wealth management banking


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Wealth Management course is designed to understand fundamentals of Islamic Finance and Products. This will also give all attendees the skills to gain more leads; create higher value solutions; close more deals and get more referrals.


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Wealth Management Banking



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The objective of the program offered by Sharia House is to educate and train

banks’ RM’s in order to get 360 degree on Wealth Management products &

services to ensure that the RM’s are self-equipped with knowledge and technical

skills to understand their area of work to meet industry challenges and market

expectations by providing QUALITY service.


Wealth Management course is designed to understand fundamentals of Islamic

Finance and Products. This will also give all attendees the skills to gain more leads;

create higher value solutions; close more deals and get more referrals. Course is

developed around the followings;

­ Introduction to Islamic Finance& Products

­ Motivate customers to conclude deals

­ Increase your ability to stay resilient when under price pressure

­ Improve your competitive differentiation

­ Enhance your ability to open up client needs

­ Successfully negotiate financial deals

­ Improve your closing

­ Gain techniques, including the Harvard Technique, that will assist you

in your role as a private banker

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Training Methodology

In order to engage diversified group of participants and ensure learning of the

comprehensive concepts to every participant, we have developed diversified and

tested training techniques that include:

- Discussion based interactive class room sessions

- Case Studies

- Group Discussion/ Class Exercises

- Presentations

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DAY – 1

“Introduction to Islamic Finance"

Topic 1: Overview of Islamic finance, main prohibitions and understanding of

the elements and types of the contract.

Session 1 introduces the fundamentals of Sharia for Islamic Finance. It

will highlight the sources of Sharia, and its objectives. Difference

between trade and usury is particularized in terms of application of

Sharia principles in the conduct of Islamic banking. It will highlight

the main prohibited elements in Islamic transactions and will discuss

the norms of ethics in Islamic financial system.

­ Introduction Sharia and its Objectives

­ Sources of Sharia Tenets

­ Objectives (Maqasid) of Sharia

­ Prohibition of Riba

­ Prohibition of Gharar

­ Prohibition of Maisir/Qimar (Games of Chance)

Topic 2: Philosophy and features of Islamic Finance

Session 2 will develop the understanding of basic philosophy of

Islamic finance and rulings on avoidance of elements in Islamic


In this session we will discuss the basic features of Islamic finance

directly affecting the products, instruments, institutions and markets

in the framework of business and finance. This includes avoiding

interest, involvement in genuine trade and other business, Kharaj bi-

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al-Daman (Risk and Return), and other requirements for profit

entitlement in various kinds of businesses, money earning money

versus risk-based business and their impact on banks, depositors and

the fund users.

­ The Philosophy of Islamic Finance

­ Debt versus Equity

­ Islamic Banking: Business versus Benevolence

­ Exchange Rules

­ Time Value of Money in Islamic Finance

­ Money, Monetary Policy and Islamic Finance

Topic 3: Islamic Law of Contracts and Business Transactions

Session 3 will develop the understanding of basic concepts about

Wealth, its use and ownership from Islamic viewpoint. It will cover the

sharia’s standpoint on contract, and the basic elements of

contracts. Different transactions have different features that need to

conform to the tenets of the Sharıa. We will comprehensively discuss

Contracts that do not conform to Sharia doctrines or that involve

prohibited elements to have an in-depth understanding of these

elements to avoid invalid contracts.

Islamic banks and financial institutions are dealing in goods by

entering into contracts like sale, leasing, partnership, surety ship,

agency, assignment of debt, and mortgages it will be valuable

discussion in detail.

­ Maal (Wealth), Usufruct and Ownership

­ General Frame work of Contracts

­ Elements of a contract

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­ Broad Rules for the validity of Muamalat

­ Wadah (Promise) and related matters

­ Types of Contracts

­ Commutative Contracts and Non-commutative Contracts

­ Legal Status of Conditional and Contingent Contracts

Topic 4: Islamic Modes of Finance

This session will cover the Islamic modes of financing that are being

operated across Islamic banks and financial institutions. This will

support the concepts of attendees to further grasp the basic

knowledge of Islamic Finance mechanism and will help in

understanding the advanced knowledge that will be presented in

approaching sessions.

­ Murabaha and Musawamah

­ Salam and Istisna (Forward Sale)

­ Ijarah – Leasing

­ Shirkah - Diminishing Musharaka

­ Tawarruq

­ Istijrar

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DAY – 02

“Understanding Private Wealth


Topic 1: Understanding Private Wealth Management

This course will give an introduction to Wealth Management and will give an in-

depth knowledge on wealth management process. Wealth Management

process will also cover the phases involved in it. This course will emphasize on

understanding the prospects and concerns involved in this sector.

­ Understanding Wealth Management

­ Wealth Management Process

­ Phases in Wealth Management Process

­ Planning a wealth Management Strategy

­ Case Study 1

­ Case Study 2

­ Implementing and monitoring Wealth Management Plan

Topic 2: Islamic Wealth Management

After understanding the essentials of wealth management, it will be ideal to

understand how Islamic Wealth Management for the reason that it will

complement the whole concept of wealth management. This topic will cover

the prospects and concerns involved in Islamic Wealth Management. More over

we will also cover how Islamic Wealth Management clients differ from traditional

wealth management clients.

