welcome to pre-university! - lower canada college...in the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer...

August 2012 Welcome to Pre-University! Dear Pre-University Student and Parent: On behalf of everyone involved in the LCC Pre-University program, I welcome you to the 2012- 2013 academic year for which this letter provides a framework. We will kick things off with a Pre-U student and parent information and welcome session in the Chamandy Auditorium (4099 Royal Avenue, 2nd floor) on Tuesday, August 28, at 6:00 pm. This will be followed by a reception for students, parents, administration and faculty in our Molson Atrium. This informal event is a perfect opportunity to meet other Pre-U families and the faculty and staff who will be an important part of your LCC experience this year. The student orientation begins on Wednesday, August 29. Pre-U students should report to the Chamandy Auditorium at 9:30 am. Dress is casual (neat please) and you should be prepared to do some light physical activity (be sure to wear/bring comfortable running shoes). Over the course of the day you will be introduced to your advisor, receive your schedules, be assigned a locker and have an opportunity to meet and mingle as a group. We will review the goals and expectations for the year, provide an overview of co-curricular and service opportunities, and introduce members of our student services team. Lunch is provided on this day. Students interested in playing on one of our fall athletic teams are required to attend try-outs in the afternoon. The Pre-U orientation and opening week includes a two-day, mandatory experience trip that will take place August 30 and 31. This year, we will spend two days and overnight at Jouvence—a sensational outdoor centre located in the Eastern Townships. In addition to the outdoor activities and team building exercises, we will set goals, discuss leadership opportunities and outline other responsibilities for the Pre-U year. For further details, refer to the itinerary. Please note that all school rules apply throughout the experience trip, including use of alcohol, tobacco and other illicit substances. Breach of school rules may result in immediate dismissal from the trip and potentially even more serious consequences may apply. This year, a mandatory trip to Ontario for university campus tours and a university fair in Toronto will take place at the end of September. Details will follow in the fall. Before starting the year, there is some information for you to review and several forms that require signatures. Note that the forms that follow must be downloaded and printed, signed and returned to Mrs. Gentile in the Pre-U Office no later than August 24, 2012. Failure to return these forms will compromise the student’s participation in school activities.

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Page 1: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

August 2012

Welcome to Pre-University! Dear Pre-University Student and Parent: On behalf of everyone involved in the LCC Pre-University program, I welcome you to the 2012-2013 academic year for which this letter provides a framework. We will kick things off with a Pre-U student and parent information and welcome session in the Chamandy Auditorium (4099 Royal Avenue, 2nd floor) on Tuesday, August 28, at 6:00 pm. This will be followed by a reception for students, parents, administration and faculty in our Molson Atrium. This informal event is a perfect opportunity to meet other Pre-U families and the faculty and staff who will be an important part of your LCC experience this year. The student orientation begins on Wednesday, August 29. Pre-U students should report to the Chamandy Auditorium at 9:30 am. Dress is casual (neat please) and you should be prepared to do some light physical activity (be sure to wear/bring comfortable running shoes). Over the course of the day you will be introduced to your advisor, receive your schedules, be assigned a locker and have an opportunity to meet and mingle as a group. We will review the goals and expectations for the year, provide an overview of co-curricular and service opportunities, and introduce members of our student services team. Lunch is provided on this day. Students interested in playing on one of our fall athletic teams are required to attend try-outs in the afternoon. The Pre-U orientation and opening week includes a two-day, mandatory experience trip that will take place August 30 and 31. This year, we will spend two days and overnight at Jouvence—a sensational outdoor centre located in the Eastern Townships. In addition to the outdoor activities and team building exercises, we will set goals, discuss leadership opportunities and outline other responsibilities for the Pre-U year. For further details, refer to the itinerary. Please note that all school rules apply throughout the experience trip, including use of alcohol, tobacco and other illicit substances. Breach of school rules may result in immediate dismissal from the trip and potentially even more serious consequences may apply. This year, a mandatory trip to Ontario for university campus tours and a university fair in Toronto will take place at the end of September. Details will follow in the fall. Before starting the year, there is some information for you to review and several forms that require signatures. Note that the forms that follow must be downloaded and printed, signed and returned to Mrs. Gentile in the Pre-U Office no later than August 24, 2012. Failure to return these forms will compromise the student’s participation in school activities.

