wfom 09 - revisiting class blogs

Writing for Online Media Professor Nicholas Leshi

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Writing for Online Media

Professor Nicholas Leshi

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Letter Grade Numerical Equivalent

A 4.00 – Excellent. Honors level work.A- 3.67 – Still excellent.B+ 3.33 – Very good. High level of performance.B 3.00 – Good, solid, above average performance.B- 2.67 – Good. Still above average.C+ 2.33 – Average level of performance.C 2.00 – Satisfactory. Acceptable performance.C- 1.67 – Minimally acceptable.D 1.00 – Passing, but unsatisfactory.F 0.00 – Failure. Inferior performance.

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Deadline Reminders

“Guest Post” ProjectEmail link to [email protected]

Before April 1

Final PaperHardcopy due in class on April 29

OREmail electronic copy to [email protected] later than end of day May 6

(Include a mailing address if you want the papers returned)

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Final Paper

Minimum Length Five Pages(Double Spaced, 12 point font size,Times New Roman, 1-inch margins)

First Half Your experience blogging.What have you learned?What did you most enjoy about it?What was challenging about it?How has your blog changed since you started?

Second Half Your thoughts on the future of online writing.

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If You Love Writing Online Reviews, ThenReview City of Kik on

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If You Still Love Writing Online Reviews, ThenReview Nicholas Leshi on

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Screen Capture and Mission Statement

Critics Rave


Constructive Criticism

When Critics Clash


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Boozed on a Budgetby Jillian Brooks

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Mission Statement

“Boozed On A Budget is the saga of a gal trying to drink her way through NYC, all while on a dime.”

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Critics Rave!

“This blog really rocks!”

“A phenomenal blog and one of my favorites to read!”

“By far my favorite blog!”

“This blog gives me LIFE!”

“This is one of my favorite blogs!”

“Informative and fun!”

“Wow. I absolutely love Jillian’s blog!”

“This is absolutely awesome work!”

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Praise“It is beautifully designed and easy to read. Everything from the background pictures to the font to the color schemes is incredible. Not to mention, all of the information written by Jillian is extremely helpful.”

“One thing that stands out and that I like is her picture choice. Most people have used pictures that are semi far away, but her images are nice and up close. Jillian’s posts give you a feeling like you’re almost there. Her blog almost reminds me of an Instagram layout, so she has a great blog for that sole reason.”

“The blog invites social media interaction and allows for readers to easily skim through posts from the home screen.”

“I really appreciated the atmospheric quality that ‘Boozed on a Budget’ provides its readers because it makes the reader feel as if she were there with the blogger…The blogger has the ability to breathe life into a space merely through her words.”

“The author clearly put some time into formatting this to attract the reader and it works.”

“The blog is a joy to read. I come for the tips and stay for the wit. You sound like the cool older sister I never had (I secretly want to be your best friend.)”

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Constructive Criticism“This blog packs a lot of information into it, which is great, but I think it needs to be organized a little better. To me, it seems as though there was no organization of thoughts when the posts were written. In particular, I think transition sentences or words could definitely be added; it would help the flow of thoughts a little bit.”

“Jillian did a great job of portraying her personality in the appearance of her blog as well as the writing.”

“Something Jillian might take into consideration would be choosing a more defined font to use, because the one she has chosen is fine but it is a little difficult to read certain parts of her blog. A change in fonts would give her that extra boost and turn her blog from a good one to a great one.”

“It would make your blog more fun and dynamic if you associated posts to different holidays and events that might be going on certain weekends. For example, maybe on St. Patrick’s Day it would be creative if you visited an interesting Irish pub.”

“The ‘About’ page is hard to read because of the layout – that should be changed.”

“If I could make one criticism of the design, it would be that the blog title doesn’t stand out against the background.”

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When Critics Clash!“Right away, Jillian’s blog catches your attention with her pineapple bearing background. For my first time looking at the blog, I laughed because it’s almost perfect. She combines two things people love, such as drinking and eating food. Her fonts don’t hurt your eyes too bad, even with the bright yellow fruit in the background.”

“The only issue I have with the blog is the background because it makes the posts seem too visually cluttered between the pictures, text, and the background all fighting for the reader’s attention.”

“The layout of your blog looks professionally done as the pineapple background communicates the casual nature of the blog.”

“The first thing that I noticed when I visited Jillian’s blog was the background, hundreds of pineapples. I understad that this background is a great way to keep the site interesting, but the pineapples do not work for me. I felt as if I was being distracted, and quite frankly, my eyes began to hurt from scrolling up and down.”

“The pineapple background somehow fits the theme of the topic.”

“I legit love everything about this blog except the wallpaper. I think the pineapples are very distracting and make your title hard to read.”

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Highlights“I did not know that deals like the ones Jillian lists existed in New York City and I will 100% use this blog to find places to dine and drink…I look forward to testing out some of these spots!”

“She shares a lot of personal memories, thoughts, and experiences, which make for a very entertaining read. For instance, this quote, ‘And in case of ANY type of emergency, I want you to run straight to Mr. Harnden’s oak tree and wait there until your father or I arrive, OKAY??’ explaining what her mother would tell her all the time when she was little. I feel an undeniable genuineness in her writing, and it’s refreshing.”

“Your own personal experiences are both thrilling and funny. An example of this was in your first blog post where you discussed your experience of being lured to a bar by a smooth-talking promoter who allowed you to meet a new group of people, while also unfortunately having your purse stolen. By incorporating these personal experiences in your blog posts you will be able to entice readers to sign on to your blog each week to see what your latest adventure is.”

“The writing is fantastic because it’s conversational. One of the best lines comes from the ‘Banging Brunch Havana Alma De Cuba’ post. Which reads: ‘This lil bad boy, tucked away in the trendy AF West Village, offers a boozy brunch that is surpassed by none.’ Immediatley it becomes clear that the author is both a skilled writer, and a voice that can easily connect with younger readers.”

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On a Whimby Adriana Calandra

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Mission Statement

“On a Whim is a weekly online commentary of one hoyden's pursuit of random wildness.”

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Critics Rave!

“Super intriguing blog!”

“I have really enjoyed this blog!”

“Certainly original!”

“An exceptionally original concept!”

“I really like this blog!”

“This blog is funny!”

“An enjoyable blog to read!”

“One of the most daredevil and animated blogs that I have ever come across!”

“I look forward to seeing what crazy journey Adriana goes on next!”