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­ Wealth Management Cycle

­ Drivers for Islamic Wealth Management Growth

­ Opportunities and Issues in Islamic Wealth Management

­ Needs of Muslim HNWIs

­ Position of society and belief in Islamic Wealth Management

Topic 3: Understanding the Islamic Wealth Management Clients

In this sitting we will cover different types of wealth management clients, client

and typical indulgences of the wealthy. This session will provide an insight into

how to acquire their client base and develop products and services to

effectively target these segments. This session will not only help RM’s getting a

deep understanding of clients they are going to target but they will also get to

know what do different clients want from private wealth managers.

­ Types of clients

­ Key characteristics of clients

­ Client Trends

­ Sources of Clients’ Wealth

­ Typical Indulgences of the Wealthy

­ Case Study

­ What do clients want from private wealth managers

­ Client Acquisition and Retention

Topic 4: Understanding Clients Psychology

In this sitting we will cover different types of wealth management clients, client

and typical indulgences of the wealthy. This session will provide an insight into

how to acquire their client base and develop products and services to

effectively target these segments. This session will not only help RM’s getting a

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deep understanding of clients they are going to target but they will also get to

know what do different clients want from private wealth managers.

­ Precedent perception on behavioral finance

­ Clients’ Judgment Biases

­ Clients’ decision and consequences

­ Clients’ screening based on their psyche and will

­ Clients’ goal setting

­ Types of Clients’ goal

­ Prioritizing Clients’ goal

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DAY – 03

“Communication & Selling Skills

For Wealth Managers”

Course Overview

This course covers the range of soft skills necessary for Sales Force to possess in

order to make first class deal winners. The first part of the course takes Wealth

Managers through a process that they can use in different selling situations and

is based around consultative selling.

The negotiation section will teach participants techniques that are a vital part of

gaining and maintaining business relationships and is designed to help

participants in the development of effective selling & negotiation skills so that

they will achieve successful outcomes.

The presentation takes participants through the process of planning and

execution, with the rationale being to teach the skill of being able to plan and

structure any presentation so the presenter knows that the content meets the


Topic 1: Selling Skills

Selling skills will help the RMs to understand the precise technique to execute a

successful sale by keeping the clients’ goals accomplished. This topic will not just

only assist them to productively presenting themselves in front of their consumers

but will also help them to understand how to value the consumers’

requirements. One of the creative techniques RMs will get is that they will be

able to demonstrate their skills by providing customized solutions to their

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clientele. This topic will lay the ground work by injecting fact finding skills to

further use them in negotiating with the clients.

­ The seven step sales process.

­ Setting customer objectives.

­ Appreciating customer requirements.

­ Enhancing the sales presentation.

­ Handling objections

­ Handling price objections.

­ Win/win negotiations.

­ Closing the sale.

­ Post call activity

Topic 2: Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skills will assist the RMs to appreciate the Negotiation with their

clients and will also help them to recognize its benefits. This course will establish

the negotiation traits in an efficient way helping the attendees effectively

executing them in practical field. Not only the RMs will be able to negotiate in

an efficient manner but will also be able to get fruitful and profitable results at

the end of the day by learning the art of successfully closing the deal.

­ Negotiation and its benefits

­ Qualities of an effective negotiator: the ten quality traits

­ Preparing for negotiation

­ Negotiation in action

­ Closing the deal

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Topic 3: Presentation Skills

After Negotiation and selling skills, it will be significant to understand how to

present. One of the important factors that define the successful RMs’ is having

the presentation skills to successfully present in front of their clients in varied

situations. This course will help the attendees to learn how to structure the

presentation based on case to case circumstances. This session will also help the

RMs to develop long relationship with the clients by adopting the right attitude

and confidence. More over this sitting will equip them with proficiency in

language patterns to further improve their presentation.

­ Outcome identification

­ Structuring presentations

­ Building rapport

­ Language patterns to enhance a presentation

Topic 4: Time Management

This session, Time Management, will focus on how the personnel can develop

approaches and strategies that will enable them to effectively deal with the

time management problems in a variety of contexts. We will classify the current

time management problems and will develop the skills to effectively respond in

all the stages by learning the good time management phases. One of the

significant outcomes of this course will be to build the skills in personnel to avoid

time wastage due to various factors involved in day to day operations.

­ Identification of Current Time Problems

­ Essential Stages in Good Time Management

­ Establishing Good Time Management Practices

­ Time Wasters

­ Eleven Time Thieves

­ Monochromic and Polychromic views of time

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­ Elements of Effective Time Management

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DAY – 04

“Islamic Fund Management and


Course Overview

This course will explore the key ideology and opportunities of Islamic Wealth

Management which includes Islamic Wealth creation, growth, safety, allocation

and refinement in wealth management cycle. This session will facilitate

individuals to gain knowledge and understand more about the Islamic wealth

management and financial planning from industry specialists with broad range

of knowledge and will be proficient to put them into practice. This session will

also be admirable stage for networking and exchange of practice, thoughts

and outlooks about the industry and services.

Topic 1: Islamic Funds Management and Investment

In this session, we will focus on present industry of Islamic Funds and we will put

technical importance on available avenues for investment. We will discuss the

current scenario and future outlook in the Islamic fund industry and what are the

recent developments. We will also put a light on growth of new Islamic funds

different from already existing in the mass market.

­ Present Islamic funds Market

­ Islamic financial instruments available for investments

­ Growth of new Islamic funds: Islamic Real Estate Investments

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DAY – 05



Session – 01: Workshop & Case Study

Session – 02: Q&A

Session – 03: Certification

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