weight training 2012

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  • 7/31/2019 Weight Training 2012



    Instructor Dean Schaff Phone 332-3640 ext. 2256

    Classroom Weight Room/Fitness Center E-mail [email protected]

    Personal Fitness Authors: Charles S. Williams, Emmanouel G.Harageones, Dewayne J. Johnson and Charles D. Smith

    Kendall/Hunt Publishing CompanyFourth Edition Copyright 2000

    A course designed to develop the students overall sense of well being through weight lifting andphysical conditioning. This course meets the requirements of a Level 2 Physical Education classand may also be taken as an elective.

    Prerequisite: Grade 9 may take this course with Instructor Approval ONLYIf repeating this course it must be with instructor approval.

    :MOVEMENT: Students demonstrate competency in movement forms andapply movement concepts and principles to the learning and developmentof motor skills.

    FITNESS: Students demonstrate fitness literacy and behaviors associatedwith physical fitness.

    PERSONAL AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOR: Students demonstrate personal andsocial responsibility, understand the benefits of physical activity, andrespect diversity among people in physical activity settings.

    Students are required to dress out and participate every day to show proficiency

    in this course. Clothes needed, include: gym shorts or sweats, tee shirt, socksand gym shoes (shoes may be old shoes that have been cleaned up and saved forweight room use only).

    Students will need to complete a Fitness Research Project, a Fitness Plan and aWritten Final.

    Students will also be expected to demonstrate correct lifting technique, showimprovement in strength and complete a lifting fitness assessment.

    Students will need to identify and name basic muscle groups, as well as explainhow specific exercises develop that area, as assessed by test

  • 7/31/2019 Weight Training 2012


    Weight Training course is a semester course and will be gradedaccordingly.

    25% of the grade will come from the Fitness Category-Fitness Testing

    -Written Fitness Assessment

    25% of the grade will come from the Personal and Social BehaviorCategory

    5 point Daily Log Grade - Grading Rubric:

    o 03 points for participation ( 3on task all of the time, 2mostly on task, 1on task some of the time, 0No


    o 0-1 points for being prepared for class with all requiredmaterials and clothes

    o 0-1 point for demonstrating a positive attitude30% of the grade will come from the Movement Category

    -Students will be required to demonstrate and explain proper

    lifting technique.

    -Students will record their daily workouts in a fitness log.

    20% of the grade will come from the written Final Test. Questions

    will cover all three standards

    *Students missing class for any reason are expected to make upwritten work and activity time missed. Time to be made up will be atthe instructors approval.

    Grading Scale:

    100% - 90% A

    89% - 80% B

    79% - 70% C

    69% - 60% D

    59% and lower F

  • 7/31/2019 Weight Training 2012


    Students at the advanced level demonstrate complete and comprehensiveknowledge of movement and apply it when performing complex movement and apply itwhen performing complex movement skills in developmentally appropriate physicalactivities. They draw connections between fitness components, principles and fitnessstatus. They engage in physical activity that meets requirements for improving theirfitness. They consistently exhibit positive intra-personal characteristics and engage inappropriate inter-personal relationships inherent to movement activities at theirdevelopmental level.

    Students at the proficient level demonstrate knowledge of movement andapply it when performing fundamental movement skills in developmentally appropriatephysical activities. Their understanding of fitness and procedures for improving it isbroad in scope. They engage in physical activity that meets requirements for improvingtheir health. They exhibit positive intra-personal characteristics and engage in

    appropriate inter-personal relationships inherent to movement activities at theirdevelopmental level.

    Students at the basic level demonstrate limited knowledge of movement andsome fundamental movement skills in developmentally appropriate physical activities.Their understanding of fitness and procedures for improving it lacks breadth and depth.They engage in physical activities that meet limited requirements for improving theirhealth. They occasionally exhibit positive intra-personal characteristics and engage inpositive inter-personal relationships inherent to movement activities at theirdevelopmental level.

    Students at the below basic level require extensive support or provide littleor no evidence in meeting the standard.

    MovemantMovement, Fitness,Behavior

    M1 demonstrate skills,F4participate invariety of physicalactivitiesB1safety, rules,etiquetteB2sportsmanship,teamwork, cooperationF4Participate invariety of physicalactivities

    -skills demonstration-skills quizes

    Personal and SocialBehavior


    B1Safety principlesB2Sportsmanship/CooperationB3Respect forindividual differences

  • 7/31/2019 Weight Training 2012


    B4Opportunities forenjoyment

    Fitness Unit Fitness

    F1Understanding ofPFP and status

    F2Understanding ofbenefits derived fromphysical activitiesF 3KnowledgeableconsumersF4Participate invariety of activities

    Are listed in above

    Student and/or Parent Signature

    I have read and understand the requirements and content of


    FCSD1 agrees to ensure equitable access and equitable participation in all Districtcourses/classes. All district schools will effectively manage and creatively utilizeresources necessary to support student learning. The Districts Board of Trustees iscommitted to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, gender, age, nationalorigin, color or disability in admission to, or access to, or treatment in its educationalprograms or activities.