaton n Miil, 7.90 A.W.; EaBtuuEjprcn, 8.40 A.M.; niDKbamnloo,Express,'U7 P.M.; Thinnph Mnl1,2.61 P.M.;Hrmuao Eiprcin, 7.50 P . M.; Eaulon Accom-modation, 8.27 r . M .



A.M. l\U,10.11 1.00lli.Sl G.5210 21 (UTlfl.li IU1i n r i • CSfl

O.ull 11.81)4ft * (1.23



E1ITWARD.A.M. P.M.0.46 3.65CM URfl.GS 4.301.02 4.407.0« 4.C07.H MO1-20 5.25




September 21st, 1870.

ItoduwRy 279 Oa

SueoaBUinia, Vausltft sud CJlicn-tcrJumttioDStalions,)

PnrtOr»in ,HtnnhapD,

DmutvilloWatorloo, '.



G2 IG1,302 10

na ot

BI la

708 13

Mill* vu. tiullur.

The Equinoctial van due o i

St. Mary's Fair opcim Hominy evening.

llowiuitoe* htiglu to look vrciik iu tlte lackyard.

Lndlcs now u-cnr tlin wih'vft curl on theirforohends.

Mr. Vm. n . Lnnikrt mul family nre atFUIiuldpbln.

Ilia Morris County Fihhlug Club in dis-tributing hlack bww.

" Orrn" Patent OvomllH, warranted not torip, for ealo nt Fiersou'u,

A new drink la called tlio imU'reyc. I tldtii tho mark every time.

D. 1). Tompkins, 8r., nf^orplocoof Hiu jcurltOfi.

llev. Mr. Itncmoj atletiiled tlio fuiuml ofnMinp ftuioa nu Tlmndiiy.

trade a bull-High: the markmnnii who wontto Crcedinoor and shot n cow,

liiBtrotUnghorsB Ethan Allen, wcll-kniIn thin section, died Iiut weel.

Senator Randolph delivered Uie aiiuuoladdress nt AViwerly, yesterday.

Mnynr King of Boontou ha* gone to Mtmsn*-clinKcltfl to work iu n nail factory.

itinJnlinHill 'Hn'wintnutat tho P,.t<-Coventinii Hint IK HOW iu (rouble. - .

Bonvi* wag asked wlirre hoeta Hirivo-lcot.•"At cur lunch bowl," wns the reply.

SIorriH, Hiinover, I'mwaie and Chatham pi.v3imro ilianonaluriT nf tlin rniiniy tnx

It ia fmid that Brother Garrison of tlieHouirton IIullalin'iH a very naughty man.

Thfl D., L. A yt. Company will sell at auc-tion ncit week onothor lot of 100,000 totB of

r Kuvcrul iLiyn [suit Jolley has been re-I the jmtrons uf hotol wilh mimlirooni


When a Btikidiiro Valley girl U old cnongbwtar tarriugB her purtmtB uuiid her to a

ncliine:'fhop to have her tare bored with

Itov. J. II. Gunning, of Morristowu, lustw<>tk oHflisfcd in conducting the mooting ofthe North New Jersey Baptist Association,

. Oleuwuod.

Tho Morris Canal boatmen who ara die-it ih-fled with a recent reduction of theirftgefi, have taken no decimve uleps iis yet

towards a Btrilte,

il W. R. I);it)bitt'n new udvcrtiKcniCDth k wi'dt, and remember thnt he only ad-:tti»tH visit he niciins, iiuJ doea not deal inindily materiald.

A «])lnndid lot nf commercial note, letterwad, liUhtiai], fbitcap, folio aud wove and

laid paper for all classes of job printing justreceived for Pall work,

John Willwinn, nu EuglinU iron mu te rinitlnu IJooutuu, repTOHitiilN Inutliics) uueiui? dull, hut K:VYB IIIH mills uro runningvo dayu iu each week.Jay H. Trent, Esq., has hcen enjoying a

vocation of Bevcrul weeks, most of which hasieu npent in Erio County, FttnnRylvania. IIouow at Philadelphia.

Joseph Plunuikad, whom we noticed in>ur lost ria having been injured by a fall in

tho Dicker-son jcino, ami not exported to live,died ou Friday evening of inst week.

llorristown has shipped UIUH fur this sea-son nearly G0,000 banket* of peaches. 'Hieotal product of lh<> county will probablylot Tall much short of 100,000 basket*.

A largo snapping turtle was caught by par-ies of Uio Woodport Hotel on Saturday, andn cleaning him there wns found iu his stom-ich a small eel, etill."aUva and kicking."

KEY. Mr. Hopwood, son-in-law of TitusBerry, Esq., delivered Uio addrcBfl nt thelnying of tho corner stono of the now Secondrrenbyteriau Church, hi I'nterson, Thursday.

Ohnwr, Esq., of MIUIIKOU, wan.-loclcd Grand Principal Rojr-UNior. ul Ihu

,il meeting' of tho Grind Chapter ofIlnynl Arch MnBonti held nt Trenton tho 13lhliwl.

Tlio ttilnl fjuurti-rly meeting of tho Convo-entiim of Nnwiult wan hold in Zidu Clturoh,

Bept. 12th. The Borinon was

Tlio tstecDjca wife of Dr. John 7. Mills,of nocbmv&y, died on Monday, of. reniittont

O and eighty Conteunlul ox-D

CorUandt Parker, of Newnrli; will addrcBfl^tho Republicans of Morrifitown next Monday

Y. M. O/A. Htnte Oonvenllon meets a tWednesday, Tlmrnday and Prl-

v;; 3Ir. "ffardell Vanderhoof, of Oak Wdgo is.. fitting himself for the ministry at

town Seminary. l ' •.Tho Banner inRinuiiiw Hint there him been

aBeeclioTBfliridal in Eoenfon.* Please e*plain, Brother Garrison.' - , '

Tho New Foundlnnd school hijiwe hoB.been,undergoing thorough repaint, and tlio schoolgrounds graded in style.

Morgan, with Uio UEUOI luclt that.attendshifl gang, was acquitted In tho SUSBCX courta•of tho chnrga of stealing. p

To-morrow Afternoon tho Bcrcan Leiof Uio pr«scnfc tniortar will be reviewed inUio M. E. Sabbath School

The D. L. & W, Company will pay a> dividend on Uie 1st of October of 1

cent, instead of J per cent» days Centennial excursion j


v;-} over tlia Midland on Wednesday morning and,Vj,' returned Thursday weeing.-;;;, ; Tho Jewish New Year began on-Monday"$"'•':. evening, and waa properly observed by thono{p-: . ;• ,<! ' tliat notionah'ty In Dover. . . .-•• .&&. f ?» • Tbo Democratic Congressional Conventionfi|i'?-j| 'of this District '•will meet In Paterson, OcL

Quito o Uirge number from Dover stark*!ir the Centennial on llondny, including

Kichurtl George and daughter, Geur^i! Mc-Cnickou and wife, 51. II. Dwkeinon, Fred.JJickeruon, the JIIBWJH CriUnudmi, U. II.Stniblo and wife and BOH, D. Mollcr mid wifeand dnujjliUr, and George Mnun.

Owin^ to the Ktonn.of last Hundny tho re-ipening of tho rooom of tho Y, BI. C, A, wait

postponed till to-morrow afternoon, ivlieuMr. John Buckley will bo tho leader, nndIiev. B . 8,'Feaglee will rnuko an address. A

will bo taken to awfiut in defrayingtho cost of rcnovnting nud repairing.

Mr. N. H. Proke of FUnders, OH au applegrower overtops any wo know of considera-bly. He hail sent to UB a hag of apples, cow-prising eight different varieUcs, which, bothUi size and quality, wake up tho uncut col-lection wa have ever HOOII shown by any oneindividual, and evidence bin skill us a fruitgrower.

The loan who gather cofil along Uio railroadhave Invented a now way for Increasingtheir supply. They climb up on Iho wnttrtank plntform near tho car shops with aplentiful Hiipply of large stones, andtrain pause* fire them in the full cars,U'riiigtbo'nnthracite over Uie Rides. Sharppractice that.

Cornelius Davenport, a workman at thecar Bhopa waa unloading a car wheel, weigh-

•enebed by tho Hev. Sir. Hall, of Morrin-wn. _,

K Lindner £ Son have jiniBiinllr excellent ulcck of LOW Full drew

gondu which the Indies would do well to ex-iniiiio before they go out cf town 4o pur-OlIlHC.

Two woinou living not far Irom Morris St.regular rongh-nnd-tuniblo light

on Wednesday In tlio course ot which oneof them was twiws knnuketl down and sovcroly

iviKlled. -

Ur . Anton Bullufl has opened a cool yardat Vacatla etfltion for tho 'mipply of Uiat sec-tiou, nt lowcrt prices. He is a good reliablemini, aud will bo founddeal wilh.

Mr. Theodore AVyckoff, foreman of thopassenger, freight nnd 'coal departments At;he cat- shojis, reiiigued on Snturdny hut , and

been succeeded by Mr. Di»-id Gibson, of

BEmnton, Pa.

A newly married couple in Oorninn Volleywero RoruLadod lout week liy EOUIO you)frlcndn who Bang Saukoy's FaTuritu hymu," W h a t Shall tho Harvest b e ? " "Nine tyaud Nino," ma Uio reply.

At tho exuminntion lor tho^Vcs t PointCadelAhlp of UIIH District, concluded toutSaturday, Charles A. Bcnnatt, of BorjWOE Uio BucccBsful competitor, and will beappointed by Congressman Cutler.

Mr. Harry Rogers , ' who removed fromMine Hill a ehort time ago is now a locomo--lotlvo fireman (it Vnlporaieo, Chili, and getsa biliary of $100 a month in gold. That'sthe country just now for working 'men.

8 flrat Sunday i n , October will W theAunlTewaryof thaf lwt mealing of the D.L. k W, H. R. OlirUtian Amockition nt I'<itMorris und will be properly observed by tlimembers of tha t organization at Uwt pUcc.

A merchant of Boonton oflors to beten 'who will loan tho town ©100 each, forthe purpose:of . repai r ing n n d g r o d l u g thiitreetaj wiUi tha object of giving employ,inonl { 'place.

Ths hut enrgo nf dyuomiuo from Dnike-llle arrived n f H e l l Oate on Wedn^dny.

The grout explcslon will lake plooa•inck nn .Hnndny Afternoon, when About

60,000"pounds of oipiorive materials will bo

letoff. . .• • . - 4 - . "A Republican* RflUncation MeL-tiiig will be

heU in J • - -

ing COO iioitndH, on Bnturday, whon it fellipon him, pinning Lint to Uie earth until it,-aa removed by his fellows. Fortunately0 boueB wore broken, but ho was so scvere-brutRcd about Uie lcffS that ko U d to bi

mveyed home.

Marshal ArmiUigo hnving noUecd a youngui by the nuno of Hunt roaming about the•eetfl and Bubaiating by begging, on SIou-y arreaUd and took him before Justiceige, who committed him for the purpose oi

having him scut to tho Reform Sdiool. He,nd been an hiinato of tho county poor IIOIIHEiut had run away.Thu Itepublicikui uf llnndolph Heut ns del'

•yutua to the 1'iitersou Convention: Hot.duiubw Bcocli, IMUO W. Souring. "W. 11.i-Davil.'J. J . Loicy, Chan. P. Gage andilwiird 8. Hiiueo. Four of UieHC VOLIH '

first cnut for Mr. Mills mid. tally thoiiulu, which, " U!i (hone of JoQi-rson'a t«-o,ive him the nomlniition.At the niL-oting of thu Tresbytcrj of Morrin

nud Orange, at Sonlli Omugo, on Tuesday.int llulo butdncRS bvjoutl tlie immt rotilini

Rev. 11. 8. Femlea, or Ml.'reedntu, wim elected Uodemtor (or tho on-

year, and Itov. A. Knlmiiii, tho ro(irig RIoilemtor, accordlni,' I" custom, prencb-1 a sermon hi tbn evcisititJ.

Political prliiling, with lftr8o i»rirait« ofio Republican or Democratic cnudldAt«s will! done at this offleo nt QgnrcH Uiat will n

ottinh candidates for office. Wo can tinit the best pouters in tho county. HcHpon-JIB pfirties may order from IIH by mail ando job will bo forwarded by mail pout-paid,ut owing much trouble to thosu at A


Hr . WUiam Hennion bus Bomethingstery momlug with whiuh to regale his fel-

t eniployeea nt tho car shops, Jli» latent[lint tho other morning ho HIW a flock of

lirco or four hundred pigeons in a tree belio »1IU]IH which weio so tamo Uint honildn't drive them away with trtoncn, But,1B, tho men think, is rnUior eclipsm! byio Btoi-y of Uint famous water wliecl which

wns run by COIM nnd cat fish.Mr. Ed. L. DiekerHoii lia« cngroHsed ti copy

if tho resolutions recently ndoplud by Prc-ictlnn IT. and L. nonipnny upon the denthf Ales. J . Cans. They may lie Been for aiwdnyn in the window of Vought A Kill-uro'B drug store, after which they will liemt to tha family of the deceased. The por-jctiou of tiifita Oisplayed In the work is notedy all, and add* another to tho mnny ovidoius of " l i l V cftligniphln akiH.A Eoonton correH[M>udout of Uio Joraoyint

'ritefl a find talo of Iho distreBs provallirig inthat town. Two etores aro already closed,and others think of closing. Men who hajnado tw high as $'J a day in good times nBending their cWldrenyoiit to1 beg. ' Money«umot be rained on property and inon nroglad to work for 50 cents n day and boanl,

foe TS'conts lViUioiit boanl. A grenlamount of petty Uileving Ii* ftlw goingnt present . ..

