westwood parish council parish council 2017.pdf · minutes of the meeting of westwood parish...

1989 Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 9 January 2017 Present Cllr. J Bishop Chairman Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. T Leeder Cllr P Phillips Cllr. J Tillion Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. M Macdonald attended (Part-time) There were six members of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. Cllr. Leeder declared a personal interest in planning application 16/09259/FUL. There were no other interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 5 December 2016. The Chairman signed the minutes of this meeting as a true and accurate record. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk summarised the main points in the report relating to local incidents for the benefit of the meeting. This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics: CURRENT SECTOR SERIES and EXCEPTIONS Crime Exceptions are where the volume of crime exceeds the levels we would expect over a specified period. This is based on evaluation of data, over like to like periods historically. There are no current exceptions in the Bradford area. There are no current priorities in the area and… There are no current series in the sector

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Page 1: WESTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council 2017.pdf · Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 9 January

1989 Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held

at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 9 January 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop Chairman Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. T Leeder Cllr P Phillips Cllr. J Tillion Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. M Macdonald attended (Part-time) There were six members of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. Cllr. Leeder declared a personal interest in planning application 16/09259/FUL. There were no other interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 5 December 2016. The Chairman signed the minutes of this meeting as a true and accurate record. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk summarised the main points in the report relating to local incidents for the benefit of the meeting. This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics:


Crime Exceptions are where the volume of crime exceeds the levels we would expect over a specified period. This is based on evaluation of data, over like to like periods historically.

There are no current exceptions in the Bradford area.

There are no current priorities in the area and…

There are no current series in the sector

Page 2: WESTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council 2017.pdf · Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 9 January



Crime statistics 7th December - 7th January 2017 There have been 30 reported incidents for the Bradford Rural beat of which 1 occurred in Westwood. This compares to 29 rural incidents the previous period of which 1 occurred in Westwood. These are broken down as follows (last period in brackets):

Crime Rural beat Westwood Comments

Anti Social Behaviour (Personal)

3 (2) 0 (0)

Anti Social Behaviour (Nuisance)

0 (0) 0 (0)

Fraud 0 (0) 0 (0)

Burglary 3 (4) 0 (0)

Drug Offences 0 (1) 0 (0)

Criminal Damage 0 (1) 0 (0)

Theft and Handling 8 (0) 0 (0)

Public Order 0 (1) 0 (0)

Violence 5 (2) 1 (0) 16/12 – Lower Westwood. Theft of phone from unlocked

car – closed undetected.

Other 1 (0) 0 (0)

Animal related 0 (2) 1 (1)

Concern for Safety 2 (1) 0 (0)

Domestic related 3 (4) 0 (0)

Suspicious Circumstances 2 (4) 0 (0)

Transport related 3 (7) 0 (0)

Other incidents of interest. The 3 burglaries were a dwelling and non-dwelling in Limpley Stoke and a non-dwelling in Great Ashley. Success Stories. In closing. Please feel free to give out my mobile number to anyone who would like to contact me: PCSO Andrew MacLachlan 0752 897 2236 “Like” our Facebook page – Bradford on Avon Police Sign up to Community Messaging at www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk

For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit… https://www.police.uk/wiltshire/

Community Coordinator PC Mark Hough : [email protected]

Page 3: WESTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council 2017.pdf · Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 9 January


Deputy Sector Head Ps 1801 Louis McCoy : [email protected] Sector Head Insp 2517 James Brain : [email protected]

7. Neighbourhood Plan. a. Cllr. Leeder stated that despite several requests over the last year he had still not received a draft plan from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) and that he considered it safe to assume that no such plan is likely to emerge from the NPSG. He commented that it was now the time for the Parish Council to take control of the Neighbourhood Plan and to develop plans for its completion. b. Cllr. Leeder stated that he would present a plan at the next Parish Council meeting for the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan. The Council resolved to take control of the Neighbourhood Plan and to adopt the proposal for Cllr. Leeder to present a plan at the next meeting. 8. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW). Cllr. Wheals reported that the team is currently undertaking CSW in the village and that he would give a report on the findings at the next Parish Council meeting. 9. Westwood Stores/Post Office. Cllr. Phillips stated that the Steering Group had met again recently and that it continues to explore ways of developing the Westwood Stores/Post Office into a Community Village Shop. He commented that the Steering Group had registered with the Plunkett Group in order to receive support and advice regarding setting up and managing a Community Shop including the development of a Business Plan. He added that such a Business Plan would be prepared within two months of the meeting with the Plunkett Group. Councillors stated that a fully costed Business Plan would be a prerequisite for the Parish Council before it was able to consider providing any financial support. The letter received by Michelle Donelan MP from the Post Office in reply to her letter relating to the Westwood Stores/Post Office was tabled but it was thought rather perfunctory in nature. Cllr. Phillips added that there is to be a ‘Save Our Shop’ event comprising a table top sale and the opportunity to quiz members of the Steering Group on 11 February at the Social Club, 11am to 3pm. 10. Sub-Committees – Sub-Committee Reports. Cemetery. There was no report. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus.


Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending

b. The Council examined the following planning applications and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):


48 Lower Westwood Multiple works to a Listed Building. New.

This application is to be referred to the Conservation Officer for comment.

16/09259/FUL Revised Plans

Dorothy House Foundation Ltd., Winsley

Application for planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and extension to provide additional parking and associated works


The Council objects to this proposed development for the following reason: This proposed development is for a car park within the Green Belt, AONB and Conservation Area and is sited on the one area of green space within a heavily wooded area visible from Upper Westwood and elsewhere. The revised plans indicate changes to the materials, lighting and screening. Notwithstanding

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these changes, the Parish Council considers that they remain inappropriate for the surroundings and the proposed development would represent an alien intrusion into an area that is environmentally sensitive and benefits from environmental protections. Such environmental protections should be respected. The proposed development would be seen from wide viewpoints in the Limpley Stoke valley, including Westwood, and would mar a vista hitherto essentially rural in aspect. Clerk’s Note. During the Adjournment, Cllr. Macdonald confirmed that he had ‘called in’ planning application 16/09259/FUL if the planning officer were minded to approve it under delegated powers. 16/11419/FUL

17 The Pastures Two storey rear and side extension New

The Council has no objections to this proposed development. c. There were no planning applications received after 2 January 2017. d. There were no other planning matters. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus:

Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 10,394.98


Credits (1 December 2016 to 31 December 2016):

HMRC PAYE (R P Coleman) - Month 8 £ 188.00

Total: £ 188.00

Debits (1 December 2016 to 31 December 2016):

Clerk's Salary (November) - Standing Order £ 469.56

Clerk's Expenses (November) £ 5.77

HMRC PAYE Month 8 £ 187.60

XYZ Web Ltd £ 50.00

St Johns CC £ 53.27

D Downes £ 628.75

A Wheals £ 34.87

Total: £ 1,429.82

Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 9,153.16

Credits (1 January 2017 to 9 January 2017):

None £ -

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Total: £ -

Debits (1 January 2017 to 9 January 2017):

Clerk's Salary (December) - Standing Order

Total: £ 469.56

Balance at 9 January 2017 £ 8,683.60

Lloyds A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 2,341.59



Interest 10/11/16 (Approx) £ 0.10

Interest 10/12/16 (Approx) £ 0.10

Total: £ 0.20


None £ -

Total: £ -

Balance at 9 January 2017 £ 2,341.79

National Savings Account (Park Fund)

Balance at 5 December 2016 £ 6,861.17


Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ -


None £ -

Balance at 9 January 2017: £ 6,861.17

Total Funds at 9 January 2017 £ 17,886.56

Payments to be authorised 9 January 2017

Clerk's Salary (January 2017) £ 469.56

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Clerk's Expenses (December 2016) £ 10.25

Clerk's Annual Office Allowance £ 200.00

HMRC PAYE Month 9 £ 188.00

XYZ Web Ltd £ 339.89

St Johns CC £ 48.15

TOTAL: £ 1,255.85 b. The Clerk presented the Council with a Proposed Budget for FY2017/18 thus:



FY2016/17 At 31/3/16 FY2017/18 Income: Precept 20500 20500 21500 Grants 0 0 0 Interest NSC 45 45 45 Interest Res 3 3 3 Cemetery Fees 500 1750 500 Lettings 125 126 0 Misc (Defib) 0 2500 0 VAT Refund 185 185 500 Total Income 21358 25109 22548

Expenditure: Clerk Salary 4508 5101 5635 Expenses 250 250 250 Office Allowance 200 200 200 Solicitors Fees 0 0 0 Chairman 0 0 0 Hire Hall 240 480 480 Audit 240 240 240 Subscriptions 150 0 0 Insurance 1094 1084 1192 Community (Section 137)

Newsletter 750 750 750 Handyman 1250 1000 1500 Donations 250 250 250 Website 750 500 750

Open Spaces 4000 4000 4000 Cemetery 1750 2500 2500 Footpaths 50 0 50 Football Field Maintenance 110 110 110 Defibrillator 0 2546 0 Elections 0 0 2750 Misc. (e.g CSW) 50 50 75

15642 19061 20732 Capital Expenditure: Avoncliff Car Park 0 5000 0 Parish Room Donation 0 0 0 Road Safety Measures 0 0 0

Page 7: WESTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council 2017.pdf · Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 9 January


Playground Equipment 500 500 500 New Trees 0 0 0 Notice Boards 50 100 100 Westwood Stores/PO Path 0 1850 0 Neighbourhood Plan 2000 0 2000 Ex-WC Functions 2000 0 0 Nursery School 0 0 0

4550 7450 2600 Total Expenditure 20192 26511 23332

Net Income 1166 -1,402 -784

Balance B/F (31/3/16) as per FY2015/16 Annual Return: £ 13,024.00

Estimated Balance C/F at 31 March 2017: £ 11,622.00

FY2017/18 Receipts £ 22,548.00 FY2017/18 Payments £ 23,332.00

Forecast Balance C/F at 31 March 2018: £ 10,838.00 The Council resolved to adopt the proposed budget as presented subject to increasing the Precept to £23,650 in anticipation of having to undertake additional devolved tasks from Wiltshire Council. The Council resolved to request a precept of £23,650 for FY2017/18. c. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Steward visited Westwood in December and undertook the required tasks and that she is now compiling a list of tasks for him when he visits in January. She commented that to date she had requested that the trees and shrubs on the ‘common’ land are tidied up, road signs cleaned and, following a request from Cllr. Johnston, that the grass that is encroaching on to the paths in Peto Grove, Lister Grove and other places is removed. Cllr. J Adcock confirmed that the required fortnightly checks on the serviceability of the defibrillator are being made and that details of the location of the defibrillator will be given in the next edition of the Westwood Update. b. There were no other matters. Open Spaces. Cllr. Wheals gave the following report (shown in italics) to the Parish Council: a. Play Equipment. This has been inspected. There was a missing bolt on one of the panels on the climbing equipment in the play area (noted in the last inspection). This has now been replaced. Play Area Fence. The palisade fencing around the play area has been checked. About a dozen slats are now broken and/or degraded and/or rotten. Another half dozen are only 1 metre high and thus have a gap at the bottom through which animals (rabbits, small dogs) could get through. We thus plan to order 20 more slats plus suitable self-tapping screws (4 per slat + spares).

Replacement parts for the roundabout. The roundabout is now permanently very stiff. It was supplied by TayPlay although we have no information on who were the actual fitter(s). We believe it to be ca. 13 years old. TayPlay have quoted the cost of repair to be about £350. This is good value at about 50p per week since installation. Paul has already stripped down the mechanism previously and in principle we should be

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able to put in the replacement parts as described by TayPlay. We seek permission to negotiate with TayPlay and either fit the new parts ourselves and/or use a local fitter if available.

Tarmac Repairer. We need more Tarmac Repairer as (i) we have not finished (eg the bollards at both ends) and (ii) we could strengthen the ones we have done by putting on some more sealant. It is not urgent as we can only use it when the ambient temperature is above 15°C (eg late Spring/summer).

The broken seat in Lyefield Lane. Our view is that it ought to be repaired, if we can do it, as we have some insurance (although we have to pay the first £100). We can replace the wooden slats with plastic lumber of the same dimensions (width/thickness) and choose a suitable length. Kedel can provide the specification that we require. If we get the go-ahead from the PC in principle then we can get a formal quote and get the 3m lengths cut to the right size by the supplier. The trickiest thing might be making the holes in which to place the bolts in as there may be issues to do with melting! Provisional costs are as follows: One 70mm x 30mm x 3000mm slat costs £21.24 and one cut is 60p. This makes about £22 x 7 = £154 + delivery, say £200 plus.

The Council resolved the following: New slats and screws are to be purchased for the Play Area fence at a cost not exceeding £50. Cllr. Phillips is to make further enquiries in relation to the repair of the roundabout and, if deemed necessary, he is authorised to procure the required replacement parts for its repair. The cost of the replacement parts is estimated to be £350 excluding delivery. Cllr. Wheals is to purchase a further supply of Tarmac Repairer at a cost not exceeding £25. Cllr. Wheals is to procure the replacement composite slats for the repair of the Lyefield Lane bench seat at a cost not exceeding £250 in lieu of proceeding with the insurance claim. b. The report on the Play Equipment was covered under a. above. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston reported that BANES Council is intending to effect a further repair to Path 30 (Avoncliff to Freshford) using stone gabions. b. There were no other matters reported. 11. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Cllr. J Adcock confirmed that she together with Cllrs. D Adcock and Phillips had attended the Area Board meeting held recently at St Laurence School and that they were impressed by the very large attendance at that meeting. She commented that the meeting concentrated on the successes and challenges of the preceding year and the aims and aspirations for 2017 and that it was a very useful and successful meeting. 12. Dates of Meetings.

a. Councillors noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

• 8 February2017 - Ordinary Parish Council meeting commencing at 7.30pm. b. The Council agreed to change the date of the May meeting to 8 May 2017 and that the meeting in July be cancelled and held on 7 August instead. 13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: The Clerk stated that Wiltshire Council Passenger Transport Unit had been especially helpful and supportive in maintaining a No. 94 Bus Service for the village and that he had expressed this view to the Head of Department, Wiltshire Council. Cllr. J Adcock requested that a speaker addressing the subject of ‘Dementia Friendly’ be invited to give a short presentation to the Parish Council and parishioners. Councillors supported this proposal and suggested that the Annual Parish Meeting may be an appropriate opportunity. Cllr. Johnston requested that ‘Parish Room Project’ be included on the Agenda for the next meeting.

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The meeting concluded at 2145hrs. Chairman 6 February2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 9 January 2017

Action 1 (9/1/17) Cllr. Leeder. To prepare a plan for the completion of the Neighbourhood Plan.

Action 2 (9/1/17) Clerk. WC – Planning Applications.

Action 3 (9/1/17) Clerk. To make payments and to advise WC of Precept request. Action 4 (9/1/17) Cllr. Phillips. To investigate repair to the roundabout.

Action 5 (9/1/17) Cllr. Wheals. To effect repair of Play Area fence and Lyefield Lane seat.

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Present Cllr. J Bishop Chairman Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. J Johnston Cllr P Phillips Cllr. J Tillion Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. M Macdonald attended. There was one member of the public present. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. T Leeder and PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 9 January 2017. The Chairman signed the minutes of this meeting as a true and accurate record. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk summarised the main points in the report relating to local incidents for the benefit of the meeting. This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics:

Local Crimes

Crime statistics 5th January - 5th February 2017 There have been 34 reported incidents for the Bradford Rural beat of which 1 occurred in Westwood. This compares to 30 rural incidents the previous period of which 1 occurred in Westwood. These are broken down as follows (last period in brackets):

Crime Rural beat Westwood Comments

Anti Social Behaviour 2 (3) 1 (0) 22/01. Bobbin Lane.

Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at

7.30pm on Monday 6 February 2017

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(Personal) Ongoing neighbour dispute

Anti Social Behaviour (Nuisance)

1 (0) 0 (0)

Fraud 0 (0) 0 (0)

Burglary 3 (3) 0 (0)

Drug Offences 1 (0) 0 (0)

Criminal Damage 0 (0) 0 (0)

Theft and Handling 5 (8) 0 (0)

Public Order 0 (0) 0 (0)

Violence 8 (5) 1 (0)

Other 1 (1) 0 (0)

Animal related 0 (0) 1 (1)

Concern for Safety 2 (2) 0 (0)

Domestic related 3 (3) 0 (0)

Suspicious Circumstances 1 (2) 0 (0)

Transport related 7 (3) 0 (0)

Other incidents of interest. The 3 burglaries were non-dwellings in Limpley Stoke and Winsley and a dwelling in Staverton. Success Stories. Aaron Baker, 37 years of Oatfields, Staverton, Trowbridge, has been charged with production of a Class B drug, and has been bailed to appear before Chippenham Magistrates Court on the 23rd February 2017. In closing. Please feel free to give out my mobile number to anyone who would like to contact me: PCSO Andrew MacLachlan 0752 897 2236 “Like” our Facebook page – Bradford on Avon Police Sign up to Community Messaging at www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk

For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit… https://www.police.uk/wiltshire/

Community Coordinator PC Mark Hough : [email protected]

Deputy Sector Head Ps 1801 Louis McCoy : [email protected] Sector Head Insp 2517 James Brain : [email protected]

7. Neighbourhood Plan. a. In the absence of Cllr. Leeder, there was no report. Cllr. Johnston reported that the Neighbourhood Plan for Holt had now been approved after some nine years development. b. No necessary actions were identified. 8. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW).

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Cllr. Wheals gave the following report (in italics) to the Council: Community Speed Watch 23. This period covered the first two weeks of the year (3rd to the 13th January) which had very short day lengths. The earliest possible starting time was 8.15am and the last possible finishing time was 4.00pm. Normal practice was to have 3 slots in each session but with the cold, the uncertain weather and reduced daylight time it was decided to limit the activity to 12 slots spread over 6 sessions each of one hour. Poor weather prevented some planned activity so an additional session was done in the third week. A total of 800 vehicles were monitored of which 65 (8.1%) were speeding (25mph or more) including 15 who were speeding excessively (30mph or 50% above the speed limit). Until recently the fraction of speeding vehicles has consistently been 9% or more since CSW started at the beginning of 2014. For the third time in a row this value has been substantially lower. We cannot make too many inferences but over 3,000 vehicles were counted and the average percentage of speeding vehicles was 7.4%. We will continue to monitor road speeds to see whether this apparent change in driver behaviour is a statistical anomaly or real. 9. Westwood Stores/Post Office. Cllr. Phillips stated that the project to retain the Westwood Stores/Post Office is progressing slowly and that there is a ‘Save Our Shop’ event comprising a table top sale and the opportunity to quiz members of the Steering Group on 11 February at the Social Club, 11am to 3pm. 10. Sub-Committees – Sub-Committee Reports. The Clerk stated that the names ‘Committee’ and ‘Sub-Committee’ to describe the grouping of councillors that were the respective focal points for key areas of Parish Council responsibilities were erroneous and could be misinterpreted. He commented that formal committees and sub-committees had to observe certain legal processes and it had never been intended that those committees and sub-committees at Westwood were to be formal committees and sub-committees and that those descriptions had been erroneous applied decades ago. To avoid future confusion, the Council resolved to rename the committees and sub-committees ‘Working Groups’. Cemetery. The Clerk reported that there had been a recent interment and the erection of a Memorial Stone in the cemetery and that the appropriate fees had been paid. Planning. Cllr. Bishop declared an interest in planning application16/12320/FUL and withdrew from the meeting. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus. 15/11456/OUT

Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Dorothy House Foundation Ltd., Winsley

Application for planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and extension to provide additional parking and associated works


16/11419/FUL 17 The Pastures Two storey rear and side extension Approved


48 Lower Westwood Multiple works to a Listed Building


b. The Council examined the following planning applications and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics): 16/12320/FUL 4 Hebden Road Erection of 2 storey 2 bedroom house attached

to 4 Hebden Road New

The Council has no objections to this proposed development.

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Cllr. Bishop resumed an active role at the meeting. 17/00418/FUL 13 Chestnut Grove Retrospective permission for erection of a garden

shed New

The Council objects to this development for the following reasons: The development is a substantial building grossly out of scale to that which might be expected for a garden shed. It represents a lack of amenity for neighbouring properties. It is large and highly visible in its current location. c. There was one planning applications received after 30 January 2017: 17/00787/TCA – 32 Lower Westwood. Fell two Fir Trees (Leylandii). The Council supports this proposed development. d. The Clerk was requested to write to the Enforcement Officer, Wiltshire Council to report the extensive work being undertaken at the Cross Guns Inn, Avoncliff and to seek confirmation that such work was permitted because the Parish Council had not received any planning application relating to the work. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus:

06 February 2017 Westwood PC

Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 9,188.03


Credits (1 January 2017 to 31 January 2017):

C Bowyer (Hobbs) £ 75.00

J Long (Hobbs) £ 90.00

HMRC PAYE Month 9 £ 188.00

WUFC Playing Field Fees £ 72.00

Total: £ 425.00

Debits (1 January 2017 to 31 January 2017):

Clerk's Salary (December) - Standing Order £ 469.56

Clerk's Expenses (December) £ 10.25

Clerk's Office Allowance £ 200.00

HMRC PAYE Month 9 £ 188.00

XYZ Web Ltd £ 339.89

St Johns CC £ 48.15

A Wheals £ 34.87

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Total: £ 1,290.72

Balance at 31 January 2017 £ 8,322.31

Credits (1 January 2017 to 9 January 2017):

None £ -

Total: £ -

Debits (1 February 2017 to 6 February 2017):

Clerk's Salary (January) - Standing Order £ 469.56

Total: £ 469.56

Balance at 6 February 2017 £ 7,852.75

Lloyds A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 2,341.59



Interest 10/11/16 (Approx) £ 0.10

Interest 10/12/16 (Approx) £ 0.10

Interest 10/1/17 (Approx) £ 0.08

Total: £ 0.28


None £ -

Total: £ -

Balance at 6 February 2017 £ 2,341.87

National Savings Account (Park Fund)

Balance at 9 January 2017 £ 6,912.63


Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53


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None £ -

Balance at 6 February 2017: £ 6,954.16

Total Funds at 6 February 2017 £ 17,148.78

Payments to be authorised 6 February 2017

Clerk's Salary (January 2017) £ 469.56

Clerk's Expenses (January 2017) Approx £ 5.34

Westwood School Hire (Nov - Mar inc.) £ 190.00

HMRC PAYE Month 10 £ 188.00

TOTAL: £ 852.90

b. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that she was compiling a list of tasks for the Parish Steward to complete on his next visit to Westwood. A number of tasks were suggested by councillors including clearing the leaves at the bottom of Lyefield Lane, replacing a broken drain cover along the Lower Westwood road at the bottom of The Pastures, clearing the gullies at Staples Hill and emptying the waste bin at the top of The Pastures – Cllr. J Adcock observed that this latter task was not a Parish Steward task but that she would contact the appropriate authority. Cllr. J Adcock stated that she would contact Wiltshire Council regarding the ‘blacking out’ of the side of a streetlight to avoid the light causing a nuisance to a resident in Chestnut Grove. b. Cllr. Bishop stated that he would contact Open Reach regarding a pile of earth that was apparently left after recent telecommunications work. Open Spaces. Cllr. Wheals gave the following report (shown in italics) to the Parish Council: Play Equipment. This has been inspected. All equipment works and is safe although the roundabout is very stiff. Replacement parts for the roundabout. Negotiations about repairs are ongoing. They centre on whether we (ie Paul with me as gopher) can do it ourselves or whether we need a local expert (perhaps suggested to us by TayPlay - who are the manufacturers of the roundabout). Play Area Fence.

The previous report noted that the palisade fencing around the play area included about a dozen slats that were broken, degraded or rotten and others that were too short. The order for 20 more slats has arrived and we have purchased suitable self-tapping screws (4 per slat + spares). We hope to replace damaged/short slats soon - weather and our availability permitting. Part of the play area fence near the gate had an old repair that now needs some further remedial work.

Seat. One of the slats in the seat close to the telephone box at the northern end of the park was broken. Paul has effected a “repair” with a flat metal plate!

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The broken seat in Lyefield Lane. We are still evaluating various technical issues that we need to resolve before we purchase plastic/resin slats. For example, the existing holes in the base are not perfectly aligned. Thus we need to decide whether to drill the holes ourselves (in a resin/plastic that will melt if heated too much) or make accurate measurements and get the supplier to make the holes before delivery. b. The report on the Play Equipment was covered under a. above. Cllr. Adcock alerted the Council to the Tesco ‘Bags of Life’ grant scheme and agreed to investigate it further with a view to the Parish Council making a grant application for new play equipment or the repair of the existing equipment. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston reported the following: Path 32 – There is a broken stile – the second stile on the path north of the C6096 (Jones Hill) road. Path 6 – There is a broken stile where the path meets the C6099 (Farleigh Lane) road – close to the Parish boundary. The Clerk was asked to advise the Footpath Warden. b. There were no other matters reported. 11. Westwood Parish Room. Cllr. Johnston reported that the work to transform the Parish Room is progressing well and that it should be completed by Easter and under budget in respect of the current agreed work plan. 12. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Cllr. J Adcock confirmed that she together with Cllrs. D Adcock and Phillips will attend the next Area Board meeting to be held on 8 March 2017 and Cllr. Wheals stated that he will attend the next CATG Meeting to be held at County Hall on 27 February 2017. 13. Dates of Meetings. Councillors noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

• 8 March 2017 - Ordinary Parish Council meeting commencing at 7.30pm.

14. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: The Clerk stated that he had received a letter from Westwood Nursery School regarding the renewal of the ‘Licence to Occupy’ the building at Westwood Park. He confirmed that a decision whether or not to renew it would be on the Agenda for the next meeting. The meeting concluded at 2055hrs. Chairman 8 March 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 6 February 2017

Action 1 (6/2/17) Clerk. To contact Enforcement Officer – Cross Guns Inn. Action 2 (6/2/17) Clerk. WC – Planning Applications.

Action 3 (6/2/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 4 (6/2/17) Cllr. Bishop. To contact Open Reach – Rubbish left.

Action 5 (6/2/17) Cllr. J Adcock. To investigate Tesco grant scheme. Action 6 (6/2/17) Clerk. To contact Footpath Warden – Broken stiles.

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Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 6 March 2017

Present Cllr. J Johnston (Vice- Chairman and Chairman for the meeting) Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. T Leeder Cllr P Phillips Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. M Macdonald and PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. Attended – the latter Part-time. There were five members of the public present. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. J Bishop, A Wheals and J Tillion. 3. Declaration of Interests. Cllrs. D and J Adcock each declared an interest in Planning application 17/01243/FUL. There were no other interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 6 February 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Westwood Nursery School. The Clerk stated that although the existing lease ran until 1 April 2018 he thought it prudent now to invite the Council to consider renewing the ‘Licence to Occupy’ from 1 April 2018 at this meeting in case the Council decided not to renew it and that the Nursery School had to vacate the existing premises and acquire new ones. Such an exercise could take a year to acquire new premises and to secure continuity of education for the children. During the Adjournment the Manager of the Nursery School gave a full report on the current position of the Nursery School and its present finances and school roll. The Parish council resolved to renew the ‘Licence to Occupy’ for the period 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2025 and the Vice Chairman, Cllr. J Johnston, signed the Licence on behalf of the Parish Council. 7. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting and PCSO Maclachlan summarised the main points in his report for the benefit of the meeting. This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics:

Local Crimes

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Crime statistics 6th February - 6th March 2017 There have been 49 reported incidents for the Bradford Rural beat of which 2 occurred in Westwood. This compares to 34 rural incidents the previous period of which 1 occurred in Westwood. These are broken down as follows (last period in brackets):

Crime Rural beat Westwood Comments

Anti Social Behaviour (Personal)

1 (2) 0 (1)

Anti Social Behaviour (Nuisance)

0 (1) 0 (0)

Fraud 0 (0) 0 (0)

Burglary 5 (3) 0 (0)

Drug Offences 2 (1) 0 (0)

Criminal Damage 11 (0) 2 (0) 21/02 – Westwood mines. Fencing and padlock cut

and beer cans and rubbish left inside. Closed


02/03 – Peto Grove. Car damaged by sharp object.

Enquiries ongoing

Theft and Handling 5 (5) 0 (0)

Public Order 1 (0) 0 (0)

Violence 11 (8) 0 (1)

Other 2 (1) 0 (0)

Animal related 0 (0) 0 (1)

Concern for Safety 2 (2) 0 (0)

Domestic related 1 (3) 0 (0)

Suspicious Circumstances 2 (1) 0 (0)

Transport related 6 (7) 0 (0)

Other incidents of interest. The 5 burglaries were 3 non-dwellings in Staverton, 1 non-dwelling in Holt and a dwelling in Limpley Stoke. Success Stories. Dionne Barratt, who had links to Staverton, was recently sentenced to 6 years imprisonment for 4 counts of dealing class A drugs. In closing. Please feel free to give out my mobile number to anyone who would like to contact me: PCSO Andrew MacLachlan 0752 897 2236 “Like” our Facebook page – Bradford on Avon Police Sign up to Community Messaging at www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk

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For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit… https://www.police.uk/wiltshire/

Community Coordinator 3925 Alex Trombetta : [email protected]

Deputy Sector Head Ps 1629 Gill Hughes:[email protected] Sector Head Insp 2517 James Brain : [email protected]

8. Neighbourhood Plan. a. At the invitation of the Chairman, the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group gave a short report during which he explained the current position regarding the draft version of the Plan and that there were some outstanding technical issues regarding the National Planning Policy Framework that required resolution before the Plan could be completed and circulated more widely. Notwithstanding this, he agreed to send an electronic version of the current plan to Cllr. Leeder. Cllr. Leeder stated that he would study this Plan and provide a brief synopsis for councillors. He stated that he would also draft a proposal for a possible process for the ultimate approval of the Neighbourhood Plan by the Parish Council. He requested that the latter point be an item on the Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting. b. No further actions were identified. 9. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW). Cllr. Wheals had advised the Clerk that there was nothing to report. 10. Westwood Stores/Post Office. Cllr. Phillips stated that it was with regret that he had to inform the Council that the project to retain the Westwood Stores/Post Office had now foundered and the Steering Group had been disbanded. He explained that it had proved impossible to obtain information that was necessary to develop a Business Plan and that there appeared to be many mixed views in the village regarding the retention of the Westwood Stores/Post Office. The Parish Council gave a vote of thanks to the Steering Group for the work that they had undertaken to date. 11. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. The Clerk reported that there had been a recent interment and the erection of two Memorial Stones in the cemetery and that the appropriate fees had been paid. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus.


Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Dorothy House Foundation Ltd., Winsley

Application for planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and extension to provide additional parking and associated works


16/12320/FUL 4 Hebden Road Erection of 2 storey 2 bedroom house attached

to 4 Hebden Road Approved


13 Chestnut Grove

Retrospective permission for erection of a garden shed


b. Cllrs. D & J Adcock withdrew from the meeting. The Council examined the following planning application and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):

17/01243/FUL 39 Lower Westwood Proposed dwelling NEW

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The Council objects to this proposed development for the following reason: ‘The proposed new dwelling extends beyond the existing footprint of the current building’. Cllrs. D & J Adcock returned to the meeting. . c. There were no planning applications received after 27 February 2017: d. There were no other planning matters. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus:

06 March 2017 Westwood PC

Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 8,333.33


Credits (1 February 2017 to 28 February 2017):

HMRC PAYE Month 10 £ 188.00

Total: £ 188.00

Debits (1 February 2017 to 28 February 2017):

Clerk's Salary (January) - Standing Order £ 469.56

Clerk's Expenses (January) £ 5.34

HMRC PAYE Month 10 £ 188.00

XYZ Web Ltd £ 50.00

St Johns CC £ 48.15

Westwood School Hire £ 190.00

Total: £ 951.05

Balance at 28 February 2017 £ 7,570.28

Credits (1 March 2017 to 6 March 2017):

None £ -

Total: £ -

Debits (1 March 2017 to 6 March 2017):

Clerk's Salary (February) - Standing Order £ 469.56

Total: £ 469.56

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Balance at 6 March 2017 £ 7,100.72

Lloyds A/C 7573321

Bank Statement £ 2,341.59



Interest 9/11/16 £ 0.10

Interest 9/12/16 £ 0.10

Interest 9/1/17 £ 0.10

Interest 9/2/17 (Approx) £ 0.09

Total: £ 0.39


None £ -

Total: £ -

Balance at 6 March 2017 £ 2,341.98

National Savings Account (Park Fund)

Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63


Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53


None £ -

Balance at 6 March 2017: £ 6,954.16

Total Funds at 6 March 2017 £ 16,396.86

Payments to be authorised 6 March 2017

Clerk's Salary (March 2017) £ 469.56

Clerk's Expenses (February 2017) £ 7.69

St Johns CC (Invoice: 007/17) £ 48.15

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HMRC PAYE Month 11 £ 187.60

D Downes £ 400.00

TOTAL: £ 1,113.00 b. The Parish Council resolved to set aside Standing Orders and that it would accept the tender for the Open Space Maintenance contract submitted by Mr Downes. c. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that she was compiling a list of tasks for the Parish Steward to complete on his next visit to Westwood and she invited councillors to contact her if they wanted specific tasks to be undertaken. She was advised of a pothole at the bottom of The Pastures and that the edge of the road alongside the virtual pavement was in a poor state. Cllr. Adcock suggested that tidying up of the various flower beds in the village could be a possible task. b. There were no other matters raised. Open Spaces. Cllr. Phillips reported that the new slats for the Play Area fencing had been obtained and that the street light in Westwood Park had not yet been mended. He commented that the work associated with the Play Area equipment will be undertaken when the weather improves. b. The report on the Play Equipment was covered under a. above. c. Cllr. Adcock stated that she had investigated the Tesco ‘Bags of Life’ grant scheme and that the Parish Council and other community groups were eligible to apply for the grants. Following a short discussion she stated that she would pass details of the scheme to Mr Harrison who had expressed interest in securing grant aid to improve the Play Area. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston stated that was nothing significant to report. b. There were no other matters reported. 12. Local Government Elections – 4 May 2017. The Clerk stated that he had sent the information relating to these forthcoming elections to all councillors and he advised councillors to take note of the timetable for nominations. 13. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Cllr. J Adcock confirmed that the next CATG Meeting is to be held 8 March 2017 and that she was intending to attend. 14. Dates of Meetings. Councillors noted the dates of the next Parish Council Meetings:

• 3 April 2017 - Ordinary Parish Council meeting commencing at 7.30pm. • New Date for May meetings (Annual PC meeting and Ordinary PC Meeting) – 8 May 2017.

15. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: The Clerk asked the Council to note the following:

• Wiltshire Housing Strategy 2017 – 2022 Consultation • Housing Allocations Policy Consultation. • A request for an advert to be placed on the website advertising the Capella Nora Choral Concert.

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The meeting concluded at 2110hrs. Chairman 3 April 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 6 March 2017

Action 1 (6/3/17) Clerk. To contact Westwood Nursery School – ‘Licence to Occupy’. Action 2 (6/3/17) Clerk. WC – Planning Application.

Action 3 (6/3/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 4 (6/3/17) Cllr. Leeder. To provide synopsis of the draft Neighbourhood Plan.

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Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 3 April 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. J Johnston Cllr P Phillips Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. M Macdonald attended. There was one member of the public present. The Chairman stated that he wished to make the following announcement prior to the commencement of the meeting (shown in italics): Ladies & Gentlemen Before we begin the meeting I wish to record the passing of Westwood stalwart Viv Hancock at the age of 89. Viv was regarded by many as “Mr Westwood”, a gentleman in every sense of the word, who lived and breathed the village for 64 years having moved here with his wife, Betty, in 1953. Viv was involved in numerous organisations including the Parish Council, for whom he was a councillor for 13 years. He was also the church warden for 20 years, instigated and ran a youth club from 1979 and was a major player in the annual Westwood Flower Show. Many other groups benefitted from his presence and he will be a great loss to all those whose lives were touched by him. As a mark of respect please may I ask that you stand for a minute’s silence in his honour. A minute’s silence was held. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Cllr. T Leeder and from PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. The Clerk stated that Cllr. J Tillion had given notice of her resignation. 3. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 6 March 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent his apologies for being unable to attend or to provide a written report on this occasion.

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b. There were no other matters raised. 7. Neighbourhood Plan. a. The Chairman stated that all councillors had received a written progress report from Cllr. Leeder and that in his report he had proposed a way forward which Cllr. Leeder had invited the Council to support. Cllr Leeder also reported that no draft Neighbourhood Plan had been received from the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee. The Chairman stated that in view of the fact that the report had been received late this afternoon any discussion on it would be deferred until the next Parish Council meeting. b. No further actions were identified. 8. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW). Cllr. Wheals stated that the most recent report available (for CSW 24) was published in the last edition of “Westwood Update” and that all households had received a copy of that Newsletter. As a consequence of this he commented that he was not proposing to provide a detailed report at this meeting. He added that the data suggested that the reduced level of speeding is continuing (based on counts of over 4,200 vehicles). Cllr. Wheals advised councillors that the Winsley Road team is no longer operational so Westwood CSW Team is resuming shared operation of the Speed Measuring Device with Southwick and North Bradley. 9. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. There was nothing reported. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus.


Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Dorothy House Foundation Ltd., Winsley

Application for planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and extension to provide additional parking and associated works



13 Chestnut Grove

Retrospective permission for erection of a garden shed



39 Lower Westwood Proposed dwelling Pending

b. The Council examined the following planning application and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):

17/01764/FUL 86A Lower Westwood Erect single storey rear extension to

existing bungalow New

The Council has no objection to this proposed development. c. The following planning application was received after 27 March 201 and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):


Elms Cross Stables, Elms Cross

Variation of Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 of 15/05497/FUL


The Council has no objection to this proposed development. d. There were no other planning matters. Finance.

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a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus:

03 April 2017 Westwood PC Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement

£ 7,642.28

28-Feb-17 Credits (1 March 2017 to 31 March 2017): HMRC PAYE Month 11 £ 187.60 J Long (Downs) £ 90.00 Total: £ 277.60 Debits (1 March 2017 to 31 March 2017): Clerk's Salary (February) - Standing Order £ 469.56 Clerk's Expenses (February) £ 7.69 HMRC PAYE Month 11 £ 187.60 XYZ Web Ltd £ 50.00 St Johns CC £ 48.15 D Downes £ 400.00 Total: £ 1,163.00 Balance at 31 March 2017 £ 6,756.88 Credits (1 April 2017 to 3 April 2017): None £ - Total: £ - Debits (1 April 2017 to 3 April 2017): Clerk's Salary (February) - Standing Order £ 469.56 Total: £ 469.56 Balance at 3 April 2017 £ 6,287.32 Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,341.89 31-Jan-17 Credits: Interest 9/2/17 £ 0.10 Interest 9/3/17 £ 0.09 Total: £ 0.19 Debits: None £ - Total: £ - Balance at 3 April 2017 £ 2,342.08

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National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63 Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53 Debits: None £ - Balance at 3 April 2017: £ 6,954.16 Total Funds at 3 April 2017 £ 15,583.56

Payments to be authorised 3 April 2017 Clerk's Salary (April 2017) £ 469.56 Clerk's Expenses (March 2017) Approx £ 5.00 Clerk's Back Pay 1/4/16 - 31/8/16 &1/9/16 - 1/4/17 £ 51.51 A Wheals £ 60.19 HMRC PAYE Month 12 £ 188.00 D Downes £ 400.00

TOTAL: £ 1,174.26

The Clerk advised the Council that there had been two recent pay settlement agreed between the National association of Local Councils/Society of Local Council Clerks and the Government covering the periods 1/4/16 to 31/3/17 and 1/4/17 to 31/3/18. He explained that each settlement represented increases in basic salaries of 1%. The Council resolved to adopt these increases for the Clerk and further resolved that the associated back-pay of £51.51 be paid forthwith. A revised Standing Order Bank Mandate was signed by the authorised signatories. b. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the repaired manhole cover at the bottom of The Pastures had been broken again – perhaps by a heavy lorry. Cllr. J Adcock and other councillors complimented the work undertaken by the Parish Steward, Ian Bryers and his commitment to providing a high standard of service to the Parish. The Council resolved that that a letter be sent to Wiltshire Council acknowledging the work undertaken by Mr Bryers and the evident pride that he takes in providing such a good service. b. There were no other matters raised. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Wheals reported that a parishioner had reported that the unofficial path directly into “Turner’s Field” is now almost fully open. The metal gate has been pushed back and there is only one strand of barbed wire left. He added that Mr Turner normally erects barriers by the park and in Lyefield Lane when livestock is introduced into the field in summer. The Council resolved to take no further action. b. Cllr. Wheals stated that the play equipment has been inspected and is safe to use. The roundabout is completely immobile so TayPlay (who made it) will be contacted and a quotation requested for someone in the area to fix it. The area needs a good sweep (to be done this week prior to the spring holidays). It is intended to put an additional coat of red Hammerite paint on the (double) swings – possibly after the Easter break.

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Cllr. Johnston stated that the ‘shed’ at the Playing Field may now be surplus to requirements as there is now no longer a Football Team in the village. The Clerk replied that he would make enquiries. Cllr. Adcock stated that she had passed information relating to the Tesco ‘Bags of Life’ grant scheme to Mr Harrison. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston stated that was nothing significant to report. b. There were no other matters reported. 10. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Cllr. J Adcock confirmed that she and Cllr. D Adcock attended the recent Area Board meeting. She commented that a presentations given at that meeting showing the achievements of the Area Board were very well received – especially those relating to children. She added that she had also attended the Senior Forum on 31 March that was also attended by the MP – Michelle Donnelan. Cllr Wheals confirmed that he attended the CATG meeting on 27 February and that one matter relevant to Westwood was raised. A resident of Avoncliff complained about the deep ruts at the side of the road down to Avoncliff. It made “bottoming out” of a vehicle possible. It was claimed that ‘scalpings’ had been added to build up the ruts. The relevant officer from Wiltshire Council was unable to help the parishioner. Cllr. Wheals commented that he had had a look along the Avoncliff road and could find no evidence of significant ‘scalpings’ nor deep ruts - except at one place where vehicles could pass each other (opposite the field gate on the north side). The next Area Board meeting is to be held on 24 May and the next CATG Meeting is to be held on 19 June. 11. Dates of Meetings. Councillors noted the date of the next Parish Council Meetings:

• 8 May 2017 - Annual PC meeting and Ordinary PC Meeting.

The Council proposed that the Annual Parish Meeting be held on Tuesday 9 May commencing at 7pm. Clerk’s note. This date has now been confirmed. 12. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: Cllr. Johnston asked that the ‘Parish Room’ is an Agenda item at the next meeting and added that it is likely to be available for use from June. The Chairman stated that in view of the recent loss of Viv Hancock and the significant contribution he made to the village of Westwood the Parish Council may wish to consider erecting some form of memorial in his name. The Chairman asked that this subject be included as an Agenda item at the next meeting. The meeting concluded at 2055hrs. Chairman 8 May 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 3 April 2017

Action 1 (3/4/17) Clerk. To contact WC – Parish Steward work. Action 2 (3/4/17) Clerk. WC – Planning Application.

Action 3 (3/4/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 4 (3/4/17) Clerk. To contact Mr Downes – Playing Field shed.

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Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 8.00pm on Monday 8 May 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. J Johnston Cllr P Phillips Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. J Kidney attended. There were nine members of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 6 March 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk read out that part of the report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ at the meeting . This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics:

Local Crimes

Crime statistics 6th February - 6th March 2017 There have been 45 reported incidents for the Bradford Rural beat of which 4 occurred in Westwood. This compares to 49 rural incidents the previous period of which 2 occurred in Westwood. These are broken down as follows (last period in brackets):

Crime Rural beat Westwood Comments

Anti Social Behaviour (Personal)

3(1) 0 (0)

Anti Social Behaviour (Nuisance)

1 (0) 0 (0)

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Fraud 0 (0) 0 (0)

Burglary 8 (5) 2 (0) 03/05 – Midway Manor. Outbuildings entered and tools stolen.

05/05 – Iford Lane – Shed entered and tools stolen.

Both enquiries ongoing.

Drug Offences 0 (2) 0 (0)

Criminal Damage 5 (11) 2 (2)

Theft and Handling 9 (5) 2 (0) 11/04 – Hebden Rd – Theft of car which was later found burnt out in

Frome. Closed undetected.

03/05 – Lower Westwood. Theft of large children’s sit on tractors.

Enquiries ongoing

Public Order 2 (1) 0 (0)

Violence 9 (11) 0 (0)

Other 0 (2) 0 (0)

Animal related 0 (0) 0 (0)

Concern for Safety 0 (2) 0 (0)

Domestic related 3 (1) 0 (0)

Suspicious Circumstances 4 (2) 0 (0)

Transport related 1 (6) 0 (0) Other incidents of interest. The 6 other burglaries were non-dwellings in Winsley and Staverton, and dwellings in Limpley Stoke, Winsley and Holt. We are currently looking at possible connections between them all. In closing. Please feel free to give out my mobile number to anyone who would like to contact me: PCSO Andrew MacLachlan 0752 897 2236 “Like” our Facebook page – Bradford on Avon Police Sign up to Community Messaging at www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk

For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit… https://www.police.uk/wiltshire/

Community Coordinator Police Staff Alex Trombetta : [email protected]

Deputy Sector Head PS 1629 Gill Hughes : [email protected]

Sector Head Insp 2517 James Brain : [email protected]

b. There were no other matters raised. 7. Neighbourhood Plan.

Page 35: WESTWOOD PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council 2017.pdf · Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 9 January


a. The Chairman stated that the report from Cllr. Leeder in which he had proposed a way forward and which Cllr. Leeder had invited the Council to support will be tabled at the June meeting. b. No further actions were identified. 8. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW). Cllr. Phillips reported that CSW was undertaken during the period 24th April until 5th May 2017. The teams went out on five separate days including morning, lunchtime and evening periods. Vehicle speeds were monitored for a total of 6.5hrs using 5 of the 6 sites available to us. A total of 1237 vehicles were counted of which 103 were speeding (25mph or more) and 22 were speeding excessively (30mph or more). The percentage of speeding vehicles was 8.3%. This is close to the average percentage we have seen over the last 5 monitoring periods and lower than the long term average seen up to mid-2016. 9. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. There was nothing reported. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus.


Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Dorothy House Foundation Ltd., Winsley

Application for planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and extension to provide additional parking and associated works



13 Chestnut Grove

Retrospective permission for erection of a garden shed



39 Lower Westwood Proposed dwelling Approved


86A Lower Westwood

Erect single storey rear extension to existing bungalow



Elms Cross Stables, Elms Cross

Variation of Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 of 15/05497/FUL


b. The Council examined the following planning applications and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):


Land North of 146 Upper Westwood

Provision of four self-contained camping pods with parking. Change of use of land to leisure/Tourism.


The Parish Council objects to this proposed development for the following reasons: This proposed development and change of use are contrary to the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy (especially Core Policies 39 and 51) and the National Planning Policy Framework (especially Section 9 – Protecting Green Belt Land and Section 11 – Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment). The proposed development site is in the West Wiltshire Green Belt, it is designated an Area of Outstanding Beauty, of High Ecological Value and is directly adjacent to the Westwood Conservation Area. These protections must be respected. The proposed development site is highly visible throughout the Limpley Stoke Valley and the proposed development would represent an alien intrusion into a hitherto rural landscape. Highway access to the proposed site is severely restricted and wholly unsuitable for such a development. This proposed development and change of use will result in a severe loss of amenity for the neighbouring residential area and an irrevocable loss of, and a severe impact to, the character and appearance of the landscape.

