we will rock you libretto

8/18/2019 We Will Rock You Libretto http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/we-will-rock-you-libretto 1/49 We Will Rock You ACT 1 The front curtain is down, showing an image of a waterstained curtain. A bass note is played as the Queen image on the curtain is replaced by a series of dates, one after the other)  1956 - Elvis releases Heartbreak Hotel 1964 - The Beatles conquer America 1969 - Woodstock 195 - !ueen release Bohemian "ha#sod$ 19 - %e& 'istols banned (rom the BB) 19*1 - Bucks +i,, in the Eurovision %on. )ontest 199/ - 0ive Bunn$ ruin 1 son.s on one record 1992 - 3r Blobb$ .oes in at number 1 //1 - Hearsa$ manu(actured (The bass becomes recognisably the introduction to 'Innuendo'. The timeline continues:) // - Hearsa$ disinte.rate // - +irst di.itall$ created c$berstar to#s the chart //9 - .l$ #eo#le banned (rom the charts /1 - "adio 1 #la$s the last non-com#uter-created tune /2/ - ids require a licence to on electric .uitars /46 - A 3%7)A 78%T"3E8T% BA88E Hey! While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sand While the waves crash in the sea and meet the land While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow Till the mountains crumble into the lain h yes" we'll kee on trying Tread that #ine line h" we'll kee on trying Till the end o# time Till the end o# time Till the end o# time (The tabs go up. ! is sitting alone on a dar" stage, reading a maga#ine. $e ta"es out a recording de%ice and spea"s into it) 'o#: )entral state librar$; stardate <hatever the date is #lus 2// $ears=> 7 must make haste; (or 7 (ear m$ arrest is imminent> Althou.h 7 never discovered the e&act da$ on hich the music died; it is clear to me that an ancient entertainment  #henomenon knon as 'o# 7dol #la$ed a central role> 7t seems that the ?lobalso(t )or#oration acquired the (ranchise and re#laced the human contestants ith com#uter .enerated c$ber celebrities> With no cultural stimulation; the kids sto##ed carin.> emocratic .overnment colla#sed - and the a.e o( ?a?a had daned> (A green cage of laser light appears around !. &$A$!I and two I*I!* appear behind him) hasho..i: @h m$> @h m$; oh m$; hats this o 7 see a little silhouetto o( a s#$

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Page 1: We Will Rock You Libretto

8/18/2019 We Will Rock You Libretto

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We Will Rock You


The front curtain is down, showing an image of a waterstained curtain. A bass note is played as the Queen

image on the curtain is replaced by a series of dates, one after the other) 

1956 - Elvis releases Heartbreak Hotel

1964 - The Beatles conquer America

1969 - Woodstock 

195 - !ueen release Bohemian "ha#sod$

19 - %e& 'istols banned (rom the BB)

19*1 - Bucks +i,, in the Eurovision %on. )ontest

199/ - 0ive Bunn$ ruin 1 son.s on one record

1992 - 3r Blobb$ .oes in at number 1

//1 - Hearsa$ manu(actured

(The bass becomes recognisably the introduction to 'Innuendo'. The timeline continues:) 

// - Hearsa$ disinte.rate

// - +irst di.itall$ created c$berstar to#s the chart

//9 - .l$ #eo#le banned (rom the charts

/1 - "adio 1 #la$s the last non-com#uter-created tune

/2/ - ids require a licence to on electric .uitars

/46 - A 3%7)A 78%T"3E8T% BA88E


While the sun hangs in the sky and the desert has sandWhile the waves crash in the sea and meet the land

While there's a wind and the stars and the rainbow

Till the mountains crumble into the lain

h yes" we'll kee on trying

Tread that #ine line

h" we'll kee on trying

Till the end o# time

Till the end o# time

Till the end o# time

(The tabs go up. ! is sitting alone on a dar" stage, reading a maga#ine. $e

ta"es out a recording de%ice and spea"s into it)

'o#: )entral state librar$; stardate <hatever the date is #lus 2// $ears=> 7 must make

haste; (or 7 (ear m$ arrest is imminent> Althou.h 7 never discovered the e&act da$

on hich the music died; it is clear to me that an ancient entertainment

 #henomenon knon as 'o# 7dol #la$ed a central role> 7t seems that the ?lobalso(t

)or#oration acquired the (ranchise and re#laced the human contestants ith

com#uter .enerated c$ber celebrities> With no cultural stimulation; the kids sto##ed

carin.> emocratic .overnment colla#sed - and the a.e o( ?a?a had daned>

(A green cage of laser light appears around !. &$A$!I and two I*I!* appear behind him)

hasho..i: @h m$> @h m$; oh m$; hats this o 7 see a little silhouetto o( a s#$

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'o#: Bummer>

hasho..i: Tell me; old man> Wh$ do $ou concern $oursel( so much ith hat is #ast

'o#: Because it is onl$ the #ast hich .ives us ho#e>

hasho..i: But $ouve read the secret histories> %urel$ $ouve learnt that there is no ho#e>

'o#: There is ala$s ho#eC

($e wa%es his arm and burns it in the green laser)

Ho#e is our birthri.htC

hasho..i: Then here is it Where is this ho#e

'o#: An$ a$ the ind blos>

hasho..i: What do $ou kno o( the term livin. rock

'o#: 8o more than that hich the le.end #romises> That salvation is to be (ound there; atthe #lace o( the cham#ions; and that a bri.ht; bri.ht star ill sho the a$C

hasho..i: @h; .od; 7 hate hi##iesC )onsi.n this miserable creature to the %even %eas o( "h$e>

(the I*I!* put an orange helmet on !'s head)

'o#: 3ake love; not arC

(! and the I*I!* descend into the stage. &$A$!I waits to one side for 

a moment to watch the school steps slide on stage, then lea%es. tanding on the

 steps are three T+A$+- and the AA &I)

Teachers and ids: We sit alone and watch your lightur only #riend" through teenage nights

And everything we want to get

We download #rom the internet

$o need to think" no need to #eel

When only cybersace is real

%t makes us laugh

%t makes us cry

%t makes us #eel like we can #ly


Hoe to record our li#e online

Touch any key" the world is mine

We're lost in sace

)ut we don't care

Without your light our world's not there

Comlete control" you are the ower

ur lives are rogrammed by the hour

lobalso#t &lobalso#t(

All we hear is radio a a*ideo oo oo

%nternet a a

All we hear is cybersace a a

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?alileo: 3$ name is ?alileo +i.aro>

Teacher: 8o; nobod$ is called ?alileo +i.aro> Where on 'lanet 3all did $ou come u# ith


?alileo: 7 (ound it> 7n a dream> 7 have these dreams; seeI>and 7 hear noises> %creechin.;

thuddin.; b-b-ban.in. noisesI>and ords> Words ust dro# into m$ head> Too

man$ ords> Hel# - 7 need somebod$> (A/I/+! clutches at T+A$+-) Hel#C

 8ot ust an$bod$C

Teacher: 7 understand> 7 (eel $our #ain> But come on; mateC Fou live in a #er(ect orld> What

more could $ou #ossibl$ ant

?alileo: % want to break #ree

% want to break #ree

% want to break #ree #rom your lies

You're so sel#/satis#ied" % don't need you

%'ve got to break #ree

od knows" od knows % want to break #ree


(T+A$+- e1its, sha"ing her head)

%'ve #allen in love

%'ve #allen in love #or the #irst time

%n love with a world that's #or real

%'ve #allen in love" yeah

od knows" od knows %'ve #allen in love

%t's strange but it's true

% know %'m di##erent and there's some things % have to do

)ut % have to be sure

When % walk out that door

h how % want to be #ree" baby

h yeah" %'ve got to be #ree

h yeah" % want to break #ree

This e0istence is wrong

% can't get used to living without" living without

.iving without hoe" it's a lie% don't want to live alone

od knows" %'ve got to make it on my own

-o eole can't you see

od knows %'ve got to

od knows % need to

od knows % want to break #ree


(green laser cage appears around A/I/+!. &$A$!I and T+A$+- enter

 stage right)

hasho..i: Fou sa$ this bo$ ants to make his on music

Teacher: Fes> The little (reak sa$s he hears it in his dreams>

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hasho..i: And he is aare that music other than that #ro.rammed b$ the ?lobalso(t

)or#oration is ille.al The act o( an individual

Teacher: @( course - but he doesnt care>

hasho..i: Has he ever tried to make a musical instrument

Teacher: @nce; in technicial studies> He as cau.ht tr$in. to stretch #lastic strin. across an

em#t$ lunchbo&>

hasho..i: id heI>#luck it

Teacher: Fes; but claims he didnt kno h$>

hasho..i: 7 think 7 shall have to talk to this bo$>

(the green lasers disappear and A/I/+! sin"s into the floor)

Teacher: ?oodb$e - mateC

hasho..i: Are there an$ other #otential Bohemians in this $ears .raduation .rou#; or is he the

onl$ one

Teacher: 7m sorr$ to have to re#ort that there is one other> A re#ulsive creature - a .irl>

  (A-A!2$+ enters on the school steps stage left, as &$A$!I and

T+A$+- e1it stage right)

%caramouche: % want to break #ree

% want to break #ree

% want to break #ree #rom your lies

You're so sel#/satis#ied" % don't need you

%'ve got to break #reeod knows" od knows % want to break #ree


(fi%e AA I-/ enter. They're all wearing different colours so that's how we'll

identify them)

'ur#le: )heck out the eirdo; .irlsC

Fello: ont $our mum donload $ou an$thin. decent to ear

%caramouche: 7 make m$ on (ashion statementsC

'ur#le: Whats toda$s statement; then Hello; 7m a #athetic u.l$ little ,ero

Blue: Ho ill $ou ever .et ith one o( the bo$s (rom the bo$,one dressed u# like some

sort o( (reak

?reen: Foure a dis.race to the ?a?a .irlsC

%caramouche: 7 aint no ?a?a .irlC And 7m not interested in the kind o( bo$s-r-us; duh-brain ,one-

clones $ou han. out ithC

'ink: Fou are such a sad lonerC

%caramouche: Well; $ou sure are ri.ht about that - bitchC

?a?as: @oohC

%caramouche: Can anybody #ind me somebody to love

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(laughter from AA I-/)

%caramouche: 2ach morning % get u % die a little

Can barely stand on my #eet &take a look at yoursel#(

Take a look in the mirror and cry &and cry(

.ord" what you doing to me

% sent all my years to believe in you

)ut % ,ust can't get no relie#" .ord

-omebody &somebody(" ooh somebody &somebody(

Can anybody #ind me somebody to love


'ur#le: %omebod$ to love $ou Feah; ri.htC

Blue: HelloC That is %@ not .oin. to ha##en>

'ur#le: %to# da$dreamin. and .et a virtual li(eC

%caramouche <J


% work hard &she works hard(

2very day o# my li#e% work till % ache in my bones

At the end &at the end o# the day(

% take home my broken heart all on my own

% get down &down( on my knees &knees(

And % start to ray &raise the lord(

Till the tears run down #rom my eyes &oooh(

h somebody &somebody(" ooh somebody &somebody(

Can anybody #ind me somebody to love

2veryday &everyday(% try and % try and % try

)ut everybody wants to ut me down

They say %'m going cra3y

They say % got a lot o# water on my brain

% got no common sense

% got nobody le#t to believe


ot no #eel" % got no rhythm

% ,ust kee losing my beat &You ,ust kee losing and losing!(

%'m 4" %'m all right &she's ok / she's all right(

And % ain't gonna #ace no de#eat

% ,ust gotta get out o# this rison cell &rison cell(

ne day %'m gonna be #ree" .ord!