Wo have rccoivo.l from Rev. Dr. Tuttlo tin'Hisiorj- of tho Flint PrcKuytorinn Churoh

Rockaway," which lie ban junt completed,We had hoped to bo ablo to ciimmL-uci

iblicatinu of itthia week, but circmtmtaucchinipol ua to defer i tu ta t l louruaz t . Tbfs Ii

lino of Dr. Tattle's best produciions, nnd wi!give a gonpml hisiory Df this Raollon tlia

thnn entcrtniniug[Vborhood n-lio hwt i

i, to renominoto Ur. Cutler.Mrs. Georgo Mann wna severely scalded

on the feet by tho upsetting of a kattlo of''•* holUng water on Saturday las t'i Wu Luvb at thin uflW b kr^o hHAt uhcdi' rein hook, found on Tuesday, which tlie- owner may have by calling for i t

Nlnota«n oels caught In Dr. Flagler'a pond,., near MorriBtown, weighed ninety-five pounds,

Uio largest bomg on eight-pounder.Tlio Democratic primarie* to elect dole;

• gales to the Congrpmiounl CunveuUon will; he held on Saturday nest, 3011) llist.

Tho SuceaBUium -Odd ' FCUOWH wont toPhiladelphia to partlcipato in the nationalpnradD uf the order W d d

Tbo reaidenco of Urn. George T. Cobb, ofMorristown, was robbed of one hundred dol-lars worth of silver on Sunday night

Certain Morris'Connty gentlemen will £udit convenient to viiiit tho Ccnteimbt duringtha time tlje Omnil' Jnry Is In session.

Tho Bum "of fca,r.00 and SWO wortli oftimber tavo. been suhflcribed for tho newFrcBbyteriaa Church at Jlorrin Plains.

Tlio engine uf No. Bfl ran off a coal duinpaHohokcn on WcduoHrtny. The enStncer nndflfjninu vaved themselves by jumping.-* t

EemeroLi'r you can get two henvy large^mo Undcr-Bhirta at Pierson'n, oppo^ito theYwA Office, for only nevcnty-fivc tentfl.

T. T. Gollard, Into toucher of the Chnthnin'Rchool, is now Principal of thfe HatlieUstowflpublic Behool, at a Hilary of $!K)0 per annum.

IK I3oon,lon dividod-tigninnt itself? Wemulcrstniid Uuit h.ilf Ibo volen of that townwere ftist against John Hill a t tha recant con-vention.

A Ruit respecting the right and titla of thnCopperas Mine property has resulted favor-nbly to its former ownem, tho boln of Dr.Graham. . '

"Wo learn that tha storm of Snnday diilranch damngo to peach orchards in thisvicinity, knocking on the fruit nud breakingUtotrceti.

Hon. Jolm Hill and Hev. Dr. JIORIO, dele-gales from Morrifl County, addrcKscd thoKuBacx County fiunday Scliool Asfiocialion

. lflHtwaek. • / ' ,Bocmten TaiUo, tha inveterate Itcpubh'cttR

punster says: " T h a only »ny io,Bharpento go to tho Mills that grind

Cutler-y." . • •

Hay. Dr. Koox, Preiiidsnt. of tb>field Ocnnan Theolcglenl Somiuiiry will oc-cupy the pulpit of tho ProbyteTlm Churcli

i Opim Hniuu. thi»—SidA ITuyes, Wheeler and Mills

Cuinpalgu .Club will bo formed, and promtncut Rpfnkcn will he 'present to address tinmcctiug." ,

In nccordimca with a recent law tho hanksnow have to utawp tjio word "counterfeit1

on all bogus bilhi that happen to bo preiont-ed for deporft, and rt turu the Kinio Io Urnowner. Thus marked thpy cannot IIQ usedelsewhere. -

Tha D,, L / & W. ,Itnllroad Company arenow transporting dally," over the* Boonton'Branch, 1* coal tralna of .100 enrs eAeb, mnk.ing an aggregate- of_l,fiOO cars or 0,000 tonsof coal, which given bunbem on the raidpromising aspect

At a meeting of Uio Thomas Iron Com pa-Hold a t Eokendauqua, on.Tuesday, tlio fol-lowing; directors wcro elected i David Tho

i, Benjamin G. Clarke,' EnmufllThomiWm. W. Marsh, John T. 'Stewart Daniel Sunklo.

Among other pnrticii thin week nt tlia Con-•tonniiii wero Gnt\ rVilrr nnd wifo, Clullarris, Manning Kirkptlrick and CliRfl. ILDickcnwn. qt Dover ; JL D.'Tiiltlo, of fl.

iy; Albert It. Kiftp, oi Buccasnnna, andJylnr It. ltiR««l<>f Milton.

Political Club*) of eitlier party can' linvUieir nioetingR nnnounced. through tho col

is of tho On* ni a nominal figure. Whenths handbills for nny political' mettioRs * nreprinted at this office, tho announcements vllio iniute iu'tlia paper gratuitously.

riiilding of thu br idee' conn acting IIIConnty rinll wilh the Cnnrt Hnom hns lieocanlmcLt.l Io Jan. Q. Mullen for S800. It4\i feet loiig niul 10 feet wide, and the mor10 feet high.1 The whole wjji be coniploteilbefore tho October term of Court.

A compauy. of -engineers commanded b;Jlr . Geo. F . Dacha, will composo a portlotof tlio Hnyo« nnd 'Wlieeler Gnnrds, .of 51or-

jristown. Tlio imiform of Uie Guards will b<of red enpea and caps,

will bo nccoulred wilh a telescoplo torch.

The people understand vory well Hint jhidtalrW will bo rcpreffltitcil by nn tionent HIable ninn iu Congrew:, lio tnjjtter which endiiinto .in fleeted j BO tbo Jiowspnper (Ii

mud nt cither of thim wi]I bo mnr,npt to hosrnBnr i t « l ( Ham tllfi oltject nt whit'it" firm

Au, luUitL-Btiiig teaiiwnuico inectiug wi, hold in the M. E. Chnruh on WediiGtulcevening uinlor tho niwpicos of Victor Loilf,of Goad TompLtn. . Cnnt D. S. Allou pro-iided, nnd Interesting ndilreuti'M were mm"by Mr. E.* K Potter, Rev. Hr. noonoy aiDr. Megio.

A yoimj; iiiun unwed Biiuitr Grtseawwid,uliiif; mi i) rroKsiuy nt EUKI Orange on.irdiiy lm.t, wuitiiig f"r n coul train to pu-w,, through liin wwu fttrt-luKsntBi struck byDuvur UxprcMi itud Uirowu n diiAiiiae ofI'ima feet. Although hu !iad a brokeni anil leg he bids fair to racover.. '\.iiiidi'li>irrmvnnlii|iTililun nnii IIuu-:1:H IL-lor a Club" wn* orfiiiuiaud ut Ibuollieu »f lo rd Jl. Smith ou Friday even-

ig of lust week, with the following otllctm ;II. SIuiiHoii, l'rertiilunt; L. W. Tlinr-

•r, Cluw. AL TmiiM. nud Juhu Hiud, Vieti-HitUiitx; H. C. lleuii!, Hucrulary; FordD.illb,*Ai»iiKbnt Secrdnry. Unite n InrKeuibur Kigued tlio club tolh. On Monday>uiug another niuctiiig wiw tol.1 i,, Wlil-:k'H Hull, Committee* were apiK>intJil nuJ


iman wbo in living near the depot wilh;r second Imnlmnd icceived acull on Tlnir*-iy from ltunbimd No. 1, who douiondedimc furniture which ho claimed as his own

and which ho wished to take to bis Kecond'ifc. A row of couKidcroblo inagnitudu wiut

ult, vhieh was- ii'iluohS'.'d by (juitu sirgo number of bj'bfcuiderfi. Tho huHlmud,iwevcr, secured an aid chair and aome pie-ircn, with which ho departed ou tho next•nin, liio former wife Audiuv In the tloor n»

went by nnd waving ut him nu old poleonicd with purU-colort-d r«eR-Mr. LougHtalT, Uio well-kuovrn and BIICCCKB-

'ul competitor Iu tho Jcronto Purk mcc«, liasnight Uie Owen farm at Morris I'litftm, nnd111 at once ndd n number of improvements,

most prominent will bo thu erection ofnimciuie (raining fltnlile on tho Jtrotnoi rifle, which will require 111,001) ilihiifloi

complete the roof. Tho tontrnct for erect-ing the BJime linn been awanlflil to Mr. K M,

liiuby. Hr, IjongfitalTIiiuin number of fino•ranghbredit In his fitnhlo at Jerome Park,d will ship mnnyoftlioni to tlwPIniiw upona'completion of tlio stables.—/I'lpuWiriu.Tho Umo of holding tho nnuiinl fair of ths

lailieB of St. Mary's Church ban been d«fl.jly fixed to coiiinieiiGCouflloniliiy evening

icxt nnd contlnuo ten dnys. The old ottrno-IR which have niado thewo f»ir« BO |i!in tho piuit will all bo availed cf for' thin

iccnHlou, and thero wil> doultkHu bo mnnylovfltles. A flno Hiring band of fivewill inspirit tho daucura, tho Indies

:ill offtr ninny befiuliful things, both ornn.mental nnd nneful, and refresliniontH will ba

jed IA iiKiinl. Thla oocimioii alwaysa Kcnsou of unnllojcd plensuro nud idlauld L'njoy tlieinmihoB should go.

A HnekeltHtowii LyeuruiiH, who tried nnit ut Stanhope liwl week wiw no "over-

i" by hU lugiil ofiiirU tlmt alter tho wiitfrlciHlt) -'1.11(1 him out" ut n liotel, with

liii liaiidri geutly crosctd Hl>nu hid brciwt,a d pennies ou hin eyes, ami built n mou-cut of pillows nt hiH head.' Tim RMIIG kw-beauno a bmulwimn flir ltfg cliunt in tinuiud inndo nilliliivit hu n-nn worlh twici

lie aimuiiit of the bond, wbcreujxtii nn in-:eriJiiteil putty took a copy of tho document

nhow tbo atwoMor of AltumiicLy tnnniihip,whom the lawyer hml slated ho was not

nrlh a cent. Tulk about t]w elinrges

I TilllL'D !

From the way it mined last Sunday itlooked as if tho equinoctial WOH deseunding

' . I t was Uio first rain of anymount we havo hail In'sovcral

md tho HtrcamB wow filled, pro-

Mr. Clark D. Slrapflon, of Wooilport, lastweek visikd hin brother, Harry, a t .KonwjCity, Pa- Tho Ifltfer wndfl i n eopien of thopapers of thnt section which nbow. tho woc-darful profipcrity at present reigning ui thoail regionif, VH will bo seen <l>y an extractpublished elsewhere. • - • ,

Tha Ust numbor of .the Engineering andUiclng Journal contains an illustration cfMr. Fred. A. Canflelil's miaeral dreracr, and

...jnlhs,nenting their old Umo appearonco. Th(gusts of wind accompanying Uio storm In thievening did xonie damage in breaking trecBimd the shutters of buadiuga. Ooo fins largo

In front of tlio reaidenco of Ur . D. 11.Overtou, on Bussed street, was blown down,

Tho Engineering and Mining Journnlif Uio pig iron musket last week: Tin

Thoinoa Iron Company reports Balee of 2,00(1tons of Nos. 1 and 3 foundry.ond forgo. ,T'*nlsp nots ealcs of COO tons of Crano iron,atrcfmUrquotaUonfl. Tha Thomas Iron Co.has not a pound of iron on hand, and with "matterriaro'encoamging.; but It Is idmotttingle exceptiou, for from other (luartcra «only get Uio report of dullbuslnesji. Wiquote No. J foundry nt $22; Ho. 2, iJSOf nad

irge, 5 l I )nnd$30.

Itcv. W. w/llallowrty, Jr . , tlio d«w pwttiof tlio l'rCHbyterian Clmrrli will awrnnolmrge of hiH oongrogntioi) nn Sunday, Ot

Amuigenicutu h:ivo bocn Hindu for thoIliilinn acrviocs, which tnko jilauo Ocl

1351b, lit hiilt-puxt BUVOII o'clock itf thu eveniuf. llev. 11. H." Feaglem Modemtor, williKBtilo, IUIV. J . A., French will prenuh thik>nuou, Uev. A. Erdninrt will deliver tlcharge to lha iKwtor, Dr. Irviug tho.chnrgf

>tha jieopK und Dr. Mcgio will ofTur'thelucluiliug pr.iyer. , • • • . ,

Tho S u J t x Register w y s : " I t had JKi p p m d tlint there wfin but <ino crigl:iipy of t lo Mortlfito™ Rhont, in exlsltince,ut Tlico. F, Htir.1, of Onlvn, lltiuoid, wit«i

UFlthntwKnthb Hiippcuoo to biuojiy, of tweuty-eigt pages, haa been In his

mtire tlian forty years.'1 Thiptiier puople besidu Mr. I luid nho hu\;««uiid

ilw of tlw UorrMAra Ghostira nho ulno nnjipote llmm to ha tho origi

iiiil, but iiivestigiitiorj prtitfii Ihem to bo IhoymiugeiliUonuf 1828.

On Saturday lust an excursion of tho How-tng Clubs of New York, Newark, Uarlnm ani"other jilnaeii was made Io, Greenwood Laki

the pnrpoflo of Judging i f tho eb'gibilit;of Uio hike an a regatta course, and it wiUio unanimous opinion of nil that i t offersfjivtrmilo course unsurpassed by any in th<Country, being sheltered on 'a l l aides' b;Uiickly iroo^e4 hUU, . Jt pan therefore n-tiolved to Rflppt it as a rowing, course, oni"arrangements aro bningmado for holding; tbifirst rcgnttn on Uia Cth a n ! Tth of October.'

Tho will o! Uie laloKufua.'lt. Graves,brrlHtown, maliei tho following munlflce

bequests: For tho educaUon of tho colon)*]

an interesting paper on tho . highlyunending it, which was read by. T. Egglo.