Page 2: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children


• Pre-U Experience Trip 2012 Details Forms

• LCC Code of Commitment Form (Read Lion Tracks Student Honour Code 2012-2013 before signing this form)

• School Trip Waiver Form • Level I Waiver Form • LCC Health Form • Technology Acceptable Use Policy & Contract (if not returned to the school during

spring 2012) • Course Selection Form (if not returned to the school during spring 2012) • Contact Information Form (if not returned to the school during spring 2012)

In addition to this letter, please review all of the “All School items” listed in Chris Shannon’s letter. These items will provide a great deal of valuable information. This year, Lion Tracks has been divided into two shorter documents, which are available as electronic documents only (see Mr. Shannon’s letter for links). The Lion Tracks Student Honour Code clearly outlines the school’s expectations with regards to acceptable conduct and school policies. The Lion Tracks Student and Parent Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of school routines, procedures and general expectations. Please read through this information carefully. Being familiar with school routines, policies and procedures is a component of a successful year. I would also like to direct you to some particularly important aspects of the Pre-U dress code. All students, both male and female, must wear suitable “conservative business” attire throughout the school year. Please acquaint yourself with the dress regulations, hairstyles and comportment paragraphs in the Pre-University information section of the Lion Tracks Handbook. All that you to need to know to start your school year is included in this mailing. Vincent Jansen, Director of Information Services, will send an important separate notification shortly that will include details about our student information system, IT forms, MacBook pickup details and other related IT news. In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal! I look forward to seeing you on August 28. Sincerely,

Brian Moore, Hons. B.A., Dip. Ed., M.A. Interim Pre-University Program Coordinator

Page 3: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

Pre-University Class of 2013 - Experience Trip Jouvence, August 30-31, 2012

This year, Pre-U students and advisors will be travelling to Centre de villégiature Jouvence to participate in two days of activities from August 30-31, 2012. This two-day experience trip will focus on team building and goal setting and will provide a framework for the Pre-University year. Here’s what students and parents can expect: August 30, 2012 – Centre villégiature Jouvence Nestled in the heart of Mont. Orford Park, this outdoor resort is the site of our first day and overnight stay. We will stay in a lodge and all meals will be provided by the Jouvence professional staff. Vegetarian options are available (please notify the Pre-U office should you have dietary restrictions). All food will be provided during this excursion and students are asked to NOT pack candy or soft drinks. All activities will be facilitated by professionally certified outdoor specialists. 7:15 a.m. Depart Lower Canada College 9:30 a.m. Arrive at Jouvence 10:00 a.m. GPS Rally 12:30 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Obstacle Course 5:00 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m. Night Walk 9:00 p.m. Campfire 11:00 p.m. Curfew – all students in rooms Although students will only be at the camp overnight, it is important to be equipped with the proper clothing and supplies:

• 1 sleeping bag • 1 pillow case • 1 bag for dirty clothes • Sweatpants, jeans, light jacket or fleece • Athletic shorts, t-shirt, socks, 2 running shoes or hiking boots (change of clothing in case of rain) • Sunglasses, hat, bathing suit, raingear, sunscreen, insect repellent, water bottle • Towel, bathing suit, toilette items, underwear, pyjamas, hat, mitts • plastic bags (ex: bread bags) to “water proof” your socks • pen & paper • flashlight

August 31, 2012 – Centre villégiature Jouvence 8:00 a.m. Breakfast 9:00 a.m. Raft building activity 11:30 p.m. Packing 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Depart Jouvence 3:30 p.m. Arrival at Lower Canada College & pick up Please contact Ms. Janette Gentile ([email protected] or 514-482-9797, ext. 466) for additional information. We look forward to an outstanding trip!

Page 4: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

Code of Commitment 2012-2013 Lower Canada College has always set high expectations for its students. The school community continues to thrive with a strong sense of shared purpose, as well as individual responsibilities for faculty, staff, students and parents. Integrity, civility, respect and responsibility are essential to providing a challenging and supportive learning environment. In choosing to attend Lower Canada College, all students and their parents are making a commitment to work cooperatively in partnership with the school administration to fully endorse and support all LCC policies and procedures outlined in the 2012-2013 Lion Tracks Student Honour. “WE HAVE READ THE 2012-2013 LION TRACKS STUDENT HONOUR CODE, AND AGREE TO ACTIVELY ENDORSE AND SUPPORT ALL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES OUTLINED THEREIN.”

