web view · 2014-10-14as i explain at the start of every show, i have been working with...

Radio Show Notes Overview 8.00 - 8.05 - Welcome to the show 8.05 - 8.10 - Last week's e-mails 8.10 - 8.15 - Intro to this week’s show 8.15 - 8.20 - 2 songs 8.20 - 8.45 – Interview with Mike regarding Facebook posts and questions 8.45 - 8.50 - 2 songs 8.50 - 9.00 - Answer questions 9.00 - 9.15 mins – Seminar details and new Membership area 9.15 - 9.20 - 2 songs 9.20 - 9.35 – ASF affiliates, Local Government class action and Press releases 9.35 - 9.40 - 2 songs 9.40 - 9.55 – Sponsors, Facebook., plug websites, CLRG, donations etc. 9.55 - 10.00 - 2 Songs Total - 2 hours 1

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Page 1: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

Radio Show Notes


8.00 - 8.05 - Welcome to the show

8.05 - 8.10 - Last week's e-mails

8.10 - 8.15 - Intro to this week’s show

8.15 - 8.20 - 2 songs

8.20 - 8.45 – Interview with Mike regarding Facebook posts and questions

8.45 - 8.50 - 2 songs

8.50 - 9.00 - Answer questions

9.00 - 9.15 mins – Seminar details and new Membership area

9.15 - 9.20 - 2 songs

9.20 - 9.35 – ASF affiliates, Local Government class action and Press releases

9.35 - 9.40 - 2 songs

9.40 - 9.55 – Sponsors, Facebook., plug websites, CLRG, donations etc.

9.55 - 10.00 - 2 Songs

Total - 2 hours


Page 2: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

Good evening everyone and welcome to the Know Your Rights show streaming live on the internet on RAT FM. Our show is now proudly sponsored by WebGate IT Solutions - stretching your IT dollar further. If you are looking for any IT experts please contact the guys at www.webgate.net.au

My name is Mike and I'm joined again this week by Brenton.

(Introduce Brenton - they say Hi)

As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that they do informing and educating the motoring public about their rights. And, in conjunction with a number of different groups, we have now formed the new Know Your Rights group and we are committed to finding new ways to wake people up to the truth in regards to what is really going on in the world. We would especially like to thank John, who runs RAT FM for this great opportunity to do these broadcasts over his new digital radio network.

This is now our 17th broadcast and we have had some very positive responses and people have been eager to hear parts of our previous broadcasts that they may have missed and I'm happy to report that we now have podcasts up on-line of all our broadcasts - which, so far, include: unjust and unlawful traffic fines, the ultimate banking fraud, why personal tax is voluntary and the fact that the ATO is not a legal entity and the importance of the Commonwealth Constitution as well as our recent interviews with John Vico and David Woods. So there's lots of great information up on-line now in case you have missed anything.

Brenton asks - "So Mike, just remind our listeners again what the purpose of these broadcasts is all about".

As always, the point of these broadcasts is to inform and educate people about the truth and about their rights. It still amazes and concerns me how many people are still brainwashed by the government propaganda about things like speeding fines - "Speed Kills" and "Every K over is a killer", people who still don't see that 9/11 was an inside job or understand the fraud that is perpetrated by the banking elite every day. And, once people do get their head around some of those basic truths, we want to give people strategies and techniques for taking action against these injustices and helping to set things right again.So, in order to achieve that outcome, we will be doing these broadcasts every week on Tuesday night between 8 and 10pm and we would love to receive listener's feedback and any questions they may have or suggestions for topics they would like us to cover via e-mail at [email protected] or feel free to sms us at 0412 711 755


Page 3: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

I must make note at this point that nothing discussed during this broadcast or any future broadcasts is in any way deemed to be or is to be taken as legal or financial advice - we are neither lawyers nor financial planners - and everything covered is to considered as educational and entertainment content only.

Okay, so I would like to acknowledge all the people that e-mailed us and sent us text messages last week, we really do appreciate the feedback. I would like to quickly read out the e-mails that we received last week and address some of the points raised in them.

Read out last week's e-mails

Okay, so, for this week's show, we're going to do things a little differently. As we have mentioned on a number of previous broadcasts, the whole point of RAT FM is that it is designed to be Rock and Talkback radio. And, whilst we have had a fair bit of interaction with our listeners via e-mail and sms, we are still missing the vital phone component.

