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Voluntary Product Accessibility Template® Section 508 Standards Compliancy (1194) COMPANY NAME Section 508 Standards Compliancy PRODUCT

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VPAT that reconciles old 508 to new standards


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Voluntary Product Accessibility Template®

Section 508 Standards Compliancy (1194)

COMPANY NAME Section 508 Standards Compliancy PRODUCT

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1. Overview..........................................................................................5

The 508/255 Refresh.............................................................................5

2. Information on this VPAT..................................................................6

3. VPAT Sections Summary.................................................................7

4. Compliancy......................................................................................8

A. Section 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria..........................35

B. Section 1194.41 Product Information, Documentation and Support37

C. Supporting Information for this VPAT.............................................38

COMPANY NAME Section 508 Standards Compliancy PRODUCT

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List of TablesTable 1: Acronyms 4Table 2: Summary Table: Voluntary Product Accessibility Template 7Table 3: Compliancy by Criteria - Mapping Section 508 to WCAG 1.0 & WCAG 2.0 with specific remarks on the COMPANY NAMEcompliancy 9Table 4: Functional Performance Criteria 35Table 5: Product Help and Support 37


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AcronymsTable 1: AcronymsAcronym Definition

VPAT Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (this document) details how the COMPANY NAME web application meets the accessibility requirements of the ADA by mapping to the WCAG 2.0, 508 Refresh standard

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act

WCAG (1.0 & 2.0) Web Content Accessibility Guidelineshttp://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/ (1.0)http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ (2.0)

WAI Web Accessibility Initiative body that created the WCAG and is under the umbrella of the W3C http://www.w3.org/WAI/

W3C World Wide Web Consortium is an international community working together to develop web standards and maintain their specifications. WAI is the W3C’s accessibility initiativehttp://www.w3.org

FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations systems who publishes all policies and procedures for all executive agencies. https://www.acquisition.gov/Far/

508/255 Refresh Reflects WCAG 2.0 and is passed draft stage. It is the product of the working group that the Access Board requested in 2006 to update the accessibility standards for Rehabilitation Act (Section 508 1973) and the Telecommunications Act (Section 255 1996)http://508-255-refresh.trace.wisc.edu/

508 Section 508 of the American Disabilities Act (reflects WCAG 1.0 level 1)http://www.section508.gov/

255 Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act

JAWS 11 JAWS® for Windows Screen Reading Software (Assistive Technology)http://www.freedomscientific.com/products/fs/jaws-product-page.asp

NVDA 2010.1 NonVisual Desktop Access is a free and open source screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system (Assistive Technology)http://www.nvda-project.org/


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1. OverviewThe purpose of this Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is to assist Federal contracting officials, users of assistive technologies, and others in making preliminary assessments regarding the availability of Information Technology products and services with features that support accessibility, and highlight our compliancy.

This VPAT applies the following sections of the Section 508 Standards for Electronic and Information Technology of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to the COMPANY NAME web sites/web applications and its VeriSign Identity Protection.

Section 1194.22, for Web-based Intranet and Internet Information and Applications.

Sections 1194.31 and 1194.41 (Functional Performance and Information/Documentation)

Additionally, this VPAT details the success criteria used to show compliance to these sections.

The 508/255 RefreshIn 2006, the Access Board started an update of the accessibility laws due to technology changes, differences in interpretation, and international harmonization. Since the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) had been updated to 2.0 officially in December of 2008, the 2.0 version of the WCAG was used heavily in this update effort. This effort to reconcile WCAG 1.0 level one (the basis for the existing Section 508) to WCAG 2.0 is called the 508/255 Refresh.

In July of 2009, the Ad Hoc Committee presented its final draft for Access Board approval, and the final rule of 508 was published with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and moved into the public involvement stage. Since then, it has gone through sub-committee, public information meetings, and open question/feedback periods. Though currently a recommendation, the updated draft of Section 508/255 is expected to be finalized in 2010, close to if not exactly as it stands currently.

