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(REG No. 5141)









July 2010


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I, hereby declare that this project titled “THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF FORD

MOTOR” Is an original work carried out by me, under the guidance of (Designation of

faculty). The report by me is a bonafide work carried by me of my own efforts and it has not

been submitted to any other university or published any time before.

Signature of the student




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Certified that this project titled “the marketing strategy of ford motor” is bonafide work of

“THE MARKETING STRATEGY OF FORD MOTOR”, who carried out the research under

my supervision, certified furthers, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported here is

done not from part of any other thesis dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award

was conferred one an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate.

Signature of the Faculty Guide




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I would like to thank my Project Guide Dr. C.ANURADHA and project coordinator Prof.

SUNITA RATNAKARAM for his immense guidance, valuable help and the opportunity

provided to me to complete the project under her guidance.

I would like to thank all faculty members of Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems &

Management for guiding and supporting me in the completion of project from time to time.

To initiate with anything I would like to record my sincere thanks to all members of FORD


(ASST MANAGER), ISSAQ PASSA and MR. ABID for providing assistance from time to

time for this project.

Last but not the least, my gratitude to great almighty and my parents without whose

concerned and devoted support the project would not have been the way it is today.

Table of Contents



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Title page

Declaration by student trainee

Certificate from company

Certificate from guide


Content page

Executive Summary

Chapter. 1


a. Objectives

b. Need for the study

c. Scope & limitation

Chapter .2

Research Methodology


Company overview

Industry overview

Literature review

Chapter .4

Data Analysis


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Chapter .5

Findings, recommendations & conclusion



Documents supporting if any



ummer Training in any organization is an attempt to provide the student a practical

input and exposure to the real world situation in which he has to work in future.S6

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My training in FORD MOTOR was an attempt in this regard. The project work provided to

me was a titled “The Marketing strategy of Ford Motor”. To developed the new business

relation with different nationalized and private bank across the twin city Hyderabad and

Secundrabad. I conducted the event show of popular “go fida” cars, the “ford FIESTA” and

“ford FIGO” and met a lot of customer and got information from their side.

The Extract of the work is presented in this report under various headings as, Introduction,

Company’s Profile, Project Introduction, Methodology, Data analysis, Suggestions and


This report provides me a chance to study and analyses the practical aspects of the topic (The

Marketing Strategy of Ford Motor). It enhanced my knowledge in the field of marketing.

This project also gave me the chance to improve logical thinking and interacting patterns.

While working on the project, I came to know about the latest marketing strategies and

trends prevailing in the market. The way of promoting the products, providing a better

convenience of customer, and developing the new strategic technique to sell the product.



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This project was really a challenge for me but I learned a lot while preparing this project

basically FORD MOTOR LTD. Manufacturing the cars and providing better service to the

customer, and it has new launched the “go fida”



This project high lightens the importance of financial institutions and banks role in car

selling. This project also highlights the product promotion during the different bank visit

firstly make aware the bank branch manager about the product. The project deals with the

various aspects of marketing strategy and sales. New marketing strategy mean that creating

new market area, developing the new relation, doing new promotion and advertising is done

in relation to the 4 P’s of marketing that is Product, Price, Place and Promotion. There exist

some opportunity in the marketing activity done by the company in the past. The new

marketing strategy of the company will develop the mutual relation with banks and provide

the quick facility the car finance to the customer.

My topic of study is “The Marketing Strategy of Ford Motor” compared the Ford product

with the other automobile product in the aspects of features, new technology, modern look,

cheap price, luxurious interior design, mileage efficiency during the conducting of event

show in entire area of the city.


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Today’s society is warm with urbanization and demonstration effect. With a view towards it,

there are drastic changes coming up in all sectors even in the automobile Industries. The

following information gives an insight about it.

In the present context the companies operate on the principle of natural selection –

“Survival of The Fittest”. Only those companies will succeed which at best match to the

current environmental imperatives – those who can deliver what people are ready to buy,

according to their convenience.

But real marketing does not involve the art of selling what the manufacturers make.

Organizations gain market leadership by understanding consumer needs and finding solutions

that delight consumers. If customer value and satisfaction are absent, no amount of promotion

or selling can be compensating. Hence the aim of marketing is to build and manage

Profitable Business Relationship

This is a part of the strategic marketing done by every company to achieve it objectives and

goals. To maximize the profits and long-term plans every organization has to follow a

strategic planning. Marketing is much more than just an isolated business function – it is a

philosophy that guides the entire organization towards sensing, serving and satisfying

consumer needs. The marketing department cannot accomplish the company’s customer

relationship-building goals by itself. It must partner closely with other departments in the

company and with other organization throughout its entire value – delivery network to

provide superior customer value and satisfaction. Thus marketing calls upon everyone in the

organization to “think customer” and to do all they can to help build and manage profitable

customer relationship. Marketing is all around us, and we need to know that it is not only


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used by manufacturing companies, wholesaler and retailers, but also by all kinds of

individuals and organizations

There are four major, powerful themes that go to the heart of modern marketing theory

and practice, they are:





What marketing is what it does and what it offers?

“Marketing is a social and managerial process whereby individual and groups obtain what

they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.”

“Marketing management is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing,

promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy

individual and organizational goals.”

“Marketing offers some combination of products, services, information, or experiences

offered to a market to satisfy a need or want” Marketing is an orderly and insightful process

for thinking about and planning for markets. The process starts with researching the market

place to understand its dynamics. The marketer uses research methodologies to identify

opportunities, that is, to find individuals all groups of people with unmet needs or latent

interest in some products or service.

The marketing process consists of the following:

1. Analyzing marketing opportunities.

2. Developing marketing strategies.

3. Planning marketing programs

4. Managing the marketing efforts.


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Before taking any decision and achieving the goals, it has to make analysis of what to do,

how to do, when to do, where to do and who is to do it. This is nothing but strategic planning.

Goals indicate what a business unit wants to achieve whereas strategy is how to get there.

Marketing strategies in simple terms are the complete and unbeatable plans designed

specifically for attaining the marketing objectives of the firm. Marketing can be called as a

game plan for achieving its goals. Strategy choice will depend on whether the firm or the

marketer plays the following roles:

Market leader

A challenger

A follower

A niche

The identification of objectives, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, is an essential

backdrop to strategy formulation. Goals have a quality and time frame attached to them.

These are typically spelt out in terms of financial return, market share, market presence, etc.

Thus, the concept of market oriented strategic planning arises with the link between the

products the manufacturer is dealing in and the market conditions. In this direction, our study

deals only with the marketing strategies i.e. promotional strategies of the Ford automotives.


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To develop the relationship with bankers to make the auto finance easy for customer.

To know the factor of awareness of the cars.

To Study and analyze the Promotional Strategies of Ford.

To know whether the customers are satisfied with the offers given by the dealer.

To find out satisfaction of the customers.

TO study and analyze the customer's perception regarding the usefulness/utility of

Ford cars.


To know the all market competitor of the product.

To understand the all features of product, which I should be promote.

To study history growth and development of FORD MOTOR in Hyderabad.

To provide important lead on customer convenience front to FORD MOTOR, which

would be helpful in making increase the sell?


The study is conducted for developing the mutual relationship with all private and

nationalized banks.

The study was conducted in Hyderabad and Secundrabad area.

The study covers the customer’s perceptions and their most used product.

The study covers the customer’s perception for auto finance.


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The study covers the bankers perception, which automotive company they are

sanctioning more.

The study was conducted to approach the customer those who are approaching for car


The study covers the product promotion the new lunched product “go fida” the “ford

FIESTA” and “ford FIGO”.


The present study is subjected to following limitation.

To develop the relationship through personal interaction by talking such appointment

of Bank Manager and therefore bias becomes a major limitation.

Due to time constraints I have been visit only seventy five branch of different banks,

and conduct seven event shows in different place of the city.

During the event shows I met a lot of customer some were intender and some were


The sample was restricted to 75 banks and 10 event shows, which may restrict the

scope and completion of study.

The scope of is restricted only to the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secundrabad.

Owing to their pre owned car, shortness of time and due to privacy some customers

were unable to entertain.


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Definition of marketing research as approved as by the board of directors of the association

of American marketing association is: “Marketing research is the function which links the

customer and public to the marketer through information – information used to identity and

define marketing opportunities and problems generate define and understanding of marketing

as process”. Simply, marketing research is the systematic design collection analysis and

reporting of data finding relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.

Carefully planning through all stages of the research is a necessity. Objectivity in research is

all-important. The heart of scientific method is the objective gathering of the information.

The function as marketing research within the company as to provide the information and

analytical necessary for effective.

Planning of the future marketing activity.

Control of the marketing operation in the present.

Evaluation of marketing results.

A research may undertake any of the three types of research investigation depending upon the

problem. These types of research included:

1. Basic research

2. Applied research

3. Designated Fact Gathering


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It is attempt to apply the various marketing technique, which have been developed as

research, first and later on they become applied research techniques. It is on attempt to apply

the basic principles and existing knowledge for the purpose of solving operational problems.


Marketing research process can be out through following steps.

Define the problems and research objectives

Develops the research plan

Collect the information

Analysis and interpretation

Present the finding.


It consists of information collected for the specific purpose, survey research was used and he

all the details of Ford and their competitors were contacted. Survey research is the

approached gathering description and information.


The secondary data consists of information that already existing somewhere having been

collected for another purpose. Any researcher begins the research work by first going through

secondary data. Secondary data includes the information available with company. It may be

the findings of research previously done in the field. Secondary data can also be collected

from the magazines, news papers, internet other service conducted by researchers.


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The study includes in it the data collected through both primary and secondary sources.

Primary data is collected with the help of structured questionnaire and personal meeting.

Questionnaire is administered on the sample respondents. However there are certain cases

where personal interactive method is followed with customers to find the satisfaction level.