&5ind me somebody to love

5ind me somebody to love

5ind me somebody to love

5ind me somebody to love

5ind me somebody to love(

5ind me" #ind me oh666

&somebody" somebody" somebody" somebody

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-omebody #ind me somebody to love(

Can anybody #ind me somebody to love

-omebody to love!


(&$A$!I and two I*I!* enter. AA I-/ scatter and e1it)

hasho..i: Ho ver$ touchin.; $oun. lad$> But surel$ $ou understand that the com#an$ loves

$ou> Arrest her>

(the I*I!* grab A-A!2$+ and they sin" into the floor. &$A$!I

lea%es. 3ideo screens come down displaying the words '/!4A/!5T


Doice: Workers o( ?lobalso(t - unior e&ecutives; senior e&ecutives; vice-#residents;

 #residents; chairmen; chairomen; chairtranse&uals and chair-andro.$nous-

arti(iciall$-created-li(e(orms> 'lease #re#are to elcome the chie( e&ecutive o((icer

o( ?lobalso(t #lanet-ide - iller!ueen?lobalso(t>comGtheWorld(audience cringes anew as a chorus of 6+ T$I* enters)

Fes Thin.s: -he kees +oet et Chandon

%n her retty cabinet

'.et them eat cake' she says

5ind me on the internet

A built/in remedy

5or 4ruschev and 4ennedy

At anytime an invitation

You can't decline

Caviar and cigarettes

Well versed in eti7uette

20traordinarily nice

-he's a 4iller 8ueen

unowder gelatine

9ynamite with a laser beam

uaranteed to blow your mind


Recommended at the rice%nsatiable in aetite

Wanna try

(&I//+- Q2++* rises through the floor)


iller !ueen: To avoid comlications

% never kee the same address

%n conversation % email like a baroness

+et a man #rom China

Went down to eisha +inah

)ut then again incidentally%# you're that way inclined

:er#ume came virtually #rom :aris

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5or cars % couldn't care less

5astidious and recise

%'m a

K Fes Thin.s: 4iller 8ueen

unowder gelatine

9ynamite with a laser beam

uaranteed to blow your mind



iller !ueen: 9ro o# a hat %'m as willing as

:lay#ul as a ussycat

Then momentarily out o# action

Temorarily out o# gas

To absolutely drive you wild" wild

%'m out to get you

)ommander hasho..iC

(&$A$!I enters stage right)

The ?lobalso(t board and 7 have been discussin. $our recent securit$ memo> We

ant ansers> )an $ou hear me 7s the resistance destro$ed

hasho..i: Fes - and no; maam>

iller !ueen: What

hasho..i: Fes; 7 can hear $ou> 8o; the resistance is not destro$ed>

iller !ueen: Well; hat o( the old librarian $ouve been torturin. o $ou take the te&t that he

discovered seriousl$

hasho..i: Fes; maam; 7m a(raid 7 do>

(shoc"ed gasp from 6+ T$I*. -aised eyebrow from &I//+- Q2++*)

The le.end clearl$ stated that musical instruments still e&ist somehere on 'lanet

3all; at the #lace o( cham#ions; hidden ithin the livin. rock>

iller !ueen: But hich rock; and here The hole damn #lanets a rock; i( $ou didnt knoC

Fes Thin.s: Ha haC

iller !ueen: And hat o( this shinin. star that is su##osed to .uide us 7 have had the com#an$s

(inest astronomers combin. the heavens (or months> There is no ne starC

hasho..i: 8ot that eve s#otted; maam; certainl$>

iller !ueen: Well; star or no star; 7 intend to blast ever$ rock on 'lanet 3all to smithereens; ust

in caseC %tonehen.e> 3ount "ushmore> The (amed Dictoria Beckham Bell$ Button

iamond> 7( these .rim tools o( (reedom do e&ist; 7 shall (ind themC(synchronised double clap from 6+ T$I*)

hasho..i: As ala$s; maam; $ou leave me lim# ith e&citement>

(he lea%es)

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iller !ueen: And no; let us return to the real business o( ?lobalso(t> The business o( the

com#lete a##ro#riation o( the ima.ination o( ever$ kid on 'lanet 3all> Take a

memoC Email to all consumers #lanetide> ear ever$bod$ in the orld - .et

online $ou #leasure seekers; and donload the iller !ueenC

en u your mind and let me ste inside

Rest your weary head and let your heart decide

%t's so easy when you know the rules%t's so easy all you have to do is #all in love

:lay the game

2verybody lay the game o# love

When you're #eeling down and your resistance is low

Take a cyber/shoing tri and let yoursel# go

ive me your li#e

9on't lay hard to get

%t's a #ree world

All you have to do is #all in love

:lay the game2verybody lay the game o# love

+y game o# love has ,ust begun

.ove runs #rom my head down to your toes

+y love is uming through your veins

&:lay the game(

9riving you insane

Come" come" lay the game

:lay the game" lay the game" lay the game

(the rotaty bit rotates. It loo"s cool so I thought I'd mention it)

This is your li#e / don't lay hard to get

%t's a #ree #ree world

All you have to do is #all in love

:lay the game

2verybody lay the game o# love

# love" o# love" o# love" o# love

(5ade to blac". +1it &I//+- Q2++* and 6+ T$I*. /ights up to re%eal

A/I/+!, seated in the green laser cage, and &$A$!I and two I*I!*

 standing behind him)

hasho..i: We (ound $our la#to#; bo$> And read the notes $ou kee#>

?alileo: %o #i.s can readC Foull be (l$in. ne&t>

hasho..i: What does a-o#-bo#-a-loo-bo#; a-lo#-bam-boo mean

?alileo: 7snt it obvious 7t means a-o#-bo#-a-loo-bo#; a-lo#-b-b-bam-boo>

hasho..i: o $ou reall$ have a .irl named ais$ ho almost drives $ou cra,$

?alileo: @( courseC And she knos ho to love me; $es indeed; $ou dont kno hat shes

doin to meI

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hasho..i: Then here is she What is her email address Ho does she love $ou Ho does

she drive $ou cra,$ 7s she a dru. #usher

?alileo: Foure madder than 7 am; #i.C There is no .irl named ais$C 7 ish there asI>7

 ust rote it; thats all> 7t a##eared in m$ headC

hasho..i: ont #la$ .ames ith me; bo$C 7ll make $ou ish $oud never been bornC

?alileo: ont $ou think 7 ish that ever$ da$

3inion 1: Where is 'enn$ ane

3inion : What are the %traberr$ +ields

hasho..i: nder .round; over .round; omblin. (ree> What means this dark and cr$#tic te&t;


?alileo: 7 ish 7 kneC @h; seet mother; 7 ish 7 kneI>

(&$A$!I gestures and the 'cage' round A/I/+! disappears)

hasho..i: Tell me; ?alileo; do $ou kno hat a bohemian is

?alileo: Havent $ou .ot it $et 7 dont kno hat an$thin. isC

hasho..i: E&cellent; e&cellentC 7 think 7ve (ound $ou ust in timeC

(more I*I!* appear at the bac" of the stage, wheeling a gurney)

3inion 1: The %even %eas o( "h$e; )ommander

hasho..i: 8o; not $et> Eventuall$; $es> But (irst 7 think this bo$ ma$ have his usesC

(the I*I!* pic" A/I/+! up, sit him on the gurney, and wheel it off)

hasho..i to iller !ueenC

(the %ideo screen descends, depicting &I//+- Q2++*. $ands are primping her


iller !ueen: Fes; )ommander

hasho..i: ?ood nes; maamC

iller !ueen: 7t had better beL 7m havin. m$ hair done> (to one side) ?et me a skinn$ latteC

(hands disappear) %o

hasho..i: 7 believe the last o( the remainin. rebels ill soon be ithin m$ clutches; maamC

iller !ueen: Then $ou must crush them ithout merc$C

hasho..i: 3$; m$; maam; $ou are an ea.er beaver>

iller !ueen: 0ust leave m$ ea.er beaver out o( thisC We ere discussin. the rebels>

hasho..i: Fes> The last thin. e ant to do is orr$ the ?a?a kids> 'articularl$ no; ith

summer u#on us once more>

iller !ueen: There are no seasons in the virtual orld; )ommanderC

hasho..i: 8ot online; maam; but sadl$ the #h$sical orld still e&ists> 7ts hot out there - hot;

and ed.$> The rivers are dr$in. u#; the lakes are eva#oratin.; and resistance is

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iller !ueen: The bohemiansC

hasho..i: But o( course; maamC

iller !ueen: Who are these #eo#le What do the$ ant

hasho..i: @h; the$ ant it all; maam; and the$ ant it no> The$ ant their rha#sod$>

iller !ueen: That is a #rescribed ord; )ommanderC 8o such state o( bein. e&istsC

hasho..i: 8ot $et -

iller !ueen: 8ot everC The bohemian rha#sod$ is a m$thC A m$th; do $ou hear me Have $ou

not re#orted that the eu#horia the$ seek can onl$ be unleashed throu.h music

"eal; live music

hasho..i: That is certainl$ hat the$ believe; maam>

iller !ueen: Then there ill be no rha#sod$C +or there are no instruments le(t on 'lanet 3allCAnd the kids ill never; ever make their on music a.ainCC

(e%il laughter. Intro to 'eath on Two /egs' plays. The %ideo screen ascends and

 &$A$!I e1its. I*I!* wheel on two gurneys and depart. A/I/+! is

lying on one (stage left) and A-A!2$+ on the other (stage right). They are

toe to toe, lying down with bandages round their heads. They see each other and sit 


?alileo: He$C ?-.-.a?a .irlC Who are $ou

%caramouche: 7 aint no ?a?a .irlC And 7 dont anser questions> Whore $ou

?alileo: 7m - 7 dont kno ho 7 am> But m$ name is ?alileo +i.aro>

%caramouche: )ool name>

?alileo: Thank $ouC

%caramouche: 7 asnt bein. serious> 3ind i( 7 shorten it

?alileo: Well; 7 su##ose ?alileo ould be -

%caramouche: %o; ?a,,a; tell me; h$ ere $ou arrested

?alileo: Well; because 7 hear sounds in m$ head> Words and sounds> 7m mad; $ou see>

%caramouche: 7 as arrested because the$ dont like the a$ 7 dressC

?alileo: 7 think $ou dress beauti(ull$>

%caramouche: Thats nice> )e#t comin. (rom a sel(-con(essed nutter; not> %o hat sounds do $ou


?alileo: 7 dont kno -

%caramouche: o $ou kno an$thin.