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Praise“The fact you are willing to perform random acts of wildness as inspirational cornerstones for your blog is undoubtedly enticing. So far your expeditions have been very interesting and your posts are well written.”

“I love what the author is doing with her random stories and misadventures. It is an entertaining read and the randomness of it makes it possible for her to hit whatever topic she wants. It is this versatility that makes me want to read on since I never know what to expect.”

“I think this author is a bit insane. That being said, I’m looking forward to reading more.”

“I honestly wish I had your bravery. Without a doubt, you are a Gryffindor. I find your blog both entertaining and inspiring.”

“I look forward to the spring posts because I know that they can only get wilder as warmer weather approaches.”

“The humor and the sensitive way in which she crafts her narrative aids the reader in connecting with the blogger because it feels as if the blogger is one of us, a person who can acknowledge her own faults while building up her strengths – all of which contributes to the reader’s wish for the blogger to succeed in her adventures.”

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Constructive Criticism

“I might just be out-of-the-know but I wasn’t particularly sure what a ‘hoyden’ was. A more clarified mission statement might better draw readers to this great blog.”

“The only thing I do not like about this blog is that it does not have enough pictures or videos on it. I feels like blogs with a form of media attached to it carry more weight and it becomes more attractive to read.”

“I would enjoy it if the posts were a bit longer.”

“I am not drawn to the super basic black and white theme that everyone seems to use. I need some colors to hold my attention and keep me from yawning while scrolling. This blog could benefit from more color.”

“My only suggestion is to write more frequently!”

“The text was a bit small.”

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When Critics Clash!“The lack of pictures to accompany the posts is a bit disappointing. Adding more visual components to Adrianna’s posts would further illustrate her experiences.”

“The introduction of an image for the Vegas post was nice. However, I almost prefer your blog didn’t have images. Part of the experience of reading your blog is to use one’s imagination. Your writing is strong enough to stand unadorned. You are a storyteller and you know how to truly captivate an audience.”

“The posts tend to be plain visually. Some pictures or graphics would add to the overall quality of the blog.”______________________________________________________________________“Once I read the author’s original ‘The Plan’ post I was hooked. I love how the author laid out everything she plans to do; the list was exciting, unique and had me at the edge of my seat.”

“The fact that one of your blog posts was ‘The Plan’ was contradictory to the whole idea of being ‘on a whim.’ Unlike other blogs where having some methodology behind one’s posts helps improve a website’s content, a blog like yours that tries to capture you living in the moment needs to be as spontaneous and fun as possible. Doing so…might encourage some of your viewers to follow your example of undertaking spontaneous adventures!”

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Highlights“Some of the topics the author talks about are things I would never consider doing, like hitchhiking for example, so it is intriguing to read a first hand account of the experience.”

“Her post about hitchhiking through New Jersey and Pennsylvania was oddly poetic, and really showed her skills as a writer.”

“Hitchhiking through NJ & PA is one of my favorite posts out of all the blogs. That post made me hit the follow button.”

“I found myself imagining the stories in my head as I read along. Knowing a few of the men’s rugby players, I knew that the validity of the persona written of a rugby player was absolutely true.”

“My favorite story thus far is definitely on her experience hitchhiking. Sounds very scary!”

“One thing that I like about her blog is in her mission statement, her usage of an amazing quote. From my first time reading it, I was completely drawn into her weekly events leading up to graduation.”

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Timeless Tunesby Victor DiFusco

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Mission Statement

“Timeless Tunes reflects on hit music from the past that is considered to be "Ageless."”

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Critics Rave!

“I really enjoyed reading this blog!”

“This blog is really cool!”


“One of the most original blogs in the class!”

“I like the concept of this blog!”

“Great job!”

“It works!”

“I absolutely love this blog!”

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Praise“Often people forget about how amazing music was before people our age were born. I love every song that Victor chose in his blog and it is not hard to see that he has excellent taste in music.”

“His passion for this topic is so obvious, and even so powerful that it gets me interested in music that I would otherwise not listen to.”

“The reader doesn’t have to travel far to in order to listen to the music that is being described in the post. Videos are built directly into the posts, which makes it easy for the reader to take in the analysis and review, and then experience the art for themselves.”

“’Timeless Tunes’ is a great way to bring the classics to a younger generation. I especially like how you invite people to engage with the music and even disagree with your interpretation.”

“The layout is simple yet effective. The focus of the blog is the music and a flashy template would detract from the songs.”

“The inclusion of links to the songs is an obvious plus.”

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Constructive Criticism

“If there was one thing I would change, I would just clean up the editing of the page and add pictures.”

“The fact that your background is black and white makes it less appealing to the eye ad might cause some readers to glance over it. In order to avoid this, it might be clever to incorporate the theme that the lyrics of one of your favorite songs depicts as your background.”

“Vittorio can improve his blog by using tags and maybe even categories to organize his ‘tunes’ by music genre.”

“If he put small personal anecdotes with each song, it would give the blog a nice warming touch.”

“Make sure to periodically check that your YouTube links still work.”

“The blog’s analysis would be stronger if Vittorio used phrases like ‘I think’ or ‘I believe’ less often. The writing will have better flow if it is not constantly interrupted by ‘I think this…I think that…’”

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When Critics Clash!

“Adding the lyrics to the song at the bottom really aids in the reflection process.”

“From a modification standpoint, Victor could switch around his layout differently to help catch the reader’s attention and retain it.”

“My favorite aspect of your blog was the fact that you decided to incorporate the lyrics to the songs you chose. Too often I am mesmerized by the catchy melody of a song that I forget to listen to all of the song’s lyrics, meaning that by adding this feature it made my time navigating through your posts all the more enjoyable.”

“What I am not the biggest fan of are the lyrics to the song written out at the end of the post. It seems unnecessary to list all of the lyrics. It would be better to simply touch upon the most important or meaningful lyrics in the post.”

“I loved that he included the lyrics at the end of each post. They added an extra visual element because the formatting he used on the text stands out from the rest of the blog post.”

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“Every time I look at this blog and listen to one of his oldie tunes, I get taken back to an earlier and simple time and it truly makes me smile.”

“The personal anecdote about your father gives the blog much authenticity and vulnerability. The blog is a safe place for people who love good music.”

“I admire the ‘About’ section, where he explains why he chose this topic to blog on, it’s clear he’s passionate about the subject and that makes his writing and views seem more reputable to me as a reader.”

