website mock up


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Post on 05-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Website mock up

Website Mock Up

Page 2: Website mock up

Main image

Tag line


Billing boxProducer/distributor logo

Date line

Page 3: Website mock up



COMING SOONProducer/distributor logo


Social media buttons


Page 4: Website mock up

For my website I will have one side with my poster image and the other side with a black background which is blurred to the edges into the main image. I used my poster image as this is conventional. I chose the colour black as this colour is good for blurring and it is part of my colour scheme. All my text from my poster will be on my website apart from the website link as this is not needed for a website. This will be all put on the right in the position shown on the previous slide. I will have social media buttons on the right bottom corner the buttons I will have are facebook, blogger, and twitter as I think they are the most renowned and many people use them. On my left I will have links to different pages I made sure they were in the order of HOME, SYNOPSIS, NEWS, REVIEWS, GALLERY. As home always goes at the top as this is conventional and I felt that the synopsis was important to go next as it gives a summarised storyline to our film and so the audience understand the whole thing. I added news, reviews and gallery as they are fun pages that people maybe interested to look at and read the reviews on the film or look at images related to it.