?alileo: Fes; 7 - 7 kno 7m di((erentC Thats h$ the bo$s in the bo$,one hate me>

%caramouche: The ?a?a .irls hate me>

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?alileo: Well; do $ou kno h$ the$ hate $ou

%caramouche: Feah; the$ think 7m a lesbian because 7 dont ear #astels>

?alileo: 8o; the$ hate $ou because the$re scared o( $ou> Because $oure di((erent - $oure

an individual>

%caramouche: What do $ou think the$ did to us

?alileo: 7 dont knoC

%caramouche: o $ou think the$ll ever .ive u# And ust leave us alone

?alileo: ont $ou see Were a threatC A virus on their hard drive> And the$ ont .ive u#

until the$ve #ointed their little arro at usI

%caramouche: Iand dra..ed us to trashC

Both: :ressure! :ushing down on me

:ressing down on you" no man ask #or

;nder ressure

?alileo: That brings a building down

-lits a #amily in two

%caramouche: :uts eole on streets

;m ba ba be

;m ba ba be

?alileo: 9e day oh

2e day oh

%caramouche: That's okay

?alileo: %t's the terror o# knowing what this world is about

%caramouche: Watching some good #riends screaming

Both: .et me out!

?alileo: :ray tomorrow gets me higher

Both: :ressure on eole" eole on streets

?alileo: 9ay day de mm hm9a da da ba ba

%caramouche: kay

?alileo: Chiin' around / kick my brains around the #loor

These are the days it never rains but it ours

2e do ba be

2e da ba ba ba

;m bo bo

)e la

:eole on streets / ee da de da de

:eole on streets / ee da de da de da de da

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%t's the terror o# knowing

What this world is about

Watching some good #riends screaming

Both: .et me out!

?alileo: :ray tomorrow gets me higher and higher

%caramouche: :ressure on eole" eole on streets

Both: Turned away #rom it all like a blind man

-at on a #ence but it don't work 

?alileo: 4ee coming u with love but it's all slashed and torn

%caramouche: Why / why / why

(they leap off the gurneys, push them off stage, and rip the bandages from their


.ove love love love

?alileo: %nsanity laughs under ressure we're cracking

%caramouche: Can't we give ourselves one more chance

?alileo: Why can't we give love that one more chance

%caramouche: Why can't we give love" give love" give love" give love

ive love" give love" give love" give love" give love

?alileo: 'Cause love's such an old/#ashioned word

Both: And love dares you to care #or

The eole on the edge o# the night

(they are now at opposite sides of the stage. They turn and start to wal" towards

each other)

And loves dares you to change our way

# caring about ourselvesThis is our last chance

This is our last dance

?alileo: This is ourselves

%caramouche: ;nder ressure

Both: ;nder ressure

(standing face to face, they almost "iss but turn away at the last moment)  


%caramouche: %o - here do e .o

?alileo: Well - out into the ni.htC @ut into the streetsC Were rebels noC )ause bab$; e

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ere born to runC

%caramouche: ont call me bab$C

?alileo: 7m sorr$; it as ust a #hrase 7 heard in m$ head -

%caramouche: Feah ee# it there>

(they lea%e. A %ideo screen descends, showing a T3 -++*T+- standing in front

of tonehenge)

'resenter: %tonehen.e> Ancient monument to antiquit$> )onstant and unchan.in.; its mi.ht$

rocks ill stand (orever -

(tonehenge e1plodes, throwing the -++*T+- to one side and off0camera.

 &I//+- Q2++* and &$A$!I enters stage right)

hasho..i: Weve searched the rubble; maam> And hats more; no instruments ere (ound>

iller !ueen: Then eve on; hasho..i> The bohemians ill never achieve their rha#sod$>

hasho..i: With res#ect; maam; the bohemians remain dan.erous> All the$ need is a leader;

thats all it takes> @ne $oun. rebel; one cra,$ kid ith a dream; a .uitar; and a bad-

arsed babe to (i.ht (or>

iller !ueen: )ould such a hero e&ist

hasho..i: @h; but he does alread$; maam> He ust doesnt kno it $et> He doesnt kno

himsel( at all> But 7 dont kno; 7ve ala$s had a talent (or s#ottin. #otential>

iller !ueen: And crushin. itC

hasho..i: Well; that is m$ ob; maamC And ith the last dream e&tin.uished; therell be

nothin. le(t on 'lanet 3all but entirel$ untrammelled marketin.; and com#letel$uncritical consumers> Fou #ut them to.ether and hat do $ou .et

iller !ueen: Alchem$; hasho..iC 'ure alchem$C

ne dream" one soul

ne ri3e" one goal

ne golden glance o# what should be

(enter chorus of 6+ T$I*)

Fes Thin.s: %t's a kind o# magic

hasho..i: ne sha#t o# light that shows the way

$o mortal man can win the day

Fes Thin.s: %t's a kind o# magic

hasho..i: The bell that rings inside your mind

%s challenging the doors o# time

iller !ueen: The waiting seems eternity

The day has dawned o# sanity

%s this a kind o# magic

Fes Thin.s: %t's a kind o# magic

Both: There can't be only one

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This reign will last a thousand years

We will live on

iller !ueen: This #lame that burns inside o# me

%'m hearing secret harmonies

Fes Thin.s: %t's a kind o# magic

iller !ueen: There rings a bell inside your mind

Both: We're challenging the doors o# time

(rotaty thing does its stuff)

Fes Thin.s: %t's a kind o# magic

%t's a kind o# magic

All: This is &this is( a kind &a kind( o# magic &yeah(

There can't be only one

This / / / / that / / / / a thousand years

Will soon be done$ow we are one!

(fade to blac". tage clears. 7e hear %oices from off stage)

Brit: 7ts #rett$ clear u# there; 3eatC

3eat: Are $ou sure the co#s have .one

Brit: 7m .oin. u# to the sur(aceC

3eat: Be care(ul - 7m comin. u# tooC

Brit: 8oC

(The bac"drop is now of a field of streetlamps and there is a bro"en %an to stage

right. 4-IT enters through a trapdoor stage right. +AT enters through a trapdoor 

 stage left. 4-IT crosses to +AT)

Fou are so stubbornC

3eat: Feah - but thats hat $ou love about meC

Brit: %o; hat e .ot

(+AT drops a ruc"sac" on the ground)

3eat: 8ot much> 7ts mainl$ #lastics and h$drocarbons> But; e .ot a sheet o( tin that e

can obble> %ome #ebbles that make a nice rattle; and a bottle e can blo across;

and a #iece o( ire to tan.>

Brit: %eet; seet musicC 7( onl$ e could (ind another bit o( ood to ban. a.ainst the

one eve .ot>

3eat: FeahC

(she throws her arms round him, then bac"s off and puts her hands on her hips)

@h; $ou nau.ht$ bo$C 7 think 7ve (ound a #iece o( ood ri.ht hereC

Brit: @h $eahC 8o> Four ob is to take this stu(( back to the Heartbreak>

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3eat: And %'m giving it all

Both: % want it all" % want it all" % want it all" and % want it now

% want it all" % want it all" % want it all" and % want it now

% want it all" % want it all" % want it all" and % want it now

% want it all" % want it all" % want it all" and % want it

% want it" % want it" % want it now

% want it all!

(we hear %oices off stage. 4-IT and +AT hide behind the %an. A/I/+! and

A-A!2$+ enter from the bac" of the stage. A/I/+! is 8umping about

enthusiastically, A-A!2$+ is 8ust mooching along)

?alileo: 3$ hole li(e; 7 mean all m$ li(e; 7ve ala$s knon that 7 had some kind o(

 #ur#ose; $kno; some s#ecial destin$C That has to mean somethin.; surel$>

%caramouche: @h; it does> That $oure a sel(-im#ortant; arro.ant arsehole>

+ine - hat s#ecial destin$

?alileo: 7t has to do ith the stu(( 7 dream> The voices - the$ ala$s come back to the same

thin.> Well - 7 see a bi.; ide s#ace> And #eo#le - #eo#le ever$here> And noise -hu.e; hu.e noiseC And then - then come the ords>

%caramouche: @oh; hat ords (sarcastic)

?alileo: %eek out the #lace o( livin. rock> A bri.ht; bri.ht star ill lead the a$> ?o to

here the cham#ions #la$edC

%caramouche: %ounds like bollocks to me>

?alileo: He$C Fkno; 7 dreamed a name (or $ou too; 7 think>

%caramouche: Ho could $ou do that 7 mean; $ou onl$ met me toda$>

?alileo: Fes; but 7 ala$s kne 7d meet $ou> 7 ala$s kne there as another rebel rebel

out there; another ild thin.>

%caramouche: @ka$ - so hat do $ou ant to call me

?alileo: %caramouche>

%caramouche: %caramouche 7snt that bit - sort o( - cra#

?alileo: Well; 7 did dream some others; but (rankl$ 7 thou.ht it as the best>

%caramouche: What ere the others

?alileo: on. tall %all$> Honk$-tonk oman> uc$ in the sk$ ith diamonds> @r (at-

 bottomed .irl>

%caramouche: @ka$; 7ll take %caramouche> %caramoucheC Actuall$; 7 quite like it> %ounds kinda

anarchic> 7ts almost like hat 7 think the$ used to call a tune>

?alileo: A tune FeahI

%caramouche; %caramouche - ill $ou do the (andan.o

%caramouche: Fou tr$in. to .et in m$ #ants

?alileo: 8oC

%caramouche: Whats doin. the (andan.o

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?alileo: 7 think #erha#s its dancin.>

%caramouche: Fou mean like ?a?a moves E&cuse me hile 7 #uke> ?lobalso(t rite the son.s;

then ork out the ste#s; and ever$ kid on 'lanet 3all does e&actl$ the same thin.>

?alileo: 8o - 7 think that there as a time hen dancin. asnt like that> When it as more

(ree> Fou kno ind o( individuall$ e&#ressive>

(A/I/+! dances, allegedly)

%caramouche: 7 dont think 7ve ever seen an$thin. quite so embarassin. in m$ li(e>

