we ventured at the boulder history museum. the outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old...

We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history museum. There’s awesome stuff there. Diana loved the stuffed animal horse she acquired . I detected a really cool a blue and yellow bouncy-ball. We consumed ice cream , I devoured mint, Diana consumed super colors. Now we are driving to the hotel. http:// www.totalboulder.com/freshbuzz_media/bhm.jpg AWSOME FACT 1858 Gold is discovered in Dry Creek in 1858 Logo Ivy Baldwin was Boulder’s daredevil. When he turned 12 he ran away with the circus and then he learned how to wire walk. Then he walked over South Boulder Canyon at Colorado Springs. He made a total of 87 crossings by his 82 nd birthday. Ivy Baldwin died in bed at age 87 in 1953 at his son's home in Arvada, Colorado. Really cool fact My sister http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/ 6257337/2/istockphoto_6257337-strokes-ice-cream.jpg Geography -study of surface on earth -study physical features

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Page 1: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history museum. There’s awesome stuff there. Diana loved the stuffed animal horse she acquired . I detected a really cool a blue and yellow bouncy-ball. We consumed ice cream , I devoured mint, Diana consumed super colors. Now we are driving to the hotel.


AWSOME FACT 1858 Gold is discovered in Dry Creek in 1858

LogoIvy Baldwin was Boulder’s daredevil. When he turned 12 he ran away with the circus and then he learned how to wire walk. Then he walked over South Boulder Canyon at Colorado Springs. He made a total of 87 crossings by his 82nd birthday. Ivy Baldwin died in bed at age 87 in 1953 at his son's home in Arvada, Colorado.

Really cool fact

My sister



-study of surface on earth

-study physical features

Page 2: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

Diana took off her socks and shoes while on the ride there. It smelled horrible the whole way there, it smelled like rotten eggs. It made me want to barf! My sister and I almost pasted out! But on the bright side when we arrived to Bear Rock Café I spirited out the stinky car and breathed the fresh air. When we proceed in to car, guess what Diana did? Took off her shoes. We rolled down all of the windows. Then she put her stinky feet up right in front of me!

I consumed the Rising SunflowerIt acquires Smoked turkey, Provolone cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, roasted red peppers, red onions and pesto mayonnaise on sunflower seed bread. yummy!


Rocky mountains

-broad mountain range

-stretch no more then 4,800 ft


Frisco is a small town, a mining town . You can take a tour of eleven original 1880 buildings . You can even glimpse at a 1881 jail house! But before all that ,the Ute Indians roamed the land of Frisco. But not only the Ute Indians walked Frisco, white mountain man hiked catching beavers from 1810 to around the 1840's. then it became a mining town.

Page 3: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

We finely arrived to steamboat lake. We set up our tent. Diana and I proceed right away to swim in the FREEZING COLD lake. We Jumped in 2 seconds and jumped out right away. We don’t think we are traveling in again! We spirited to camp site right away and jumped in our sleeping bags. Then my sister, Maddison told us that we are renting a boat! I would only proceed if I did not have to jump in the water! She said “no!, you do not have to jump in the water!” YES! me and Diana yelled. The boat we are renting is a speed boat that possessed white, green and yellow stripes! I did jump into the water. I knocked of the tube, the tube soared up and next thing you know I vanished. Diana stayed on the whole time. I can’t believe that Diana stayed on the whole time! We exited the white, green and yellow striped almost put of gas boat. Then we ventured back to the tent and consumed dinner. We relished hot dogs with yummy ketchup on it. Then we roasted warm, gooey marshmallows they were golden and rich then, we consumed it with chocolate! When , Diana and I snuggled up in our sleeping bags and relished a good night sleep.



-start of melt snow

-get larger by rain and snow

Our speed boat and tent and sleeping bags





Over 200 hundred birds are detected in steam boat lake, such as western screech owl, western bluebird, hairy and downy woodpeckers and red-winged blackbird.