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17/03511/TCA 11 The Laurels T1 – Variegated Holly – Remove to ground

level New

The Council noted that this application had already been approved by Wiltshire Council. c. There were no planning applications received after 1 May 2017. d. There were no other planning matters. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus: 08 May 2017 Westwood PC Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 6,855.03

31-Mar-17 Credits (1 April 2017 to 30 April 2017): HMRC PAYE Month 12 £ 188.00 WC Precept (Part) £ 11,825.00 Total: £ 12,013.00 Debits (1 April 2017 to 30 April 2017): Clerk's Salary (March) - Standing Order £ 469.56 Clerk's Expenses (March) £ 5.62 Clerk's Back Pay £ 51.51 HMRC PAYE Month 12 £ 188.00 A Wheals £ 60.19 D Downes £ 400.00 Total: £ 1,174.88 Balance at 30 April 2017 £ 17,693.15 Credits (1 May 2017 to 8 May 2017): None £ - Total: £ - Debits (1 May 2017 to 8 May 2017): Clerk's Salary (April) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Total: £ 479.00 Balance at 8 May 2017 £ 17,214.15 Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,342.08 31-Mar-17 Credits:

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09/04/2017 (Approx) £ 0.10 Total: £ 0.10 Debits: None £ - Total: £ - Balance at 8 May 2017 £ 2,342.18

National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63 Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53 Debits: None £ - Balance at 8 May 2017: £ 6,954.16 Total Funds at 8 May 2017 £ 26,510.49

Payments to be authorised 8 May 2017 Clerk's Salary (May 2017) £ 479.00 Clerk's Expenses (April 2017) Approx £ 20.00 HMRC PAYE Month 1 (Includes Tax on Back Pay of £51.51) £ 106.00 A Wheals £ 5.40 Internal Audit Fee £ 120.00 Zurich Insurance Renewal £ 793.64 St Johns CC £ 57.03 XYZ Web Ltd £ 50.00 D Downes £ 514.00

TOTAL: £ 2,145.07

b. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement including a further payment of £25 to XYZ Web Ltd and a payment of £120 to Westwood with Iford School for the hire of the School Hall. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Stewart continues to undertake tasks within the village and that she will add the clearance of the footpath near to the nursery and cutting the edges of the grass verges on the schedule of tasks to be completed. b. The Council resolved not to adopt the telephone kiosk at Staples Hill. c. There were no other matters raised. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Phillips reported that there had been instances of anti-social behaviour by some youths at Westwood Park and that these incidents had been reported to Wiltshire Police. Cllr. Bishop agreed to write to Hansons (the mine owners) regarding the safety of the Air Shaft in Westwood Park that appeared to be the focus of attention by the youths.

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b. Cllr. Phillips stated that now there has been a slight improvement in the weather the fencing around the play area has been repaired with ten new slats replacing damaged or ones that were shorter than the others allowing small animals to get into the play area. Three of the four shorter slats were useable to replace those to the left of the gate which are shorter than the rest. In addition to recycling three of the slats, half of the screws were reused. He added that at a later date the fence will benefit from cleaning and treating the wood. The estimate for replacing the slats on the Lyfield lane bench with recycled plastic is around £200. It would probably cost more than that to pay a contractor to demolish the base and remove the rubble. The Council resolved that a maximum of £250 be spent on repairing this bench. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston was advised that clearance work was required in respect of paths 12 and 13. She agreed to investigate the report. b. There were no other matters reported. 10. Parish Room Project. Cllr. Johnston reported that this project is now progressing well following the appointment of a new contractor, although the project will be completed later than originally anticipated but under-budget. She commented that outstanding items include the north door and the ceiling tiles, although it was hoped that the main building work will be completed by end-May and the new kitchen fitted thereafter. Cllr. Johnston added that the Parish Room will be available for use from June but that the formal opening is scheduled for September. She advised that a fee of £25 for the use of the Parish Room for a Parish Council meeting has been quoted. 11. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Councillors noted that the next Area Board meeting is to held on 16 May and the main items on the Agenda were the election of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman. It was reported that the next CATG Meeting is to be held on 19 June. 12. Co-option of new members. The Council resolved to invite (ex) Cllrs. Leeder and Wheals to become co-opted members at the next Parish Council meeting and that the remaining two positions should be widely advertised. 13. Dates of Meetings. Councillors noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

• 5 June 2017 - Ordinary PC Meeting.

14. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: Cllr. J Adcock advised councillor of the forthcoming ‘Dementia Awareness Week’, 15 – 21 May and the opportunity to partake in the many varied activities on offer to promote awareness of dementia. The meeting concluded at 2140hrs. Chairman 5 June 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 8 May 2017

Action 1 (8/5/17) Clerk. WC – Planning Application.

Action 2 (8/5/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 3 (8/5/17) Clerk. To advertise the two ‘co-option vacancies’.

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Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at Westwood with Iford Primary School, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 5 June 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. J Johnston Cllr P Phillips Cllr. T Leeder (from Agenda item 3) Cllr. G Mumford (from Agenda item 3) Cllr. A Wheals (from Agenda item 3) Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. J Kidney attended (Part-time). There was one member of the public present. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Westwood Parish Council – Co-option of new members. a. The Parish Council unanimously resolved to co-opt the following persons as members of Westwood Parish Council: Messrs. T Leeder (Proposed: Cllr. Johnston), G Mumford (Proposed: Cllr. Phillips) and A Wheals (Proposed: Cllr. J Adcock). b. The persons co-opted each signed a Declaration of Office Form that was countersigned by the Clerk. c. The Clerk explained to the new councillors their individual obligation to register interests in accordance with the Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012 and he handed to each new councillor details of how to do this and the Code of Conduct for Westwood Parish Council. 3. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 4. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 5. Minutes of Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 8 May 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 6. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 8 May 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 7. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. The meeting was then reconvened. 8. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk read out that part of the report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ at the meeting. This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics:

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Local Crimes

Crime statistics 3rd May – 3rd June 2017

There have been 44 reported incidents for the Bradford Rural beat of which 5 occurred in Westwood. This compares to 45 rural incidents the previous period of which 4 occurred in Westwood. These are broken down as follows (last period in brackets):

Crime Rural beat Westwood Comments

Anti Social Behaviour (Personal)

2 (3) 0 (0)

Anti Social Behaviour (Nuisance)

0 (1) 0 (0)

Burglary 6 (8) 2 (0) 03/05 - Lower Westwood – outbuildings entered and large amount of tools stolen. No witnesses or forensics – closed undetected

05/05 – Iford. Tools stolen from shed. Closed undetected

Drug Offences 0 (0) 0 (0)

Criminal Damage 8 (5) 1 (2) 10/05 – Tynings Way – car bonnet damaged by having offensive

words scratched on it. No witnesses – closed undetected

Theft and Handling 11 (9) 1 (2) 03/05 – Lower Westwood – 2 children’s sit on tractors stolen from

garden. No witnesses – closed undetected

Public Order 1 (2) 0 (0)

Violence 7 (9) 0 (0)

Other 0 (0) 0 (0)

Concern for Safety 0 (0) 0 (0)

Domestic related 0 (3) 0 (0)

Suspicious Circumstances 2 (4) 1 (0) See below

Transport related 7 (1) 0 (0)

Other incidents of interest. An elderly resident in Hebden Rd has been twice targeted by rogue traders in recent weeks. As a result of this, considerable work has been done to ensure they do not visit again and the neighbours have been asked to form a “cocoon watch” to report any suspicious activity to us. Whilst I was compiling this report, I had a call from one such neighbour stating a van she recognised had pulled up outside the house but driven off. The 4 other burglaries were all non-dwelling in Wingfield, Winsley and Holt. Success Stories.

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In closing. Please feel free to give out my mobile number to anyone who would like to contact me: PCSO Andrew MacLachlan 0752 897 2236 “Like” our Facebook page – Bradford on Avon Police Sign up to Community Messaging at www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk

For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit… https://www.police.uk/wiltshire/ 

Community Coordinator Police Staff Alex Trombetta : [email protected]

Deputy Sector Head - PS 1629 Gill Hughes : [email protected]

Sector Head - Insp 0041 Andy Fee : [email protected]

b. There were no other matters raised. 9. Neighbourhood Plan. a. Cllr. Leeder stated that in the absence of receiving any draft Neighbourhood Plan from the Chairman of the Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group he would draft an alternative Neighbourhood Plan that would be available for discussion by the Parish Council at the September Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council resolved to support this proposal by Cllr. Leeder. b. No further actions were identified. 10. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW). a. Cllr. Wheals reported that there had been no further CSW patrols since that previously reported. b. Cllr. Wheals, as CSW Team Leader, stated that he would consult with his team regarding the purchase of a video camera for the CSW Team and that he would report back to the Parish Council. c. The Parish Council resolved not to request Wiltshire Council to erect CSW warning signs at the entrances to the village on the basis that an expenditure of £1000 or so from Parish Council funds on such signs could not be justified. 11. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. The Chairman reported that he recently inspected the cemetery and was impressed by the standard of maintenance achieved by Mr Downes. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus. 15/11456/OUT

Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Dorothy House Foundation Ltd., Winsley

Application for planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and extension to provide additional parking and associated works



Elms Cross Stables, Elms Cross

Variation of Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 of 15/05497/FUL



Land North of 146 Upper Westwood

Provision of four self-contained camping pods with parking. Change of use of land to leisure/Tourism.


b. The Council examined the following planning applications and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):

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Cross Guns Inn Avoncliff

Retrospective application for the refurbishment of existing garden terraces.


The Parish Council objects to this proposed development for the following reasons: The proposed cladding material is unsuited to a rural environment. 17/04249/FUL

34 Lower Westwood Single storey extension to front New

The Parish Council has no objections to this proposed development. c. There were no planning applications received after 30 May 2017. d. The Council noted that Wiltshire Council Cllr. J Kidney had ‘called in’ planning application 17/02852/FUL if the officer under delegated powers was minded to approve it.. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus: Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 17,610.13 30-Apr-17 Credits (1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017): HMRC PAYE Month 1 £ 106.00 Total: £ 106.00 Debits (1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017): Clerk's Salary (April) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Clerk's Expenses (April) £ 17.95 HMRC PAYE Month 1 £ 106.00 A Wheals £ 5.40 J Taylor £ 120.00 Zurich Municipal £ 793.64 XYZ Web Ltd £ 50.00 XYZ Web Ltd £ 25.00 D Downes £ 514.00 Westwood School £ 120.00 Total: £ 2,230.99 Balance at 31 May 2017 £ 15,485.14 Credits (1 June 2017 to 5 June 2017): None £ - Total: £ - Debits (1 June 2017 to 5 June 2017):

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Clerk's Salary (May) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Total: £ 479.00 Balance at 8 May 2017 £ 15,006.14 Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,342.18 30-Apr-17 Credits: 09/05/2017 (Approx) £ 0.10 Total: £ 0.10 Debits: None £ - Total: £ -

Balance at 5 June 2017 £ 2,342.28

National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63 Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53 Debits: None £ -

Balance at 5 June 2017: £ 6,954.16 Total Funds at 5 June 2017 £ 24,302.58

Payments to be authorised 5 June 2017 Clerk's Salary (June 2017) SCP23 £ 479.00 Clerk's Salary (July 2017) SCP23 £ 479.00 Clerk's Expenses (May 2017) Approx £ 13.52 HMRC PAYE Month 2 £ 95.80 Westwood School Hall Hire £ 40.00 The Print Centre £ 57.03 XYZ Web Ltd (Invoice 0106) £ 50.00 D Downes £ 504.00 TOTAL: £ 1,718.35

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b. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement including a payment of £185 as a donation towards the Westwood Flower Show. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Steward continues to undertake tasks within the village, including cutting back the grassed edges at Peto Grove, Lister Grove and Westwood Park and following a request from Cllr. Phillips, she stated that she will add the clearance of the footpath (Path 16) between The Pastures and Upper Westwood and the removal of overgrown vegetation at the southern entrance to the Playing Field to the list of tasks for the Steward. b. There were no other matters raised. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Wheals reported that following the decision to procure replacement composite slats for the repair of the Lyefield Lane he had received a quotation of £148.89 for new plastic lumber slats for the seat. The Council resolved that he is to proceed with the purchase and to request that the invoice is sent to the Clerk for payment. The Council noted the contents of a letter written by a parishioner and read out by the Clerk at the meeting that concerned a large horse chestnut tree in Westwood Park overhanging properties in Chestnut Grove. The Parish Council resolved that Cllrs. Phillips and Wheals are to investigate this complaint and to propose a solution. Cllrs. Phillips and Wheals agreed to pursue the repair of the Roundabout in the Play Area and the Clerk gave details of a number of companies specialising in play equipment that may be able to effect a repair. Cllr. Wheals commented that it was important that the original manufacturer, Tayplay, be contacted first in case there was a preferred local supplier who would be best able to repair the equipment. Cllr. Wheals reported that the tall hedge between a property in Bobbin Lane and the Playing Field Car Park required pruning. The Clerk stated that he would advise Mr Downes accordingly. b. Cllr. Wheals reported that new slats and screws have been purchased for the Play Area fence at a cost not exceeding £50 and that half of the twenty slats have been used already by Cllr. Phillips in repairing the fence. He added that the Play area is tidy except for overflowing bins. These have been reported to Wiltshire Council. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston reported the following: Path 10 – The stile at the last field boundary before the Parish boundary was in poor repair and needed attention. Path 3 – The diverted route of this path requires proper signing with finger posts clearly showing the diverted route. b. Cllr. Leeder reported that there was a large tree down in Becky Addy Woods and partly obstructing Path 29. The Clerk stated that he would request Wiltshire Council to provide Footpath maps for the new councillors. 12. Parish Room Project. Cllr. Johnston reported that this project is now nearly completed and the Church Fete will be an opportunity for members of the public to view the improvements. She added that the official opening is now scheduled for September. 13. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Councillors noted that the next Area Board meeting is to held on 14 June and the next CATG Meeting is to be held on 19 June. Cllrs. D Adcock and J Adcock stated that they would be attending the Area Board and Cllr. Wheals confirmed that he would be attending the CATG meeting. 14. Dates of Meetings. a. Councillors noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

• 7 August 2017 - Ordinary PC Meeting.

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b. The Council resolved that the August meeting be held in the Parish Room and that a decision would be made then regarding future venues.

15. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: The Clerk drew the attention of councillors to the Clerks and Councils Direct publication. The meeting concluded at 2130hrs. Chairman 7 August 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 5 June 2017

Action 1 (5/6/17) Cllr. Leeder. To draft a Neighbourhood Plan for discussion at September PC Meeting.

Action 2 (5/6/17) Cllr. Wheals. To consult with CSW Team re. Video camera. Action 3 (5/6/17) Clerk. WC – Planning Applications.

Action 4 (5/6/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 5 (5/6/17) Cllr. J Adcock. To advise Parish Steward of new tasks. Action 6 (5/6/17) Cllrs. Phillips/Wheals. To pursue the repair of the roundabout (Play Area).

Action 7 (5/6/17) Cllrs. Phillips/Wheals. To investigate the complaint re. Horse Chestnut tree (Westwood Park). Action 8 (5/6/17) Clerk. To obtain Footpath Maps for new councillors.

Action 9 (5/6/17) Clerk. To contact Mr Downes – Pruning Playing Field/Bobbin Lane hedge.

Action 10 (5/6/17) Clerk. To contact Footpath Warden re. 10, 3 and 29.

