what is academic writing? academic writing refers to a particular style of expression

What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression.

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Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Page 1: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression

What is academic writing?Academic writing refers to a particular style of


Page 2: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


- A formal tone

- Use of the third-person rather

than first-person perspective

- Clear focus on the issue or topic

rather than the author’s opinion

- Precise word choice

- Use transitional markers

- Using tentative statement

Characteristics include:

Page 3: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


Conversational & vague terms


Sentence fragments

Abbreviations & contractions

Personal pronouns

Slang and phrases

Avoid using the following informal usage


Page 4: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


Today being fat is totally bad for your health.

About 30,000 fat people die every year in the

UK and loads more fat people die in the USA.

By 2005 more people will die of being fat than

smoking and it doesn’t have to be this way,

this could easily be prevented, couldn't it?

Why is the following text not a good example of academic style?

Page 5: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


The number of deaths per year

attributable to obesity is roughly 30,000

in the UK and ten times that in the USA,

where obesity is set to overtake

smoking in 2005 as the main

preventable cause of illness and

premature death.


Page 6: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


Abbreviations and contractions are

informal, and are best avoided in

academic writing. For example:

› ‘Department’ should be used instead of the

abbreviation ‘dept’.

› ‘Is not’ should be used in place of the

contraction ‘isn’t’.

Avoid abbreviations and contractions

Page 7: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


Compare the following:

‘The individual was sentenced for nicking a bike.’

‘The doctor looked kind of worried when he

reviewed the case notes.’

‘The individual was sentenced for stealing a bike’

‘The doctor looked slightly worried when he

reviewed the case notes.’

Avoid slang words and verb phrases

Page 8: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression

1. In Hong Kong there is one cell phone

for just about every two people.

› “just about” → “nearly”

2. We got encouraging results using

structural bamboo rather than timber.

› “got” → “obtained”

Avoid slang words and verb phrases

Page 9: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression

3. There has been a lot of interest in how background sounds, such as music, affects an individual’s ability to concentrate.› “a lot of “→ “considerable”

4. Consumer interest in electronic billing and payment is getting bigger and bigger.› “getting bigger and bigger ” → “increasing”

Avoid slang words and verb phrases

Page 10: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression

Which one is more formal?

› According to some biologists, coming up with

clear proof of the decreasing numbers of

frogs has been difficult.

› According to some biologists, offering clear

proof of the decreasing number of frogs has

been difficult.

Avoid slang words and verb phrases

Page 11: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression

English often has two or more choices to

express an action or occurrence.

However, there is a tendency for academic

writers to use a single verb whenever



Avoid slang words and verb phrases

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This totally changed people’s lives’

› Why is ‘totally’ there?

If it’s a ‘filler’ it can be omitted.

If it’s used for emphasis, a more

appropriate word could be used, for

example ‘significantly’ or


Avoid conversational terms

Page 13: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


Consider the following:

‘The right thing’ would be better expressed as

‘the right action’ or ‘the right procedure’

‘A nice addition to the collection’ would be

better expressed as ‘A popular addition to the

collection’ or ‘A prestigious addition to the


Avoid vague terms

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In many academic disciplines, writing

in the first person is not acceptable as

it is believed to be too subjective and


Be Impersonal

Page 15: What is academic writing? Academic writing refers to a particular style of expression


First person sentences use the pronouns

‘I’ and ‘we’. For example:

› We have considered...

› I suggest that...

› I have observed...

These can be transformed into:


Writing in the first person

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Consideration has been given to...

The suggestion is made that...

It has been observed that...

Impersonal sentences

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Formal Grammar Style

Which do you think is more formal?

Stand to either the left or the right side to indicate your choice.

Remain in the middle if you have absolutely no clue!

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AExport figures won’t improve until the economy is stronger.

BExport figures will not improve until the economy is stronger.

Avoid contractions

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AThe problem has few viable solutions.

BThe problem does not have many viable solutions.

Use formal negative forms

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AThe analysis yielded no new results.

BThe analysis did not yield any new results.

Use formal negative forms

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AThe government did not allocate much funding for the program.

BThe government allocated little funding for the program.

Use formal negative forms

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AThese semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, and other electronic devices.

BThese semiconductors can be used in robots, CD players, etc.

Avoid run-on expressions like “etc.” or “and so forth”

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AThe results can be seen in Table 1

BYou can see the results in Table 1.

Avoid addressing the reader as “you”

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AWhat can be done to lower costs?

BWe now need to consider how costs may be lowered.

Direct Questions

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AVery little is actually known about the general nature of scientific dishonesty.

BActually, very little is known about the general nature of scientific dishonesty.

Place adverbs within the verb

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AThis model was developed by Krugman originally.

BThis model was originally developed by Krugman.

Place adverbs within the verb

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AIt may be difficult to make a decision about the method that we should use.

BChoosing the proper method may be difficult.

Aim for an efficient use of words.

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AWe have examined the surge of the international students in this school.

BThe surge of the international students in this school have been examined.

The use of “I” &”we”

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Joining words Also, and, so, but, for, or

Comparing words Similarly, in comparison, also

Contrasting words Although, but, on the other hand, despite, even though,


Adding information words In addition, moreover, furthermore

Ordering information words Before, since then, consequently, finally, first, after

that, eventually, gradually

Transitional words

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Look at the practice exercise on the 2nd

page of your handout (Formal Grammar

Style) and take a few minutes to

“formalize” the language.

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Possible answers

1. This model can be used to analyze the effects of several parameter changes.

2. Coffee prices have fallen for many reasons.3. The difference between these two approaches to

designing underground subway stations can clearly be seen.

4. To date, no comprehensive study has examined the role of smiling in gaining the initial trusts of individuals.

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Possible answers

5. Some studies have concluded that bamboo could be more widely used than it is now as a construction material

6. These special tax laws have been enacted in six mid-western states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, Michigan, and Minnesota.

7. Little research has been done on the use of oil palm shell as coarse aggregate in the production of concrete.

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Another pair of eyes

Bottom line…. You have to communicate with the marker you do not get to sit

next to them.