Well, the good news is that we have spoken to John and, in addition to doing some server upgrades over the weekend - which is why some people had issues accessing some of our podcasts - he has confirmed that the part that he needs to hopefully get the phone system up and running is here, in the country and he just needs to go and pick it up.

Now, please understand that this doesn't mean that things will all magically be working perfectly next week, we will still need time to test it and trial it but, the good news is that we are definitely a step closer to having our show up and running at an even greater capacity.

One of the other beauties of getting the phone system up and running is that it means that we can then call some great people that we know of interstate and actually do some interviews with them and they can share their wealth of knowledge and experience with you as well.

So, as a bit of a trial run or a practice, if you like, to prepare us for some of these new interviews that we're hoping to conduct, this week, Brenton is going to be interviewing me with a whole heap of questions and topics of discussion that out listeners have posted on Facebook.

Now, when we were preparing for this week's show, I explained to Brenton that one of the main parameters for this section was to ensure that he asks questions that are going to be of interest to our listeners as a whole, not just the specific people asking them and that the questions allow us to also cover important


Page 4: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

points that will benefit our listeners as I go through the process of answering those questions and addressing those topics.

So, its going to be another really informative show this week and, as you know often when someone else asks a question it is one you were thinking of already or one that you, and others, will find interesting so as always, in case you have any friends or family members that may not have tuned in yet, jump on the phone or post a message on Facebook, send them a quick text message or an e-mail and remind them that our show is on, in case they forgot.

Tell them to go to our website and click the Radio Show tab and listen in - or they can even listen on their mobile device now via Tune In as well. We're going to play a couple of songs now to give you a chance to do that and we will be back with a whole bunch of your questions and the answers to them shortly.

Play 2 songs

Go through Interview with Mike regarding Facebook posts and questions

Play Songs

Answer questions – read out e-mails

Now, as I mentioned on last week’s show, we have more exciting news in regards to our upcoming Know Your Rights seminar. I have again had meetings with a number of groups over this past weekend and can confirm that the venue for our first official seminar will be the Unity Hall at 4 Renown Street in Burwood on the 15th of November. This venue will be familiar to anyone who attends the Burwood CLRG meetings. The seminar will be a full day seminar and will run from 9am – 5pm. We have a new page dedicated to all of the information on our upcoming seminar and you can find that at www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/seminar

You will find a full outline of topics that will be discussed on the day as well as details of how to book your seat at this seminar. Please note that this is a pre registered event – ie. You cannot just turn up on the day - and it will be a private event. We have actually just changed our booking procedure slightly, because some people were getting a little confused. So, to make it clear, the procedure that you need to follow to book a seat is to make just a $100 payment to secure your seat and just include your name and email address with that payment.


Page 5: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

That payment can be made by Paypal or direct bank deposit into one of our foundation accounts – which, by the way, is one of the things that we will be discussing at the seminar and is something that we use ourselves and have done for a number of years now. We will then email you back confirming your seat at this private event and, we will also send you a full breakdown of exactly how the day will be conducted. Read out Agenda sheet

We have also organised a flyer for the event and we would ask people to please go to that new seminar page and download a copy of that flyer and forward that on to everyone on your contact list via email and also cut and paste it into your Facebook profile as well is any other Facebook groups that you may be part of.

In addition to the actual agenda, we have also finalised a complete list of topics that will be discussed on the day and you can find all those details on our Seminar page. One of the most important points to note is that, in addition to all of the topics we will be covering during the course of the event, we will also be clearing up a number of misconceptions and bits of misinformation that we are aware that a number of other speakers are spreading in their seminars.

I said last week that it was great that so many people were starting to “wake up” to the truth and that more people were getting involved in the “truth movement” but, sadly, as is the case in many industries, certain people have seen this as simply a income producing opportunity and they have not fully researched and/or tested the information that they are presenting.

Our speakers will only be presenting information that they have either tried and tested themselves or, that they have definitive proof that others have tried and tested it successfully and informed them of those successes. To give you a quick idea of the quality of speakers that we have lined up:

We have Darryl from CLRG, who will be speaking about the Commonwealth Constitution and how it applies to all of us and he will also be talking about the local government class action and the local government press releases that we have on our website. He will also be discussing contract law, true property ownership as well as a heap of information that goes way above and beyond what some of our listeners may have previously heard about in some of the CLRG meetings.