Name of Student (please print) Grade Signature

________________________________ ________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date


Junior School: Return to the Homeroom Teacher Middle School & Senior School: Return to the Front Office

Pre-University: Return to the Pre-U Office Deadline: August 29, 2012

Page 5: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

                                                   Pre-U Rules 2012-2013 Summary  Academic Expectations

• All students are expected to make their best effort to ensure their success in securing admission to universities of their choice.

• In October, if a student is at risk academically, he/she will be required to submit a CEGEP application at the request of the University Advisor and Pre-U Coordinator.

Attendance • Punctual attendance in all classes and at assemblies is mandatory. • If the student must be late or absent, the student or his/her parent is expected to contact the Pre-U office

(514-482-9797, ext. 466) in a timely fashion to report the reason. • Repeated unexcused absences will result in disciplinary action. (Full details can be found in Lion Tracks Student Honour Code and Handbook documents.)

Special Absences

For any absence from school for special circumstances (personal university visits, family commitments), parents must provide a WRITTEN EXPLANATION of the circumstances in a reasonable amount of time PRIOR to the absence. The Pre-U Coordinator will assess the circumstances and communicate with parents. If the circumstances warrant missing class time, the student will be responsible for notifying his/her teachers. Students are also responsible for catching up on any missed work in accordance with the “Responsibility for Missed Time Policy” in Lion Tracks. Students working on group projects and presentations must also inform their group of any upcoming special absences. Should a student miss class time for reasons other than illness, without consent from the Pre-U Coordinator, he/she will receive 0% on any in-class assignments or presentations and late penalties on any overdue assignments.

Missing In-Class Assessments

An unexcused absence for any in-class assessment will result in a grade of 0%. Scheduling Make-Up Assessments

• In the event of an excused absence for an in-class assessment, students are required to communicate directly with the teacher to arrange a specific time to complete the assessment upon their return to school.

• Failure to arrange a time to make up for missed work could result in a grade of 0%. Arriving Late on the Day of an In-Class Assessment

Students arriving late on the day of an in-class assessment or missing class periods prior to the assessment are subject to a mark penalty of up to 10%, as well as the consequences for skipping classes.

Late Assignments Policy

• If a student is unable to meet an academic deadline, it is his/her responsibility to request an extension from the teacher at least two days before the assignment is due.

• Should a student not submit an assignment on time without prior permission, the following will occur: o Marks will be deducted. o The student will be required to meet with the teacher and Pre-U Coordinator to explain the late

or overdue assignment. o Continued late submission of assignments will require meetings with the students, parents, Pre-U

Coordinator and the Assistant Head – Academics, and the student will be placed on academic probation.

o Should a student persist in not meeting deadlines for assignments, they will be requested to leave the Pre-U program and not receive any course credits for work completed up to that point.

(Full details can be found in Lion Tracks Student Honour Code.)

Page 6: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

                                                   Pre-U Rules 2012-2013 Summary  Plagiarism

Cheating and plagiarism will be dealt with promptly according to LCC’s “Academic Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures” and can lead to suspension or expulsion from the Pre-U program. (Full details can be found in Lion Tracks Student Honour Code.)

Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco

• LCC is a non-smoking environment. Any student who chooses to smoke must do so off Royal Avenue. • LCC has a zero tolerance policy on the use of drugs and/or alcohol on school property or as part of

school organized events, trips and tours. • Should a student violate the school protocol and policies he/she will be expelled from the Pre-U program.


Students are NOT permitted to park in the arena parking lot on school days between the hours of 7:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Cell Phones & Electronic devices

Cell phones, iPods and other electronic devices are to be used discretely in the designated Pre-U lounge areas; they are not to be used in the classroom or library.

School Day

• First period begins at 8:20 am and last period ends at 3:20 pm. • Students are expected to be on time for all classes and assemblies but are not required to be on campus

for the full duration of the school day if they do not have scheduled classes or co-curricular commitments.