Bton, Ph. D,, of the Columbia School ofMinea, How York, nt tlio February meeting oftho American Inntituta of Mining Engineer*,

people of tlio South," §100,000; AmericanMififilotmry Association §15,000; Homo Mis'wonarr Society of tlio Co'ngregftUonal Church,Oberib COUCBO of Ohio, Derea Collego ofKentucky, Brooklyn Orphnu Asyhun,Woman's Missionary Society of Amcricn, nnfthe American Bonnl of Fflroimi WisaionnS10,O0acach; Boston OonHumptlvea1 IlointNew York Children's Aid Society, BrooklyNowuboya' Koora, Bethol and Plymouth Mis-don, of TroqUyn,. (IIolyoko' Bcminary olMaeaflchuflcttfl, Howard Minnion of New York,and City Mission, of Brooklyn, $5,000 Cflohflunderland, MJUB., town, library, 93,000Kearly a quarter nf a milliah. of dollars J

. Ibltuary. •


T U B CHtiiauljle gfnU«iiinti, Lonon-d t-iiiwad rntur.1 friend, bruitlidl IIIH lust at ii•Biilcuce nn Olt-rgim s t m t iu thin city, <itiidiiy luoniinj,' hist, nt luilf-[)iu;t hi viclock. Tlw doc&istd wnif II lintiva of Veirtil n.iul wii* furty-thrte ytiu-n of uye. I'trenty yeara (ir thcreubouUi, hu worked i

[he D., I* A W, ear BhnpKiit Seivmlou, and: fie timo of his li'iivm^ tlurc,iarn flgo, WIIK foreman of the fr^iglit do.irtiueiit. He came to Dover an SlusUr utur Kepnirs for tiie Mon-is k EKSCX UiviKiou,le principal Hliops being at thin place, TJiisasition lio held, wiUi credit to hiluwlf anilitiufaction tohtH cnipbycn, until the firet

if tho prcMt-nt month, when his rapidly fnil-L; buillh convimud him Unit he would uov-he iible to ufuiiiuiQ hin uctusLontcd pLice

igiiin, imd he reniyucd ii'm uffim, nud wiceoded by the prcHeiit worthy incumbent,

Mr. J. W, Eoier.l ie first begun to miller, pcrueptiMy, from

Ihe fell diKcaso Unit Qnully diiKtroyed him,about three yearn ngo, but although fionie-

t> greaUy enfeebled he did not rDliiirjufoliictivu KiijieriuteniluUCQ uf l i s duties until

ibout the Iut of July lust, when ho wns con-ilncd to his house, wbldt he did uot quit na-il UID timo ot hia dcntlu

Tlio life of Mr. Barber ufforils nn illustra-tion of tho value of ncoimdL'ntiotiH, uprightinnu, nnd an examplo wortliy of iiuitiition by

U ftllowu. Ko matkr what tlio comoijuen-JH, ho never Hwon'ed from tho lino of dutyml the principles of honthty, thereby eKUb-Hliing himself an one of tho mont Tidned and•listed men in tins employ cf tho company,tid enjoying in no fliuall degrco the tonll-UIICO nnd CHteem of its bfScialH. Nor

Port Morris-'Yon will pknso observe that tho libel in'. Tamblyn'H poem won ouly a libul on tha

Ictuals nnd the poem vran written befora tlilBfIttlen" wero cooked, nud it van not hiiffimlt

it tho pio which lie jnndo to rhjnuo withMrs. Hough wns not tough, nnd tlio b w u i t

Mr* Uny were loo good to Uu-oiv &\vny, Iopa the gentlcuinn will 1)9 BnUallcdwitH tlii

wtiou nnd furnish you a copy of tha[joeni liijriHclf,

Our RCIIODI DponeJ IUKI Sloiidny morning.Ono of Sir. Triinmov's men lind bin too

mushed Wednesday bylcttiugn rail full on it,iicn AUon , t Soan hnve got thuir ' *

rebuilt.Conductor nembneherhns taken uatfl hiai.-

self a wif<i. I wwh UIH nappy couple innch)y and hope John mny conduct hiH train

safoly Into Uie Grand depot on his Inst trip,and tlmt (to ijuctn Bcrlpturo aeconling to Col,fiLlcntinn of HackctbitowiO Amamia'ii chil

dren mny_ riso^uli ond^pidl t.er Ucijaud. •!Did you ever hear tha Colonel mako r

speech ? If yon didn't go to South SUinhojictho 2BUi iuRt. IIo In going to try that

Uw ituit over on Uuit day, and I BUggetit theyhold court in Drnko'a Hall. Tho,last Oti<lasted frora 10 o'clock in, tha morning until

p, u, of tha next day, nnd Uiea Uio juryiKiigreeil, 11 to 1, and waa discharged,At tlio present atngo of Uio proceedings

io not wkh to eay anything more about itexcept to BUggcHt that tho Colonel and hisaccorcplitdicd wieoulnto will try and cut it

rat as mueh of tha obflcenltyif tho lust trial an possible.

Mr, Goodwin ntlll teaches at School Dis-trict No. »r. Bo I eay p

ig Rchool meeting,If tb&'nst of ninnkimt r « 4 our political

papers now-ii-dtiyfl I wonder what they thinkof, Uio moral etfitua of Uio good pcopli) of

leso Unitfid States. Every dny of Uio weeko ara furnkhiag Uio world with Uio doou-icnts to prove that tho man who is to be

elected President of theso Uaitcd Btatcs for!io next four years [whichever man it bu) IHdefraudor of Uie government, whoso control

re nropoeo to pu t in hia hands, and a per-urcr! Ami Uie notion is movo than 100pars old I Men and Ih-clhern I IJujley'slec-jrcs aro cot o cfrcumntanco to thnt• TherewiUboiin election In Ditike's Hall,t South Slanhopo, on Hatnrday evening the

23d fast.; by Uio lot owners of StanhopeUnion Cemetery, Io fill Tueaucios in tlie Hoardof TrutoM. • " - ^ _ _ - " ' '

Tlie Local iVewspaper-.Tha iinportauco of a uoivspapcr at a poliU

icul, moral, and rollgious ngent is vuuuuledbyah", butftiwesUiaiito fidly its importanceii a factor iu our daily life, unless indeed,hon deprived of it. 'Ilia Atlieuinn citizenuppjred to tho porch of tho King Archron or

H nil. To tli nder hi« cliargo lie overgreatest courtesy and Idnd-

i H, and looked nftor their intercuts witliml akin to tlint which lio winced for hisDploycr«, which euilcnred him to themith an extent thnt when tha ncw« of IIIH

denth cuiuo to them they mourned nu theyi-culil hare uiournid for tlio IOSH of a brother.

A moral man in (ho strictest nciiuc of theor in i he realized his ohligitliuiiR to hirt fel-own, and the lovo awl duty he owwl IIIH ft

ily—realizntioiiB which made him a nobleitizen and an exemplary huabnnd and father.or Ihe Biibject of religion ho always had IIIL

[irofouudestwflpcet, which led finally to hitinppy conversion and a death that mis glo-•ions in Christ. When tho light of Qod'inurvi'louH frutli brulio hi upon him, IIIH fev'tinmining ou orgies vrcra nt once directed toh.i mlvntion cf his friends, and ho embraced

ovury opportuiilly to show them what Oodind done for him nud what ho would do foihoin. l ie lcnvoH behind him to elicriHh hiiiiciuory t, wifo and son, tho liitter about 111'ears of Dgc, nnd. a host of Korronlng fellowuborerH nnd frioinln.

I t unvfaiglKxn] decided Io int.at Scrnnton, vhera ho no long rcatd,cd, d spe-

car wns placed nt Uio disposal of his fam-ily and thoKO cf his friends who vlulied

i attend tho last Bud Hurriccs. This wits at-mched to tlia Biiifihnmntou Express, whichloft Dover on Monday evening. In order Id[)ay Iho last tribute of respect to theif tho departed all work van BiiHpeuded ntho fihopa on Koudny afternoon and the c:iloyeeu gnthcrcd at tha housa nud took a nad

fnrowell of their honored miperlntciidcut, theiceno being truly affecting as UlGKO liardvmen gazed wilh emotions they could not coiIrol upon idl'that remained of him BO endear-ed to them by Uio nssocinUocs of tlia. pnnt.They then formed nn eneort and followed lb<

iniuH to the depot, where; mnny citizenswere also gatliored nud quite a Inrgo (Jolega-tion of the lilwp men nlao eutcrcd tho train

nccouipnny Ihein to their lastphoo, ' .; •

After a sonicwliat tedious journey and HOV-eral dulajB, the trnfu arrived'at Scrnnton a(half-pnfit twelve o'cloelc, about an hour nndhalf liehind Ume. Hero a delegation of HydaPark Lodge, No. flfiji, A,P*wiiI A. IL, ofwhioh 6Ir. Harber l

] u-cru euiiRcniul AH av.y nun I uvcr knew. Ai1 mi illtifitrution df IIJH niond worth he rcferrecj hiii hi nrow io tlmne nkilwiirt iiifii witii ciil

niMil ImudH, vim, fu|- iiv.iiy from ilu-iirj|,it.h, liwlny follow him wilh a brullltrV•vu Io liU gravf. His kijidiwifl* find love tok fnuiily, which precluded him dItoriuff nu unkind word tu thnn » w atltitkdi. Jiiit iiflLTiill (hcHB luingHhc ranli/xd lie

had nut duue euuugli, nnd he iniwle Iheilly conffBHon 'Jf IUK nittd of

:iin wfiB lint ii death bed coiivcrHiuu. KcIIg-.iinht bad bora working in hi« mindv, mid ihe pondering of thin gravewas that which made him n eomwj-

Utioim Iiiiin. ^Yhcn Uie light uf OUII'H Imlhupon him ha realized how neiir it

had. Leon to lilui all tho time, nnd ponderedlial lie had not griupt-d it before. Vlwuliu grcitt change cmuu over him itttwulo iniiiil tlia dcKirti to do w)met!ring for God, utidrheiibvcr opportunity offered lio madetri'iiuwiH ciideaforH Io lead liin unconvertedriondrt to Chritit. Mr. ltoouuy bpoke In-ntittule of tho kincliietts of Mr. Raisonfir toiis dcccaniid friend. May God annwcr tUonany prayers that go up that he may expo-iuime Uw joyn thnt imida; Ihe duutli of ourIpjmri.-rt friend m happy. - Luriuti S. BnrbarIM horn in Vermont, and while ft Mnnll boyGinovL'd with hie fnthor to Carhondalo. Houmo to 8c run ton 2'i jcnrMBfjo, and from thatimo until within a few weeks EIIIEQ wan Inhe employ of the I). L. k W. llnilrond Co.lie imirricd a Christina wife, whouc Christian

nU ho ever rejected, A glowingWM hero |iaiil to the influence

ncrt td by Ckristiiui women. IIU fntlierid mother aro hero to-day | they liuveome to bury lbcir loving «on. Qod had

blrawMl him with n good rather and mothernud lio had returned their love with filial af-rcctiun. Mr. Eoouey nest Leautiluliy aniffe<?tiug portroytJ Uio cvvutti preceding tholimtli of tlio dcccnHcd, Oa Friday evening aimyer inccliug was liDld at bin hoimo, of

which ho wan the leader. As they »angeel Ufa M d Dye," he mild ho could al., HCD 1I!K lieAvenly houic—" I t WflH justthe hill." Tlio lcsuou ha would urge

upon nil would be to prepare for death; toobtain Ihiit religion that will go vrith un to

homes, be with u.i in.our biisincsH, makeus nablo nud true, and, good to our families

ml our fellow men—BO thnt thu niinintor wilill no regrets when lie comes to piench tbomeral discourse, and the nngcls will wel-inioourncceiwiDn to tho heavenly tlirotig.Tho Bervices at ttio elmreh wero then

brought to n CIOHO by Iho fringing of " BwcetUyo and Dye," another hymn which l l r .ltarber had nulectcd for thin oceasiuii.

Itetunilng to Hcnuiton tho remnlus wcrolonveyed to Forest Hill cemetery where tiioklnaoiw conducted the final (AmeiiulcB of tboirifitciiHoa brother, tho cror benutifiil and nf.Meeting ritual being nindo moro impressive>y the mnnncr hi which it wns said,

Ailor n further Kojoiini of H fow liouni In.liu d ty the Dover frimds utarlutl for lioinoat half past four, wliero they arrived n littleafter niuo,

ojnbcr, met lhparty and tnok chnrge of tho pemnltui, whloliwere token to Uio remdence of. Mr. tiaub,tbo undertakerj on--Wyoiniua'-Ai'finuerthowhole party following in a body through Uiodark nnd silent Btrccts, after which thoy part-4 for Uio night. . • : : .- '• Athalf-pastnlno o'clock tlio fricmlH, tbDover encort and tha inombora of Hjdo PoH:Lodgo axsomblcd at tho honsc. There we:also present Superintendent McKunna oi

umber of Uio men of tlio car shops iScnuiton, the whole force of nearly TOO nitsuspending work during tha funeral In honorof their former associate. A littlo Inter MBarber'o ptirenta and other friends from Car-bondale, To., arrived, and flual ICJIVO wastoken of tho remnlns. At half-past .tuno'clock the proceBsion, composed of a lorgenumber of carriages, escorted by the car shop

n and tho Maroufl, proceeded to the M. E.Church at Hydo Park, cuiroBB lha Lneknwan-

a river.

Rev, 8. B. Iloouey, of Dover, opened thecrvicca by announcing tho lOGDd hymn,hldi was sung by nn excellent choir, Mr.

