welcome to the wonderful world of chocolate. do you adore chocolate? this power point will show you...


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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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WELCOME TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF CHOCOLATE.Do you adore chocolate? This power point will show you how our favourite treat is made.

THE FIRST CHOCOLATE.The Maya people were the first to grow a “cacao tree.” They lived in Central America over 1,000 years ago. “Cacao” means “food of the gods.”Maya people made chocolate drinks which they where called chocolatl. It was very bitter, and not like modern chocolate drinks.

While the Maya and the Aztecs were enjoying their chocolate drink, people living in Europe knew nothing about chocolate. In the 16th century, Spanish explorers began to conquer Central America. They started to drink its chocolatl, but they added sugar to make it taste sweeter.



CHOCOLATE DRINKSBITTER TO SWEETWhen the Mayas got to Europe. One Mayan person went up to a European man and said “Would you like to try this chocolate drink?” In Europe, the people had never heard of chocolate before . At first, the European man thought that it was bitter and didn’t think it tasted nice. So he put sugar in it to make it sweeter and it tasted superb.

Cacao pods

The fruit of a cacao tree is named as pods. Inside a pod there are beans called cacao. Inside a pod there are 40 beans. Chocolate in made from the beans.



WHERE ARE CACAO TREE GROWN?Cacao trees used to grow only in South America and central America. But the people took the seeds to different parts of the world so they could make chocolate bar. Today, about two-thirds of cacao trees are grown in the Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon in West Africa. Cacao trees are also grown in Indonesia, Brazil and Ecuador.


Ecuador West



Bean harvestingCacao pods grow all year round, the farmers regularly harvest them twice a year. The farmers cut the ripe pods from the tree with a sharp knife or a machete attached to a pole to reach pods that are high in the tree. They take great care not to damage flowers or other pods on the tree.

The farmers use a heavy wooden hammer to split open the pods. They then scoop out the beans and pulp with a knife.

Fermenting and DryingThe farmers pile up the beans and pulp and wrap them in large leaves from banana trees. Inside the leaf parcels, the pulp and beans slowly get warmer and warmer. The sugar in the pulp changes to chemicals, called acids. This process is called fermentation. The acids help to bring out the flavour of the beans.Once this process is complete, they spread out the beans to dry as this prevents them from going mouldy. Dried beans are put in sacks.

Preparing the BeansWhen the sack of cocoa beans arrives in a chocolate factory, they are cleaned and sorted into beans of same sizes. Then they are roasted in ovens. Roasting brings out the flavour in the beans. Next a machine knocks the shells off the beans and breaks the insides of the beans into pieces which are called nibs.

Heavy rollers squash the nibs, turning them into gooey material called cocoa liquor. The liquor is a mix of solid material called cocoa mass and a liquid called cocoa butter. It is the main ingredient in chocolate.

Mixing ChocolateThe cocoa liquor is mixed with sugar and sometimes extra cocoa butter to make dark chocolate. They are mixed together to make a smooth liquid. For milk chocolate, evaporated milk is added to the mixture. Next the chocolate mixture goes through to more processes. First, a machine kneads and stirs the chocolate for a day or more. This is called conching. Conching brings out the flavour and makes the chocolate very smooth.The final process is tempering. The chocolate is heated then cooled again, several times, which makes the finished chocolate snap easily and melt smoothly in your mouth.

Moulding and PackagingIt takes a few days for the coca beans to be turned into chocolate ready to be made into bars.To make bars of solid chocolate, the warm runny chocolate is poured into bar shape moulds, then it is quickly cooled to make it go solid.The bars are taken from the moulds and wrapped to keep them fresh. They are put into boxes to be taken to the shops where people can buy their favourite treat.

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