Dress Regulations

• All students are required to dress in conservative business attire. • Young men shall wear:

o Dress shirt, dress pants (no outside seam) & a tie everyday o A jacket, blazer, sweater or sweater vest o Dark colored, polished dress shoes (no outdoor footwear or running shoes are permitted)

• Young women shall wear: o A full-length, tucked in, blouse or tailored shirt o A full-length jacket, blazer or cardigan o A skirt of dress of conservative length or tailored dress slacks (no outside seams, pockets,

grommets, studs or leggings) o Suitable dress shoes or appropriate boots (no outdoor footwear, such as Uggs or running shoes,

are permitted) Hairstyles

• A reasonably conservative hairstyle is required for all students. Hair must be clean, of reasonable length and retain a natural colour.

• All male students must be clean-shaven, and sideburns may not extend below the ears. Students who arrive at school unshaven will be required to shave immediately in the nurse’s office.

Page 7: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

School Trip Waiver and Informed Consent Pre-U Experience Trip 2012 – Jouvence

The school trips sponsored by Lower Canada College offer an exceptional opportunity for students to explore and learn in a stimulating environment. This trip, however, is not without certain risks, dangers, hazards and liabilities to all participants. These include, but are not limited to, personal injury, death, property damage or loss, expense and other loss, delay or inconvenience, and cancellation or curtailment. All participants in the LCC school trips are required to accept these and other risks as a condition of their participation. Lower Canada College has endeavoured to plan an itinerary that while maximizing the educational experience for our students also limits exposure to potential dangers. Destination

Centre de Villégiature, Orford, Quebec 131, chemin de Jouvence, Orford, Quebec, J1X 6R2

Departure Thursday, August 30, 2012 Time: 7:15 am


Friday, August 31, 2012 Time: 3:30 pm


Coach buses



Emergency Contact Numbers

Brian Moore: 514-449-9820 School front office: 514-482-9916 Jouvence: 1-800-567-3134

Purpose of the Trip

Introduction to the LCC Pre-University program, university orientation, and team building skills.

Description of Activities

Travel from Montreal to Eastern Townships by coach bus. Rock & tree climbing (introductory level), canoeing, swimming, obstacle course, raft building, hiking. Sleeping in dormitories at Jouvence. Return to LCC by coach bus.

Level of Supervision

Students are fully supervised on the bus. LCC staff and Jouvence counselors will supervise all the activities. Some unsupervised relaxation time will be given at the resort with restrictions. Adult to student ratio will be 1:10 minimum.

Nature and Scope of Risks

Obstacle course activity, hiking, rock and tree climbing, and canoeing have inherent risks at a moderate level. The canoeing is on a small lake. All activities are supervised by certified personnel.

Safety Precautions Students will be required to wear helmets, harnesses and safety lines. Professionally certified personnel will supervise all sports activities. Students are expected to wear properly secured life vests at all times while canoeing. First-aid kit will be on site. Emergency facilities are located close by the camp.

Page 8: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

INFORMED CONSENT – Pre-U Experience Trip 2012 Student Name (please print): __________________________________________________ I confirm my consent to my child’s participation in this trip and assume all risks inherent thereto. Hence, I release and discharge Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any and all claims whatsoever arising or which may arise by reason of my child’s participation in the school trip including, without limitation, any claims due to any monetary loss or to any material or bodily injuries. I release and discharge Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any and all claims for any liability that may arise due to material or bodily injury suffered by my child during the trip, and agree to indemnify, hold harmless and guarantee Lower Canada College and its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any claim that may arise due to property damage, material or bodily injury suffered by any person, including my child, through his/her action or fault. Should my child suffer injury or illness while on the school trip, a representative of Lower Canada College accompanying my child will attempt to obtain, if possible, prior consent for medical care from the person having parental authority. However, in case of emergency, the undersigned hereby authorizes any representative of Lower Canada College accompanying the child to authorize medical attention for the child as may be deemed appropriate by said representative of Lower Canada College in the circumstances. I agree to bear the costs of all medical care and procedures required by my child. The undersigned also agrees to maintain appropriate medical insurance coverage for the child while on the school trip. I hereby release Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any claim arising out of any medical treatment that my child may require. I acknowledge that should my child fail to keep and obey all rules and regulations prescribed by Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers and employees, while participating in the school trip, Lower Canada College may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate my child’s participation in the school trip and, if warranted, send my child home without refund for the cost of the school trip. Any additional costs incurred by reason of the termination of my child’s participation in the school trip and/or as a result of my child being sent home will be the responsibility of the undersigned. As Parent/Guardian, I have carefully read this Waiver and Informed Consent, understand the terms and conditions outlined, and agree to be bound thereby. My child has the undersigned’s permission to participate in the school trip. Signature of Parent or Guardian: ___________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Number: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________ As a participant of this trip, I agree:

