we've streamlined our name for your convenience

The decision to streamline our 48-year old name, will not surprise our many friends in the chemical process industries. They know we've outgrown it. In fact, the word "filter" is no longer even remotely descriptive of 70 per cent of the equipment we manufacture. For many years the trademark (jfjfll/g) has identified Silica Gels, catalysts and zeolites as well as equipment for chemical precipita- tion, process water conditioning, chemical feeding and proportioning, clarification, etc., engineered and manufactured by this organi- zation for the chemical process industries. 0 Cr^O IW 0 0 = ID n INCORPORATED PRODUCTS x Hyutodareo Puril £ 0 S'/'ca Ge/s Sjea/n Pur/flei* Zeoln es Zeolite Softeners 32S W. 25TH PL^Ci, CHICAGO, ILL. Formerly i W ¥ 1 fl l& AT I O §3 A L . P I L¥ 1E . CO. VOLUME 2 0, NO. 7 APRIL 10, 1942 475

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Post on 19-Feb-2017




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The decision to streamline our 48-year o ld name, w i l l not surprise our many fr iends in the chemical process industries. They know we 've outgrown it. In fact, the w o r d " f i l t e r " is no longer even r e m o t e l y desc r ip t i ve of 70 per cent of the equ ipment we manufacture.

For many years the t rademark (jfjfll/g) has ident i f ied Silica Gels, catalysts and zeolites as wel l as equipment for chemical precipi ta­t i o n , process w a t e r c o n d i t i o n i n g , chemica l feed ing and propor t ion ing, c lar i f icat ion, etc., engineered and manufactured by this organi ­za t ion for the chemical process industries.

0 Cr̂ O IW 0 0 = ID n



Hyutodareo P u r i l £

0 S'/'ca Ge/s Sjea/n Pur/flei*


Zeolite Softeners

3 2 S W . 2 5 T H P L ^ C i , C H I C A G O , ILL.

Formerly i W ¥ 1 f l l& AT I O §3 A L . P I L¥ 1E . C O .

V O L U M E 2 0, N O . 7 A P R I L 1 0 , 1 9 4 2 475