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Sports Solverby Tom DiSalvo

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Mission Statement

“Solving sports controversies, debates, and hypothetical scenarios, one analysis at a time.”

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Critics Rave!

“A very good job captivating the reader!”

“Every week this is one of the first blogs I read!”

“You truly are the Sports Solver!”


“An interesting blog worth reading!”

“Well written!”

“A great read for sports lovers!”

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Praise“The author’s personality and voice manage to shine through.”

“This blog has a unique theme that I enjoyed. The black and blue combination was pleasing to the reader.”

“Tom’s posts are quite lengthy, but his writing is so engaging I found myself not caring about the length. He provides a lot of in-depth analysis, backing up his statements with strong evidence. The humorous quips and (in my opinion) great puns make his essays a joy to read.”

“The writing style is professional enough for me to take what the author says seriously, but also natural and relaxed enough for me to want to read this blog vs. an article on ESPN by some sports writer who takes themselves too seriously.”

“The analyses you provide are so incredibly in-depth and well researched. Each post reads like a muckraking article.”

“The title was short, simple, but also clever.”

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Constructive Criticism

“The posts were way too long. I know that the blog is discussing topics in-depth, but I was discouraged as a reader when I saw the page length and had to struggle to hold my attention all the way through. Also needs more pictures and content, videos (maybe replays of game moments?) would go a long way too.”

“When writing long posts like these, he really needs to proof read because I did spot the occasional mistake.”

“Some of the posts are a little too lengthy. I suggest that he revamp the look a little bit by adding some pictures and videos to highlight some of his points. In all, I think that if he adds some more image content and tightens his posts a little bit, he will have a very good sports blog.”

“I’m not sure Intergalactic is the right template for your blog. I think your blog would benefit more from a template with a newspaper feel. If you do keep the template, I would change the color of the banner. The blue makes it difficult to read the gray tag line.”

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When Critics Clash!

“His newest post is not the first post you see when you visit the blog. This might be a setting issue for his theme, so he should definitely see if he can change the theme’s settings.”

“I did enjoy his one post, I really did. However, the blog doesn’t have any pictures or anything to go along with the entry. It just seems empty. Also, he hasn’t kept up with his blog since week one so it is really difficult and hard to gauge this blog.”

“The only improvement I would offer is for the blog to load onto its main menu page instead of its last entry. I almost missed out on the additional content of this blog because of that issue.”

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Highlights“The author brings attention to issues in the athletic industry such as upcoming fights between boxers, the possibility of the Yankees retiring jerseys, and the exciting and controversial Super Bowl win, etc..”

“I did enjoy his one post about the Patriots deflate gate.”

“He added images in his recent post, which helped it look less like a giant wall of text.”

“’The Monumental Question’ post did a good job because it had pictures to break up the wall of text, and a previous formatting choice where the text was divided into columns gave the posts a more journalistic look.”

“The fact that your post on the Patriots’ deflated football controversy was filled with factual information that supports your opinion allows a reader to know that this is a blog that offers a credible perspective to some of sports’ biggest issues.”

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The First Gearby Brendan Doran

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Mission Statement

“The First Gear is a blog dedicated to helping beginner auto enthusiasts enter the car scene.”

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Critics Rave!

“Very professional!”

“Awesome! A great blog!”

“Very useful!”

“Extremely easy to follow!”

“Brendan is no doubt a car guru!”

“A very enjoyable blog to read!”

“This blog is pretty dope! A pretty solid blog!”

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“One thing that Brendan does well in his blog is make it easy for people who are not that fascinated with cars to see why people like him are so in love with automobiles.”

“The black and white color scheme is very sleek and fitting for the theme.”

“It is the perfect mixture of automotive jargon and plain English. Your treatment of the topics is both entertaining and informative to novices and enthusiasts alike.”

“I have absolutely no knowledge or love for cars. In fact I am deathly afraid of driving, and I look forward to being rich enough to have a personal driver. So I was relieved when I figured out that this blog was not some techy auto blog that used words that only Mona Lisa Vito would understand. Instead it is an accessible blog that points the reader in the right direction (no pun intended) of how to choose a car.”

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Constructive Criticism“His writing had quite a few errors in each post and did not have proper flow to it. I definitely had to take my time in reading each post, as the sentences were a bit choppy.”

“Something that Brendan should consider changing is having each post follow each other, because you have to find each one.”

“One way to improve your blog posts would be to break your blog into smaller paragraphs. It will make your posts easier to read for the viewer.”

“I feel as if he is holding back on his extensive car knowledge to entertain those who are not sure if they appreciate cars anywhere as much as he does. I really want Brendan to take a different approach and talk about his passion for cars as it truly is. Instead of dumbing his knowledge of cars down, so that beginners could understand what is going on, I am suggesting to Brendan to talk about his enjoyment of dislike in certain vehicles at his own level.”

“Be wary of stock images. They can give your blog an inauthentic vibe.”

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When Critics Clash!

“The tabs on the right and left of the page are two of the same. Therefore, he should rid the one on the left.”

“I immediately noticed the theme of Brendan’s blog and loved the layout. To me, it had a professional and clean feel.”

“The only thing that might make the blog better would be the editing of the website. Although it is professional, some of the information seems jumbled.”

“Normally, I would want photographs to break up the text, I find that the blogger’s style of writing engages my full attention by itself and that adding photos would probably detract from the blog’s aesthetic.”

“You have 2 sets of widget bars that display the same information. I would suggest deleting the ones in the black area on the left. It’ll give your blog a less cramped feel.”

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“The fact that you discuss not only helpful tips about how best to maintain and customize your car, but also information on social events like car shows, makes this blog a very valuable website that viewers can use to stay informed on all the latest happenings in the automobile world.”

“The best part about the writing on this blog is the clarity. For example: ‘In this blog entry, I would like to discuss road etiquette.’ The mission of the post itself is laid out plainly at the top, so that readers may have a clear understanding of what they’re about to spend their time reading. ‘Now I know that this subject might seem like something out of Drivers Ed, but there are a lot of drivers out there who apparently skipped a few classes.’”

“The blogger doesn’t coddle novices but rather encourages them to immerse themselves in the culture by involving themselves in every decision: ‘Ignore those people and pick the car that you know is the one for you.’”

“The Car of the Week segment is a very novel idea.”

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Powered by Estrogenby Victoria Garrity

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Mission Statement

“Powered By Estrogen offers insights into life as a modern young woman.”