• To observe the policies outlined in Lion Tracks Student Honour Code 2012-2013 • To cooperate fully with the staff supervisor(s), cheerfully and without reservation • To participate in the scheduled events included in the program

Signature of Student: ____________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________________________

Page 9: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

LCC WAIVER AND INFORMED CONSENT – All Level I Activities Student Name (please print): ______________________________________________ I confirm my consent to my child’s participation in all curriculum based Montreal area field trips and league athletic games that are scheduled on school days throughout the 2012-2013 school year, as indicated on the Lower Canada College Calendar for parents on the LCC website. I understand that these Level I activities are not without certain risks, dangers, hazards and liabilities to all participants, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, property damage or loss, expense and other loss, delay or inconvenience and cancellation or curtailment. I accept and assume responsibility for all risks associated with my child’s participation in all Level I Activities. Hence, I release and discharge Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any and all claims whatsoever arising or which may arise by reason of my child’s participation in all Level 1 Activities for the 2012-2013 school year including, without limitation, any claims due to any monetary loss or to any material or bodily injuries. I release and discharge Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any and all claims for any liability that may arise due to material or bodily injury suffered by my child during any Level I Activity, and agree to indemnify, hold harmless and guarantee Lower Canada College and its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any claim that may arise due to property damage, material or bodily injury suffered by any person, including my child, through his/her action or fault. Should my child suffer injury or illness while participating in any Level I Activity, a representative of Lower Canada College accompanying my child will attempt to obtain, if possible, prior consent for medical care from the person having parental authority. However, in case of emergency, the undersigned hereby authorizes any representative of Lower Canada College accompanying the child to authorize medical attention for the child as may be deemed appropriate by said representative of Lower Canada College in the circumstances. I agree to bear the costs of all medical care and procedures required by my child. The undersigned also agrees to maintain appropriate medical insurance coverage for the child while participating in any Level I Activity. I hereby release Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers, teachers, employees and volunteers from any claim arising out of any medical treatment that my child may require.

Page 10: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

INFORMED CONSENT – ALL LEVEL I ACTIVITIES Student Name: _________________________________________________________________ I acknowledge that should my child fail to keep and obey all rules and regulations prescribed by Lower Canada College, its respective directors, officers and employees, while participating in any Level I Activity, Lower Canada College may, in its sole and absolute discretion, terminate my child’s participation in such Level I Activity and, if warranted, send my child home without refund for the cost of such Level I Activity. Any additional costs incurred by reason of the termination of my child’s participation in any Level I Activity and/or as a result of my child being sent home will be the responsibility of the undersigned. As Parent/Guardian, I have carefully read this Waiver and Informed Consent, understand the terms and conditions outlined, and agree to be bound thereby. Unless otherwise indicated by me in writing 24 hours prior to a scheduled Level I Activity, my child has the undersigned’s permission to participate in all Level I Activities. Signature of Parent or Guardian: Emergency Contact Number: ______ Date: As participant of Level I Activities, I agree:

• To observe the policies outlined in Lion Tracks Student Honour Code 2012-2013 • To cooperate fully with the staff supervisor(s), cheerfully and without reservation • To participate in the scheduled events included in the program

Signature of Student: Date:

Page 11: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children
Page 12: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children
Page 13: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children
Page 14: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children
Page 15: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children


Name: High School Potential University Destination(s): _______ Academic Program Choice(s): Pre-University courses are timetabled in eight regular blocks. A full Pre-U academic profile includes English and five options, for a total of six courses. Effective course selection is an important part of the Pre-U candidate’s application process and future academic achievement. In consultation with the University Advisor each candidate has the opportunity to develop a preliminary course profile during the course of the admissions interview. Final course choices should be confirmed by the end of the first cycle of the 2012/2013 academic year (Friday, September 14). Any changes to the preliminary course selection must be made in consultation with and approved by the University Advisor. Course Selections: Block 1 English is compulsory. Choose five options from the remaining blocks, choosing only one from each block.