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Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held at the Parish Room, Farleigh Lane, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 7 August 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr P Phillips Cllr. T Leeder Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. J Kidney attended (Part-time). There were two members of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Parish Councillors J Johnston and G Mumford and from PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 5 June 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. Wiltshire Council Cllr. Kidney gave a brief report on the following topics:

• Wiltshire Council Settlement Boundary Consultation. • Forthcoming Area Board Meeting (13 September 2017). • Westwood with Iford School – Westwood Radio. • The Community Area Transport Group meeting and budget. Next CATG Meeting – 4 September

2017. • Health and Welfare Safeguarding Board. • Wiltshire Council Social Care Consultation. • Wiltshire Council adoption of 10 year Business Plan. • Waste Services – New arrangements from 2018. • Area Board – Footpath Mapping to identify ‘trouble spots’. • Wiltshire Council Planning Committee meetings – attendance.

The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk read out that part of the report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ at the meeting. This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics:

Local Crimes Crime statistics 5th July – 5th August 2017

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There have been 38 reported incidents for the Bradford Rural beat of which 5 occurred in Westwood. This compares to 44 rural incidents the previous period of which 4 occurred in Westwood. These are broken down as follows (last period in brackets):

Crime Rural beat Westwood Comments

Anti Social Behaviour (Personal)

4 (2) 0 (0)

Anti Social Behaviour (Nuisance)

2 (0) 0 (0)

Burglary 2 (6) 2 (2)

Drug Offences 0 (0) 0 (0)

Criminal Damage 9 (8) 1 (1)

Theft and Handling 4 (11) 1 (1)

Public Order 2 (1) 0 (0)

Violence 5 (7) 0 (0)

Other 0 (0) 0 (0)

Concern for Safety 2 (0) 0 (0)

Domestic related 2 (0) 0 (0)

Suspicious Circumstances 0 (2) 1 (1)

Transport related 6 (7) 0 (0)

Other incidents of interest. The 2 burglaries were all non-dwelling in Wingfield and Holt. In closing. Please feel free to give out my mobile number to anyone who would like to contact me: PCSO Andrew MacLachlan 0752 897 2236 5th August 2017

“Like” our Facebook page – Bradford on Avon Police Sign up to Community Messaging at www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk

For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit…https://www.police.uk/wiltshire/ Community Coordinator Police Staff Alex Trombetta : [email protected]

Deputy Sector Head - PS 1629 Gill Hughes : [email protected] Sector Head - Insp 0041 Andy Fee : [email protected]

b. There were no other matters raised. 7. Neighbourhood Plan. a. Cllr. Leeder stated that he was currently producing a draft version of the Neighbourhood Plan that he intended would form the basis of a discussion at the September Council meeting. He commented that he intended sending councillors this draft copy prior to that meeting. The Council noted the correspondence from a parishioner regarding the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan and his comments regarding the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG). Councillors stated that these matters will be addressed at the September meeting. Notwithstanding this, the Council resolved to dissolve the NPSG at the September meeting and to establish the committee structure for developing the Neighbourhood Plan. b. No further actions were identified.

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8. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW). a. Cllr. Wheals reported that the CSW team went out during a two-week period in June – CSW26. A combination of (holiday) absence of team members and poor weather meant only four sessions, sometimes partial ones, were completed on four separate days. Nevertheless, a total of 975 vehicles were monitored over a total period of five hours. Of these, 79 were recorded as speeding (8.1%) of which 18 (1.85%) were speeding excessively (30mph or more). These values are typical of the trend towards overall lower speeds along Westwood Road. b. The Council resolved that following misgivings from members of the CSW Team and councillors a video camera would not be purchased for the CSW Team. 9. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. The Chairman reported that on a recent inspection of the cemetery he had observed a dead tree on the northern boundary that might need attention. He asked councillors to also inspect the tree with a view to deciding further action at the next meeting. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus. 15/11456/OUT Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Dorothy House Foundation Ltd., Winsley

Application for planning permission for the reconfiguration of the existing car park and extension to provide additional parking and associated works



Elms Cross Stables, Elms Cross

Variation of Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 of 15/05497/FUL



Land North of 146 Upper Westwood

Provision of four self-contained camping pods with parking. Change of use of land to leisure/Tourism.



Cross Guns Inn Avoncliff

Retrospective application for the refurbishment of existing garden terraces.


17/04249/FUL 34 Lower Westwood Single storey extension to front Approved


Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



57a Westwood Road (Hudd’s Farm)

First Floor side and rear extension over existing ground floor extension.



106a Cottles Garden, Lye Green

Detached double garage, single storey extension and internal alterations.


b. The Council examined the following planning application and resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):


Magdalen Farm, Rowden Lane, BA15 2AB

Retention of temporary log cabin approved under W/11/03319/FUL as a permanent workers dwelling.


The Parish Council has no objections to this proposed development. c. There were no planning applications received after 31 July 2017. d. There was a discussion on the Wiltshire Council Settlement Boundary/Housing Strategy Consultation and its implications for Westwood. Councillors raised queries on the reasons for the omission

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of some properties from within the Settlement Boundary and the Clerk was asked to advise Cllr. Kidney of these matters and to seek an explanation. The Chairman stated that there would be a full discussion on this Consultation at the September Parish Council meeting in time for comments to be sent to Wiltshire Council by the Consultation end date of 22 September 2017. e. The Council discussed the subject of Parish Council representation at future Planning Committee meetings, noting that Wiltshire Council Cllr. Kidney had confirmed that he would be attending those meetings, and would possibly speak, at those Committee meetings when planning applications that he had ‘called in’ were determined. The Parish Council resolved that in future a Westwood parish councillor would also attend those meetings and possibly speak in respect of those planning applications where the Parish Council had initiated the ‘call in’. f. The Clerk reported that Wiltshire Council Enforcement Officer had responded to the two queries raised by the Parish Council thus:

• The reported development of a building at Manor Cottage was permitted development. • The establishment of a ‘Tea Garden’ Fieldgate House required a ‘Change of Use’ application and

the existing external advertising board should be removed. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus: Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 15,610.54 31-May-17 Credits (1 June 2017 to 30 June 2017): HMRC PAYE Month 2 £ 95.80 Total: £ 95.80 Debits (1 June 2017 to 30 June 2017): Clerk's Salary (May) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Clerk's Expenses (May) £ 13.52 HMRC PAYE Month 2 £ 95.80 Westwood Flower Show £ 185.00 J Taylor £ 120.00 XYZ Web Ltd £ 50.00 D Downes £ 504.00 Westwood School £ 40.00 Total: £ 1,487.32 Balance at 30 June 2017 £ 14,219.02 Credits (1 July 2017 to 31 July 2017): None £ - Total: £ - Debits (1 July 2017 to 31 July 2017): Clerk's Salary (June) - Standing Order £ 479.00

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A Wheals £ 5.40 Print Centre £ 57.03 D Downes £ 504.00 Total: £ 1,045.43 Balance at 31 July 2017 £ 13,173.59 Credits (1 August 2017 to 7 August 2017): None £ - Total: £ - Debits (1 August 2017 to 7 August 2017): Clerk's Salary (July) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Total: £ 479.00 Balance at 7 August 2017 £ 12,694.59 Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,342.18 30-Apr-17 Credits: 09/05/2017 (Approx) £ 0.10 09/06/2017 (Approx) £ 0.09 09/07/2017 (Approx) £ 0.80 Total: £ 0.99 Debits: None £ - Total: £ -

Balance at 7 August 2017 £ 2,343.17

National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63 Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53 Debits: None £ -

Balance at 7 August 2017: £ 6,954.16

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Total Funds held by Westwood Parish Council at 7 August 2017 £ 22,470.92

Payments to be authorised 7 August 2017 Clerk's Salary (August 2017) SCP24 £ 494.65 Clerk's Back Pay (May to July inc 2017 SCP23 £ 46.95 Clerk's Expenses (June 2017) £ 3.57 Clerk's Expenses (July 2017) £ 2.85 HMRC PAYE Month 3 £ 95.80 HMRC PAYE Month 4 £ 105.20 The Print Centre £ 52.55 Kedel Ltd £ 148.89 XYZ Web Ltd £ 62.50 D Downes £ 490.00 TOTAL: £ 1,502.96

b. The Council resolved to invite the Internal Auditor to undertake a review of the Financial Regulations. c. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement including a payment of £14.26 to A Wheals for expenses incurred in attending the Community Speed Watch meeting at Devizes. The Council also resolved that the Standing Order for the Clerk’s Salary should be increased in accordance with the previous resolution at the April 2017 meeting to award a salary increase to the Clerk. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Steward continues to undertake tasks within the village, including cutting back the overgrown bank at the bottom of Linden Grove. b. Following a request from Cllr. Phillips, she stated that she will add the clearance of the nettles from footpath (Path 16) between The Pastures and Upper Westwood to the schedule of work for the Parish Steward. Cllr. J Adcock also noted the request for the Steward to clear the rough area of ground behind the Social Club where the BT Boxes are located. The Chairman asked that the Parish Steward tidies up the grass bank in Farleigh Lane (by the Church/Parish Room) in readiness for the Westwood Flower Show. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Wheals commented that he is hoping to receive the slats from Kedel soon once payment has been sent in order to repair the bench seat at Lyefield Lane. He added that if that repair is successful the Parish Council could think about upgrading the bench slats on the benches in the park and elsewhere. In a written report, Cllr. Wheals stated the following (shown in italics): The hedge at the top end near the play area of the Nursery School is very overgrown (more than 1 metre onto the park). It could be cut back by more than I metre leaving the children with more light by the play area - but this is a job for another occasion after consulting the staff of the Nursery School (who may want it left as is). At the north end and outside the main park there is a car park on Parish Council land used by the people who live opposite. It can cope with 14 cars (stacked in pairs end on to the park). Have the PC ever thought of levying a charge for parking in this space? One of the benches at the top of the park has the top slat missing - but the bolt is still there and is a danger to the unwary! It will be cut it off. The Parish Council resolved that up to £20 be spent on an appropriate safety sign when football matches are taking place on the Playing Field. The Clerk was asked to inform Mr Downes.

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b. The Clerk stated that Acer Tree Ltd had inspected the tree Horse Chestnut tree that was the subject of correspondence from a parishioner and had stated in his report that the tree was healthy and that no further work was required. Cllr. Phillips and other councillors confirmed that they had inspected the tree and that there were some branches overhanging a nearby garden in Chestnut Grove. The Council resolved that the tree should remain and not be felled but that pruning of the overhanging branches should be undertaken. The Clerk stated that Mr Downes had also inspected the tree and had confirmed that he would be able to prune the tree if requested. It was further resolved that Mr Downes be invited to undertake the pruning at a cost not exceeding £100. The Council resolved to delay a decision on the dead cherry tree until the September meeting. c. Cllr. Wheals stated that he and Cllr. Phillips are continuing to pursue the repair of the Roundabout in the Play Area and intend to seek a local contractor to undertake the repair. d. The Parish Council resolved not to participate in the Wiltshire Council ‘tree planting’ project. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston provided the following written report (shown in italics) that was read out to the Council by the Clerk: The electric fence that was reported as being across the footpath next to Upper Farm (Path WW0028) has now been moved to allow walkers to pass safely. However as I was checking it I accidentally touched it and there was no shock, so it’s obviously not connected. b. The footpath from the playing field to Bobbin Lane (the small gate) has now been cleared by someone. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Steward had undertaken this task. The Clerk reported that Path WW0029 had been closed by Wiltshire Council because of the need to attend to some dangerous trees. 10. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Councillors noted that the next Area Board meeting is to held on 13 September and the next CATG Meeting is to be held on 4 September. Cllr. Wheals confirmed that he would be attending the CATG meeting. In response to a request from Cllr. Kidney, Cllr. Bishop stated that he would be pleased to give a short presentation at the Area Board meeting to be held at the Social Club, Westwood advertising the achievements of Westwood Parish Council during the preceding year. Cllr. Bishop encouraged all councillors to attend this meeting. 11. Dates of Meetings. a. Councillors noted the date of the next Parish Council Meeting:

• 4 September 2017, 2 October 2017 and 6 November 2017 - Ordinary PC Meetings. b. The Council resolved that future Parish Council meetings be held in the Parish Room. 12. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision:

• The Chairman advised councillors of the temporary closure of The Hill at Freshford for work to take place – although the exact date of closure was not known.

• Cllr. J Adcock advised councillors of the Senior Citizens Forum First Aid Courses to be run at Bradford on Avon.

• Cllr. J Adcock stated that she understood that the MP, Michelle Donnelan had recently visited Westwood but that her visit was not advertised.

The meeting concluded at 2130hrs.

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Chairman 4 September 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 7 August 2017

Action 1 (7/8/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 2 (7/8/17) Clerk. To send comments to WC – Planning application. Action 3 (7/8/17) Cllr. J Adcock. To advise Parish Steward of new tasks. Action 4 (7/8/17) Cllrs. Phillips/Wheals. To pursue the repair of the roundabout (Play Area).

Action 5 (7/8/17) Cllrs. Phillips/Wheals. To ask Mr Downes to prune the Horse Chestnut tree. Action 6 (7/8/17) All Cllrs. To inspect dead tree in cemetery.

Action 7 (7/8/17) Cllr. Phillips. To inspect dead cherry tree in Westwood Park.

Action 8 (7/8/17) Clerk. To send Cllr. Kidney queries on Settlement Boundaries.

Action 9 (7/8/17) Clerk. To inform Mr Downes – Tree pruning (Horse Chestnut) and ‘Safety sign’.

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2047 Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held

at the Parish Room, Farleigh Lane, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 4 September 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. T Leeder Cllr. G Mumford Cllr P Phillips Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. J Kidney attended. There were five members of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 7 August 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. The Chairman took Agenda item ‘Open Spaces – d’ at this point of the meeting thus: Open Spaces – d. The Council noted the letter from The Woodland Trust indicating that it had an opportunity to acquire Avoncliff Woods – NOT Becky Addy Woods as stated in the Agenda – and that members of The Woodland Trust were keen to have a low-level, informal meeting with the Chairs of Westwood, Winsley and Freshford Parish Councils to outline their plans and to seek views from key stakeholders. It was confirmed that the meeting is to be held at 2pm on 12 September at The Inn at Freshford. 5. Westwood School Radio. a. At the invitation of the Chairman, the Headteacher of Westwood with Iford School, Mr Ian Rockey, gave a presentation on the current Westwood School Radio project and plans for the development of this project to include the creation of an oral history of Westwood Parish. He explained in detail the nature of the oral history project and commented that it would be driven and managed by the children of the school and that it was a unique opportunity to engage all sections of the local community in its development. Mr Rockey explained that he had applied to the Lottery Grant Fund for grant aid and that he was intending to invite the Wiltshire Council Area Board to also make a financial contribution. Mr Rockey requested the Parish Council to contribute to the project, estimated to cost overall some £10,000. Mr Rockey participated in a Question and Answer session with councillors; the latter indicating support for the project. At the conclusion of the discussions, the Parish Council resolved to make a financial contribution of £1000. b. The decision to make a donation to the project was made under Agenda item 5a. above.

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6. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. Wiltshire Council Cllr. Kidney gave a brief report on the following topics:

• Area Board meeting – 13 September 2017 at Westwood Social Club. • Mobile Library Consultation. • Wiltshire Council ‘Open Forum’ Consultation evening – 25 September 2017, 5.30pm at County Hall. • Household Recycling – new contract and closure of Trowbridge Recycling Centre 13 September to

26 September. • Bradford on Avon Health and Wellbeing Board.

The meeting was then reconvened. 7. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk read out that part of the report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ at the meeting. This report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ is reproduced in full below, shown in italics:

Crime statistics 4th August – 4th September 2017 There have been 24 reported incidents for the Bradford Rural beat of which 2 occurred in Westwood. This compares to 38 rural incidents the previous period of which 5 occurred in Westwood. These are broken down as follows (last period in brackets):

Crime Rural beat Westwood Comments

Anti Social Behaviour (Personal)

2 (4) 0 (0)

Anti Social Behaviour (Nuisance)

0 (2) 0 (0)

Burglary 2 (2) 0 (2)

Drug Offences 0 (0) 0 (0)

Criminal Damage 4 (9) 2 (1) 7th August – Westwood mines – fence cut and mine

access gained. 14th August – Lye Green –

Ongoing issues with boundary fencing being cut.