The respondents are the car owner of any company or intender of car and different banks

managers of different branches. The survey was carried in twin cities of Hyderabad and

Secundrabad with the sample size of 100. The survey was carried out with the help of a

structured questionnaire, which help in accomplishing the research objective. The

respondents by means of personal interview administer during the event shows this structured



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Founded June,17,1903

Founder Henry Ford

Headquarters Dearborn, Michigan, USA

Area served Worldwide

Key people William Clay Ford, Jr. Executive ChairmanAlan Mually – President, CEO

Industry A automotive

Products Automotive goods and services

Revenue US$120.1 billion (2006)

Operating income US$-15.0 billion (2006)

Net income US$-12.6 billion (2006)

Employees 283,000 (2007)

Divisions Ford Credit, Ford division, Lincoln, Mercury, Premier

Automotive Group

Subsidiaries Automotive Components Holdings

Jaguar, Land Rover, Volvo (cars only)

Slogan Bold Moves, Have you driven a Ford lately?, Built Ford Tough,

Built for Life in Canada ,Feel the difference, Make Everyday



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Ford Motor Company is an American multinational corporation and the world's third

largest automaker based on worldwide vehicle sales. In 2006, Ford was the second-ranked

automaker in the US with a 17.5% market share, behind General Motors (24.6%) but ahead

of Toyota (15.4%) and DaimlerChrysler (14.4%). Ford was also the seventh-ranked

American-based company in the 2007 Fortune 500 list, based on global revenues of $160.1

billion. In 2006, Ford produced about 6.6 million automobiles, and employed about 280,000

employees at about 100 plants and facilities worldwide. In 2007, Ford had more quality

awards from J.D Power than any other automaker. Based in Dearborn, Michigan, a suburb of

Detroit, the automaker was founded by Henry Ford and incorporated in June 16, 1903. Ford

now encompasses many global brands, including Lincoln and Mercury of the US, Jaguar and

Land Rover of the UK, and Volvo of Sweden. Ford also owns a one-third controlling interest

in Mazda. Ford has been one of the world's ten largest corporations by revenue and in 1999

ranked as one of the world's most profitable corporations, and the number two automaker

worldwide. Ford introduced methods for large-scale manufacturing of cars and large-scale

management of an industrial workforce, especially elaborately engineered manufacturing

sequences typified by moving assembly lines. Henry Ford's combination of highly efficient

factories, highly paid workers, and low prices revolutionized manufacturing and came to be

known around the world as Fordism by 1914.


Ford was launched in a converted factory in 1903 with $28,000 in cash from twelve

investors, most notably John Francis Dodge and Horace Elgin Dodge who would later found

the Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicle Company. During its early years, the company produced

just a few Model T's a day at its factory on Mack Avenue in Detroit, Michigan. Groups of

two or three men worked on each car from components made to order by other companies.

Henry Ford was 40 years old when he founded the Ford Motor Company, which would go


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on to become one of the largest and most profitable companies in the world, as well as being

one of the few to survive the Great Depression. The largest family-controlled company in the

world, the Ford Motor Company has been in continuous family control for over 100 years.


Members of the board as of early 2007 are: Chief Sir John Bond, Richard Manoogian,

Stephen Butler, Ellen Marram, Kimberly Casiano, Alan Mulally (President and CEO), and


Ford II, Homer Neal, William Clay Ford, Jr., Jorma Ollila, Irvine Hockaday, Jr., John L.

Thornton and William Clay Ford (Director Emeritus)

The main corporate officers are: Lewis Booth (Executive Vice President, Chairman (PAG)

and Ford of Europe), Mark Fields (Executive Vice President, President (The Americas),

Donat Leclair (Executive Vice President and CFO), Mark A. Schulz (Executive Vice

President, President [International Operations]) and Michael E. Bannister (Group Vice

President; Chairman & CEO Ford Motor Credit). Paul Mascarenas (Vice President of

Engineering, the Americas Product Development)


Ford started its innings with the Mahindra-Ford joint venture formed in 1994, which

produced the Escort out of M&M Nasik plant. After meeting initial success, sales of the

Escort was finally replaced by the Ikon in 1999. The Ikon marked a new beginning for Ford

in India. It rolled out of the Marajmalaingar plant near Chennai and by now, the company had

parted ways with M&M and was renamed Ford India Ltd in 1998. The Ikon was the first


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model by a multinational to be developed specifically for India. Though it was based on the

Fiesta, it was a unique body style and was offered and was offered with an option of three

engines, including a diesel. The car was a big hit. The Ikon underwent several face-lifts and

price cuts to keep demand high. However, fresher competition and a reputation for high-

maintenance saw sales gradually decline. After the arrival of the modern and highly-capable

Fiesta, another made for- India car, with state-of-the-art engines, the Ikon has been

marginalized. The Fiesta has picked up where the Ikon left and is selling well. Though the

Ikon and Fiesta have been the mainstays of Ford’s production in India, the company has had

limited success with other models.

The Mondeo, launched in 2001, was a very talented car by was simply not suited to

Indian conditions and earned a reputation for being exorbitant to maintain. The Endeavour

SUV was launched in early 2004 and has sold well for its niche. The Endeavour has recently

been upgraded in 2007 and this has boosted the appeal of the big SUV. In 2004, Ford

launched the Fusion, which has received a lukewarm response though the recent diesel

variant has perked up sales.

The Ford Figo is Ford’s new subcompact automobile that went on sale on 10 March 2010 in

India. It is based on the Ford Global B platform, and is built only in Chennai, Tamil Nadu to

be sold worldwide. Four different Figo models – LXI, EXI, ZXI and TITANIUM, will be

available with different trim levels and designed to suit a variety of consumer tastes. All

models also will be available with a Duratorq diesel engine option.


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Fortune Ford is an authorized dealer for Ford India Limited, who is one of the leading

manufacturers of top quality cars in India, with many variants in the offering. Fortune Ford is

a 50:50% Joint Venture set up between two well known and reputed families in Hyderabad,

the Modis and the Babu Khans.

Fortune Ford is a blend of experience and youth. The experience and good will that Mr.

Misbahuddin Babu Khan and Mr. Pramod Modi enjoy blend very well with the youth and

energy of the youngsters Bashir, Ashish, Nirav and Siraj to make Fortune Ford a truly world

class Ford Dealership.

Fortune Ford markets and services the recently launched the popular “go fida” the “Ford

FIESTA” and “Ford FIGO” and the ever-popular Ford Ikon Flair, the No non-sense car Ford

Fusion and the macho SUV the Ford Endeavour through its sales and service outlets at

Hyderabad. The sales outlet is located strategically at Somajiguda next to Eanadu. We have

two service centers, one at Chapel Road, Abids opposite Stanley College and other one at

Fathebagh, Santhnagar. These centrally located outlets provide convenient and easy access to

both the proud owners as well as prospective buyers. The workforce at Fortune Ford is

committed to excellence in serving all esteemed customers. The Sales Team is made up of

dedicated showroom and field executives who are professionally trained by Ford India Ltd.

They are adept at guiding the customer through the entire sales process right from assisting in

the choice of model, colour and features to lending a helping hand in providing attractive

buyback options and also arranging finance at competitive rates.

The Service Centre is armed with the state-of-the art equipment and is in-line with Ford's

exacting Global standards. The service team is technically qualified and trained to analyze

and provide solutions adhering to Quality Care, in order to satisfy even the most demanding

customers. The Fortune Ford dealership maintains a high standard of excellence in sales and


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services by sending its personnel for training on a regular basis to Ford India Limited, to

update them with the latest technological advances in the automotive sphere.


We have 5000 staff centrally air conditioned showroom, located in the heart of the city in

Somajiguda, adjacent to Eenadu office and just opp. to Khairtabad RTA. This makes

convenient for almost every one residing in and around Hyderabad and Secunderabad.

The facilities offered from the showroom are:

1. Very easy finance facility with in-house finance team to cater to your every car finance

requirements. All the leading finance counters are available like ICICI, HDFC, KOTAK,



2. Exchange offer for any of your used car. Free spot evaluation for any used car.

3. Professionally trained and courteous sales staff to take care of every relevant need of the


4. Ford preferred insurance for cashless transactions in the event of claims. Special offers on

Insurance renewals. You can also renew your insurance by just making call to our Service

marketing help line 9848885962. Showroom @ Somajiguda

5. Full range of Ford cars with all colors and models to choose from.

6. A good stock of Ford genuine accessories to make your Ford ownership more delightful

and safe.

7. A well maintained fleet of test drives cars to give you the feel and experience the drive

Dynamics on actual driving conditions before take the purchase decisions. You can call our

sales help line for test drive or fill the on-line test drive requisition form.


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Significant milestones

The first Indian built Ford Escort rolled off the assembly line in 1996.

The Company was able to deliver Ford Escort in major cities simultaneously, in just a

month after booking.

The Special Value Pack program was launched in 1997, with commemorative

'Freedom', followed by the petrol and diesel driven 'Anniversary'. Recent SVPs have

included the Orion, Alpha and Sport - E.

Ford Escort won the J D Power Award in India Quality Survey in 1997.

Ford topped the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) ratings in 1997 and 1998, in the

Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Quality Care, Ford's branded service initiative, provides car owners with superior

services at its dealership countrywide.

The new, integrated manufacturing plant was dedicated in March 1999, where FORD

IKON is manufactured.

Ford India launched Ford Assured on April 24 2000, a new initiative to buy and sell

used cars of all makes.

On September, 11, 2000. Ford India launched the Ford IKON SXi – the stylish ‘josh’


Ford India has started exporting Ford IKON

2001 Ford India launched the Ford Mondeo. 2002

Ford India show cases a wide spectrum of exciting cars at the Auto Expo

Ford India Limited announced a strategic partnership with Hindustan Motors Limited

Certified QS 9000: 1998, 3rd edition on March 21, 2002 Ford India received the QS

9000 award from TÜV Süddeutschland.

New Ikon Variant 1.6 EXi was launched 2003:


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The New Ford Ikon NXT launched - The Next Level of Josh.

Adding Refinement to Josh- Ford India launches Ikon NXT ‘Finesse.’

Ford Celebrates Centennial in India.

Ford India launches Ikon NXT SXi.

Ford India Ranks Highest in J.D. Power India Sales Satisfaction Study.

Ford launches Ikon Flair at Rs. 4.95 Lakhs.

2004: Autocar SUV of the Year – Winner Ford Endeavour.

In year 2007:

Ford Motor Company of Southern Africa achieves three wins and two seconds this

total economy run.

DOE award Ford two grants for vehicle fuel efficiency research.

