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Welcome to the webinar Migrating models from other solvers to use the Gurobi solver

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Welcome to the webinarMigrating models from other solvers to use the Gurobi solver

Page 2: Welcome to the webinar - Gurobi · Welcome to the webinar Migrating models from other solvers to use the Gurobi solver

Renan Garcia, Ph.D.

Optimization Support Engineer at Gurobi Optimization

} Ph.D. in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech} Expert in optimization modeling and software development} Over a decade of experience implementing decision support systems

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David Nehme, Ph.D.

Principal Consultant at Abremod

} 20 years of software development experience} 15 years implementing CPLEX and Gurobi models} Ph.D. in Operations Research for The University of Texas} Top StackOverflow answerer for both CPLEX and Gurobi tags

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} Switching is easier than you may think

} Common migration scenarios

} Migrating from OPL

} Migrating from CPLEX Concert API

} Best practices, limitations and considerations

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Switching is Easier Than You May Think

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Key Migration Issues

} Building the model◦ How do I build my optimization model?◦ Do I build it one constraint at a time, or do I build an entire constraint


} Setting solver parameters◦ What solver parameters do I change?◦ What effects are these changes intended to produce?◦ Am I looking for an optimal solution, or just a good feasible solution?

} Computing and extracting the solution◦ How do I extract the solution produced by the solver?

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Interfacing with Gurobi

} Command-Line Tool

} Full-featured Interactive Shell

} Matrix-oriented APIs◦ C, MATLAB, R

} Object-oriented APIs◦ C++, Java, .NET, Python

} Modeling systems◦ Commercial: AIMMS, AMPL, Frontline Solvers, GAMS, MPL, …◦ Free: CMPL, JuliaOpt, OSI, PuLP, PYOMO, SolverStudio, YALMIP, …

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Do-It-Yourself Resources on www.gurobi.com

} Switching guidance:https://www.gurobi.com/resources/switching-to-gurobi/switching-overview

} Documentation:https://www.gurobi.com/documentation/◦ Quick Start Guides◦ Reference Manual

� APIs� Attributes� Parameters� Tuning� …

◦ Example Tour� 22 functional examples

} Seminars and videos:https://www.gurobi.com/resources/seminars-and-videos/seminars-videos

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Common Migration Scenarios

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Scenario 1: Migrating with Model Files

} Example: performance testing

} Export model file with virtually no changes needed to existing code ◦ Gurobi supports several file formats (MPS, LP, …)

} Export guidance:https://www.gurobi.com/resources/switching-to-gurobi/exporting-mps-files-from-competing-solvers

} Use Gurobi Command-Line Tool to solve the model ◦ Usage: gurobi_cl [parameters] filename◦ Ex: gurobi_cl TimeLimit=3600 misc07.mps

} "Quick-and-dirty" approach◦ Limited ability to interact with solver (parameters only)◦ For more control, try Interactive Shell

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Gurobi Parameters

} Control algorithmic behavior◦ Defaults validated against large

internal test set of models

} Termination criteria◦ Ex. TimeLimit, SolutionLimit

} Tolerances◦ Ex. MIPGap, BarConvTol

} Simplex and barrier◦ Ex. Method, Crossover

} MIP◦ Ex. MIPFocus, ImproveStartTime

} MIP cuts◦ Ex. Cuts, GomoryPasses

} Tuning and distributed algorithms◦ Ex. TuneJobs, WorkerPool

} General◦ Ex. Presolve, OutputFlag

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Scenario 2: Using a Modeling System

} Example: model is written in AMPL

} Migrating is extremely easy for solver-independent systems

◦ Obtain license◦ Set solver to Gurobi◦ Convert parameter settings

◦ Ex: in AMPL model file, addoption solver gurobi_ampl;

option gurobi_options 'mipfocus 1';

} Need to migrate your existing model code for single-solver systems◦ OPL, Mosel, …

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Gurobi Python Environment

} High-level optimization modeling constructs embedded in Python programming language

} Combines expressiveness of a modeling language with the power and flexibility of a programming language◦ Bring "feel" of a modeling language to the Python interface

} Requires minimal programming skills to get started

} Support all solver and programming needs

} Several seminars on this topic:https://www.gurobi.com/resources/seminars-and-videos/seminars-videos

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Interactive Examples

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Scenario 3: Porting Matrix-Oriented Code

} Example: C program which calls CPLEX Callable Library, Xpress, …

} Gurobi's C API supports sparse matrix format◦ Standard format used by many solvers

� Simple arrays represent matrix coefficients and their index positions◦ Ex: GRBaddconstrs(), GRBaddvars()◦ Minimal changes required to existing code

} Gurobi also supports advanced features◦ Callbacks◦ Advanced simplex routines (querying tableau rows)◦ …

} Must consider some Gurobi-specific modeling features when porting existing code◦ Gurobi environments◦ Lazy updates◦ Attributes

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Gurobi Environments

} Models are built from an environment

} Parameters are set on an environment

} Models get their own copy of the environment ◦ Once a model is created, subsequent parameter changes in parent

environment are not reflected in model environment ◦ Use getEnv() functions to get the environment from model

