web marketing training program office 1 superstores international

Web Marketing Training Program Office 1 Superstores International

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Web Marketing Training Program

Office 1 Superstores International

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What is Web Marketing?

Web marketing is an effective, cost-efficient way to complement other marketing efforts, and extend your resources to meet your goals.

With web marketing you can:

● Spread your brand into internet ● Increase your sales by increasing your site’s visitors ● Build customer loyalty via email campaigns, etc. ● Expand your community thru social communities


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After you have launched your e-shop you need to make it popular, you have to drive a lot of traffic to your new web site

You need costumers …… so what to do?


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Main Web Marketing Techniques

1. SEM

2. Email marketing

3. Affiliate network

4. Web 2.0 marketing-Social media marketing


-Business directories


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Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing is divided into:

● SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - Organic Search

● PPC (Pay Per Click) - Paid Search


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Organic Search – Search Engines

Search engines are the most powerful and influential internet tools!

Hundreds of Millions of searches every day

Biggest driver of traffic for your e-store


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The most popular search engines are

Google, Yahoo! and Bing

● Google takes more than 86% from the market share!


Focus on Google !

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Local search engines

Most of the people use them for their searches. Obtaining higher ranking in the local search engines is much easier than the major.

They are based by country and are specified for the certain language

Example of local search engine is Google.fr or Google.co.uk


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Google Search Engine’s System

Search engines regularly send out automated programs called web crawlers, and it's these crawlers that will visit your site and try to understand your content.

A well-structured search-engine-friendly site allows search engines to craw or spider your site easily

Remember: requirements for “friendliness” change over time as technology and search algorithms improve.


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There are two main types of SEO:

● On-page SEO - Includes all known search engine tactics for increasing the trust in the search engines for your web site

● Off-page SEO (Link building)

Backlinks are links on other pages which are pointing to your site. More quality backlinks you have = higher your Google ranking will be


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On-page SEO

● Optimize the structure of the website

● Develop unique content with good keyword density

● Optimize your website and specific web pages for different keywords


Search engines rewards relevant, helpful websites that add value and give visitors what they're looking for.

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Optimizing the structure of the website

● Place enough content on every page

● Create clean source code

● Check for broken links (dead links, error 404 - page could not be found)

● Bold and enlarge the main keywords on every page

● Test the capability of your web site in different browsers

● Optimize the page’s size


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Develop unique content with keyword density

-Exhaustive, informative and unique product description

-Optimize image names and titles

-Do not duplicate pages/page content


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Optimize your website and specific web pages for different keywords

- Put strong keywords in the product’s description

- Don’t use the same description for multiple items

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Keyword tracking software – Which words makes you profit

Use Google Keyword Tool -


Enter a word or phrase and see it’s monthly search volume. You will see more suggestions for other similar to yours word or phrase

Google Keyword Tool will tell you all what you need to know about what people’s searches are

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Tips for Keyword tracking and usage

1. Track the keyword search volume

2. Build your own keyword lists

3. Mention the average Cost Per Click

4. Use synonyms

5. Use search volume by your country

6. Filter the keywords, which doesn’t meet your needs

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Important Widgets for Your E-store

- Stats counter (tracking system)

- Social Bookmarking buttons

- RSS feeds button

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Off-page SEO

● Develop strong link building strategy

● Submit to search engines and business directories

● Generate links form social media websites and social bookmarking websites

● Help Google to find all of your page by creating XML Sitemap


SEO brings the biggest ROI and it gains momentum with time!

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Link building basics

Link building is the process of generating inbound links

There are 2 types of Backlinks

● DoFollow and Nofollow

Major search engines like Google and Yahoo! track only DoFollow backlinks


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DoFollow and NoFollow links

DoFollow is the default type of links

DoFollow are the links from normal websites, most of the directories, some social bookmarking sites, all blogs, etc.

NoFollow are links on pages, where there is an additional robots=nofollow HTML tag for the links

NoFollow are the links from: YouTube, Wikipedia, Digg, links from “comments” part in blogs, etc.


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Google ranking system

Google has it’s own unique ranking system.