Boouey then offered a fervent prayer, whichwan followed by tho reading of a part of tho[Bill chapter of lnt Corinth [nun, commencing

the 2f»th verse, by lUv.K W. Van Schoick,pastor oF tho church.

to tho academle groves to rcce rally theirrent news vhicli wan confined principallyi what occurred In hia own city, Htnto, or ntlost hi (Irueoo, and, ns a eoimapiecce, ho

was Athenlau Bret intcnsclf, and llicu, in idegree, a Greek. We sit down to ou:

irenkfasts with our neiTHpnrer in which wiind the occurrences of yesterday, not onlyif our own 'city, hut throughout tho w

Not only this, but vo find all Df thin ticwa dUgeatcd foniF, commented ou, lind if need bo

r opinions rendy-formed for us. DecniiBohbj IsolaUon, UioAthcniiuintlnobTiicnt

Imal," not cosmopolitan, or even naUonsl.With one who purveys daily tho news of liiineighborhood and of lib HHtipodes, load ntlachnientfl nro compaliblo with coiimopoliti\iteeUngm his horizon is citeuded b y thoji^css, This npecinl nttnclmifinl ciubrncca tliovery paper which ho is accustomed to reniLlie is familiar with its typography, its innlo.ip, and it becomes like nu old friend. JtujxcellendeH nro recognized rnthbr than i ulimitntiorm. Our cofimopolilau hunt enn bo

a by Miy good nowspnper, but our lo-cal attachment only by thnt particular paper

[ectcd for this occasion by Uic decennsd,mciicing; • •

" I will ning'you a song of tUnt hcnvjifulland,

Olio fur ftwny liomo of Uio MOUI." ••

Hcv. Mr. Van Schoick then mndo a briefidrcKs. In beginning ho said Uiat from all

ho hnd baouablo to learn of tlie departed, ofho great amount of good growing out of bin

lifo, ho realized how bsautiful, and howappropriate to thin occasion were Uio wordsof UioIlovolntor: " I heard n voice frombenven Raying unto me,- write, Blcssad aroLho dead who die in Uie Lard from houce-forth; Yea, imith tho spirit, Uial Uioy may,refit from their laborer*! { nnd their worlts,do

derived from Uio cxnmplilifo wero brought beforo hiH heHtrict-coiiBciimtioiunjesB iu nil hit

ywhich we aro necubtomed to. Any

traveled for will recall Uio

pe \ h i

withrliiclilio sonruhed Hie newBpapcrs from lionn

Tor' news, of local affairs. At such a tlmithera was noUiing commonplace to him. t

Tho foregoing, tukun from ou exchaneo,one of thu best tlijiifp wo •iinvo yet seen

upon thin subject .Knowing Uieivory ono takes i a local matters, -fes hnyo

falUifnUy endeavored, to givo all Uio nown ofHID county worth publication. How well mhmo flticaaedeii, our readers niust judga, taking into conniderfition *H Uifty do no tho do-pretwkjii of tiio Umcs, pnrticnhirly in tl(l» Iropmining region. This week we present Uiopaper with a now dre&i of typo for Uio localpages, which Is better to rend Uian thnt wo

| havo been using, feeling WRttred tlint tliehango will meet "the apprbbnUon of otrenders'. _

J U S T TO DDTEHS OFTBDKKB ASH VAL-ISES.—riemon Bros, will Mil Trunks, Vnliscaind BotoheLs for tha next thirty diiyn nt

grcaL deal less than their valureduce t teir stock.

y, ia order to

Tliet s ming tho benutifid. hymn, no.

thoni,"I h e pruieliet-Uiuu made m it eulogy

of the character of Uie man. HisU/owaseogrnnd witli cxcallencicH Uwt It would btdifflcnlt to point out ono^good trait moreproniiiient than many others. Tlia lessons

of such aire™. HU

relntlonu,liiBiinHiveiTingintegrlty.hlsiiliihtytoineaimroup to hU duty at all timeH, his fideh'ty to hiacm]iIoycrK, and IIIH liliidueKH nuiVcfiurteRy to•hoso over whom ho wnt placed, wero vividlyportrayed and showed thnt men. who havonot been faithful in tho lower dnties of lifo

not 1)5 citllcfl of qoil (p UIKJICI 'ion. IIJH careful ovorfiinht in preparing

for contingonciGS won n trait thnt led him Ilook upon the subject of religion wiUi cmdort and to cmbmcB lieforo his' iltath thoChristian faith, which j^ivo buntoil perfect triumph in Christ Umt life deathwns glorious, The coucluRtoil nf liiti rcmarki

i doKcriplivo of his happy death nudthe worthi of comfort he gavo his fricndi.

r. Rooncy followed in an nddrcsa of eomelength, which wan on] ' of Uio .flncst din-

^. havo ever heard from' hint.EloqvionUy nnd cnrncstly bo told the story oflha life of bin departed friend, - moving tli

nudicncQ antl b'ringitg stalwart manma vl>? l icwl ,%nt)w Uwtlike doftoqnUon to rednoo hU

remarks to n inero newspaper paragraph, asc nre compelled to do at this timo. IIo said

Uic pastor bad anticipated Iiim in nomo ofUio roranrks ho lir^a Intended to mnW. Tli

<nt ot a man's coming into tlio world, IiRaid, tn a wonderful event, .Tho living init—human existence—is wonderful.. I t IsIUHO a ^oudorfid event when tho lifo ofman, endowed, with fiiculticn nucli OH impoHHCKHcs, with all U s hwociations in liftxuddanly cornea to a point when ho ceases tob«. In" tho conlemphiUon' of death and allitanad trurrountHngH we find-Urn Biblo theonly mire eourco af.ccmfort. .My peepingfriend, whom. I learned to lovo and rcspoclfrom Uio time-1 brntcaw aim, led nn faultki

j alifo M f

At noon ou Thin-sdny tlio lato nswoeMr. Barber at tlio car nliop held a meeting

i nttCBt their SOURO of tho loss they hadlined, and to convey nu expjrciwlon of

sympathy to tho family of thoir liita fiuper-nteiuleut The meeting was called to order>y Mr. O. Garrnbrant, and on motion Hr. F.V. AYolfo wan uloctcd Olwlniiii) aad Mr. J.H. Loney Beeretary. Tha olijrot of thoiieetlng was etntrd by the Chair, After whichi Committee of throe, consisting of Messrs.Q. Garmbnint, A. T. Doty and A. McGregor,

appointed to draft roBolutidno. Afterduo consideration tlio Ooinmltteo reportedthe following, which were adopted i

WnEREAi, It hnth scorned licet to tho Ditepenier of all Qnod la cull to hiaHearoiilyrest our Into Biiptrintondent/ Lucius a.Dnrbcr, depriving us of Uio society andeointmuioiisliin of ono who in Ufa was our

.trimted friend and counsellor; thereforebu it i

. llutoiAxn, Tlmt whlla wa accept 'withhumility this decroo of Uiat Providence whowv&yn we inaorutahb, wo Btill mny give et-

^resaion to our grateful remembrance of himwho. by iv kind regnrl for Uione placed underhim', had endeared himself to ua in Guoh odegree Uiat liie memory will ovorb« nasocl-atoclwiUiflamo of Ui'sbrightcetrecollocUonBOfour liven. AB R. Superintendent ~ he warhnmane aud kind; ho gava onr interuBts hiiUioughtful enre, and our wclfaro was eve:onlmncad by his kindly consideration.' Asa friend, his love for us WAS akin to tlmtof a brother, and his proocpts and counselsworo for our-good. I t IB therefore witli foel-

of Uie deepest BDrrov, ondfi keenappre-ou of the lcss-wB hnve unulamod, tliatWo

pay this poor, hut mtefut , tribute to hisAmi bo it further

v«n. That wo tender to his otticleiifamily the hciirtfolt eipreiwion of bur .pnUiy for them in their Umo of Borrow,accompanied with the osHurauco that tharemcinbmnca of his virtues will renuiiu.yrith

a lasting monument to hit) memory,JZSOLTED, l i in t tlicso resolutions ho pub-

lished In tho local papers, nnd thnt a. copy ofthe Barao bo uiiitnllly L'ngraased oud prcsoutedIo tho family of our deceased friend.nm1

bent foci or,

Fifth District hcpublfcan Convention.


Tho Fifth Now Jersey District HepnlilicnnJonvontlon won held at the Opera House,

, on 'WcilncBdny, .and -was Inrgclyittendcd. Among tha candidates prominentlynicnUoned for Uio naniinatlpnivero os-llnyorMills, nnd Hun. John Hill, or Mcrrifi, Juilgo

irhisand Hen. William Walter PhoIpnoEgen, and Hon. Ocorga A. Hohart, of Vos.

snio. • I t waa announced tlmt Mr, Fhelriu hadpositively lefusod to bo n candidate, and his

•mis dropped from tho list Mr. Hill'sehnnces wcra seriously u&ccted by na oxintingdoubt nstowlietiiorho could legally nil thei(Qces of Congresnmui and Stata Senator at

i timn.. Shortly after 12 o'clock th.Convention wan colled to order by Mr. O. M,K. Pftulisou, of Pnssaic, who rend tlio calltnd noraiunted J. "vVymaii Jones, of Dcrgfln,

r temporary Chairman. Mr. Jonescleclod, and in asccud.bg Uio ]ilatforin madein eloquent iiutl Btirring speech, Mr. C. 0 .Cooper, of Morris, wan .elected temporary

itory, nnd Uio lunml CoaimlttooB wcraippoicted. Tho Convention then adjourned

UU 1:110 o'clock to- nfford tho ConuniltecH aaopportunity cfprepftiing their rcporU.". Oil•o-dfidbmbling'UiG Comruittou 'on Ponnn:orgnnizatiou rcportcil Uie.following gciinon for pernianontofliocrs: Oaorgo Wurfc,

Lt; John Anderson, Tlioraas I3ri({ht,0. M. It. Pnnlismi, Vise Prpflidents j L . Shaffor,a 0. Cooper, Samuel Murray, ' Eccrctnricn.Tho report Vtifl adopted unanimously. TheCominittoo on ItcnoiutiouH reported a nindorsing Uto Cincinunti pUtfonn and condi-djiUs ftiul pledginf; Uio convention to tlitii

, Tlio comiLieB wcro culled forinntJonH and Alfred llilln, flharlea I I . Vporhluind JolmJIill wero pl&eed before the Con-

vention. Hie first vole was, Mills, '43 j Hill,34; Voorhis .10, On the Uilrd hidlot 1UHdropped to U, and liin immo was withdrriiOn ths fonrtli ballot Mills received GL' votci

nd Voorhis ill. Fifty^even votes heii _tecesHiry to it choico, tho nomination of Mr.Mills wns mndo unaairdous amid tho wild.

Kin. BubscciucoUy Mr. Mills nbrought into tho convention nud accepted tinnomination in an nlilo (inil vigorous speech.

Tenclien' Mooting-.A union meeting of tenchen from thi

iwnnhipa of ChcsUr, Washington, ML OUnnd Itoiburj-, nnd from Jtandolpb, Itocknwn;and Je_ffereon, wUl ba held ot 'Port Omm, iSaturday tho flOth cf September, openinghalf-post ten o'clock A . U.

In addUion to exercises by members of th^ociatlonn, Prof, Htvven, of Horristown

anil Mr. A. E. Cope, of Stanhope, a n <petted to render 'assistance. '

A ehort period will bo devoted to reorgrizalion and elccUon of officers for tho Asso-ciations. .. Prof, Cflcar Harily, cf iTattdcrR, will pnulde At the mooting. - <

Teachers and all others interested iu cd<ation, uro invited to attend tlio meeting,

J , D, RimoiDH,A-.Jlt4tJ GlXllK,


Ca&h in Ailv&nce tiie Only Way.Urn. KiUjfur", uf the Huuterdon Countyuiuocnit, JJIVI. to liin Kiibttcritjorii—"On« Hi' Mli r.'iiniiiiw to complete the:iir of our rauriurtion willi thu Democmt.e have diM-uvurL-J tlint it tukes uiontry tou it. Our HiiUtcribum Luvo vut cno tnoutL]>py their ndiwiriptiimH at Two DOI.I.AHH ;

II tlint illicit to do HO will be charged Ttvcolkra and i'ity Cciite."Now, Uro. KUlgoro, if you cannot gutyomibscribcm to [my Two Dollar* jtlciuic t*H ui

! you «spect UHUI to pay Two IJoIlnnf"aud:ty Ceuln. lt wwris to un tbut you will nddyour uuKcry.Agniu ho eavH:

Ou tlo 1st day of October we will -o•our list, oud thoHo who have not pwd

ithin Uic year will bo dropped."Thsn you will hear "eulhin ilrnp" prelty•titty heavily In tlio course of o. fortnight,

linve yot to lenni Uiut uli meu ISTEKD toiy for their jinpei1 to tlio dny of thuir death,intend to tho dny of tlich- death to pay foi

icir pupir. You may tuko your choice, it'itha same.

Agnlu he obucrven:A fairmcfuiire of prosperity has attendedillortH, if BiilMcriberH und advertitterii

ildpnyup." ' •Your oliHcnntioii, lira. -Killgorc, IHctly conect, mid Is honed upon a Just up--cciation of tlia facto an stated iu the uue.

lywoall.Conk in adviuieo will enable you to payar paper maker; your adverUKDiiiouUi willible you to pay your employees, and your

work, if you have enough of it,you to support youmelf if you liv

ill i

imicnlly. If you lmve dreamed of anythingo tbiiii thin you hud better get the sheriff

nrouflo you from yourit "bod."


For the Ladieal l i o ditqilay of millinery tlms fnr pretontait littlo variety to that ot lunt year, witli

exception of n slight diminution in HIZGid uijrciitcr vnriotjr cf nhnpc«, Tliti briuiHUie fidl hats ai»Q tint OH l.ron-l or ilArlng on

030 worn during tho' miiimier; nt|ll thochnngo in uot great enough to he very ulrik-

TIio IIEUE cicoTi: will imdonljtcilly bo!ty popular; but avciy one caimot wwir niby Louiiet—iudccil, only those with frcxhimplexions and round, ohikliKli fawn KIIDUUI

to do ho. Thu tyrulli'iuic, u biuicy-bnt, with ii uniitll tapering* nrown,

it on the top, and tho HEntshupe, will prob:ibly uo the prevailing fityles for young pco-

Tlien wo bavo tho gyiwy uud cottiigo bou-its, both of which are very prim nud Hvdiiteoking, hesidcu an incalculable number ofipcH that caa bo worn by old or youug—for iiihtnnce, one of the new filiapcn, with

half^onleal crown, can ho trimmed to prc-wnt a decidedly juunty. appearnuco, or the

erne, tlio effect depending entirely uponnianutr in whicb Uio gnniiture is nrrnng-

;d. It is not nu cany matter to draw tho linodemarcation between trimmed hats nnd

imietu, for Uio former are frequently mndoresemblo the lattor and vicsvEnsi. ThiiK,

modicr nnd daughter cnu wear tlio Kimeipea EO completely dittguixod by tho onia*mta aud trlmmingit thnt it ia Imposaiblo to

rccognizo nny similarity between tho hatibFonucd into a bonnet or tlio bonnet into

lint Among tho new htvlex, we find thoEnglish turbaiiaURliUy inodiAcd from thutof Ilast Reason. Tho turbaa is always popular,

ir tbo renson thnt ft is extremely becoming'many, Tlio "Uninsborongh" has runp-

carcd in dark coarao straw and felt Aiighf chnngo IH ' deficcniiblo in tlio crown,hich In moro, pointed, nnd tlio brim not un

irond as formerly.


