what are the advantages of views in a ... -...

KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA AMARKANTAK, IGNTU CAMPUS HOLIDAY HOMEWORK FOR SUMMER VACATION, CLASS- (I TO X), (2018- 19) CLASS- 1st SUB - HINDI 1) अ अअ अअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअ2) अ अअ अअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअ3) अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअ I ENGLISH Make a separate 192 page 4 line English copy to do summer vacation H.W 1:- Read and Write A-Z (Capital letters) daily. 2:-Read and Write a-z (Small letters) daily. 3:- Complete Readiness Book. 4. Write two letter words like-on.of,to,go,so ,up, e.t.c read daily. 5. Write three letter words like cat, bat, rat, mat, hat, pat e.t.c MATHS 1. Learn what comes before the number and after the number. 2. Do practice of number writing.

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CLASS- 1st




3) I


Make a separate 192 page 4 line English copy to do summer vacation H.W

1:- Read and Write A-Z (Capital letters) daily.

2:-Read and Write a-z (Small letters) daily.

3:- Complete Readiness Book.

4. Write two letter words like-on.of,to,go,so ,up, e.t.c read daily.

5. Write three letter words like cat, bat, rat, mat, hat, pat e.t.c


1. Learn what comes before the number and after the number.

2. Do practice of number writing.

2. Collect different shapes like Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Square, Oval ,cube,etc.


1. Students are already carrying school readiness booklet.



1. Draw and color 5 fruits and 5 vegetables and paste it in scrapbook.

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1. Make pictures of body parts and their name and work.

2. Learn all the answers of questions done in your note book and textbook and write it in your holiday homework note book.

3. Write the process of making yarn from different things.

4. Make drawing of clothes used in different season.

5. Write how we can clean our surrounding and may be healthy.

6. Daily reading of your textbook to understand the meaning of the matter written.

Class II

Subject- English

1. Write 1page good handwriting date wise in writing copy.

2. Read 1 story before your parents.

3. Learn & Write two, Three, Four, Five letter words.


Subject- Music

2. Learn the pledge in Hindi, English and Sanskrit.



1. Prepare table calendar from (1-10)

2. Learn table from 1 to 10

3. Write and learn counting in words from 1 to 100

4. Draw five things which are long and five things which are round in shape on colorful sheets. Cut them out and paste them in scrapbook.

5. Collect different things, such as boxes of different kinds, balls, erasers, matchboxes etc. Make your own tower using these things.



1. Make 5 paper butterfly and 5 paper fan as taught in class.



1. Daily one page handwriting in handwriting copy. If you have not made handwriting copy, please buy it.

2. Learn the poem Good Morning Bird talk Little by little Sea song with the help of your parents.

3. Reading of English paragraph daily of your textbook Marigold to improve your vocabulary and comprehension.

4. Learn all the answers of the questions done in your notebook and exercise in your text book. Also write it in homework copy.

5. Make a drawing of

a. Child in chapter good morning

b. A scene of garden

c. Two birds talking to each other

6. Project: page no. 20

Make some birds from paper. Also make a nest with the help of grass and other stags. Put these birds in the nest.


Subject- Music

1- Write & Learn the flag song in your note book.

2- Write Marching song in your note book. Learn it try to sing it individually.

3- Learn the song

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Class 3

Subject- maths

Q.1 Write table from 2 to 10

Q.2 Find out from where you have to look to see the things this way.

Q.3 Complete these figures to make squares and rectangles.

Q.4 On the dot grid given below draws the following.

(a) kite (b) star(c) leaf(d) boat

Q.5 complete the words in which the letters have similar halves.

Class - 3

Subject- EVS

Q. 1 Name two animals that poonam see at the pond.

Q.2 Name two birds that can fly.

Q.3 Name two animals that have feet.

Q.4 Name two animals that can crawl.

Q.5 completes the pictures and writes their names below.

Q.6 what coolers can the leaves be of?

Q.7 what kind of margins do the leaves have?

Q.8 Make any bird/animal using leaves.


Subject- Computer

1. What is computer explain it.

2. What are the basic applications of computer?

3. Write the name of 20 parts of computer detail its.



1. Make 5 paper butterfly and 5 paper fan as taught in class.

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1. Learn all the answers of the questions in your notebook and exercise done in text book and write it in your holiday homework copy.

