welcome to the minnesota sharepoint user group. quick intro announcements personalization in...

Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint User Group

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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Welcome to the Minnesota SharePoint

User Group

• Quick Intro

• Announcements

• Personalization in SharePoint

• Configuring User Profiles

• Configuring Audiences

• My Site

• My Site Web parts

• Links / News for you

• Q & A


• Inetium (www.inetium.com)

• Twin Cites based Microsoft consulting company

• Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

• Practice Area focused on Information Worker Technologies

• New Horizons – Minnesota (www.newhorizonsmn.com)

• Microsoft Gold Certified Partner

• Training on many technologies

• Microsoft (www.microsoft.com)

• I’m guessing you’ve heard of them

Introductions – MNSPUG Sponsors

Build a local community focused on Microsoft SharePoint Technologies

• Educate user group members about SharePoint Technologies

• Transfer knowledge within the community

• Communicate best practices

• Introduce new products / solutions

User Group Goal / Objectives

• Website for user group

• SharePoint resource documents

• SharePoint resource websites links

• RSS Feeds

• Meeting Schedule

• Past User Group Presentations



• August Meeting

• August 10th 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

• Microsoft’s Bloomington Office

• Topic: Deploying a Medium Server Farm – Bill English of MindSharp

• September Meeting

• September 14th 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM

• Microsoft’s Bloomington Office

• Topic: ISV Showcase – FileNet, BrightWork and Sybari

• Ongoing Schedule

• 2nd Wednesday of every month

• 9:00 to 11:00 am

• Microsoft’s Bloomington Office

Upcoming Schedule

• What features / enhancements do you want in the next version of SharePoint?

• Workflow?

• Better auditing features?

• Offline capabilities?

• Improved backup / restore?

• Others?

• Be heard … we will be compiling the responses and sending them directly to Microsoft

New Survey at www.sharepointmn.com

Personalization in SharePoint

• Creating a personal experience for the user – SharePoint knows who you are

• Providing relevant information for the user

• Most of the personalization is done via the SharePoint Portal Site Settings under User Profiles, Audiences, and Personal Sites

What is Personalization?

• Profile of users in SharePoint

• Used heavily in personalization

• Provides a number of different attributes about each user

• Name

• Department

• Etc.

• Allows other users to search for and find other people in the organization

• User can customize their information via their My Site

User Profiles in SharePoint

• Leverage Active Directory (AD) to create and maintain user profile information

• SharePoint Portal Server provides an AD import process

• Import process can be scheduled

• Full or incremental imports

• User Profiles in SharePoint are a copy of the information in AD, not dynamically linked

• User Profiles properties can be mapped to properties in AD

• Additional properties can be added into User Profiles that don’t exist in AD

Importing Active Directory info into User Profiles

• Located at [Portal Site] >> Site Settings >> Manage Profile Database >> Configure Profile Import

• Need to specify an account

• Scheduled on a full or incremental basis

• Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Configuring User Profile Import

• Located at [Portal Site] >> Site Settings >> Manage Profile Database >> View Profile Properties

• Add new properties

• Map properties to Active Directory

• Determine if public or private

• Determine if can be edited by user or not

• Determine if displayed on user profile page

Managing User Profile Properties

• Located at [Portal Site] >> Site Settings >> Manage Profile Database >> Add User Profile

• Can be used if not using Active Directory

• More difficult to maintain

Adding a User Profile Manually

• If you delete a user profile in SharePoint, it will be recreated during the next import

• If you delete an account in Active Directory the user profile will be marked as deleted – still need to manually delete the user profile

• Deleting a user profile does not delete the My Site for that user

Deleting User Profiles


User Profiles and Active Directory

• Only available in SharePoint Portal Server 2003

• Provide a mechanism for targeting content in SharePoint to user

• Used to push info to users, not considered a security mechanism

• Membership can be determined based on

• Windows 2003 Security Group

• User profile public properties

• Distribution List

• Reporting structure

• Users must be imported into the profile database to be available for membership in an audience

What are SharePoint Audiences?

• Located at [Portal Site] >> Site Settings >> Manage Audiences

• Create new audience

• View audiences

• Define the schedule for compiling the audience

• Manually compile the audience

Managing Audiences

• Located at [Portal Site] >> Site Settings >> Manage Audiences >> Create Audience

• Name the audience

• Identify the rules that define the audience

• User [reports under]

• User [member of]

• User Profile Property

• Satisfy all or any rules

Setting up a New Audience

• Located at [Portal Site] >> Site Settings >> Manage Audiences >> Start Compilation / Specify compilation schedule

• Builds the membership of the audience based on the rules identified

• Can be scheduled

• If using profile import, schedule after that completes

Compiling the Audience

• Located at [Portal Site] >> Site Settings >> Manage Audiences >> [Select audience] >> View Membership

