web apps for the masses

Web Apps for the Masses @davidscotttufts davidscotttufts.com Photo by razorray15

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Post on 13-Jan-2015




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Using WordPress to develop Web Apps, and adding an API to WordPress


Page 1: Web Apps for the Masses

Web Apps for the Masses



Photo by razorray15

Page 2: Web Apps for the Masses

About Me • Born and raised in Brazil

• Live in Grand Rapids, Michigan

• 1 beautiful wife

• 6 great kids (5 boys and 1 girl)

• Co-founder at Rocketwood

• Web Producer at RBC Ministries

• Developing KickPress, a WordPress plugin

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The Sweet Smell of Success

Graph by Francesco Schwarz

In under 2 years with WordPress on odb.org

• From 2.1 million to 5 million page views per month

• From 0 to 140,000 subscribers to daily email

• From 0 to 100,000 mobile app sales

• From 0 to 90,000 Facebook fans

• Web donations increased 50%+

• 40% less hardware

• 30% savings

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We are the 15.7%

Photo by Tim Wilson

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WordPress Evolution

1. Blog 2. Multi-User 3. Custom Post Types 4. CMS 5. What’s next?

Illustration by Rob Green

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Popular Web Apps

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Features of Web Apps

Offer a service

Safe-keeping of your personal data

Access to your personal data through an API

Roles and permissions for controlled and/or restricted access

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They own you r data!

Photo by Rob Young

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WordPress Web Apps

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With no API, users are limited in how the can access their data

Illustration by Eric Tufts

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Separating content from presentation

Illustration by Eric Tufts

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Illustration by Eric Tufts

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Photo by Sarah Fleming

No WordPress core files or database tables were harmed in the production of this plugin

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Custom Post Types

KickPress allows for easy Custom Post Type management

• Create new post types

• Assign Roles and Capabilities per post type

• Manage custom workflows

• Extend post types with modules

Photo by Brad Coy

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Advanced custom post type management

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Advanced roles and capabilities for managing user permissions

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3 kinds of API requests to the server

1. // Request for a full page from the theme


2. // Request for a page fragment via Ajax


3. // Remote API request or action


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1. Full Page Requests

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Triggering the KickPress API

{site}.com/how-to/ {Archive page for custom post type called “How To”}




More Examples:






API Parameters are appended to the end of the standard WordPress permalinks:

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2. Ajax Requests

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Theme Modifications Add an extra conditional comment to the top of these theme files:

header.php footer.php sidebar.php


if ( kickpress_is_ajax() ) { return; }


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Theme Modifications Add a conditional blocks for any code that should be ignored on AJAX requests:

<?php get_header(); ?>

<?php if ( kickpress_is_fullpage() ) : ?>

<div id="content-wrapper">

<?php endif; ?>

<?php $post_type = get_post_type(); ?>

<?php get_template_part( 'loop', $post_type ); ?>

<?php $args = array( 'post_type', $post_type );

<?php kickpress_ajax_reload( $args, 'content-wrapper‘ ); ?>

<?php kickpress_is_fullpage( '</div>‘ ); ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

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3. Remote API Requests

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Photo by Jon Worth

Every registered user is assigned a “token” and a “secret” to be used in generating signatures for making ReSTful OAuth style API calls to the Web App.

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Authentication credentials are available on the user’s profile page

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$token = '{token-from-profile-page}';

$secret = '{secret-from-profile-page}';

$timestamp = time();

$method = 'GET';

$host = 'www.{your domain}.com';

// Create the string to sign

$string_to_sign = $method . "\n" . $host . "\n" . $timestamp . "\n";

// Calculate signature with SHA1 and base64-encoding

$signature = base64_encode(

hash_hmac( 'sha1', $string_to_sign, $secret, true )


$authentication_params = array(

'signature' => $signature,

'timestamp' => $timestamp,

'token' => $token


// Normalize the query string parameters

$query_parts = normalized_query_parameters( $authentication_params );

$query_string = implode('&', $query_parts);

// Build the URL for the remote API request

$url = 'http://' . $host . '/{post type}/api/{action}/?' . $query_string;

For more information: http://kickpress.org/documentation/api-authentication/

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API Serialized Response { "status":"success", "messages":{ "note":"Term Added" }, "data":{ "terms":[{ "term_id":"7", "name":"Featured", "slug":"featured", "taxonomy":"category", "count":"26" }] } }

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Use KickPress to Build your next Web App in