2. Make pictures of

a. peacockb. tigerc. dinosaursd. elephant e. different means of transport

And write 5 lines about them.

3. Project:

Make a paper bird with the colorful paper. Page no. 20

4. Daily reading of chapters in your textbook to understand the meaning of matter.

5. Project:

Make an elephant with the help of paper.

6. Write the process of making honey in your holiday homework copy.

Class IV

Subject- English

I.My Daily Routine:

I get up at a.m.

I brush my teeth and take a bath at a.m.

I eat my breakfast at a.m.

I go to school at a.m.

At p.m. I come back from school.

I eat lunch p.m.

I study at p.m.

I go to play at p.m.

I watch TV for hours.

I go to sleep at p.m.

II.Tick () the correct form of verb and write in the space provided

1. Neha . [smile, smiles]

2. Birds .[chirp, chirps]

3. The Sun [shines, shine]

4. Children [play, plays]

5. Bees ... [buzz, buzzing]

6. Watch [say, says]

III.Use these groups of words to make sentences of your own :

1.in the trees


2.Lie in bed


3.under the rug.

4.bigbright sun..

5.warm smile.

6.wake up..

IV- Do 1 page writing datewise in seperate copy.

V -Learn poem wake up and Noses

VI- Write 10 sentences about Your Favourite fruit and Favourite Pet

VII - Write 20 verb and their three forms.

VIII- Write about your journey.

Class IV

Subject- Maths

A. Learn and write table from 2 to 20.

1. Fill in the blanks.

a. A brick has ______edges.

b. A square has ________ sides.

c. A rectangle has _______faces.

d. A soap has _______faces.

e. A cuboidal box has _________ corners.

f. The number of faces in a brick is equal to ________.

g. A dice has __________ faces.

h. A brick is a _______dimensional object.

i. A triangle has ______sides.

j. A triangle has ______ corners.

2. Count and write the number of faces you can see in each of the following figures and colour each of the faces using different colours.

3. Calculate mentally and write the answer.

1. If a brick cost Rs 1, then 500 bricks will cost _______________.

2. If the cost of a brick is Rs 2, then cost of 1000 bricks is Rs ___________

3. If the cost of 1 brick is Rs 5, then cost of 2000 bricks is Rs______________

4. If the cost of I brick is Rs 3, then cost of 4000 bricks is Rs______________

5. If the cost of 1000 bricks is Rs 3000 then the cost of 1 brick isRs_____________

6. If the cost of 2000 bricks is Rs 8000, then the cost of 1 brick is Rs_____________

7. If the cost of 200 bricks is Rs 600, then the cost of 1 brick is Rs_______________



Number of bricks

Cost of bricks

Number of bricks

Cost of bricks
















3. Find the measures

a. 20cm less than 8m 40cm_____________________

b. 80cm more than 4m 10cm____________________

c. 15cm less than 6m 75cm______________________

d. 2m more than 8m 45cm______________________

e. 7km more than 8km 300m____________________

f. 600m less than 7km 950m____________________

g. 9km 200m more than 5km 500m________________

h. 6m 75cm less than 18m 90cm_________________


Subject- Music

1. Learn the bhajan & try to sing it individually.

2. Write the name of 10 classical singers and write the biography of two of them.

3. Write the pledge in Hindi, English & Sanskrit in your notebook & learn it.

4. Learn the song


Subject- Computer

1. Who is the father of the computer? Explain in detail.

2. What are main parts of ABACUS?

3. Write & Learn all output device of computer with diagram.



1. Make 5 paper kites with small craft paper and decorate it.

Class V


1. Get a cursive handwriting part V book and practice handwriting in it on a daily basis.

2. Read any one story book and do its book review on A4 Sheets.

3. Revise the chapters and their exercise done till date.

4. Observe the shadow of any one object during different times of the day. Write a paragraph of 100 words descripting your observation(A4-Sheets)

5. Make a list of 20 naming words which can be made adjectives by adding Y in the end. ( A4 sheet).

6. Collect and paste pictures of birds that fly in groups. Write their names also ( A4-sheet)

7. Daily read at least one English newspaper report.



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Class 5 (maths)

Q.1 Write table from 2 to 20

Q.2 Answer the following questions on the basis of table given below.