?alileo: Well; it looks better hen 7m holdin. a tennis racket>

%caramouche: 7t ould have toC

?alileo: ook> 3a$be doin. the (andan.o is ust about bein. (riends>

%caramouche: +riends Well; 7 never had a (riend>

?alileo: Fou ama,e me>

%caramouche: 7 ala$s thou.ht 7d quite like one; thou.h>

?alileo: %o; e are (riends then

%caramouche: 7( $ou ant>

?alileo: @h; 7 do; 7 reall$ doC

%caramouche: @ka$ - so ere (riends>

?alileo: This is so coolC

%caramouche: As lon. as $ou #romise to ork on $our dancin.>

3eat: ets .et themC

(+AT and 4-IT run out from behind the %an. 4-IT grabs A/I/+! and sho%es

him against the side of the %an. +AT tries to grab A-A!2$+ but has less


3eat: !uick; bitchC Whered $our bo$(riend .et those ords

%caramouche: What ords

3eat: He calls $ou %caramoucheC Hes read the (ra.ments; he knos the hol$ te&tsC

?alileo: 7 dont kno an$ hol$ te&ts; 7 dont kno hat $oure talkin. aboutC

Brit: on. tall %all$C Honk$-tonk omanC The ords; man; the ords (rom the #astC

3eat: Fouve seen the (ra.ments - $ouve been to the Heartbreak HotelC Foure a s#$C

?alileo: 8o; 7 said 7 dont kno hat $oure talkin. about; 7 hear these ords in m$ head;

thats allC

Brit: Who are $ou

?alileo: 7 dont knoC Wh$ do #eo#le kee# askin. me that 7 am the alrusC This is 3aor

Tom to ?round )ontrol> )an $ou hear the drums; +ernando 7 am the dancin.


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Brit: Fou ust hear these hol$ ords; in $our head

?alileo: FesC 7 dont kno here the$ come (romC 7ts drivin. me mad; all these #hrases and

sounds; ust stu#id; useless #hrasesI>7 mean; hat the hell is a tambourine man

Whats the stor$; mornin. .lor$ Who WA% the real %lim %had$ 7ts tortureC But

all 7 kno; and 7 dont even kno h$ 7 kno it; is that 7 reall$; reall$; reall$ anna


Brit: 3eat; 7 think eve (ound himC This dudes the oneC Hes the manC

3eat: 7 sa$ hes a s#$C

Brit: 8oC Hes the reamerC The one eve been aitin. (orC

3eat: Then test himC And his chickC

%caramouche: His chick What am 7 no; #oultr$

3eat: Test himC

Brit: +ama" ,ust killed a man:ut a gun against his head

:ulled my trigger" now he's dead

(4-IT points at A/I/+!, who hesitates before continuing)

?alileo: +ama" li#e had ,ust begun

)ut now %'ve gone and thrown it all away

Brit: He knos the te&t - but hes never read itC Hes the manC

3eat: But hat does it mean Tell usC Who is 3ama; hos been killed; h$ has it all

 been thron aa$

?alileo: 7 dont knoC

3eat: Weve been searchin. (or the meanin. all our livesC

?alileo: 7 said; 7 dont kno; 7 see these thin.s in m$ mind; thats allC

+ama" ooh/ooh/ooh/ooh /

(+AT and 4-IT grab him to shut him up)

Brit: Fou have to come ith us>

3eat: 8ot her> We dont need her>

?alileo: He$; 7m not .oin. an$here ithout %caramouche>

%caramouche: Who sa$s 7 ant to .o an$here These #eo#le could be killersC

Brit: We are; bab$C illers; thrillers; and bi,millahsC

3eat: Were the resistance - the last ho#eC

Brit: We are the bohemiansC

3eat: And no $ou have a choice> Are $ou read$ to break (ree

Brit: o $ou ant it all

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All: Headlong down the highway

And you're rushing headlong out o# control

And you think you're so strong

)ut there ain't no stoing

3eat: And you can't sto rockin'

All: And there's nothin' you can" nothin' you can

$othin' you can do about it 

%caramouche: Wherere e .oin.

3eat: Were .oin. donC

(the %an and the streetlamps disappear. A collage of sweet, fast food and clothing

logos scrolls up and the $eartbrea" $otel forms at the bac" of the stage as the

 song continues)

?alileo: When a red hot man meets a white hot lady

All: o diddy diddy" oo diddy doo

%caramouche: -oon the #ire starts to burn and gets 'em more than hal# cra3y

All: o diddy diddy" oo diddy doo

?alileo: h" now they start #reaking everywhere you turn

You can't start walking 'cos your #eet got burned

3eat: %t ain't no time to #igure wrong #rom right

Cause reasons out the window" better hold on tight

All: Headlong down the highway

And you're rushing headlong" out o# control

And you think you're so strong

)ut there ain't no stoing and there's

Brit: $othing

3eat: $othing

?alileo: $othing

%caramouche: $othing

All: $othing you can" nothing you can

$othing you can do about it


Brit: Welcome to the Heartbreak HotelC

(the $eartbrea" $otel turns out to be the old, bro"en down Tottenham ourt -oad

tube station. !ther 4!$+IA* come on stage)

Bi. 3acca: Whore these to; Brit

Brit: 7 think 7ve (ound him> The one eve been aitin. (or>

Bi. 3acca: The reamer 0ust because he has a leather acket does not make him the ild one>

ooks like a clone (rom the ,one to me>

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Brit: He calls himsel( ?alileo>

Bi. 3acca: ?alileo Then he must have seen the te&tsC Hes a s#$C

3eat: Thats hat 7 saidC

(4!$+IA* head towards A/I/+!, threateningly)

Brit: ook; an$one ho ants to kill the dude has to come #ast meC

(the 4!$+IA* are suitably scared, and bac" off)

He hasnt seen the te&ts> Ho could he We .uard them ith our livesC

3eat: He sa$s he dreams the ords>

Brit: He calls the chick %caramouche>

%caramouche: What is this chick business o 7 have (eathers o 7 la$ e..s

Bi. 3acca: He$C Bab$C We believe there as a time; hen i( a cool dude ished to re(er to his

red hot momma; he ould use the term chick> 7t as a mark o( res#ect> %econd

onl$ to bitch>

%caramouche: %omethin. tells me $ouve .ot that ron.>

Bi. 3acca: Well; ell; ere .ettin. o(( the #oint here> The #oint is that this dude is a s#$>

?alileo: 7 dont kno hat $oure talkin. aboutC 7 didnt ask to be brou.ht hereC 7 dont kno

ho $ou #eo#le are; or an$thin. about $our stu#id te&tsC

Brit: ook; he ust knos the stu((C 7ts in his headC

?alileo: What are these te&ts; an$a$

Bi. 3acca: 0ust (ra.ments; nothin. more> %tu(( that e; and other bohemians across the ?lobal

%ho##in. 'recinct have (ound>

Aretha <=: Feah; tons o( stu((> 3a.a,ines -

%caramouche: What 3a.-a-,ines

Bi. 3acca: The$ ere like ebsites; but made o( #a#er> Fou could touch them> And #osters;

hich ere eird; static commercials; stuck to alls> We take our names (rom

these clues to the a.e o( rock>

Aretha: 7m Aretha>

Bi. 3acca: And 7 am 'aul 3c)artne$> The$ call me Bi. 3acca>

3eat: 7m 3eat> 3eatloa(>

3adonna: 7m 3adonna>

'rince: The$ call me 'rince>

)li((: 7m )li(( "ichard>

0ackson 5: 0ackson +ive>

Bob: And 7m Bob> Bob the #oetL Bob the rebelL Bob the #ro#het - 7 am Bob the Builder>

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?alileo: And ho are $ou (to 4-IT)

Brit: 3e 7m the bi..est; baddest; meanest; nastiest; u.liest; most ra.in.; ra##in.;

rocknroll; sick; #unk; heav$ metal #s$cho bastard that ever .ot .et-don (unk$>

The$ call me - Britne$ %#ears>

?alileo: And hat is this #lace; this Heartbreak Hotel

Bi. 3acca: 7ts a rebel baseC The last (ree-thinkin. ,one on 'lanet 3allC

%caramouche: But hod $ou .et all this .reat stu((

3eat: We (ind itC Were scaven.ers> Theres tons o( it i( $ou kno here to look> Here;

hel# $oursel( i( $ou like> (indicating a shopping cart full of clothes)

%caramouche: ike 7 used to dream about .ettin. m$ hands on .ear like thisC

3eat: Well; .et some on $ouC Foure a bohemian noC

%caramouche: @oh; hat do $ou think about a red corset

3eat: @h; that is so $ou -

Bi. 3acca: ?irls; #leaseC 7 am talkin. to the manC

3eat: 3akes a chan.e (rom talkin. out o( $our bum> (to A-A!2$+) ?o on; hen;

theres loads back there>

(A-A!2$+ e1its)

Bi. 3acca: As 7 as sa$in.> This is a rebel base> But it is also a shrine> A shrine to ever$thin.

e believe in> And; a #lace to remember the lon. dead kin.>

?alileo: What kin.

Bi. 3acca: ittle is knon about him; e&ce#t that his name as 'elvis> A kid (rom nohere;

ho san. like an an.el; and danced like the devil> A teena.e truck driver ho broke

(ree to become a mi.ht$ rebel - a rebel that s#aned a thousand rebelsC

'rince: But he as too ild; too (ree> And hen he i..led his hi#s he made the kids (eel

.ood about themselvesC %o the$ took him and the$ cut o(( his hair>

Bi. 3acca: The$ shaved o(( his cool; .reas$; standu# qui((; like he as a convictI

'rince: Iand the$ #ut him in the arm$>

Aretha: Then the$ humiliated him> The kin. as (orced to make (oolish movies; sin.in.

nurser$ rh$mes to .an.s o( .rinnin. children> He as ashamed> 7t broke his s#irit>