COMPANY NAME Section 508 Standards Compliancy PRODUCT

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2. Information on this VPATThis VPAT describes the following web site/application:

Web Site/Application Name


Web Site Owner

Scope of Assessment

Compliance Level

Initial Testing for this VPAT was completed on XXXXXXX:

Release Version Tested was

Assistive Technologies used to test: XXXXX

Automated Tools and Hand Validation were also used

This site relies on the following Accessibility Supported Technologies:



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3. VPAT Sections Summary

Table 2: Summary Table: Voluntary Product Accessibility TemplateCriteria Supporting Features Remarks and


Section 1194.21 Software Applications and Operating Systems Section 1194.22 Web-based internet information and applications Section 1194.23 Telecommunications Products Section 1194.24 Video and Multi-media Products Section 1194.25 Self-Contained, Closed Products Section 1194.26 Desktop and Portable Computers Section 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria Section 1194.41 Information, Documentation and Support - Detail


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4. CompliancyThe following tables indicate the code section, compliance criteria, success criteria, and any explanatory text needed to show the support for Section 508 and it’s corresponding WCAG 2.0 (508/255 Refresh) criteria. Remarks add additional clarification specific to the COMPANY NAME web application.

For more detailed information, the 508-specific paragraph information in the Statement column of the compliancy table is linked to the Access Board site through the section letters (A). WCAG 1 Checkpoints are linked to the W3C specific guideline, and WCAG 2.0 success criteria in Techniques are linked to the W3C WCAG 2.0 full reference.

As shown in these tables, COMPANY NAME complies with the standards as defined for an accessible website.


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Table 3: Compliancy by Criteria - Mapping Section 508 to WCAG 1.0 & WCAG 2.0 with specific remarks on the COMPANY NAMEcompliancyCriteria Section 508 (22) 1 508 Mapped to WCAG 2 WebAim Recommendation to

Meet Success Criteria WCAG2Our CompliancySupporting Features


3 Statement, Need, 4 Goal 5 Checkpoint, Principal, Guideline, Success Criteria, Techniques

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(A) A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element content).

1.1 Non-text elements

1 Perceivable

1.1 Text Alternatives, 1.3 Adaptable

1.1.1 All images, form image buttons, and image map hot spots have appropriate, equivalent alternative text.Images that do not convey content, are decorative, or with content that is already conveyed in text are given null alt text (alt="") or implemented as CSS backgrounds. All linked images have descriptive alternative text.Equivalent alternatives to complex images are provided in context or on a separate (linked and/or referenced via longdesc) page.Form buttons have a descriptive

Not Applicable

1 Taken from the California State University Equally Effective Access HTTP://WWW.CSULB.EDU/~WED/PUBLIC/EQEFFACC/INDEX.HTML2 Taken from WebAim (Web Accessibility in Mind) How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria  HTTP://WWW.W3.ORG/WAI/WCAG20/QUICKREF/3 Statement Taken Directly from § 1194.22 Web-based intranet and internet information and applications  HTTP://WWW.SECTION508.GOV/INDEX.CFM?FUSEACTION=STDSDOC 4 Taken from the California State University Equally Effective Access HTTP://WWW.CSULB.EDU/~WED/PUBLIC/EQEFFACC/INDEX.HTML5 Taken from the Access Board Section 508 Standards HTTP://WWW.ACCESS-BOARD.GOV/SEC508/STANDARDS.HTM , California State University

Equally Effective Access HTTP://WWW.CSULB.EDU/~WED/PUBLIC/EQEFFACC/INDEX.HTML and WebAim WAI Guidelines and Techniques HTTP://WWW.W3.ORG/WAI/GUID-TECH.HTML

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value.Form inputs have associated text labels or, if labels cannot be used, a descriptive title attribute.Embedded multimedia is identified via accessible text.Frames are appropriately titled.

1.3.3 Semantic markup is used to designate headings (<h1>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, and <dl>), emphasized or special text (<strong>, <code>, <abbr>, <blockquote>, for example), etc. Semantic markup is used appropriately. Tables are used for tabular data. Where necessary, data cells are associated with their headers. Data table captions and summaries are used where appropriate. Text labels are associated with form input elements. Related form elements are grouped with fieldset/legend.

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Non textual information like pictures, graphs or charts cannot be perceived by many users. Assistive technology cannot identify a non-text element or recognize the meaning of a non-text element without textual content to describe it.

1.1.1: Non-Text Content, 1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics

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Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Text must be provided for non-text elements so that the identity and meaning can be convey by assistive technology in a mode that the user can perceive.

Successful removal of the need identified by 11194.22(a) at the level of equally effective access is met by techniques sufficient for WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria 1.1.1 and 1.3.3.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(B) Equivalent alternatives for any multimedia presentation shall be synchronized with the presentation.

