teacherelise.weebly.com€¦  · web view2019. 9. 8. · from there, i can rewire my brain and go...

Classroom Development Plan Self-Awareness As a teacher, it is extremely essential to remain level- headed in the classroom and focus on teaching and providing what students need. This can be difficult when the teacher is not aware of him or herself and does not have a handle on how they react to certain situations. It is important to know what things or situations are triggers, why they are triggers, and how to overcome them and remain focused on the task at hand: teaching students to the best of your capabilities. When it comes to teaching, I like to think I have some good strengths. I am very passionate about teaching. I am striving to be the teacher I felt I never had in school. I am compassionate with my students and am fully dedicated to their success. I care about them and whatever is going on in their lives. When they walk into my classroom, they will know they are loved and safe. I like to use my creativity when it comes to making my lesson plans and altering them when necessary. The most important thing is getting to know my students and connecting with them. In doing this, I am able to figure out what they need, whether that means

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Classroom Development Plan


As a teacher, it is extremely essential to remain level-headed in the classroom and focus

on teaching and providing what students need. This can be difficult when the teacher is not

aware of him or herself and does not have a handle on how they react to certain situations. It is

important to know what things or situations are triggers, why they are triggers, and how to

overcome them and remain focused on the task at hand: teaching students to the best of your


When it comes to teaching, I like to think I have some good strengths. I am very

passionate about teaching. I am striving to be the teacher I felt I never had in school. I am

compassionate with my students and am fully dedicated to their success. I care about them and

whatever is going on in their lives. When they walk into my classroom, they will know they are

loved and safe. I like to use my creativity when it comes to making my lesson plans and altering

them when necessary. The most important thing is getting to know my students and connecting

with them. In doing this, I am able to figure out what they need, whether that means presenting

information in a different way or being there to encourage them.

Like any human being, I also have my weaknesses. Knowing about my triggers is crucial

to being the teacher I want to be. I have been able to identify a few, but I know there will be

more along the way I will have to manage. If I do not manage them, I am not only harming

myself, I am harming the students with which I learn. They will learn from me, as I will from

them. Because of that, I should be setting a healthy example so they can fully benefit. When

triggers are unsuccessfully dealt with, it can send the wrong message and create an unsafe

environment for both the students and myself.

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In order to avoid negative impacts from my triggers, I need to be aware of them. When I

am aware of them, I am then capable of taking a step back and acknowledging why I am having

such a reaction, then recognizing I am not in that situation. From there, I can rewire my brain and

go into the current situation with a clear head, helping as much as I can. Doing that will help me

be a better teacher to my students, as well as help me be happier in life.


Though it is often overlooked, the classroom is one of the most important aspects of

learning. The atmosphere of the room, posters on the wall, placement of objects, and even color

have a large impact on how students learn and the overall attitude. Each component plays a

crucial role in the success of the learning environment.

In my perfect classroom, I would have a few things that are not seen in every room. I

would like to have comfy chairs for my students and me. The hard plastic chairs make it very

difficult to pay attention and stay focused for a long period of time. I would also like to have

exercise balls, rocking chairs, wobble chairs, or balance cushions to help my students stay

focused if they are struggling with keeping still.

For a similar purpose, I would like to have a corner in the back of my room that is a quiet

corner with couches, beanbag chairs, and larger comfy chairs for students to read, work

independently, or get up and move without disturbing others. In this area, there will be plenty of

bookshelves and brain puzzles to keep students occupied when necessary. On the walls in this

area, I would like to have posters that are encouraging to students, as well as one or two that has

quiet stretches students can do when they are feeling restless and need to move around.

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For the main part of the classroom, I would love to have three projectors on the ceiling

aimed at SmartBoards or whiteboards. They will be facing every wall except the back wall. That

way, no matter which way the students are facing, they are able to see what is going on. This will

also help with keeping them focused and on task. It can be very distracting for students if they

are unable to see the board and they will often give up and not participate. The students will be

sitting in groups made out of kidney tables. It will be easy for them to cooperate with each other

for projects or assignments, and easy for me to get among them. It is also easy to move tables

apart or switch seats up for new groups. Having this set up will also leave the students with more

room than having them sit at square tables or in solitude at desks. If there is only one projector, I

would prefer it to face the front of the classroom where all students can see. I will reposition the

students’ seating since it will be necessary. They will still be able to sit in groups, but I would

have them pull the kidney tables apart to make sure each student is easily facing the screen. If

there are no kidney tables available to me, square or rectangle tables would be placed so that no

student has his or her back facing the front of the room. It is crucial for all students to be able to

easily see what is going on.

