we welcome you to our -...

ISSUE No. 25 Song Service 9:40 am Sabbath School 9:50 am Church Service 11:15 am ——————————————————- Sabbath December 17th, 2011 ————————————————— We WELCOME you to our Worship Services Today “But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh” (Galatians 5:16 , ESV). Bulletin & News

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ISSUE No. 25

Song Service 9:40 am

Sabbath School 9:50 am

Church Service 11:15 am


Sabbath December 17th, 2011


We WELCOME you to our

Worship Services Today

“But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not

gratify the desires of the flesh”

(Galatians 5:16, ESV).

Bulletin & News

From God’s Little Book of Encouragement

When you have problems remember the Bible‘s words; ‗It came to pass‘ - not to stay.

Hang in there! A new day is dawning.

― For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider

his place, and it shall not be. But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight

themselves in the abundance of peace. ‖

Psalm 37: 10, 11 (KJV)

- Amazing Facts -

A director for the Standard Oil company happened to read Exodus 2:3, which records

the ark of bulrushes thath Moses’ mother made to carry him was “daubed with slime

and with pitch.” The director reasoned that there was pitch, or tar, there must be oil

and if oil existed in Moses’ time, it was probably still there. So he dispatched Charles

Whitshott, a geologist and oil expert, to investigate and sure enough, great deposits of

oil were discovered. ( source: ―Hidden Truth Magazine‖ by www.amazingfacts.org )

ACROSS: 1 message, 6 sackcloth, 8 hope, 9 remembered, 10 whale, 12 king,

15 Nineveh, 17 Tarshish, 18 sea, 20 overthrown;

DOWN: 2 spared, 3 die, 4 three nights, 5 live, 7 three days, 11 Jonah, 13 gourd,

14 repent, 16 ship, 19 god

- Solution to Puzzle No. 15 -

Hamilton Church Website — Why not visit the church‘s website the next time

you‘re on the internet?

There‘s plenty to do and to catch up on at http://hamilton.adventist.org.au/

Church Email: [email protected]

It Is Written - Television — It is Written - Oceania featuring Pastor Gary Kent can

be seen on Channel 10 at 4.30 to 5.00am Sunday mornings.

Faith FM - Radio — Tune in to Faith FM, our local Adventist Radio Station

located between 87.6MHz and 88.0MHz on FM radio. Can‘t get it on the radio but

you have internet? Then why not go to http://www.faithfm.com.au/index.html

and click on the ‗‗listen live here!‘‘

- Church Notice Board -

Prayer Meeting & Prayer List For This Week:

The next prayer meeting will be held on the 21st of December at 5pm, in the

church dining room. Please remember to – Thank God for His healing hands and

blessings upon those that need Him.

**In prayer please remember — Tameeka for accommodation and relocation,

Brian and Sylvia Adams, Shaun, his grand-children and his children, Maria and

John Franjic, Olivia and her sister Helen, the Tung family friends that are ill, Sibilla

and Arthur Johnson, The starving people in Africa and around the world, Our

Church Neighbours, People travelling throught the Christmas break.

Combined Lunch

There is a combined this week, with Pastor Trajkov joining us again this Sabbath.

**There is also an unofficial combined lunch every Sabbath in the Church dining

room, so why not come and join us for lunch and fellowship.

Accommodation Needed

Warrnambool man needs a room to stay or backyard to place his caravan with

access for toilet and bathroom in Hamilton for 8 weeks. Willing to pay rent, he will

go home most weekends to see his wife and children who are members at the

Warrnambool SDA.

If you can help please call Darren on BH: 55719203 or AH: 0407605073.

Greetings and Thanks

Thankyou to the person(s) who left the anonymous donation of $10 last Sabbath.

May God bless you greatly.

Tameeka sends her regards, love and God‘s blessing to all. She said that she will be

back with us in January.

Communion Service Reminder

The next communion service will be held on Sabbath, January the 7th 2012.

Please update your calendars for that date.

