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(1) Carrium: Page-48 "No Certain Dwelling Place: 275th Day!" The 2nd Month of The 38th Year! 02-11-2017 7th Day of the week, which is called Saturday! Carrium means: "A Message From God!" By Evangelist Xmeah ShaEl-Ela’ReEl: The Messenger of The Lord Jesus Christ! "No Certain Dwelling Place: This Is The Work of An Evangelist!" “On The Highway: Going To and Fro!” Matthew 13:52: Then said the Lord Jesus unto them, Therefore, every scribe, which is one who is ordained as a writer, which is instructed unto the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, which brings forth out of his treasure things new and old. This is the Work of a Scribe who is instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven! I bring forth out of my treasure, some new and some old!

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Page 1:   · Web view"No Certain Dwelling Place: 275th Day!" The 2nd Month of The 38th Year! 02-11-2017. 7th Day of the week, which is called Saturday! Carrium means: "A Message From God!"


Carrium: Page-48 "No Certain Dwelling Place: 275th Day!"

The 2nd Month of The 38th Year! 02-11-2017

7th Day of the week, which is called Saturday!

Carrium means: "A Message From God!"By Evangelist Xmeah ShaEl-Ela’ReEl: The Messenger of The Lord

Jesus Christ!"No Certain Dwelling Place: This Is The Work of An

Evangelist!"“On The Highway: Going To and Fro!”

Matthew 13:52: Then said the Lord Jesus unto them, Therefore, every scribe, which is one who is ordained as a writer, which is

instructed unto the kingdom of Heaven is like unto a man that is a householder, which brings forth out of his treasure things new and

old.This is the Work of a Scribe who is instructed in the Kingdom of Heaven! I bring forth out of my treasure, some new and

some old!

"Don't Think Giving Tithes and Offerings Is All You Have To Do!"

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Using judgment means making the right decisions by using God's Laws! Righteousness is seeking to do all that is required of us by

God! Righteousness is desiring to become perfect in all of the Righteous Ways of God! Using judgment means to choose between

the Laws of Light, and the laws of darkness! Amen!Give your tithes and offerings: but, focus on the weightier matters, which are Judgment, Mercy, and Faith! Don't just give tithes and

offerings, and think you have done all that satisfied God! People are giving their tithes and offerings: but, they are leaving the most

important things undone! Your obedience to do all that God requires of you is better than the sacrifice which you give as tithes and offerings! If you leave these other things undone; you are not

counted as having given the tithes and offerings; because those things, which you leave undone, will be the cause of your

destruction! Amen!

But, be exercised in Faith, and use correct judgments; and, show forth much mercy! These are the things that are pleasing to God!

Consider what the Lord said concerning these things! Amen!Hear what having Faith in God is! What you have heard that God

requires you to do: that you give your attention to doing! Do it with all of your heart, asking God for the zeal to do all things, which He

has commanded you to do, with all of the Power, which He has ordained for doing all things! Amen!

"Study The Book of Ruth!"My Lord, what is it that You were showing me by way of the dream last night? I think about the meaning of the name Ruth: and, I see

the woman Ruth in the Bible! I saw her faithfulness to go with Naomi where she went! I hear the words, "Where you dwell, I will also

dwell!" Amen!

"Now You Have Lost Everything!"Don't have thoughts like Naomi had, because of what happened to her in the land of Moab! She considered herself as being cursed by

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God because her husband, and her two sons had died; and, she was returning home without what she left with! You might think

something bad has happened to you, even like Joseph, when he was sold by his brethren into slavery: but, who knows the Plan of God for

the life of an individual? I will look at this; and, I will consider this! My Lord, prepare my heart to accept whatever Your decisions will

be; and, let me not have any thoughts like Naomi had! Blessed are You! And, blessed are the meditations of my heart! Amen!

The thoughts of Naomi should be perfected in the thoughts of Job! Amen!

Ruth is a Spirit that is faithful to follow! Ruth also knows she will be criticized by those whom she is going among! But, Ruth is a Light to be shown to those who think they are of the Light! Ruth is placed in the midst of those who think they are the elect people! Ruth is an

honorable woman; and, she has chosen to follow the Lord God! She has put away all things; even her own people, and her own race;

and, even her own country, to follow after the Ways of the True and Living God! Is Ruth being made manifest in you? Amen!