We will also have a representative from Aussie Speeding Fines, who will obviously be discussing all aspects of unjust and unlawful traffic fines and we believe that we will also have someone from the Operate in the Private group, who will be talking about private foundations, trusts and self managed super funds as well as some other aspects of private banking and tax.


Page 6: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

Obviously, I will be there as well, representing the Know Your Rights group and I will be covering a number of topics that are not otherwise addressed by the other speakers - including the various frauds being committed by the banks and the Strawman concept.

And, given that my background is as a speaker and a success coach, I can guarantee that the information will be presented to you in a completely different way to any other seminars that you may have experienced before. It will be hard hitting but presented in a fun and humerous way. It will be confronting and challenging but also inspiring and empowering and our aim is to have people leave our seminar fired up and raring to take action and stand up for their new-found rights.

So, if that sounds exciting or of interest to you, please be sure to book your seat now via our Seminar page or, if you are in a state other than Victoria and you would like us to run a seminar like this in your State, be sure to register your interest via the link down the bottom right hand side of any one of our web pages.

We have already had a number of registrations of interest for a seminar from people in New South Wales and Queensland as well and, at this stage, we are in the process of planning a seminar in Sydney and Brisbane either later this year or early next year and we are looking to follow those up with one in Perth as well.

Whilst we’re on the subject of our seminars and the speakers who will be attending, I have again spoken to the guys at Operate in the Private again and they have simply asked me to remind you that they are still currently organising private foundations for Know Your Rights listeners for just $600, which is significantly less than the $1500 - $2000 that many other are charging.

I'm not going to discuss those again this week but, if establishing an entity and a bank account that has no tax obligations is of interest to you then please listen in to some of our previous broadcasts, where that is explained in greater detail or simply go to our Financial Protection page or straight to the Operate in the Private website – www.operateintheprivate.com – and, if you e-mail them and ask them for one, they will send you out a very comprehensive FAQ document that will more than likely answer any other questions you may have.

In the meantime, if anyone does have any specific questions about private foundations, please feel free to e-mail or sms us at [email protected] or on 0412 711 755


Page 7: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

And, finally, just before we go to our next song break, I want to remind our listeners that our web guys have now finished building the new membership area and, whilst it is fairly basic, it works and will save you a lot of time and hassle by being able to download a much smaller MP3 file, that has all the music edited out, as well as a copy of the actual notes that I use during each show which, in most cases, details word-for-word what I say during the program.

As discussed on last week's show, to access that new membership area, all you need to do is go to www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.au/members and follow the simple step-by-step instructions that are provided there.

Very briefly, we are requesting a very small donation of just $19.95 each month, which works out to be less than five dollars a week, or about 1 cup of coffee and, for that donation, you will have access to those edited podcasts as well as the notes from each show and you will be able to access them a few days before the standard podcasts are uploaded to our website.

At the end of the day, we are setting this up more as an incentive for people to make small regular donations to us as opposed to selling a professional product as such. And, as I have said before, we still want to make sure that we are always giving people great value for money. So, in this instance, people can still listen to our weekly broadcast live on air each Tuesday night for free and people can still download our regular podcast from our website each week for free as well. However, for those who would like to provide us with a little bit of extra support each week, they will now get a few extra benefits, being the edited, reduced file size of our podcasts as well as a copy of the notes that go with it.

Please feel free to shoot us through a text or email giving us your feedback on this idea and we look forward to your support with the new membership as well as your feedback on how you are finding the smaller edited files as well as the usefulness of the actual program notes to go along with each show.

Play 2 songs

Answer questions, read e-mails.

The guys at Aussie Speeding Fines have asked me to quickly mention their affiliate program again. So, just very quickly, if you go to their website www.Aussiespeedingfines.com you will find an affiliate link and if you join their affiliate program you can actually earn a full 33% commission on every single member that you refer to them.


Page 8: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

So, if you joined up as an e-book member and then referred just three people who, in turn, also joined up as e-book members, then your e-book membership would, essentially, be free. This is a really great way to help out your fellow motorists, by directing them towards information that is going to educate and inform them about their rights and also earn a great little income on the side.

