week beginning 5 july 2020 our church building is now open for … · 2020-07-03 · our church...

Week Beginning 5 th July 2020 The Feast of St Thomas Key contacts Team Rector Rev Carol Pharaoh T: 01942 859251 E: [email protected] Team Vicar Revd Angela Wynne T: 01204 468150 E: [email protected] Churchwardens Jenifer Palin T: 01942 817392 Alison Campbell T: 01942 397023 Pewsheet Editor Karen Bailey E: [email protected] Copy by 2pm Wednesday for following Sunday. Facebook Steph Gregory E: [email protected] Website www.stjamesdaisyhill.co.uk Our church building is now open for personal and private prayer from10-11am. Please see notice on page 8. Welcome to a very different Notice Sheet… If you have any items or suggestions which you feel may be useful, please email them to me at the address above. I have emailed this Notice Sheet to contacts I already have, but if you don’t wish to receive it please let me know and I’ll remove you from the list. Similarly, if you are reading this on the website and would like a copy, please email me your details and I’ll add you on. Please take care and stay safe. Karen

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Week Beginning 5th

July 2020 The Feast of St Thomas

Key contacts

Team Rector Rev Carol Pharaoh T: 01942 859251 E: [email protected]

Team Vicar Revd Angela Wynne T: 01204 468150 E: [email protected]


Jenifer Palin T: 01942 817392

Alison Campbell T: 01942 397023

Pewsheet Editor Karen Bailey E: [email protected] Copy by 2pm Wednesday for following Sunday.

Facebook Steph Gregory E: [email protected]

Website www.stjamesdaisyhill.co.uk

Our church building is now open for personal and private prayer from10-11am.

Please see notice on page 8.

Welcome to a very different Notice Sheet… If you have any items or suggestions which you feel may be useful, please email them to me at the address above. I have emailed this Notice Sheet to contacts I already have, but if you don’t wish to receive it please let me know and I’ll remove you from the list. Similarly, if you are reading this on the website and would like a copy, please email me your details and I’ll add you on. Please take care and stay safe. Karen

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Please see our Team YouTube link for our latest services: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDx266HLh9ShYeBJnON8ODg

READINGS FROM THE BIBLE First reading – Ephesians 2:19-end So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone. In him the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built together spiritually into a dwelling-place for God. Gospel reading - John 20: 24-29 But Thomas (who was called the Twin), one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, ‘We have seen the Lord.’ But he said to them, ‘Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe.’ A week later his disciples were again in the house, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were shut, Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’ Then he said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.’ Thomas answered him, ‘My Lord and my God!’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.’

The Collect

Almighty and eternal God, who, for the firmer foundation of our faith, allowed your holy apostle Thomas to doubt the resurrection of your Son till word and sight convinced him: grant to us, who have not seen, that we also may believe and so confess Christ as our Lord and our God; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Post Communion Prayer Lord God, the source of truth and love, keep us faithful to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, united in prayer and the breaking of bread, and one in joy and simplicity of heart, in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Please remember in our prayers those who are sick: Connor Wood Rev. Bill Twidell Emily Vogan Sue Joyce Yvonne Jeremiah Eileen Thomas

Mike Redfern Dianne Cookson Rev. Vince Radford Alison Ashford Trevor Duffy Michelle Davies

Gracious God, give skill, sympathy and resilience to all who are caring for the sick, and your wisdom to those searching for a cure. Strengthen them with your Spirit, that through their work many will be restored to health; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Please pray for the family and friends of those whose anniversary of their passing falls this week: There is no-one on our list for this week.

Almighty and eternal God, from whose love in Christ we cannot be parted, either by death or life: hear our prayers and thanksgivings for all whom we remember this day; fulfil in them the purpose of your love; and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Homily 5th July – Angela Wynne Have you ever wished you could see Jesus? Sit with him, talk to him, touch him, hear his voice, see his face? I remember some time ago an ancient skull was found in the area where Jesus would have lived and was dated as being of New Testament period. A TV documentary staged a reconstruction of his face posing the question, “Could this be the face of Jesus?” They used modern scientific knowledge of bone structure and muscles to reconstruct the face using clay and then they fleshed it out to make his features; nose, mouth, eyes and lips. They bore in mind the Jewish heritage of