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Critics Rave!

“Without a doubt my favorite blog since day one!”

“A seriously fearless opinion on each issue!”

“I really enjoy this blog!”

“Extremely entertaining!”

“Well done all around!”

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“This blog is written with so much passion that if I didn’t know Victoria was in my class I’d think she was a professional spokesperson for women today.”

“Victoria’s layout is perfect.”

“After reading Victoria’s mission statement and the title of her blog, I immediately knew that this would be the blog that I would least be able to relate to…However, I find myself writing this review with tons of positive feedback.”

“The title and tagline are clever and set the tone for the blog: energetic, inviting, and unapologetic.”

“To be honest, when I first started reading this blog I thought I would hate it. I expected it to be a blog bashing anything that could be remotely misconstrued as anti-feminist. I was pleasantly surprised. The author is educated about what she is writing about and does not just blindly attack others.”

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Constructive Criticism

“My only critique would be recommending that she gear her writing a little more towards the male gender. The voice of her blog screams feminist, which is fine, but keep in mind that there are many men that are also feminists and share the same views. Therefore, I think it would be important to ‘bash’ the male gender less, and instead invite them to comment and contribute.”

“My only critique is towards the banner at the top of her page. The white lettering over the yellow background is hard to look at. I would suggest a pinkish color in order for the title to pop out more while keeping it girly.”

“For future posts, maybe provide a female perspective on current events or pop culture? Maybe even include a ‘Tips for Guys’ feature. Men can bask in the power of woman too!”

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When Critics Clash!

“I usually do not get into stuff like this as I like to avoid drama, but I feel like saying this might help the success of the blog. There is a line between being a proud, independent woman and being a whiner. Not that Victoria has crossed this line, but I am saying that this line is definitely there. I would try to avoid it if I were writing a blog like this.”

“There are moments when the blogger’s tone takes an aggressive stance conveyed through bold, all capitalized text, but such stylistic choices also help her achieve her goal because it ensures the impact of the text hits like a sledgehammer, which is oftentimes needed when addressing values that have been ingrained in us for so long.”

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Highlights“Her use of personal anecdotes relevant to each post works for the blog. For instance, when discussing the size of a model in ‘Sports Illustrated,’ she also shared her experience with being what society calls ‘plus size.’”

“My personal favorite post where I felt you best exemplified your feelings of ‘f--- the patriarchy’ was your post ‘I Refuse to Shave My Forearms.’ In this post, I was really impressed by how you rebuffed the little girl’s questions as to why you would not shave ‘the golden hair on [your] forearms’ in order to stay in accordance with your own personal philosophy.”

“The picture in the blogger’s post ‘Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman’ and her anecdotes allow the blogger to connect to her readers on a personal level that encourages them to see themselves in her.”

“My favorite post was the most recent, ‘Girl Power Playlist.’…It was interesting to see the correlation between the songs that we all just like and that they actually had a deeper meaning.”

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The Green Mileby Dan Green

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Mission Statement

“The Green Mile describes the lifestyle of a competitive middle distance runner.”

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Critics Rave!

“A Solid blog with a good foundation!”

“An original topic to focus on!”

“An effective blog!”

“Pretty interesting!”

“Interesting and very easy to read!”

“An enjoyable blog!”

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“Very clever name and great insight on the misunderstood often ignored sport of track. Author does a good job explaining running to an uninformed audience, yet still offers more solid, in-depth details about the sport.”

“I have been surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed this blog because I’ve never been a runner – actually, I’ve always despised running – but this blog is successful in that it does not only cater to those who consider themselves to be runners.”

“My ex was a track runner and I never heard the end of it. As a result, I was not the most excited to delve into this blog. As it turns out, it is much more engaging than I had ever thought it would be.”

“Running can seem like a dull topic but you make it interesting.”

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Constructive Criticism

“If there is one thing that would help the blog be more interesting would be the implementation of more pictures/videos/media.”

“In terms of aesthetics, the layout is a little bland; could be improved with more visuals or photos to catch the eye.”

“The author can do better by including more media. Perhaps some videos of races, or more pictures will help shed more light on the topic for the reader.”

“Your text could use a little more pizzazz of some sort; color, more pictures, et cetera.”

“If possible (and not too cheesy), I would switch the color scheme to green. The unsaturated blue is a little dull and the green would inject some visual energy to the blog.”

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When Critics Clash!

“Dan is extremely organized and writes very eloquently, which is enjoyable.”

“While his writing is very neat and organized, I must say it can be a little dry.”

“Definitely saw an improvement in writing as the posts progressed. The author begins to show more of a personality with more descriptive language and humor.”

“The only suggestion I would make is to add more lighthearted humor and narrative to his posts.”

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Highlights“He uses creativity well with his writing, for instance, when he put a list of alternative options to running outside in the cold and left the last option as ‘Don’t run that day.’ I found it witty and clever.”

“I like the ‘What Lap Is This?’ post and found it very funny.”

“One post, ‘It’s the Mets!,’ includes a great image that features action and an amusing caption. He should try to continue this trend in future posts.”

“Some of his posts are actually quite sarcastic and funny. For example, in one post he states, ‘the indoor track at the Armory is one of the best in the world, so a meet there is a great opportunity to run fast; this meet was also a great opportunity to sit in the same building for 12 hours.’ This made me laugh and cringe all at the same time, because I was instantly reminded of the time I went to one of my ex’s track meets and regretted not putting vodka in my water bottle.”

“One of the most powerful posts on the blog is titled ‘Walsh.’ The post is emotional and intimate, yet universal and moving. The message is large, but the writing is simple. Perhaps the best lines from the piece read, ‘He’ll always be part of the Fordham Track and Field family. I’ll never forget the nights we closed down the caf, or the long runs he used to make us go on.”

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Apollo’s Radioby Anthony Guerrieri

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Mission Statement

“Apollo's Radio is a humorous blog dedicated to pop music and men's fashion in NYC.”

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Critics Rave!

“This blog is so colorful and funny!”

“This blog is great and has a very high upside!”

“A very interesting topic!”


“Very insightful!”

“A fantastic job!”

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Praise“I am not a big fashion fan because I do not really see the point of spending $700 on a pair of shoes when you can get a pair that do the exact same job for $20 at the nearest discount store. With that being said, I enjoy Anthony’s passionate views and ideas and look forward to seeing more of them.”