(A) What is the catch of fish for motor boat in one trip?

(b) How far does a machine boat go in one hour?

(c) About how much fish in all will long tail boat bring in five trips?

(d)About how far can a log boat go in six hours?

(e) If a motor boat has to travel 40 km. how long will it take?

Q.3 Floramma sells prawn for Rs 150 a Kg . Floramma has sold 10 Kg prawn today. How much money did she get for that?

Q.4 Using different shapes( rectangle, triangle, circle, square etc.) make 3 different kinds of fish from paper.

Q.5 Draw a scene of ocean with small and big colorful fish.

Class- V

Subject - EVS

Note: - Do your HW in EVS home copy only.

1. Learn chapter 1, 2 and 3 and read chapters 4&5

2. Make a PPT on various super senses of animals for their right, smell and sound etc.

3. Survey about people who keep animals for their livelihood. Pg-20 & 21 in EVS text book.

4. What do you think Proper Food is write a paragraph on it with proper pictures?

5. Look and write the information given on any food packet like Date of packing, Expiry, Price, ingredients etc.

6. Write and read the recipes of healthy food like sprouted bhel, Fruit chat etc.

7. Find out why is tea grown on hilly areas only? Which part of the tea plant is packed to make tea? Write recipe of tea.

Class- 5

Sub- Music

1. Write the pledge in hindi , English & Sanskrit in your notebook & learn it.

2. Write & Learn the Marching song , community song and in your note book & try to sing it individually.

3. Write the name of 10 classical singer and write the biography of one of them.

Class 5

Subject- Computer

4. What is computer? Explain different types of computer.

5. Name of input and output devices with diagram.

6. Write short notes on-

a) Secondary storage device

b) Generations of computer

c) Mainframe computer

7. Collect the pictures of all generations of computer.



1. Make 5 paper butterfly and 5 paper fan as taught in class.

Class 6


Q1. Define natural number, whole number and integer with their symbol

Q2.Write the following numbers in words in Indian and International System of numeration:

(a) 5007345012(b)7405316

Q3. Write the following in short form:

(a) 3 x 1000 + 7 x 100 + 2 x 10 (b) 11 x 100000 + 7 x 100 + 5 x 10 + 9

Q4.By using the digits 9, 4, 0 and 8 make the smallest and greatest four digit number and find their sum and difference also.

Q5.Write down the successor and predecessor of each of the following:

(a) 100009(b)875643

Q6.Medicine is packed in boxes, each weighing 4 kg 500 grams. How many such boxes can be loaded in a van which cannot carry beyond 800 kg ?

Q7.Round off the following to the nearest hundred:

(a) 5167(b)7125


(a) Prepare a chart of International System of Numeration and place following numbers on it :

(i) 6984532501 (ii)12345676542

(b) Prepare a chart of Indian System of Numeration and place following numbers on it :

(i) 523123460(ii)6543210123

(c) On a single A4 size paper sheet, write Roman Symbols for the following Hindu Arabic Numbers:

1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000


Subject- Science

Q1. Collect some pictures of your favourite recipe, paste it in a file and write down its ingredients.

Q2. Make a list of different organism around you. Classify them as herbivore, carnivore, omnivore.

Q3. Collect sample of fabrics. Classify them as natural or synthetic fibre.

Q4. Learn table 2.3( page. 16) and write it in your file.

Q5 Answer the following questions:

(a) Name 5 plants and their parts that we eat.

(b) What are herbivores carnivores and omnivores?

(c) Name the major nutrient in our food.

(d) Name two food item each rich in:

(i) Fats

(ii) Starch

(iii) Dietary fibre

(iv) Protein

(e) From which part of the plant cotton and jute are obtained?

(f) Name two items that are made from coconut fiber.







1. Write down and learn all the important keywords and dates from chapter 1 of your history book.

2. Maintain a record of your activities during summer vacation in a separate notebook. Also mention those places which you will visit. Paste pictures too.