Enquiries ongoing.

Theft and Handling 3 (4) 0 (1)

Public Order 1 (2) 0 (0)

Violence 7 (5) 0 (0)

Other 0 (0) 0 (0)

Concern for Safety 1 (2) 0 (0)

Domestic related 1 (2) 0 (0)

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Suspicious Circumstances 1 (0) 0 (1)

Transport related 2 (6) 0 (0)

Other incidents of interest. The 2 burglaries were both dwelling burglaries in Limpley Stoke and Winsley. In closing. Please feel free to give out my mobile number to anyone who would like to contact me: PCSO Andrew MacLachlan 0752 897 2236 “Like” our Facebook page – Bradford on Avon Police Sign up to Community Messaging at www.wiltsmessaging.co.uk

For a detailed breakdown of the crime in your area visit…https://www.police.uk/wiltshire/ Community Coordinator Police Staff Alex Trombetta : [email protected]

Deputy Sector Head - PS 1629 Gill Hughes : [email protected] Sector Head - Insp 0041 Andy Fee : [email protected]

b. There were no other matters raised. 8. Neighbourhood Plan. a. The Parish Council resolved to dissolve the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) and decided that a decision on a revised Committee structure would be deferred until a later meeting. b. Cllr. Leeder stated that he had sent a copy of a revised Neighbourhood Plan document annotated with his proposed changes and comments. He invited all councillors to examine the document and to send him their comments. He stated that the correct approach must be to ensure that the assertions and conclusions stated in the document are evidence based and are not simply speculative comments. Cllr. J Adcock handed a CD containing the original draft Neighbourhood Plan that she had acquired from the (ex) Chairman of the NPSG to Cllr. Leeder. Cllr. Leeder and councillors acknowledged the correspondence received from Chris Brown and Nigel Honer in respect of the NPSG and Cllr. Leeder explained that he had responded to that correspondence. 9. Westwood Road Safety/Community Speed Watch (CSW). Cllr. Wheals reported the following (shown in italics): The team went out on 6 separate occasions for a total of 6.5hrs over a 2-week period in August. The total number of vehicles recorded was 942 of which 91 were speeding. Sixty-nine vehicles we speeding at between 25 and 29mph and 22 were speeding at 30 mph or more. These averages conceal a wide variation in driver behaviour by location and time of day. For example, during one morning rush hour only one driver out of 98 was speeding yet on another evening rush hour 24% of drivers entering the village from the west were speeding. This value is one of the highest we have seen and may reflect the lower traffic density found during the school holidays. 10. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. a. Cllr. Johnston reported that the chain around the Remembrance Plot was broken and required repairing or replacing. The Clerk was asked to request Mr Downes to take the necessary action. b. The Chairman and councillors reported that they had observed a total of four dead trees in the cemetery and following a discussion on possible action, the Council resolved not to take any action at present but to keep the situation under review. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus. 15/11456/OUT Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Elms Cross Stables, Elms Cross

Variation of Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 of 15/05497/FUL


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Cross Guns Inn Avoncliff

Retrospective application for the refurbishment of existing garden terraces.



Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



106a Cottles Garden, Lye Green

Detached double garage, single storey extension and internal alterations.



Magdalen Farm, Rowden Lane, BA15 2AB

Retention of temporary log cabin approved under W/11/03319/FUL as a permanent workers dwelling.


b. There were no planning applications received after 29 August 2017, although the Chairman tabled planning application 17/07282 (21 Bobbin Lane) that the Clerk had sent to all councillors (via email) for comment thus: 17/07282/FUL 21 Bobbin Lane BA15 2DL Single storey rear extension

NEW The Council examined this application and resolved that it had no objection to the proposed development. c. There was a discussion on the Wiltshire Council Settlement Boundary/Housing Strategy Consultation and its implications for Westwood. The Council resolved that it had no comments to make in respect of the consultation. d. The Clerk advised the Parish Council that Wiltshire Council was no longer sending out paper copies of planning applications to Parish Councils for comment and that the access to such applications was now via the planning portal on the Wiltshire website. The Clerk stated that he would ask the webmaster to put a link on the Parish Council website to this planning portal. Councillors observed that internet access at the Parish Room and the purchase of IT related equipment for the Parish Council to use (e.g. a projector/screen) would enable the Parish Council and others to embrace the move to a paperless environment. The Clerk was asked to place this subject on the Agenda for the next meeting. The Clerk commented that Wiltshire Council Enforcement Team had taken action in respect of the Tea Room at Fieldgate House and Manor Cottage, Farleigh Lane. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position thus: Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 13,178.99 31-Jul-17

Credits (1 August 2017 to 31 August 2017): HMRC PAYE Month 3 £ 95.80 HMRC PAYE Month 4 £ 105.20

Total: £ 201.00

Debits (1 August 2017 to 31 August 2017): Clerk's Salary (July) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Clerk's Back Pay (1/5/17 to 31/8/17) £ 46.95

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Clerk's Expenses (June) £ 3.57 Clerk's Expenses (July) £ 2.85 HMRC PAYE Month 3 £ 95.80 HMRC PAYE Month 4 £ 105.20 The Print Centre £ 52.55 Kedel Ltd £ 148.89 XYZ Web Ltd £ 62.50 D Downes £ 490.00 A Wheals £ 14.26

Total: £ 1,501.57

Balance at 31 August 2017 £ 11,878.42

Credits (1 September 2017 to 4 September 2017): None £ -

Total: £ -

Debits (1 September 2017 to 4 September 2017): Clerk's Salary (August) - Standing Order £ 494.65

Total: £ 494.65

Balance at 4 September 2017 £ 11,383.77

Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,342.47 31-Jul-17

Credits: 09/06/2017 (Approx) £ 0.10

Total: £ 0.10 Debits: None £ -

Total: £ -

Balance at 4 September 2017 £ 2,342.57

National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63

Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53

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Debits: None £ -

Balance at 4 September 2017: £ 6,954.16

Total Funds at 4 September 2017 £ 20,680.50

Payments to be authorised 4 August 2017 Clerk's Salary (September 2017) SCP24 £ 494.65 Clerk's Expenses (August 2017) Approx £ 4.23 HMRC PAYE Month 5 £ 98.90 D Downes TBA

TOTAL: £ 597.78 b. The Council noted that the Internal Auditor was undertaking a review of the Financial Regulations. c. The Council resolved to accept the quotation of £270 from Mr Downes to prune the Windyridge/Playing Field hedge that runs alongside 47 Bobbin Lane rear garden. d. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement including a payment of £476 to Mr Downes. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Steward continues to undertake tasks within the village and that he is very thorough in his approach. Councillors reported a number of matters to be added to the schedule for the Parish Steward including various potholes, the need to stabilise the Lower Westwood road near to Iford Fields, the verge at 130 Upper Westwood and to add scalpings to the edges of Avoncliff Lane. Councillors also reported a number of street light defects. b. The Council noted the correspondence from an Avoncliff parishioner that ‘No Parking/Passing Place’ signs needed to be erected in the two ‘laybys’ on Avoncliff lane to deter vehicles from parking in those spaces causing an obstruction. The Council resolved to donate £50 to the Avoncliff Community Group for the purchase of those signs and noted that they were to be erected on private land adjacent to the ‘laybys’ and not on the highway. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Wheals stated that the Horse Chestnut tree overhanging one of the gardens in Chestnut Grove has been trimmed back, as requested, to the wall and although it was possible to prune up to about 6 metres, about half of the debris fell back into the garden. The Council thanked Cllr. Wheals for undertaking this work. b. Cllr. Wheals reported the following (shown in italics): The play equipment has been inspected and is sound and safe. An additional six partly broken slats have been replaced in the fence making a total of 16 replacement slats. There is a small worn patch in the matting near the edge of the play area which we need to consider repairing if that is possible. If not we will think of other creative ways to make it safer. It is a warning that the play area and equipment have been there for about 24 years and will not last indefinitely. Plans need to be in place soon about the longer term future of the play area. Cllr. Wheals tabled information regarding the repair of the roundabout (1.8m high Rotating Play Web) that he had received from Tayplay Ltd. The cost of the Replacement Nylon Collar Set is £355 plus £13.50 delivery. The Council resolved that this item be purchased to enable the roundabout to be repaired and to be fully operational. The Clerk was asked to contact Tayplay and to place the order. c. The Council resolved that the dead cherry tree is to be felled including stump grinding at a cost of £240. The Clerk stated that he would inform Acer Tree Ltd (Nick Cranston) accordingly. d. This Agenda item was addressed earlier in the meeting. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston stated that there was nothing significant to report.

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b. Cllr. Leeder stated that there was dead tree that needed clearing on Path 29. 11. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Councillors noted that the next Area Board meeting is to be held on 13 September at Westwood Social Club. 12. Dates of Meetings. Councillors noted the dates of the next Parish Council Meetings:

• 2 October 2017 and 6 November 2017 - Ordinary PC Meetings. 13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: Cllr. J Adcock:

• Bradford on Avon Campaign (Dementia Awareness) – Use of Black/Dark Coloured mats to be avoided.

Cllr. Johnston: • The untidy state of the grass and gardens at the (new) Selwood Housing properties. Cllr. Kidney is

to send the Clerk details of who to contact at Selwood Housing. Cllr. Bishop:

• Parish Room Opening Reception – 9 September at 12.30pm. • Dorothy House information to be included in the Westwood Update (not Website). • Wiltshire Council Briefing Note – Disabled Parking Bays.

Clerk: • Mobile Library Consultation (ends 4 November 2017).

The meeting concluded at 1005hrs. Chairman 2 October 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 4 September 2017

Action 1 (4/9/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 2 (4/9/17) Clerk. To send comments to WC – Planning application. Action 3 (4/9/17) Cllr. J Adcock. To advise Parish Steward of new tasks. Action 4 (4/9/17) Clerk. To place order for the roundabout (Play Area) replacement part.

Action 5 (4/9/17) Clerk. To ask Mr Downes to prune the Playing Field/Bobbin Lane hedge. Action 6 (4/9/17) Clerk. To ask Acer Tree Ltd to fell dead cherry tree in Westwood Park.

Action 7 (4/9/17) All Cllrs. To examine Neighbourhood Plan document and send comments to Cllr. Leeder.

Action 8 (4/9/17) Clerk. To send PC comments on Settlement Boundaries to Wiltshire Council.

Action 9 (4/9/17) Clerk. To ask Mr Downes to repair/replace Remembrance Plot chain. Action 10 (4/9/17) Clerk. To contact Selwood House – grass cutting at new properties. Action 11 (4/9/17) Clerk. To contact webmaster – add link to WC planning portal.

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2055 Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held

at the Parish Room, Farleigh Lane, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 2 October 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. T Leeder Cllr. G Mumford Cllr P Phillips Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. J Kidney attended. PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team attended (Part-time). There were thirty-one members of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Parish Councillors D Adcock, J Adcock and A Wheals. 3. Declaration of Interests. Cllr. Mumford declared an interest in Planning application17/08216/FUL. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 4 September 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. Wiltshire Council Cllr. Kidney gave a brief report on the following topics:

• A new Waste/Recycling contact has been let which means that the Trowbridge Recycling Centre will be closed 13 – 26 November for changes to be effected.

• A Wiltshire Consultation on a 10 year Waste & Recycling Policy – Consultation closes 14 November.

• The Bradford on Avon Neighbourhood Plan Referendum resulted in a ‘Turn out’ of 33% with an overwhelming 94% in support of the Plan.

• The Mobile Library Consultation. Westwood is affected and the consultation ends on 4 November. • The next Area Board meeting is to be held on 22 November at St Margarets Hall and the next

CATG Meeting is on 13 November at County Hall. • Car Parking Charges Consultation with any increase in charges to be directed towards funding Bus

Services. Car Parking charges were last raised in 2011. • Wiltshire Council initiative – ‘Clean-up Wiltshire’. Fly-tipping is to be addressed initially.

The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. The Clerk read out that part of the report relating to ‘Local Crimes’ at the meeting (shown in italics): The month of September saw 27 crimes reported across Bradford on Avon Rural which is around 6 crimes higher than predicted for that month. These mainly feature under the heading of Theft, which would include Burglary offences. No one crime type though was higher than predicted to the extent that it was

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classed as an exception. CPT has put a lot of work in to the targeting of our repeat offenders and suspects, and this has been complimented and pushed forward even further by the ongoing work of our Tasking Team. The Clerk stated that he would request that the full report is is shown on the Westwood Parish website in future. b. Councillors commented that the current Community Policing model appeared to be ineffective in providing engagement with the community and that the hitherto regular presence of a member of the Community Policing Team in the Parish or at a Parish Council meeting was now a rarity. The Clerk was asked to write to the Chief Constable, copy to the Police and Crime Commissioner, pointing out these shortcomings, the value the community places on the Community Policing Team and asking how the situation is to be remedied in the future. 7. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr. Leeder explained the current position with respect to the Neighbourhood Plan. He stated that he had examined the documents and other media sent to him from the now defunct Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group (NPSG) and that he had received offers of help from the previous members of the NPSG that he would be pleased to accept. He invited parish councillors to send him any comments that may have on the existing draft plan and his proposed way of re-drafting it. He re-emphasized that the conclusions of the plan must be evidence based and not simply assertions and that he was keen to identify the key issues and to achieve’ buy in’ from the Westwood community following appropriate wide consultation using a well-directed questionnaire. Cllr. Munford expressed his support for this approach and requested that as much as possible of the original draft plan be retained and that it may be helpful to constitute a new NPSG to drive the development of the plan and to assist in arriving at those conclusions. The Council supported the approach being adopted by Cllr. Leeder. Cllr. Leeder stated that he intended to have a revised draft Neighbourhood Plan available by the New Year. 8. Community Speed Watch (CSW)/Westwood Road Safety There was nothing to report from the Community Speed Watch Team Leader. Cllr. Mumford enquired whether CSW could be utilised on the Upper Westwood Road. Cllrs. Phillips and Johnston explained that this had been considered previously but the lack of traffic, the presence of parked cars resulting in a natural slowing of traffic and the inability to identify suitable positions for the CSW Team meant that it had been deemed unsuitable for a CSW area. 9. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. a. There was nothing to report. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus. 15/11456/OUT Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Elms Cross Stables, Elms Cross

Variation of Conditions 2, 4, 6, 7 & 8 of 15/05497/FUL



Cross Guns Inn Avoncliff

Retrospective application for the refurbishment of existing garden terraces.



Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



106a Cottles Garden, Lye Green

Detached double garage, single storey extension and internal alterations.



Magdalen Farm, Rowden Lane, BA15 2AB

Retention of temporary log cabin approved under W/11/03319/FUL as a permanent workers dwelling.


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21 Bobbin Lane BA15 2DL Single storey rear extension

Approved b. The Council examined the following planning applications and resolved to send the comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics): 17/08184/OUT Katie Yeoman

Hudds Farm Westwood Road Erection of equestrian workers dwelling NEW

The Council has no comment in respect of this planning application.


Weavers Mill Avoncliff

Modification of existing weir structure (sluice gate) & installation of a kaplan hydro-power turbine with housing structure, fish pass, fish by-wash, and an eel pass


The Clerk confirmed that all comments sent to the Parish Council by parishioners in respect of this application had been forwarded to all councillors prior to this meeting. The Council supports this proposed development provided strict and enforceable measures are put in place to manage and control construction traffic using Avoncliff Hill (C6097 road) or the River Avon as delivery routes for the proposed development. The Avoncliff Hill (C6097 road) is particularly narrow and very steep in places. Disruption to the local community by construction traffic could be very significant.


Land North of 146 Upper Westwood

Provision of two self-contained camping pods with parking, change of use of land to leisure / tourism.(Resubmission of 17/02852/FUL).