“The writing of this blog is clear and direct – and the author clearly has his finger on the pulse of the music industry.”

“I love the colorful but not overwhelming picture at the top of the page and the gray font color of the articles.”

“I’m glad your take on pop music isn’t Top 40. You have excellent musical taste and I’ve downloaded all of your suggestions.”

“This blog has a very high quality of writing. When I read your posts, I feel like I am having a lively discussion with my best friend.”

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Constructive Criticism

“As this is a fashion and music blog, I felt that you dedicated too much of the content of your posts solely to music, as your latest post on Kanye West’s new footwear is currently the only article that focuses solely on fashion. In order to create more balance, it might be a good idea to consider switching off each week between fashion and music in order to stay more attune with your mission statement.”

“Although each article is fun to read, I really cannot see myself coming back to this blog on a daily basis. The topics that Anthony writes about are too broad. If he only wrote about music or only wrote about fashion I would consider checking his blog out more often.”

“Please make sure to periodically check the links you post. The ‘5AM’ video was removed from YouTube and the Spin link doesn’t work.”

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When Critics Clash!

“The template selection is on point! Your blog is clean and crisp, making it highly visually appealing. The layout is simple yet effective. You can tell the focus of the blog is content and music, not flashy distractions. The use of filtered ‘Polaroid’ images is genius.”

“The layout for its purpose could be a lot better. He could have a more defined and creative layout. When you look at fashion blogs, people want to see more pictures and less words.”

“’Apollo’s Radio’ is visually appealing and uses video well to illustrate the points it makes with text. Te strongest part of this blog is the cool, classic theme that runs through it. The font works well with the Polaroid photos, both of which work well with the overarching themes and goals of the site.”

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“When I read his blog, I feel as though I am having a conversation with him or reading his actual journal, which I love. For instance, the way he writes ‘awkwarddddd,’ I can almost hear him say it. Because of his writing, I feel as though I know Anthony personally, and I don’t at all.”

“One thing I like about the blog is that he included one of my favorite celebrities on a post, Kanye West! I truly believe that with Kanye switching from Nike to Adidas, he will have a great career in fashion design. Anthony covered NY fashion week very well.”

“One of my favorite examples of your humor shining through your analyses was when you wrote about your thoughts on the Katy Perry halftime performance. Although you were very critical of some of the props she utilized, I found it hilarious how you criticized her for singing ‘I Kissed a Girl’ by saying that ‘inbred hicks from Arkansas’ will probably pour their disgust with her decision to sing this song all over social media.”

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Twenty-Something Gentlemanby Jesus Leon

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Mission Statement

“A Blog for those with big ambitions and small budgets.”

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Critics Rave!

“Very informative, with diverse and engaging topics!”

“Extremely comprehensive and aesthetically pleasing!”

“I really enjoyed reading this blog! I think it is great!”

“It’s classy; it’s cool!”

“A joy to read!”

“A very creative blog!”

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“’Twenty-Something Gentleman’ really helps somebody like me find fun things to do in the city while not spending money and I fully intend on visiting some of the sites mentioned by Jesus in his blog.”

“This blog does a great job with engaging the reader. The blog is not simply text, but has photos, videos, examples, and menus, which I think are important when writing about events and actions.”

“This blog feels like it’s a best friend letting you in on secrets about where to go in the city for good food, fun activities – even good yoga.”

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Constructive Criticism

“One thing that might make the blog even better is editing the cover page. I think that if Jesus adds some background pictures to the page, the blog would be pristine!”

“One issue I had with this blog was the lopsided nature of the posts (e.g., all photos and then all text underneath).”

“The home page’s background, below the initial title and mini-mission statement, is so dark, which doesn’t really seem to match the bright personality of the blogger well.”

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When Critics Clash!

“My only critique of his blog would be that his posts can sound a little bit like advertisements. He writes a lot about the deals and the benefits of places and products.”

“One thing I like is that the blog seems like the event’s websites. Most people that would run this type of blog would just tell you about the venue or event ad leave it at that, but Jesus goes into deep detail.”

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Highlights“I really like how the exact budget is listed on the blog so you know exactly how much money you need to enjoy the night out on the town or how much it will cost you to get a great workout in before Spring Break.”

“The fact that you have uploaded pictures of the various places that you have visited along with a description that is written in a fun and catchy tone really entices peple to want to read your blog. My favorite example of this was when you wrote about ‘The Slipper Room.’”

“I like how his recommendations not only span a variety of low-budget prices but they also contain a variety of items (in the case of his post ‘A Gentleman for the Digital Age’) or activities (in the case of his post ‘Spring Break Body’) for the reader to peruse should one particular item not appeal to him.”

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Shake It Off, Shake It Off…Said Coachby Kristina Maksuti

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Mission Statement

“The trials and tribulations of a senior trying to make it through one last off season training.”

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Critics Rave!

“I have enjoyed this blog greatly!”

“I will certainly revisit this blog!”

“I like this blog a lot!”

“A very original and relatable concept!”

“Excellent job!”

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“You have a suitable use of humor throughout your posts; it doesn’t completely saturate your writing, but is used at the right times.”

“Sometimes athletes are too serious about their sport, so it is nice to read an account of someone who can train hard but still have fun doing it.”

“Your tone is perfect for this diary-style blog. Readers are young freshmen soaking up the wisdom of their senior teammate.”

“Excellent job of giving detailed descriptions. I really felt as if I was on the team while I was reading!”

“This blog has a wonderful layout and is definitely eye-catching.”

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Constructive Criticism

“The blog could benefit from more frequent posts.”

“My only recommendation would be to maybe include some widgets on the side of the site. It looks a little empty.”

“It might be helpful if the author somehow finds a way to incorporate non-soccer-specific topics into her posts so that they can be more relatable to non-soccer players or non-athletes.”

“The title of the blog can be misleading so I suggest that Kristina change it quickly to something more linked to the subject.”

“The name of this blog should be changed. It provides no information about what the blog is actually about, and it’s too long for search engines to index it properly.”

“The title threw me for a loop.”

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When Critics Clash!

“The layout is fine, but it could be spiced up.”

“This blog has one of my favorite formats. The posts have some pictures but graphics are not overused, and the large picture at the top of the page grabs the reader’s attention.”

“The heading image on the blog is a great first visual; however the rest of the blog posts lack interesting visual elements. Kristina should definitely try to add more photos to her posts in the future.”