1.4 Multimedia presentation

1 Perceivable

1.2 Time-based Media

1.2 .1 A descriptive text transcript (including all relevant visual and auditory clues and indicators) is provided for non-live, web-based audio (audio podcasts, MP3 files, etc.).A text or audio description is provided for non-live, web-based video-only (e.g., video that has no audio track).

1.2.2 Synchronized captions are provided for non-live, web-based video (YouTube videos, etc.) Note: This is an AA requirement in WCAG 2.0

1.2.3 A descriptive text transcript OR audio description audio track is provided for non-live, web-based video

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Multimedia differs from text, pictures or pure audio in two important ways: (1) more than one perceptual mode is used to convey the content and (2) the meaning of the material frequently depends on synchronizing the information presented in different modes. This requires text alternatives for non-text elements and a synchronized time-based delivery of text alternatives for

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video Only (Prerecorded), 1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded); 1.2.3 Audio Description or Full Text Alternative.

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non-text items. The synchronized text for audio is called captioning.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Synchronized captioning is the solution for multi-media sound. If the medium has audio mode then a text equivalent must be present and synchronize with video. If the video portion has content that is essential to understanding the presentation, then there must be audio description or a full text equivalent for this video content. This audio or text description must also be synchronize with the graphical information in the presentation. For completeness, all time based media should be addressed. For Audio Only a full text alternative is provided. For Video only either a text alternative or audio track is provided.

See, how to meet 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3 depending on the case at hand.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(C) 2.1 Color 1.4.1 Color is not used as the sole method of conveying

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Web pages shall be designed so that all information conveyed with color is also available without color, for example from context or markup.

1 Perceivable

1.4 Distinguishable

content or distinguishing visual elements.Color alone is not used to distinguish links from surrounding text unless the luminance contrast between the link and the surrounding text is at least 3:1 and an additional differentiation (e.g., it becomes underlined) is provided when the link is hovered over or receives focus.

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Users who cannot perceive differences in color cannot use information that is only conveyed through color.

1.4.1 Use of Color

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Provide additional cues that convey the same differences without using color.

See How to Meet 1.4.1

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(D) Documents shall be organized so they are readable without requiring an associated style sheet.

 6.1 Style Sheets

1 Perceivable

1.3 Adaptable

1.3 Semantic markup  is used to designate headings (<h1>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, and <dl>), emphasized or special text (<strong>, <code>, <abbr>, <blockquote>, for example), etc. Semantic markup is used

Not Applicable

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appropriately.Tables are used for tabular data. Where necessary, data cells are associated with their headers. Data table captions and summaries are used where appropriate.Text labels are associated with form input elements. Related form elements are grouped with fieldset/legend.

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

The organizational structure of information in a document and its associated meaning may depend on a presentation style that some users cannot perceive.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships and 1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Create a flexible data format that preserves the organizational structure of the document when the material is presented in an alternative mode required by the user to perceive the document.

1.3.1 and 1.3.2 cover Section 508 1194.22 (d). The sufficient techniques to satisfy 1194.22 (d) can be found through the link How to Meet 1.3.1 and How to Meet 1.3.2. For 1.3.1 use the techniques 1–4 in Situation A for technologies with semantic structure to meet 1194.22(d). Plain text and HTML preformated text can easily violate 508 (d) as well as 1.3.1 and 1.3.2. For these cases use the sufficient

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techniques in Situation B, the technology in use does not provide semantic structure, to comply.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(E) Redundant text links shall be provided for each active region of a server-side image map.

1.2 Server-side image maps

2 Operable

2.1 Keyboard Accessible

2.1.1 All page functionality is available using the keyboard, unless the functionality cannot be accomplished in any known way using a keyboard (e.g., free hand drawing).Page-specified shortcut keys and accesskeys (accesskey should typically be avoided) do not conflict with existing browser and screen reader shortcuts.2.1.2 Keyboard focus is never locked or trapped at one particular page element. The user can navigate to and from all navigable page elements using only a keyboard.

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Without redundant links there is no URL on the page that can be located and and activated with a keyboard. The server side maps do not provide this.

2.1.1 Keyboard

Goal For Equally Techniques for Doesn’t

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Effective Access: Equally Effective Access:


In any map provide full keyboard access to all functionality - no exceptions.

