what is drafting


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What is Drafting?Drafting is part of planning because as you write:You discover more about the topic think how to present itThink of new ideasOr new ways to present the examples.

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What is Finishing?Finishing is the last step of your document. In the finishing stage:Produce a consistent,Accurate,And readers oriented document.

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Strategies for drafting and finishing

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1. Research informationIf you do not know the topic, obviously you must learn about it. For this you need to spend time in researching. For searching the best way is to go to library or search on webYou can also get information by interviewing people or experts.

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2. Design your information to help ReadersTo design your information, remember that you are creating an experience for your readers. You are helping them to build a model. You have to give the information that is helpful for the reader.

General principles1. For an audience with little knowledge, use the

familiar to explain the unfamiliar.

2. For readers familiar with some knowledge. Use accepted terminology.

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3. Use context setting introductionYour introduction should supply an overall framework so that the reader can understand the details that later explain and develop it.

You can use an introduction in one of three ways:To define termsTo tell what caused you to write.And to explain the documents purpose.

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4. Place important material at the top

Placing important material at the top. The beginning of a paragraph emphasizes its importance's.This strategy gives readers the context so that they know what to look for as they read further. Put statements of significance, definitions and key terms at the beginning.

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5. Use preview listsIt is a list which contain the key words to be used in a document. In any written communication the basic list has three components: an introductory sentence that ends in a “control word”, a colon, and a series of items.


A Test package Include Three Parts:

I. Test Plans

II. Test Specifications


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7. Use coordinate structure

Coordinate structure means that each section of a document follows the same organizational pattern. Readers react positively once they realize the logic of the structure you are presenting.

A good document must contain:First a definition.Followed by details.And last explain the terms.

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8. TestingTesting is asking other people to interact with your document in order to discover where it is effective and where it needs to be revision. The document can be tested by the target audience or sometimes people familiar with the target audience to review the document

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ConclusionDrafting and Finishing is one of the essentials part of the technical writing process. Drafting is the part of planning and finishing is the last step of document.The Strategies of drafting and finishing helps in completing the document effectively.

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