He took re(u.e in dru.s; #ills and (ast (ood>

Bi. 3acca: 0ust like a million kids that (olloed> The kin. as dead; and man$ kin.s and

heroes died therea(ter> Their son.s are lost; but their names live on> We remember

the ones that died $oun.> Budd$ Holl$> 0imi Hendri&>

Aretha: urt )obain>

Bob: 0anis 0o#lin>

'rince: 0im 3orrisson>

Bi. 3acca: Bob 3arle$> 0ohn ennon>

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3eat: +redd$I

A hand above the water

An angel reaching #or the sky

%s it raining in Heaven

9o you want us to cry

And everywhere the broken/hearted

n every lonely avenue$o one could reach them

$o one but you

ne by one

nly the good die young

They're only #lying to close to the sun

.i#e goes on

Without you

Another tricky situation

% get to drowning in the bluesAnd % #ind mysel# thinking

What would you do

Yes" it was such an oeration

5orever aying every due

Hell" you made a sensation &sensation!(

You #ound a way through &#ound a way through(


All: And one by one

nly the good die youngThey're only #lying too close to the sun

3eat: We'll remember" #orever

And now the arty must be over

% guess we'll never understand

The sense o# your leaving

Was it the way it was lanned

And so we grace another table

And raise our glasses one more timeThere's a #ace at the window

And % ain't never" never saying goodbye

All: ne by one

nly the good die young

They're only #lying too close to the sun

3eat: Crying #or nothing

Crying #or no one

$o one but you

?alileo: %o - $ou mean all those heroes died (or rocknroll But hat is rocknroll

Brit: ?a,,a; bab$C "ocknroll is an$thin. $ou ant it to beC

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)li((: 7ts se&C

'rince: 7ts st$leC

Brit: 7ts rebellionC

Bi. 3acca: 7ts (reedomC

?alileo: Fes; but - hat actuall$ is it

Bi. 3acca: We dont kno>

(enter A-A!2$+, newly attired)

%caramouche: Ta daC

3eat: He$; this .irl has tasteC

%caramouche: What do $ou mean 7ts all $our stu((C

3eat: Feah; but its all about the combinationsC 7snt that ri.ht; 'rince

'rince: "i.htC E&actl$C

Bi. 3acca: 'eo#le; #leaseC 7m talkin. to the manC

Brit: Fou tell em; Bi. 3accaC

Bi. 3acca: All e kno is that there came a da$ hen rocknroll - died> But; e all believe

that in time; there ill come a man ho carries the #ast ithin him> %omeone ho

can remember> %omehere on 'lanet 3all there are instruments; there must be> 7(

Britne$ is ri.ht; $ou are the man ho can (ind them>

?alileo: But 7 dont even kno hat the$ look likeC

Brit: 7 doC

(4-IT goes off stage and returns with an instrument made out of a tea chest, a pole

and some wire)

7ve been orkin. on this (or monthsC )ant #la$ it thou.h>

(another bohemian ta"es it and pluc"s a few notes)

%eet; seet noiseC And hen $ou .et that vibe; all $ou need is $our bab$C Fousee; ?alileo; hat #asses (or music these da$s is onl$ created (or mone$; hich is

h$ it has no soul> But hen rocknroll started; do $ou kno h$ the$ did it

?alileo: 8o; h$

Brit: The$ did it (or their babies; o( courseC The$ did it (or a cra,$ little thin. called

loveC @h $eahC

This thing called love % ,ust can't handle it

3eat: This thing called love % must get round to it

Brit: % ain't ready

Both: Cra3y little thing called love

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3eat: This thing &this thing(

Called love &called love(

%t cries &like a baby(

%n a cradle all night

Brit: %t swings &woo woo(

%t ,ives &woo woo(

%t shakes all over like a ,elly #ish

Both: % kinda like it

Cra3y little thing called love

Brit: There goes my baby

-he knows how to rock 'n' roll

-he drives me cra3y

-he gives me hot and cold #ever

-he leaves me in a cool cool sweat

h yeah

% gotta be cool" rela0" get hi

And get on my tracks

Take a back seat" hitchhike

Take a long ride on my motorbike

;ntil %'m ready

Cra3y little thing called love

?alileo: % gotta be cool" rela0" get hi

And get on my tracks

%caramouche: Take a back seat

?alileo: Hitchhike

%caramouche: And take a long ride on my motorbike

All: ;ntil %'m ready

Cra3y little thing called love

This thing called love % ,ust can't handle it

This thing called love % must get round to it

% ain't ready

Cra3y little thing called love

Cra3y little thing called love

Cra3y little thing called love

Cra3y little thing called love

Cra3y little thing called love

Cra3y little thing called love

Cra3y little thing called love

Cra3y little thing called love

h yeah!

(sirens sound. &$A$!I and se%eral ! appear in and around the


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hasho..i: @h $eah indeed> %o (inall$ 7m checkin. into the Heartbreak Hotel> %o; 3r

3c)artne$; 7 sa$ hello; and $ou sa$ .oodb$eI

Brit: 8oC Foull never take the reamer hile 7m aliveC

(5ight, to the intro of '!gre 4attle'. The !s herd the 4!$+IA* off, and fight

 4-IT, who collapses to the floor. /ights out, safety curtain down, house lights up

 for the inter%al)

We Will Rock You

ACT =(the curtain rises on two rows of !*2+-, one on a tier abo%e the other, in front of the %ideo screens)

)onsumers: ne lan" one goal

ne mission

$o heart" no soul

<ust one solution

ne #lash o# light

Yeah" one od" one vision

ne #lesh" one bonene true religion

ne voice" one hoe

ne real decision


h yeah" oh yeah" oh yeah

?alileo <vGo=: % had a dream when % was young



A dream o# sweet illusion

?alileo <vGo=: A glimse o# hoe and unity



And visions o# one sweet union



)ut a cold wind blows

And a dark rain #alls

And in my heart it shows

.ook what they've done to my dreams

)onsumers: ne vision

ive us your hand" give us your heartReady There's only one direction

ne world" one nation

ne television

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$o hate" no #ight

<ust e0citation

All through the night

%t's a celebration

Wowowowowowo yeah

ne one one one one one one

All we hear is radio a a

*ideo oo oo

%nternet a a

All we hear is cybersace a a

%nternet a a

+arketing blah/blah

h" oh!

ne #lesh" one bone

ne true religion

ne voice" one hoene real decision

ive us one light" yeah

ive us one hoe" hey

<ust give us

ne lan" one scam

ne star" one night" one day" hey hey

<ust gimme" gimme" gimme" gimme

5ried chicken

&vision" vision" vision" vision" vision(

(the %ideo screens disappear and the %an is bac", plus a bac"drop of graffiti'd concrete.

A/I/+! and A-A!2$+ climb up through a trapdoor stage left)

?alileo: Ho did hasho..i (ind the Heartbreak Hotel

%caramouche: He must have some a$ o( trackin. usC

?alileo: The hos#italC When the$ o#erated on our headsC

(he peers at A-A!2$+'s hair) 

7 think 7ve (ound somethin.C

(A-A!2$+ produces a pen"nife and hands it to him)

%caramouche: )ut it outC

?alileo: What

%caramouche: ?a,,a; i( there are bu.s in our heads; then the #olice ill track us don in hoursC )ut it


(he does)

?alileo: Hes had us (rom the startC Hes heard ever$thin.C

(A-A!2$+ ta"es the bug from him and tal"s into it)

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%caramouche: HelloC 'ervertC 7ts a short sentence; the second ord is o((>

?alileo: All ri.ht; no me>

(she does so and peers at both the bugs)

@; crush them>

%caramouche: What; a cou#le o( state-o(-the-art micro-transceivers 8o a$; 7ll ust activate thema&imum ne.ativit$ s#ectrum>

?alileo: What

%caramouche: 7ll turn them o((>

(they sit on the edge of the mattress that is, con%eniently, inside the %an)

?alileo: 7ts over; %caramouche> o $ou realise that The bohemians are (inished> The Heartbreak

Hotel is destro$ed> @nl$ e esca#ed>

%caramouche: Britne$ %#ears died to save us> To save $ou>

?alileo: And he ill not die in vainC 7ts u# to us; no> Were #art o( the underorld; %caramouche>

Fou; and me> )ast adri(t> Theres no turnin. back no> 8ot ever>

%caramouche: 7 never belon.ed an$a$> id $ou notice - $ouve lost $our stutter

?alileo: Well; 7 (eel di((erent>

%caramouche: Were both di((erent> +or the (irst time in m$ li(e; 7 dont hate m$sel(>

?alileo: And 7 dont ant to die> 7ve (ound somethin. to live (or>

%caramouche: The dream

?alileo: 8o; $ouC

ButI>>e ill be cau.ht in the end> Fou kno that; dont $ou

%caramouche: Feah> 7 kno> And #robabl$ killed>

?alileo: 7 love $ou; %caramouche>

%caramouche: 7 love $ou too; ?a,>

?alileo: o $ou think; ust this once; $ou could use m$ (ull name

%caramouche: 7 love $ou too; ?a,,aI>+i,,aI>

?alileo: Then i( 7 have $our love; time doesnt matter much at all; does it

%caramouche: There's no time #or us

There's no lace #or us

What is this thing that builds our dreams

Yet slis away #rom us

Who wants to live #orever

Both: Who wants to live #oreverWho

?alileo: There's no chance #or us

%t's all decided #or us

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This world has only one sweet moment set aside #or us

Who wants to live #orever

Both: Who wants to live #orever


Who dares to love #orever

?alileo: h" when love must die!

%caramouche: )ut touch my tears with your lis

?alileo: Touch my world with your #ingertis

Both: And we can have #orever

And we can love #orever

?alileo: 5orever is ours today

Both: Who wants to live #orever

Who wants to live #orever

%caramouche: 5orever is ours

?alileo: Who waits #orever" anyway

(they "iss and disappear inside the %an. 5ade to blac", then lights up to re%eal si1

 4!$+IA* (including +AT and -I*+), seated, each with a I*I!* to their

right. &$A$!I is suspended in, well, a ship)

hasho..i: What do $ou kno o( the #hrase livin. rock Where is the #lace o( cham#ions

Bohemian 1: The$re (reedom ords; #i.C Words the reamer usedC We dont kno hat the$ meanC

3inion 1: He tells the truth; )ommander hasho..i> 7ve a##lied a search #ro.ram to one o( his

 brain (unctions and 7 (ind no evidence o( deceit>

hasho..i: 'it$C Hurt him an$a$C

(the 4!$+IA* 8er"s bac"ward)

Bohemians: 5lash! Aah!

hasho..i: And 7 ould rather $ou did not call me #i.>

Bohemian : 'i.s too .ood (or $ouC

hasho..i: Hurt her; tooC

Bohemians: 5lash! Aah!

hasho..i: 7n (act - hurt them allC

Bohemians: 5lash! Aah!

hasho..i: +or hat its orth; $our reamer knos no more about the #lace o( livin. rock than $ou

or 7> Hes ust a #oor idiot; #arrotin. #hrases he does not understand> %till; he lead me to

$ou; and (or that 7 am .rate(ul>

'rince: Are $ou .oin. to kill us

hasho..i: 'lease; 3r 'rinceC ?lobalso(t is not some medieval inquisitionC Were merel$ .oin. to kill

$our souls - and em#t$ $our brains o( such absurd notions as real music and individual

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Bohemian 1: Foure sendin. us to the %even %eas o( "h$eC

hasho..i: 'recisel$> 're#are the helmets>

(each I*I!* places an orange helmet on a 4!$+IA*'s head)