The inclusion of redundant links on the page just creates a client-side method of activating the links in a keyboard accessible way. If the client side links invoke Scripts to implement functionality then use How to Meet 2.1.1. Even client side image maps should include redundant textual links.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(F) Client-side image maps shall be provided instead of server-side image maps except where the regions cannot be defined with an available geometric shape.

9.1 Client-side image maps

2 Operable

2.1 Keyboard Accessible

See 2.1 Above

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Same as (e), server side maps, there must be a keyboard accessible method to activate the hot spots in the map. Client side map elements provide semantic code that contains all the properties needed to support the other criteria (like

2.1.1 Keyboard

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text for non-text items etc.) and they are navigable by keyboard.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

In any map provide full keyboard access to all functionality - no exceptions.

If the client side links invoke Scripts to implement functionality then use How to Meet 2.1.1. Today server side maps are never required. When using maps use client side maps only

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(G) Row and column headers shall be identified for data tables.

5.1 Data tables

1 Perceivable

1.3 Adaptable

See 1.3 above

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

A data table is a rectangular configuration of textual data divided into horizontal rows and vertical columns. Each entry within a table has a specific meaning that depends upon its location within the table. Usually the first text item in a row and / or column of the table identifies the meaning of the data in the rest of the row and /

1.3.1 Info and Relationships

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or column. These values are called the row and column headers. Unless these items are marked as header elements assistive technology may not recognize their significance to the table, and a user of assistive technology cannot know the meaning of cells within a table.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Create a flexible table format that preserves the organizational structure of the table when the material is presented in an alternative mode required by the user to perceive the table. In particular, the location of data cells must be identifiable in terms of the row and column that hold the data cell. Headers must be used so the assistive technology can inform the user of the row and column headers associated with a given data entry within the interior of the table.

Success Criterion 1.3.1 covers Section 508 1194.22 (g). The sufficient techniques to satisfy 1194.22 (g) can be found through the link How to Meet 1.3.1. Look at Situation B, group 4, techniques: H51: Use table markup to present tabular information, H63: Using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables. You may use H43: Using id and header attributes to associate data cells with header cells in data tables, but it is not required for simple data tables.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

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(H) Markup shall be used to associate data cells and header cells for data tables that have two or more logical levels of row or column headers.

5.2 Markup & tables

1 Perceivable

1.3 Adaptable

See 1.3 above

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

With two or more levels of table headers the connection of a header to a cell may not be determined by physical position as in the case of simple data tables. To understand the meaning of data in a table cell when one cannot perceive the associated header values one must have a way to identify the complete collection of headers associated with a given cell.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

All users have full knowledge of the values and relationships of headers associated with all data cells in order to interpret the meaning of each data value.

See How to Meet 1.3.1 . Look specifically at H63: Using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables (HTML) and H43: Using id and headers attributes to associate data cells with header cells in data tables (HTML).

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Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(I) Frames shall be titled with text that facilitates frame identification and navigation.

12.1 Frames

2 Operable

2.4 Navigable

2.4.1 A link is provided to skip navigation and other page elements that are repeated across web pages.If a page has a proper heading structure, this may be considered a sufficient technique instead of a "Skip to main content" link. Note that navigating by headings is not yet supported in all browsers. If a page uses frames and the frames are appropriately titled, this is a sufficient technique for bypassing individual frames.2.4.2 The web page has a descriptive and informative page title.2.4.3 The navigation order of links, form elements, etc. is logical and intuitive.2.4.4 The purpose of each link (or form image button or image map hotspot) can be determined from the link text alone, or from the link text and it's context (e.g., surrounding paragraph, list item, table cell, or table headers).Links (or form image buttons) with the same text that go to different locations are readily distinguishable.

Not Applicable

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Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Frames are a technique to group material that is used on multiple pages. Without meaningful titles a user may not perceive the purpose of the grouping that may be apparent from other perceptual cues.

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Give all frames in a frame set meaningful titles that identify the function of their content.

See How to meet 2.4.1. There is controversy concerning the use of frames. In particular, they do not linearize well. If frames are not already deployed, consider using other methods to group repeated items. Note: The Success Criterion 2.4.2 Page Titles should also apply here because framesets are really multi-page pages and the frame titles identify independent pages, but there is no mention of frames in the success criteria for 2.4.2. The specific technique for frame titles is H64: Using the title attribute of the frame and iframe elements.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

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(J) Pages shall be designed to avoid causing the screen to flicker with a frequency greater than 2 Hz and lower than 55 Hz.