• Displays all members of the audience based on rules that have been established

Audience Membership

• Ideal for multiple portal sites

• Shared Services

• user profiles

• audiences

• search

• alerts

• single sign-on for other portal sites

Shared Services in SharePoint Portal Server

• Multiple content types can be published to audiences

• Documents

• News

• Listings

• Web Parts

Publishing Content to an Audience


Configuring Audiences

• Personalization in SharePoint

• My Site Overview

• My Site Web parts

• Audience-specific Web Parts

• Aggregation Web Parts

• General Personalization

• Audience Targeting in Portal

• Personal Views in Portal/WSS

• Leveraging Profile Data in Custom Apps and Web Parts

Agenda (2nd Half)

• Your Collaborative Workspace and Public View of your Profile

• Views

• Public – Always Exists

• Private – Automatically Created

My Site

My Site – Public View• Your public presence on the Portal

• User Profile Information

• “Shared” Content

• Profile Management

• Exists for every Profile

My Site – Profile Management

Editable/Viewable Properties are defined and extended by portal administrator

• Collaborative Workspace

• General Web Parts

• Personalized Web Parts

• Lists/Libraries/Sites

• Pages

• Enhanced WSS Site

• Indexed by Portal

My Site – Private View

• Page

• Manage alerts

• Add and share links

• View targeted news and links

• Add and modify Web Parts

• Requires: Use Personal Features Permission

My Site – Personal Page vs Personal Site

• Site

• Create/Customize Lists/Libraries

• Create/Customize Sites/Workspaces

• Requires: Create Personal Site Permission

• Shared View vs Personal View

• Adminstrators manage Personal Sites through the Profile Management page

• Quotas – Personal Site Quota (Default 100 MB)

My Site – Administration

• Links for You

• Targeted Links using Audience Membership

• News for You

• Targeted News using Audience Membership

My Site Audience Web Parts

• Aggregation of all Links targeted based on your Audience Membership

Links for You

Web Part Personal View• Limited Property Set

• No Management of Links

• No Management of Display

Links for You – Personal vs Shared Properties

Web Part Shared View• Property changes apply to ALL users’ My Sites

• Still No Management of Links

• Management of Display

• Key Properties:

• Display Template (i.e. Minimum, Compact, Expanded…)

• Group By (i.e. Audience, Group…)

• Display Columns

• Highlights Visibility (i.e. All, Highlights…)

Links for You – Personal vs Shared Properties

• Portal Administrators (Manage Portal Site right)

• Accessible from:

• Site Settings Manage Targeted Links on My Site

• Target Portal and Non-Portal Links to Audiences

Links for You – Administration

• Aggregation of all News Items targeted based on your Audience Membership

News for You

The same Personal/Shared Properties exist for News for You as they did with Links for You

• Key Property Difference:

• Current Area Override

• Specify what Area should act as the “Anchor”

• Not limited to just News!

• Can display any Targeted “Listing”

News for You – Personal vs Shared Properties

• Portal Administrators (Manage Portal Site right)

• Accessible from:

• Any Area (News by default) Manage Content Portal Listings

• Target Listings and News Items to Audiences

News for You – Administration


My SitePublic/Private Views

Audience Web Parts


• My Alerts Summary

• Aggregation and Management of all Portal Alerts

• My Links Summary

• Aggregation and Management of all Links collected

My Site Aggregation Web Parts

• Aggregation of all Portal Alerts to which you have Subscribed

• Does not include WSS Alerts

My Alerts Summary

• Most “objects” in Portal allow for Subscriptions

• Searches

• Lists/Libraries

• List Items/Documents/Folders

• Areas

• People

My Alerts Summary – Subscriptions

• Management/History available from My Site

My Alerts Summary – Management

• WSS And Portal Alerts are Aggregated in Outlook (Office 2003)

My Alerts – Management in Outlook

• WSS And Portal Alerts are Managed in Outlook

My Alerts – Management in Outlook

• Aggregation of all Links that you have added while browsing Portal and WSS Sites “connected” to the Portal.

My Links Summary

• Links can be Managed, Grouped, and Shared within My Site

My Links Summary – Management


My SiteAggregation Web Parts

Office Integration

• Each web part can be targeted to one or more audiences

• Not a security mechanism

Portal Pages - Targeted Content

• Requires appropriate Permissions

• Shared View vs Personal View similar to Shared/Personal view of My Site

• In Portal, Personal View Requires Modification of Template. In WSS it is enabled by default.



Portal/WSS Pages – Shared vs Personalized Views

• Web Parts using the object model (i.e. personalization in web parts)

• Namespace: Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.UserProfilesUserProfileManager manager = new UserProfileManager(PortalContext.Current);

UserProfile userProfile = manager.GetUserProfile(“inetium\emau”);

• Web Parts using the web service (i.e. Custom Applications)

• http://[PORTAL_URL_HERE]/_vti_bin/userprofileservice.asmx

Leveraging SharePoint Profile Data

• Microsoft

• Customizing Personal Sites in SharePoint Portal Server 2003 (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/office/sps2003/maintain/custsite.mspx)


Q & A