3. Locate the following places in the physical map of india :-

a. Thar desert

b. Vindhyas range

c. Sulaiman and kirthar hills

d. Western ghat

e. Garo hills


1. Prepare a model of solar system depicting all the planets.

2. List down 10 interesting facts about our universe.

3. Write down and learn all the important keywords from chapter 1.

4. Learn all the short questions done in your classwork.


1. Write down an essay in about 500 words on unity in diversity.

2. Draw up a list of different festivals celebrated in india. Write down about each of them and paste pictures.




Subject- Physical & Health Education

Q.01 what do you mean by Physical education?

Q.02 Write a short note on commonwealth game Gold

Coast 2018?

Q.03 Briefly mention the importance of Yoga?

Q.04 Define Balanced diet? What is the importance of

Balance Diet?

Q.04 Select any two game form following (student choice)

And write measurement of ground draw in A3 sheet -(A) Athletics (B) cricket (c) football (D) Kabaddi (e)Hockey (f) kho-kho

Class- 6

Subject- Computer

1. What do you mean by MS office?

2. Explain different versions of Ms Office.

3. Create Independence Day invitation card in your computer notebook.



1. Make geometrical design in 1/4 chart paper as taught in class.

Class VI

Subject- Work education (Any one)

1. House designing with LED bulb and toy fan.

2. Designing of cricket stadium with flash light

3. Designing a windmill with DC motor.

4. Any project contains at least two electrical components







1. Write down and learn all the important keywords and dates from chapter 1.

2. Maintain a record of your activities in a separate notebook during summer vacation. Also mention places which you will visit during vacation with pictures.

3. Locate the following places on Indias political map:-

a. Qannauj

b. Lakhnauti

c. Multan

d. Badayun

e. Malwa


1. Write down an essay in about 500 words on world environment day which is celebrated on 5th june. Plant one tree in your locality.

2. Imagine an ideal environment where you would love to live. Draw the picture of your ideal environment.

3. Write down and learn all the important keywords from chapter 1.

4. Make a model representing different domains of earth.


1. Write down an essay in about 500 words on Equality in Indian democracy.

2. Write down about the history of Universal Adult Franchise. Why it is important in a democracy?


Subject- Science

Q1 Collect leaves of various colour, shape, size. Dry them and paste them in a file.

Q2. Make a chart of any one



Human digestive system

Q3. Visit nearest garden. Make a list of different organism you found there. Classify them as autotroph , heterotroph, and saprotroph.

Q4. Answer the following questions:

(a) Why do organism need to take food?

(b) How would you test the presence of starch in leaves?

(c) Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.

(d) What are villi? What is their location and function?

(e) Where is the bile produced? Which component of food does it help to digest?

(f) Name the type of carbohydrate that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans . Give reasons also.

(g) Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

Class 7


Q1.Verify the following and name the property also.

(a) 20 x{15 + (-5)} ={20X15} +{20x(-5)}

(b) (47+3)+10 =47+ (3+10).

Q2.Find the product using suitable property.

(a) 625x(-20) + (-625)x80

(b) 25x77x(-4)

Q3. Activity :

(a) Write 5 pair of integer (a b) such that a/b= (- 5) .

(b) Write 5 pair of integer whose difference is 6

(c) Write 5 pair of inters whose product is -200

Q5.Project Work :

Make the model of triangle , square , rectangle , cube and cuboid with card board

Q6.Prepare a chart for properties of Integers under all the operations.

Q7.Solve the followings and name the identities also.

(a) 500x1=

(b) 65 +0=

(c) 35/1=

(d) 45+ (-45)=

Q8.Find all prime numbers, odd number s, composite numbers and even numbers from 1 to 100.

Q9.The product of two integer is (- 60). If one number is 20 find the other.

Q10.Practice all the questions taught in your class in Holiday Homework Copy.

Class- 7th

Subject- Hindi


Subject- Physical & Health Education

Q.01 what do you mean by Physical education?

Q.02 Write a short note on commonwealth game Gold

Coast 2018?

Q.03 Briefly mention the importance of Yoga?

Q.04 Define Balanced diet? What is the importance of

Balance Diet?