Tho people nre reaping iliu benefits of tboLilrondwhen geltlug Lehiyh and Chestnutnl for $i.flr. a ton gross weight doliverndtlio place.Travelers to tho CciitcunEnl grounds linda l t . .B . na Hraull conveuleucc, hut thoseio wlsli to go to Kow York or hnvo freightfihip find it i'nyn bent to UHQ tho eld moanstmuBportation via. Drakoville or Bucca

o m . Companies hnvc a perfect right to beoir own pncf t jor .thepo tlungfi, but it is

loft with tho pcoplo to suy •whotlier they vfitvoItornot,nndcHpccinlly is thin Uio cmrbeat)tbcr faalliUes are nt liand. The Uu

le now in UBO gcoiim to linvo a*' njtcc ialiijn in compelling pcoplo to travel by ther of New Jersey Control Io get to New

'ork, but they generally do not compel"worth a cen t" -If tho furo can he ovonoricarly so then the thing would meet withicidedly moro favor. A depot buildingitoblo to protect from inclement weuUiei:

aud houfl t would bo a decided im-jvement upon tlio present plan of Btanding

ipon a plntform waiting for tho cars andiwiug articles of freight out without care

>r shelter., ' •Thero ni-e (juitfl a number going from

to rhiladclphi& this -week and j&gisto ndi ono to the cumber of sight

oeni at tbo great International exhibition.Wednesday morning there wns considera-

te of n gathering tt tho plnco dosignnted fordjpot waiting tho eomtug train to bearlem on to tlio "City of IlreUicrly Love.".mong others wo noticed V. I t lliUer and

wifo, N, II. Drake, JumcH Abel, Jewo N.Sharp, Mnhlon Hlnnan, Mm. Br. Wcuhvorth

and Miss Wnck.Tlio storm on Sunday effectnolly ended tho

drouth; tho wind that nccompiinicd it didslight diunngo, ' '. £ • ;

Valuations-Tlio following uiblo will bo found intercutig ns Bhowing Ihe avcrnga valua per acrei tlio different townships of thia county,

based tqion tho (issesnod valuation oi real«ta(o as returned by tlio Board of AsnCBSorn

: Uds year f

Centennial Notes-

The Gtruiaa urtimius aro here.All the jiriiuipiJ. botflM are crowded.'Hie Pouiologiiail duplay « (ILO.The Ccutcuniul haa buui n great luwtei

)f inarringea. I'LPU]J1O huvo ruHbcd into miiuouy BO as to ({O ta Uio Exposition and ou

tbur wudding tour a t the «amo Ume.

Tlio Kt'rieti of (speeiul ccIehruUoun by theoriginul (hirtetn filatefl, inaugurut«l by Nui

:y, will ba contained on HIICCUHSIVlliursduyN iu the following order: To-moirow, Sqt l . Hint, New York will bo here

. JiStlio, PtmiHylviiniu; Oct. flth, l thotlIsland | Out. VJtii, Kow Bnu iwh in . ¥oi-lowing these will twiiio the jubilees of the hi:Southuni Bklsii niuludud in tho original Uiir-

I t in proponed to conclude thii grand reunioii of tho Govt-rnow of itll

UitJ SUitta and TerritorieH,Peiinaj-lvauia duy will bo the I'Bth im

Tho grounds on Uiat day will bo kept opia latii Lour, ana Uie convenience of v,otherwise fit cured by such nrrangcineii

wilh the Rteuni and horee lines of railwayjucuro faiflicicnt accommodation at uliw, Sli.jor Bloklcy has been

to cull upon all the buaiDcsato elono fcr Uiat day. The jublio scliooli-ill be vlwicd &ud Uie pupils wilt be invitedj ho iu ititondnnco un Uio^shibitiou

:o maint iu making tlio mh a general holi-day. Tlie Hoard of Finance, Uio City nudfitate niithoriUcfi have niado nrraugemeuthwith ifcsMrs. Broek £ Co., of Loudiyi, Pyro-

" a to the Queen, forapyrotecnic di«ployon George's Hill, facing the Exliihltiou huild-ugH and grouuda, Tbo building will bo il-iiiuinatod nnd we aro pramified the uuewt din-itliiy of Cro works over exhibited ill thinMimtry. Special mnwcoJ eutertaimiiotiU willilwi bo held in Kcvorul of tlio buildiiigfl.1 Tho number of viuitora fioin thin time for-

ward will probably average one hundredloiiimnd per day.

The city is filled wilh strangers; lout nightve hundred viuitora slept in tho Baltimore

depot. Some utrangers coming into (he eitynt u lute hour uot being uLlo to tliid ulcepiiignceaininodatioiiH ut Uio holclx Hpent tho nightriding from end to end of Uie route of the

M rnilu-nyu In U«i nlglit ram. Puring thrih it would hu wcU fur all persons nrriviug

liera in the evening to havo their rooms en-gaged boforo coming into tha city, or cluethen they do nrrivc at once look for acconi-noiliiUons iu Rome one of the nmuerouf

liouscR at Boiuc ib'stauL-e from tinneutral ]»ortion of the city. There is plentyof room for all, hut tho tendency IH to n u bTor one of the popiunr hotels, and. Btraugenfind when they nrrivc tlint nil rooinn r.rc

ikon. - ;

The niiinbi-r of Htrumjew vow In Uio cityi estimated ul two hundred thousand, olrhich uiunber flffy thousand are Bupjioaeca ho Odd Fellows aud their fain Men.

Chestnut and Broad strecto wcro last cven-'ng one surging mass of humanity.

Twelve hundred people wcro left i a ' Fills-Lurg Ixust night for wnut of cars to trnimporlthem into Philadelphia.

Tho Fenneylvahfiv road lias leased all thiHparocarsof Uio Philadelphia,- Wiimingtor& Uultimoro road, Cruudeu & Atlantic, audof tho "Went Jersey, road, and ;sUU have colenough to 6npply the demand.

Traina of enra numbering from nine to fif-teen conches full, k now tlio nde ou tho dif-ferent roods entering Ihe city.

Trwlny Iho Odd Fellows hod their gna tpnmdc>. Fully fifteen thousand men were in

with flogs, Khining bkdss , wnving<K nml HtirriiiR miinh. • Tlin receptionthem van a henrly one. After tho pa-

rade they dittbflnded ns an organization andwill do tho Centennial as individuals nnd cot

bodies. AJAX.Philadelphia, Sept. 20th.

Death in a Mine.

Mr. Jnmeu "Gallagher, of Port Ornm, diedsuddenly in the linker Miuo on Wednesdayevening.* ' For some years he had been Buffer-ing from an affection in tho bead, and hadbocn under (he treatment of .Now York "phy-

, who ftuTed (o effect a cure. BeforeIea?iiig homo for bis work on tho evening iur^ui-Btion ho eonijnliunml of not feeling well,and his wifo endoflvored to diemindo Iiim

ii going, buthoHoIdiflic Gtnyed awSy histucr, n poor'inan, would have to lose hit

ahlft* Abnut liino.o'clock lib, waa'dthicker]'ithvomiUng nud pains in hia head, nnd

Ntartcd to go honib. HTH friends offered tot him up Uio ladder but he declined

their help. IIo bad gone bu t n few rounds,lioweverf when he felt backward and oxpiredin a moment, , . : ..... ,r . . . . . •

Tbo deceased leaves a wifo with a comfort-'ablo provision- which ho had acouinnlAted.lio was 48 years of ngo", and with his fathercnnio to Fort Ormn H2 years elnce—tiio fam-ily being among ttic flnt to locate there.Ho won a good friend and neighbor, and phy-sically was one of Uie strongest of men. Thefuneral Bervlccs wem. held- at Bt. •Mary'BChurch yesterday afternoon, and -wero 'at-tended by a large concourse of friends, in-cluding Uie members of tlie Mine Hill BOIIQV.olent Society, of which orgnnization. ho lindboon Treasurer for t t r e o years' past.

ThaMorriB GB.MII Bcntmen,In referring to tbo troublcffrf thaboatinci-

jif the Jlorria'Oanat, the ;N. Y. Sim soys;"Tutro ara oight hundred bontmen. A ea'unlhont'i nfcrogo loait Is sixty tous of coal.Thu round trip Ulwcoii Port Detiwora anilJersey Oily Basin fills a month. Thirty-fivecaptains called upon tho local Superinten-dent of Uie Morris canal a t moomflold, H.J.. on Blonilay, nnd .described tha daspaniteBit nation1 thnt tbo lcfseniag of Uieir alreadyinKUmcloulpay will placo them in. . TheBnporintKilent repliwl that tho company iiwjd but 8 M 0 per ton for tho tmusportatioi

cpnl from Mnuch. Chonk to .'Jersey City,IIG Mimmiltoo rotnrned to Uicir .mate*, anilpetition to tlio Lohlgh Taltcy railroad com'nuy, principal owners of tho con] Uiat utooted down the canal, was framed. . Las!

IOIDG of tho boatman nt tho Jersey Citymd of tbo cannl Bpolto strongly in favoritrike, but thoir more itompento hearers

>d out thoraahoess of striking whiliivory kiiid of work i» aenrco. Almost all fn•orttd llifl presenting of tha petllron to thoichlgh Vnlley n41roa'A company vitliout do-

Tlio tnlol number of acrca in tho connty is!>Gf),lHf), and tho total valuation $ai,na7,filfl..•hid given us an avoragn of $81. Til per ncroor tho wholo county.

Boonton TownnMri appenrs second on theintj it nliould ho remembered, however, that

tho territory In very* Braall and embraccR littlomtflido of Uio town'of Boonton, Tuking Uio>ld lawrudiip of r«iuannoo, irhicli embraced

Pequfinnoc, Boonlon and tlantvillo, nnd wayo nu afisenaGd .vnlua of, hut §73 24 perre.—Banner.

Correction.lla. Eorron:—In your lost iwnio nppeftrcd

a report of on illegal mooting held m SchoolDistrict Ho. 37, lIorriB County.

In tha report wore several Resolutions,which lvcro passed by Uio rnl>b> i and part*of tlicm mifjht ha iletrimcutnl to iao, hi com-ing'under tlio notice at tliosb 'unacquaintedwith me,

It UIJ gentlemen (r) ivlio -irtoto Uioso Ira-mortd articlcM want to bo convinced that"they knew not whereof they spoke," theymny refer to D. II. Cochran, Ph. D., L. L.D., Pits, of "Collegiate-nnd PolytechnicInHtilute," Ilrooklyn, Now York; to L. M.Johnson, -A. M.; of Pulladolphla, Pa.; t.Prof. 0. 0. Stfmtls, Principal of HasbrouclInstitute, Jersey City, N. J.j to any ofcorps of teaehcrsof tho Now Jersey NormalScliool; or call upon mo.

PleaR9 giVD thia room ia your columuH, amthus coufcr a grent favor *pon

Wit.Stnuliopc, Suplcmber lBtb, 187C.

A plot to break out of the Warren count;Jail wasdiscoTOted Sitttnlny.

Thanks.Tho Lcaturo OomnutUe of Victor Lodge

Uiiu this meaua of rotumiug Uieir niucei.hanks ta Mr. E." E . Potter, ef Por t Omni,

v. S. B. Roonoy, nnd Hov. Dr. Megio; foicontributing BO much to tho intcreEtof on!empcraEco inceting in tlio M. E . Church, on

VcdncBdny evening last, and. to tlio publl<i)io favored UB with their attondnnco.* It'll

tlio purpOBO of Uio Lodge to : hold eitnUarmeetings often in Uio futuro, and hopo t<

tho continued sujiport ot Uio- people ii:linROivl work. ' .. .

" pnvro IlAnr, . )Jos. C. Joirastw, > OominittccCa i s . VANNEIM. )


John Miller rt;nted oul tig furrn lust Bpring

aud purchased n hnunc iind lot ut Paulina,

hnving married u 'lady uf tlmt Ticiuity, It

iLicjud during tho jiiiHt year that he hndbut when hu borrowed a ~

go hunting on Slunihiy no auiietywo-H felt, until towiirdu cveuing when bin

Hi out to loo!: for tlio hor«j itnd foundblillor'K body lying -within a hundred yiirdf)if tho lion*.?. He lay upon hiH nid«\ hia legslightly drawn, lha iiuj-trK and thumb of ltls:ft bond grafljiiiig tlio gun barrel near thenuzzle. The gun ViUi I>hiced forward of theight tar. 'ITie right and upper i*r t of tho

face was blown off, cmiNiug tho bniiu to pro-.rudo. He was eccri"tuvtrnl tiuiea during tlio

,.., tho place whei u his body WOH found.[Tie diitd was probubly douo (it about four•dock as the dkdinrgo or liifi gun van hourd. thiit timo. iJceeafiod wan fifty or wxiy;aru of HQt.—liiMsa: IlC'jisttr.

The r-ueutiMi of Uio SUUi Huuatorbkip inore anxiously diuciiBted in BUKEO* J'UBI UOWan that of tlio Presidency. A wtll-iuform-

d gcuilciimu of tlint comity tells IIH that ifm prunnricH were hold without any ceutrnlnuenee being liroiiglit to bear upon Uicnir. Kniith would Uint hiH opponent F, M.nrd, two to out, but in fearful that Uioliowero that be" in Newton may briug aboutdin"L'Kiit result. This contest will ButtlelieUier a fow men own tho Sustex Countypmoorary, or whether the people we eojiu-ie of making thoir own nominations,

Henry Carter, of StewarUvillc, Wnrreilmnty, OWIIH 0,700 aci-ce of land, lu tractsfrom til) io C>-21> acmH, in JAlaKmri. T h e

tnd in all located in Itiploy county, and isn&tly limeHtone laud, wiUi heavy limber,r. Cortpr iiureliaKcd a portion of tlieseV\H lu'ciify J'(?nruPj;r> nnii 111" bnlunna slioutUB ytnrs ago. At Uie. timo of the first pur-HBO the noarcHt milronrl *vv'fw 140 milea•»y- nine yennt ngo it wati 70 miles away,

tid non- it in only 22 miles away,

Tbu now M. E. Church nt Hopo WIIH opeuedi.Wcilnendny nf last week, tho services

ig cinuluutcA by Itov. L. 11. Dunn, D. D.,,. Ocorge T. Dickt-ou, uud Hov, J. I t ,an, of IIoboktMi, Thirt tLurch in spokenK n model of beimty and architecture, and' (],(HH), $.1,000 of which bave already

l fluid, nnd HUH Gocinty Ffnrtu out with alebtofonly $1,000.