What’s On In Warrnambool

December 17th - Church Christmas Concert. To commence at 7.30pm in the

Church. Guest artists from Melbourne and Ballarat. Light refreshments afterwards.

December 18th - Church Christmas Party. 5.30pm at Lake Pertobe.

BYO meat or ―meat‖, Bread, salad, drinks and dessert provided.

- What’s On In Warrnambool -

This Coming Week :

TUESDAY, 5.00PM – Soup Kitchen in the hall. Enjoy a hot cup of soup and bread

with your lovely hosts, Zuraiyer and Chris Rantall.

WEDNESDAY, 7.00PM – Mid Week Prayer Meeting at Llewellyn and Elsie Green‘s,

23 Cherlin Dve, Warrnambool. Join us as we seek the Lord in prayer.

See Chris for details.

THURSDAY, 6.30PM – Care Group at Pr Nick and Danijela‘s house, 12 Curtin Ct,

Warrnambool. See Chris Rantall for details.

Balolava Update — Warrnambool and Wantirna churches are continuing to support

this medical clinic in the Solomon Islands. Wantirna church are having a special

offering for Balolava at their Christmas program on Dec 17th. A new plan is being

developed for further projects in the community next year. This week at Warrnambool

we are also having an offering for Balolava so please continue to support this ongoing



- Food For Thought -

The Lord Jesus is dishonoured by low ideas or designs on our part. He who does not feel

the binding claims of God's law, and neglects to keep every requirement, violates the

whole law. He who is content to partially meet the standard of righteousness, and who

does not triumph over every spiritual foe, will not meet the designs of Christ. He

cheapens the whole plan of his religious life, and weakens his religious character, and

under the force of temptation his defects of character gain the supremacy, and evil

triumphs. We need to be persevering and determined, to meet the highest standard

possible. Pre-established habits and ideas must be overcome in many cases, before we

can make advancement in religious life. The faithful Christian will bear much fruit; he is

a worker; he will not lazily drift, but will put on the whole armour to fight the battles of

the Lord. The essential work is to conform the tastes, the appetite, the passions, the

motives, the desires, to the great moral standard of righteousness. The work must begin

at the heart. That must be pure, wholly conformed to Christ's will, else some master

passion, or some habit or defect, will become a power to destroy. God will accept of

nothing short of the whole heart. {CE 50.2}

- Adventist News Network -

Moscow conference focuses on upswing in the persecution of Christians worldwide

Uncertainty in Middle East; 'Arab Spring' becoming winter for religious minorities?

8 Dec 2011, Moscow, Bettina Krause/ANN

Participants of a high-level religious freedom meeting in Moscow last week vowed to

keep the plight of persecuted religious minorities in the Middle East and Africa in the

international community spotlight. About 100 million Christians worldwide -- mainly

in the Middle East and parts of Africa -- are suffering persecution or are caught up in

violent religious conflict, according to conference organizers.

The three-day International Conference on the Freedom of Religion and Discrimination

against Christians began November 30 and brought together a diverse group of leaders

from the Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish, Catholic and Islamic communities. Topping the

agenda was the growth of what some have called "Christianophobia" in many countries

where dominant religions or ideologies exert significant political and social power.

Vasily Stolyar, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty director for the Seventh-day

Adventist Church in Euro-Asia, said conference participants were united in their resolve

to do more to alleviate the plight of religious minorities suffering persecution worldwide.

"Are we are our brother's keeper? Yes! We have a responsibility to speak out on behalf

of our brothers and sisters who cannot speak for themselves," Stolyar said.

Discussions at the conference also focused on the impact of the so-called "Arab Spring"

on the rights of religious minorities in countries that have experienced dramatic political

change. John Graz, secretary-general of the International Religious Liberty

Association, described the issues raised at the conference as a "significant and growing

concern for religious liberty advocates."

"The fate of religious minorities in a number of countries of the Middle East is still

uncertain," Graz said. "It's a developing political situation, and we don't know yet what

the long term stance of new governments in places such as Tunisia or Egypt will be

toward Christians and other non-Islamic religious groups."

