week 1 lecture intro to ed tech

Week 1 Lecture: Introduction to Educational Technology EDCI 4305 SS II 2008 EDCI 4305 SS II 2008 S. Cadena S. Cadena July 14-20, 2008 July 14-20, 2008 Approx. length of presentation: 30 min. Approx. length of presentation: 30 min.

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Week 1 Lecture:Introduction to Educational


EDCI 4305 SS II 2008EDCI 4305 SS II 2008S. CadenaS. Cadena

July 14-20, 2008July 14-20, 2008

Approx. length of presentation: 30 min.Approx. length of presentation: 30 min.

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ATTENTION STUDENTS!This presentation contains

voiceover narrations created with

Every time you see the icon on the bottom of a

slide, click on it to listento the narration.

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Presentation Outline

Part I: Defining Educational Technology

Part II: Teaching and Learning:

A Closer Look

*** Note: Information contained in this lecture will be included on the midterm and final exam. ***

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Part I: Defining Educational Technology

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Before we begin…I usually like to start out each lecture presentation with a thoughtprovoking video, quote, story, or interesting article related to technology and/or instruction.

The next slide contains a video titled, “Are you paying attention?” I came across it as I was researching information related to Web 2.0. It presents a broader perspective on teaching and learning and emphasizes the use of current technology tools to make learning a more meaningful experience for students.

As you watch the following video, think about the types of Web 2.0 tools that can be integrated into curriculum and instruction.

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If you having trouble viewing the video, you can view it on the web by clicking on the link below:


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Questions to think about…

1. Would you be willing to utilize some 1. Would you be willing to utilize some of the technology tools? (wikis, blogs, of the technology tools? (wikis, blogs, podcasts)podcasts)

2. Do you think using cell phones as 2. Do you think using cell phones as instructional tools would have a instructional tools would have a positive or negative impact on your positive or negative impact on your instruction? instruction?

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Educational Technologyas defined by you…

Using educational technology not only teaches them how to research, email, and things such as that but it expands their minds. –Latisha

Educational technology is a great way to engage students in any activity no matter which subject. –Luis

Educational technology to me, is using the technology we have in our classroom to facilitate the learning and academic achievement of our students.—Claudia

It is not only using technology towards education, but also educating oneself in order to apply technological advances of society to the classroom. –Stephanie

The internet can be seen as a “World Wide Library” and this can be considered educational technology. –Lidia

I define educational technology as different forms of technology/equipment that one may use (teacher) to teach a lesson and also helping students learn academically. –Santos

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Educational technologycan also include…

Two-way video conferencing

Electronic books (e-books)

Online learning through distance


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Part II: Teaching and Learning:

A Closer Look

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Q: What role does technology play in the teaching and learning process?

A: First, you need to have a good understanding about teaching and learning process before you can fully understand how technology can be used to enhance instruction.

You may be asking yourself…

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Perspectives on Teaching & Learning

Behaviorists (Watson, Skinner, Pavlov) Ex. Teacher rewards a student for learning how to read.

Student will more than likely continue this behavior because of the positive reinforcement.

Cognitivists (Bruner, Ausubel) Ex. Student recalls several procedures he/she learned in

class to solve a unique problem.

Constructivists (Gagne, Piaget, Bandura, Vygotsky)

Ex. Student connects a story he/she has read about birds to a recent field trip to a birding center.

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Learning Styles

How do students process their How do students process their learning?learning?

Are they:Are they:• Visual learnersVisual learners• Kinesthetic learnersKinesthetic learners• Auditory learnersAuditory learners

How do you learn best?How do you learn best?

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Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Theorist: Howard GardnerTheorist: Howard Gardner Based on 9 intelligences (talents)Based on 9 intelligences (talents)

Linguistic Logical-Mathematical Musical

Spatial Bodily-Kinesthetic Interpersonal

Intrapersonal Naturalistic Existential

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Teaching Styles The act of teaching requires a basic The act of teaching requires a basic

understanding of the individual student and understanding of the individual student and the environmental factors that affect their the environmental factors that affect their learninglearning

Some teach the same way they were taughtSome teach the same way they were taught

Others teach in the way they like to learnOthers teach in the way they like to learn

What is your teaching style?What is your teaching style?

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Putting it all together: A holistic approach

Technology enhances teaching and learning only when the teaching and learning process has been carefully defined and planned by the teacher.


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Preview of Week 2 Lecture:

Information Acquisitionand the World Wide Web

•Innovations in Educational Technology

•Web 2.0 Tools

•The Instructional Design Process

•Evaluating Web Sites for Validity

and Accuracy