3eat: reamerC +ollo usC Bohemians; .ive him $our #oerC 3ake $our last thou.hts the


hasho..i: ?ood ni.ht; 3iss oa(I>

Bohemians: 8ooooooC

hasho..i: 5ear me you lords and lady reachers

% descend uon your 2arth #rom the skies

% command your very souls you unbelievers

)ring be#ore me what is mine

The seven seas o# Rhye

Can you hear me you eers and rivy councillors

% stand be#ore you naked to the eyes

% will destroy any man who dares abuse my trust

% swear that you'll be mine

The seven seas o# Rhye


-ister / % live and lie #or you

+ister / do and %'ll die

You are mine % ossess you

% belong to you #orever/ever/ever/aah

(&$A$!I lea%es his ship and dances past the row of 4!$+IA*. !ne by one,

their minds are emptied)

-torm the master/marathon %'ll #ly through

)y #lash and thunder/#ire and

%'ll survive / %'ll survive / %'ll survive

Then %'ll de#y the laws o# nature and come out alive

Then %'ll get you

)e gone with you / you shod and shady senators

ive out the good" leave out the bad evil cries% challenge the mighty Titan and his troubadours

And with a smile

%'ll take you to the seven seas o# Rhye

Bohemians: h" % do like to be beside the seaside

h" % do like to be beside the sea

There are lots o# girls beside" oh % do like to be beside

)eside the seaside" beside the sea

(fade to blac", then lights up to show the %an again. It is the ne1t morning)

?alileo: 3eatloa( - no - 'rince - ar.hC The %even %eas o( "h$eC(he throws bac" the curtain and sits up. A-A!2$+ wa"es and sits up beside him)

%caramouche: Well; .ood mornin. ?a,,aC @r #erha#s 7 should use $our (ull name - %ha.ileo ?i.oloI>

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%caramouche: E&actl$C Which is h$ its stu#id o( $ou to risk $our li(eC 7m dis#ensable> Fou should sta$


?alileo: @h; ri.ht> ike 7m .oin. to let m$ chick (i.ht m$ battles (or me>

%caramouche: et $our chickC E&cuse me; but at hat #oint in this relationshi# did $ou take the

arsehole #illC

?alileo: Thats it; %caramoucheC 3ust ever$thin. ala$s be a (i.ht ith $ou 7 thou.ht $oudmelloed outC

%caramouche: Well; 7 haventC

?alileo: Well; its reall$ startin. to irritate meC

%caramouche: @h no> 3$ heart ust broke>

?alileo: ook; $oure m$ .irl(riendC 7 ant to #rotect $ouC

%caramouche: 8o; $ou think ust because $ou .ot $our le. over that $ou on me; or somethin.C

?alileo: Fou are such a #ain ith this constant (emale assertion thin.C

%caramouche: +ineC Well; at least e kno no here e standC

?alileo: Fes; e doC

%caramouche: Which is not to.etherC

?alileo: Well - i( $ou sa$ soC

%caramouche: "i.htC +rom no on; our relationshi# is #urel$ #ro(essional> Weve .ot a ob to do; and

ell do it; and thats all>

?alileo: Well; suits meC But 7m .oin. to the %even %easC

(he climbs through the trapdoor stage left and slams it after him. A-A!2$+

climbs halfway into the trapdoor stage right and shouts after him)

%caramouche: Well; so am 7C And i(; hen e .et there; $ou .et cau.ht; and the ream is lost; and the

kids are enslaved till the end o( time - ell; $oure .oin. to (eel a bit blood$ stu#id; thats


(she lea%es, slamming the trapdoor after her. The scene changes to &I//+- Q2++*'s

li%ing room)

"ecordin.: Are you gonna take me home tonight

Ah" down beside that red #irelight

Are you gonna let it all hang out

5at/bottomed girls" you make the rocking world go round

(enter the &I//+- Q2++* and &$A$!I)

hasho..i: 3aam; 7 brin. s#lendid nesC 3$ o((icers have been success(ul in breakin. u# the

 bohemian stron.holdC The Heartbreak Hotel is destro$edC

iller !ueen: But hasho..i - this is onder(ulC 7ncredibleC A trium#hC The resistance is vanquishedC

Weve onC

hasho..i: Fes; maam> n(ortunatel$ -

iller !ueen: Tonight! %'m gonna have mysel# a real good time

% #eel alive

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And the world is turning inside out

5loating around in ecstasy


hasho..i: 3aam; i( 7 mi.ht ust interru#t -

iller !ueen: 9on't sto me now!

hasho..i: 3aam; 7 hate to do it; but -

iller !ueen: 9on't sto me" 'cause %'m having a good time

Having a good time

%'m a shooting star leaing through the sky

.ike a tiger" de#ying the laws o# gravity /

hasho..i: 3aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamCC

(&I//+- Q2++* stops singing and gi%es &$A$!I a filthy loo")

7m a(raid $ou didnt let me (inish> We broke u# the bohemian stron.hold; but 7 (ear thereamer - and his bad-arsed babe - sli##ed our clutches> But 7 dont (oresee this as a

 #roblem -

iller !ueen: Fou lost them

hasho..i: ost them onl$ in the sense o(; dont kno here the$ are>

iller !ueen: Fou (oolC Fou imbecileC Fou talentless; (lat-(ooted ') 'lodC Those to #athetic losers are

makin. idiots o( usC

hasho..i: The$ are individuals; maamC The most dan.erous enem$ o( allC 7d rather (ace a massed

arm$ o( nuclear-#oered c$ber-co#s that one cra,$ kid ith a dream>

iller !ueen: ont be ridiculous>

hasho..i: All ri.ht; #erha#s 7 as #itchin. it a bit stron.> But the #oint is; ere currentl$ stretched

to the limitC The summer heat is intense> Were encounterin. serious civil disorder> The

rivers and seas that rose ith .lobal armin. are recedin. a.ain as the #lanet deh$drates>

iller !ueen: Who cares 7 like hot eather>

hasho..i: Were havin. to drain the lakes sim#l$ to su##l$ the coke dis#ensers in the multi#le&es>

iller !ueen: Thats absurd>

hasho..i: Well; have $ou seen the si,e o( the cu#s these da$s The$ve been .ettin. bi..er (or three

hundred $ears> "e.ular is no the si,e o( a dustbin> @nl$ last eek a small child (ell into

her %#rite and droned>

iller !ueen: 7 am sick o( e&cuses; )ommander hasho..i> And 7 am also sick o( $ou> With $our

ear$; sneer$; #ose$; schmose$; look at me; 7m earin. sun.lasses in doors cra#C @ilin.

round the #lace ith $our snoot$ little boot$ in $our Armani suit$>

hasho..i: Actuall$; maam; its 3J%> The$ve reall$ rather raised their .ame recentl$; dont $ou


iller !ueen: 8eed 7 remind $ou; that as ell as bein. businessoman o( the $ear; 7 am also d$namite

ith a laser beamC

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hasho..i: @h; nobod$ admires $ou more than 7 do maam; $our .entle manner; $our quiet;

unassumin. sense o( st$le; $our kind and (or.ivin. nature -

iller !ueen: Fou kno hat ha##ens to #eo#le ho dissa#oint meC 7 think 7ll have to blo $our mindC

(enter chorus of 6+ T$I*)


-he walks warily down the street

With her brim ulled way down low

Ain't no sound but the sound o# her #eet

+achine guns ready to go


Are you ready" are you ready #or this

Are you hanging on the edge o# your seat

ut o# the doorway the bullets ri

To the sound o# the beat

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone and another one gone

Another one bites the dust" eh

Hey" %'m gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust

How do you think %'m going to get along

Without you when you're gone

% took you #or everything that you've gotAnd kicked you out on your own

Are you hay Are you satis#ied

How long can you stand the heat

ut o# the doorway the bullets ri

To the sound o# the beat

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone and another one gone

Another one bites the dust

Hey" %'m gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust


Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust" hey hey

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

There are lenty o# ways that you can hurt a manAnd bring him to the ground

You can beat him

You can cheat him

You can treat him bad and leave him

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When he's down" yeah

)ut %'m ready" yes %'m ready #or you

%'m standing on my own two #eet

ut o# the doorway the bullets ri

Reeating to the sound o# the beat


Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

And another one gone and another one gone

Yes" another one bites the dust

Hey" %'m gonna get you too

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust" hey hey

Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dustYeah" yeah" yeah!

(two I*I!* enter, put an orange helmet on &$A$!I's head, and descend with

him into the stage. /ights out then up again on a clear stage with the graffiti'd concrete

bac"drop. A/I/+! wal"s on from up stage left, followed by A-A!2$+)

%caramouche: @iC @7C %lo don; ill $ouC

?alileo: 8oC Fou kee# u#C

%caramouche: 7ve .ot shorter le.s than $ou>

?alileo: ont orr$; $our mouth makes u# (or it>

%caramouche: Well; $ou didnt have an$ obections to it last ni.htC

?alileo: That as belo the belt>

%caramouche: Which seems to be all $ou think omen are an$ .ood (orC

?alileo: He$C This isnt some (eminist achievement course ere on; hereC 7ts a battle as bi. as the


%caramouche: 8o; its as bi. as $our e.o; more like>

?alileo: 3e E.otistical et me ust .et a (e thin.s strai.ht; all ri.ht Fou are a .irl> Foure

sloer than me; eaker than me -

%caramouche: )leverer than $ou -

?alileo: What 0ust because $ou reversed the #olarit$ on a cou#le o( micro-transceivers -

%caramouche: Feah

?alileo: Well; m$ intelli.ence is more abstract> 7 have the mind o( an artist>

%caramouche: A #iss artist; more like>

?alileo: A rock artistC And 7ve .ot a orld to save; so i( $ou hold me u# -

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%caramouche: Hold $ou u#C isten; mateC Were in this to.etherC And des#ite the (act that $ou are a sel(-

ri.hteous; arro.ant little #rick - 7m sta$in.>

?alileo: Well; suit $oursel(>

%caramouche: ont orr$> 7 ill>

?alileo: Feah>

%caramouche: Feah>

?alileo: What

%caramouche: What

?alileo: He$C

%caramouche: He$C

?alileo: FeahC

Here we stand or here we #allHistory won't care at all

Wake the dead" #ight the #ight

.ady +ercy won't be home tonight


Both: You don't waste no time at all

?alileo: 9on't hear the bell but you answer the call

Both: %t comes to you as to us all

%caramouche: You're ,ust waiting #or the hammer to #allHey!

?alileo: Hey!

%caramouche: Yeah!

?alileo: Yeah" the hammer to #all!

%caramouche: 2very night" and every day

A little iece o# you is #alling away

)ut li#t your #ace" the western way" babe

)uild your muscles as your body decays


Both: Toe your line and lay their game

%caramouche: .et the anaesthetic cover it all

Both: Till one day they call your name

?alileo: You know it's time #or the hammer to #all

Hey! The hammer to #all!

