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Community Fact File January 2013 www.wesizwe.com Facts about the Bakubung Mine Project Wesizwe Platinum Limited The Bakubung Platinum Mine is located on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, north of the City of Rustenburg and near to the community of Ledig. The mine will comprise an underground mine accessed by a twin independent vertical shaft system, a main shaft for men and material and a ventilation shaft which will also function as the second escape route. The main shaft will have a hoisting capacity of 230 000 tonnes of ore and 40 000 tonnes of waste per month. Initially, 180 000 tonnes a month will be mined from the Merensky Reef with the balance coming from the secondary UG2 ore. After the Merensky Reef is depleted, between 10 to 15 years from the start of production, the full 230 000 tonne capacity will be generated from UG2 ore.. The Bakubung Platinum Mine will have a life span of 35 years It will produce 350,000 oz/y of Platinum Group Metals by 2023. The project has a highly favourable prill split - Platinum 63.2%, Palladium 27.1%, Rhodium 7.3% and Gold 2.4% The main shaft will have a hoisting capacity of 230 000 tonnes of ore per month The first blast of the mine ventilation shaft took place in July 2012 Main commissioning of the mine is scheduled for April 2018 Full production is anticipated in March 2023 Working in partnership with our local community

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Community Fact FileJanuary 2013


Facts about the Bakubung Mine Project

Wesizwe Platinum Limited

The Bakubung Platinum Mine is located on the Western Limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, north of the City of Rustenburg and near to the community of Ledig.

The mine will comprise an underground mine accessed by a twin independent vertical shaft system, a main shaft for men and material and a ventilation shaft which will also function as the second escape route. The main shaft will have a hoisting capacity of 230 000 tonnes of ore and 40 000 tonnes of waste per month.

Initially, 180 000 tonnes a month will be mined from the Merensky Reef with the balance coming from the secondary UG2 ore. After the Merensky Reef is depleted, between 10 to 15 years from the start of production, the full 230 000 tonne capacity will be generated from UG2 ore..

• The Bakubung Platinum Mine will have a life span of 35 years

• It will produce 350,000 oz/y of Platinum Group Metals by 2023.

• The project has a highly favourable prill split - Platinum 63.2%, Palladium 27.1%, Rhodium 7.3% and Gold 2.4%

• The main shaft will have a hoisting capacity of 230 000 tonnes of ore per month

• The first blast of the mine ventilation shaft took place in July 2012

• Main commissioning of the mine is scheduled for April 2018

• Full production is anticipated in March 2023

Working in partnership with our local community

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A Commitment to Local Hiring

Wesizwe’s current Social Labour Plan targets 20% local community employment and to date, this figure has been exceeded. As the Bakubung Mine Development Project now ramps up, Wesizwe’s accelerated SLP is now targeting a rate of 30% in terms of employment on the project for members of the local community. In 2011, the various contractors involved in the project oversaw a workforce that numbered 306 by the end of the year, with 26.8% of all workers on the mine site being members of the local community. By February 2012, the number of local workers on the site had already risen to 406. Today, that figure stands at 1036, of which 313 or 30.21% are local workforce.

This is testimony to the extent to which the various contractors have bought into Wesizwe’s vision of local economic development and empowerment. These local workers, along with their colleagues, were employed in excavating, backfilling and compacting a new site road entrance and access road. This work was completed on schedule and commissioned in the first half of 2012, in preparation for the commencement of shaft-sinking operations.Additionally, a database of available skills and SMME capabilities within a 50km radius of the project has been compiled and is being constantly updated.

Wesizwe needs to identify, train and induct a large future workforce of over 3 200 by 2023 for the Bakubung Mine Project. The skills database and surveys have revealed that the level of available skills within our local community is low. Therefore, Learnership programmes targeting local candidates are being implemented to address part of this challenge. Hard-to-fill vacancies identified by the company include mining, electrical and mechanical engineers, shift supervisors, miners and artisans. Due to a shortage of skills in these areas, Wesizwe is working to meet its future requirements through various initiatives such as bursary schemes, learnerships, internships and a talent retention programme. Training

delivery is now on track for acceleration to meet not only SLP commitments, but also Wesizwe’s human capital requirements.