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Jesus, making the point that unlike the depictions in western art of a blond haired, fair skinned man with blue eyes, Jesus would have been dark haired, dark eyed with an olive skin. There is no description of Jesus’ appearance anywhere in the New Testament so it has been left to interpretation by successive artists and each culture has its own image of Jesus. In the western world he is depicted as yes, blue eyed and blond haired in many cases but if you go to Africa you will see him portrayed as African, or in China as Chinese or in Latin America as Latin American and so on. I have a favourite postcard that my mum sent me from Canada depicting The Virgin Mary as a native North American carrying Jesus as a papoose on her back. Each culture depicts Jesus as someone that the people would recognise as being one of them. Someone they could relate to. The documentary unveiled the head of “Jesus” to dramatic effect. It was an interesting experiment but I was a little disappointed that it looked nothing like Robert Powell! I think it’s probably a good thing that his appearance is left to our imagination. Thomas the disciple, was understandably upset that that he hadn’t been present when Jesus appeared to his disciples in that Upper Room. He was probably hurt that Jesus hadn’t waited until he was there. Didn’t the Lord care about him? I am sure this would have fuelled his doubt and stubborn response. “I will not believe until I have seen him for myself and put my finger in his side!” How he must have longed to see Jesus like the others had. He had to wait a whole week before Jesus came again and when he saw him all his doubts were dispelled and not only did he believe but he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” Jesus replied, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.” We all have our doubts from time to time. I actually think that doubts can a good thing. Afterall doubts can make you check something out, probe a little deeper into a situation, ask questions to clarify things. This can be good if it helps you to be more confident. Sometimes though when we have doubts, especially about our faith we feel a little embarrassed or ashamed feeling that if we were a real Christian we wouldn’t have such doubts. What would our friends or the vicar think about us if they knew we had doubts? Would we be drummed off the PCC or cast into the outer darkness? Well as far as I’m concerned the important thing about doubt is that we shouldn’t let it paralyse us or hold us back. Doubts are best out in the open where they can be discussed, examined and given the opportunity to dispel or evaporate like clouds clearing in the sky. When we keep our doubts about our faith to ourselves it makes it very difficult for us to grow in faith. Sometimes we don’t like to discuss our doubts because we don’t think that the Christian Faith

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can stand the scrutiny. In my experience if you talk about your faith and your doubts with a trusted friend or friends they may help you to see things differently perhaps from a perspective that you’d not thought of and whilst definitive answers might not be forthcoming, thinking things through can be very enlightening for everyone. That’s why bible discussion groups and the Pilgrim courses are so helpful in helping us to grow in faith. So back to Thomas; his doubts were dispelled by seeing the Lord. Later Jesus would ascend to his Father and no longer appear to his disciples. By then they had come to realise that they although he wasn’t there physically he was there with them through his Spirit. He could be with them at any time and in all places ready to guide, comfort and empower them in their mission. And that is the same for us. We can’t see Jesus with our eyes but we can know his presence with us. It is believed that Thomas’ mission took him to India and various legends have grown up around his time there. There’s a story that he built a palace for an Indian King and because of that he became the patron Saint of architects. He was killed by a spear and buried at least for a while, at Mylapore near Madras, in India. His bones were later moved and where they rest now is not clear. Several places lay claim to them. Thomas is an example to us that it’s ok to have doubts and it’s better to doubt out loud than internalise them. Jesus gave Thomas what he needed to believe. So be encouraged and be open about your doubts. It might just be the way to a deeper and more life giving faith. Amen.

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A Letter from Rev Angela Wynne

