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This revision guide includes all you need to know for the Germany Exam this summer. The guide is divided into two sections,

The rise of the Nazi Party

Changing life for German people 1933-1939.

The man below thinks you need to revise for this exam; Id do as he says!

The rise of the Nazi Party (What you need to know)

The political and economic problems of Weimar

(Weaknesses of Weimar government; the impact of the Treaty of Versailles)

The early development of the Nazi Party

(The consequences of the Munich Putsch; Hitler and 'Mein Kampf'; impact of Wall St Crash on Nazi support)

Political scheming, 1929-1932

(The end of Parliamentary democracy; coalitions of Von Bruning, Von Papen & Von Schleicher)

The reasons for Nazi electoral success

(Such as: the impact of Depression; Hitler's appeal and promises; fear of Communism; role of SA; use of propaganda)

Hitler as Chancellor

(The significance of the Reichstag fire; the March election; the Enabling Law; suppression of civil liberties)

The move to dictatorship

(The events and consequences of the Night of the Long Knives; Hitler becomes Fuhrer

Changing life for the German people, 1933-1939 (What you need to know)

Tackling economic problems

(Measures to reduce unemployment; trade unions and the DAF; the Strength through Joy Movement [KdF])

The treatment of women and young people

(The Three Ks; women and work; controlling education; the Hitler Youth Movement)

Extending political control

(The use of the SS and the Gestapo; control of the legal system; control over central and regional government)

The use of propaganda and censorship

(Goebbels and propaganda; the use of rallies, radio and cinema; censorship of newspapers and the arts)

Nazi racial policy

(The Master Race and ideas of Aryan superiority; the increasing persecution of the Jews between 1933 -1939)

The treatment of religion

(Nazi views on religion; relations with the Catholic and Protestant churches; the National Reich Church)

How was Germany affected by the Wall Street Crash (1929)?

In October 1929 the US stock market collapsed in the Wall Street Crash. Germany was hard hit why?

The USA had lent Germany a lot of money and suddenly wanted the loans repaid.

Germany businesses that could not afford to repay the loans went bankrupt.

Unemployment in Germany shot up. By 1932 there were 6 million out of work. Millions of homeless people set up camps on the edge of towns and became dependent on charity food to avoid starvation.

the failure of the Weimar Republic to deal with these problems showed how weak it really was.

Extreme parties like the NAZIS won increased support because they promised to do something to end the depression in Germany.

Jews in Nazi Germany (1933-1939)

The Master Race

In Mein Kampf (1924) Hitler wrote:

Jews are the biggest threat to the purity of the German people. They helped bring about German defeat in the Great War and seek to take over the world. Jews must therefore be destroyed

He believed that the Jews, blacks, gypsies were all inferior races and should not be allowed to mix or breed with Aryan Germans (= tall, blonde hair, blue eyes) who were part of the The Master Race.

Anti-Semitism = hated of the Jews.

1933- The SA organised a boycott of Jewish shops. The word Jude (Jews) was painted on the window and storm troopers stood outside and stopped people from going in.

1934- Jobs. Jewish teachers, civil servants and doctors were sacked

Jews were banned from parks, public buildings and public transport.

1935- The Nuremberg Laws took away Jews rights as German citizens and banned marriage between Jews and non-Jews.

1938- Kristallnacht = The Night of Broken Glass. A week of violence against Jews organised by Goebbels in response to the murder of a Nazi by a Jew:

91 Jews murdered

191 synagogues destroyed

Jewish cemeteries desecrated

10,000 shop windows smashed and looted.

30,000 Jews arrested and sent to concentration camps

Most of the destruction was carried out by the police and SA.