The Clerk confirmed that all comments sent to the Parish Council by parishioners in respect of this application had been forwarded to all councillors prior to this meeting. Cllr. Mumford withdrew from the meeting prior to any discussion relating to this planning application.. The Council objects to this proposed development for the reasons as stated before in relation to the earlier, similar, planning application 17/02852/FUL, that is: This proposed development and change of use are contrary to the adopted Wiltshire Core Strategy (especially Core Policies 39 and 51) and the National Planning Policy Framework (especially Section 9 – Protecting Green Belt Land and Section 11 – Conserving and Enhancing the Natural Environment). The proposed development site is in the West Wiltshire Green Belt, it is designated an Area of Outstanding Beauty, of High Ecological Value and is directly adjacent to the Westwood Conservation Area. These protections must be respected. The proposed development site is highly visible throughout the Limpley Stoke Valley and the proposed development would represent an alien intrusion into a hitherto rural landscape. Highway access to the proposed site is severely restricted and wholly unsuitable for such a development. This proposed development and change of use will result in a severe loss of amenity for the neighbouring residential area and an irrevocable loss of, and a severe impact to, the character and appearance of the landscape. The Council resolved to request Cllr. Kidney to ‘call-in’ this application if the Planning Officer was minded to approve it under delegated powers. Cllr. Mumford re-joined the meeting. c. The following planning application was received after 25 September and the Council resolved to send comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):

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17/09076/VAR Avon Villa, Avoncliff

Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 16/04359/FUL (Demolition of existing blockwork extension and erection of new timber clad extension. External alterations to the main dwelling.) to allow for alterations to the bat roost mitigation


The Council has no comment in respect of this planning application. d. There were no other matters reported. Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position at 2 October 2017 thus: Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 12,007.73 31-Aug-17

Credits (1 September 2017 to 30 September 2017): Wiltshire Council Precept (Part) £ 11,825.00 HMRC PAYE Month 5 £ 98.90

Total: £ 11,923.90

Debits (1 September 2017 to 30 September 2017): Clerk's Salary (August) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Clerk's Back Pay (1/9/17 to 30/9/17) £ 15.65 Clerk's Expenses (Aug) £ 4.23 The Print Centre (090/17) £ 52.55 HMRC PAYE Month 5 £ 95.80 XYZ Web Ltd £ 62.50 D Downes £ 476.00 The Print Centre (122/17) £ 52.55 Westwood Parish Room Hire £ 216.00 Tayplay £ 442.20

Total: £ 1,896.48

Balance at 30 September 2017 £ 22,035.15

Credits (1 October 2017 to 2 October 2017): None £ -

Total: £ -

Debits (1 October 2017 to 2 October 2017): Clerk's Salary (August) - Standing Order £ 479.00

Total: £ 479.00

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Balance at 2 October 2017 £ 21,556.15

Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,342.47 31-Jul-17

Credits: 09/08/2017 (Approx) £ 0.10 09/09/2017 (Approx) £ 0.09

Total: £ 0.19 Debits: None £ -

Total: £ -

Balance at 2 October 2017 £ 2,342.66

National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63

Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53

Debits: None £ -

Balance at 2 October 2017: £ 6,954.16

Total Funds at 2 October 2017 £ 30,852.97

Payments to be authorised 2 October 2017 Clerk's Salary (October 2017) SCP24 £ 494.65 Clerk's Expenses (September 2017) Approx £ 6.74 HMRC PAYE Month 6 £ 98.80 J Taylor - Finance Review £ 100.00 A Wheals (CSW) £ 5.27 RoSPA Safety Inspection £ 84.00 Grant Thornton (Audit Fee) £ 240.00 XYZ Web Ltd £ 25.00 D Downes TBA Avoncliff Community Group £ 50.00 Westwood School Radio Project (Payee - TBA) £ 1,000.00

TOTAL: £ 2,104.46

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b. The Clerk reported that he had received the completed Annual Return for FY2016/17 from the External Auditor, Grant Thornton, confirming that all matters were satisfactory and added that there were no matters that had to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council except for two minor comments. These comments were noted by the Council. He presented the Annual Return to the Chairman and Council to confirm this fact. On behalf of the Parish Council, the Chairman and the Council thanked the Clerk for his conscientiousness. c. The Council noted that the Internal Auditor had completed the Financial Governance and Accountability Review and the Clerk stated that his report has been sent to the Chairman and will be circulated to all councillors. He added that he was pleased to report that current practices were very much in accordance with Government requirements and that he would place this item on the Agenda for the next meeting. d. Cllr. Johnston stated that she would contact the Trustees of the Parish Room and enquire whether they supported the introduction of internet access at the Parish Room noting that the Parish Council may be prepared to fund it. Cllr. Leeder suggested that the National Trust should also be consulted. e. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement including a payment of £14.55 to Cllr. Phillips for items bought to complete the Lyefield Lane Bench Seat repair and a payment of £740 to Mr Downes. Environmental. a. In the absence of Cllr. J Adcock, no report was given although she had previously informed the Clerk that there were no specific items requiring attention. b. Cllr. Phillips reported that the Parish Steward had cleared the roadside drains at Upper Westwood road. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Phillips reported the following on behalf of the Open Spaces Working Group:

• The hedge bordering the car park has been cut. Clearing up will continue. • The street light near the Play Area is not working again • The Lyfield Lane seat is fully functional again. The original wooden slats (that were

removed some time ago) have been replaced with plastic ones. Being set very low, the use of coach bolt fixings of the two back slats of the seat was not possible so alternative fixings have been used. The base slat supports were originally unevenly aligned - and this gives the sinuous effect to the slats.

b. Cllr. Phillips reported the following on behalf of the Open Spaces Working Group:

• The Park and Play equipment are safe and sound. • A satisfactory ROSPA report has been received for the play equipment. • The apple crop (together with the horse chestnuts) has been high this year and has

made a mess over the south end of the main pathway. Some apples were collected and left in the field hedge to compost down.

• Complaints have been received from a parishioner regarding a group of boys (unidentified but possibly from the village) using the apples as balls and hitting them into the play area. Chewing gum been smeared on the swings and climbing frame.

• The replacement parts for the 'Cone Climber' have arrived and should be fitted later this week (weather permitting)

c. Cllr. Johnston reported that the meeting with The Woodland Trust had taken place and she gave a brief summary of proceedings. She reported that The Woodland Trust is pursuing its interest in acquiring Avoncliff Woods and it had been established that Avoncliff Woods was an ancient woodland dating back to the C16th.

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Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston stated that the metal barrier at the top of Path 26 had been removed but she had recovered it and with her husband’s assistance had replaced it to its original position. She commented that a new ‘No Cycling’ sign is required to deter cyclists from using this path. b. There was nothing significant to report. 10. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Councillors noted the dates of the next Area Board and CATG meetings – See Agenda item 5. 11. Mobile Library Consultation. The Council noted this consultation and the proposal that the Mobile Library would cease stopping at Westwood Post Office. The Council noted how little used the service was and that there were other ways of obtaining library books on hire and resolved that it had no comments to send to Wiltshire Council. 12. Dates of Meetings. Councillors noted the dates of the next Parish Council Meetings:

• 6 November 2017, 4 December 2017 and 8 January 2018 - Ordinary PC Meetings. 13. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: Clerk – Cotwolds Conservation Board literature (Passed to Cllr. Johnston). The meeting concluded at 1005hrs. Chairman 6 November 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 2 October 2017

Action 1 (2/10/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 2 (2/10/17) Clerk. To send comments to WC – Planning applications and ‘Call-in’ request. Action 3 (2/10/17) Cllr. J Adcock. To write to Chief Constable – Community Policing. Action 4 (2/10/17) Cllr. Johnston. To contact Parish Room Trustees – Provision of Internet access.

Action 7 (2/10/17) All Cllrs. To examine Neighbourhood Plan document and send comments to Cllr. Leeder.

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2063 Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held

at the Parish Room, Farleigh Lane, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 6 November 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. T Leeder Cllr. G Mumford Cllr P Phillips Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk There were five members of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Wiltshire Council, Cllr. J Kidney and PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 2 October 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. In his absence, Wiltshire Council Cllr. Kidney had sent a written report to the Clerk that had been sent to all councillors. This report is shown below (in italics): Westwood Parish Council – Wiltshire Councillor’s report, November 2017 Reminder about Household recycling centres. The Trowbridge centre will be closed between the 13th and 26th November. This is for improvements to the site layout to be carried out as well as the installation of new containers and services. Also a reminder about consultation running to help shape a ten-year strategy on how Wilts Council collects and manages household waste and recycling. It is live on the Wilts Council website and runs until 14th Nov. Reminder of the Clean up Wilts Campaign. The countywide campaign has three phases: • Fly-tipping raising awareness of the penalties and consequences Autumn 2017 • Fast-food, on the go littering (and the provision of sponsored bags for life) roadshow and distribution of bags February 2018 • Community litter picks and clean-up of local hot spots March 2018 Businesses being encouraged to get involved to sponsor community clean ups and provide equipment. More information at http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/cleanupwilts A reminder that Wiltshire Council will be consulting on a review of car parking charges with a view to increasing charges in Wilts Council car parks to generate additional funding for rural bus services. Charges have remained relatively unchanged since 2011. The proposals were considered and approved at Cabinet on 12 Sept, and consultation is now live and runs until 23rd Nov 201

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Wiltshire Council is promoting Public Health England and NHS’s Stay Well This Winter campaign. The campaign aims help the most vulnerable people prepare for winter and avoid having to visit hospital due to common winter illnesses. More information at https://www.nhs.uk/staywell The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. This report was a general report with no content specific to Westwood. b. There were no matters reported that needed to be brought to the attention of the CPT. 7. Community Speed Watch (CSW)/Westwood Road Safety Cllr. Wheals reported the following (shown in italics):

Community Speedwatch (CSW) 28 Members of the CSW team went out on five occasions between 9th and 18th October for a total of 6.5

hrs that included morning, lunchtime and afternoon periods. A total of 985 vehicles were monitored along the Lower Westwood Road of which 83 were speeding (8.4%). Of these 72 (7.3%) were speeding at between 25mph and 29mph and 11 (1.1%) were speeding at 30mph or more. These values are typical and within the normal range of speeds. They reflect the continued reduction in recorded speeding since CSW started.

8. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. The Clerk reported that a Remembrance Plot had been reserved by a parishioner and that a burial had recently taken place. He added that the appropriate fees had been paid and credited to the Westwood Parish Council Bank account. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus. 15/11456/OUT

Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Cross Guns Inn Avoncliff

Retrospective application for the refurbishment of existing garden terraces.



Fieldgate House, 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



106a Cottles Garden, Lye Green, Upper Westwood

Detached double garage, single storey extension and internal alterations.



Magdalen Farm, Rowden Lane, BA15 2AB

Retention of temporary log cabin approved under W/11/03319/FUL as a permanent workers dwelling.



Hudds Farm Westwood Road Erection of equestrian workers dwelling Pending


Weavers Mill Avoncliff

Modification of existing weir structure (sluice gate) & installation of a kaplan hydro-power turbine with housing structure, fish pass, fish by-wash, and an eel pass


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Land North of 146 Upper Westwood

Provision of two self-contained camping pods with parking, change of use of land to leisure / tourism.(Resubmission of 17/02852/FUL).

Pending Planning Committee


Avon Villa, Avoncliff

Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 16/04359/FUL (Demolition of existing blockwork extension and erection of new timber clad extension. External alterations to the main dwelling.) to allow for alterations to the bat roost mitigation


b. The Council examined the following planning applications and resolved to send the comments to Wiltshire Council as shown (in italics):


Avon Villa, Avoncliff

Single dormer window to loft space. Installation of solar panels to flat roof. Timber cladding to existing garage. Provision of Car Port.


The Parish Council objects to this proposed development. The dormer window is totally out of character with the existing building and represents an alien feature. It should be removed.


Land at Ashlers, 130 Upper Westwood

Conversion of a former agricultural building to a dwelling


The Parish Council supports this proposed development subject to the provision of adequate vehicle parking space for both properties.


Land at Ashlers, 130 Upper Westwood

Alterations to facilitate the conversion of a former agricultural building to a dwelling


The Parish Council has no comment in relation to this Listed Building Consent application and requests that it is passed to the Conservation Officer for comment. Planning application 17/09798/TCA – The Old Vicarage (Work to Trees). The Parish Council resolved that it had no objections to these proposed tree works. c. There were no planning applications received after 31 October 2017. d. The Council noted BANES Planning application 17/05070/FUL (Helipad at Hinton House) and resolved that it had no objections to this proposed development subject to it being sympathetic to the recommendations of any ecological report, with particular reference to bats. e. Weavers Mill. The Council noted that it had received further representations in respect of planning application 17/08482/FUL (Weavers Mill) and that these comments had been sent to all councillors. A discussion was held regarding the various representations received. It was clear to the councillors present that there were a number of technical issues addressed that were outwith the knowledge and experience of the Council. The Council resolved that the following additional comments be sent to Wiltshire Council in respect of this planning application (shown in italics): The Parish Council maintains its support for this proposed development but recognises that some technical issues are beyond the experience/knowledge of the Parish Council and the Parish Council will rely on the ability of the Planning Officer, advised as necessary by technical experts, to address these technical issues and to make a well-considered determination of this planning application.

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Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position at 6 November 2017 thus: Lloyds A/C 1643417

Bank Statement £ 22,100.25 30-Sep-17

Credits (1 October 2017 to 31 October 2017): I Richardson (Cemetery) £ 220.00 Westwood FC £ 36.00 HMRC PAYE Month 6 £ 98.80

Total: £ 354.80

Debits (1 October 2017 to 31 October 2017): Clerk's Salary (September) - Standing Order £ 479.00 Clerk's Back Pay (1/8/17 to 30/9/17) £ 31.30 Clerk's Expenses (Sept) £ 6.74 J Taylor (Finance Review) £ 100.00 HMRC PAYE Month 6 £ 98.80 XYZ Web Ltd £ 81.25 A Wheals £ 5.27 D Downes £ 740.00 PlaySafety (RosPA) £ 84.00 Avoncliff Community Group £ 50.00 Westwood School Radio £ 1,000.00 P Phillips (Seat Repair) £ 14.55

Total: £ 2,690.91

Balance at 31 October 2017 £ 19,764.14

Credits (1 November 2017 to 6 November 2017): Cemetery Fee (Padfield) £ 120.00

Total: £ 120.00

Debits (1 November 2017 to 6 November 2017): Clerk's Salary (October) - Standing Order £

Total: £ 494.65

Balance at 6 November 2017 £ 19,389.49

Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,342.47 31-Jul-17

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Credits: 09/08/2017 (Approx) £ 0.10 09/09/2017 (Approx) £ 0.09 09/10/2017 (Approx) £ 0.12

Total: £ 0.31 Debits: None £ -

Total: £ -

Balance at 6 November 2017 £ 2,342.78

National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63

Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53

Debits: None £ -

Balance at 6 November 2017: £ 6,954.16

Total Funds at 6 November 2017 £ 28,686.43

Payments to be authorised 6 November 2017 Clerk's Salary (November 2017) SCP24 £ 494.65 Clerk's Expenses (October 2017) £ 24.82 HMRC PAYE Month 7 £ 99.00 The Print Centre £ 57.03 A Wheals (CSW) £ 5.27 Grant Thornton Audit Fee £ 240.00 D Downes £ 490.00

TOTAL: £ 1410.77 b. The Clerk stated that he had sent all councillors a copy of the Financial Forecast at 31 October 2017 for examination. This Financial Forecast is shown below:

FINANCIAL FORECAST at 31 OCTOBER 2017 - Westwood Parish Council (Includes all Payments and Receipts at 31 October 2017)

ITEM AGREED Actuals Estimated (Description) BUDGET FY16/17 FY16/17

FY2017/18 at 31/10/17 At 31/3/17 Income: Precept 23650 23650 23650

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Grant 0 0 0 Interest NSC 45 0 45 Interest Res 3 1 3 Cemetery Fees 500 220 500 Lettings 0 36 126 Misc (Defibrillator) 0 0 0 VAT Refund 500 0 461 Total Income 24698 23907 24785