Close to my desk in the back of the room, there will be another table set up where I can

help students in small groups as needed, or students can help each other. In this corner

especially, it is extremely important to have encouraging, positive posters that help motivate

students and help them realize they are capable of doing difficult tasks. These posters will be

placed all around my classroom, but I would love to have a new motivational quotation in the

tutoring section every day. I will also have posters that provide helpful information about my

subjects on the wall, either English or biology. Examples of these include types of punctuation,

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parts of a cell, definitions, and mnemonics. If my walls are white, I will do what I can to make

them brighter and more colorful for my students.

It is also necessary to keep students motivated by displaying their own work. Having a

section of the wall in the front of the room dedicated to student work is a must. They are able to

see their achievements and progress, as well as what to aim for. Classroom rules will be on one

of the side walls, so they are not the main focus of the class. I would love to have at least one

bulletin board to have decorated throughout the year and containing information about new units.

The goal is to have the class interact with the bulletin board and have them decorate what they

want, or to be used as a way to introduce a new topic. I will also have many storage containers

for supplies, papers, assignments (completed and extra), and information on things like citations,

format, and the scientific method. Each section will be clearly labeled so each student knows

what can be found where.

Having clear expectations and an organized room are very beneficial to both teacher and

student. The setting of the room creates the setting of the class. When it comes to focus and

motivation, the room can make or break it. It can make an attitude better or worse. Things on the

wall can build a student up or tear them down. It is critical to have a positive, safe, welcome

learning environment.

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Ms. Watson’s Classroom:


In order to keep a classroom running smoothly and focused, there have to be procedures.

Many classroom procedures end up being a laundry list of tasks to stifle the students, thus

stifling their learning. Each type of procedure has a specific purpose. Emergency procedures

prepare students for potential dangers. Every day procedures help keep students on a schedule

and in a routine in which they know what to expect. Special procedures, like for extended

absences, school breaks, and snow days, keep students in a routine and sustain some sense of

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normalcy. Procedures in the classroom should be things students are able to follow and help

create an environment focused on their success.

Emergency procedures are usually things the teacher has no control over, but it is

extremely important for students to know them. In my classroom, emergency procedures will be

gone over on the first day of class. Each student will have a copy of his or her own so they have

it available at all times, as well as knowing where it will be posted in my room. My students will

know the importance of taking these procedures seriously and why we go over them. As a

teacher, it is my responsibility to do everything I can to protect my students. In case of a real

situation, each student needs to be well prepared for what could happen.

Also on the first day, I will go over everyday procedures with my students. These

procedures include things like attention getters, transitions, work, and time management. It is

important to have an attention getter so class time is not wasted trying to get students to focus for

the next task. Different procedures work for different teachers, but it should be age appropriate

and something of which students are aware. For the middle school level, some of these include

raising a hand and waiting for students to follow through, a short word or phrase so they know to

pay attention, or marking time on the board that they have wasted and having them stay after

class for that amount. I like some of these ideas, but some of them seem to only waste more time.

In my fieldwork and from what I have seen in my own classes, the short word or phrase

works the best at getting their attention quickly. This also works for the high school level, but

many of the other examples, like shutting the lights off, seem condescending and will backfire.

Transitions between activities also work similarly. When moving from lecture to a cooperative

learning activity or working with partners, it is pertinent to do so carefully. Having students pick

their own partners creates an unsafe environment. There is always someone left out or

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uncomfortable in that situation. Using a system, like clock partners, eliminates that problem.

There is also the issue of wasting time. It can take quite a bit of work time away if students

choose their own groups and partners. Having this preset and routine for students will make this

process easier. There are other ways to keep track of time, like having a visible timer, to help

keep students on task and well paced.

To help make activities smoother, I will also be in control of organizing and collecting

materials. I will have my own system of drawers, files, and shelves by my desk so I know

exactly where everything I need will be. Each unit will have a binder with multiple activities for

each lesson inside. Before each class, I will be prepared and have everything ready for my

students. For cooperative learning activities, the basic supplies students will need, like paper,

scissors, glue, pencils, markers, and such, will be clearly labeled. They will be responsible for

getting materials and putting them away. To prevent chaos, I can call groups to go one at a time

to put things away or get things out. I can also assign one person from each group to gather and

put away supplies. Any other extra materials will be provided by me and my responsibility to

hand out and organize.

