what have you learned from your audience feedback?

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Upload: ed-dean

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Feedback on treatment presentation• When I showed my class and teacher my initial

treatment, I was given feedback from both. The class agreed with my idea for the content of the video fitting to the indie rock genre. After the presentation I was talking to my teacher about the examples of music videos that inspired me, my teacher suggested me to use the split screen from Frank Turners – Photosyntheis. My original idea for the video was similar but I decided to add in the split screen for affect.

• My peers did point out the problem of finding two people to be the main couple. This idea was later taking out of my video as I couldn’t find a couple to do it.

Feedback on the rough cut• After showing my teacher and class my rough cut I

received some good feedback. The class liked what I had done so far, but my teacher suggested that I add in more of the split screen effect as that is my ‘selling point’ of the video.

• A couple of people said that I should reduce the amount of smoking and drinking shown in my video, I reduced the amount to hopefully keep an artistic effect and not portray that I am condoning that behaviour

Feedback on the digipak draft

Changes after class feedback

• I made a few changes to the digipak after I received the feedback

• The first thing I changed was the font I was using for the album cover. I was originally using an electronic looking font. After the feedback from the class I changed it to Pooplatter, to have a similar look to the arctic monkeys old logo

Changes after class feedback

• Another change I made to the digipak after my feedback was to the inside front cover. It was suggested I use the space better, originally it was a photo of the empty road with the album information. I then added in the photo of the band to use the space better.

Final versions after feedback corrections

Magazine advertThe magazine advert got a lot of positive feedback from my peers and teacher. Mostly about how the simple look hooks the audience.

DigipakMy digipak got some good feedback. I am happy that my peers and teacher liked it, as it took me so long to create and get used to the functions of Photoshop. People liked how I kept the colour theme constant throughout and also the clear link between the album cover and the magazine advert.

My main videoClick on the video to link to the video

My music video received a lot of good feedback from my friends who have watched it. The video also went down well with my peers that have seen it.

The main thing I learned from my audience feedback is that you need to make the changes that the audience want. If you do not adapt your work to the audiences likes, it will not be a popular text.