“The author utitlizes pictures and humorous YouTube videos to illustrate certain points throughout her blog, which is a very nice touch.”

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“I particularly love her titles, they definitely grab your attention. My favorite one is ‘I’m Not Sure What to Do with My Hands.’ That title is great because not only is it amusing, but it also made me curious about the content of the post.”

“This blog has a lot of potential for success as you inch closer each day to Cancun!”

“One thing I loved were her pictures, and the video in one of the latest posts was hilarious. She also gave a bit of a tell all about what goes on during a Fordham Women’s Soccer practice. Most people wouldn’t know the details unless they went and watched or were previously members of the squad.”

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College Budget Eatsby Michael Marando

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Mission Statement

“College Budget Eats is a weekly blog committed to helping college students to live on their own without a meal plan.”

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Critics Rave!

“Very informative blog!”

“I love this blog!”

“Fabulous blog!”

“Concise and informative!”

“A great blog to read!”

“Such a fantastic idea!”

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“With great use of media and pictures, Mike really helps students like me leave a Fordham restaurant with a belly full of food.”

“The photos of each post add a lot to the text and make the reader want to actually explore some of these dining options.”

“Although I almost exclusively eat on campus to save money, your blog has given me great meal options for when I get tired of the Grille.”

“The presentation is great and the colors all flow together nicely.”

“I am surprised at how much I enjoy this blog. I expected most of the posts to be about the same old deli places everyone in the Fordham area knows about, but so far I have not been to a single one of the restaurants the author has reviewed, (I’ve also never made Sloppy Joes before). The variety of the posts keeps me interested and I’ll be making a point to visit some of the places the author talks about.”

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Constructive Criticism

“Something that he might want to change is the font. Personally, I believe that a more solid or bolded font style would add that extra detail to an already great blog.”

“The name seems oddly unoriginal. I think a better, more creative name could push this blog to the next level.”

“The only question I have for the blogger is why have a ratings system if you are only going to utilize it once? The first post has a rating system for both the quality and price of the meal, but none of the subsequent posts ever make use of it again. Personally, I didn’t think it was necessary as the blogger’s descriptions of the quality of the food and service were substantial enough to make a quantitative rating superfluous.”

“The only suggestion I would give is to maybe expand the posts to Fordham’s other campuses.”

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When Critics Clash!

“There is no extraneous reading or information added which is nice for someone like me who does not like to be reading for too long online.”

“There are only three posts, all of which are quite short. I would suggest the author post more frequently, twice a week if possible.”

“The posts were short and too the point and covered what was needed for each post.”

“I appreciate the brevity of the content because I don’t need to sort through a lot of nonsense when my stomach is telling me to find food to eat.”_______________________________________________________________________

“I don’t think the titles he uses for each post work that well. Simply stating the meal and the price is not enticing or creative. Michael could use a small spark of creativity in his blog, and I think the titles would be the perfect place to apply that.”

“I like how the title of each post includes the price.”

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“I really appreciate the amount of detail that Michael puts into each post. Having pictures, prices, menus, addresses, and even directions is absolutely amazing.”

“I like the idea that you also added a little personal flair to your blog by writing about your roommate Mason and how powerful the word of mouth is to introducing peple to great restaurants and cafes.”

“When cooking your own food – as when the blogger cooked his own Sloppy Joes, the blogger’s simple instructions are easy to follow and especially useful because he balances each instruction with a photograph of the step.”

“Bring back the rating system you featured in the Little Caesar’s post.”

“I love pizza, so really enjoyed the Little Caesar’s review and plan to give them a try.”

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Abandoned to Fiction

by Tori Messana

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Mission Statement

“Abandoned to Fiction is a blog dedicated to breathing new life into abandoned spaces through writing.”

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Critics Rave!

“Very original topic!”

“One of the best written, deeply thought out blogs in our class!”

“Clearly very passionate about the topic!”

“An unbelievably original idea!”

“Very nice work!”

“One of the most creative blogs I read from the class!”

“A very unique topic!”

“Very different from your normal blog!”

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“I admire how expressive and poetic your writing can be. Your word choice paints a vivid picture and is very descriptive.”

“When I was reading Tori’s writing, I found it fascinating to see which element of the photograph was her inspiration for the week.”

“The blogger has a natural gift of presenting a narrative that fits comfortably with the spaces she has presented.”

“I wholeheartedly believe that you are the best writer in the class. Your command over language, partnered with your willingness to experiment with form, makes your blog a must read.”

“I love the options that this blog gives to reader to view the posts. Views such as ‘flipcard,’ ‘mosaic,’ and ‘magazine’ really make the blog customizable to the reader, which I have never seen before.

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Constructive Criticism

“The different tabs on the top are very disorganized. I get that they are different ways to assemble the blog posts, but at first I was just very confused as to what exactly they meant. I would suggest choosing one single layout and sticking to it.”

“The author should incorporate more pictures to go along with the deep writing. Sometimes it is difficult to follow along. Also, I feel that a summary at the end describing just exactly what she meant could work also.”

“The style of writing throws me off with all the names. I think you probably have a great concept, but I’m just failing to recognize it…I just feel like the stories are slightly aimless.”

“I’ll be honest, this blog is so confusing that I felt like my brain was abandoned to fiction. Maybe it is because I lack some sort of background in the literature that the author seems to be referencing, but the story seems completely un-followable. I had no idea what the author was trying to say or tell. It was a fire hose of information and I could barely take a sip.”

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When Critics Clash!“The pictures were stunning and it was nice to have a story to read with such beautiful images.”

“Since the photos are the basis for the fictional text, I wish they were larger so that I could see all the details mentioned in the text. Currently, the images on the blog are quite small and resizing the pictures would make them stand out more.”

“The photos are great for setting the mood of the entries.”_______________________________________________________________________

“I’m very glad you changed the wallpaper to the current sepia tone image of Grand Central. The image really sets the tone even before the first word is read.”

“As this blog focuses on abandoned places, I felt it was ironic that you had chose Grand Central to be your background picture, as it is a place where thousands of commuters travel to everyday as part of their daily commutes. Although the station is a venerable part of New York, I feel that it would be more powerful to the reader if you set upvyour favorite abandoned lodging as the background to your blog.”

“The photo of Grand Central goes well with the theme and spirit of the blog.”

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“The quality of your writing is astronomical! I particularly enjoyed ‘Midnight,’ for it was haunting yet delightful.”