7.1 Flickering

2 Operable

2.3 Seizures

2.3.1 No page content flashes  more than 3 times per second unless that flashing content is sufficiently small and the flashes are of low contrast and do not contain too much red.

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Flicker can cause seizures. 2.3.1 Three Flash or Below Threshold

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Never cause seizures. Provide a means to avoid flicker, and never flicker within the specified range.

See How to meet 2.3.1. Follow these instructions precisely.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(K) A text-only page, with equivalent information or functionality, shall be provided to make a web site comply with the provisions of these standards, when compliance

11.4 Text-only page

1 Perceivable

1.3 Adaptable

See 1.3 above

Not Applicable

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cannot be accomplished in any other way. The content of the text-only page shall be updated whenever the primary page changes.

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

If a technology exists that cannot be made accessible in any other way, then text may be the only way to convey the content. This situation is almost nonexistent. Ajax, Applets, Objects and Multimedia can all be addressed using techniques given here. There are accessible Flash guidelines. PDF can be made accessible.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

It is almost impossible to achieve equally effective access with text-only data except for textual data itself. One thing that can get the text-only document closer is to provide up to date content equivalence and provide text cues that indicate document structure.

See, How to meet 1.3.1. In this case use Situation B (The technology in use does NOT provide the semantic structure) and use the method given here to represent tabular data. It is much easier to create an accessible medium in the first place than it is to create an equally effective text-only substitute. Note 1: The techniques for 1.3.1 Situation B do not describe how to implement text only tables. Here

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is a technique that is faithful. Linearized Tables: To represent a textual data table use a relational data format in a linear order. That is, use the set of column headers for field names. Each row is a list of ordered pairs field names paired with its data values. If row headers are present then use these names as row titles. One per table row. The list of all such rows is the table. This document is an example of a linearized table in relational form. The<h2> elements are row headers. The <h3> elements are column headers. The data values are the text contents associated with the <h3> elements.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(L) When pages utilize scripting languages to display content, or to create interface elements, the information provided by the script shall be identified with functional text that can be read by assistive technology.

8.1 Scripting languagesPriority 2 WCAG1, part of 508

4 Robust

4.1 Compatible

4.1.1 Significant HTML/XHTML validation/parsing errors are avoided. Check at http://validator.w3.org/4.1.2 Markup is used in a way that facilitates accessibility. This includes following the HTML/XHTML specifications and using forms, form labels, frame titles, etc. appropriately.

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

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Script can change the page environment without notifying the user agent. It can also create functionality for grouping elements like <span> and <div> that duplicates or extends the underlying markup language. In both cases the standard application program interfaces provided by operating system environments can be bypassed and assistive technology cannot interact with what is occurring at a given time. This locks the user with a disability out of the process.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Script must communicate through the standard accessibility application programming interface provided by system so that compliant assistive technology will function as needed.

See How to use 4.1.2. As of this writing the WAI ARIA documents are still working drafts. However, WAI ARIA techniques provide accessible interfaces to Scripting languages that follow the protocols and several browsers and took kits support them.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(M) When a web page requires that an applet, plug-in, or other application be present on the

6.3, 6.4, 8.1 Applets, plug-ins or other applicationsPriority 2 WCAG1, part of 508

Accessibility Supported Using a technology in a way that is accessibility supported means that it works with assistive

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client system to interpret page content, the page must provide a link to a plug-in or applet that complies with §194.21(a) through (l).


As apply to the UI of the specific technology. Accessibility Supported

technologies (AT) and the accessibility features of operating systems, browsers, and other user agents. Technology features can only be relied upon to conform to WCAG 2.0 success criteria if they are used in a way that is "accessibility supported". Technology features can be used in ways that are not accessibility supported (do not work with assistive technologies, etc.) as long as they are not relied upon to conform to any success criterion


Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

An object or applet is free to use any interface it chooses to display within its user agent. It is generic software running in a browser or media player. To function properly it must satisfy the software paragraph of Section 508.

As apply to the UI of the specific technology. Accessibility Supported

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

The interface must be perceivable, operable, understandable and robust. The W3C term for this type of

See in the WCAG 2.0 Guidelines the parts relating to Accessibility Supported: Important Terms in WCAG 2.0 —Accessibility

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Web technology is accessibility supported

Supported, and Conformance Requirements —4. Accessibility Supported is Required. Also, see Understanding Accessibility Supported.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(N) When electronic forms are designed to be completed on-line, the form shall allow people using assistive technology to access the information, field elements, and functionality required for completion and submission of the form, including all directions and cues.