Main thing for your e-store:

- Uniqueness of the content

(text management)

- Number and quality of backlinks that you have

Backlink is a link on other pages which points to your


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How are Backlinks and Search Engine Rankings Related?

The search engines taking many factors into account while ranking your website. A few of them are:

● How relevant is the content of your website?● How is that content organized?● How much relevant content you have?● How is the navigation and inter-linking on your website organized?● How many relevant outgoing links you have and what anchor texts you have used?● How many incoming/inbound links you have from external websites, and how well do those websites rank on various search engines?


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Most important for the backlinks is:

● Are they DoFollow or NoFollow

● Content relevancy to your web site – links from sites with similar type of content are considered better

● Page rank of the site where your backlink is placed

● Age of the website on which the backlink is (older pages = better)


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Most important for the backlinks are:


● The anchor text in the link

Example: visible link - Office products not www.office1web.ie

● Position of the backling on the page

- As much higher on the page as on top as better

● Total number of other links on the page where your link is placed


More links pointing to your site = better

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Most important for the backlinks is:


● The anchor text in the link

● Position of the backling on the page

● Total number of other links on the page where your link is placed


More strong backlinks = better ranking

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Link Building Methods:

There are 6 major methods for creating successful link building campaign

● Blogs

● Forums

● Article Directories

● Social Bookmarking

● Social Networks

● Link Exchange Programs


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For analysis use Google Analytics and StatCounter.com

Steps for implementing tracking systems to your E-Store

● Sign up to both websites. ● They will provide you a simple Html / JavaScript code● Insert this code to your website (just before the </body> tag)

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Important analysis for your E-Store:

Visitors CountPopular Pages / Content OverviewVisitors Came From / Traffic Source OverviewVisitors by CountryKeyword Analysis

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Some SEO Information About Other E-stores – What they do about their SEO

(updated June 2010)

Page rank Number of backlinks

• Office Depot 7 252 000• Staples 6 208 000 • Office Max 6 130 000 • Shoplet.com 5 46 000

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What is PPC (Pay Per Click)?


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Pay Per Click

● Sponsored adverts on Search Engine Results Pages

● It does just like it says on the tin. You Pay Per Click

● Pay purely on a performance basis - when the ad is clicked on.

● Perfect solution for a start-up website

● Targeted. Effective. Measurable.


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How to Create PPC Campaign?

● Create an account at google.com/AdWords

● Choose type of paying

● Create a new project

● Create your text advertisement

● Submit your budget

● Start the campaign


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Tips for Effective PPC Campaign

● Choose the right keywords

● Carefully write your ad text

● Pay attention for your landing


● Target your ads geographically

● Track your results


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Flash Banners

● Very costly but effective

● Creates brand awareness and Image

● Supports specific campaigns

● Needs profound media planning to bring highly targeted traffic

Premium Advertising

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Charity Affiliation/ Green Program

● Boosts the social image

● Improves SEO results

● Attracts traffic

● Gives credibility

● Builds stronger relationships with the clients

Charities and Campaigns

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Newsletters and Emails

● Extremely cost effective

● Highly targeted – requires well built data base

● Fast reach of selected target customers on particular occasions

● Monthly newsletter

Email Advertising

All emails coming out of the corporate mailbox, regardless of the purpose, can be used to convey your marketing message. Every touchpoint will market the organization. `

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Types of email campaigns:

There are 4 types of commercial emails you can send to your customers :

● Promotional emails● Newsletters● Transactional emails● Other – remainders, subscribingunsubscribing, etc.

Email Advertising

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Promotional emails

They relate directly to a certain promotion. Each promotional email should be focused on related products based on the promotion

For Example: - Back to School campaign – notebooks, pens, school

backpacks, etc.

Email Advertising

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The promotional email must contain:

Email Advertising

- “View in browser” link

- Clickable logo

- Contact Number

- Clickable menu and content

- Footer with information

- Unsubscribe option

- Product & Prices

- “Follow us” buttons

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● This is the most common form of e-mail marketing. ● Emails which are sent to provide information and keep

customers informed.