“The language is clear, yet colorful. One of the best lines of the blog begins the post ‘Pondering’ with ‘The autumn breeze whispered through the trees, carrying with it a subtle chill that indicated that winter was drawing near.’”

“I felt very engaged as you often used descriptive language that allowed me to feel as if I was in the story. This was evident in the post ‘Pondering,’ where I almost jumped when the girl screams ‘ARTEMIS! Where is he?’”

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Media About Mediaby Connor Ryan

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Mission Statement

“Media About Media is a blog that seeks to analyze the American news landscape.”

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Critics Rave!

“Overall an awesome blog!”

“The concept for this blog is intriguing!”

“Probably one of the top blogs from the class in terms of content!”

“Definitely a blog I will want to follow!”

“A very interesting concept!”

“True to its topic!”

“The most experienced writer in the class!”

“Really unique!”

“One of the most interesting blogs in the class!”

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“It’s clear that the author is an aspiring journalist, because his writing is impeccable.”

“To be honest – I’m going to admit the one thing that a grown, educated person never should – I avoid most current events and so a blog that serves as commentary to these news would not normally be something that I pay attention to. In this case, however, the author does a great job of turning each post into much more than just a review of news, but a story in and of itself.”

“Visually, ‘Media About Media’ definitely references the appearance of news articles both online and in print. The title font for each post is reminiscent of the font used for newspaper headlines, which is a very clever touch.”

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Constructive Criticism

“This blog is definitely something the author could show potential employers, so I would say to post more frequently.”

“He should write a little bit more and include more forms of digital media. Whether a video or a picture, I feel like it would add more flavor to the blog.”

“To take his blog to the next level, he should focus on improving the visuals that accompany his writing. The alignment of the photos to the right throws off balance the layout, and the sizing of the images could be adjusted for a stronger impact.”

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When Critics Clash!

“The colors are a little bland. Perhaps you want it to be black and white, but it lost my attention as a reader after a while.”

“I love this theme. This blog captures its mission statement visually with is presentation as a ‘newspaper’ of sorts. It really stands out even with the tired old colors of black and white.”

“The format and display of his site reminds me of a New York Times article. Although this sounds like a compliment, it was not enjoyable for me.”_______________________________________________________________________

“My only advice would be to write more! Be more frequent with your posts and make them longer. I really enjoyed your post on David Carr because it was a complete narrative. You have a gift, share it with your readers.”

“Another good point about this blog is the length of the posts. Most are short and to the point. No post feels like it drags on.”

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“Connor’s writing style is concise and strong. The last line on his Brian Williams piece (‘But because he inverted those two personas, now he has no impact at all’) was the perfect ending. Seriously, it gave me chills.”

“His piece on David Carr was an excellent tribute and personal narrative. Connor’s writing here is extremely visual and I really felt like I knew David Carr a little bit better after reading it.”

“I particularly liked the post about David Carr. Some of the quotes were pretty funny.”

“Nothing bores me more than the news, but the blogger here does a good job at mixing humor with insight in order to present interesting arguments and claims. For example, his posts on David Carr and Brian Williams do a good job at mixing all these elements together.”

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Euroligenby William Slattery

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Mission Statement

“Euroligen is a blog that analyzes the news and highlights occurring in the major European soccer leagues.”

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Critics Rave!

“The perfect blog for avid European soccer fans!”

“I have really enjoyed this blog greatly!”


“WOW! You really love football!”

“An excellent job!”

“This blog is truly awesome!”

“A very well-written blog!”

“Great work!”

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“Thank you, William! For years I have been trying to get into European soccer, because it is not as big here in the States until the World Cup comes around, but that is only once every four years. I see people all over the world going crazy for their soccer team every game and it makes me jealous. I want to feel that way about a soccer team. Not knowing where to start and how to get into European soccer, your blog has given me a place to start! I enjoy all of the stories and analysis that you put in your blog and look forward to becoming a fan just like you.”

“What Will does gresat for this blog are the ‘subtitles’ he has with each post. He understands that posts can get long and that defining a new topic within a post helps the reader to understand the information more clearly; especially for someone who isn’t necessarily a soccer fan.”

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Constructive Criticism

“The blog can read a little dry, so adding humor, or personal commentary within the ‘news’ would break it up nicely.”

“One thing Will might want to change and consider would be maybe adding some videos to his post. For sports blogs, only posting pictures can be a bit repetitive, so he could maybe have some short clips included to give his blog some extra oomph.”

“My only recommendation for what I don’t see is to maybe see some of his own personal opinions of the topics. I feel like that would help his blog out and let the reader really identify the blogger.”

“Some of your photos have been blocked out and are now void – maybe you should take those down or add a different picture.”

“My only complaint about the blog is that it does not have enough of the blogger’s own voice showing…I would like to see more personal opinions and insight into what he actually thinks about some of the things he posts.”

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When Critics Clash!

“I do not understand the title.”

“The title is very clever.”

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“One thing that stands out to me is his usage of quotes within each post. Similar to that of an ESPN article or Buzzfeed, Will inserted quotes from players in the perfect spots. He also inserted links for his reader to get more insight on each post.”

“William uses hyperlinks frequently and effectively. His recent post about a man being harrassed by Chelsea supporters in Paris includes links to several articles that provide readers with background information on the situation.”

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RamsVeryOwnby Lourenzo Smith

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Mission Statement

“RAMSVERYOWN is a sports controversy blog that covers all the latest drama in worldwide sports.”

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Critics Rave!

“I like this blog a lot!”

“A unique take on the sports world!”

“Such a cool and interesting topic!”

“This blog was interesting!”

“The idea behind this blog is strong!”

“Very interesting and entertaining!”

“Very creative!”

“So freaking interesting!”

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“The blog stands out because it focuses on an area of the sports world that many readers might be unaware of because it is not discussed in-depth by other sports media sources.”

“I appreciate how the author does his research and either delivers the information or forms his own opinion.”

“I may not like sports too much, but I do like controversy. This blog focuses on all the drama and controversy surrounding worldwide sports.”

“It is very different from the standard sports blog.”

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Constructive Criticism“More posts would establish the credibility of the blog.”

“At times it is hard to read because the text jumps around the page.”

“My only recommendation to this blogger would be to proof read his work. He makes grammatical errors in some of his posts and it’s noticeable.”

“It would be more appealing if it stretched across a variety of sports; it seems to be a little heavy on football. The cover photo represents figures from all different sports.”