Page 4: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history


We've been waiting for this day to come! On "Dino” Day we hike and proceed to the "Dino“ museum right when we are done with the "Dino" hike. So first we jump out of the car and start the “Dino" hike. Trees, covered the trail . I took some pictures of the trees, and kept on walking. Then out of the blue, no trees! It seemed like flat, dry land, with valleys covering the place. We even farther but it felt like you’ve been walking around in circles. Then I ran into a sigh, it encompass big fat writing all over it. I peered at it for a long time, it said: T-REX FOSSIL. It had a arrow pointing down, so we gazed down and a huge t- rex fossil covered all of the ground ! I took a picture. Before we knew it the “Dino” day had already ended. Our dogs relished the trip. We glimpsed at a Stegosaurus, Brachiosaurus and Compsognathus and many others. Did you know Brachiosaurus was the biggest "Dino“ ever? It is about the length of two

enormous school buses and the height of a four-story building Also the smallest "Dino“ is the Compsognathus. A little bit bigger then a absurd chicken. When we departed from the breath taking trail Diana TRIPED ON A ROCK AND BROKE HER ARM. SHE is SO CLUMSY! So we called 911and told them that she broke her arm, so they came picked her up because our car ran out of gas. When we finally arrived at the hospital we gazed at a woman called MARTHA POWERS, I know her Diana does too, even our sisters! We chatted for a little bit. Then Martha Powers ended out being our nurse/doctor. Diana got a bright green cast. We begged Martha Powers to travel with us, we even did the puppy dog face…….. She decided Yes! We came to a decision to stay in a hotel called Ovum Veers

“Dino” means dinosaur


-created by rivers and glaciers

-long, narrow land between hills or mountains


The first Indians believed to roam Grand Junction were the Fremont Indians. Then later the Ute Indians who arrived to the valley in the middle of the 1300’s. We are arriving Grand


Later European settlers arrived in the 18th century. In 1881 this land would become a part of Mexico. The first Americans proceed in the Grand Valley during the 1850’s


History History

Page 5: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

We woke up really early and packed up our stuff so fast that I felt like I had forgotten something. We sprayed air freshener all over the seats and suitcases in the car to make it smell better . Diana doesn’t believe me that its her fault! It still smelt like stinky socks and flower air freshener! The drive took two hours long, at least I finished my book The City of Ember. I felt very perky when we arrived!. The lodge acquired a pool and spa near by. Also I just noticed that places we stayed possessed really weird names like Dell Logy, its really strange! We peered at plateaus in the far distance.

Diana and my dog in front of the



-makes up 1/5 of Colorado

-large, flat high Area

The town founders, named Glenwood after their beloved hometown of Glenwood, Iowa. You can stop by Colorado River and the Roaring Fork River because of its remarkable location . President Teddy Roosevelt visited Glenwood Springs, and stayed for a whole summer. That just shows you that numerous people visit Glenwood !


Page 6: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

We headed into the car right just a few minutes ago. I love the rain, sometimes! The “time-consuming” drive took 4 hours long. I hate when the drive takes so long that you take two naps, do 5 puzzles, 7 pages of coloring, 5 pages of writing and sitting and looking out the window for 20 minutes. Now that I contemplate, I accomplished all those things. Diana slept the for most of the car ride. Our dogs heads were out the window for 34 minutes. Diana hummed the Buddy Song for 10 minutes. It didn’t feel like the best car ride. At least I finished all my five puzzles that I brought with me!1870s 1881 1882 1882- 1883


First bought became a Rio grand Gunnison Tunnel Settlers by town train ran made came settlers through Montrose Shrub and


-5,000, 6,500 ft

Semi desert

-low trees

Page 7: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history


Our Jeep

We arrived at Mesa Verde very quickly. We drove on our “jeep tour”, that’s what Martha Powers said. I can’t believe visited the breath taking Mesa Verde. I felt joyful when we arrived.

look at the sticker I detected! http://www.smiley-faces.org/wallpaper/smiley-face-wallpaper-004.jpg

AMAZING, when I first glimpsed at the inside of the rooms I couldn't believe my eyes! After we looked at a few of the rooms, we climbed up a ladder then we ventured into a room and they explained they believe that a little girl lived here because they discovered a doll and a dress. But you never know! There were many rooms, and we saw all of them. Did you know 630 of the over 4700 sites detected in Mesa Verde are cliff dwellings? I never knew that! We are so tried that we are proceeding to the hotel already. We are staying at Lea Mount Faun. We stay in hotels that acquire the strangest names!

1,400 years ago, a group of people from the Four Corners region wanted Mesa Verde to be their home. They eventually built elaborate stone communities. Then they all moved away.

We are traveling to


-flat topped hill

-cliff like sides


Page 8: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history


We can’t wait till we arrive at the at the Sand Dunes. Diana and I are jumping for joy! I created a poem, read my poem.