Expenditure: Clerk Salary 5635 3743 6091 Expenses 250 50 175 Office Allowance 200 0 200 Solicitors Fees 0 0 0 Chairman 0 0 0 Hire Hall 480 376 376 Audit 240 220 220 Subscriptions 0 0 0 Insurance 1192 794 794 Community (Section 137)

Newsletter 750 432 750 Handyman 1500 95 1000 Donations 250 1235 1235

Website 750 56 450 Open Spaces 4000 2786 4000 Cemetery 2500 1333 2500 Footpaths 50 0 50 Football Field Maintenance 110 0 110 Defibrillator 0 0 0 Elections 2750 0 2750 Misc. (eg. CSW) 75 188 200

20732 11308 20901 Capital Expenditure: Avoncliff Carpark 0 0 0 Parish Room Donation 0 0 0 Road Safety Measures 0 0 0 Playground Equipment 500 0 500 New Trees 0 0 0 Notice Boards 100 0 100 Westwood Stores/PO Path 0 0 0 Neighbourhood Plan 2000 0 0 Ex-WC Functions 0 0 0 Nursery School 0 0 0

2600 0 600 Total Expenditure 23332 11308 21351

Net Income 1366 3,434

Balance B/F (31/3/17) as per FY2016/17 Annual Return: £ 15,880.25 Forecast Balance C/F at 31 March 2018: £ 19,164.25

The Council noted the Financial Forecast and resolved that no action need be taken. c. The Council noted that the Internal Auditor had completed the Financial Governance and Accountability Review and the Clerk stated that his report has been sent to the Chairman and had been circulated to councillors. He added that he was pleased to report that current practices were very much in accordance with Government requirements. The Parish Council noted the recommendations contained within the Financial Review and Governance

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Report produced by the Internal Auditor and resolved that the ‘Recommended Amendments to the Financial Regulations’, detailed at Page 6 be incorporated in a revised version of the Financial Regulations and the practices detailed therein be implemented forthwith. d. Cllr. Johnston stated that she would contact the Trustees of the Parish Room and enquire whether they supported the introduction of internet access at the Parish Room noting that the Parish Council may be prepared to fund it. e. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement. The Clerk stated that a parishioner had indicated that he wished to donate a mower to the Parish Council. The Council considered this offer but resolved that it would be refused. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Steward had conscientiously undertaken a wide range of tasks within the Parish – many of them at his own initiative. The Council expressed its gratitude to the Parish Steward. Cllr. J Adcock commented that there is now a new ‘tasking and reporting’ process in operation involving a revised spreadsheet and this new system allowed greater visibility of the tasks undertaken. She read out the list of tasks recently undertaken by the Parish Steward. Cllr. J Adcock reported that a parishioner had stated that some existing street signs required cleaning/refurbishment and she would pass this task on to the Parish Steward. b. The Council noted a request from a parishioner for a free parking bay to be made available at the Avoncliff Car Park for ‘blue badge’ holders. The Council considered this request but decided that such facilities already exist at Avoncliff and to take no further action. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Wheals reported the following on behalf of the Open Spaces Working Group: Westwood Park - The Central Path. Despite efforts last year to reduce the growth of grass in the path (using a tar-based paint) it seems to be as bad as ever. If we want to ensure the path has an even longer life - it is now over 30 years old - we need to consider getting professional help. This may mean finding and paying for an expert company to deal with this issue and repair those parts of the surface that will make them more robust against future wear and tear and growth of grass. We estimate that, excluding the edges of the path where they meet the soil, only 1-2% of the surface area of the path is affected. The Council requested Cllr. J Adcock to investigate whether the Parish Steward could undertake the repair of the path. b. Cllr. Wheals reported the following on behalf of the Open Spaces Working Group: Westwood Park - Play Area. The play area and equipment has been checked and is safe. A bolt with a hexagonal recessed fitting had been removed from one of the rear panels on the play equipment tower. This had not materially affected the safety of the play equipment but the bolt has been replaced with a different bolt that has an additional security feature preventing its casual removal. Cllr Philips has repaired the gate into the Play Area that had been damaged. The other play equipment is old but sound. According to the recent external assessment it is also safe. Grass has, as usual, started to grow over the safety matting in the play area; it will be pushed back during the winter. The tree overhanging the roundabout has started to shed its leaves. They will be cleared once leaf fall has finished. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston stated that the metal barrier at the top of Path 26 that had been removed for a second time had been recovered it and it was now back in its original position. Cllr. Leader suggested that the barrier should now be secured to its base thereby preventing it being removed again and that the use of an epoxy resin may be suitable. The Chairman stated that he would investigate this proposed solution. Cllr. Johnston commented that a new ‘No Cycling’ sign is required to deter cyclists from using this path.

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b. There was nothing significant to report. 9. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Councillors noted the dates of the next Area Board and CATG meetings: Bradford on Avon Area Board: 22 November 2017. Cllrs D and J Adcock stated that they would attend and Cllr. Bishop added that he would also attend if available. Bradford on Avon Community Area Transport Group: 13 November 2017. 10. Dates of Meetings. a. Councillors noted the dates of the next Parish Council Meetings:

• 4 December 2017, 8 January 2018, 5 February 2018 - Ordinary PC Meetings. b. Councillors supported the proposal that light refreshments (tea/coffee/biscuits) are made available at Parish Council meetings for all attendees (councillors and public). 11. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: Cllr. Mumford – It is likely that in the medium term the existing play equipment in Westwood Park will need replacing and that it would be sensible to build up a fund to provide the finance for any new equipment. Councillors agreed with this suggestion and the Chairman stated that it should be addressed at the FY2018/19 Budget meeting in January 2018. Cllr. Leader – He has met with a member of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group to discuss taking the Plan forward and it would appear that the original work of the NPSG had foundered as a result of a difference of view regarding development in the village between the Chairman of the NPSG and other members of the NPSG. He added that he was intending to have discussions with other past members of the NPSG. Clerk – Cotswold Conservation Board request for a new member. The meeting concluded at 9.45hrs. Chairman 4 December 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 6 November 2017

Action 1 (6/11/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 2 (6/11/17) Clerk. To send comments to WC – Planning applications. Action 3 (6/11/17) Clerk. To amend the Financial Regulations. Action 4 (6/11/17) Cllr. J Adcock To advise the Parish Steward of new tasks, including Westwood Park path. Action 5 (6/11/17) Cllr. Johnston. To contact Parish Room Trustees – Provision of Internet access.

Action 6 (6/11/17) Cllr. Bishop. To examine means of permanently fixing the barrier at Path 26.

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2072 Minutes of the meeting of Westwood Parish Council held

at the Parish Room, Farleigh Lane, Westwood at 7.30pm on Monday 4 December 2017

Present Cllr. J Bishop (Chairman) Cllr. J Johnston Cllr. D Adcock Cllr. J Adcock Cllr. T Leeder Cllr. G Mumford Cllr. A Wheals Mr. R Coleman Clerk Wiltshire Council, Cllr. J Kidney attended. There was one member of the public present initially. 1. Welcome and Introductions. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. 2. Apologies. Apologies for non-attendance were received from Parish Councillor Cllr P Phillips and PCSO Andrew MacLachlan of the Community Policing Team. 3. Declaration of Interests. There were no interests declared. 4. Minutes of Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held on 6 November 2017. The Council resolved that the minutes of this meeting were a true and accurate record. The Chairman signed the minutes. 5. Adjournment. The Chairman adjourned the meeting for members of the public to raise any points of interest. Wiltshire Council Cllr. Kidney addressed the following topics:

• Wiltshire Local Plan Review: Consultation Paper. • Dementia Friendly Bradford on Avon. • Wiltshire Council FY2018/19 Budget. • Iford Hill – Street Lights.

The meeting was then reconvened. 6. Community Policing Team (CPT). a. PCSO MacLachlan had sent a written report to the Clerk prior to the meeting that the Clerk had sent to all councillors. This report was a general report with no content specific to Westwood. b. There were no matters reported that needed to be brought to the attention of the CPT. 7. Community Speed Watch (CSW)/Westwood Road Safety a. Cllr. Wheals stated that CSW has recommenced in Westwood and would continue for the next two weeks. b. The Council noted the correspondence from a parishioner regarding a reduced speed limit on the C216 Elms Cross road and it requested the Clerk to ask Wiltshire Council to undertake a metrocount on that stretch of the road in order to obtain data regarding the flow and speed of vehicles using that road. The Clerk was asked to advise the parishioner of the action taken.

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8. Working Groups – Working Group Reports. Cemetery. The Clerk reported that there had been two recent interments of ashes in the Remembrance Plot and that the appropriate fees had been paid and credited to the Westwood Parish Council Bank account. Cllr. Johnston reported that the chain that demarcates the Remembrance Garden had not been repaired. The Clerk stated that he would contact Mr Downes. Planning. a. The Council noted the status of extant planning applications thus. 15/11456/OUT

Land at Iford Lane, Iford New dwelling (Revised Plans) Pending


Cross Guns Inn Avoncliff

Retrospective application for the refurbishment of existing garden terraces.



Fieldgate House, 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



Fieldgate House 49 Lower Westwood

Demolition, alteration and extension to existing building



106a Cottles Garden, Lye Green, Upper Westwood

Detached double garage, single storey extension and internal alterations.



Hudds Farm Westwood Road Erection of equestrian workers dwelling Pending


Weavers Mill Avoncliff

Modification of existing weir structure (sluice gate) & installation of a kaplan hydro-power turbine with housing structure, fish pass, fish by-wash, and an eel pass



Land North of 146 Upper Westwood

Provision of two self-contained camping pods with parking, change of use of land to leisure / tourism.(Resubmission of 17/02852/FUL).

Pending Planning Committee


Avon Villa, Avoncliff

Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 16/04359/FUL (Demolition of existing blockwork extension and erection of new timber clad extension. External alterations to the main dwelling.) to allow for alterations to the bat roost mitigation



Avon Villa, Avoncliff

Single dormer window to loft space. Installation of solar panels to flat roof. Timber cladding to existing garage. Provision of Car Port.



Land at Ashlers, 130 Upper Westwood

Conversion of a former agricultural building to a dwelling



Land at Ashlers, 130 Upper Westwood

Alterations to facilitate the conversion of a former agricultural building to a dwelling


b. There were no planning applications received after 27 November 2017. c. There were no other planning matters raised.

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Finance. a. The Clerk reported the current financial position at 4 December 2017 thus: Lloyds A/C 1643417 Bank Statement £ 19,866.86 31-Oct-17

Credits (1 November 2017 to 30 November 2017): Dignity Funerals (Padfield) £ 120.00 Westwood FC £ 54.00 CS Bowyer (Cooper) £ 120.00 HMRC PAYE Month 7 £ 99.00 Westwood United Football Club £ 18.00

Total: £ 411.00

Debits (1 November 2017 to 30 November 2017): Clerk's Salary (September) - Standing Order £ 494.65 Clerk's Expenses (Oct) £ 24.82 HMRC PAYE Month 7 £ 99.00 The Print Centre £ 57.03 A Wheals £ 5.27 D Downes £ 490.00

Grant Thornton £ 240.00

Avoncliff Community Group £ 50.00

J Taylor £ 100.00 Total: £ 1,560.77

Balance at 30 November 2017 £ 18,717.09

Credits (1 December 2017 to 4 December 2017): None £ -

Total: £ -

Debits (1 December 2017 to 4 December 2017): Clerk's Salary (November) - Standing Order £ 494.65

Total: £ 494.65

Balance at 4 December 2017 £ 18,222.44

Lloyds A/C 7573321 Bank Statement £ 2,342.77 30-Oct-17


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09/11/2017 (Approx) £ 0.09 Total: £ 0.09

Debits: None £ -

Total: £ -

Balance at 4 December 2017 £ 2,342.86

National Savings Account (Park Fund) Balance at 31 December 2016 £ 6,912.63

Credits: Interest 1/1/16 to 31/12/16: £ 41.53

Debits: None £ -

Balance at 4 December 2017: £ 6,954.16

Total Funds at 4 December 2017 £ 27,519.46

Payments to be authorised 4 December 2017 Clerk's Salary (December 2017) SCP24 £ 494.65 Clerk's Expenses (November 2017) £ 6.61 HMRC PAYE Month 8 £ 99.00 Fellowes Shredder (Shared) £ 48.00 Acer Tree Surgeons Ltd £ 288.00 XYZWeb Ltd £ 50.00 D Downes £ 532.00

TOTAL: £ 1,518.26 b. The Council resolved to adopt the Financial Regulations dated 6 November 2017 Issue 1. c. Cllr. Johnston stated that the Trustees of the Parish Room have not yet made a decision on whether they supported the introduction of internet access at the Parish Room. d. The Council resolved to make the payments shown under ‘Payments to be authorised’ on the Financial Statement. Environmental. a. Cllr. J Adcock stated that the Parish Steward continues to undertake a wide range of tasks within the Parish – many of them at his own initiative – and she read out the comprehensive list of tasks recently completed by the Parish Steward. Cllr. J Adcock was requested to ask the Parish Steward to check the various Grit Bins in the village and, if necessary, to request Wiltshire Council to replenish them.

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b. The Council noted a request from a parishioner that the redundant telephone kiosk at Lower Westwood be purchased by the Parish Council and that the parishioner and her colleagues wished to refurbish it and for it to be used as a Book Library. Following a brief discussion on the subject the Council resolved that the parishioner be invited to the next Parish Council meeting to present her proposals before any decision regarding its purchase is made. Open Spaces. a. Cllr. Wheals reported that following the Autumnal leaf fall, the Westwood Park path needed to be swept. b. Cllr. Wheals stated that all the play equipment was in good order although some of it was now showing its age. He commented that the Council should develop a costed plan for the replacement of some of the older equipment. The Chairman stated that this would be a subject for the January meeting when the Budget for FY2018/19 is to be agreed. Footpaths. a. Cllr. Johnston stated that there was nothing to report. b. Cllr. Mumford reported that a stile on Path 32 – roughly two fields down from the Jones Hill road – had been repaired with a steel girder that was proving an insurmountable barrier for some footpath users, especially those ascending the hill. Cllr. Johnston stated that she would investigate this report. 9. Bradford on Avon Area Board/Community Area Transport Group. Cllr. J Adcock reported that she had attended the recent Area Board meeting and that there was nothing relevant to the villages discussed. 10. Wiltshire Local Plan Review: Consultation Paper (Comments by 19/12/17). The Council resolved that it had no comments to send to Wiltshire Council. 11. Dates of Meetings. Councillors noted the dates of the next Parish Council Meetings:

• 8 January 2018, 5 February 2018, 5 March 2018 - Ordinary PC Meetings. 12. Any Other Business. Exchange of views on matters not requiring a decision: Cllr. J Adcock reported that she attended the Britain in Bloom Competition presentation and that Bradford on Avon had gained a silver award. She commented that she had also attended the Dementia Friendly Training session. Cllr. Leader confirmed that he had now met with the remaining members of the (defunct) Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group and that he intended to have a revised draft Neighbourhood Plan available by the New Year. Cllr. Johnston stated that the recent lunch in the Parish Room for parishioners and friends – a new initiative – had proved a success and that it was likely to be held on a monthly basis. Cllr. Wheals reported that a parishioner had stated that the Bobbin Lane/Leslie Rise road sign at the top of Leslie Rise required refurbishment as it was difficult to read. Cllr. Adcock stated that she would advise the Parish Steward of this matter. The meeting concluded at 8.35pm. Chairman 8 January 2017 Westwood Parish Council

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ACTION LIST – Meeting 4 December 2017

Action 1 (4/12/17) Clerk. To make payments. Action 2 (4/12/17) Clerk. To advise parishioner of metrocount. Action 3 (4/12/17) Clerk. To contact Mr Downes – Remembrance garden chain. Action 4 (4/12/17) Cllr. J Adcock To advise the Parish Steward of new tasks, including Grit Bins & Street Sign. Action 5 (4/12/17) Cllr. Johnston. To investigate metal girder at stile on Path 32.

Action 6 (4/12/17) Clerk. To invite parishioner/colleagues to PC Meeting re. telephone kiosk.