what have you learnt about from technologies from constructing your media product

What have you learnt about from Technologies from constructing this Product?

Upload: hameshtailor96

Post on 02-Aug-2015




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What have you learnt about from Technologies from

constructing this Product?

In the planning, construction, evaluation and presenting of the media product I have had to used technologies, for research I have used the internet, Google images to find existing texts, to make my survey I used survey monkey and then used social media to get the survey out there. For the construction I used Corel draw 12 to put the media product together, to edit the picture which I had taken I used Corel Photo Paint and Photoshop. To present the slide shows Which I had made I used slideshare to present the slide show I made, I also used youtube to present my pitch presentations. Lastly to present all my work I am using a blog site, Blogger.

Construction of front pageCorel Draw 12

First I opened a new project, then I added my two banners at the top and bottom, after this I add my mast head, issue number and date, barcode and price. Then I added my feature stories with their sub-headings. Next I add my main feature story in the centre of the front page and the other stories in the banner at the bottom. Lastly I added the background and main central image.

Construction of Contents PageCorel Draw 12

Firstly I started a new project, then added the name of the page. After this I added the editors letter and the editors picture. Next I added all the sections of the magazines with the stories and the page numbers of them. Lastly I added a collage of pictures with anchors that relate them to the stories featured in the contents.

Construction of Double page SpreadCorel Draw 12

I first added a new project, then added the title of the page , with a sub-heading, I also added a extra incentive in a cut out of the page. Next I added the article and a info box, lastly I had added a full page image with an anchor.

Editing of Photos

For this picture I would of ideally had a white background, but this was not possible. To do this I had to import the photo into Corel Photo paint where I used the eraser tool to rub out the background to make it white and not clash with the background.