Q.04 Select any two game form following (student choice)

And write measurement of ground draw in A3 sheet -(A) Athletics (B) cricket (c) football (D) Kabaddi (e)Hockey (f) kho-kho

Class- 7

Subject- Computer

1. What is memory explain in brief.

2. How to upgrade RAM in your computer.

3. Name of all basic component of system unite and different kinds of computers explain it.

4. Collect some pictures of super computers.

5. What does CPU mean?



1. Make 5 birthday card with quailing technique.

Class VII

Subject- Work education (Any one)

1. LED connections: Series & Parallel

2. Design a toy cooler.

3. Assemble a switch and loader in board

4. Any project contains at least three electrical components.




Class- 8


Q1. Define the following:

(a)Rational number and irrational number with examples and there their symbols.

(b)Natural number, whole number and integer with examples and their symbols.

Q2.Project Work:

Make a chart showing properties of rational numbers, whole numbers under all operations with suitable examples.

Q3. Locate 2/5, 8/5 and - 4/9 on number line

Q4. Write five rational numbers between (- 6 ) and 0

Q5.Write the multiplicative inverse of following:

a. -5/8

b. 21/5

c. 4/9 x(-3/2)

Q6.Multiply 8/9 by the reciprocal of 5/3.

Q7.Find additive inverse of the followings:

(a) 12/11 (b) b -5/6 (c) 6/7 x14/3

Q8.Solve the following equations:

(a) 2x-3=x+3(b) 5X+7/2 =3X+1/2

Q9.The sum of four consecutive multiple of 5 is 110 . find the number.

Q10.The difference between two whole number is 66. The ratio of two numbers is 2: 5. What are the two numbers ?

Q11.Practice all the questions taught in your class in Holiday Homework Copy.


(a) Prepare square chart from number 1 to 30 and learn it.

(b) Pick prime numbers, even numbers, odd numbers and composite numbers from 1 to 100 and place it in the column.

Class VIII

Subject- SST

A. Short types question answer:-

1. What is sustainable Development?

2. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?

3. What is resource conservation?

4. Why is land considered an important resource?

5. Suggest three ways to conserve water.

6. What is colonial?

B. Long types question answer:-

7. Describe the major causes of land Degradation today.

8. What is soil? Write the major factors affecting soil formation?

9. What are resources? How many types of resources are? Explain it.

10. What is the problem with the periodization of Indian history that James mill offers?

11. Why did the British preserve official documents?

12. What are major factors of soil formation? Explain it.

13. Describe the some methods of soil conservation?

C. Project: - .On the outline maps of world and locate it.

(a) Distribution of mineral oil and coal.

(b) Distribution of Iron, copper and bauxite.

(c) World distribution of Arable land.


Subject- Science

Q1. Collect the labels from the bottle of jams and jellies. Write down the list of contents printed on the labels.

Q2. Collect new agricultural machine pictures and paste in a file with their names and uses.

Q3. Make a chart of

(a) Different kind of microorganisms


Life cycle of frog


Binary fission in Amoeba and Budding in Hydra

Q4. Answer the following questions

(a) Which microorganism is used in the formation of alcohol?

(b) Name any two microorganisms which fix atmospheric nitrogen to increase fertility of soil.

(c) Name any two chemicals used as preservatives in jams and squashes.

(d) Who carries the parasite of malaria?

(e) Give two example each of Rabi crop and Kharif crop.

(f) What is the difference between manure and fertilizers.

(g) What is irrigation? Describe two methods of irrigation which conserve water.

(h) Define following

(i) Weeding

(ii) Sowing

(iii) Threshing

(iv) Antibiotics

(v) Fermentation

(I) Explain how microorganisms are friends and foe.


Subject- Hindi


Subject- Physical & Health Education

Q.01 what do you mean by Physical education?

Q.02 Write a short note on commonwealth game Gold

Coast 2018?

Q.03 Briefly mention the importance of Yoga?

Q.04 Define Balanced diet? What is the importance of

Balance Diet?