If anyone has a large database or a website that gets a lot of hits then this is a great opportunity to help them spread the word and make some serious cash as well. As I said before, in my view, every man or woman who travels in an automobile should have a copy of the Aussie Speeding Fines e-book in their glovebox – it’s just that simple.

And, they also asked me to remind you that they have bumper stickers and business cards available completely free of charge and I have been told that they have just had a brand new, fresh off the presses batch printed. Again, this is a great way to help spread the word about their information and help out your fellow motorists. I know for myself that whenever I’m walking through the city I keep a handful in my pocket or my bag because inevitably I find a car that has a parking fine on it and I just slip a business card under the wiper right next to the fine.

So, if you’re interested in getting hold of some bumper stickers and business cards, just shoot them an email at [email protected] and just provide them with your postal address and they’ll send them straight out for you. And, if anyone is wondering why I refer to the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines pretty much every show, it’s because, as I said earlier, I think they are doing an incredible job and really, in my view, they are charging too little for what they provide so the least I can do is help spread the word about the exceptional service that they’re providing.

This is also why I mention the weekly CLRG meetings during each broadcast as well - which I’ll get to again a little later - because I seriously believe that $7 for three hours of incredible content is, again, exceptional value.

Now, speaking of the guys at CLRG, we want to give you an update on the progress of the local government class action that they are working on. Despite mentioning them on each week's show and uploading a flyer to their website, things have slowed down a bit over the past few weeks and we really want to help them get those numbers back up again.

So, if you go to their website www.localgovernmentclassaction.com you will find links to both a word version and PDF version of that flyer which you can then download and forward onto others via email and also into your Facebook


Page 9: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

profile and into any other Facebook groups that you may be part of to help spread the word about this extremely important class action .

We can report that we now officially have 1100 people registered and, as I’ve said before, whilst this is a great result in just a few months that we been promoting this, we are still well short of the tens of thousands of registered people that we will need to make this class action a reality.

Please remember that no matter whether you own your own home or you rent, the constantly increasing council rates are affecting ALL of us and this local government class action will put an end to those ridiculous council rates. One of the main aims of the class action is to return local government to operating simply as a department of the State, as they are supposed to be doing under the Commonwealth Constitution. They are NOT allowed to operate as a third tier of government, making up their own by-laws and taxes – which is what they are doing currently.

As I have mentioned in our last week’s broadcasts, most of our rates payments now go towards funding a council corporation and paying ridiculous wages to CEOs and the like, instead of simply paying for essential local services, which is what they are supposed to be doing.

And, I’m confident that almost everyone listening to this broadcast has had a council issued parking fine at one point or another – again, these are completely illegal because only courts can issue fines, not councils. This class action would generate a clear order from the High Court that spells that out in terms that they simply cannot ignore.

A new e-mail was sent out the other day from the local government class action website - which we would also urge people to pass around - but we REALLY need to spread the word even further so please, jump on the website, add your name and your e-mail address, keep an eye out for future e-mails, updating you on how many people have joined up and pass those e-mails onto EVERYONE on your contact list because, as I just explained, this class action really does affect everyone. Then, upload a copy of the e-mail to Facebook, spread the word around on twitter, on forums, whatever you can do to get the message out there and get people signing up.

Once you have done that, we would urge you all to please download the local government press release that applies to your State from the local government page on our website.


Page 10: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

All you need to do to really help us make a real difference is to fill out and print off the cover letter that is also on that page and be sure to take the time to send a copy off to your local MP.

Now, a couple of people have emailed us saying that the link that we had on our website to help you find your local MP was actually to locate your Federal MP as opposed to your state MP. As I noted on last week’s show, we have uploaded a new link that will help you locate your State MP but we would recommend that you send the letter off to both your State MP and Federal MP as the contents of those press releases will ultimately apply to both anyway.

We have already had a few interesting replies coming through from people and we want to collect a whole heap of those replies that we can use them as evidence in the class action lawsuit is a please be sure to send these letters off and let us know what replies you are receiving as a result.

Last week we actually read out the so-called "fact sheet" which was full of lies and deception, that many MPs a re now sending out and this just goes to show how desperate they are becoming to try and keep the truth hidden. After all, if you had nothing to hide, why would you tell blatant lies?