Ford Mondeo is auto express car of the year.

Land rover discovery 3 scoops category win at TOWCAR AWARDS 2007

Ford Mondeo is the Caravan Club TOWCAR of the year 2008.


2010: Ford launches “Ford FIGO” in 4 variants FIGO LXI, EXI, ZXI, Titanium in

both diesel and petrol version.


ARVIND MATHEW – Managing Director and President

Arvind Mathew is the Managing Director and President of Ford India. He took this position

in August 2005.

LUCY MILLAR – Vice President, Finance & IT

Lucy is the Vice President of Finance and IT at Ford India. She took up this position in May

2005. She reports to Arvind Mathew, President and Managing Director, Ford India.


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SCOTT McCormack – Vice President, Marketing, Sales & Service

Department of Management Studies [27] V. K. P. G Marketing Strategies of Ford Motors

Scott McCormack is the Vice President, Marketing, Sales and Service at Ford India. He took

this position in July 2006. Scott reports to Arvind Mathew, President and Managing Director,

Ford India.

NANCY REISIG – Vice President, Human Resources

Nancy Reisig is Vice President, Human Resources at Ford India. She took this position in

March 2005. Nancy reports to Arvind Mathew, President and Managing Director, Ford


SANDIP SANYAL – Vice President, Supply and Total Value Management

Sandip Sanyal is the Vice President, Supply and Total Value Management (TVM) at Ford

India. He took this position in September 2005. Sandip reports to Arvind Mathew, President

and Managing Director, Ford India.

STEVE BRIDGMAN – Country Manager, Ford Credit


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Ford Fusion.



Type 4 Cyl. In – Line, 16 – V DOHC

Construction All Aluminum Alloy

Fuel System SEFI

Displacement(cc) 1596

Compression ratio 9.75:1

Max. Power (ps/rpm) 101/6500

Max. Torque (nm/pm) 146/3400

Emission Stage Bharat Stage III

Kerb weight(kg) 1143

Transmission Manual 5 speed

Max speed(kmph) 174

Mileage 11.3


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PRICE(lacs) (4X2) 16.16

(4X4) 17.17

Engine :

Type 2.5 litre, 4 Cylinder in-line, Turbocharged &

inter-cooled diesel

Displacement (cc) 2499

Max. Power (PS/rpm) 116/3500

Max. Torque (kgm/rpm) 28.5/200

Ignition System compression

Valve System SOHC, 12 Valves

Fuel System indirect Injection Mechanical Pump

Emission Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Meeting

Bharat Stage III Norms

Kerb weight (kg) 1933/1958

Transmission Manual 5 speed

Max speed (Kmph) 142

mileage 8.2


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Engine 1.4 EXI 1.6 ZXI 1.6 SXI 1.4 EXI


1.4 ZXI


1.4 SXI


Price in (lacs) 6.76 7.28 8.28 8.00 8.52 9.91

Type 4 Cylinder in-Line, 16 Valve


4 Cylinder in-Line, 8 Valve


Construction All-aluminum Alloy

Fuel System SEFI High Pressure Common Rail

Displacement cc 1388 1596 1596 1399 1399 1399

Compression Ratio 9.75:1 9.75:1 9.75:1 18.1 18.1 18.1




ps/rpm 82/6000 101/6500 101/6500 68/4000 68/4000 68/4000

Max. Nm/rp 127/400 146/340 146/340 160/200 160/200 160/200

Torque m 0 0 0 0 0 0



Bharat Stage III

Transmission Type 5 Speed Manual

Kerb Weight (Kg)

Max Speed (Kmph) 170/178




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Type 4 Cylinder, 8-V SOHC, Rocam Petrol

Fuel system SEFI

Displacement (cc) 1299

Max. Power (ps/rpm) 70/5500

Max. Torque (Nm/rpm) 105/2500

Transmission Type 5 Speed Manual

Kerb Weight (Kg) 978

Max Speed (Kmph) 148

Mileage 10.8


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Price 6.59

Engine :

Engine type 2.0L 16V DOHC Petrol

Displacement 1999 cc

Max power 142.7 PS/6000 rpm

Max torque 185 Nm/4500 rpm

Compression ratio 10:8:1

Values 16V DOHC

Fuel injection Sequential electronic fuel injection (SEFI)

Emission level Bharat Stage III

Construction All Aluminium Alloy

Transmission type Ford MTX-75 manual 5-speed with


Kerb weight(kg)

Max speed (kmph) 200

Mileage 8.6


Ford unveiled its new small car "Figo" in September, 2009 in New Delhi with Alan Roger

Mulally, Ford's president and chief executive, making a lightening visit to the country for the

unveiling. And now Figo has been launched and will compete with the likes of Maruti Ritz

Hyundai i10, Honda Jazz & Skoda Fabia, Maruti Swift VXI, Maruti Suzuki, Swift VDI


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(ABS), . The Ford Figo, a new nameplate and a fresh face on the Indian market. The Ford

Figo has been launch in 4 variants of both diesel and petrol model.

Key dimension

overall length mm 3795

Width mm 1680 without outside mirror

Height mm 1427

Wheel base mm 2489

Ground clearance mm 168

Fuel capacity (L) 45

Turning circle radius (M) 4.9

Boot space (L) 284

Engine Petrol Diesel

Displacement (cc) 1196 1399

Values /OHC 16V DOHC 8V SOHC

Fuel System SEFI Common Rail

Max power PS(KW)@RPM 71(52.4)@6.250 69(50.7)@4.000

Max Torque NM


102(10.4)@4.000 160(16.3)@2.000

Transmission 5 speed Manual Transmission

Wheel & Tyres

Wheel Size 175/65 R14

Type Radial , Tubeless


Front Independent McPherson Strut with Dual path mouth

Rear Semi –Independent Twist Beam ,Coil Springs


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Front Ventilated Disc

Rear Drum


Type Hydraulic Power Assisted

Kerb Weight LXI EXI ZXI Titanium

Petrol 1040 1060 1075 1090

Diesel 1090 1105 1115 1130

Ford Figo Petrol Titanium V\S Facing Competitions

Features Figo



i10 sports


Swift VXI


Ritz VXI

Ex- Showroom 4.50 4.43 4.47 4.61

Front power windows

Intelligent central locking Not






Body color outside mirrors & door


Rear Wiper

Rear washer

Rear Defogger

Mp3 player +4 speakers + Axin port

Bluetooth connectivity


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Dual airbags


Programmable remote key

Driver seat height adjust

Electric Adjust Mirrors

Electric Boot Release

Distance to Empty

Anti drip Wipping

6 Speed intermittent wipers

Ford Figo Diesel Titanium V\S Facing Competition

Features Figo


Maruti Suzuki

Swift VDI(ABS)

Maruti Suzuki


Ex- Showroom 4.39 5.44 5.30

Front power windows

Intelligent central locking Not intelligent Not intelligent

Body color outside mirrors & door



Rear washer

Rear Defogger

Mp3 player +4 speakers + Axin port


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Bluetooth connectivity

Dual airbags

Rear Wiper

Programmable remote key

Driver seat height adjust

Electric Adjust Mirrors

Electric Boot Release

Distance to Empty

Anti drip Wipping


Product differentiation based on operational efficiency:

FORD EXCELLING THROUGH SERVICE: Ford tries to differentiate its offer on the plank

of service. It has gone in for a new norm in customer service: “fix it right-the first time-on

time”. Ford is also supplying videotapes showing how repairs have to be done.

Adopting Offer to Suit Target Segment:

Ford modifies its models for India:

Ford modified its models for the Indian target segments as shown below:

➢ Higher ground clearance to make the car more compatible to the rougher road surface in


➢ Stiffer rear springs to enable negotiating the ubiquitous potholes on Indian roads.


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➢ Changes in cooling requirement, with greater airflow to the rear.

➢ Higher resistance to dust.

➢ Compatibility of engine with the quality of fuel available in India.

➢ Location of horn buttons on the steering vehicles. (As the India motorist uses the horn

more frequently, for cars sold in India, the horn buttons are kept on the steering wheel and

not on a lever on the side as in the models sold in Europe.)

Strategic segmentation of cars:

The Ford in India has launched the car only for few segments of people. The segmentation of

car buyers based on price preferences is.

Family car segment: These cars form a reasonably sizeable segment of the market (Around

15 percent). Preferred price range is from 5 lakh to 6 lakh. ‘FORD IKON’ AND ‘FORD

FUSION’ come under this type of segment.

Premium car segment: This segment represents buyers who need a real world-class car and

are willing to pay the due price. Preferred price range starts from 4 lakh to 12 lakh. ‘FORD

FIESTA’, ‘FORD MONDEO’ and FORD FIGO come under this segment of cars.

SUV segment: The buyers of this segment like to have big vehicles. And these cars are also

useful for sport riding and even on hill areas. There body is designed similar to off-road

vehicles, which can withstand to Indian roads. ‘FORD ENDEAVOUR’ occupies this




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Ford follows the promotions at two levels, they a

1) Promotions of product directly by the manufacturer.

2) Promotions at dealer level.

In the first step the products of vehicles manufactured by the Ford Automotives are directly

promoted by the manufacturer by him. He follows many promotional strategies like

1. Advertising through television and newspaper.

2. Internet or interactive marketing.

3. Direct marketing.

In the second step the dealer of the vehicles promotes the vehicles. The various promotional

strategies followed by the Fortune Ford at dealer are

1. Advertising though news papers, radios, palm plates. In this all the features of the product

and its prices are given in detail to the customer.

2. In televisions the scrolling are given about the product and its features.

3. Promotion by conducting event shows on road side, bank campus, and market fair.

4. Hand to hand pamphlet distribution through demo about product in market side.


A heavy picture of the product which comprises of its attributes and special features are

displayed on the roadsides in the form of hoardings. It is a bit expensive strategy but attracts

many people who pass by that roadside. This type of advertisement is prepared for those

segments of people who cannot afford their time in reading newspapers and watching

televisions. While travelling from their home to office, moving on their business activities

they may watch these hoardings. These hoarding are especially setup at the road signal stops.