Tbo Pc<juo»vt Mining and ManufacluringIy w«s Bold luti week to ei-SIieriff

inutemiiui for t»-200, which, tcgeUior withuu it, make about $75,(100.

'bin ucciim to bo (i hin all prlco for n propertyint cost ^ITiO.dno or over. I l i i s purchaso

waa luodo for tlio old eompany, Uie Dostou ,eu being left iu tho cold corner. *

An cxcltemeiil him been arunsod at Town*.*!i)- over a dead infant found in ono of theil-buiidiugH of Uio village, it liavicg beenft thcra by its mother, an luiniarried wom-

,n. Ewjuiro Frome called a Coroner's jury (

'hich ufter inventigation brought in » ver> •et Uiat tiio infant rumf) to its death through , . .•gloet.

A tram in PaiMiu comity refused to • helpit in Homo buy iu return for hoard, and Uion

igtd hiuffielf upon tlio fanner by de- . /estroying nevfrnl valuable fruit trees. T o .

mk of one wo<i a note containing those-'ordu; "When n mau nnksyoii for tanuuilng to eat look nt thcec stumps before YOU

•efuuo him." •

Phillipsburg lias 2,228 children of the 'ichool ngo, gf whom 1,501 wero en rolled l a . .

0 eohool regiKtor. Tlio ovemga atlj-ndancairiug tho year was 070,.and Uie expousq t o , t

ich pupil $U.0n. I t IH estimated that 2H'' '.lildren did not attend any uvhuuL " ) . ,Tlio clghUi anniversary of Uie institution

Council, No. 4, Junior Order . -rnitedAmericanMecha&I^of Fhilh*pGburg« .' .

s appropriately celebrated Weilnfisday, Gth ' :: •

t. It has a merabcndiip of eighty, i r i t l i ' ',000 in Uio Treasury. • v ^.1

Kewion had another flro on Tuesday night..:'"••l ie b a m of J . E, Divers was destroyed,. '.!•igeUier with n horso nnd wagon. Through ; .'

efforts fit tlio hand engine DemorcRt* ' . ;

imiturostore, ndjoining, was paved. i # ' .Walter 'Wilsou, of Doukertown, taken t o

Georgia Eomo Ume fdnce on a charge of! BC- ' ;..iuction, has been con-vietcd nnd fioatciict-d toitato Prison for five years. ' ' y,-

The latest political naws from BUBSW is . '•'hat Dr. Franklin Smitli will n i^na an iude- ; •'icndent candidoto against Uie regular Demo- •.•'.-aUo nominoo for Bflnntor.Tho two wings of the DcmocmUG "pdi'ty in' . '•'.'issex aro accusing cnoh other in the piihlia,. i

printH of being about Uio most corrupt ocoitn- ' ['l1 "G1H on earth. . . " • " '

A aii to an pound rock fiaa waa caught in ... .1 col rack in Urn Delaware river at \Vfllpack, , ?:siiBBcx Countyj on Sunday nighU , ' j'.'pIt costa^ Warren County ifs'oo'for her Proe- •}, / , •ddeni.to get together to confirm or reject a ' , •$•lonnty Superintendent of Schools. ' " ' '.\/^-

lias all nt oneo hecoTOD a 'J-'-'riHi/. 'Wbewl but what-mil Now t o r k a o ) ^ ;3W?— Warrtn Journal, ' ••• - -•- • V ' ^ i i - .The BusHcjt County Tctnperanco Society .

will hold its .uintml meeting at Newton s u i t - •'• '•• •Friday, • •• . , • . - , - •[,..

Tho "ChriHu'ana" are coaimerJciiig : t g * '•'.-.milding of a now church at Finesvillo. • ,

There nro nboutCO pupilsnttha Bkirstovni- ,eadomy,'nnd morn ara racpocled. -\ •" .: '"'.'•"A getter dog of CoL 0. H-Valentuio W O U R ' . -'

prize nt ihe Centennial dog Bhbw. " ' " '. ?''-Twenty-one prisoners aro connuocT iii Uio* ••"•.'W o n coun ty JaU. ' ' '..; ' T V ,".'- '.."' ^

fiervou* Dcbtllt-f, ' '•

Vital wenkneia or deprcBBioni a v e t k o x - . „•--'-noBlotl 'feeling,' no caergy or courigo; the ": •/ •;Bnlt of mental oTcwork indcscretiongi oV ' •sttum-a, ur tmuii^dmiu tipuu iliti Bjatciii, 'Is/ .lrcaya cured by Humphreys' lloniebpatbic' *peciuo Ho. 2B. i t tones np anil iutigonU-a , : ••'.;uosjEleiD, dispels Mic'Klrom naddeapona'cncr,' • ' '.:Imparts etiength ntiJenorey-stops tho.drainndi-cjuvonatcatlie-ctitlruman. Boon need 20 •/,.•[:'otrawiDi perfect BnecCpa by thonujinils, Spld -'-.->ydcalcn. Prlco t l per Rincle rial, o r S 5 p c r ' ' i 1

nckiiro -of 'firo vials- ind t ' J vial of powJcn . '-••'-um by mail on receipt ef prlco. - AdOrest ' ' . :

inntpbrova' Uomceptitlno Medicine Compinr,', •iG2 Utoadwaj, Sew York. ' - . - ' ; . 27-ly ••- -.'• A\

A10o'i>AOBDooK-hOff to saio re-ahingiirig,' • -:

ilop leak-i cffuctnally, and prescno old roofs of :a l lkmJa ; aleotimplo inttraeliouB for h;I i ig> !

icw roots, will bc sent freo to lug reader* of ':11B paper, fiend your addreis to N. Y. Slate *feoanBCo.,4CadarSt.,No*vYoik. •' "

I t is said thnt even If the times wero briiwould have boon imposRlbld to run thi

Boonton Iron 'Works during the Bummer ow-ing to tho low tenter i n the Hockaway riverWork" has boon suBperided ftt Uio' -works "•-rowcrville on Uiat account,1

ThotruEtcOBof tho Boeknway - Behool dlfl-trict hnvo been authorized to purchnso groumFor tho locnUbn of. & uow nnd much needsschool hoaiKi, ' .

Citlzonn' -Lodge, of Itockawny, v?nsiflonlcd by 4il men, In Uio Odd FeUowa1 pi

mdo at Philadelphia OS Wednesday.

3Er. Bilou ra lmor , of Franklin, aknown and tiighly respected gentlotnsn, dieycfiterday.

H. C. Pitney, Esr|., 'of irflrrisloffn, •Bpcak at tho llepublicnn nKoting Uiis oving.

Sheds, tMOH and otlicr UtiugH at Chestcitho woj of Suudny'fl storm, were removed.' Bishop Odenheimcr will perform th«

of ^nunnnt ion at Hcwion jo-dny.






Newspapers and Periodicals,


WALL MODI,DL\a and riCTlItt HOOki

Gilbert's Pure Confectionory.




17-11 DOVKH, N. J.

Page 4: WHAT IS VEGETINE?Wt travel faster than we did-And tciiJ by wiru and not Iiy roa Or eliu tin- j>r ee or Hwlin mid HII And wool auJ Uilk'a. Vi'u tonqiior Tune, malm liglit of And ovory








B. B. VTAT±-RST nifiOS li 000 1V0I1KLIGHT A-VU HIliVT.




B L A t K W E L L ST- ~f:."£ZT TO TEE CXIO'J £>->%

D O V E H . X. •>., _H

-jfcl -A i i . i~i t .ar--^. .ill i* JJ - ^ ^J

HKA1S .'.T ALL HOT.'ES, £=


BEEMER & PALMER "'-1 -^^—">::~r-:-

- — s,Mi.HJi(mifs,


C a p i t a l , - ^ ( ! 1


• •- li.-.n:uk .11 i;c

n:-t rr»T;:i7»p$Capital. - 3IGO.OU 0.

: : ^ ^ " : J £ i EGG, - •; ••isaso'r ^ CHESTNUT.

iOEKiH OESAXESIS. = ^ ^ . ! . '


Spring Goods \™« M ™° : S i ^^lxmsrs^HARDWARE,







PSIiirS, HU3LIHS. i c .



j.'.r. s. ii:cn.


WEAXKS PHOSPEATE,Boce Du>t, Cuatio, Poudic-lte

iJ.Vi PLA.-TZn. £:.

a . H. M L E K I W

The Miner," Surinss Bautj! OF DOVER. X. J . I, i( BT- * .-.r K I >'im.-i.- Cs:;.* r u t . !•

Dover Savings.Institution,


. J.rai.r. JSJ.X

STOVE, - - . -EGG, • - - -C H E S T N U T , - -

4.75 i4.50J*

Tliau Kver Before Offeredin this Market.

Iron and Steel ,

CJas Pipe and Pittin?*,




Uatil You Look in,



; Powder, Fuse and !

! Material i cwiKtan tly oni





^ • • « - * « =«' — « fc- fc~j.i i«fci 4s:o.o.a BUILDEES1 EABDWAEE

•^&^*^^l^£j^J-L£if:;EOTALO?LIYLEpiX>L, '

riSK I/^i iiKi?. '.-.-;...'; i; A. I>-ti^:r*:=^< ;


' T H C S T E Z b :

M. ft. Cn'.ltodvs,li. l


a V. Il S*ihug,

Stoves. Stoves, i,,,,™^..^—^THE OLD STAND.



M. H. 0ICKE3S0H.

U-UIUllt Ui'usIXT, Vk*r«iJ i f S. TIX1T, Tnirartr.

itr.Ftb. 17.1*7 J.

D E K T A L O F F I C E ,




D T « - « . ° * ^ ^ C I T Y C 0 A I Y A R I ) /

»v/)5.) M. S I G L E K , ;

-S>y>».'f MHHU

ixvy.oJLehigh, Scranton, 6 Bituminous j

Hot Air Furnaces,


SHERIFF'S SALE!ruptii-n Bill »ni

WAIEKEN jtEGruFtb.Il.lB73.


51 A M P S ,



K E U B E N r.OWE. PURCHASED and SOLD;;<*inc KU OTTO:, M l ! to ij« ESOINE! :





S. R. OSMUN, Dentist,

i OFFICE OX THE PABK.W A I . H A H M S , j riit«,7i1;b,!««. .


S t , Dover, X. .1.



! M. Iloa^laiid, Proprietor,


! Choice Lofcs in Dover,;


| Freeman 'Wood,; Jcr.ue of tl* Ptttt i ; i Fa-c* Ki itin^. jiTHE UEECH.--XT TTliO BEST PLI-'JiES!; HIS CCSIOilZKS U HK WHO STAY.--:




| Ciur. BliICK and CI.AV, j


Tr.niass.tt,! TIN itoorrxo,: EAVES, TEOCOHS,

Ttro , AQ

SlonU C r o c . Kio5

<;CArLX t raoXAKP, A«'j

BT r i r t « cf the *»>i»e .UUd wnn '•! fi'.riIieU. la taj biLdi, I ili»ll t x ^ * ftt *>%

MONDAY, the 16th day October


Bj titiie or iq orft-r or Ecu. 0 . CiynrtP,* j . , eti* o( tbe J Q J - « of iLe Cwiil *f U>ni-on pku ol llc/rru Ci^iatjr. midt oa ibe dar

n<!iBbtr;ot J-.Lii J . Cra-« d . »i!| Mil *! Putiiet tia-irr, i t i i^ p r i m i m .

"niUKSDAY, October 51b, 1S76,

D«t, 4, D.l*TC,Lcti«o t b e L m n o n

»fUra'oo Lf wi i d»-. »!1 tbtt ifirt, bad l t d MimL't*' ieiritiifttr pin



Iert*7, *>f icR Lt Sa. 9 in tlock S<J. 2. i

»iit«t ai »bu«a DWII * tuati of t ie IMLrt|]»I Firm uniebT f n a t 1'. Ara*.iow oa £1* io tLt H^rnst^^ftiT jt*t>id.

. If llilU-Bt 2s/J tticl OQ 1 COQrtt (3 DC

from'lLe Ugiatiin? f /TUti dt iu: Ho. S in l !c l a w e d w, Hjnie H. I'irrso» ty r l i d ' V?^* |2 *

i"ilwCtb/f:-Q*rii cwroer of !„ /K». 11 iLi* f i t . tw«

n»*liy s i l l 0-t.rgt liietu'di i n i *ife.tcd 11- HoireirJn,"in*=iJ t-.^inicg i<riou!oBg ibttLini |<Jc-2T«.t*ori i i^ of 1't.cL* rrtirin^'t loi, (1; somli

j Chill and Dry Sand Ilollfi,

WATCHES. CLOCKS,XfcV, ICJ/JW W L I ' JilHGH, r i ^ l l S .

Watches, Clocks and Jewelry.

hU for WEJiDISO l1IKfiE»'f (J.

KOItKS AKJ) 8P00>*Sf

f M l t r tkk i fw TABLE t'WE »i GKEATJiEUCCRD WtiCFJt, E*j*ri»I ittniltofj

|« fitrti t/i tLe


A[enl for lb« Ifc/wwJ, Klffii, WttlUm,

WMua. h i w i l ivhkn, O v U a , nriakioc

JUsri. ftoMfctnf &eu. Ktiirti, Fortf. Kfiwiu,CltiklitJa' CaiYct »orj r«d»,>U. A)«» i unhiud* tat mvjtlmm ot UWA'TACUat lad

Y.m<iLAmai. A <U I»» •( aou> Fran,>ilb ft r ' e* I/, KK1LL full I'BOMiTJfKl.en M I:«W I C I G or W i u b n »I»1 Je»





>bkl> »t« mvtofMlnre-l frtm MnaU CrjwlilI'tbtlM, oniwl by loilon«bdiw}»B XMtMtntiMuanan W wvmaui vt tbvtt |j«riltii;«i «ad l/ril-liiuej.