} Setting parameters in C ◦ Ex: set time limit of 3600 seconds for parent environment

status = GRBsetdblparam(env, "TimeLimit", 3600); ◦ Ex: set presolve level to 2 for model's environment

status = GRBsetintparam(GRBgetenv(model), "Presolve", 2);

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Lazy Updates

} Gurobi updates models in batch mode◦ Model creation and updates are efficient

} Must call update() functions to use model elements ◦ Ex: Call after creating a variable before using it in a constraint ◦ May require changes to code for other solvers

} UpdateMode=1 parameter setting allows you to use elements immediately

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} Unified system to access model elements◦ Attributes work the same across all Gurobi interfaces

} Access via a basic set of get/set functions◦ Attribute name is specified as a parameter◦ Replaces many functions used by other solvers

} Getting/Setting attributes in C◦ Use get/set functions by type (int, double, char, string)◦ Ex: query number of nonzeros in a model

status = GRBgetintattr(model, "NumNZs", &nzs);◦ Ex: query solution vector

double x[NUMVARS];status = GRBgetdblattrarray(model, "X", 0, NUMVARS, x);

◦ Ex: modify constraint RHS to 1status = GRBsetdblattrelement(model, "RHS", cidx, 1.0);

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Scenario 4: Porting Object-Oriented Code

} Example: Java program which uses CPLEX Concert Technology

} Gurobi's OO APIs represent models using objects◦ Objects for variables and constraints ◦ Methods are used to create model elements◦ Ex: add simple constraint x + y ≥ 1 in C++

c1 = model.addConstr(x + y >= 1, "c1");

} All Gurobi APIs are just thin layers on top of same native C code

} Must consider same Gurobi-specific modeling features when porting◦ Subsequent parameter changes in parent environment not reflected in

model environment � Java Ex: model.getEnv().set(GRB.IntParam.Presolve, 2);

◦ Must call model's update() method to use elements (unless UpdateMode=1)◦ Use get/set methods on objects to access attributes

� Python Ex: constr.setAttr('RHS', 1.0)

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Don't Panic, Your Code Often Looks Similar

} CPLEX Concert C++:IloEnv env; // create empty environmentIloModel model(env); // create empty model

IloNumVar x(env, 0, 10, ILOINT); // add variables


// ...

model.add(x + 2*y <= 1); // add constraints// ...

} Gurobi C++:GRBEnv env; // create empty environment

env.set(GRB_IntParam_UpdateMode, 1); // enable automatic updates

GRBModel model(env); // create empty model

GRBVar x = model.addVar(0, 10, 0, GRB_INTEGER); // add variables

// ...model.addConstr(x + 2*y <= 1); // add constraints

// ...

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Solver-specific Guidance

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} Cover two disparate examples◦ OPL ◦ ILOG Concert� Have a C#, and Java Adapters� Working on C++◦ Showing Two approaches� Translating OPL� Using an Adapter for Concert

} General advice on the migrating


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Switching To Gurobi

} Hurdles◦ Large code base◦ Business Logic embedded in API calls

} Mitigating Factors◦ The time to migrate is not proportional to the size of the

codebase◦ With mps files, you can see how the Gurobi will perform on

your specific models.

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Before You Migrate

} Current State◦ Actively adding features?◦ Maintenance only?◦ Do you have regression tests?

} MPS is your friend◦ Evaluate relative performance

} LP is also your friend◦ Name your variables and constraints◦ Testing your code

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Migrating From OPL

} OPL includes a domain specific language

} Locked to a Solver (CPLEX)

} Two most likely strategies◦ Move to a solver-agnostic Language� AMPL� AIMMS, GAMS, MPL◦ Migrate to Python

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Migrating from OPL to Python

} Why Python

◦ Best of Both worlds� Powerful as a General Purpose Language� As effective as a Domain Specific Language

� Concise� Readable� Learnable

� See Stackoverflow� (http://bit.ly/1QEF0fq)

◦ Huge user base

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OPL to Python

} Feature Comparison

OPL PythonTuples, Sets Tuples, SetsRead from Excel openpyxl, xlrdRead from SQL SqlalchemySlicing, Grouping PandasUI Jupyter Notebook.dat format JSONOPLScript Python

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} Installing Python◦ Use the Anaconda Distribution� Especially great on Windows� Easy installation for Gurobi Libraries

� http://www.gurobi.com/downloads/get-anaconda

OPL To Python

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OPL To Python

} Migrate a complete example

} From a book ◦ Planning and Scheduling in Manufacturing and Services◦ OPL Code is freely available� http://bit.ly/20VpATz◦ Reads from OPL dat file

} Python Code Available on github

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} Translate the “.dat” file to JSON

◦ JSON is a standard� Almost all programming languages have readers� OPL reads it� Native format for MongoDB� Many application have JSON exporters

◦ Simple Python script to translate� Most dat files

� without embedded logic� Using PyParsing

� Another library included with Anaconda


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OPL Data

Demand = #[ 2: #[

1: [ 20000 30000 15000 40000 ] 2: [ 0 50000 30000 50000 ]