Maintaining Data Bank:


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In this the dealer collects personal/bio-data (address and contact number) of many people

from various organizations and different sector who are ready to buy the vehicles and who

change the vehicles regularly. These people are met-in person or contacted through their

contact number. The various new features and new offers regarding the vehicles are

advocated to them and are given discounts on group purchase of vehicles, i.e. if 5 or more

friends in the group purchase the cars at a time then they are given special discounts on the


Free Insurance:

The Fortune Ford gives a special offer of free insurance on the purchase of each

Vehicle to its new customers

Relationship Marketing:

Fortune Ford pays a special attention towards its old customers. To retain the old and existing

customers it conducts a corporate meet at a luxurious hotel. The event aims at knowing the

problems of the customers regarding the vehicles and also service feedback. In this way it

maintains an effective relationship with the customers and gains the reputation and goodwill

in the minds of the customers.

Sales Promotion:

The sales promotion is done in the fortune ford at three levels:

1. Showroom sales: In this the customers walk in to the showrooms to know about the

details of the product. Specially trained sales executives who are present in the showrooms

give a detailed explanation about the product to the customers. Sales executives give a

detailed note on the products features, various offers given by the manufacturer and also by

the dealer to the customer and enhance the sales of the vehicles.

2. Corporate sales: A special team of sales executives are sent to some big corporate


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sectors and there they personally meet the heads of the organizations like C.E.O’s, Managers

etc., and explain about the vehicles and the offers and special schemes provided by the dealer

to them on bulk purchase of the vehicles and try to promote the sales of the vehicles.

3. Field sales: The sales executives conduct some events with the corporate working people

and try to demonstrate the product features and its benefits and try to promote the product and

increase its sales.


This is a unique program conducted by the Fortune Ford. This is a program conducted to

retain the old customers of the Ford. The old customers of the Fortune Ford are meeting

personally and they are requested to give their feedback by filling in the questionnaire which

is specially prepared for them. In this questionnaire their problems regarding the vehicle and

also their post sale service experience are taken. If there exists any problem, then the Fortune

Ford service men try to resolve the problems of their customers as soon as possible and

makes the customer satisfied. This is a technique to attract the new customers by satisfying

the old customers and gaining goodwill in the market.


Fortune Ford maintains strategic sales standards in the following manner:-

The Sales faculty is clean, tidy and inviting, making customer’s comfortable while

purchasing products and availing services.

Customers are courteously acknowledged within two minutes of their arrival and are

advised that a Sales Consultant will be available upon request.

The Sales Consultant’s appearance and dress will be of the highest standards.


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An advisory relationship is established between the customer and the Sales Consultant

who listens to the customer, identifies their needs and ensures that they are met.

A pleasant, non-pressured purchase experience will be provided during which a

thorough demonstration of the vehicle features and benefits will be made.

A test drive will be offered to all customers.

Using a check list, the Sales Consultant delivers the vehicle in perfect condition when


Customers will be contacted within one week after delivery to ensure total



An efficient service facility allows a customer to avail all the service provided by

Fortune Ford, in a clean and welcoming environment.

An appointment is available within 5 working days of the customer’s request.

Customers are courteously acknowledged within two minutes of their arrival and the

write-up will begin with five minutes.

Service needs are courteously identified, accurately recorded on the repair order and

verified with the customer.

The vehicle is serviced right on the first visit.

The vehicle is ready on the agreed upon time.

A through explanation of work done, warranty coverage and charges is given to the


All service repair work will be followed up within five working days.

Each vehicle will be washed before being returned to the customer.



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Cost of ownership is the key factor while considering vehicle purchases

As part of regular maintenance, customers spend on

a) Maintenance parts that are to be replace at specific intervals

b) Replacement of worn out parts

c) Labour charge for the above

A comprehensive maintenance plan by Ford will serve as a good tool to improve the

service experience and minimize concerns on cost of ownership of the vehicle

Total Maintenance Plan (TMP) is a complete service solution provided to the

customer. This enables the customer to have total peace of mind in the form of a

“Maintenance Holiday.

What does it cover?

Scheduled servicing like Engine Oil change, Fuel filter, Oil filter, Spark plugs etc.

Non-scheduled maintenance like Brake Pads/Shoes, Brake Discs, Clutch Plates,

Lower Suspension Arms, Shock Absorbers etc.

Mechanical/Electrical repairs

Labour for all the above

What does it NOT cover?

Accident repair



Benefits to the customer

In case of total loss, can be cancelled

Ford factory backed programme.

Diagnosis/repairs as per recommended standards and practices

Vehicles serviced by Ford trained and certified technicians department


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Total peace of mind

Increased residual value of the car

Only Ford genuine parts are used

Can avail this service across the country at all Ford authorized outlets




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One of the fastest growing industries in the world is automobile industry. This automobile

industry has its influence on the Indian market. Probably automobile Industries occupy a

large market share in the worlds market as well as in the Indian market. Nearly 18% of the

total national income is being incurred from the automobile industry. From this we can

estimate how important the automobile industry in the improvement of GDP of a country is.

In India automobile industry has a growth rate is at the average of 10-12%.


It’s fascinating drive through history, which begins as a story of isolation and missed

opportunities to one of huge potential and phenomenal growth. India’s fixation with

socialism and planned economies had a crippling impact on the automotive industry in its

formative years. The goal at that time for independent India was self-sufficiency. Issues like

quality and efficiency were simply not considered.

Dependence of foreign technology was banned and manufacturers were forced to localize

their products; import substitution became the order of the day. Though we learnt to localize,

the cars we made were all outdated designs with little or no improvements for decades. The

automotive industry stagnated under the government’s stifling restrictions and the Indian car

buyer was saddled with cars of appalling quality and even then there was a waiting list that at

one point stretched to eight years! This attempt at self-reliance failed miserably because of

the industry’s isolation from the best technology. The Japanese and later Korean auto

industries were also highly protected in their formative years but they never shut the door on

technology. Instead, they relentlessly tapped the best talent pools in the world to absorb they

know, how to produce good cars.


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One of the most important chapters in the Indian automotive industry’s history was written by

Maruti. It marked the Indian government getting into the far business in the early 1980’s, a

radical shift in thinking after decades of treating cars with disdain. The Maruti 800 went on to

become the staple car of India and put a nation on wheels. This little car set a benchmark for

price, size and quality and structured India as small car market. It wasn’t till 1993 that things

really started to change for the Indian car buyer. With the liberalization of the economy, a

host of international carmakers rushed in. But most of them were in for a shock as Indian

customers rejected their product. Indian customers refused to allow the glitter of prestigious

brands blind them to the outdated and overpriced products they were offered. The Indian

consumer wanted super value, and rewarded the brands that delivered it, handsomely.

Hyundai and Maruthi delivered, and profited. The period also saw the emergence of the

Indian players like Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra. They rose to the challenge of the

MNC’s and responded brilliantly with the Indica and the Scorpio. This was ironically due to

the license raj that forced Indian carmakers to be innovative and develop products frugally.

India’s frugal engineering skill has now caught the world’s imagination, and an increasing

number of carmakers are preparing to setup major capacities here. India is changing and

changing fast. It’s moving forward. India’s largest-selling car is not its cheapest car, the 800.

It is the Alto. People’s aspirations are rising and so are their mistakes, have got their finger on

the pulse of the market. Get the right product and the rewards are handsome. The Indian auto

industry is today bubbling with promise and confidence. It’s been a long journey but to see

where the Indian car industry is going. We have to see where it has been.



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The first motorcar on the streets of India was seen in 1898, Bombay had it first taxicabs by

the turn of the century. In 1903, an American company began a public taxi service with afleet

of 50 cars. For about 50 years after car arrived in India, cars were directly imported. Before

World War I, around 40,000 motor vehicles were imported. During the years between the

wars, a small start for an automobile industry was made when assembly plant were

established in Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. The import/assembly of vehicles grew

consistently after the 1920s, crossing 30,000 units by 1930. It was during the end of the war

that the importance of establishing an indigenous automobile in India was realized. Premier

Motors, Hindustan Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra set up factories in the 1940s for

progressive manufacture rather than assembly from imported components. The cars they

chose to make were the latest in the world when they were introduced in India in the

formative years of the industry.


The government clamped down on imports and foreign investments. Companies like

GM and Ford packed their bags and left. India’s clock, thereafter, stood still while the world

raced on ahead. It would take nearly 50 years before the Indian auto industry could catch up

with the rest of the world again.


In January 1985, the government announced its famous ‘broad banding’ policy which gave

new licenses to brad groups of automotive products such as two and four-wheeled

vehicles. Through a liberal move, the licensing system was very much intact. A manufacturer

had to submit a phased-manufacturing programme to the Ministry of Industry specifying the

indigenization progress and allowing for almost complete indigenization within five to seven


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years. The biggest hurdle was the foreign-exchange clearance required for these projects.

Except for MUL, which had direct access to policy-makers, every other manufacturer still

faced a series of obstacles. Several new products were launched during this period. All three

traditional carmakers added new models to their ranges – Standard Motors returned to the car

business after 10 years, when in 1985 it introduced the Standard 2000, a Rover SD1 body

with the old two-litre Vanguard engine. HM bought in a 1972 Vauxhall Victor in 1985,

transplanted its ageing Ambassador engine into it and the Contessa was born.


In 1957, a small tail fin was added on either side of the rear fenders, along with a new,

dimpled hood, and the car was re-christened the Ambassador Mark I. The car cost Rs.17,000.

In 1963, it underwent a frontal facelift with a closely checkered grille and was named the

Ambassador Mark II. It would be another 12 years before the Ambassador got a facelift. In

1975, another minor facelift to the same grille and a much bigger frontal facelift turned out as

the Mark III. The Mark IV, launched in 1979, was the last of the Mark cars. The Ambassador

Nova was launched in 1990, followed by Ambassador 1800 ISZ three years later. The Nova

was the last Ambassador powered by the 1489cc petrol engine. In 2004, HM launched the

cosmetically-revised Ambassador under the Avigo name. Designed by Mavendra Singh, the

retro look Avigo had classic touch internals like a centrally mounted console, beige-colored

seats and wood finish interiors.