Q.04 Select any two game form following (student choice)

And write measurement of ground draw in A3 sheet -(A) Athletics (B) cricket (c) football (D) Kabaddi (e)Hockey (f) kho-kho

Class- 8

Subject- Computer

1. Name of internal and external components of system unite.

2. What is software? Explain different types of software.



1. Make 5 birthday card with block print technique as taught in class.

Class VIII

Subject- Work education (Any one)

1. Electric circuit with multiple switches & loader

2. Extension board with 30 meter wire.

3. Model of PA system.

4. Any electronic projects working model.

Class- IX

Subject- SST

A. Very short types question answer:-

1. What is Liver?

2. What is Tithe?

3. What is Taille?

4. Define the manor?

5. Name the group of Islands lying in the Arabian Sea?

6. Name the countries which are larger than India ?

B. Short types question answer:-

7. Which is the most important longitude of the country? give reason.

8. How would you explain the rise of Nepoleon?

9. Write a short note about:-

(a) India location & size

(b)India neighbors Congeries name

C. Long types question answer:-

10. Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the world during the nineteenth and twentieth centurys?

11. Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionary protest in French

12. The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunanchal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the west but the watches show the same time .How does this happen?

D. Map Skills: -

On the outline map of India and locate him first chapter geography exercise map skills question.







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Class 9


Q1.Define natural number, whole number, integer and rational number with their examples and symbol.

Q2. Find six rational numbers between 6/5 and 9/7.

Q3. Define terminating and non terminating rational numbers with examples.

Q4.Show that 1.272727 can be expressed in the form of p/q.

Q5. Define zeroes of polynomials.

Q6.Explain Remainder Theorem with an example.

Q7.Divide the polynomial 3x4 - 4x3 - 3x - 1 by x-1 using remainder theorem.

Q8.Find the remainder when y4 + y3 - 2y2 + y + 1 is divided by y - 1.

Q9. Activity:

Construct square spiral root chart from 2 to 12 on a half chart Sheet.

Q10. Project Work:

Prepare a chart for the following:

(a) Law of exponent

(b) Identities of algebraic expression.

(c) Standard format of linear polynomial, quadratic polynomial and cubic polynomial with their degree and number of zeroes.

Q11.Practice all the questions taught in your class in Homework Copy.


Subject- Science

Q1. Draw a chart of

Plant cell and Animal cell


Prokaryotic cell


Amoeba ,Paramoecium ,and Euglena

Q2. Learn table 3.1 [page 34] and table 3.6 [page 37].

Q3. Perform an activity by taking four peeled potato halves one potato halve should be boiled ,sugar ,salt. Put each potato cup in a trough containing water. Now write your observation in a file when

(a) Potato cup A is kept empty.

(b) Potato cup B is filled with sugar.

(c) Potato cup C is filled with salt

(d) Potato cup D is kept empty

Q3.Answer the following:

(a) Write the difference between plant cell and animal cell.

(b) Write the function of cell membrane, mitochondria ,golgi apparatus, nucleus, lysosome, cell wall, plastid.

(c) Why is ice at 273 K is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature?

(d) What produces more severe burns boiling water or steam? Why?

(e)Which two cell organelle contains genetic material of their own.

(f) Write the difference between solids liquids and gases on the basis of their physical properties.

(g) Define latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization.


Subject- Physical & Health Education

Q.01 what do you mean by Physical education?

Q.02 Write a short note on commonwealth game Gold

Coast 2018?

Q.03 Briefly mention the importance of Yoga?

Q.04 Define Balanced diet ? What is the importance of balance


Q.04 Select any two game form following (student choice) and

write measurement of ground draw in A3 sheet -

(A) Athletics (B) cricket (c) football (D) Kabaddi (e) Hockey (f) kho-kho


Subject- Computer

1. What do you mean by database?

2. What are the advantages of views in a database?3. A create database in kv amarkantak school management system.



1. Make geometrical overlapping design and color it with monochrome color scheme as taught in class.

Class IX

Subject- Work education (Any one)

1. Design a house wiring.

2. Tone generator circuit.

3. Rectifier circuit.

4. Any electric IC based projects.




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Class 10


Q1.Define Euclids Division Lema.Q2.Use Euclids Division Algorithm to find the HCF of 4052 and 12576Q3.Define Lemma and Algorithm.Q4.Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 6q+1 or 6q +3 or 6q +5 where q is some integer. Q5.Define Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.Q6. Prove that the following are irrational: (a)5 (b) 7 + 6

Q7. Find the zeroes of the following quadratic polynomials and verify the relationship between the zeroes and the coefficients.

(a) 6x2-3-7x

(b) 3x2-x-4

Q8.Project Work :

Make models of the following:

(a) Sphere

(b) Cube

(c) Cuboid

(d) Cylinder

(e) Frustum

Note: Write formula of surface area and volume on each model.