Training & Development

Wesizwe Platinum Limited

Community Fact FileJanuary 2013

Local Employment

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A Strong Commitment to Sustainable Development

Wesizwe Platinum Limited recognises sustainable development as a strategic business imperative. Its approach focuses on ensuring the long-term success of its business and projects such as the Bakubung Platinum Mine, whilst at the same time contributing to the economic growth of local communities. On a practical level, Wesizwe looks to contribute to the overall prosperity of local communities through a number of mechanisms, namely:

• Creation of jobs

• Investment in local skills development and training

• Support for local business through goods and services procurement

• Creation of effective social and labour plan investment programmes

Wesizwe Platinum Limited

As part of Wesizwe’s commitment to uplift and develop the Bakubung Ba Ratheo community, the company has implemented a programme of infrastructure development, educational support and job creation initiatives. For the period 2008 to date, Wesizwe has spent a total of R25,619,180.68 on Ledig-based community projects as part of this commitment. Project highlights include:

• Water Supply Infrastructure - Wesizwe constructed a 2.3km pipeline from the resevoir to Ledig and refurbished the Doornhoek Pump Station, creating 46 jobs and benefitting 15 000 local residents.

• Refilling of Water Tanks - Wesizwe continues to subsidise the daily filling of water tanks to Ledig.

• Educational Support and Upliftment - Wesizwe has launched a 3-year literacy programme in Ledig schools, providing support to 32 educators on teaching literacy and shared reading, and benefitting 1435 Grade R3 learners.

• Agricultural Project - Wesizwe purchased a local farm with the intent to develop a sustainable agricultural project.

• Bursaries - Wesizwe offers bursaries to community members interested in studying in various academic fields.

• Community Newspaper - Wesizwe launched a sustainable monthly community news publication for Ledig residents.

Wesizwe is Active in the Local Community

Wesizwe’s holistic approach to the development of the Bakubung Mine project

demonstrates the fine balance between social and environmental factors and sound

economic considerations

Community Fact FileJanuary 2013

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Safeguarding the Local Environment

Wesizwe is concerned about safeguarding the local environment surrounding the Bakubung Platinum Mine. All elements of the earthworks p r o g r a m m e s u b s c r i b e t o We s i z w e ’ s construction environmental management plan (CEMP) completed in 2008 and updated in July 2011. The plan has been adhered to through various measures including the correct stripping and placement of topsoil and sub-soil, the implementation of a clean and dirty water system, pollution control dams and protocols for the storage and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous materials.

Audits carried out in April and November 2011 showed that site activities were respectively 89% and 93% compliant. The project’s environmental impact is very strictly and closely moni tored. A specia l is t envi ronmental consultant oversees regular monitoring of dust, surface and ground water, NO2 and SO2.

Monthly field samples are taken for surface water and groundwater around the project area, with full samples taken quarterly. Full sample analysis reports are provided quarterly. Sampling of surface water has taken place from the Elands River since 2009 and from the pollution control dam since December 2010. In terms of compliance, Wesizwe adheres to the National Water Act 36 of 1998.

Whilst environmental impact is minimal now, long-term planning will ensure that this continues to be the case during the ramp-up of mine development and into the production phase. This year, various procedures were drawn up and implemented including waste, hazardous chemica ls and s tormwater management procedures and other protocols covering soil stripping and stockpiling, grazing compensation, air quality and emergency preparedness.

Wesizwe Platinum Limited

Community Fact FileJanuary 2013

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Our Presence in the Community

As a means of encouraging proactive and continual engagement within the local community around the Bakubung Platinum Mine, Wesizwe has established a dedicated Community Liaison Office in Ledig. Our community liaison team members are equipped to provide any information needed on the mine development project and are on-hand to answer any specific queries or questions on such topics as training and development opportunities, job creation, and local procurement processes.

Over the coming months, the Community Liaison Off ice wi l l be involved in the coordination of a programme of communication and local stakeholder engagement activities,

including the organisation of community forums, open days, and focus group meetings.

Local community events and gatherings will be covered in our new monthly community digital magazine which is aimed at providing more detailed and timeous coverage of Wesizwe news and community events as they happen. This is just one of several new community communications projects being launched. The Ledig Sun newspaper will continue to be produced and distributed throughout the community, providing interesting news, information and progress updates on the Bakubung Mine Project specifically for community readers.

Wesizwe Platinum Limited

Contact Details

Physical Address: Unit 13, 2nd Floor, Melrose Boulevard, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, 2076, South AfricaTel +27 11 994 4600 Fax +27 11 994 4601 e-Mail [email protected] Website www.wesizwe.com

Community Fact FileJanuary 2013