Play 2 Songs

As we have mentioned on our last few shows, we are looking at new ways of generating some cash flow to ensure that we can continue running these weekly radio shows and organising great guest speakers and so that we can continue researching for our shows and continually updating our website with the latest, cutting edge information and strategies for learning about and standing up for your rights.

In particular, we have spoken about sponsors for the show and many of you will have now noticed some of the professional ads that we have playing throughout our show. Again, this is an incredible ground level opportunity for any small to medium sized businesses to get involved before things really take off. We have shows on every night on RAT FM now and day time spaces are looking to be filled soon as well so your ads will be heard many times throughout the day and will reach a wide range of people.

Each week we try and put something new in place to make our show that little bit more professional and, we now have our introduction song – “We’re not gonna take it anymore” which you will now hear at the start of each show that we do and we have an official slogan now – “Those who don’t know their rights have none” and we will be getting some new professional intros done shortly.


Page 11: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

All the RAT FM shows are moving to a whole new level of professionalism and hopefully our new phone system isn't too far away now. So, if you or your company would like to be involved at this time, please send John an e-mail directly at [email protected] so he can fill you in on the finer details.

And, finally, as I mentioned earlier in the show, we have now launched the new Know Your Rights membership area, where people can now access mp3 downloadable podcasts without the music, as well as the notes for each broadcast as well. We are still toying around with the idea of a Know Your Rights e-book and we welcome any other thoughts and suggestions you may have for us to generate some extra cash flow in a way that represents excellent value for money for our listeners. Please feel free to email those ideas through to us at [email protected]

Again, we would like to take this opportunity to point out that whilst we do appreciate your emails and suggestions throughout the week, we do not always get the chance to respond to them individually so please note that we are not ignoring new we just don’t always get the chance to personally respond to every email we receive.

We also note that many people are trying to ask us questions through the Know Your Rights Facebook group and again, we simply do not have the time to personally respond to each of these posts. The Facebook group has been set up more so that our listeners and followers can discussed topics with each other rather than with us directly.

And, speaking of our Facebook group, when I last checked, we had just on 1300 members which is absolutely sensational and a huge jump since last week’s show. Our Facebook group is going from strength to strength and we would ask people to keep sharing a link to that group on their Facebook page every week or so to keep it fresh in people’s minds.

And, Brenton, I note that Aussie Speeding Fines has now just achieved 5,700 members which is an explosion of over 200 people since just last week which is fantastic.

The more people we can get talking about these topics day in and day out, the more quickly we can make some serious changes to the current corrupt system. As we mentioned on previous broadcasts, our goal is to stop people focusing on football, meat pies and Holden cars and instead, get them focussing on, and talking about, their rights and how to stand up for them and how to exercise them.


Page 12: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

We'd like to remind everyone listening that our goal here with these broadcasts is to inform and educate people as to what is really going on in the world and to help people to really "wake up" to the truth that is all around them that they are either blinded or conditioned from seeing.

One of the great sites that we have found recently is the Wake up the Sheep website which can be found at www.wakeupthesheep.com They have a number of important stories from around the globe that we simply do not hear about here through our local media and many of them cover topics that people here really should be aware of.

One of the challenges that we have is that everyone is at different levels in regards to how "awake" they are or, once they are truly awake, how much they actually know about a particular topic.

So, the Know Your Rights Group was put together to create a one-stop website for people to come to regarding some of the most popular topics and we are looking to expand the amount of basic, introductory information that we have on that website and then, once people have their heads around those various topics, they can then go onto dedicated websites such as Aussie Speeding Fines, CLRG and the soon to be developed Bank Secrets Revealed sites to find our more specific detailed information about these various topics.

As I mentioned earlier, we would like to remind people that the guys at CLRG run a monthly meeting and they are held at 4 different locations around Victoria each week. This week's meeting will be at Hallam - give details - and I urge anyone who hasn't been to one of their meetings to go along because reading websites and downloading documents is all good and well but actually being part of a real discussion about these topics, being able to ask questions right there, in the moment, is a huge help and given the measly $7 that they charge for over 3 hours of incredible contact, I cannot recommend those meetings highly enough.