Dear Friends, This has been a busy week! After a great deal of work especially by the wardens carrying out Risk Assessments, getting PCC approval, obtaining all the supplies and working out social distancing seating arrangements, finding volunteers to act as Stewards, the churches finally opened their doors to the congregation and community for private prayer. I was at St Katharine’s on Tuesday morning and it was lovely to welcome people back in and see some faces I’d not seen for 3 months! Some of those attending did say how lovely it was to be in church and that the church looked nice which was very encouraging because we have had to take measures to make the building and the visitors “Covid19 Secure” and we were concerned it might it appear unwelcoming. These measures include hand sanitisers when you enter and leave, limiting where you can sit to maintain the 2m social distancing rule and introducing a one way system so that you are not crossing each other’s paths whilst inside. We also took down names and contact details which we have to keep for 21 days in case it is needed for the Government’s “Track and Trace” system as in other public places such as pubs and restaurants. At the end of the prayer time on Tuesday all the places where people had been sitting and the frequently touched areas were cleaned down, toilets cleaned and waste bins emptied. We are so grateful to those who have volunteered to act as the “Stewards” and perform these duties. The church couldn’t open at all without you. Many of those who usually volunteer in our church fall into the vulnerable category unfortunately. Although they may be fit and well the Government and Church of England advice is that people over 70 and those who are clinically vulnerable or shielding should not be asked at the present time to do anything that might put them at risk of exposure to Covid 19. As you know only too well that is the vast majority of our congregation hence it is with a much slimmed down team that we are able to open up the church for prayer. However in terms of opening up for a service this is a great first step to have taken. Hurrah! Well done everyone! Now we are planning and discussing what further measures we have to put in place for a service, particularly a service of Holy Communion. Please keep us all in your prayers as we make these decisions. There is much to consider and it’s a great responsibility for the clergy, wardens and PCC. The prayer on St John’s prayer diary was particularly apt for us on the 2nd July. Carol suggests that we all make it our prayer at this time.

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Thursday 2nd: Pray for our Church Wardens, A.L.M’s, O.L.M’s & Readers. Loving Father, we need your help. We cannot fix our problems alone. Help us to understand the situations, and then seek Your help and guidance in resolving the challenges before us. Amen Take care everyone and if you are out and about this weekend, stay alert and keep safe. God bless, Angela.

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RE-OPENING OF CHURCHES IN OUR TEAM Opening of Church Building for Private and Personal Prayer St James’ Church is now open for private prayer each Sunday between 10am and 11am. These times are for private and personal prayer only - there will be no formal church services as these are not allowed. School forms will not be signed as this is not a service of worship. If you wish, you will be able to make an offering to the work of the church during this time. Everyone is welcome in our churches however government guidelines state that you should not attend if you are 70 or over and in any vulnerable category. If you are in one of these groups, you should follow any medical advice and, if you do attend, you do so at your own risk. Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 / Coronavirus or who is in a household where someone is displaying symptoms MUST NOT attend. People may arrive or leave at any point during this period. Please work with the stewards on duty to follow the instructions for everyone’s safety. If the building becomes particularly busy, you may be asked to wait outside to maintain social distancing. You are asked to use the hand gel provided when entering or leaving the building. To reiterate, guidance changes on a daily if not hourly basis. All these details are subject to change. We will notify any updates by email, on our websites and social media platforms. Thank you. Vicar and Church Wardens.

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Carol writes;- I am pleased to be able to share with you that I recently received a letter from Bishop David, informing me that Andy Jones has been appointed as Assistant Curate in our Team and will begin his ministry with us following his ordination on Sunday 4th July 2021. This post is conditional upon Andy meeting all the necessary course requirements in the next year. Andy is married to Katie and they have a 3 year old son Harry. The family will live in the vicarage at Daisy Hill. Andy has provided the following introduction...

Hello, Let me introduce myself; my name is Andy Jones and last week I was very blessed to receive a letter from the Bishop of Manchester that I will be serving my title as Assistant Curate in the benefice of Blackrod, Daisy Hill Westhoughton and Wingates. I, well we as a family are so excited and are very much looking forward to it. So a bit about me, I’m married to Katie (Mrs. Jones to all my friends) and we have been married for nine years. We have a three year old son called Harry who will be

four in August. We live in Rochdale and worship at St. Phillip’s Church in Stubbins, Ramsbottom and I am just finishing my second year of three with All Saints Centre for Mission and Ministry in Manchester. It has been a joyful experience (apart from when the essay deadlines are looming). I currently work in Rochdale Adult Care Services, currently as a Neighbourhood Lead but in September I will be in a new role of Head of Quality Assurance. I’ve worked in social care since I was sixteen and it has been a privilege to work with so many people at various stages in their lives. Katie is Children’s Occupational Therapist for a children with disability team in Rochdale and is a Guide Leader on Monday nights. We both love music, theatre, festivals camping and walking. Harry our son is a marvel comic fan and loves Hulk and his friends, he can frequently be heard shouting “Hulk Smash”. We are excited for this next step on our journey with you in the Team. Please pray for Andy, Katie and Harry

