welcome! the topic for today is…. your topic suffragette city goals of progressivism the...

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Welcome!The Topic For Today Is…

Your TopicSuffragette City Goals of

Progressivism The Presidents Laws and Such

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Bonus Question

Suffragette City: 200

Of the following, the one that is not a strategy women suffragettes used: advocating a constitutional amendment, urging female workers to strike, testing the fourteenth amendment, urging state legislatures • urging female workers to strike`


Suffragette City: 400

• Question:• The first state to give women the right to vote• Answer• Wyoming


Suffragette City: 600

• Question:• Party formed by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns• National Women’s Party (NWP)


Suffragette City: 800

• Question: Ultimately, Woodrow Wilson argued that women deserved the right to vote because of their contributions in this.• Answer• The First World War


Suffragette City: 1000

• Question:• Number (or fraction) of states needed to

approve the passage of the 19th Amendment • 3/4, 36 states


Goals of Progressivism: 200

• Question:• Journalists who stirred up trouble were called

these• Answer• Muckrakers


Goals of Progressivism: 400

• Question:• Henry Ford and “Taylorism” could be placed

into this goal of Progressivism• Answer• Fostering efficiency


Goals of Progressivism: 600

• Question:• This law required truthful labels and food and

drugs.• The Pure Food and Drug Act


Goals of Progressivism: 800

• Question:• Author of The Jungle • Answer• Upton Sinclair


Goals of Progressivism: 1000

• Question:• This woman, who supported Prohibition, used

to use her hatchet to destroy kegs and break liquor bottles

• Answer• Carry Nation


The Presidents: 200

• Question:• He used the “Bully Pulpit” to get his points

across• Answer• Theodore Roosevelt


The Presidents: 400

• Question:• The year in which Wilson, Taft, and Roosevelt

all ran for president• Answer• 1912


The Presidents: 600

• President Taft failed to do this effectively while he was President, and as a result was not re-elected

• Answer• Unify the Republican party or satisfy



The Presidents: 800

• Question:• Wilson created this private banking system

supported by the federal government• Answer• The Federal Reserve System


The Presidents: 1000

• Question:• The fourth party candidate in 1912 who

received almost a million votes.• Answer• Eugene V. Debs


Laws and Such: 200

• Question:• This is the term for a bill originated by the

people rather than lawmakers• Answer• initiative


Laws and Such: 400

• Question:• The Eighteenth Amendment made this illegal• Answer• Alcohol


Laws and Such : 600

• Question: This law created the strict cleanliness requirements for meat packers• Answer• The Meat Inspection Act


Laws and Such: 800

• Question:• Amendment that allowed women the right to

vote• The Nineteenth Amendment


Laws and Such: 1000

• Question:• This law, passed in 1914, tried to restrict

monopolies• Answer• The Clayton Antitrust Act


Final Jeopardy• Question:• President Roosevelt was the first American to

achieve this honor, which he did in 1906. • Answer• …• Winning the Nobel Peace Prize


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