I saw in a dream last night, a woman whose name I know as being Ruth! But, this woman only carried the name of Ruth: she did not

have the Spirit called Ruth! She was a Ruth in physical name only! She was like those who are carrying the Name of Jesus; but, don't

have the Spirit like Jesus! A Christian is not one outwardly; but, inwardly in the heart! A woman is not a Ruth because her physical name is Ruth: but, she is a Ruth because her Spirit is Ruth! Jesus is

the Spirit of lowliness and meekness to God! Jesus is not disobedience and rebellions! Amen!

This woman was baking a chocolate cake: but, she was using a cake mix to prepare the cake! This also shows a person that does not

have the Alpha Spirit, which is the Spirit to start something from the beginning! These are people who can only do something after

someone else has started it! Who mixed the cake? And, who thought of the recipe'? This cake is not a Ruth's original: this is a Duncan

Hines' original! Amen!

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Give Duncan Hines his praise for a good cake: but, the woman expects you to say, "Honey, that's a good cake you baked!" Go to

Duncan Hines, and tell him what a good cake he put together! Would not the woman become angry if you did not tell her that she baked a good cake? Why take the credit for what someone else did?

Amen!Let me see your cake! Don't show me Duncan Hines' cake: show me your cake! Where is that which has your name on it? Amen!

I speak of the wife's desire to please her husband; and, to give the husband what he desires! But, what if the husband is no longer able

to give you the things, which you have become accustomed to? I saw how the husband had come home, and found his wife baking the cake! How would he tell his wife that they had to leave this

place that she had become so comfortable in? Amen!What is it that the husband desired? Does he like the cakes that his wife bakes, or does he like the cakes that are already prepared by

someone else? This was not her cake: this was the cake of the person that marketed the cake mix! Amen!

"Where Is Your Work?"I saw a woman presenting Duncan Hines' cake to her husband as

her own cake! That was Duncan Hines' cake; not Ruth's cake! What are you presenting to others as your own work? Are you developing things from scratch: or, are you going out to buy those things that

are already produced? Where is your work?Wives, if your husbands like Duncan Hines' cakes, and not your

cakes: be offended: but, not with him! Be offended with yourselves! But, be determined to outdo Duncan Hines for your husband's

praise! Look at what Rebecca did! Isaac liked the way his son Esau prepared his meat: but, his wife, Rebecca, prepared a meal for him that made him not know the difference between goat's meat, and

deer meat! Get it set in your mind that you are going to get Duncan Hines out of his mind! Let him not even remember his mother's cooking, because your cooking became better than hers! Amen!

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The woman, Ruth, was shown as a Puerto Rican female; and, the man was shown as a Black male! I saw a little chocolate colored girl

with her, who was known as the daughter of the man and the woman! The child's color was shown as being a mixture of the two

parents! But, what is the race of the child? The child's race is according to the seed of the man! Therefore, the child is Black; and, not Puerto Rican! There are more of you White people that are Black than you think; and, there are many of you dark skinned Blacks that

are actually White! It is not your outward appearance that makes you what you are: but, it is the seed of the man that makes you what you are! Consider the Christian! Are you not a Christian

because of the Seed of God that is in you; and, because you are born of His Spirit! If His Spirit is not in you; you are not His child!

Amen!The seed of the man determines the race of the child; but, it does not determine the color! And, the Spirit in the person determines

the Spiritual race of the person! The Spirit is the true Seed; and, the Spirit is the male figure! Therefore, what is your true race? You are

according to the Spirit that inhabits you! Amen!

"The Spirit Like Naomi!"There appeared to be worries about not having enough money to

remain in the place where they were; and, the decision had come to return home, because there was very little money! The amount was spoken as $36.00. Money seemed to be coming in, in abundance for a while: but then, there was a drought! The Lord will allow Satan to try all, like He allowed Job to be tried! Then, there is the famine, like

the one that was in the time of Elijah! Amen!What is your gift? Are you allowing your gift to go to waste?