.The Hindustan Contessa, launched in 1982, was one of the few luxury cars manufactured in

the country in the 1980s and 1990s. It was based on the 1970s vintage Vauxhall victor. While


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it was initially launched with the 1489cc engine found in the Ambassador, the Contessa was

soon given the Isuzu engines. There were three versions of this car - 1.8GLX (Isuzu petrol),

2.0DLX (Isuzu diesel) and the rare 2.0T (Isuzu diesel, turbo). The last Contessa rolled out in

2002, phased out by the demand for cheap Japanese cars. Some of the leading Indian auto

players in Indian automobile industry are:

➢ Premier,

➢ Tata

➢ Mahindra and Mahindra

➢ Maruthi

➢ Hindustan motors


The story of premier is the story of one man’s vision, Seth Walchand Hirachands. He not

only give India its first car factory but also the country’s first aircraft factory Hindustan

Aeronautics Limited and the country’s first modern ship yard, Hindustan Shipyard Limited


Seth Walchand Hirachand has first started the trails to establish an Indian car manufacturing

plant in Indian for which he went to U.S.A. where three largest car manufacturing companies

are located. He wants Indian company to be completely independent, with Indian

management capital and employees, paying royalty or technology transfer payment to

western countries. After approaching General Motors they insisted on part ownership. Seth

Walchand then moved to second largest automaker Ford; Henry agreed, but delegated the

project to Ford of Canada, which refused. Finally the third largest automaker Chrysler agreed

and singed in an agreement in Bombay in 1940.



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In 1951, PAL singed up with Fiat to assemble the Fiat 500 in India. In 1952, the tariff

commission spelled out future for the auto industry – indigenize or get out. Companies like

Ford and GM, which had assembly operations in India, packed their bags and went home. But

fiat decided to stick it out and committed itself full-fledged manufacture of the Millicent in

1954. In sep 1964, PAL and FIAT launched the Fiat 1100 DELITE in India. The biggest

customers for PAL’s were Bombay’s taxi drivers. The Padminies were easy for maintenance

in terms of spares and labor cost, low on running cost, easy to drive and reasonably tough. It

was everything that a taxi driver wants.

TATA Motors:

Established in 1945, Telco or the Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company, as its full

name suggests, started out making steam locomotives for the Indian Railways. Telco’s tryst

with vehicle manufacture came in 1945 when it signed a 15-year agreement with Daimler-

Benz AG of Germany to manufacture commercial vehicle. The director in charge from the

Tata side was Sumant Moolgaonkar. This period was a shared birthing time for the Indian

commercial vehicle industry – Premier Automobiles in league with Chrysler, Hindustan

Motors with General Motors and Ashok Leyland with British Leyland – which all started

truck production around the same time. Telco’s biggest triumph came in 1985 in the LCV

segment. The Tata 407, a brand new product from bumper to tail-light, was designed and

marketed by Telco to take on the technically superior Japanese products. The 407

immediately captured 70 per cent of the market. The TATA SUMO, launched in 1994, turned

out to be the success story of the decade.

The Sumo was conceptually a brilliant vehicle. And it was also a product of the government’s

eccentric excise duty regulations at that time. 1998 was a landmark year for Tata – it

launched the Tata Safari. Unlike the Sierra, Estate and Sumo that were designed and

developed using rudimentary manual methods, the Safari was made with modern


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manufacturing and design processes to ensure new-found levels of quality and to take the

company a step closer to its ambition of becoming a global carmaker. Yet, the most important

landmark of 1998 was not the Safari. On 30 December 1998, Tata officially launched the

much-awaited Indica. 2001 also saw the company exit its joint venture with Daimler-Benz. In

2002, Tata launched the Indigo saloon, based on the Indica platform. On 29 July 2003,J R D

Tata’s birth anniversary, the company was renamed Tata Motors Limited. The Tata

juggernaut continued to roll across the Indian auto industry with the launch of the Indigo

Marina in 2004


The story starts sometime in the 1940’s. Pandit Nehru has a dream of building a modern,

industrially advanced nation. And inspired by Nehru’s vision are two brothers, Kailash

Chandra Mahindra and Jagadish Chandra Mahindra. K.C.Mahindra during his tenure in the

United States had met Berney Roos. Roos was the inventor of rugged ‘General Purpose’

vehicle or the Jeep. The Jeep had earned reputation in the battle fields of World War II. On

October 2nd 1945, the Mahindra brothers joined hands with Ghulam Mohammed to set up a

company to assemble American Willys Jeeps in India. The collaboration between M&M and

its original partner Kaiser Jeep Corporation and later American Motor Corporation is for the

phased manufacture of CJ3B Jeep. The company is named Mahindra and Mohammed, but

after Independence Ghulam Mohammed migrates to Pakistan. With his departure Mahindra

& Mohammed is renamed by Mahindra & Mahindra in 13thJanuary 1948. The first vehicles

are assembled in Mazaogaon in Bombay. The first M&M built Willy Overland Jeep rolled

out of the Mazaogaon plant on 3 June 1949. Five years later, in 1954, the first completely

indigenous Jeep rolled out of the factory floor. At one point 70 per cent of the sales were

assured by army and government.


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Vehicle model Year of launching

Mahindra MM 540 1985

Commander 1991

Mahindra Armada 1993

Voyager van 1996

Escort (M&M-ford) 1996

Bolero 1996

Scorpio 2002

Scorpio launched in 2002, a completely indigenous product that took Mahindra & Mahindra

6 long years to design and develop. The Scorpio has played a critical role in changing the

perception and brand image of the country. The 2.6 litre turbo-diesel engine developed

109bhp. The Scorpio has been the vehicle of M&M’s change, from a utility vehicle-maker to

a lifestyle SUV manufacturer


It began with the promise of being the ‘People’s Car’. The car never went into production and

the company went belly-up in 1977. Six years later, it rose like a phoenix from the ashes and

changed the Indian automotive sector forever for the company Maruthi Udyog Ltd. The story

of Maruthi dates back to the 1970’s. Indira Gandhi was the prime minister of India. Her son,

Sanjay Gandhi, envisioned the manufactured of an indigenous cost-effective, low-

maintenance compact car for the Indian middle-class. The Cabinet passed a unanimous

resolution for the development and production of a ‘People’s Car’. The name of the car was

chosen as ‘Maruti’.



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The Maruthi 800 was essentially a Suzuki SS80, which was called the Fronte in Japanand

Altoin most of the other markets. The 796cc, in-line, three-cylinder power plant produced

39.5bhp at 5500rpm. Maruthi marked the beginning of a revolution in the Indian automobile

industry. The Maruthi 800, with its compact size, nimble handling and perky engine, offered

the Indian motorist a cheaper, friendlier alternative. On 14thDecember 1983, Harpal Singh

became Maruthi’s first customer as he received the keys of his Maruthi 800 car from Prime

Minister Indira Gandhi. The car cost Rs.48, 000. The new Maruthi, launched in June 1986,

cost approximately Rs 15,000 more than the outgoing model.


In 2005, Maruthi launched the Swift, for the first time in its 20-year history. The Swift

signaled the importance of the Indian market in the world. A team of engineers from Maruthi

worked on the design of the Swift in Hamamatsu, Suzuki’s headquarters in Japan.

Model Year of launching Model

Maruthi 800 1983

Maruthi Omni 1984

Maruthi Gypsy 1985

Maruthi 1000 1990

Maruthi Zen 1993

Maruthi Esteem 1994

Maruthi Baleno 1999

Maruthi Wagon R 1999

Maruthi Alto 2000

Maruthi Versa 2001


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Maruthi Swift 2005

Maruthi Zen Estilo 2006

Maruthi SX4 2007

Maruthi Suzuki Grand Vitara 2007

The other cars which have their share in the Indian Auto Mobile industry are:

The Indian auto industry has exploded in the last 14 years. And car makers are learning some

very hard truths. While the economic reforms process was kicked of in 1991, it was only in

1993 that the automobile industry was finally relicensed and the restrictions were removed.

Between 1993 and 95, government regulations limited a foreign company’s stake to a

maximum of 51 percent of the equity. Hence the only method of entry for an MNC then was

through a joint venture with a local partner. The most preferred partner was an existing

automaker. In 1994-95 saw the announcement of quite a few JV’s.

➢ Premier and Peugeot to form PAL-Peugeot.

➢ GM and CK Birla to form GM India.

➢ Mercedes Benz and Tata Motors.

➢ M&M and Ford to form Mahindra-Ford India.

In 1995, the government announced its decision to allow foreign auto companies to enter

with a 100% stake or wholly-owned subsidiaries. This changed the dynamics of joint

ventures in India. The other automobile industries which play a crucial role in the Indian

automobile industry are:

➢ General Motors India

➢ Mercedes-Benz

➢ Hyundai Motors


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➢ Honda SIEL

➢ Toyota

➢ Skoda India


Deboo motors


Marketing strategy and analysis:

A marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited

resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive

advantage. Any organization that wants to exchange its products or services in the market


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place successfully should have a Strategic Marketing plan to guide the allocation of its

resources. A strategic marketing plan usually evolves from an organization’s overall

corporate strategy and serves as a guide for specific marketing programs and policies.

Marketing strategy is based on a situation analysis- a detailed assessment of the current

marketing conditions facing the company, its product lines, or its individual brands. From this

situation analysis, affirm develops an understanding of the market and the various

opportunities it offers, the competition and the market segments or target markets the

company wishes to pursue. Marketing strategy is the complete and unbeatable plan, designed

specifically for attaining the marketing objectives of the firm/business unit. The marketing

objectives indicate what the firm wants to achieve; the marketing strategy provides the design

for achieving them. For example, if the marketing objectives of a business unit stipulate that

next year, it should achieve a sales revenue of Rs. 1,000 crore and a net profit of 15 percent

of sales revenue, it is the job of marketing strategy to indicate how and wherefrom this sale

and profit will come, which product lines/products/brands will accomplish this task and how.

Marketing strategy forms an integral part of marketing planning. Marketing strategy is most

effective when it is an integral component of corporate strategy, defining how the

organization will successfully engage customers, prospects, and competitors in the market

arena. It is partially derived from broader corporate strategies, corporate missions, and

corporate goals. As the customer constitutes the source of a company's revenue, marketing

strategy is closely linked with sales. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keep

marketing in line with a company's overarching mission statement.