● They do not necessarily carry a promotion

● Gives your clients the opportunity to stay on touch with you

Email Advertising

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● Once or twice per month

● Latest news from the company

● Seasonal promotions

● Offers

● Connection to your website

(links, clickable banner, etc.)

Email Advertising

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Transactional emails

They are a number of e-mails sent out when:

● a customer places an order● confirm the order● communicate shipping or

return requests.

Email Advertising

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How to create a successful email campaign:

● Running a successful email campaign requires that your business has a genuine opt-in database.

● Your emails should offer – not sale

● The sending frequency must be not very high. Twice per month should me your best solution.

● An equally important feature is the unsubscribe function.

● Always first send a test email to yourself before to send them to your mailing list

Email Advertising

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Affiliate Marketing

● Gets the best of PPC and Banner advertising

● Empowers other business websites to market your business

● Costs you nothing to place your advertising banners and links

● Costs the affiliate nothing to advertise your business - they can only earn!

Affiliate Marketing

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Social Media

Social Media Marketing provides you two basic benefits:

- It is one of the best ways for targeted traffic to your website.

- It will helps your SEO because of the links to your site on the social media websites.

Social media community is very powerful traffic source

Social Media

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Social Media

Here are some examples of social media websites:

Social Networking - Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn

Social Bookmarking Sites - Digg, Reddit, Propeller, Delicious

Social Photo and Video Sharing - YouTube, Flickr

Wikis - Wikipedia, Wikia

Social Media

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What is Blogging?

Blogging is currently the most common form of social media

A blog is essentially a website typically driven by a content management system which features articles (blog posts) and comments on the blog posts.

Most recommended blogging platforms are: Blogger and WordPress

Blogger is very easy to use, Google loves it, but doesn’t have as many features as WordPress


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Having a blog can greatly increase your traffic.

Blogs are powerful SEO tool

Benefits from the blog:

● It has ready to use Content Management System

● Spread your branded message to a vast number of readers and boost your brand awareness

● Su RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed of your blog, pinging, and trackbacks

● Users can comment and share their opinion


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How to promote with Social Networks?

Create a Facebook page for your store. Popularize it with adding new people into it. Add content to it – information, contacts, video, pictures

Create Twitter account. Choose an appropriate name associated with shop, e-shop, e-store, etc. Start publish main categories

Create LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn it’s like yellow page for business

Social Networks

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Social Bookmarking Sites

Tips for submitting your site to Social Media Sites:

● Pay attention to your Headlines

● Write a meaningful & short description

● Have a great first paragraph

● Submit to the right category

Social Bookmarking

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How to submit:

- Create an account at Digg.com

- Login into your account

- From the top menu press “Submit New”

Step 1 of 2

- Copy and paste the Url of one of your pages here

- Choose media type of the Url

Social Bookmarking

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Submit a New Link - Step 2 of 2

- Enter the title of your page

- Write short description of your page

- You can choose a thumbnail

- Choose a topic which suites the most to your page

- Enter the code from the picture

Social Bookmarking

If this page shows up, press the button -

“My story has no duplicates!”

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Press “Submit”

Social Media

And here is the result …

Now your page will be visible for thousands of people

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List of Top Social Bookmarking Sites

Social Bookmarking

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Web Directories and Article Marketing

Submitting your website to carefully selected niche directories is one of the most effective ways to promote your site.

Though traffic from web directories is negligible, backlink boost resulting from directories will increase a site's search engine ranking significantly.

Business Directories

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Benefits from Submitting Links to Web Directories:

● Create one-way links

● Allow to choose the anchor text

● Are mostly free

● Send targeted traffic

Business Directories

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Directory Submission Process

How to submit your site to the main web directories:

Business Directories

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Example of submitting to Directory part 1

Best of the Web Directory - www.seo-friend.com

● Open the site

● Go to Business -> E-Commerce

● At the top menu press Submit Link

Business Directories

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Example of submitting to Directory part 2

On this page you will need to fill in:● Type of link – Choose Regular links (free links)

● Title● Your Url● Site’s Description● Your Name● Your Email● Category

Then press Submit

Business Directories

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