Block 1 English (Compulsory)

Block 2 Biology French

Block 3 Calculus and Vectors Advanced Placement Calculus (AB) (advanced)

Block 4 Geometry and Discrete Mathematics / BC Calculus

Mathematics of Data Management

Block 5 Philosophy Communications Technology

Block 6 Advanced Placement Economics Visual Arts

Block 7 Advanced Physics Canada and World Issues

Block 8 Advanced Chemistry Political Science *** Please Note: Advanced level requirements are offered for students with strong academic records in particular subjects. Intermediate level requirements are provided to benefit students with less advanced backgrounds. Intermediate levels are not intended to provide an easy route for students who are qualified to pursue advanced studies. Every attempt will be made to assign the student to his/her choice of options. However, it is possible that an option may not be offered if registration is unusually low and that a particular combination of options may not be feasible because of timetabling constraints. In either event, the School reserves the right to request the student to revise his/her choices. MY SIX COURSE CHOICES ARE:

1) English 4)

2) 5)

3) 6)

Please return to Mrs. Gentile (L304) in the Pre-U Office ASAP

Page 16: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

2012-2013 Pre-University Laptop Use Policy

Laptop use for Pre-University students is unique in that students enter the program from inside and outside the LCC community, bringing with them variations in their experience of computer use in the classroom, their familiarity with one laptop brand, operating system and set of application software, and their expectations for the use of the laptop in their courses. Pre-University students in the 2012-2013 year will have the following options:

a) They may pay a laptop fee of $600 for the year that provides the student with the use of an Apple MacBook (Pro 13.3”) with appropriate application software and Internet access.

b) They may use their own laptop computers as long as they are aware of the following:

i) LCC is an open platform network and thus will accommodate both Mac and PC machines

ii) Wireless Internet access only will be provided iii) No technology support is provided on personally owned laptops iv) LCC does not provide software on personally owned laptops

c) If students wish to use a personal laptop connected to the LCC network, they must have the following approved by the LCC Information Technology Staff:

i) MS Windows 7 operating system, or Mac OS 10.5 Leopard or better ii) an up-to-date and functioning anti-virus software (PC only) iii) at a minimum, the Microsoft Office suite application software

School-licensed software cannot be installed on computers that are not owned/leased through the school. Every student must sign the LCC authorized use policy that governs technology use on the LCC network, including access only accounts. All Pre-University students pay a $200 Network Access Fee. Should damage to the LCC technology infrastructure result from the use of personal equipment, that individual and/or parents or guardians will be held responsible for costs involved in rectifying the damage. For a complete description of the LCC technology policy, please refer to the Lion Tracks Student Honour Code and Handbook documents found on the LCC website.

Page 17: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

Apple MacBook Use Form

After reviewing all the terms and conditions of the laptop policy, please indicate the following:

I will be leasing a Apple MacBook (Pro 13.3”) computer from Lower Canada College

I will be using my own personal laptop and are aware there will be limited access and restrictions as stated in the Laptop Policy Name of Student: _________________________________________________ Signature of Student: ______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian: _________________________________________ Please complete and return the Laptop Use Form to the Pre-University Office. Thank you!

Page 18: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

Pre-University Class of 2013 Student Contact Information Form

Please complete this form and return it to the Pre-University Office by May 18, 2012, to the attention of Mrs. Janette Gentile. Name: _________________________________________________________________

Preferred name (if different from above): ______________________________________

Cell #: __________________________________________________________________

E-mail: _________________________________________________________________

Page 19: Welcome to Pre-University! - Lower Canada College...In the meantime, enjoy the rest of your summer holiday and reading Little Princes: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children

June 2012 Dear Pre-U Student: Please click on the following link for the supplementary reading list designed not only to enrich the Pre-University academic program but also to provide you with significant reading related to some of the courses you will be taking, whether in humanities, social sciences, science or mathematics. http://www.lcc.ca/uploaded/Library_portal/Reading_Lists_2012/PRE-university_2012.pdf Over the summer, in addition to reading the LCC Reads book, Little Princess: One Man’s Promise to Bring Home the Lost Children of Nepal by Conor Grennan, you are required to select and read any ONE book from the list. During your first week of classes, a writing assignment on the book you read will constitute your initial English class writing sample. Take the time to sample several of the titles, and try to choose a book that you will both benefit from and enjoy. Have a great summer. We look forward to seeing you in early September Sincerely,

Brian Moore, Hons. B.A., Dip. Ed., M.A. Interim Pre-University Program Coordinator