Development of marketing program requires an in-depth analysis of the market. This analysis

may make extensive use of market research as an input into the planning process. This input,

in turn, provides the basis for the development of marketing strategies in regard to product,


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pricing, distribution and promotion decisions. Each of these steps requires a detailed analysis,

since this plan serves as the road map, to follow in achieving marketing goals. Once the

detailed market analysis has been completed and marketing objectives have been established,

each element in the market mix must contribute to a comprehensive integrated marketing

program. Of course, the promotional program element must be combined with all other

program elements in such a way as to achieve maximum impact.


Basically, formulation of marketing strategy consists of three main tasks:

1. Selecting the target market,

2. Positioning the offer,

3. Assembling the marketing mix.

This implies that the essence of the marketing strategy of a firm for a given product or brand

can be grasped from the target market chosen, the way it is positioned and how the marketing

mix is organized. The target market shows to whom the unit intends to sell the products;

positioning and marketing mix together show how and using what uniqueness or distinction,

the unit intends to sell. The three together constitute the marketing strategy platform of the

given product


To say that target market selection is a part of marketing strategy development is just stating

the obvious. It does not fully bring out the import of the inseparable linkage between the two.

When the selection of the target market is over, an important part of the marketing strategy of

the product is determined, defined and expressed. Marketing targeting simply means

choosing one’s target market. It needs to be clarified at the outset that market targeting is not


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synonymous with market segmentation. Segmentation is actually tee prelude to target market

selection. One has to carry out several tasks besides segmentation before choosing the target

market. Through segmentation, a firm divides the market into many segments. But all these

segments need not form its target market. Target market signifies only those segments that it

wants to adopt as its market. A selection is thus involved in it. Marketing segmentation is a

process that throws up not one but several market segments. There may be segments that are

sizeable and the ones that are not so sizeable. There may be segments assuring immediate

profits and the ones that call for heavy investments in market development. There may also

be segments that show great potential, but display tough barriers to entry. As such, the

question, which segment/segments, the firm should select as its target market, assumes

crucial importance.


Market Segmentation is “dividing up a market into distinct groups that first have Common

needs and second will respond similarly to a marketing action”, which was said by Eric

N.Berkowitz, Roger A.Kerin, and William Redulius.

The Segmentation process involves five distinct steps:

➢ Finding the ways to group consumers according to their needs.

➢ Finding the ways to group the marketing actions – usually the products offered – available

to the organization.

➢ Developing a market-product grid to relate the market segments to the firm’s products or


➢ selecting the target segments toward which the firm directs its marketing actions.

➢ Taking marketing actions to reach target segments. Markets can be segmented using

several relevant bases. For example, demographic Characteristics of consumers, such as age,


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sex, income/purchasing capacity, education level etc, form one base for segmentation.

Geographic characteristics constitute another; and buying behavior of the consumer’s forms

yet another base.

The various types of segmentations are

Geographic segmentation

Demographic segmentation

Psychographic segmentation

Buyer behavior

Benefits segmentation

Volume of purchase segmentation


Positioning is a platform for the brand. It facilitates the brand to get through to the target

consumers. It is defined as “the art and science of fitting the product or service to one or more

segments of the broad market in such a way as to set it meaningfully apart from competition.”

Positioning is the act of fixing the locus of the product offer in the minds of the target

consumers. In positioning, the firm decides how and around what parameters, the product

offer has to be placed before the target consumers. The significance of product positioning

can be easily understood from David Ogilvy’s words: “The results of your campaign depends

less on how we write your advertising than on how your product is positioned”.


Sengupta, in his book Brand Positioning says, “ The aim of product positioning is to create

a perception for our brand in the prospect’s mind so that it stands apart from competing


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brands… we must cover that space in the consumer’s mind as if we had won a long-term

lease. We must find a strong position in that mind and sit on it….”

Micheal Rothschild, in his book Marketing Communications – from Fundamentals to

Strategies says, “Positioning refers to the place a brand occupies in the mind in relation to a

given product class. This place was originally a product-related concept “concerning market

structure”. The concept now refers to the place that the brand holds in the consumer’s mind

related to perceptions and preferences”.

Developing a Positioning Strategy:

To create a position for a product or service, Trout and Ries suggest that managers ask

themselves six basic questions.

1. What position, if any, do we already have in the prospect’s mind?

2. What position do we want to own?

3. What companies must be outgunned if we are to establish that position?

4. Do we have enough marketing money to occupy and hold the position?

5. Do we have the guts to stick with one consistent positioning strategy?

6. Does our creative approach match our positioning strategy?


It is essential to understand the relationship between products positioning and brand

positioning. Though in discussions, the two terms are synonymously and interchangeable

used, technically they are different. Product positioning denotes the specific product

category/product classing which the given product is opting to compete. And brand

positioning denotes the positioning of the brand viz-a viz the competing brands in the chosen


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product category. It is evident that for any product, before entering the market it has to

sequentially carry out the two exercises, product positioning and brand positioning. In the

first step, the product category where the new entrant should enter and compete, i.e. against

what all products it has to compete, has to be decided. In this step, it is the broad function that

the product is trying to serve that matters. This choice of product category will decide the

nature of the competition the product is going to face. Once product category positioning is

decided, the position for the new entrant against competing brands in the chosen product

category has to be analyzed and fixed.


Where is the new offer going to compete? As what?

Which product function/customer need is it trying to meet?

What other product categories serve this need? In other words, what are the substitute

products that serve the same need?

Where is the real gap, where is such a new offer most welcome and wanted by the


What are company’s competencies to fight here?


In deciding the Brand positioning, the issues are:

Which are the competing brands in the chosen product category?

What are the unique claims/strengths of the various brands?

What position do they enjoy in consumer’s evaluation and perception?

What is the most favored position…? And yet vacant?


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Can the new brand claim the needed distinction and take the position and satisfy the


The major dimension of marketing strategy relates to positioning of the offer. The

firm has already selected the target market and decided its basic offer. Now, what is

the conjunction between these two entities? How do they get connected? What is the

interface? In other words.

What is the locus the firm seeks among the customers in the chosen target market

with its offering?

How would the firm want the consumer to view and receive the offer?

These are the issues the firm has to grapple with in positioning. And, while

formulating the marketing mix too, the firm will agitate over these issues. The


Differentiation and Positioning discusses the multifarious issues involved in the



Products do undergo ‘repositioning’ as they go along their life cycle. In some cases, even

products that are faring well are repositioned. This is done mainly to enlarge the reach of the

product offer and to increase the sale of the product by appealing to a wider target market.

The product is provided with some new features or it is associated with some new target



Promotion has been defined as the coordination of all seller initiated efforts to set up channels

of information and persuasion in order to sell goods and services or promote an idea and


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products. While implicit communication occurs through the various elements of the

marketing mix, most of an organization’s communications with the market the basic tools

used to accomplish an organization’s communication objectives are often referred to as the

promotional mix.



Direct marketing

Interactive marketing

Sales promotion

Publicity/ public Relations

Personal selling


Advertising is defined as any paid form of non personal communication about an

organization, product, service, or idea by an identified sponsor. The paid aspect of this

definition reflects the fact that the space or time for an advertising message generally must be

bought. An occasional exception to this is the public service announcement, whose

advertising space or time is donated by the media. Advertising is the best-known and most


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widely discussed form of promotion, probably because of its pervasiveness. It is also very

important promotional tool, particularly for companies, whose products and services are

targeted at mass consumer markets. It is a very cost-effective method for communicating with

large audiences. It can be used to create brand images and symbolic appeals for a company or


Direct Marketing

One of the fastest-growing sectors of the U.S. economy is direct marketing, in which

organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response and a

transaction. It has become such an integral part of the IMC program of many organizations

and often involves separate objectives, budgets, and strategies; we view direct marketing as a

component of the promotional mix. Direct Marketing is much more than direct mail and mail

order catalogs. It involves a variety of activities, including database management, direct

selling, telemarketing and direct response ads through direct mail, the Internet, and various

broadcast and print media. One of the major tools of direct marketing is direct response

advertising, whereby a product is promoted through an ad that encourages the consumer to

purchase directly from the manufacturer.

Interactive/Internet Marketing:

Interactive media allow for the back-and-forth flow of information whereby users can

participate in and modify the form and content of the information they receive in real time.

Unlike traditional forms of marketing communications such as advertising, which are one-

way in nature, the new media allow users to perform a variety of functions such as receive

and alter information and images, make inquiries, respond to questions and of course make


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purchases. In addition to the Internet, other forms of interactive media include CDROMs,

Kiosks, and interactive television.

Sales Promotion:

The next variable in the promotional mix is sales promotion, which is generally defined as

those marketing activities that provide extra value or incentives to the sales force, the

distributors, or the ultimate consumer and can stimulate immediate sales, sales promotion is

generally broken into two major categories: Consumer-oriented and Trade-oriented activities

Consumer-oriented sales promotion is targeted to the ultimate user of a product or service and

includes couponing, sampling, premiums, rebates, contests, sweepstakes, and various point-

of-purchase materials. Trade-oriented sales promotions are targeted towards marketing

intermediaries such as wholesalers, distributors and retailers.

Publicity/Public Relations:

Publicity refers to non personal communications regarding an organization, product, service,

or idea not directly paid for or run under identified sponsorship. It usually comes in the form

of a news story, editorial or announcement about an organization and its products and

services. Like advertising, publicity is not directly paid for by the company.

An advantage of publicity over other forms of promotion is its credibility. Another advantage

of publicity is its low cost, since the company is not paying its time or space in a mass

medium such as TV, radio or newspapers. Public relations are defined as “the management

function which evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures of an

individual or organization with the public interests and executes a program of action to earn

public understanding and acceptance”. Public relations generally have a broader objective

than publicity, as its purpose is to establish and maintain a positive image of the company

among its various publics.

Personal Selling:


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It is a form of person-to-person communication in which a seller attempts to assist and

persuade prospective buyers to purchase the company’s product or service or to act on an

idea. Unlike advertising, personal selling involves direct contact between buyer and seller,

either face-to-face or through some form of telecommunications such as telephone sales.

Personal selling involves more immediate and precise feedback because the impact of the

sales presentation can generally be assessed from the customer’s reactions


Assembling the marketing mix means assembling the four Ps of marketing in the best

possible combination. Involved in this process are the choice of the appropriate marketing

activities and the allocation of the appropriate marketing effort/resources to each one of them.