%caramouche: Rich or oor or #amous

5or your truth it's all the same

.ock your door but rain is ouring

Through your windowane

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)aby now your struggle's all in vain

Both: What the hell we #ighting #or

?alileo: <ust surrender and it won't hurt at all

Both: You ,ust got time to say your rayers

While you're waiting #or the hammer to" hammer to #all

The hammer to #allHey Yeah

The hammer to" hammer to" hammer to #all

?alileo: ive it to me one more time!

%caramouche: 7n> Four> reams> 3ate>

(he stal"s off. A/I/+! follows her. ! climbs up through a trapdoor centre stage,

carrying a beer crate)

'o#: -ometimes % get to thinking

% was back in the old days" long agoWhen we were kids" when we were young

Things seemed so er#ect then / you know

The days were endless

We were cra3y" we were young

The sun was always shining

We ,ust lived #or #un

-ometimes it seems like lately / % ,ust don't know

The rest o# my li#e's been ,ust a show

(the bac"drop goes up and re%eal a barroom scene. The bac" of the stage and part of the

bar are co%ered in white drapes. The 4!$+IA* sit slumped at tables. ! puts the

crate on the bar and wal"s around room, replacing drin"s and wiping the tables)

'o# J


Those were the days o# our lives

The bad things in li#e were so #ew

Those days are all gone now but one thing remains

'o#: When % look and % #ind no change

You can't turn back the clock" you can't turn back the tide

Ain't that a shame

%'d like to go back one time on a roller coaster ride

When li#e was ,ust a game

$o use in sitting and thinkin' on what you didYou can lay back and en,oy it through the kids

-ometimes it seems like lately / % ,ust don't know

)etter sit back and go with the #low


'o# J


These are the days o# our lives

They've #lown in the swi#tness o# time

These days are all gone now but one thing remains

'o#: When % look and % #ind

Hoe still survives

h yeah

(A/I/+! and A-A!2$+ enter, stage right)

?alileo: 3eatloa(C ?u$s; $oure all hereC @h; its so .ood to see $ouC

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%caramouche: Ho did $ou esca#e

?alileo: This is (antasticC The bohemians are backC The (i.ht is onC

(the 4!$+IA* loo" at A/I/+! and A-A!2$+ blan"ly)

Bi. 3acca: o 7 kno $ou; kid

?alileo: But - its me; Bi. 3acca> Fou kno> The man> The reamer> ?alileo +i.aro>

Bi. 3acca: 8ah; never heard o( him> Bu$ us a drink>

?alileo: What

3eat: )ome on; $ou heard the man; bu$ us a soddin drinkC

?alileo: 3eatloa(

'o#: Four (riends arent there; dude> Their bodies are; but their s#irits have .one> The$ve been


?alileo: What do $ou mean

'o#: This is here the$ all come - the .u$s and chicks ho tried to break on throu.h to the

other side; and (ailed> The$ come to dron themselves in the %even %eas o( "h$e> "h$e

hisk$; man> The last com(ort o( those ho have rocked>

%caramouche: %o - h$ do the$ come here

'o#: Fou mean a#art (rom in order to .et #ermanentl$ #issed

%caramouche: Fes>

'o#: There is somethin. about this #lace> 7ts as i( theres a s#irit here> on. a.o; be(ore .lobalarmin.; the lake as much smaller> Who knos; #erha#s theres somethin. don there;

 beneath the ater> %omethin. these ashed-out mothers need to be close to>

%caramouche: %o ho are $ou

'o#: 7 as a librarian; astral babe> 7n the #lace here the$ kee# the secret histories> 7 .ot a little

too interested in the stu(( 7 as readin.>

%caramouche: id the$ #rocess $ou

'o#: The$ tried to; but 7 .uess 7 kne too much> The$ couldnt ,a# it all> 7 ma$ be #rett$

screed u#; but 7m still the most to.ether .u$ here at the %even %eas> Thats h$ 7m the barman>

%caramouche: %o $ou remember somethin. o( hat $ou read @( the secret histories

'o#: 7 remember one stor$> A le.end so stron. and #oer(ul the$ could not i#e it (rom m$

 brain> Would $ou like to here it>

%caramouche: 8ah; 7 thou.ht ed ust have a drink and bu..er o((> @( course e ant to hear it; $ou

hair$ old .itC

'o#: WhoaC That is one .uts$ chick; manC 7 bet she takes some handlin.C

?alileo: Well actuall$; shes not m$ chick>

'o#: uck$ $ou; 7 reckon>

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"ecordin.: Caught in a landslide

$o escae #rom reality

'o#: The$ (oresa a time hen the kids ould be cau.ht in a landslide o( com#uter .enerated

marketin.; and there ould be no esca#e (rom that realit$> All !ueen anted as (or us

all toI

"ecordin.: en your eyes

.ook u the skies" and see /

%caramouche: %o thats hat it meant> Blime$> %ounded like a #retentious load o( old bollocks to me>

'o#: 8o a$; cra,$ lad$C These are the ords o( truthC 7( onl$ e kne the rest o( the te&t>

?alileo: 7 think 7 ma$ kno some o( itC Tell me; old ise one> What does Bismillah; e ill not

let $ou .o; let me .o; no; no; no; no; no; mamma mia; mammia mia; mamma mia; let me

.o; Beel,ebub has a devil #ut aside (or me mean

'o#: Actuall$; 7 think that bit #robabl$ as a #retentious load o( old bollocks>

But> Havin. issued their arnin. - and incidentall$ s#ent nine eeks at number one ith

it; des#ite hat ere quite (rankl$ some rather dod.$ sta.e out(its - !ueen decided to

(i.ht back>

(! grabs a chair, ta"es it to centre stage and sits on it. /I55, who had been sitting on

the chair, slowly falls o%er)

Fou all ri.ht there; )li((

(/I55, lying on the floor, gi%es a thumbs up)

ont orr$ about )li(( "ichard; hes indestructible>

(A-A!2$+ and A/I/+! sit on the floor in front of !)

7n order to #rotect the (uture o( rocknroll; !ueen decided to bur$ their (inest instruments

a.ainst a time hen there ould be none>

?alileo: Wait> Fou mean real instruments still e&ist - somehere aitin. to be (ound

'o#: Fes> And the$ remain hidden> !ueen ove dee# and terrible s#ells to #rotect the #recious

ea#ons o( (reedom; (rom abuse b$ those not orth$ o( #la$in. them> Even at the be.innin. o( the dark a.e o( .lobalisation; !ueen kne that hen the time as ri.ht a

hero ould be (ound and the instruments ould rea##ear> 'erha#s $ou are that man; man>

%caramouche: But hat ha##ened to !ueen

'o#: The (irst o( their number died $oun.> Too ild; too beauti(ul (or this orld> The other

three rocked on into the ne&t centur$; but durin. ?lobalso(ts (irst battles (or the soul o(

the #lanet; all three ere ca#tured and secretl$ killed> 7t is said that the hairiest o( the .an.

- a man named Bri-Anne - as .ranted a (inal ish be(ore e&ecution> He asked to be able

to #la$ one last .uitar solo; and as there(ore able to #ost#one his death b$ three and a

hal( da$s>

Where are the instruments; ?alileo +i.aro

?alileo: 3e Ho ould 7 kno; man A cou#le o( eeks a.o 7 as virtuall$ a Dirtual

Hi.hschool dro#out> Wh$ ould the rock .ods tell me the anser

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(there is the sound of hea%y machinery)

%caramouche: Whats .oin. on

'o#: ont (reak out; seet lad$; the$re ust drainin. the lake> The$ steal our ater all the time

no> 7ts almost don to its ori.inal level>

?alileo: He$ - he$; lookC Whats that; emer.in. (rom the ater A manC

%caramouche: A statue>

?alileo: A hero - made o( bron,e and rock>

%caramouche: Who is it Who does it re#resent

'o#: 7 kno this manC 7 sa man$ ima.es in the secret historiesC He is one o( the (reedom

(i.hters o( !ueen; the (irst to dieC The .reatest; bri.htest star o( his timeC

%caramouche: %tarI>bri.ht starC ?a,,aC Four dreamC A bri.ht star; that ill sho the a$C 7ts not a star

in the sk$ at all - its a rock starC

'o#: +reak$>

?alileo: But hats it shoin. us

%caramouche: The a$C 7t must beC The a$ to the #lace o( livin. rock> ivin. rock isnt .ranite at all -

its music>

?alileo: But !ueen buried the instruments there> Ho can the$ be buried in music

'o#: 8o; man; the #lace o( livin. rock> ive rocknroll musicC 7ts #ointin. toards it; dudeC

The star is (acin. northC Well; north and a little bit est; actuall$> The #lace he once ruled

- the #lace here #eo#le came to.ether to #la$ to.ether and be to.etherC

?alileo: The #lace here the cham#ions #la$edC

'o#: The #lace o( cham#ionsC The old arena; 7m sure o( it> The machines ma$ have destro$ed

the stands and toers but the$ could never destro$ the vibe o( hat the$ once called -

Wemble$ %tadium>

%caramouche: We must .o; quickl$C Well; no the stars shon us the a$; it can .uide the #olice there

too> Theres no time to lose>

'o#: 7ll come ith $ou; 7 can sho $ou ho to .et there>

?alileo: But e need trans#ort> 7 mean; e need heels>

Bohemians: )icycle! )icycle! )icycle!