Also, we are slowly but surely building up a regular base of listeners for the Know Your Rights show and, over coming weeks, we will be doing interviews and bringing some exciting people into the studio to talk about all kinds of topics that concern our freedoms and Constitutional rights so be sure to block off your Tuesday nights between 8 and 10pm and, if you can't listen in live for some reason, be sure to check for our podcasts which will now be uploaded each week so you can listen in to all your favourite parts of the show.


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As I say each week, these shows don't write themselves, it takes about 4 hours or more each week to prepare for each 2 hour show. We have to research the content and put it all together in a format that flows and makes sense. We do this in addition to trying it upload new information to our website each week or so and, as anyone who is involved in web design knows, there is a fair bit of work involved in setting up and constantly updating a website - writing the content, uploading that, constantly making little changes here and there etc. and this all costs time and money.

Not only that but, as I mentioned earlier, we just had the new membership area created and uploaded which obviously cost us money to set up as well. Also, we are running out of room on our current website to add new information and, as a number of people have pointed out, our website is due for a tidy up and an upgrade and, again, that requires the funds to pay someone to do that.

So, if you enjoy these broadcasts and appreciate all the new information that we keep adding to our Know Your Rights website then please help us out by making a donation via the link on our Home page.

Also, if anyone has any related events, meetings, rallies, seminars or anything like that, please let us know here at RAT FM or via the Know Your Rights Group website and we will gladly promote any relevant events during our show and even get you live on air to discuss them.

We're going to finish off tonight by reminding everyone that, as always, nothing in this broadcast is to be considered as legal or financial advice and we recommend that listeners do their own, independent research into all of the topics we discussed and we recommend websites such as:

www.knowyourrightsgroup.com.auwww.aussiespeedingfines.com www.banksecretsrevealed.com.au

And finally, just before we go, don't forget to listen in to the other great shows that RATFM now has on air.

Monday nights now feature Alternative and Indie rock with Drop D between 8 and 10pm. Tomorrow night from 8 til 10 is the Glass Off which is a great surfing show with Lonza and also from 8 til midnight on Thursday for the heavy metal show, Disaster Zone with The General and Dr Death.

We're going to finish off with a couple more tracks and look forward to talking with you again next Tuesday between 8 and 10pm. Sign Off.


Page 14: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

Interview with Mike regarding Facebook posts and questions

As we just discussed before the break, I am going to hand things over to Brenton now so that he can pick my brain a little bit on behalf of our listeners and Facebook members and hopefully I can answer some of your questions and expand a little on some of the topics that you are interested in.

So, over to you Brenton.

Debt collection

Mike we’ve had a question about debt collection practices. We found this post on the Know Your Rights Facebook group and I though it might be of interest to others – read e-mail

Kate G

So I posted recently about Ausworld debt agency sending my partner a notice if intention to sue. Well now they are calling and texting me to get in touch with him! How the hell did they even get my number?! He called them and said "this is hate assent and won't be tolerated. You are a 3rd party, I have no contract with you and I won't be dealing with you" and hung up. Where do we go from here?

So, Mike, what are your thoughts on that strategy?

Road Safety and devices use

Okay, we’ve also had a number of questions regarding the current road safety program and the use of speed detection devices in particular. I ‘m going to read through a couple of posts that I got off the ASF Facebook group and would love to hear your thoughts on these – Read e-mails

Derick M

Can someone please explain to me how it can be SAFE to be driving with eyes continually glued to the speedometer for fear of going over a predetermined speed limit?Or how safety could be facilitated by receiving a fine in the mail months after the event for allegedly acceding this predetermined speed limit?


Page 15: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

Michael K

Here's my problem with $peed cameras. Yesterday I was coasting down a hill, no traffic around. 3 lanes wide. I know it's a spot for radars, so flicked the exhaust brake. Sure enough, there was a HP car at the bottom. GPS (accurate) showed 80 in a 70. Half way down the decline, 77. As I went passed the car with his hairdryer out the window, 75. He didn't budge.Now, a camera would've got me but the human with discretion didn't.I'm told, by a HP friend that their discretion goes up to 13k over, and they generally won't bother under that, and that before Comm. Nixon it was 20, she went to 15 and Comm. Lay took it to 13. I'd like a bit of consistency with the laws or see the camera speed threshhold increased.