The firm has to find out how it can generate the targeted sales and profit. It considers

different marketing mixes with varying levels of expenditure on each marketing activity and

tries to figure out the effectiveness of different combinations in terms of the possible sales

and profits. It then chooses the combination/mix of products, price, place and promotion that

is best according to its judgment. Since marketing is essentially an interaction between the

marketing mix and environmental variable, and since the latter and non-controllable,

marketing becomes synonymous with assembling and managing the marketing mix. Of

course, while assembling the marketing mix, the marketing manager will take due note of the

environmental variables Not only will he take due not of them; he will ensure that his

marketing mix suits the environmental variables. And, its factor that renders the task much

more complex.




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The four elements mentioned above- product, distribution, promotion and pricing constitute

the marketing mix of the firm. The marketing mix is the sole vehicle for creating and

delivering customer value. It can be easily seen that all activities and programmes, which a

marketer designs and caries out in his effort at winning customers, relate to one or the other

of the above four elements- product, place, promotion and pricing. It can also be seen that in

each of these elements, there are several sub-elements. For example, packaging is one of the

sub-elements of product and warehousing is one of the sub-elements of distribution.

The Four Ps of Marketing:

It was James Culliton, a noted marketing expert, who coined the expression marketing mix

and described the marketing manager as a mixer of ingredients. To quote him, `The

marketing man is a decider and an artist – a mixer of ingredients, who sometimes follows a

recipe developed by others and sometimes prepare his own recipe. And, sometimes he adapts

his recipe to the ingredients that are readily available and sometimes invents some new

ingredients, or, experiments with ingredients as no one else has tried before. Subsequently,

Niel H.Borden, another noted marketing expert, popularized the concept of marketing mix. It

was Jerome McCarthy, the well-known American professor of marketing, who first described

the marketing mix in terms of the four Ps. He classified the marketing mix variables under

four heads, each beginning with the alphabet “P”.

The Four Ps






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McCarthy has provided an easy-to-remember description of the marketing mix Variables.

Over the years, the terms – Marketing mix and Four Ps of marketing have come to be used

synonymously. Assembling and managing the marketing mix is the crux of the marketing

task. And, it is through the marketing mix that the marketing manager achieves the marketing



We have seen that target market selection, positioning and marketing mix formulation

together constitute marketing strategy. We have also seen that a firm can assemble the

marketing mix elements in many different ways, depending on the relative weight age it

assigns to the different elements. The scope to carve out different combinations is, in fact

immense. As a result, business firms are able to employ an abundance of strategies and

strategy stances in their relentless race to stay ahead of competition. However, a close

scrutiny will reveal that all these strategies can be fitted into two broad categories

1. Price oriented marketing strategy.

2. Differentiation oriented marketing strategy.

In other words, there are only two broad routes available for forging marketing strategies: any

strategy has to be ultimately either a price-oriented strategy or a differentiation-oriented



Firms taking to the price route in marketing strategy compete on the strength of pricing. They

use price as their competitive lever. They juggle the price of their product to suit the

prevailing competitive reality. They can afford to offer lower prices and still make the

targeted profits. They elbow out competition with the cushion they enjoy in the matter of


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pricing. Price route requires cost leadership; evidently, a firm opting for the price route will

have to have a substantial cost advantage in their operations. It should be enjoying an overall

cost leadership in the given industry and its lower cost should enable it to secure above

average returns inspire of strong competition. The cost advantage can emanate from different

factors like, scale economies, early entry, and a large market share built over a period of time,

vocational advantage, or synergy among the different businesses. The firms whole strategy,

in fact will revolve around building such cost advantage. To successfully practice a price-led

strategy, a firm should have consciously taken to the idea sufficiently early in its evolutionary

process and prepared itself for adopting such a strategy.


The differentiation route of strategy revolves around aspects other than price. It works on the

principle that a firm can make its offer distinctive from all competing offers and win through

the distinctiveness. And, a firm adopting such route can price its product on the perceived

value of the attributes of the offer and not necessarily on competition-parity basis. Maximum

scope for exploiting differentiation remains with the product. While all the 4Ps of marketing

are important elements from the point of view of strategy, the other Ps normally go as

elaborations of the offer, while the product forms its core. Product differentiation is of vital

importance in product management and has great potential in forgoing successful marketing


The product can be differentiated along two major planks:

1. Tangible product attributes and functions,

2. Intangible characteristics and emotional associations.

The tangible product attributes and functions are


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Differentiation based on ingredients,

Differentiation based on functional value,

Differentiation based on additional features,

Packaging contributing to differentiation,

Differentiation based on Quality, Operational Efficiency, Technology, Service


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1. Which of the following Ford car you own?

(a) Fiesta (b) Ikon (c) Endeavour (d) Fusion

Name of the car % of the customer


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Fiesta 30

Ikon 25

Endeavour 15

Fusion 10

Figo 20

Total 100%

Table. No.1

Fig. no.1

Interpretation: This question is meant for taking the information regarding the most

preferred car in the Ford cars. From the above graph it is found that most preferred vehicle of

Ford cars is Fiesta.

2. What do you like most about your Ford car?

(A). Style/design (B). Comfort (C). Ford brand (D). Service

Customers preference No. of customers

Style / design 18


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Comfort 46

Ford brand 26

Service 10

Total 100

Table. No.2


Interpretation- This question is meant to know the customers preferences and likes towards

the cars. From the data we can position our product to the comfort seeking group of people.

3. To other cars, what do you feel great about your car when compared in the market?

(A) Fuel efficiency (B) Durability(C) Low maintenance (D) Sound quality (E) Brand name

Customer perspective No. of customers

Fuel efficiency 4


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Low maintenance 18

Sound quality 24

Brand name 40

Durability 14

Total 100

Table No.3


Interpretation: From this question we can position the cars according to the customer’s

perspectives. Many of the Ford customers are buying the cars by seeing its Brand Name only.

The no. of customers satisfied with the fuel efficiency is very low.

4. How did you come to know about this car before purchasing?

(A) From friends, relatives (buzz) (B) Advertisements(C) Car experts (d) Sale’s people’s visit

(E) Auto magazines


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Sources of awareness No of customers

Friends , relatives 18

Advertisement 50

Car experts 6

Sales people visit 18

Auto magazines 10

Total 100

Table No.4


Most of the Ford customers came to know about their vehicle through Advertisements only.

The major media that attracted the customers is television.

5. How do you rate the promotion of FIGO by Fortune Ford?

(A) Excellent (B) Very good (C) Good (D) Average (E) Poor


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Rating No. of customers

Excellent 10

Very good 28

Good 52

Average 10

Poor 0

Total 100

Table no.5


It has been observe From the table and graph above it can be seen that, 10% of

respondents felt that the promotion was Excellent, 28% of respondents felt that the

promotion was Very good, 52% of respondents felt that the promotion was good, 12%

of respondents felt that the promotion was Average, and 8% of respondents felt that

the promotion was poor. It is clear that promotion of the Figo by Fortune Ford was


6. Where do you get your car serviced regularly?


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(A) At authorized service centre (B) At a local workshop near my home

Place of service No. of customers

At authorized center 82

At a local workshop near my house 18

Total 100

Table. No.6


Most of the Fortune Ford customers are interested to service their vehicles only at the

authorized dealers. From this we come to know what the importance of authorized service

centers for car is.

7. Which bank do you prefer in getting financial help while purchasing a Car?


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(A) ICICI (B) HDFC (C) SBI (D) Others

Name of the bank No. of customers



SBI 20


Total 100%

Table. No.7


Most of the customers prefer ICICI and SBI banks for taking financial help while purchasing

a car. Customers are asking for min interest on financial help provided by the banks.

8. Which type of finance do you prefer?

(A) In house finance (B) Out house finance (C) No difference between the two

Type of finance No. of customers


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In house finance 60

Out house finance 24

No difference between the two 16

Total 100

Table No.8

Fig No. 8

Interpretation: It has been observe that most of the customers prefer house finance help

while purchasing a car.

9. To which media do you get expose regularly?

(A) Televisions (B) Magazines (C) News papers (D) F.M/Radio


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Media No. of customers

Televisions 52

Magazines 14

News paper 32

FM/ Radio 2

Total 100

Table No.9

Fig. no. 9

From this analysis we come to know that most of the customers are interested in watching

televisions, which is a good media for communicating with people and delivering our

intentions about product.

10. Which kind of T.V. channels do you watch regularly?


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(A) National news channels (B) Regional news channels (C) Sports channels

(D) Entertainment channels

T.V. Channels No. of customers

National news channel 20

Sport channels 8

Entertainment channel 40

Regional news channel 32

Total 100%

Table. No.10

Fig. no. 10

This question is meant to know the interests and preferences of customers towards T.V.

channels. More than quarter of the sample size showed interest only on the entertainment

channels and next preference goes to the regional news channels.

11. What’s your opinion on the price list of Ford cars?

(A) Affordable by common man (B) Affordable only by rich man (C) Can’t say


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Customer opinion on pricelist of ford car No. of customers

Affordable by common man 30

Affordable by only rich man 60

Can’t say 10

Total 100

Table. No.11

Fig. No. 11

More than 80% of customers think that Ford cars are affordable only by rich men. These cars

are too expensive for an economic/common man of the society.

12. What kinds of offers do you like or expect from the dealer?

(A) Free Insurance (B) Special discount on sale of cars (C) Extending the service period


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(D) Finance availability with 0% interest

Offers No. of customers

Free insurance 18

Special discount on sale of cars 6

Extending the service period 54

Finance availability with 0% interest 22

Total 100

Table No.12

Fig. No. 12

The chart shows that the most of customers likely expected to the dealer to extend the service


13. What more do you expect from your dealer?

(A) Information about new cars (B) Information about service and mileage


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(C) Assistance regarding loans and insurance (D) Understanding customer needs

Expectations of customer No. of customers

Information about service and mileage 68

Assistance regarding loans and insurance 8

Understanding customer needs 20

Information about new car 4

Total 100

Table. No.13

Fig. No. 13

Most of the customers are expecting the information about service and mileage regarding the

cars from the dealer. From the above analysis we come to know about the customer’s

expectations and their post purchase service demands from the dealer.