%caramouche: Bu..er thatC Were .oin. to save rocknroll; e cant turn u# on a bikeC

'o#: Der$ eco>

%caramouche: But its not ver$ cool>

'o#: Foure ri.ht; cra,$ lad$> Well take m$ Harle$>

(blac" tabs and a %ideo screen come down behind them as a motorbi"e rises through the


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"ocks trans#ort o( choice> 8ot as (ast; clean or e((icient as a 0a#anese bike; but it sounds


(he starts it and climbs on. To A-A!2$+:)

?et on behind me; bab$>

(she does so)

 8ice> 7ts been $ears since 7ve (elt the so(t arm thi.hs o( a rebel chick ra##ed round

m$ skinn$ hite arse>

(apalled, A-A!2$+ 8umps off the bi"e)

%caramouche: +or.et it> 7ll .o in (ront>

(she climbs bac" on, in front of him this time)

'o#: All ri.ht; but dont blame me i( 7 #ush the bone>(A-A!2$+ leaps away from him, right to the front of the seat)

%caramouche: 7 think 7m .oin. to #ukeC ?a,,a; $ou .et on behind me> And dont .et an$ (resh ideas>

?alileo: 7t is time> Time to aven.e the mi.ht$ !ueen> Time to aven.e them allC

%caramouche: The ord rh$mes ith banker>

'o#: ?et on $our bikes and rideC

(A/I/+! climbs on between ! and A-A!2$+. The bi"e ta"es off

(apparently) and flies to its destination. !n the screen behind them we see the path of

their 8ourney 0 across the sea, past the remains of tonehenge, o%erta"ing hitty hitty 4ang 4ang, past the illenium ome with the lobalsoft logo on it, and finally to the

 gates of 7embley tadium)

?alileo: "ocknrollC

'o#: +ind me a batC 7 ant to bite its head o((C

All: And you're rushing headlong

?alileo: 9own the highway

All: And you're rushing headlong

%caramouche: ut o# control

All: And you think you're so strong

'o#: )ut there ain't no stoing

All: And there's nothing you can

$othing you can

$othing you can

$othing you can

$othing you can$othing you can

$othing you can do about it


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(at the gates they get off the motorbi"e, which sin"s bac" into the stage)

?alileo: 8othin.> 8othin. at all>

'o#: Bummer>

?alileo: There arent an$ instruments hereC There isnt even an$ rock>

'o#: 0ust rubble>

?alileo: This #lace must have been destro$ed centuries a.o> 7ts no #lace o( cham#ions an$ more;

i( it ever as> 7ve (ailed; %caramouche> 7ll never (ind here the hol$ a&e as hidden> 7ll

never #la$ the lost ri((s> 3$ dreams - the$ never came true>

%caramouche: ont blame $oursel(; ?a,,a> 7ts not $our (ault>

?alileo: Thanks; %caramouche>

%caramouche: 7 mean its not $our (ault $oure a s#ineless; .utless; hin.in. little cr$bab$C

?alileo: E&cuse me

%caramouche: 7 kno h$ $ou cant (ind the .uitar; mateC What as it 'o# said !ueen ove dee# and

terrible s#ells to #rotect the instruments (rom those not orth$ o( #la$in. themC

?alileo: Fou mean me

'o#: @uch>

%caramouche: What do $ou think the mi.ht$ !ueen died (or What %o $ou could act like a #athetic

little coard Fou anted to be a rock star The$ ouldnt let $ou in a bo$ bandC

?alileo: He$C BabeC 7m .ettin. a little sick o( this sel(-ri.hteous thin. o( $ours; all ri.ht We tried;e (ailed> The instruments arent here> ?et over itC

%caramouche: Then ell ust have to make music ithout themC

?alileo: What A ca#ella

'o#: 8oC

%caramouche: 7( necessar$C

'o#: 8oC 7t is never necessar$C

%caramouche: 7snt that hat it as all about 7n the be.innin. 7t as kids; doin. it (or themselvesC

The$ ere #la$in. in the streets; in the .ara.esC

'o#: Fes; it as; it asC

%caramouche: %o come on; ?a,,aC Wheres the bloke 7 used to love Wheres the bloke ith the lead in

his #encil Where is %ha.ileo ?i.olo

?alileo: "i.ht here; babeC

%caramouche: Then #rove itC Are e .onna rock; or hat

?alileo: FesC Fes e areC 7 dont need an$ second-hand instruments to make music ith; 7 can

make music on m$ on> The music o( a human bein.; and not o( a machineC

%caramouche: "i.ht onC

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'o#: Hello; Wemble$C


?alileo: But not ithout $ou; %caramouche> ont $ou remember hat Britne$ %#ears said be(ore

he died 3akin. music is about love> Fou do it (or $our bab$> And 7 can onl$ do it (or

$ou> 7 love $ou ith all m$ heart> 'lease come back to me> Because i( $ou dont; 7 dont

kno i( 7 can do this thin.> And the kidsll (orever be in chainsC

%caramouche: @h; .od> Talk about emotional blackmailI(she "isses him)

'o#: @oh; 7ve .one all tin.l$>

(they part)

%caramouche: %o - lets rockC

?alileo: FeahC

7 dont kno ho to start>

%caramouche: Well; come on budd$; $oure a bo$I>

'o#: 3ake a bi. noiseC

%caramouche: 'la$in. in the streetI

'o#: I.onna be a bi. man some da$C

?alileo: Wait - thats it>


)uddy" you're a boy

+ake a big noise

:laying in the streetonna be a big man some day

You got mud on your #ace

You big disgrace

4icking your can all over the lace


'o#: What a curiousl$ e&hilaratin. collection o( ordsC

?alileo: %caramouche - can $ou hear it The beatC 7ts returnin.C

(sure enough, we hear the beat. oon we can hear it all o%er the auditorium, as well)

)uddy" you're a boy

+ake a big noise

:laying in the street

onna be a big man some day

You got mud on your #ace

You big disgrace

4icking your can all over the lace


We will" we will rock youWe will" we will rock you

We will" we will rock you

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(suddenly, on the of the gateposts splits open, re%ealing a guitar)

%caramouche: Whats ha##enin.

'o#: Thunderbolts and li.htnin.; ver$ ver$ (ri.htenin.C

?alileo: An instrumentC A real musical instrumentC

%caramouche: %o the$ do e&ist; a(ter allC

'o#: The dream machineC The .reatest ea#on on (reedom knon to mankindC An electric

.uitarC %ei,e it; %ha.ileo ?i.oloC +or none but the ust shall #la$ the hair$ ones mi.ht$

a&eC 8one but the kidsC

(A/I/+! ta"es the electric guitar)

%caramouche: Wo> Foure m$ .uitar hero>

?alileo: Fes 7 am; bab$> And no - lets rockC

(he tries to play it but is %ery bad)

'o#: @oh; no; the rebirth o( modern a,,>

%caramouche: ?ive me that>

(she ta"es the guitar and plays it)

?alileo: The hair$ one is back> And this time; shes a babe>

%caramouche: %o - 7ll #la$; $ou sin.>

'o#: And 7ll be a .rou#ieC Would an$one like to see m$ tits

%caramouche: %hut u#; 'o#C

'o#: 3essa.e received and understood> But (irst -

?alileo: Whatre $ou doin.; 'o#

'o#: What do $ou think 7m hackin. into the ?lobalso(t main(rame; and emailin. the #oer o( 

rock to ever ?a?a kid on the #lanetC %oon the$ll all be bohemiansC

%caramouche: But 'o#; iller !ueen ill .et $our messa.e tooC

'o#: @h; no; manC %he ust didC %he ants to schedule a meetin.I>ere all .oin. to be


(a %ideo screen descends, showing &I//+- Q2++*)

iller !ueen: Who dares to #la$ live rock on 'lanet 3all

?alileo: 7 doC 3e - and m$ bab$C

%caramouche: @i; stead$C

iller !ueen: 7ve heard $our music; bo$; and $ou - $ou are .oin. to be hu.eC Foull make a million

trillion ,illionC 7m thinkin. merchandisin.; s#in-o((s; ri#-o((s; ?a?as; .o .oC 8a#ster;

cra#sterC B$ tomorro mornin. $our (ace could be on ever$ coke can in the universeC

What $ou need is a mana.erC

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?alileo: 7 dont think so; !ueenC %ha.ileo ?i.olo onl$ rocks (or the kids>

iller !ueen: Fou mean; (or (ree

?alileo: Fes> Fes 7 doC 'o#; .et me m$ mike>

'o#: 7 shall be th$ roadieC

iller !ueen: 8ooooooooC(her screen ascends)

?alileo: )uddy" you're a boy

+ake a big noise

:laying in the street

onna be a big man some day

You got mud on your #ace

You big disgrace

4icking your can all over the lace

(4!$+IA* enter behind the gates. A-A!2$+ shows them the guitar, and ! 

brea"s the loc" so they can all come through)

All: We will" we will rock you

We will" we will rock you

?alileo: )uddy" you're a young man" hard man

-houting in the street

onna take on the world some day

You got blood on your #ace

You big disgrace

Waving your banner all over the lace

All: We will" we will rock you

We will" we will rock you

?alileo: )uddy" you're an old man" oor man

:leading with your eyes

onna make you some eace some day

You got mud on your #ace

You big disgrace

-omebody better ut you back into your lace

All: We will" we will rock you

We will" we will rock youWe will" we will rock you

We will" we will rock you

?alileo: %'ve aid my dues

Time a#ter time

%'ve done my sentence

)ut committed no crime

And bad mistakes

%'ve made a #ew

%'ve had my share o# sand

4icked in my #ace)ut %'ve come through

All: And we mean to go on and on and on and on

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We are the chamions" my #riends

And we'll kee on #ighting till the end

We are the chamions

We are the chamions

$o time #or losers

'Cause we are the chamions o# the world

We are the chamions" my #riends

And we'll kee on #ighting till the end

We are the chamions

We are the chamions

$o time #or losers

'Cause we are the chamions o# the world

(wal"down music and bows. After e%eryone has ta"en a bow, the words 'o you want

 4ohemian -hapsody9' come up on the %ideo screens. After more applause they are

 followed by '!h..all right then.')

?alileo: +ama" ,ust killed a man

:ut a gun against his head

:ulled my trigger" now he's dead

+ama" li#e had ,ust begun

)ut now %'ve gone and thrown it all away

+ama" ooo

9idn't mean to make you cry

%# %'m not back again this time tomorrow

Carry on" carry on" as i# nothing really matters

%caramouche: Too late" my time has come

-ends shivers down my sine

+y body's aching all the time

oodbye everybody / %'ve got to go

otta leave you all behind and #ace the truth


?alileo: +ama" ooo

)horus: Anyway the wind blows

?alileo: % don't want to die

% sometimes wish %'d never been born at all

hasho..i: % see a little silhouetto o# a man

)horus: -caramouche" scaramouche will you do the #andango

Thunderbolt and lightning / very very #rightening me


?alileo: alileo

)horus: alileo

?alileo: alileo

)horus: alileo #igaro magni#ico

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?alileo: %'m ,ust a oor boy" nobody loves me

)horus: He's ,ust a oor boy" #rom a oor #amily

-are him his li#e #rom this monstrosity

?alileo: 2asy come" easy go

Will you let me go

)horus: )ismillah! $o" we will not let you go)ismillah! We will not let you go" let him go

)ismillah! We will not let you go

?alileo: .et me go

)horus: Will not let you go

?alileo: .et me go

)horus: $ever let you go

?alileo: .et me go$ever let me go

)horus: $o" no" no" no" no" no" no

?alileo: h mama mia" mama mia

)horus: +ama mia let me go

)eel3ebub has a devil ut aside #or me

5or me" #or me

iller !ueen: -o you think you can stone me and sit in my eye

-o you think you can love me and leave me to die

)horus: h baby" can't do this to me baby

<ust gotta get out" ,ust gotta get right outta here

?alileo: $othing really matters

%caramouche: Anyone can see

?alileo: $othing really matters

$othing really matters to me

Anyway the wind blows666