A nvzcunrr,

ENGBAVINaUorcr, April 3l>t,


Warren Boiler Works,PIIII.I.IP1IIIUHO, N. J.

STEAM BOILERS, TANKS,Stacka, Heaters, Baskets,



On. Hand and for Sale:Om SO-H.-l'. ltotnm PIIM litAUj.omlS- I I - l ' . OptlgMHolto.OnlU-II.-r. DpH!lil Dollcr.ODD 4'ir^l*. Il«fl»>nUl B-illtir.Oai2O-H^C- n*tnro TnlnUr !>Jl)«.

oii. AtHrenTIPHKTT t WOOD.


FAMILT BIBLEWITIl llKPEBB>lCES,prilil«d Inim .n enlirel]ticwiBt otelfCtroijpo jil.tri, cont.lulufc (,TnlOUOTitpimum or llm text lliin trij iiziilnir

'Kl f7nff i«£" l t !• "» II'«»il»" l)ll>l«°nSSiJorW, .ndjl •#™°Ji;;]^ ' " "li)

l|i'i;i*ftnDI?rillt"l«iDl'fa«"'>liciiiK liii

»Sn»«tlptlir«™l'l«>.i!l nl Curl.t i Sulptore I


BOUND m Tins WOBK,I. nrlcinl Itjlo" or liloJIng, (H»» • ' •« ' • ' » •

. Almllitrtbfllt 'JI" ,' QUAKTO BIBLES

l 1t p r l M l l r t l . , ;

S u b hb ln , Vunllt IKMonl, i l * i l » l " ' I I I" -

I am «lio »1)ID to frooura Ibo

,'IJJBABV OP roErnv AND SONO,"bfJ D Poti A no'ipUblleitlon|rt•IpO

M b 11 In*. STINllOlo.: »•»»






WABKEN 81'., BOVEB, N. J.(«rr lo u m u ' i RBUV none.)

FIRST.Urt;ft »t t i l lhaen snd

Kint/racea «rc-rr M n H j of PitEHH MCAT»,HIJOA1. CURKD HAUK, HALT I'OUK.PHEKH »nd HALT F1KII. »cd at) k.bd«ufF U U I T » V K G K T A J L E 8 I t b l i







SECOND.-. MtMcial Mini i n fadcra Hut tbe

CIJCIAK, tbft Vfo T „ . - • - • ,i noon u tlwf .pmfir in Ih . New YorlhukiJK, null Wfld M n p l % Uut no KIDIIW*1J(uro e r t r found abou t " '~'

THIHD.ik-nnM eouriMy in w«itiD(( on contptaerrt

„ a ralB of tba tmrlut , all cfulomen ^bcinuticaUid ulfi«, anil porcliaM. being t ! " —' efc lwg. . L '


«b*n cb**n WBRCI dtm»itd cliisp e*Ubl««,i l ibenl <1MCUUUI l*in« made to tiwne u>Luy a rjtuntity at ft tiina. •


TEAHK COX, Proprietor.

M.<fe I. SearingCARPENTERS,



Jobbing in General.DeeemUrJIlliIKIl. M>.






KiverpooSUIT, Ixiadiinderrir, l.oniloii,

Orlilsl or Cardiff. . ' '

K. ilNDSMY & SON, ,D O V E n , N . J .


BOOMS TO LET* I T M T O .-•• , , - • • •'' •

so-trW. 4 1 . SEARING.


Engines, Pumping Machines,ALL S1ZJMOP




Hoisting Apparatus

Fumlilud at Shottf it Notice.

Turned and Grooved to Order.




apt ftltenlfaw %U*» to BEPAIB WORK-




% d*iertalrn*i lo

er tb)R<Ia(c,aniftjba

drtwtiaitomtn *iid Iken Kit i t old rlcct, bnt

retiri from Ibe fornitmuprto •nolbef (nUrprU*

X». O .

C H E S T E R , X. J .

UNDERTAKING.. .diet prcKnwd with or without lee, »nd »H

tbamiteri i l iortbetmilneei furabhal »t tbn•borteat cotlio. Being penciled of all tb»modem ippllincM pwUiolDK to tbe trtJo, M J

ITID^ com jot r^ u *v fzp^riDAo^i & f^ol cooufUu'ptrfonn i t ida t l t i ntlifutbrily lod reiwn

jtj toii»ril tbou who requim mcb icntcei.v. CTAWoen.


FOSTBB T . BI30E, Proprlotov




, . conRt«"tlj oa lianJ. '

BF.I'AUllKO rnOMra-Y ATTENDED TO,Refer lo KOITII Coanlj HwUlno 4 Iron Cti.



To th« iMHfl fln« itoA TWO BOOM ABOVKBlflOLD UTAND, ( la te ly-weapiol i j . J . W-Tliompun) an>l rmi door from Mnlfotit, (Jon. 4Co.'t cloUrinji itore.wlieTo bo will bo plcwifd toice til iiia old caitomoti aod maoj new out';




Custom Work and Jobbing* KIOMPTLY ATTENDED TO.

". Geo..W.DRAZE

The Old Reliable Market in |NEW QUARTEKS: |

J. E. BEEMER jIt*»ia3 rcm&"J tiU i&ttkrt—tiit t'r\->'. it i

Dw«r-t» L» 1

NEW BUILDING js HU«*EI STBRET, t«9 <!"M-< i«o:i> "f t ie j

iAd lUad, ?3J LtrtiJltr fcicitb cbww- 1


&c-iFUEIITURE!Bergen Street, near R. R.


tb» bett is UM D Uul kiliiiift Jtll vox tntIbat it of tbe ba t


E.&G. H. Ross.& Breese,

otsatu. nmz A » LUX

Insurance Ageuts,Ofllce. Old l ion Bank IIulIdlDC

Morrjstown, N. J.Buwu IUMW, Ota. II. IkM, Bnraot Dune .

A. J OOE, Collector,D O V E E , V. J.

Anericin llntiul Ini. Oo., »f HewnlH.J, A M U O T B 51,00.000

llntul I n . Oo., of HemrltB.I., Atwuover 600,000

Tutam'n HotnJ Ini. Oo-, of H«w»ik,

H.J, AM6U«T£r 600.000

Oermuiit Mutual Ini. 0o.,of Kcwaii

B. J., Capital,, . - . 100,000

tBA InnraDce Oompan ( flf Hartford,OOEJ., A M U , 6,000,000

Oontlnmul Inrdranco Oonipaay, of V n

GEO, RICHARDS & CO,,VHI • * - • • - „ , r f . T J I I I . D E i L X B l IS






Toil. Capital, 1,000,000

Mutual BcusStLifo ImC £Io., ofBewirk.H.].. AJUU, 8,000.000

HARDWARE!• complele itcck of

BUILDERS' IIAHDWARE,Mechanicfl' and Furuior'e TCOIB,




F I S H I N G TACKLE,Blank Keys and Ken Filled

".S. H. BERRY'S,

Bbokwoll St, near Morris,\ DOVER, N- J-JJoier, Aogait 30lb, 1B7S.

ADJOUHNEU B H E B I F F B S A L E IID Chinecry of Now Jcricy. Pi. U. For 11(0 c.

tnortgiBtJ prcroitei, Wlimela Tbe OlotieMatDil Lift In ariaco Company li cotn-pltlnktit. feDil Fnam N. Gore, Alfr—1 'T«jlor, I" ~ ~"- - -auen

FUEDEmOATASIB.Borr.The ii!« on bebitr'uf Iba ilra»cn»tn»*t pn

tlci. ii tdjduni'-il to tiko pl»co i t Iho CnltpSlalbt Hotel, in Morriitown, N. J., on

• MONDAY, October M,K. T>. 1B70, between tlio boon of 12 M. anilB o'clock I'.M.

DllnlJul; lib, 1870.A. FSESUAM, Sheriff.

To Agents, or any who need VTork.'

klirkTwtlii. I* JulUltutnUimiiMffl._ _ yourpodieUiiirel ]tajr and 1M• tcrrUorj 70a wut, Sesrttor.•tooca. itnuUnotUiof totwtbtm. AM. PDE.CO., Ihrtrord. Oonn., or r.C. ULISSfcCo.. Ne


e Inrrw

VEGETABLES,fctpt wi luud &i *ooa M th«7 »ppMJ in tbc

OUttnt, u d aold U reuotubl* prictt,TTJ« bisbMt tnirfctt prira paid in eath, lorwf Hv£«, Teal KUai aiwl KbMpKkin*, boagbt; ibe i » t « L C a i b n n aapplil t j •<go

1770, 1876.Agricultural Implements,EDS rtZTILIZZnX CCLTIVATOIIS.

IWSS, HA1IUOWH, SUED DCILLS,u> KXirzzi, iBuraM, n-isr/, gozs, ru

Triton, ke. LAWX MOWEiS. K/,l:trt, WiWori,K«k£f,Viiei,cs«jirxi. Ac Oiicditoa

carU, n a a W |«ap*, Ac. AH »i:DUALS' PIPE, DIJtT EAEKOWB, AcCLOTEn, TIMOTHST, A I D i t t . O I D E I


KECUi), LIETEITS tnrt ALLESTOWX BOVE.8. P. LIUE,*d]iio[f»l bone. Mood tod p<n-,kb goijto, double refloed poudnltc, phiur,

kl loweit tntla priiXf.

Voorhees Brothers,HABDWAHE MIEOHAS !,'




t'lLOUKEllY, Tlu, Wooden undWillow Ware.

Gruccries and Pro visions.

FaocT •roecnei, C*nitod Goodi, Dried Fruit*.Tci«, Coffeti, SoKiri. Kdcoi .nd ererj-

thiDg ID tbe tiroctrr lice-.



HARDWARE:Iron, Rlccland Minins ll»lcrifll*of *tl LinJiw

Powder anil Pot«, H>eam and Oa* Vlpo >DI]PiUinci. Cut Kuli, Bollilm' Ilinlirarfl, Ulick-irallhi and Carpcnten' luuli, MU>im Packingof sit kind*. .

l!cfnj[ Urgo wbot"i*]c huytn.wti aro ernblcdto oflur all goodi at cbaapcgt rolta-




BROOKSID£, N. J^liiilttK dctcmlccd to engago i n tlio ooilcrtilt-ing bnalnoH, wcnlJ rcvpectTully lufonn tinpublic tbat bu tin imrdisutl ft


tugotlicr trllb liunci, aaO all tbe nccciwr: equlpnirau fur tho mcceMlul tarrjing

on of th«j boilnoit.. .

METAJ>CA8KETS, COFFINS,BtlRODDfl, ICE BOXKfl, and eYcrjttilon pwr-t l l t t h t d I l l l k it bto tho tndo.lnef» lo giva in; pcrio


piliall n ika it my bns

al allonlloB in alleet t i lJ

rcquiitmc-uti In lliu beat minucr, at tlio Ioncttrctei.





praitilrciibjmafl •


ni l lo 3IOUST IIOI'K,


TSEEMA2?, G1XLIE3 & Co.,



•lildi w? i t s offering «t


v ,«> *• orannre Mil ititp irir,n»'T f"' ;~~a l l .

»Te bivt »ir<Bnckeli. \7ill P


Miners' Oil Company.1 2 i 1M MAtDES LANE SEW VOHE,

HINEltS.' OIL COMPANYLubricating nml Burning

Oils for Miners ' Use.EXTRA ESniJJE, •


KAYUIUII tt'Ear vinaisu.Tbew Oili are eipccUlly kdaplcd to Jlining

-JLcblncrTBtiil w ctura&tccd to ttilt* Ejpcrm.Whmlft, O4TH, Kcat?« Fool, LarJ, I,t,b., Cod »n<Pub Oili.

Samples fomiitnalonipplJcition, tad gooi^Ji^pptii fQpriicfiCfrdcr. l!Ci& l!£JtU&lilf!iiJL&n

*'" W. MEADE,TrcMnrer.H. r . CBAIO. i ; e a l .

CHAS. i.GAGE,dealer In







Orders (or Sawing and Planing

Work for the Unemployed 1HE THISTLE EDITIOitnlcd edillon i.rgir Wa

WAVERLEYof Amcr-can ith\c, *D<1 i i <• tlio butt cditloo ofUID beat EnftllKfl iiOf*II(U" The booia arelUndanl, and will Mil for all tlino. Thoibanlcal ticcaUoa la ol tlio beat. Tbe prif l l A

whom llbcnl tcrroi »nd oioflcrcil. Fnrty-oif;]it rolu

mlve tornlciryar, -"Kin Tiuuiiim, itcraclnc 4Cid cimtAinitiH neatly 2.000 illai

II compluto tbo Mriei, Hnbieril«i,—,.r..._ ...th two TolorocK (icompkiowork)tnontlily. Eleven rounlln' rlellicrici (21 vol-nmeB) iro'noir tnHv. .I'rlco—ID cloth, ciltGitn, per volume, UJX; lidlf turkey, cill ton,M "'- For lerm*. ctc^, nitlrn* '

.17 1lDrnySl.,MawTarL

FOBEENT0RSALE1itlloi on Morris »tr«U ucit la

present miitance. Tlicbonie csutniiuycn n«tni,'bt'iilili'M Hli*lioii, IK-in ciccll:onaitlnn an* foil "applltd witl» Lltcbcn a'nil witflr, A KOOO viun anil BD Diccilaut i

Ti lR d•niyf

;l tf FoniitBie «ill B»re ni«at-j bj ifi*ine mcall. Uj tdiireiKns w we will mod »tiloto-r»[.b ol «BT artiei« bf fo roil ore d«lr td, witb

* of fare

an to oar dourOat p>i

iiLcpbtr Ht. Ferrr »t Ii*bc]t of Cliriitopter Si. by «l

) llorri* Coast? b*ve i


Notice of Assignment.^TOT1CE i« Verebr gitPn th i t Tbotnii J .

