week 05 (2)

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  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)


    Life of Holy Prophet SAW in


    InstructorMuhammad Hassaan

  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)



    Three major themes underlie the Madinese


    1. Implementation of Divine Commands

    2. Criticism of Jews, Christians and Hypocrites

    3. Emphasis on Jihad

  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)



    According to Jews, Judaism is the covenantalrelation established between God and theChildren of Israel

    Major Holy books of the Jews are Torah andTalmud

    The Torah is the name given to the first five

    books of the Bible The Talmud is the Oral Law, forming the basis

    of rabbinic literature

  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)



    Musa (AS) is considered the greatest Prophetby Jews

    Rabbis are scholars of Judaism and have had

    enormous influence in the development ofJudaism

    Jews are monotheists

    Judaism is primarily a religion of practice

    The Jews and the Christians are collectivelytermed as the Ahl e Kitab in the Quran

  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)


    Jewish Tribes Surrounding Madina

    The Jews lived in the vicinity of Madina. They

    were employed in agriculture, sword-making

    and money lending

    The three major Jewish tribes were:

    Banu Qaynuqa (Expelled after the Battle ofBadr for violating the treaty)

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    Banu Qurayza (Killed and expelled after the

    Battle of the Trench for assisting the Quraysh)

    Banu Nadir (Expelled for assassination

    attempt and inciting the enemies against


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    Mainstream Christianity believes Isa (AS) to bethe Son of God and the savior of mankind

    In its origin, and initial growth Christianity is an

    Eastern religion Christianity separated from Judaism over the


    The Christian envoy of Najran debated with theProphet (SAW). The initial 80 verses of Surah Aale Imran were revealed in the context of thatdebate

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    The Hypocrites never accepted Islamwholeheartedly but tried to appear as muslims

    Abdullah bin Ubai and Abu Amir The Monkwere

    the leading men of this group They had built a rival mosque known as Masjid I


    1. For propagating disbelief

    2. For creating divisions among muslims

    3. For informing the enemies of muslim secrets

  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)


    The Charter of Madina

    This was a formal agreement between the

    Prophet (SAW) , the Madinese tribes, Jews

    and Christians

    The major clauses were:

    Non-Muslim members have equal political and

    cultural rights as Muslims. They will have

    autonomy and freedom of religion

    Non-Muslims will not aid any foreign invaders

  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)


    Battle of Badr

    Badr was the first large scale engagement

    between the Makkans and the Muslims

    The cause was the muslim disruption of the

    Qurayshi trade routes

    Makkan losses were seventy killed, seventy

    captured- a humiliating defeat

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    Battle of the Confederates

    Also known as the War of the Trench

    The confederates included the paganMakkans, the Jewish tribes, and Bedouin

    tribes like the Banu Ghatafan Madina was besieged and the Muslims dug a

    trench for defense

    The enemies defeat was due to the vigorousMuslim defense, poor weather, and divisionsamong the confederates

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    The battle marked the end of defensive

    strategy for the Muslims

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    Treaty of Hudaybiyyah

    It was an agreement between the Prophet(SAW) and the pagan Quraysh. The majorclauses were:

    1. There will be no fighting for ten years

    2. Anyone who goes to Muhammad SAWwithout permission from his father or

    guardian, will be returned to his father orguardian. But if anyone goes to the Quraish,he will not be returned

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    This year the muslims will go back without

    entering Mecca. But next year Muhammad

    (SAW) and his followers can enter Mecca,

    spend three days and perform the tawaaf

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    Conquest of Makkah

    According to the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, the allies

    of each party were not to be harmed by the other

    Banu Bakr were allied with the Quraysh and the

    Banu Khuzaa were allied with Madina

    The Quraysh refused to stop their allies from

    attacking Banu Khuzaa

    This resulted in the peaceful conquest of Makkahand the Prophets (SAW) declaration of

    forgiveness for all his bitter enemies

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    The Farewell Pilgrimage

    The Prophet (SAW) delivered this sermon

    The speech is an excellent guideline for allmankind

    The following points were emphasized:1. Propagation of the message

    2. End of blood-feuds

    3. Rights to Woman4. Equality of Mankind

    5. Seal of Prophethood

  • 7/28/2019 WEEK 05 (2)


    State Building process in Madina

    The responsibilites of the Prophet expanded in

    Madina which included the building of an


    This state-building process included:

    Declaration of War, distribution of war booty,

    and Peace Treaties

    Hudood imposition on adultery, theft and treason

    Zakat collection and public welfare schemes etc.

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