website user guide

UNITED NATIONS TREATY COLLECTION WEB USER GUIDE Treaty Section, Office of Legal Affairs, 2 UN Plaza - 323E 44th St., Room DC2-0513 United Nations, New York, USA 10017 Navigating the United Nations Treaty Collection Website Strong UN. Better World.

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Treaty Section, Office of Legal Affairs, 2 UN Plaza - 323E 44th St., Room DC2-0513 United Nations, New York, USA 10017

Navigating the United Nations Treaty Collection


Strong UN.

Better World.

Page 2: Website User Guide

United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Table of Contents

United Nations Treaty Collection Web Site Address (URL) .............................................................................. 2

Exploring Web Page Layout ............................................................................................................................. 3

Exploring Menu Options on the Web Page ...................................................................................................... 4

Depositary: Status of Multilateral Treaties ...................................................................................................... 5

Searching Depositary

Searching Depositary - Multilateral Treaties by Title ......................................................................... 8

Searching Depositary – Full Text Search ............................................................................................. 8

Search - Depositary Notifications (CNs) by various parameters .......................................................... 9

Search - Depositary Notifications (CNs) – Latest Notifications .......................................................... 10

Search - Depositary Notifications (CNs) – Full Text Search ............................................................... 10

Search – Certified True Copies (CTC) by Title and Full Text Search .................................................... 11

Searching United Nations Treaty Series by Various Parameters ....................................................... 12

Registration and Publication

Monthly Statements – Database and Search .................................................................................... 12

Cumulative Index – Database and Search ......................................................................................... 13

League of Nations (LON) Treaties (Prior to the Year 1947) ............................................................................ 13

Photos of Treaty Actions ............................................................................................................................... 14

Reference Resources on Treaty Law and Practice .......................................................................................... 14

Training on Treaty Law, Depository, Registration and Publication ................................................................. 15

Treaty Events – Current, Past and Special Events ........................................................................................... 15

User Help Guide and Frequently Asked Questions ......................................................................................... 16

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

To visit the United Nations Treaty Section Web Site, Open the Web Browser on your Computer and type in the following web address as shown below

United Nations Treaty Collection Web Site Address (URL)

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Once the Web page is loaded onto the computer, study the various section of home page as

described below. Click on the link to navigate to the desired web page.

Click on “Français” - to switch to

French Enter the Keywords you

would like Search for

Latest Announcements on Treaty Events and Workshops

Information on depository functions,

registration and publication of

treaties Publications

Information on most common FAQ and

User Guide

Exploring Web Page Layout

Information regarding

the functions of

the Secretary –General as depository

of multilateral


Information regarding

registration and publication of treaties under Article 102 of the Charter

Click on the circle on right

side after entering text to begin your


Quick Links to subscribe to Treaty Section Automated Subscription and reference


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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Click on the Menu Bar as shown below to explore further options and navigation to desired Web page

Exploring Menu Options on the Treaty Web Home Page

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

In order to view the status of multilateral treaties deposited with the Secretary-General click on the following link as shown in the picture below

Depositary: Status of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General

Status of multilateral

Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General including

signatories, parties,

reservations and objections

Depositary: Status of Treaties - Thematic list of Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the Secretary-General

Chapter Number -Multilateral

Treaties Deposited with the

Secretary-General are organised by

thematic chapters

Chapter Title

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Click on Chapter Number (e.g. Chapter XXVII) to view corresponding conventions and protocols under subject area “Environment”

Depositary: Status of Treaties – Example - Treaty List by Chapter XXVII –under subject area “Environment” – Contd.

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Each multilateral treaty has its own status page which includes information on its title, date of conclusion, entry into force, number of signatories and parties, corrections to the text, names of signatories and parties. This page also includes the text of reservations and objections and provides access to the certified true copies of the treaty.

Click on subchapter (previous Page) will show the status of the Treaty along with Participant’s and Actions

View Certified

True Copies

Date of Entry into Force and No of

Parties accepted/ratified/acceded

to Treaty

Title of Treaty

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Searching Depositary - Multilateral Treaties by Title

Click on Title

Search Type in the

Title/keyword to Search for

Multilateral Treaties related to “Climate”

Searching Depositary – Full Text Search

Click on Full Text Search Type in the

Keyword you would

like to search for

Click on Go to Start Search

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Results with full text Search with Keyword – “Climate” being highlighted as shown below

Depositary Notification can be searched by parameters such as CN year, Participating countries,

Treaty Reference Number, Start Date and End Date (Date Range) and CN Number

Searching Depositary – Full Text Search – Results Shown as Highlighted

Search - Depositary Notifications (CNs) by various parameters

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Users can search for latest CN issued in last 10/30/180 days

Search - Depositary Notifications (CNs) – Latest Notifications

Search - Depositary Notifications (CNs) – Full Text Search

Type in the Keyword to Search for and

click on Go

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

All The Depositary Notifications by the Keyword “Climate” will show up as below

The Certified True Copies of multilateral treaties deposited with the UN Secretary-General contain authentic texts of treaties in PDF and reflect the originally published issue in paper format. The CTC

can be searched by “Title/Keyword” and “Full Text” as shown below.

Search - Depositary Notifications (CNs) – Full Text Search – Contd.

Search – Certified True Copies (CTC) by Title and Full Text Search

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Searching United Nations Treaty Series by Various Parameters

Click on Advanced


Select CN, CTC, Maps and Treaty

Once done, add to Search Criteria

Monthly Statements of Treaties – Database and Search

Shows Added Search Criteria

Full Text Search

Monthly Statements

Issued by Year and Months

Search by various parameters - Title, Text

and Participants

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Cumulative Index – Database and Search

League of Nations (LON) Treaties (Prior to the Year 1947)

Full Text Search

Cumulative Index by various


League of

Nations Treaties by Title

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Photos of Treaty Actions

Click on Photos/Cere

monies Menu Tab

under Depository

Search Photographs by various

Parameters such

as by Dates,


Action Type etc.

Range 10-500

Reference Resources on Treaty Law and Practice

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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

Training on Treaty Law, Depository, Registration and Publication

In Order to view

Seminars on Treaty Law and Practice, and the

Work of the Treaty Section

of the UN Office of

Legal Affairs,

Click on the Year

Dropdown listed under

Training Tab

Treaty Events – Current, Past and Special Events

Click on Current, Past or Special

Events in order to see the

Information and Note Verbal by


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United Nations Treaty Collection Web User Guide

User Help Guide and Frequently Asked Questions

For further references, refer to the

Help Section on the Footer

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