Annie D

Hi there. A question to see if anyone else has been in this position. My partner and I were booked by police with a hand held radar in a police car. We were both riding motorbikes and I am wondering how they an book the 2 of us with one radar? Any advice on the legality of this and how radars work in this instance would be great fully received:)


Mike, we’ve also had a number of questions from frustrated motorists who are having issues with government agencies taking certain actions against them without their fines ever having gone to court. I know this is something that you talk about quite a bit so what would your response to these posts be? Read out

Faleh S

My mate got his fines pulling out from his bank account has this happened to anyone!!?

Jarrod B

QUESTION - I have just received a letter from VicRoads informing me of a 6 months suspension, for incurring a demerit point while being on Option 1 of an Option Notice.I received the letter today, which states I incurred the point for an offence on the date 19th April.


Page 16: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

I have not paid any traffic infringement fines this year, therefore I am a little unsure how I can be found GUILTY when I have not appeared in Court.How can they do this, and do I have any grounds to fight it?

Dealing with Officers/Procedural stuff

A couple of people also put up posts in regards to dealing with the authorities and what powers they do and don’t have. What are your thoughts on these posts? Read Out.

John B

On friday I got to talking to a customs officer. He told that if you stop to talk to an customs officer it means you are pending under arrest. I told him i would not be if i said "am i being detained? Of course he said no. Then i said Am i free to go? He would have to let you go. Interesting that they think you are potentially under arrest just for stopping.

Vernon Vanand wrote letters to fines enforcement WA. And other related partiesIf your license is suspended or made inactive. In WA. Is this legal when thy just suspend your lisence alsoCan the police in Pound your vehicle ? If or when you get pulled over?

Andrew O

not sure about other states .. but .. in Victoria there is only one supposedly sworn in sheriff .. His name is Brendon Facey .... all the rest are just imposters committing fraud and slavery when clamping peoples wheels in shopping centers ..... however where is the proof that Brendon Facey has been sworn in by a real representative of her majesty ?

Court Procedure

And, somewhat related to those were some other questions about court procedure. Again, I’ll get you to comment on the following. Read Out

Pina L

Am grateful for such a great radio show everyone...love it when I hear great tips!! Have a problem where I require the Magistrate Court Audio Recording for a miscarriage of justice and possible appeal. I don't believe I should have to pay


Page 17: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

$55 for a 7min recording ex-parte, nor fill out a fee waiver form containing numerous financial and private information which is still subject to the Chief Magistrate's discretion. I believe such court evidence should be freely available plus out of principle I won't put one cent into their fraudulent racket. Can anyone help with ideas or law on how to request it and get it fast and free??

Craig C

A while ago I had a hearing in the Ipswich Magistrates Court (Qld) and lost. I put in an appeal to take it to the District Court. It's been nearly 4 months now and they finally got back to me. They are now wanting me to fill out a Certificate Of Readiness. I've never had to do one of those before, so the question is.... Has anyone out there done one? Would appreciate some assistance.

Melanie B

Hi everyone,I have been looking through the files, but I can't find the one I want. Does anyone have a link to the thing (mind blank, can't think what it's called) that says you can't be punished twice for the same crime. eg. Loss of points and fine is illegal.Thanks for your help.


I came across another post that I thought would be of interest to our listeners as it touches on the Strawman topic as well as some other ways of dealing with fines. Read Out.

Kate G

I was looking over the LOSE THE NAME website last night and would like to get the ball rolling on losing my name. Do I start at birth and death registry? I currently have SPER and Dept of Transport trying to pin a bunch of tolls on me when I wasn't the driver but can't provide them details on who was the driver as I'm no longer in contact with that person. Can I say me, the woman, not the piece of paper, was not the driver and I accept no fault as there are no injured parties?

+ Ian Barker’s letter


Page 18: Web view · 2014-10-14As I explain at the start of every show, I have been working with the guys at Aussie Speeding Fines for a number of years now, promoting the excellent work that

Definitions/Person etc.

And, just to finish off, I came across a letter from someone who is obviously one of our more advanced ASF members, who has written his own letter to Vicroads and raised some important points that I thought would also be of interest to our listeners and I’m sure you have a few comments as well. Read Out.

Craig Nicholls letter