what is a do-it-yourself divorce

What Is a Do-It- Yourself Divorce?

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Post on 30-Mar-2016




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My Ontario Divorce.com is a leading resource for a do it yourself divorce in Ontario. We also have a wealth of information on Ontario divorce forms. Visit us today at http://myontariodivorce.com for more information.


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What Is a Do-It-Yourself Divorce?

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What Is a Do-It-Yourself Divorce?

Even though divorce is a fairly common occurrence amongst married couples, it can still have a devastating effect for everyone involved. Many people envision divorce as a knock down, drag out court battle, where each spouse is trying to get as much as they can from the other.

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What Is a Do-It-Yourself Divorce?

This is how it happens sometimes, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If both parties are intent on ending the marriage, you can even use a do-it-yourself divorce. Essentially, a do-it-yourself divorce is a legal divorce where you and your spouse do most of the work and no legal assistance is required.

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Contested or Uncontested?

One of the first things you’ll need to figure out when you want to file for divorce is whether the divorce is contested or uncontested. Basically, an uncontested divorce means that both parties want a divorce and there are no disputes in terms of child support or custody, spousal support or property issues. In contrast, a contested divorce is when one of the parties does dispute one of the claims or wishes of the other party.

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Contested or Uncontested?

If the process seems amicable and uncontested, it’s probably a good candidate for a do-it-yourself divorce. If it seems as though the process will be full of snags and disputes, a do-it-yourself divorce probably isn’t the wisest choice. Uncontested generally means hassle-free, and a do-it-yourself divorce is about as hassle-free and it gets. If you and your spouse agree on all the issues of the divorce, it shouldn’t be necessary to go to court and you can get all the forms you need online for a smooth and easy do-it-yourself divorce.

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Contested or Uncontested?

If either spouse seems to feel resentment or anger toward the other, the DIY method probably isn’t a good idea. It’s also best to stay away from the DIY route if you feel like your spouse may be hiding assets from you, because you’ll end up missing out on what is rightfully yours.

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How to Do-It-Yourself

For a true, do-it-yourself divorce, you’ll have to look online. With online services, you can find which forms apply to your situation, then fill them out and either print them out and mail them or email them to their destination.

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How to Do-It-Yourself

The fees you pay may vary a little depending on how quickly the documents are prepared and the divorce is granted. Taking some time to research the service ahead of time can help you out a lot in the end. Online reviews and testimonials will help to guide you to a reliable service you can trust.

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Are You Really Sure?

Even though a do-it-yourself divorce is relatively quick and easy, it’s always a good idea to make sure that you and your spouse are sure that this divorce is the right way to go. Things like mediators, counselors, a brief period of separation, financial advisors and even parenting classes can help to get things back on track.

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Are You Really Sure?

In some cases divorce may be the only way to go, but try not to jump to that solution just because you can do it yourself. Divorce is a heavy decision, so give it the time and consideration it deserves.

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Conditions for a Divorce

Anyone who is divorced or has looked into it knows that you must meet certain conditions, even if the divorce is completely uncontested. In Canada, you will only be granted a divorce if the marriage has broken down. And in the Divorce Act, there are only three suitable reasons for the breakdown of a marriage:

– Adultery – this occurs when your spouse has a voluntary sexual relationship with someone else while the two of you are married.

– Cruelty – this may include mental abuse, physical abuse or a combination of the two.

– Separation – for this to come into play, you and your spouse must have lived apart for at least one year.

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Conditions for a Divorce

If cruelty or adultery are the reasons that the divorce is desired, then you will most likely need legal help and shouldn’t bother with a do-it-yourself divorce. If the separation is the only reason and the situation is not emotionally charged, go online and see if the DIY method is right for you.

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Further Reading…

My Ontario Divorce.com is a leading resource for a do it yourself divorce in Ontario. We also have a wealth of information on Ontario divorce forms. Visit us today at http://myontariodivorce.com for more information.