Students also need to know what is going on and to be expected as soon as they walk into

the classroom. In my classroom, the assignment to start the class period will be on the board in

the same spot every day. The schedule for the week will also so be posted and kept up all week

so if students miss a day, they know where to look. Students will know where assignments are

kept and should be turned in. These areas will be clearly labeled, as will extra supplies needed. I

will have bins for late work, absent work, and work on time. Consistency and routine are crucial

to having successful procedures.

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When it comes to interruptions school wide, other than emergencies, it is still necessary to have

back up plans and procedures. Snow days and other extended absences can interrupt the normal

routine, leaving the class feeling chaotic and out of control. To accommodate, I will have binders

for each situation. In each binder will be back up lesson plans and assignments. For students that

are on extended absences, I will put together folders of everything they will need. All of my

students will be prepared and have everything they need to maximize their learning.

Learning Agreements

Every classroom has a set of rules and procedures to follow. Those rules and procedures,

however, need to be centered on the goals of the class. A learning agreement or contract is a

great way to do this. A learning agreement is almost like a list of terms and agreements seen in

numerous places. It is a document created together by the students and teacher to set the

guidelines for a safe and effective learning environment. This includes things like behaviors and

consequences, how to keep the environment safe and focused on learning, treatment of others,

rules and procedures, and more. The goal of the learning agreement is to keep the environment

safe, have constant learning, and having a fun, enjoyable experience in the classroom for all


Many teachers are hesitant to work with their students to create the agreement. When

they do collaborate, however, it gets the trust and safety of the class off to a good start. The

students feel their opinions are valued and the teacher is able to see what is truly important to his

or her students. Acceptance of each other, teamwork, focus, learning and teaching, patience, and

kindness are some of the most common items seen on a learning agreement. Each class will have

a different agreement, as each class is filled with different people and situations.

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Usually on the first full day of class, the learning agreement is made. Students are asked to name

things they want on the list. This includes expectations from the teacher, each other, the class,

and the year. It also includes the same items for the teacher. It is important for all students to feel

they are being heard, so it is necessary to repeat and summarize what is said so everyone is clear.

When the list is completed, it should be signed by all people in the class, including the teacher,

and hung somewhere it can be easily seen and referenced. If a class website is used, it could be

posted to the website. It could also be printed out and copied for each individual to keep, as well

as being posted.

There is also the option of having individual learning contracts for each student. The

same process would happen in building the contracts as building the class learning agreement.

Each student would write down their goals and agreements on their contract and the teacher and

student would both sign it. The individual contract, as well as the class learning agreement,

should be worked on year-round. New goals and values can be added or changed as necessary.

The teacher should also check in with the student to see how they are coming along with their

contract and also to make sure the student’s needs are met. Individual contracts can also be used

for differentiated learning assignments to determine the amount of time, resources, type of

project, and more. It can be something both the student and the teacher agree on.

Here are some examples of learning contracts:

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There are two types of assessment: formative and summative. Both should be used in the

classroom. There has been information published that says summative assessment is more

important than formative assessment, but this is not the case in the classroom. Teachers should

be spending just as much, if not more, time on this than summative assessment. Formative

assessment allows the students to use their knowledge in a less intense way and also allows the

teacher to know where his or her students’ understanding is. I will focus mostly on formative

assessment, having summative assessments less often.

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To open the class, I will use small formative assessments such as Inner Circle-Outer

Circle, Quiz Quiz Trade, and Stand Up-Hand Up-Pair Up. Inner Circle-Outer Circle is an activity

in which students are given a topic to discuss, then form two circles. The circles can be arranged

by age, gender, or numbering off. The inner circle turns to face the outer circle so the students

are one-on-one with another student. The teacher then decides which circle begins the

discussion. After a few minutes, the teacher chooses one circle to move to the right or left and

the discussion continues. The teacher should periodically check in to see what the students are

saying by having the students summarize what their partners have said. Quiz Quiz Trade is

another activity in which students write two questions on an index card, one being one they can

answer and the other being one they struggle with. Students then pair up with each other and ask

the questions on their index cards. Once they have answered their questions, they trade cards and

find a new partner. The teacher should control this by using music or other cues for transitions

between partners. The last example mentioned is SU-HU-PU, or Stand-Up, Hand-Up, Pair-Up.

In this activity, students have a topic or question to answer and discuss, usually given by the

teacher. Students stand up and walk around, putting their hand up to show they need a partner.

When they find a partner, they pair up and discuss the topic. When they have finished, they walk

around with their hand up until they find a new partner. In all of these examples, if something is

written, I will collect it so I know where my students are at. I will also be walking around for the

entirety of the activity listening to what each group has to say so I know what I need to go over.

