what did you learn from start up business makamaka.pptx

1 What did you learn from Start - Up Business MakaMaka ? Kazunobu Seto Funder/CEO December , 2013

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Page 1: What did you learn from start up business MakaMaka.pptx


What did you learn from Start-Up Business MakaMaka?Kazunobu SetoFunder/CEODecember, 2013

Page 2: What did you learn from start up business MakaMaka.pptx


MakaMaka is a closed social media networking app for multi device, developed to share your inner thoughts with intimate connections.Fund by Red Brick Ventures.

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2 months before the release of the service (app)

Over 1K people registered at beta product version site! Good start!!

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On launch day, Tech media talked about our service (app) and user acquisition jumped!

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6 days later, user acquisition still keeps growing via Tech media!

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But 30 days later, growth stops suddenly and user acquisition growth falls down like a valley!

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6 months of trying to solve the market problem through product improvement. Also tried to in change direction from consumer from to business focus…

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What did you learn?

Photo Credit: http://www.upsidelearning.com/blog/index.php/2014/02/06/what-did-you-learn-today/

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Lesson #1. PR is good for investors and strategic partners, not user acquisition

Don’t focus PR

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Lesson #2. Customers first, partners second. We put partners first, customers second because we wanted to increase business scale!

Don’t think scale of business at first.Customers first!

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Lesson #3. Pivoted from B2C to B2B. The problem was just wanted to make a profit, and the business direction went down a passionless path

I know you need a profit, but must think both short term and long term.

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ENDKazunobu SetoFunder/CEO