Graz added that the IRLA has been tracking an upswing in social harassment and attacks

against religious minorities in the region over the past year, including a rise in

anti-Christian sentiment. He pointed, also, to United Nations reports that have tracked a

steady exodus of Christians from Iraq and, more recently, from Libya -- a trend that

indicates a significant sense of unease among minority religious groups.

Graz said it was vital to keep these concerns constantly before the eyes of the

international community as new governments determine whether to recognize religious

minorities. "We urge governments around the world, along with international bodies

such as the United Nations, to do everything in their power to ensure that religious

freedom, as a fundamental human right, is both recognized and protected in these

countries," Graz said.


Remembrance: Murrill, 85, was an Adventist Church undertreasurer

Served as president of church's operations in Myanmar, Rangoon Adventist Hospital

business manager

8 Dec 2011, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States, ANN staff

Former Seventh-day Adventist world church Undertreasurer William L. Murrill, who

helped support the denomination's presence in Myanmar, died December 5 in Shawnee,

Kansas. He was 85. William Murrill served the Adventist Church as undertreasurer. He

also helped expand the church's mission in Myanmar in the 1950s and 60s.

Murrill held several church leadership positions in the Southeast Asian nation before

returning to the United States to hold administrative posts for the church in Washington

and the Lake Union region.

Shortly after his marriage to Ruth Elvira Wilson -- aunt of current world church

President Ted N. C. Wilson -- the couple moved to Burma to serve the church's

burgeoning Rangoon Adventist Hospital.

William served as the hospital's business manager from 1951 to 1956. Ruth, who had

trained as a nurse at Washington Sanitarium and Hospital, joined the medical staff.

While in Burma, William oversaw fundraising for a new extension of Rangoon

Adventist Hospital. The hospital was nationalized in 1965.

While on furlough from mission service, Murrill in 1961 earned a master's degree in

Theology from the Adventist Theological Seminary at Andrews University in Berrien

Springs, Michigan.

William Lawrence Murrill was born in Ripley, West Virginia in 1926 and graduated

from Washington Missionary College -- now Washington Adventist University -- in

1949 with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration.

Murrill served as secretary-treasurer of Burma Union Mission from 1956 until 1962,

when he was appointed president of the church's work in Burma. In 1966, Murrill

accepted a call to return to the United States and serve as secretary-treasurer of the


The Victorian Conference Office will be closed for the year end break as from 5:00pm

Thursday 22rd

December 2011 and will reopen 9:00am on Tuesday 3 January 2012.

The ABC will be closed for the year end break as from 5:00pm Tuesday 20th


2011 and will reopen 9:00am on Tuesday 3 January 2012.



Books required by Giant Book Sale (run annually and proceeds for church projects) and

ADRA Op-shop (Mitcham). Non-religious and religious subject, any age, any

condition. I will sort. Books you are not likely to read anymore. Deceased

estates. Country OK. Ring Erick (03) 9763 7653 evenings. Thanks Muchly




The three day tour begins in Geelong Victoria. The road is world renowned for its

dramatic seascapes and beautiful bushland featuring cascading waterfalls, and

stunning rain forest. The tour caters to a keen weekend cyclist who can choose

either a fast or medium paced group. The total number of riders is limited to 34

and includes support vehicles. This is a fantastic way to help out children in need

and experience Australia's most beautiful coastline.

Trip details: http://www.25000spins.com/adventures/great-ocean-road.html

Sign up form:


- Victorian Conference News -

Washington Conference, headquartered in Seattle.

Murrill later served as president of the Washington Conference. In 1972, he accepted the

position of treasurer for the church's Lake Union Conference. While there, he received a

call to serve the world church in the capacity of assistant treasurer, a post he held until

1980. Murrill was the world church's undertreasurer from 1980 until his retirement in


A service is planned for 3:30 p.m., Saturday, December 10 at New Haven Seventh-day

Adventist Church in Overland Park, Kansas.