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Church Giving In these difficult times, many families are worrying about how they will cope financially, and many businesses are threatened with closure. The church also continues to have its expenses and commitments, even though the buildings themselves are not in use. If you normally donate money to the church via the envelope scheme and are able to continue making a financial contribution, would you consider setting up a standing order to continue your payments? If you would like information on how to do this, please contact Wendy Horne on 07717200444 or email [email protected] Thank you for your support. Envelopes We are aware that there are still some boxes of envelopes in church which members of the congregation were unable to collect before lockdown. For those who wish to continue to use the envelope scheme for their giving, may we suggest that you continue to either put your donation to one side, or if you have envelopes to still put your money in them to bring to church when we are able to open our doors once again. Thank you for continuing to support our church in this way. A Message from Canon Simon Tatton-Brown On Monday morning 29 June at 10.30am I will be celebrating the 40th anniversary of my ordination as a priest. Could you please pass on my invitation to those who might remember me in Westhoughton with an invitation for them to join me online for a live-streamed celebration? Indeed there will probably be some in Blackrod and Daisy Hill as well as Wingates who joined the team towards the end of my time who also remember me from all those years ago. The service will be live-streamed on the Christ Church Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/christchurchbath and will later be posted on the Christ Church Bath Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiQC6OaQG4kvNUImo9AMbNw to look at later for those not free at 10.30am. The preacher will be the Very Reverend Frankie Ward who was at Westhoughton with me in the early 1990s. Christ Church choir will be will be contributing the music.

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200 CLUB – BACK UP AND RUNNING!! We do not know when we will be back in church but we would greatly appreciate it if you would all continue to contribute to the 200 club. In order to make things easier we have set up the 200 club account on line so if you wish, you can transfer directly into it.

The account is now up and running –

Please email Jenifer [email protected]

or telephone her on 01942 817392

for the account details or to answer any queries.

As well as having winning numbers each month the church does benefit from this too. Over the twelve months we pay out £1220 in prize money and the church receives £1180. This is a considerable donation to the church from the people who have supported the 200 club over the years. Please support the 200 club, let people know about it so they too can support the church. We currently have several spare numbers which we would welcome any one to consider taking on. Take care Jenifer Palin and Margaret Campbell 200 Club Winners £100 £50 £25 £10 March P Dunne J Baron K Thompson April H Biddlecombe B Ainscough O Butterworth May G Porter T Gleave A Hayes A Whitfield

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Easy Fundraising Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for St James The Great, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton with easyfundraising? There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds. All you need to do is:

1. Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/stjamesthegreatdaisyhillwesthoughton/?utm_campaign=raise-more and join for free.

2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you

want and start shopping.

3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to St James The Great, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and St James The Great, Daisy Hill, Westhoughton will be really grateful for your donations. Thank you for your support.

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Urban Outreach An opportunity to make donations:

Worship Church of England The Church of England is producing a series of prayers and acts of worship for those unable to attend church, available here:https://www.churchofengland.org/more/media-centre/coronavirus-liturgy-and-prayer-resources 96.5 Bolton FM - 11am - 12pm The Spirit of Bolton Prayers for Bolton - Rev. Ian Smart and Sue Snowden

More Prayers for Bolton, our weekly act of worship, which will be hosted once again by Ian and Sue from Harwood Methodist Church. They will lead listeners through a selection of worship, hymns, songs, prayers, readings and reflections. It is a chance for you to be able to worship at home, and to raise your voices in praise with others from around the Bolton Family.

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Local Information

Local Information Bolton Council are producing a daily bulletin of useful information from guidance for personal security to details of Bolton Market Traders offering a home delivery or order and collect service. Contact Keith Armstrong via email [email protected] giving him your name and email address and ask to be put on the circulation list for the Bolton Council Daily Bulletin.

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Thank you so much to everyone for sending in contributions this week, I hope the information is informative and useful. If you are usually on our prayer rota to lead Intercessions and would like to send in some prayers for inclusion, it would be lovely to receive them. Thanks again. Stay safe. Karen


When dreams are broken things And joy has fled There is Jesus.

When h