“There are very few entries and the ‘gossip’ that it covers is very trivial at most. As a reader, the blog does not capture and hold my attention, but rather loses me with its lack of focus and subject matter. It’s comparable to mediocre paparazzi, and even the best paparazzi is annoying in my opinion. The author needs to either narrow the focus of the material or explore the issues more in-depth.”

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When Critics Clash!“Love the header collage and overall layout of the blog, appearance-wise it looks great.”

“I would rate the format of the blog as poor. Between the text being split into two columns and the often odd alignment of pictures, it seems like the blog’s format is all over the place.”

“Your blog’s layout reminds me a lot of, which is my absolute favorite website to read about sports news.”_______________________________________________________________________

“I am a little confused by the name of the blog and how it relates to sports scandals. Those outside the Fordham community may not understand the reference; it would be beneficial to change the name of the blog to something that better reflects its subject matter.”

“I’m not entirely sure what the title means, but it sounds cool.”

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“I thought it was particularly interesting how Lourenzo often cited TMZ in his stories….which indicates that these sorts of stories are spread out widely on celebrity gossip sites. The blog offers a forum for readers to learn about these sorts of stories all in one place.”

“I liked the two most recent articles because they are brief, informative, written interestingly, and about topics that I hadn’t previously heard of.”

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The Beer Gardenby Kaley Walters

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Mission Statement

“A common place for those with the appreciation and passion for a cold one; highlighting what's on tap in the beer industry.”

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Critics Rave!

“One od my favorites out of the class blogs!”

“Pretty good!”

“One blog I have to start visiting more frequently!”

“A very cool blog covering all aspects of beer!”

“This blog is great to read!”

“A great concept!”

“I’m really enjoying the blog so far!”

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“It talks about beer, beer, beer, and more beer. Who doesn’t like beer? Not many people. So this blog clearly appeals to many different kinds of people.”

“This is a perfect title.”

“While Kaley’s posts are quite brief, they exude knowledge. She is able to relay a lot of information about beer in just a few paragraphs without it reading like an information dump.”

“The picture of the taps of beer makes me want to just reach into my screen and pour a cold drink.”

“What college student isn’t interested in reading about beer?”

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Constructive Criticism

“Maybe she could move her images so that they are above the text instead of at the end of her posts or make them larger in order to make them stand out.”

“My one critique towards Kaley’s blog is for her to insert more links of the beers that are being discussed.”

“I wish the blogger would cover some of the common terminology associated with beer (e.g., hops, ABV, stout) because although I can derive some of the meanings from context clues, there are still some terms that as a beginner elude me.”

“The photos are weak on this blog and the layout is uninviting for readers. If the author adds some color to the blog, this could be very popular among college students.”

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When Critics Clash!

“I’m going to stop talking about how much I don’t like black and white.”

“The black text over the white background is something that I look for in blogs that offer detailed information. This style makes it that much easier on the eyes.”

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“I like the cover photo of the beer taps, as well as your subheading ‘beer, brew, cold one, draft, brewski, we got ‘em all.’ That is very clever and modern.”

“The posts about commercials or fun facts keep the review posts from being too repetitive, which keeps them interesting.”

“Kaley uses descriptive language when describing beer that makes the drink seem extremely appealing (and this is coming from someone who doesn’t like to drink beer). In her post on beer from Belgium, her comments about ‘subtle traces of fruit and bitter spices’ and the ‘beautiful deep golden, almost amber color’ made me actually want to try it!”

“I particularly enjoyed learning about the history of the imperial stout. I would love to learn more about the unique histories of various beers.”

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Finger Flickin Good Flicksby Brian Wetzel

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Mission Statement

“Finger Flickin Good Flicks reviews both old and new movies.”

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Critics Rave!

“A good start!”

“Easy to follow!”

“You really do love these movies!”

“Enjoyable to read!”

“Insightful and informative!”

“Brian’s blog is very intriguing!”

“I absolutely love the way Brian discusses the ‘flicks’ in his blog!”

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“I really like the name of this blog. It is creative and catches any movie fan’s eye.”

“The theme is good. There is a nice header with a movie reel and pictures to accompany each movie.”

“I enjoy how each review generally sets up the plot but doesn’t give away too much detail. This type of writing would make me want to watch a movie they reviewed but hadn’t seen yet.”

“The images were a good touch and added color to the blog.”

“It becomes very easy to see Brian’s passion towards the movies he reviews. Thanks to Brian’s blog, I was able to find a movie I have never watched before and enjoy my then boring Saturday night.”

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Constructive Criticism

“Making the presentation a little more appealing can make this blog better. He should maybe attach his favorite or the most dynamic scenes in each entry via YouTube. He can also even throw in more pictures.”

“Your posts are a little short and could use a little more narrative insight into the film. There is so much about each film that could be diagnosed and reviewed without giving away the whole plot.”

“This blog is pretty dry in terms of content. The blog entries are all basically the same thing restated: Movie title, summary, small review, high marks…The author apparently has many ‘favorite movies of all time’ because every entry starts with that same phrase.”

“My largest issue with this blog is that the lowest review so far has been a 9/10. I wouldn’t mind reading about movies that the author thought weren’t so great, or about a movie that people generally love but that he didn’t enjoy and why.”

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When Critics Clash!

“My only suggestion might be for the author to either review new movies as they come out or movies that aren’t as widely known. I think that a reader might be less inclined to read a review of a movie that he or she has already seen and liked.”

“For someone who isn’t a big movie buff, I was relieved that most of the titles reviewed in this blog were not indie titles I had not heard of. All of the movies are popular enough for me to also have an opinion on them, which allows me to connect to the blog.”

“It seems to me as a reader that the author is only reviewing movies he has watched multiple times in the past. This could benefit from a new movie or something that most people would not have seen.”

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“Your movie taste is great! All of those films would be at the top of my personal list, and ‘Shawshank Redemption’ is my favorite movie of all time.”

“I especially liked the summary paragraph at the end of the ‘Blood Diamond’ review post because it captures the essence of what the post convey and also gives the post a sense of definite closure.”

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Assignments Due Next Class

NO CLASS NEXT WEEK! (See you March 25)Post at least one new entry in your blog.

An optional second post will count as extra credit!Read your classmates’ blogs and comment where/when appropriate.

Start wrapping up your “GUEST POST” ASSIGNMENT due before April 1. Continue working on/thinking about your Final Paper.