In my classroom, I would like a “Show What You Know” board on the wall. This is a

board that has a spot the size of a sticky note for each student to write what stuck with them from

the day. At the end of each class period, I want my students to write their thoughts and stick

them to the board. I will collect each sticky note so I know how the lessons went over. I will also

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use cooperative learning and use the Four Corners activity. In this activity, I will give each

student a sticky note with a different color. There will be a total of five or six colors, depending

on the class size. After giving the class a question to answer, the students will be asked to write

their answers on their sticky notes. They will then find the students with the same color sticky

notes and form a group. They will collaborate and put their sticky notes on each corner of a piece

of paper, then form the best answer to the question and put that answer in the middle of the

paper. This allows students to think of other perspectives and answers, while allowing me to see

where they need help. Some less invasive examples include giving a thumbs-up or down after a

lesson plan or using color-coded cards to show a student’s level of understanding.

As for summative assessments, tests are always an option, but they can create anxiety and

fear, making the learning environment toxic and eliminating hope. If possible, I would like to do

as many non-papers as I can. A non-paper is a project a student decides to do instead of a test. It

is teacher approved and can include things like posters, art projects, presentations, or making a

book. Oral exams, class activities, or labs are also other ways I would do a summative

assessment of my students. In some situations, traditional tests are necessary, so I am prepared to

use them, but non-papers give students more confidence in themselves and give them a better

sense of control over their own learning. They choose the project to be completed in the time

frame, as well as making it something they know they are able to complete. Working with

students on due dates and quality of work also helps them learn. I have no problem letting

students re-do the parts of an assignment they have missed until they get it right within a certain

time span. Otherwise they will not learn. When it comes to due dates, I like a model that allows

students to turn in assignments as many times as they wish before the given due date. Work will

still be accepted after, but it can only be turned in once and will not receive my feedback. The

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grade they receive will be final. Giving the students hope is crucial in their success. If they feel

they are not able to complete a task, they will not try. They have to be able to see that they can

learn and succeed.

Engaging Instruction

Students are required to be in school, but there is no law saying they have to pay attention

to the lessons presented to them. Many students know this and are uninterested in what their

educators and mentors have to say, so they will mentally “check-out” for classes. This is one of

the most frustrating problems for teachers. In order to solve this problem, teachers must engage

their students to grab, and hold, their attention.

The best way to engage students is by planning the lessons for their brain. The brain is

engaged when it takes in a few different aspects and looks for certain things. These include

safety, novelty, color, music, movement, and discovery. The classroom is a great way to play on

these ideas to get students interested and curious about what they are learning. Doing something

as simple as having music between activities, rearranging the room, or having students get up

and move around throughout class will help them be more involved in their own learning.

Safety is the most important part when teaching to the brain. If the classroom does not

feel safe to a student, he or she will not be able to learn. The brain is most concerned with

survival. If it feels threatened in any way, it will shut off other parts and focus on staying alive

and aware of the surroundings. This is very important to remember when it comes to class

activities. Though some of the more animated lessons are fun, they are not the best with which to

start the year off. Once the class gets comfortable and develops the safety it needs, then it is

appropriate to dive into the more eclectic plans.

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Curiosity plays a very important role in education. When students are curious, their

minds are open to new information. When it comes to subjects like Science or History, it is

easier to play on the students’ curiosity. Dressing in garb from the time period being studied or

as a famous scientist will capture their attention, aiding in novelty, color, and discovery.

Showing an experiment in the front of the class will help them see novelty as well as discover

new connections. Opening activities that involve interaction and movement will get their brains

pumping. Instead of the traditional idea of having students sit at a desk and listen to a lecture, it

is crucial to help students take charge of their own learning by being the ones who “do.” The

ones who are doing or talking are the ones doing all of the learning, as Dr. Terry Doyle says.

Behavior Interventions

Regardless of how well a classroom is managed, there will be behavior issues that crop

up from time to time. How these situations are handled can greatly impact the classroom

environment. Though problems definitely need to be dealt with, some require more immediate or

intense action than others. The most important thing to remember, however, is that there is a

reason for all behavior problems and it is crucial to solve the problem, not just correct the

behavior. Just like every other classroom situation, discipline issues are learning opportunities.

Taking care of discipline is yet another opportunity to teach students.

