website ordering is easy with stud stock website design


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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Website ordering is easy with Stud Stock Website Design

Getting your stud online is EASY with


Page 2: Website ordering is easy with Stud Stock Website Design

Step 1 Choose a design

Now this can be the hardest part.

When choosing remember that these can all be changed to suit your colour preference which is normally determined by your logo anyway.

Tabs can be renamed and all the “elements” can be switched, removed, replaced etc. Elements are the other boxes or frames of information on the home page .

For example, a design you like may have a newsletter sign up form which you don’t want so we’ll just remove it and replace it with your say…contact us element or something else.

The next page will show what we mean.

Page 3: Website ordering is easy with Stud Stock Website Design

Step 1 Choose a design

This theme started like this

But we changed it to this.

You can see we’ve changed the background and added a Welcome to text area, added a clickable banner advertising semen for sale and included room for 4 x latest news articles. We’ve also popped the clients contact details in the top right hand corner and made more room at the top of the page to allow for a nice big emblem logo which we also designed.

The only thing that has stayed the same is the format of the main image and the navigation bar.

Page 4: Website ordering is easy with Stud Stock Website Design

Step 3 Fill in your details

This is where you fill in as much information as you can. DON’T WORRY if you don’t have it all, we can fill in what’s later on in the project.

Customers often worry that they don’t have their contents ready yet. Don’t, content is what we do in the last part of the process so you have plenty of time to start gathering it whilst we’re busy designing and building your website.

Where ever we think you may need help, click the blue TIP button and we will tell you what to do.

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Step 2 Review your order

This is where you can add optional extras like yearly content management, extra hosting, logo design etc.

You can easily see what your total order value is and how much is payable up front and on completion of your site.

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Step 4 Pay your deposit

You don’t need a PayPal account to pay, just a credit card will do.

Email or call if you have any payment issues.

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You’re done! What happens next?

As soon as we’ve received confirmation of your deposit, we’ll invite you by email to an online project management platform called Collab.

This is the online platform where our designers post designs for you to view and ask questions etc. It’s also where you can advise us of any changes you’d like, attach photo’s to use and attach your content.

Whenever anyone involved in the project posts a comment, we are all notified by email and we simply click in and respond to the post if need be. It’s really easy and a great system for keeping track of all communication from various parties about a single project.

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What’s the process now?

Based on your direction we get to work on designing the home page and show you what it looks like as a screen shot. At this stage we can make changes to colours, background, tabs and most things. We’ll provide the revisions of the home page and wait for your approval before moving ahead.

Phase 1 – Home Page Design

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Once the home page has been approved, we now get to work on designing all “inner” pages or tabs. Again we show them to you and await for your approval.

Phase 2 – Inner Page Design

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Once all designs have been approved, we start work on the development phase. This is where we actually turn it into a working website. It sits on a test server so only you and us can view it, click around it, test all the links etc.

This is the time where we start inserting your content i.e. your own images and text or give us direction on the style of images you wish to use and we’ll find them for you.

Phase 3 – Development

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Once all content is inserted and you approve your new website, we’ll invoice you the remainder and put your new website live on the internet once final payment has been received.

If all your content is available, we can have you live on the internet 10 working days after you placing your order.

Phase 4 – Completion

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Your new website is a CMS (content managed system)so YOU have the ability to log in and change text and images, write a blog post, update the latest news, add a picture to your gallery etc. all by yourself.

We encourage customers to jump in straight away and have a play in order to take advantage of your free training period which makes the process very easy.

Don’t worry, we are very big on customer service and if EVER you get stuck, we’ll be here to help you out.

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Welcome to the web. You’re now ready to take on the world.