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Called to be A People of Hope Year 5 Revelation The Baptism of Jesus by John 1

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Called to beA People of Hope

Year 5 Revelation

The Baptism of Jesus by John


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Possible outcomes for this unit.

Please note: when looking at parables remember to stress that a parable is a teaching story and focus on the message. There are more kingdom parables than the ones looked at here. You may need to remind pupils about the work on the Bible from the creation module. They should be able to look up references for themselves.

Note each area of this topic has key words associated with it. They should understand the key words and use them correctly. In particular they need an understanding of Revelation

Working towards Age related outcomes (Note in working towards some of the age related outcomes are broken down into hopefully simpler steps)

Pupils will be able to describe what a parable is AT1 Pupils will know and retell the story of the baptism of Jesus by John AT1 Pupils will know and retell the stories of at least 2 of the Kingdom parables AT1 Pupils will be able to attach meaning to at least 2 Kingdom parables AT1 Pupils will be able to describe some ways in which Christians might live out these

Kingdom parables AT1 Pupils will be able to compare and contrast their own and other views on if the ideas

shown in the two parables studied are a good way to live AT2

Age related Outcomes

Pupils will be able to show understanding of the story of the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist by making a link with the revelation of Jesus as the Son of God. AT1

Pupils will be able to show understanding of the Kingdom parables by relating them to Christian beliefs about the Kingdom. AT1

Pupils will be able to show understanding of the symbolism used in scripture stories studied. AT1

Pupils will be able to describe how believers live out the Kingdom parables.AT1 Pupils will be able to show how beliefs about the Kingdom affect the moral values of


Working at greater depth

Pupils will be able to show understanding of how the Baptism of Jesus helped shaped his life by referring to other scripture stories. AT1

Pupils will be able to show how an understanding of the meaning of the kingdom parables might shape a Christians life. AT1

Pupils will show understanding of the role of the Spirit in scripture by making links between the baptism of Jesus and other scripture stories. AT1

Pupils will correctly use evidence from a variety of sources to discuss the question ‘The kingdom of God presents people with a new way to live’ AT3


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Possible additional tasks to support the outcomes

Previous Learning:

Recall words Trinity/Incarnation. Make sure pupils understand their meaning. Remind pupils that Jesus is the person who reveals God to us. By looking at the events of his life and what he said and did we can learn something about God.

The Baptism


• Use a mystery bag with objects in to invite pupils to guess who the person is we will be talking about. Items could include picture of locust, and a picture of a river, some honey etc.

• Watch the account of the Baptism of Jesus by John from the film Jesus of Nazareth (available from youtube at )

Explore and Express

• Read the account of the Baptism of Jesus by John Read Mt ch 3 v1-6, 11, and 13-16 (on sheet for you). Ask how is this different from the video? Having watched the story and read the story what questions do they have? Note: The story says the Spirit was like a Dove not actually a dove. Jesus and John would have used the Hebrew word Ruach (pronounced roo-arhk) when they spoke of the Spirit. Ruach is a feminine word which literally means breath or wind. Ask the question how is Mathew trying to show that Jesus was special? What does he claim about Jesus in the account?

• Use the worksheet with the painting of the Baptism by Davezelenka to explore further the

story. The poem could be challenging for some students Alternatively use the PowerPoint which contains some pictures of the baptism of Jesus.

• Use the worksheet ‘Thinking deeper’



Use the PowerPoint. Note this has a you tube clip. If you can’t download this swap this slide with the one after show the pictures and then use the questions without the clip.


This task could be done individually or in pairs.

Look at the words of the hymn ‘O Lord all the World belongs to You’ and use work sheet.


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The Baptism of Jesus as described in Matthew’s Gospel

In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea  and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”  This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah:

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness,‘Prepare the way for the Lord,    make straight paths for him.’

 John’s clothes were made of camel’s hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.  People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan.  Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River.

John said  “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.

Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John.  But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptised by you, and do you come to me?”

 Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfil all righteousness.” Then John consented.