1 U iTtr, Jr.,ot t i e TilU^o uf t*laD<fcrB,otUe Coanl» o! JJorrii mad Huta of Xew Jerwr,faitfa tbtt d i r made tn iuignmtnt to tbe int -(criber of Jn» fiUte far tbe «itul UoeSt ol bi*credilori; at*) tliat tbe M'HI cruiiUff* moilexhibittbitr mrpcctJTe claim» nnfler oitb i•Erroiiioc wiibiq ibe ipacc or ibrt^moDllfium tLeJitc liiTeo.'.

LS.UC EniSICTJTT,33-tf Elsnbope, Bauei Co., N..

Korns County Surrogate's OfSce.JUIiV8tb.lS.ti.

In lite railUr uf E-lmooa D. lUlfKi autl TVm.II. BiUr, EiWQior* of Wiltlun'U. Laker,drcc-ued. ttarrogate'* order to limit en-dt-tora.

f\S tpp!ie-ition nt tbe aboTD-oamcJ Eicc-\J ntun, it is ardtrtvl br tha £am>»itc tli»ltlio u id Eiecaton pie liiblfc KoH.e totbe crcditnn or tbe cttale nf mid decedent tot>ricg ia tbtir dolita, dom»nd«,«nd clai

l tb l L L 1

I I* iur ion uruuiui, in a aiw wumn me u mIwenlv dir» by advertising IIIH eimo in theIBO* KBi, nnp of (be cewrpspers of thw Sulo,for tbo U D O (pace of timo (tliu durrogjle JPIJK-IDKBOJ tnrtlier uotico to lw annoccjutyljimiif any creditnr aball neglect to ciliibit bfi oher debt, demand »cd cl.fm wittlo the u i .period tit niao trjontlii, public notice bclrjRriTen ia afortsald. such creditor 1U1II 1» for-vcr oyu-a or bia or bfrr aeliun therefor agBiott

E. B. WILLIS, KDlTORlitc.A trno fcopj from tbo mIncite, 32-10w

ROOFS.liynot mikftjcmr IU«>r»!aslB lifihnic, *atbocxpcDtoof anew roof cvcrylDurl

ycara. It can bo done: tf yon nie tilate I'»iiit,• illnotoDly rciiit tbe effecti of vrater wd

i, but able!*] yon from Yin.

OLD HOOFS..TrotPctyour liotlJtnci by oniog Slato Tilnt,

wblcb neither crock* ID winter nor mas innumratr. Old tbhffle roofs cm bo pilnttdlijunns mncli hetter, *nd laititi^ lon^or thinnew aLiuglc* wit lieu I Iba paint, for aue-fomtbtbcttwtorrc-shitiRliDjr. On decajwl Mogkiit Bill op Lbo biilei antl pore», an-. fiUca ft Lrwsnlmnti i l roof, tbat U»te rui-yetrs.' Cnrkdor warped RbinRkH jt lirings to I heir places indkecpa tbtra there, ib is paint re quirts - -kciftag, ii kpplied with a brash »cd Ten oIu__mL-Qta!. It ix cliocolaia color, wlien first npr-lit-dIJDI cbanges la a Diiitorra Rlitc color, andtl latent* and purpo^oa i1at>*.

OS TIN OH IHO.V KODPJS,Tlie-rpd color in Iho bust paint ia the i

jrd-iniljililj. Ii Ins a tieavy body, in tiBilv-ppheiL tirmDiJi by Lest, tontratls liy colddnca i W anil octer cracii uor »calc«. Onecoat equals 4 «f wj oilier.

NEW ROOFS.Sill!*, fQDndrie*, factoriei and dwelling! »

ipcuiillT. JIatcrMs complete for aneTnTeenarflBtltoDforitiibbcrllootlinj; com hpubentbiir tliD price or re-Khlngli % For I'rintchnuM, birni and IrailditRa cf all dcicriptiooaIt \thw mpsrior to any other rooflns Jn tbiiirutldforcoDTcniencoin laying, and cntntilneslbo ornatnenial ippcarancc, Jonbllitj , and firopronrqnalidM of tip, at ooc-tlilrd tliBcoat NoTAIlorOIlATELuied.

"llnnlniiTore-iliinRling-«toplf»bg(rf,.pt-nallj and cbeaplj in roor« of all kinl," » IDO

po lwoli free. Write to-d»y ami aik Tor it,. NEW JOB* S U T B Iloonso Co. LurITE»,

I Ce-tir «t.. Hew York. AGENTS ffAXrED.40-lw . . .

A l T - E i l i 10c»wp»tBObo!.tbifccoi-te»Proi.i.L.D. Ilip pay. u« tn . »iil ik-enrooutat iad tcrrllory. l i it. T11EAT, fobllsher,805 Droadnay New York ?ftToutat iad tcrrllory. l i i805 Droadnay, New York.

H A T t b Jfawrradr for Aft"

ntU niaili. E. C, Tuttr, in

16O0IItaitnti(in4. AtlJJ 1 l l J i C -


centennial Biblen i t forntwcircuUn, A0ArcliitJ1UIi >WI

X How either inx,may rudoiig uid ealn the

•ICBI, free Lj mull, Vor"^, to«ea«^rUti a nSSmo pfcle. Eurrillin Oracla, Iircu.i, Hlui* to La-M, WeddiDB-ninht Bliln. A ot«r Iwok. Ad-Cl> T. WlUJiU fc Co. Put.,, Pttli. jg-iw

jwasLlptif Ctc-i'.B/, CutjitiTof Morris •>

letf J ' /Lca.Cnier '* Und »i a H*Li>t«1 fl] ct-nli, w r w W B dtvT**a *e»t.

:t tr. a f t i t * led r&Dfa: ( i ]__ E*5'.linj m:caiM»cs:,ei«fiof'fi/ieto ftn'nti.a sute «cd »l/.tw*;[31 n«rlk,.of Kity-cnt-d-.-gnt* wtjt, ivrDtt-fjQrrbMQianil

i t?i;lirr•£<-<.• ];•!« ;^ i dt*d K<t oik iret m>rl-I id ; (O tu.-!liTiwctii;-i«oi!*fTrtt liiirly mit.

rth, ci

i » 1 im.l; 15]ctt i i t Ib dt

l<-,ni-*m tbe litu-tb, Sfty-tlteim »nd t»tni; K

- -iWtJobuG.CraleritT] m i b i W rIliirtyminntrtStil.tTitiiti-twDrlniiii

._.. liutt *k>0R tbo lintG. Cntcr1! UDI to a sukt aad ftuseialoujt tbe the uid Cnter"* Undi wa

u^ct ^^. S, is ;-'i*n os *in n i p ; 'at none

tvfdii LjiLnit"'6-pt iiltrlrtt; tbeci.-e [3) Bditfij idrti l icJ;l First * * (I) a

vntjimn? L. .Sreoso Twrr,M


UlOGttt WlS itiy f't-Ct to tbep!Ji.'t Of beguiling-tifloetbe iim» trhct of fatid tocfvtd by1«.TB* Riebti dt led wife to ltirbaid Ecrmninif dc«d d iUi Jsly IStti. 1673, ana rcuir.l«i iabe liiiin< cjiulj ijji'unl* tif di-rilt in 1»ot Vi | U e * l t 3 T HEBS0NA. rKEEl I iN , fiborid.

Dated A3;sil Sib, ia;& [IV. f, O CO

Hsrris Cranty Surrcgate'c Ofics.JULY Idtb, lKfi.

I-] l ie mitt.T of Jieob A. Gklpoer ami Ditiel

'* Order lo Lnuit CitdiUira.

ON tppiinlioti nf tbe aboTe-tjarue»1 Eieco-lon, tl M ordered by ibe Unrronte tint

tlio uid EIDCDIOM p i e Pat)lie Xbflcc to tbecreditor* of (be MUU-ofeid tltcedent to bringIn tbtir dtL-U, deraaiwU aotl claJmi »g»iDtt tbeMine, DDtkrMtb, witbio nins inoath* from tbtsdate, ty »•: ttiog up a copy ol tnis ordtr, wilbiat weolj dtra bertaJter, in QTB or tbe Butt paD-lie plict* in the nmoty of Uoiria for twoooothf,tnd»Uo wit bio tbe u i d fwentj daj»>y adTf^tiiing tbe aame io ibe Igaa C uif tiio n«Tipapera of tlitt Bute, for ike'

srnceoftima {Ibe Snrrog»le jud£JnR.r-L

t ie r uolice to be nnuKeauir!'creditor (ball mstKf loe ih ib j fWui ie i -uw: ,demand and cbun wttlilirtbuSa:p«TW>0.or

*~ • " • ."^ *• I * * tsaaij, tueuiJtbirwJclbil"

-•ifcki l ' fureTcrctiua t&t-rcfvm igslDit

A Iras copy from tbu n

1776. CENTENNIAL! 1676.



I V »b«riber ba*injr Jast rmi ru l a LU10EBTOCK of


for Spring and SoBtncr weir till oflVr then t(cmtomcfR at tbo LOWEST'PRICES, aa follows:

alca'n BaiU, - - - „ - tT.OO to 119.00Mta'i Worsted Com and Vtiti, TJO " 12.00

n'i Click Ccat«, 5.00 " 12.00tbs' Saita, a.M "'sSnlta (a Urge qoantity) 3.50 " a.oo

CUMrcn'a aoltg,_ 2.00 " 7.00Working Pnnta, J.OJJ

" " eitra, . t£0

Ocuts' Furnishing Goods.


Diagonals, '"Worsteds, VestiiigB, &c;t

sold by tbo yard and cut gratis, Clot Liesto order m the beat and h t u t stylo at abortneiice. All rwrwim ikfliring anything in Ibeaboru-monlioDcd line of goods aro adristd locall and examine tbla dock iml confidcr tbepriecp.i wbicb iro tnncb LOWER than Cbefore sold in Dtmx. Do not forget the plai

•WM. SIMON",SUSSCX St., near Black well.

Dover, N. J., April 220,1370. 43-Jy

W E I i t t . , n t i t to OAOE.tTlALSKVHLnm-twrYardi. CoDfitaDlIr on b%ad all tin do olCOALi LEHiqiL HCItANlON AND n i f lMINOUS COAL, DKLU'EHEU TO ANT PAROF DOVER OH VJCLSITY. IVtlUD. boi• awed «oil toDc.fur u le a»llic r t r J or delircrctl.LIME, J LAhTER, CEMENT, FEED ANDCHAIN OV ALL KIKDS.

warruU. I tbink a perfect knunltdfio orit,anii"" -— ' "— "no with" their palronifie, mar

rtighlH, luneat dealinii, LOWiplDfiRin Kllinc oriiei

wmadU. Iall Who ftv

tret* mi'iu railnt lCES, and promplnem in Nllinc ord

O U C O I D J . J Vmlin'd'g Carpenter Hbop.W L

p p




J nooais.



NO additional charge fttr extracting wncrcnew tcolb are Inserted. \V« irn uuvt rnsk-

'nf; bcantilnl sols or tpctb fur


Diivor, 8eplcmi«r2jtli, 1BTS. •

UNIVERSAL HISTORY.thrilling litotwj onoo rein.mai I^hl»''br«k t |T1l

r thin moj other. 3 booki Itr one. bciuttfailrrmlrf. Low price, qnlck atlei, ei tn termi.

Seud fur circular. • ss-«wJ. O. MoCnKDY, PbttadBlphla, P i .

IHUre* o and.rcoso T w n , Hotted, lying »ml Ulog inT«»n»Lipcrv.-iifciDBton.iu ib? CouotTof

ni i J'E^crn it i *uVe in a nirntr ofu b?

ji. it i *uVe in a nirntr f

*nd David tf.Tlscr, [1] nnnb,* ( « | , M ten CLIIDI lo a iwlt.f!] »ontlj. furtt-sit dt^rvc^

•* ttut, eigbt cbain> fifir-stTCQV c 4 h [4] t b f t l

ihirty taint

t^rnva wnl , UTen thiin*' to A atAe amiitoiui; (I] north, forty-*U dofirre* tbirtr mitt-itca veil, ticht cbaina *od (Slij-feieo linlis tob«pia»or btftiLninz.conUinicz riiterc* of» d . ToR.therwiIbtbiirielitofwayorcrotb*-rUodj>(bte)ortbea»idJofait J. Crater, dr-

",oo tbe private road ardnrlwi*, for tba- " - — r - ' " linbef froa tbe


/TBe Sew EmpireHot-Air, Gas & Base-burn-


A!*P,.» Laigo AHortment of oilier S'.jlcaof CouViug Ktuvi-i, JUnfiti Parlor

Stores, 4 c ,

FOR SUMMER & WINTER USE.Abo, a choice utock of

Hardware,' Cntlery,0U*s, Wuodua, Copper, Piaiu anil JapinnerJ


Oil Cloth*. Cupels, Lamp*, PainU and OUS,bird Ctget, Fo*thera, Fntt '« Aitrat-Oil (son,tiplciirp.) AIIQ,


Hoofing, Plumbing anil JobWork promptly attended to.


^nirltauk's Scales at manufac-turer^ prices;

Old Iron, Copper, Er»i«, Let a, I U M indQrtciibacka tAkcaiii exclisDiJOfar coods*

J A U E ^ C . BIltJES A Co.,.Kockaway, Jlareb t , 1873.'



bis UriL- with tbe la tes t stnre,itil workinca an>l low rticcs.

p a larGriljTu


Men's all Wool Double ana

Twist Suit! Olllr - - 810.OO

Good Iltnvr Suits - G OO

anls . 1.00

extra, 1.5O

Good W o r k i u g Pnnt»e x t r a - . . . . ' . .

Double- $1.75


FROM $2 TO $9.

A large aisorlment o! FISE CL0TIHNG Tor1TES, YOUTHS', and B0T8.


Ikm'tfciltocaJUiiJ BCO tbo BAJ1QAIN3aiidbo utorjulieJ at the loir pricci for Rood clolli-

U-U. J. W.-llABBIT.

. ) R 7AKCX CA11DS 11 •t.rei irltii m a t 10£O cl . . Agcuta Aaateil. J. II. 11UHTED,Human, N. Y. • 3Wit

biUUwt Ssll cliroh «1PR.III folia, t l .

l l F l l " "ITUll"'

KATlONALOnnOlIOOO,,HiiUdolnlna.lv •