I also saw how the woman had gotten comfortable with the hospital: but, the man did not have enough money for them to remain in that city! I also saw how a certain man had checked into their checking account to see if they had enough money in their account to pay him with! After he was paid, there was only $36.00 left! This is an example of how the Lord will allow the wicked to take away from

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you that which you have! You must learn to use your faith; and, have confidence in God that He will provide you with all that you

need! Is your comfort because of the bank account which you have? The riches of this world are uncertain; and, no one can say if these things will be there tomorrow! The husband knew how much they

would need for gas to get back home! Where is home? What does it take for you to get back to God; and, to abide in Faith in God?


I saw that he had an old Corvair! This car would not use much gas! Remember the bread and water which the Angel gave Elijah! He was able to walk forty days and forty nights on that which he was given!

Faith comes by hearing; and, these are the days when you must prepare yourselves to walk by faith! This is the model of vehicle that has the engine in the rear! Who is the engine in you that keeps you

going; and, how far have you been able to go on that which you have? I saw that it was a maroon colored car! Maroon speaks of a condition as being stranded! We see a man that is left without the

usual things he has depended on! But, where is his faith? The colors of things are being shown to be evident! Do you walk about with a

gloomy look on your face, as if there is nothing to rejoice about? Bad news comes in abundance, even as it came to Job in abundance!

But, in all of this, you shall give thanks, and bless the Lord! Ask Him to give you the Spirit so that you might do this; and, He will give it to

you gladly! Amen!

"What Is The Determining Factor For Your Decisions?"I saw that the man's decision was influenced by the lack of money. When the money got low, he decided not to remain in that place:

but, did the Lord want him to remain in that city, and in that place? His wife had also become comfortable in that place! Remember how

God had said that Jacob was given to the spoilers; and, Israel was given to the robbers! What is being spoiled! Faith in God is a

precious preservative! If you began in faith; but, turn to the ways which the world offers; you have become spoiled! The faith of God no longer abides in you! A robber takes that which you have! You

have been robbed of your faith in God, by that which is being

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offered by the world, like the credit cards, which many are depending on! And, woman was comfortable with the hospital!

Where is the faith; and, how much does it cost? Should you not be giving your attention to the healing, which is provided by the Lord

free of charge? You are spoiled by these things; and, you are looked upon by God as being rotten, because He does not see you leaning

to that which He is offering! Are they following the Lord Jesus Christ? Where is your faith in God's Ability to heal you? You have become

comfortable with the hospital system; and, with things that are already prepared! Where is your dwelling place; and, how much

does it cost to get to your dwelling place? Have you not heard it said in Psalm 90, that God has been our dwelling place in all

generations? Where is home? I see how people can get hooked on comforts, because this has been preached to them as signs of being

blessed by God: but, people are not paying attention to what the Scripture is saying that the Christians must do! They must depart from this land! The just shall live by faith! The money is going to pass away! All of these things, which we are enjoying now, will

require us to have faith in God to keep them, or to take the Mark of the Beast! Amen!

The lack of money, caused the man to not want to remain in the place where they were! How could he get his wife away from these things which she had come to enjoy; and, what about the little girl? She would not want to give up those comforts either! I wait upon

You, O Lord, for every Word You want to say! Amen!

When the Lord does not provide us with what we need to remain in a place: then, it is time to move on! Amen!

Evangelist Xmeah ShaEl-Ela'ReEl: The Messenger! Children of Christ of America"No Certain Dwelling Place: This Is The Work of An Evangelist!"“We Are On The Highway: Going To and Fro!” Spreading The Word of God!Cell phone: 409-880-5060Web Site: http://www.xmeah.comEmail: [email protected]

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"At Home In The Van!"Our home is on the road! We live in our van! We go about spreading the Word of God, bringing Understanding to the people! I was looking for a house, and I found a house, even this vehicle. I thought about how mighty those of old were in bringing the Word of God to the people while they were in a homeless condition. This is the advantage that the Lord has made for us. Jesus Himself lived as a homeless man: but, look at all He brought forth while living in that condition. "Sojourner!"

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http://www.3rd-xmeah.com/wp1“Believe; And, Don’t Doubt!”