 As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him.  And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”


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The Baptism of Jesus

1. Look at the painting below. Do you like the picture? Give a reason for your answer. Do you think it portrays the baptism of Jesus accurately? The artist is trying to show Trinity. What do we mean by Trinity? How does the artist show Trinity? Can you think of another example from the Gospels where the writer says a voice from heaven was heard?

2. In these pictures there is no dove. How do the artists show something special is taking place? (Think about colours, light and gestures). If you were to draw the scene how would you draw it to show a) Jesus as Son of God and b) Trinity

3. Do you think people around Jesus heard a voice from heaven? (Think about this carefully if you heard a voice from heaven what would your reaction be?)


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4. This is a poem called the Way of John by Sharon Ruth. It is told from the point of view of John the Baptist as he waits in prison to die.

I am an old man.Not in years—In years I am in the prime of life.But I am now not long for this world.This I know.

First came my mission: “Baptise!”Baptise, trusting, believingthat Israel will know him when he comes.I did not know him at the start.I baptized the young and old of Israel,trusting: “Israel will know him when he comes.”I baptized rich and poor.I baptized sinners blatant and secret,trusting: “Israel will know him when he comes.”Always I watched.Always I longed.

He was no different from the rest,not glowing with the Light to come,no mighty hand, no outstretched arm,not more beautiful, nor taller, nor special in any way.In fact, he was my cousin.He stepped into the water and the Spirit came…This one time only, the Spirit came,bright bird-like wings flickering in the light,

I know I saw the Spirit.Let me humbly correct myself.…I think I saw the Spirit.Once I did not know him.Do I know him now?

The world goes on,so little changed.The wicked are still wicked.(I cried so long and loud.)Israel will know him when he comes.I thought I knew him…But Israel pays him so little mind.Is he the One who is to come?7

Israel means the Jewish people. Who were they supposed to know?

Why do you think John stressed Jesus was no different than anyone else?

You need to think about this. Why is John no longer sure he saw the Spirit? What do you think he was expecting the Messiah- Jesus to do?

What does John worry about? Do you think the world today pays Jesus little mind?

Find out how John the Baptist died

What kinds of people did John baptise? What did he tell them to do?

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Thinking Deeper

1. How do you think the Baptism affected Jesus? What did Jesus do immediately after his baptism? Look at Mark’s Gospel ch1 v12-13. Why do you think he did this?

2. When a baby is baptised to day the Parents make promises. The Priest says something like this:” in asking for baptism for your child you are accepting responsibility for bringing him up in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring him up to follow Christ's teaching, by loving God and our neighbour. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?” How can parents help a child understand what God is calling them to be? What should parents do?

3. In the Bible the image of the spirit of God occurs many times. Look at these images. What event do you think they are describing.


The earth was without form and God’s Spirit moved across the face of the earth

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4. In both cases something new is about to happen. What is that? When Jesus was baptised the Gospel writers talk about the spirit appearing. What is the new thing that will happen here? How will this change the world?

O lord all the world belongs to You

1. Read carefully the word of this hymn which is about God’s kingdom

Lord all the world belongs to YouAnd You are always making all things newWhat is wrong You forgive and the new life you giveIs what’s turning the whole world upside down The world’s only loving to its friends,But Your way of loving never endsLoving enemies too and this loving with YouIs what’s turning the whole world upside down. The world lives divided and apartYou draw men together and we startIn your body to see that in fellowship weCan be turning the whole world upside down The world wants the wealth to live in stateBut You show a new way to be greatLike a servant You came and if we do the sameWe’ll be turning the whole world upside down. O Lord, all the world belongs to YouAnd You are always making all things newSend your spirit on all in your Church whom You callTo be turning the world upside down.

2. How does this hymn connect to the parable of the Tax Collector and the Pharisee?

3. According to the hymn how are we meant to live in the Kingdom?9

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4. Who is the Kingdom for?5. Draw a picture to show on the one side how the world lives and on the other

side how we should live in the Kingdom.6. Write your own poem or hymn about the Kingdom or find examples from

the news about the way the world lives/what the world thinks is important and the way Christians behave. Once you have your examples make a collage to show this. (You could look at Pope Francis as an example)