Make a chart of prime number co-prime number and composite number between 1-100

Q10.Make a chart of standard form of linear polynomial, quadratic polynomial, cubic polynomial and mention degree, relationship between roots and their coefficients and graphical representation in their respective column.

Q11.Practice all the questions taught in your class in Holiday Homework Copy.


Subject- SCIENCE

Q1. Make a-

Model of human heart/Chart of human eye


Model of human respiratory system


Chart of human alimentary canal

Q2.Make a copy of 200 pages and do following work in it-

(A) Find and write the chemical formula of following compounds

Sulphuric acid, Magnesium oxide, Zinc sulphate, Glucose , Calcium oxide, Calcium hydroxide,

Calcium carbonate ,Methane, Ferrous sulphate, Ferric oxide, Lead nitrate, Silver chloride,Silver bromide , Copper sulphate, Zinc sulphate, Copper chloride ,Lead chloride, Sodium sulphate, Barium chloride, Sodium chloride, Copper oxide, Calcium nitrate, Hydrogen chloride, Zinc carbonate, Zinc oxide, Magnesium chloride, Aluminium chloride, Silver nitrate, Zinc nitrate, Potassium bromide, Barium iodide, Barium bromide , Potassium sulphate, Potassium chloride, Sodium hydroxide, Nitric acid.

(B) Write the chemical formula of following compounds:

Calcium oxide, Calcium hydroxide, Calcium carbonate, Bleaching powder, Baking soda , Washing soda, Plaster of paris , Gypsum.

(C) Learn reactivity series of metals (table 3.2 page 45).

(D) Learn atomic number and symbols of elements of atomic number 1 to 20.

Q3. Answer the following questions:

(a)What are exothermic and endothermic reactins? Give one example each.

(b)What are decomposition and combination reaction ?Write equation for these reactions.

(c)What is the difference between displacement and double displacement reaction? Write equation for these equations.

(d)What are oxidation and reduction reactions?

(e)Oil and fats containing food items are flushed with nitrogen .Why?

(f)What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organisms.

(g)How is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported in human beings?

(h)How are fats digested in our body? Where this process does takes place?

(i) What is the role of saliva in the digestion process?

(j)How are alveoli designed to maximize the exchange of gases?

Class 10

Social Science

Question.- Answer the following questions in about 30 words.

1. What is sustainable development?

2. What steps can be taken to control soil erosion in the hills areas and desert areas?

3. What types of soil is found in the northern part of India? Give three main features of this types of soil. 120 words

4. Explain the soil erosion and soil conservation.

5. Describe major causes of land degradation in India.

6. What were Marianne and Germania? What was the importance of the way in which they were portrayed?

7. What steps did the French revolutionaries take to create a sense of collective identity among the French people?

8. What is a resource? How many types of recourses found in the words? Explain it.

9. How have technical and economic development led to more consumption of resources.

10. What changes did napoleon introduce to make the administrative system more efficient in the territories ruled by him?

11. Write a note on-

a) Giuseppe

b) Frankfurt parliament

c) The Greek was of independence


1. Make a project showing consumption and conservation of resources in your locality.

2. Imagine it oil supplies get exhausted. How will this affect our life style?

Class-10 Th

Subject- Computer

1. Explain HTML background.

2. What is difference between HTML and XHTML?

3. Create kv amarkantak website pages in raw data collect of notebook.

4. What is the use of HTML and give one example.


Subject- Physical & Health Education

Q.01 what do you mean by Physical education?

Q.02 Write a short note on commonwealth game Gold

Coast 2018?

Q.03 Briefly mention the importance of Yoga?

Q.04 Define Balanced diet ? What is the importance of balance


Q.04 Select any two game form following (student choice) and

write measurement of ground draw in A3 sheet -

(A) Athletics (B) cricket (c) football (D) Kabaddi (e) Hockey (f) kho-kho



1. Decorate file or folder with colored paper, pulses, waste material, dry leaves, flower etc. as instructed.

Class X

Subject- Work education (Any one)

1. Series, parallel and mixed circuits.

2. Electromagnet based project.

3. Fire alarm circuit

4. Any electronic IC based project.