Solutions: Books of the Bible No. 2

- For The Children -

Matthew 2:13 — And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth

to Joseph in a dream, saying, ―Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee

into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child

to destroy him.‖

- Bulletin Crossword Puzzle No. 16 - Topic: Around God's Throne


1 Standing on ____ ground. (Exo 3:5)

3 Noises that lightening makes.

(Exo 9:28)

7 ____The Father (Jud 1:1)

14 There are 24 of them (Rev 19:4)

15 Flows from beneath the throne.

(Rev 22:1)

16 There are 4 of these. (Rev 19:4)

17 What the elders are sitting on. (Rev 4:4)

18 God pronounces this upon sinners.

(Rev 14:7)


2 Flashes of light. (Rev 16:18)

4 Where God is. (Gen 1:1)

5 City in Heaven. (Rev 21:2)

6 Surrounds God and the heavenly beings.

(Rev 21:11)

8 Where God sits . (Rev 22:3)

9 Where Christ ministers. (Rev 21:3)

10 Righteous stand upo it. (Rev 4:6)

11 They serve God freely. (Rev 15:1)

12 The Lamb's ____ of Life. (Php 4:3)

13 The Lamb of God.(John 1:29)

1 2 3 4 5 6



9 10




14 15






- No. 23

- The Layman and His Bible -

-Bible Marking Study-

December 17th


I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

(2 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 2)

We believe without a doubt that Christ is soon coming. This is not a fable to us; it is a reality. We have no doubt, neither have we had a doubt for years, that the doctrines we hold today are present truth, and that we are nearing the judgment. We are preparing to meet Him who, escorted by a retinue of holy angels, is to appear in the clouds of heaven to give the faithful and the just the finishing touch of immortality. When He comes He is not to cleanse us of our sins, to remove from us the defects in our characters, or to cure us of the infirmities of our tempers and dispositions. If wrought for us at all, this work will all be accomplished before that time. When the Lord comes, those who are holy will be holy still. Those who have preserved their bodies and spirits in holiness, in sanctification and honor, will then receive the finishing touch of immortality. But those who are unjust, unsanctified, and filthy will remain so forever. No work will then be done for them to remove their defects and give them holy characters. The Refiner does not then sit to pursue His refining process and remove their sins and their corruption. This is all to be done in these hours of probation. It is now that this work is to be accomplished for us.

We embrace the truth of God with our different faculties, and as we come under the influence of that truth, it will accomplish the work for us which is necessary to give us a moral fitness for the kingdom of glory and for the society of the heavenly angels. We are now in God’s workshop. Many of us are rough stones from the quarry. But as we lay hold upon the truth of God, its influence affects us. It elevates us and removes from us every imperfection and sin, of whatever nature. Thus we are prepared to see the King in His beauty and finally to unite with the pure and heavenly angels in the kingdom of glory. It is here that this work is to be accomplished for us, here that our bodies and spirits are to be fitted for immortality.

(Maranatha – Our Father Cares – Ellen G White - page 366)

- Weekly Devotional -

- Service Rosters for 2011- 2012 – Date Divine Service


Sabbath School


Deacons On Duty

17 Dec 2011 Pastor Trajkov Paul Fenech Tony bates &

Francois Oberson

24 Dec 2011 Paul Fenech Peter Roberts Milan Kelemen &

Peter Roberts

31 Dec 2011 Peter Roberts Tony bates &

Francois Oberson

7 Jan 2012 Paul Fenech Milan Kelemen &

Peter Roberts

- Sunset Times - Sunset Sabbath (Tonight) 8:51 pm (DST)

Sunset Next Friday 8:54 pm (DST)

- Church Offerings - This Week: Local church Budget

Next Week: Mission Extension

- Church Maintenance - December 11

th – December 24

th Oberson Family

December 25th

– January7th

2012 Kelemen Family

- Contact Details - Pastor Nick Trajkov 5561 7145

Head Elder Paul Fenech 5576 5160 or 04 1397 4910

Elders Ron Burnett

Peter Tung

Head Deacon Peter Roberts

Head Deaconess Katy Fenech

Church Clerk Lynette Tung

Bulletin Secretary Shaun Keast

Webmaster Shaun Keast