When behavior problems arise in the classroom, there are different techniques that can be

used to attend to them. If it is a minor issue, like a student getting up and moving around, it does

not immediately have to be acted upon. If the student is not bothering anyone else or putting

themselves in a dangerous situation, he or she can be left alone. If it becomes persistent, it is

necessary to talk to the student and figure out what is going on. There are many reasons people

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behave the way they do, so it is good to figure out the cause. If the student is bored, having

trouble sitting still because the chairs are uncomfortable, or having trouble staying focused, there

are many solutions a teacher and student can come up with. It is also critical to not shame the

student or bring their issues up in front of the entire class. Asking the student to come into the

hall with you after instruction is given, to stay for a couple minutes after class, or quietly asking

the student to speak with you while he or she is working are ways to avoid embarrassment or


If the behavior problem is much bigger, like fighting with other students, being actively

disruptive, or putting themselves or other people in danger, immediate or preventative action is

required. How a teacher interacts is very important. It is essential to not get into a power struggle

with a student. As the teacher, I have the power, not the student. There is nothing to fight over. A

teacher must be as equally careful to keep themselves and the school safe, especially legally.

When a student is purposely disrupting the class and making a scene, one technique is to get very

close to the student and look them square in the face. This often makes the student feel

uncomfortable enough to stop the behavior until the teacher and student can talk about the real

issue. When stopping classroom fights, a teacher may have to intervene, but there can be no

shoving or pushing students around. Sometimes a hand on each shoulder is enough to stop the

fight until the underlying issue can be solved.

Handling problems in the classroom is part of the job of the teacher. Because of this, the

administrators and office should not be called constantly to fix disputes. In extreme situations,

help from administrators is necessary, but a teacher needs to be able to handle the problems

going on in his or her classroom for the most part. Remembering that hurt people are the ones

that hurt people is key to handling behavior problems in the classroom. There is always an

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underlying issue and it is vital to get to that instead of ignoring it and punishing a behavior.

Shaming a student will only make the problem worse. Students are humans, just like teachers, so

hope and caring can make a huge difference. Each circumstance is an opportunity to teach and

learn for students and teachers.

Diversity and Differentiation

A huge part of having a safe learning environment is understanding the differences

between the people in that environment. Every person comes from a different background and

culture, thus having different needs. If possible, before school starts, a teacher can start to get to

know his or her class. Looking at the class list and finding out information about each student

will help the teacher understand each student better. Calling each student and his or her parents

or guardians is also a great way to get to know them and show you care. Actually caring about

students is one of the best ways to make connections and build the best classroom environment.

Honestly wanting to know more about them and what interests them will build good

relationships and help the teacher know what each student needs.

Asking questions about their lives, cultures, likes and dislikes, hobbies, and more will

give plenty of information on how to help students succeed. Not every person learns the same,

works the same, or expresses themselves in the same way. Each difference, whether it is cultural,

ethnic, in learning, activities, or other, should be addressed and accepted by the teacher and class

as a whole. There are no two people exactly alike and that is what makes the world, and

classroom, and interesting place. It is important to know these differences and take them into

consideration in the classroom.

There are many other types of diversity and differentiation in the classroom as well.

Some students are introverted, quiet, or shy. Others are extroverted, athletic, or loud. Some have

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physical disabilities. Some students have learning disabilities. Other students are incredibly

gifted. Each student has a different combination of learning styles. Because of all of these

differences, it is impossible for all students to learn in the same way. It is not fair for a teacher to

have each student to do the same thing to learn the same concepts. Fair does not mean equal.

Differentiating lesson plans and activities is the best way to reach each student.

In any classroom, there are many ways to differentiate instruction. Having students do

appropriate labs is one way for kinesthetic, active learners to understand the concept. Watching

movies about the subject reaches audio and visual learners. Cooperative learning projects help

touch on each student’s needs at once. Knowing what works for each student is one of the most

important things for a teacher. I can assign appropriate roles and jobs for each student in a group

to help him or her reach their maximum potential and learn as much as possible. Providing

options for students on assignments is also critical. I will work with students to come up with

ways in which they can learn and show me they know the information through non-traditional

means, like posters, papers, games, and more. I will also have different assignments on the same

topic for each student. More advanced students can have enrichment assignments and cover

some harder topics. Students that are struggling more can have assignments that help pinpoint

their issues and walk them through. Collaborative work can also help students by having them

work together to achieve higher learning. With this, it is important not to draw attention to the

differences in learning, as it can embarrass some students. Giving each student a variation of the

same assignment for their appropriate level is one way of doing this. Though it can be more

work, it is critical for the students’ success.