My poem:

Sand dunes, I can’t wait t until I climb your sandy dunes, and the sun will melt my candy on top of your hills, Hopefully I will not faint because of the wind in my ear and the sun in my face and the sand that travels up my nose. Yet ,there is a other hill to climb. Sand dunes I truly can’t wait until I feel the hot sand under my feet!

I jumped up and down in my seat because I felt so excited! My sister, Maddison calmed me down by explaining that I will lose my voice if I kept on screaming and jumping out of the seat. I love my voice so, I stopped right away. On the ride to the brilliant Sand Dunes we started to talk about the campaigns. We had a huge talk on McCain and Obama. It ended up being very interesting about how Obama would do this and McCain would do that. After our talk ended we all took a long lazy nap, and before we knew it we arrived.


Did you know that people had detected at least six insect species at the sand dunes, that are found nowhere else in the world?

Montane life zone

rise above foot hills

•6,500 to 9,000 ft

•Mostly forest

Page 9: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

When we entered the gateway into the Garden of the Gods, I noticed the beautiful rocks and flowers. We were “star struck” because of the rocks. The sky looked like a bright blue, as bright as the sun. The flowers, don’t get me started on the flowers, they were red, orange, yellow and indigo, Some of the rocks were as immense as an elephant, and others as small as a mouse. Diana and Martha Powers mouths were opened the whole time. They looked like fishes. Maddison took pictures like crazy, she tried to take a picture of every rock she observed. As we proceeded , we saw some of wildlife like Big Horn Sheep and a Bobcat. We glimpsed at numerous horse riders while traveling to peer at more rocks and flowers. Diana sang “the buddy song” as we hiked up a steep mountain hill. As we journeyed to the end of the trail, we noticed we were on a top of a steep, jagged cliff. I felt very scared, so did Diana. Martha and Maddison told us that we should be brave. Jill felt so scared that she ran away and never came back. We turned to the south and noticed a sign that said “Trail Ague Ahead.” We decided to follow the trail hoping it would lead us to our car. So, we ventured. Guess what? It did lead us to our car. I felt so perky that I jumped up and down. We departed back to our hotel and possessed an excellent night sleep.



Altitude and elevation -move up and down In altitude and elevation will change

The name of the

Garden of Gods name was created in 1859. Two surveyors decide that it is a fit place for the Gods.

Page 10: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

We don't want to travel home! I’m already crying, I loved the places we roamed and the car rides we took. The lodge’s and hotel’s names were strange, but they possess breathtaking views! We collected postcards, bouncy-balls and stuffed animal horses . We are starting to drive away from hotel Rheas Pula, every second we drive away is farther and farther! Diana cried just like me! I don’t want to depart! If I could, I would jump up of the car at a stoplight. The drive is 4 hours long that’s 240 minutes. The drive seems so boring, I counted up my bouncy-balls I acquired 31 bouncy-balls. Diana collected 25 stuffed animal horses. I am doing a puzzle trying to get over the fact that we are driving home. I will try to take a nap. I can’t fall asleep, Diana started snoring. “ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ”. Hi, Diana is now writing this. I woke up, Alexa fell asleep. I have to wake up Alexa because we arrived at Subway already. Here it go’s, “WHAT?” “WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP?” I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!” yelled Alexa. “ we have arrived at Subway!” I told Alexa “GET UP YOU LAZY PEAUNT !” I yelled at Alexa. Alexa finally got up and we headed into Subway. Hello now it Alexa is writing this. We just finished consuming all of our sandwiches. I relished the Meatball Marinara . It acquired meatballs, special sauce (subway won’t till us what is in it) and cheese. It tasted scrumptious. Diana consumed Italian B.M.T. She explained to me that it tasted so appetizing she wanted one more. We are 30 minutes from home, I’ll miss the places we walked and the rooms we slept in! I hope we that we can travel on a trip again! When I arrive back at school I have to write a essay (I don’t want to at all!!!) I hate essays!! (jk) Well this is

Meatball Marinara

Did you know that Denver has about 300 day of sunshine?

Did you know that Pueblo was suppose to be the state capital but Denver then became it by mistake

Natural resource



-naturally occurring.

Page 11: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

Comes with Colorado Geo Terms!






Page 12: We ventured at the Boulder History Museum. The outside looks like an old house, and smelt like old people when we arrived, no wonder why it’s a history

© copyright Tuesday, November 25 2008

Mrs. Jones Publishing Press

Class of 2017

Lois Lenski Elementary




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