14. How do you feel when an unknown sales person approaches you by knowing your

full details to demonstrate about any product?

(A) I will not respond (B) Lost my privacy (C) Interested in knowing (if I feel a need of it)


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Customer opinion No. of customers

I will not respond 22

Lost my privacy 10

Interest in knowing, If I feel a need of it 64

Total 100

Table no.14

Fig No. 14

This question is prepared indirectly to know about the customer’s opinion about the Data

Bank maintenance by the Fortune Ford. In reply majority of the customers gave a positive

reply by showing interest in knowing about the cars when a sales person gives a detailed

description about the cars.

15. Have you come across any promotional event conducted by Fortune Ford during

last one month?

(A) YES (B) No


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Customer opinion No. of customers

Yes 61

No 49

Total 100

Table No.15

Fig. No. 15

From the table and graph above it can be seen that 61% of respondent’s come across

promotion of Fortune Ford and 49% do not come across promotion of Fortune Ford. As the

Fortune Ford promoted and conducted events for Figo.

16. Would you recommend Ford “go fida” to your friends and relatives?

(A) Recommended (B) Not recommended


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Recommend Not recommend Total

respondents 62 38 100

Table no.16

Fig no. 16

From the table and graph above it can be seen that 62% of respondents recommend Figo to

your friends and relatives and 38 % of respondents don’t recommend Figo to your friends and

relatives. Most of the respondents would recommend Figo to the friends and relatives.

17. Whom do you suggest as a right person for promoting a car?

(A) Sports person (B) Film stars (C) Car expert (D) Any celebrity

Customer suggestion No. of customers


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Sports persons 36

Film star 42

Car expert 14

Any celebrity 8

Total 100

Table No.17

Fig. No. 17

Most of the customers of Ford suggest a film star as the best ambassador. Because many of

them get attracted only to their favorite film stars other than other brand ambassadors

18. What other brands did you seriously consider before making this car purchase?

(A) Hyundai (B) Chevrolet (C) Maruthi (D) TATA (E) Toyota


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Brand name No. of customers

Hyundai 33

Skoda 15

Maruti 24

Honda 18

Toyota 10

Total 100

Table No.18


Most of the Ford customers are opting for Hyundai when they are asked to consider a brand

other than Ford. Skoda occupies the second place in their preference.

19. As per you which vehicle comes close to Figo.


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(A) Maruti Swift (B) Hyundai i10 (C) Chevrolet Spark (D) Tata Indica (E) others

Rating No. of a customersMaruti Swift 37Hyundai i10 30

Chevrolet Spark 16Tata indica 7

others 10Total 100

Table No.19

Fig No. 19

From the above chart it can be observe that, 37% of respondents feel that the Vehicle that

comes close to Figo is Maruthi Swift, 30% of respondents feel that the Vehicle that comes

close to Figo is Hyundai i10, 22% of respondents feel that the Vehicle that comes close to

Figo with Chevrolet Spark, 7% of respondents felt that the Vehicle that comes close to Figo

is Tata Indica, and 10% of respondents feel that various other Vehicles comes close to Figo .

Most of the customers feel that Maruthi Swift comes close to the Figo.

20. For which automobile company you finance more loans in a month.


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(A) Hyundai (B) Honda (C) Maruti Suzuki (D) Mahindra& Mahindra (E) Ford

Automobile company No. of sanction loans

Hyundai 16

Honda 15

Maruti Suzuki 28

Mahindra & Mahindra 19

Ford 17

Total 100

Table. No.20

Fig. no. 20:

It has been observe the banks are sanctioning loan in a month 15% for Hyundai motor, 15%

for Honda motor, 30% for Maruti Suzuki and 20% Mahindra & Mahindra and 15 for Ford

motor .

21. Sir, Are you (to bank manager) interested if I conduct a event show of “go fida”

“ford FIGO” and “ford FIESTA” in your branch compound?


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Yes No Total

Respondents 100 0 100

Table No. 20

Fig. no 21

The above chart shows the popularity of Ford “go fida”, that all bank

managers want to conduct a event show of “go fida” in their branch



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Brand awareness has got a great range of influence on buying behavior. Now-a-days

people are Brand conscious. Products or Services having a good Brand image has got

a great range of influence on buying behavior.

Promoting a product and creating awareness through conducting event show in

different areas of a pre plane with bank manager and meeting with customer

personally has an influence on the people rather than non-personal channels.

The brand image of FORD is Excellent. Everyone is aware of Ford as it is the fourth

largest automobile company. Ford. In Hyderabad most of the people are think that

Ford vehicles are for urbane people.

In hatchback cars millage plays a major role on buying behavior. People who are

choosing hatch back car segment are mostly from employees and middle class. They

cannot effort more.

Maintenance of Ford vehicles is more. Ford is positioned in the minds of people as

high maintenance that is the one of the reason why Ford is not a big success in the

Indian market

The products “go fida” the “ford FIESTA” and “ford FIGO” many features when

compared to any car in hatchback segment. No car in the hatchback segment is

competitor for Figo and Fiesta. Figo is having a number of features like dual air bags,

ABS with EBD etc.

Major competitor of Ford Figo is Maruthi Swift. Everyone in the market is comparing

the ford to Maruthi swift as Maruthi is the leader for the hatchback segment. Its

product Swift is a success model.


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Customer’s perspectives, Many of the Ford customers are buying the cars by seeing

its brand name only. The no. of customers satisfied with the fuel efficiency is very


Most of the Ford customers came to know about their vehicle through Advertisements

only. The major media that attracted the customers is television.

Most of the customers prefer ICICI and SBI banks for taking financial help while

purchasing a car. Customers are asking for min interest on financial help provided by

the banks.

Most of the people want to see entertainment channels and next preference goes to

the regional news channels.

The popularity shows that most of the customers would recommend Ford Figo to the

friends and relatives.

It has been observe that Hyundai i1o comes close to Ford Figo.

It has been observe the banks are sanctioning loan in a month 15% for Hyundai

motor, 15% for Honda motor, 30% for Maruti Suzuki and 20% Mahindra &

Mahindra and 15 for Ford motor .

Peoples are very aggressive and enthusiastic to meet with brand promoter during

event show.



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Fortune ford should poster of the “go fida “ the Ford Figo and ford Fiesta and put it in

all bank branches, because now many customer are firstly approaching for car loan in

bank and they make their decision there for good car.

Fortune Ford has to concentrate on new strategies for the promotion of Ford Figo. As

it is a newly launched model of the Ford it is the time to capture market of the

hatchback car segment. Currently Figo is having a good response in the market.

Ford has to rectify the rear window of back door which doesn’t go down completely.

Everyone who had a look at the car likes it, after seeing the rear window of the back

doors they are not showing any interest.

Ford has to utilize the media for the promotion of Figo. For the reaching of the target

audience media is the best way. Through promotion will go to the long distances..

Please try to increase the number of Service centers. And keep Service Stations at

main locations of the city, like Banjara Hills, Jubilee Hills, Begumpet etc., where

many customers feel it easy to go to service centers..

Please provide information about new cars along with their price lists at least once in

6 months.

Advertisements through televisions can influence many categories of people. So try

to concentrate on this segment. We don’t see or find much of the Ford car

advertisements in T.V except “go fida “ the “ford FIGO” and “ford FIESTA”.

Try to provide financial facility of all customers at minimum interest.



Name : …………….


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Contact no. ………….

Address: E-Mail address: ……………………

1. Which of the following Ford car you own?

a) Fiesta b) Ikon

c) Endeavour d) Fusion

2. What do you like most about your Ford car?

a) Style/design b) Comfort

c) Ford brand d) Service

3. What do you feel great about your car when compared to other cars in the market?

a) Fuel efficiency b) Durability c) Low maintenance

d) Sound quality e) Brand name

4. How did you come to know about this car before purchasing?

a) From friends, relatives b) Advertisements c) Car experts

d) Sale’s persons visit e) Auto magazines

5 . How do you rate the promotion of FIGO by Fortune Ford?

a) Excellent b) Very good c) Good

d) Average e)Poor

6. Where do you get your car serviced regularly?

a) At authorized service centre


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b) At a local workshop near my home

7. Which bank do you prefer in getting financial help while purchasing a car?


c) SBI d) others

8. Which type of finance do you prefer?

a) In house finance b) Out house finance

c) No difference between the two

9. To which media do you get expose regularly?

a) Televisions b) Magazines

c) News papers d) F.M/Radio

10. Which kind of T.V. channels do you watch regularly?

a) National news channels b) Regional news channels c) Sports channels

d) Entertainment channels

11. What’s your opinion on the price list of Ford cars?

a) Affordable by common man b) Affordable only for rich man

c) Can’t say

12. What kinds of offers do you like or expect from the dealer?

a) Free insurance b) Special discount on sale of cars


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c) Extending the service period d) Finance availability with 0% interest

13. What more do you expect from your dealer?

a) Information about new cars b) Information about service and mileage

c) Assistance regarding loans and insurance d) Understanding customer needs

14. How do you feel when an unknown sales person approaches you by knowing? Your

full details to demonstrate about any product?

a) I will not respond b) Lost my privacy

c) Interested in knowing (if I feel a need of it)

15. Have you come across any promotional event conducted by Fortune Ford during

last one month?

a) YES

b) No

16. What’s your opinion about the previous Ambassador Abhishek Bachan for the car

Ford Fiesta?

a) Full filled the purpose b) Unable to attract customers

c) He was not apt for it.

17. Whom do you suggest as a right person for promoting a car?

a) Sports person b) Film stars c) Car expert

d) Any celebrity


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18) What other brand(s) did you seriously consider before making this car purchase?

a) Hyundai b) Skoda c) Maruthi d) Honda

e) Toyota

19) As per you which vehicle come close to Figo.

a) Maruti Swift b) Hyundai i10 c) Chevrolet Spark

d)Tata Indica e)others

20) For which automobile company you finance more loan in month.

a) Hyundai b) Honda c) Maruti Suzuki

d) Mahindra e) Ford

Thanks for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire and for providing valuable

information which will be used for my project work, market research studies and reports. We

do not share or sell your name, address or any other data with any outside company for any



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