]#3: #[

1: [ 10000 5000 15000 40000 ] 2: [ 0 10000 0 5000 ] ]#


"Demand": {"2": {

"Product 1": [ 20000, 30000, 15000, 40000 ],"Product 2": [ 0, 50000, 30000, 50000 ]

},"3": {

"Product 1": [ 10000, 5000, 15000, 40000 ],"Product 2": [ 0, 10000, 0, 5000 ]


} Can Translate with Python Script

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OPL Model

} Data DeclarationsLang. StatementOPL int RequiredLotSize = ...;

Python RequiredLotSize = d['RequiredLotSize']

OPL float Demand[Stages, Products, Periods] = ...;Python Demand = series_from_json(d['Demand'],

[Stages, Products, Periods])OPL range Products = 1..2;Python Products = ['Product 1', 'Product 2']

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OPL Model

} Variable Declarations

dvar float+ x[Factories, Products, Periods];dvar int+ y[Factories, Stages, Products, Periods] in 0..maxint;dvar float+ z[Products, Periods];dvar float+ q2[Products, ZPeriods];dvar float+ v2[Products, Periods];dvar float+ v3[Products, ZPeriods];dvar boolean yb[bnds, Periods];

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VariablesOPL dvar float+ x[Factories, Products, Periods];Python x = get_vars('x', Factories, Products, Periods)OPL dvar boolean yb[bnds, Periods];Python yb = get_vars('yb', bnds.index, Periods,


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Objective function

} OPL} minimize} sum (t in Periods, j in Products, } i in Factories) } ProdCost[i,j]*x[i,j,t]

} Python} model.setObjective(} grb.quicksum([ProdCost[i, j] * x[i, j, t]} for i in Factories} for j in Products} for t in Periods])

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OPL if (RequiredLotSize > 0)forall (i in Factories, j in Products, t in Periods)

x[i,j,t] == RequiredLotSize*xlots[i,j,t];else

forall (i in Factories, j in Products, t in Periods)xlots[i,j,t] == 0;

Python if RequiredLotSize > 0:[addConstr(x[i, j, t] == RequiredLotSize * xlots[i, j, t])for i in Factories for j in Products for t in Periods]

else:[addConstr(xlots[i, j, t] == 0)for i in Factories for j in Products for t in Periods]

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Results From SolverOPL float TotProdCost = sum (t in Periods,

j in Products, i in Factories)

ProdCost[i,j]*x[i,j,t];Python TotProdCost = sum([ProdCost[i, j] * x[i, j, t].x

for t in Periodsfor j in Productsfor i in Factories])

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OPL to Python

} Consider moving to Python} If you still like modeling languages, try AMPL

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Migration Library for CPLEX Concert API

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Migrating From Concert

} Concert◦ C++ API developed in late 90s◦ Java and C# versions followed◦ Good option for using mainstream languages

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Migrating from Concert

} Two Strategies◦ Translate code◦ Use an Adapter

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} Pattern◦ Object Adapter Pattern

} Physical Examples◦ Electric plugs◦ CO2 Filter on Apollo 13


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Adapter Approach

} Give applications written against the Concert API, access to the Gurobi solver

} Our Adapter◦ Not a complete implementation of Concert� Most applications use a small subset◦ Enough to make a model run◦ Free to use� Starting point for your application

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Adapter Approach

} Working Concert Application

} Unlink CPLEX / Concert libraries

} Add Gurobi Library

} Add adapter library◦ Modify adapter for your code

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} Makefile◦ CPPLIB = … -lilo_grb … -lgurobi_c++ -lgurobi65

} Eclipse

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Adapter Library

} Available for Java and C#

} Working on C++

} Available on Github◦ https://github.com/abremod/concert2gurobi4cs

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Adapter Library

} “Object Adapter”, not a “Class Adapter”} Favor Composition over Inheritance

◦ public class IloCplex extends ilog.concert.Algorithmimplements IloMPModeler {

◦ GRBEnv env;

◦ GRBModel model;◦ private boolean vars_synced = true;◦ private boolean constrs_synced = true;

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Adapter Library

} C++ specific

◦ IloXXXX objects are handles� “Pimpl” ◦ Boost shared_ptr<> covers handle functionality◦ class IloRange : public IloExtractable {◦ private:◦ class Impl;

◦ boost::shared_ptr<Impl> _impl;◦ public:◦ IloRange(IloEnv env, double lb, double ub, const char *name=0);

◦ IloColumn operator()(IloNum);

◦ };

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} Adapter probably won’t work out of the box

} Variables tied to models, not environments◦ No “not extracted exceptions”

} Limited Support for Callbacks

} No support for Goals

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So what happens next?

} Request a free evaluation license, if you have not already done so◦ [email protected][email protected]

} Set up a free consultation with a consultant from [email protected]

} Webinar slides: Will be available in the next day or two

} Abremod tools available from: https://github.com/abremod/ilogrb

} Webinar recording: Will be available next week