10.2, 12.4, 9.3 Electronic formsPriority 2 WCAG1, part of 508

1 Perceivable, 2 Operable and 3 Understandable

1.3 Adaptable, 2.1 Keyboard Accessible, 3.2 Predictable, and 3.3 Input Assistance.

See 1.3 aboveSee 2.1 above3.2 .1 When a page element receives focus, it does not result in a substantial change to the page, the spawning of a pop-up window, an additional change of keyboard focus, or any other change that could confuse or disorient the user.3.2.2 When a user inputs information or interacts with a control, it does not result in a substantial change to the page, the spawning of a pop-up window, an additional change of keyboard focus, or any other change that could confuse or disorient the user unless the user is informed of the change ahead of time.3.3.1 Required form elements or form elements that require a specific format, value, or length provide this information within the element's label (or if a label is not provided, within the element's title attribute).

Not Applicable

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If utilized, form validation cues and errors (client-side or server-side) alert users to errors in an efficient, intuitive, and accessible manner. The error is clearly identified, quick access to the problematic element is provided, and user is allowed to easily fix the error and resubmit the form.3.3.2 Sufficient labels, cues, and instructions for required interactive elements are provided via instructions, examples, properly positioned form labels, and/or fieldsets/legends.

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

Lack of access to online forms means loss of access to real world services. For example, a person who uses an a human operator to schedule a flight will usually pay more than a person who orders on the web.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships, 2.1.1 Keyboard, and 2.1.2 No Keyboard Traps, 3.2.1 On Focus, 3.2.2 On Input, 3.3.1 Error Suggestion and 3.3.2 Labels or Instructions.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Everyone can read and operate all forms.

See How to meet 1.3.1 , parts relating to Forms: H44: Using label elements to associate text labels with form controls , H65: Using the title attribute to identify form controls when the label

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element cannot be used , H71: Providing a description for groups of form controls using fieldset and legend elements , H85: Using OPTGROUP to group OPTION elements inside a SELECT, H82: Grouping form controls with FIELDSET and LEGEND. Also see How to meet 2.1.1 and How to meet 2.1.2 as well as How to Meet 3.2.1, How to Meet 3.2.2, and How to Meet 3.3.2. Keyboard control, freedom from keyboard traps, safe behavior on focus and on input are all necessary for effective online form handling. See How to Meet 3.3.1 and How to Meet 3.3.2 for providing a minimum level of help for input.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(O) A method shall be provided that permits users to skip repetitive navigation links.

13.5, 13.6 Navigation links

Priority 2 WCAG1, part of 508

2 Operable, 2.4 Navigable

See 2.4 above

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

The ability to skip repeated links saves lots of time stepping through links one by

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks

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one looking for the piece of information you want.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

Links should be grouped in identifiable ways and a method to jump to of from them using assistive technology must exist.

See How to meet 2.4.1. The techniques: H69: Providing heading elements at the beginning of each section of content; H50: Using structural elements to group links; H70: Using frame elements to group blocks of repeated material AND H64: Using the title attribute of the frame and iframe elements are guaranteed to provide equally effective access. Skip links are less reliable, and often produce a maze of links that obscure page meaning.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

(P) When a timed response is required, the user shall be alerted and given sufficient time to indicate more time is required

Timed response

No Equivalent in WCAG 1.0

2 Operable, 2.2 Enough Time

2.2.1 If a page or application has a time limit, the user is given options to turn off, adjust, or extend that time limit. This is not a requirement for real-time events (e.g., an auction), where the time limit is absolutely required, or if the time limit is longer than 20 hours.2.2.2 Automatically moving, blinking, or scrolling content that lasts longer than 3 seconds can

Not Applicable

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be paused, stopped, or hidden by the user. Moving, blinking, or scrolling can be used to draw attention to or highlight content as long as it lasts less than 3 seconds.Automatically updating content (e.g., automatically redirecting or refreshing a page, a news ticker, AJAX updated field, a notification alert, etc.) can be paused, stopped, or hidden by the user or the user can manually control the timing of the updates.

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

People with disabilities need more time to complete many tasks.

2.2.1 Timing Adjustment, 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

A method to provide sufficient time to complete an on-line task without penalty.

See How to meet 2.2.1 and How to Meet 2.2.2. The first techniques address user control over timed events. The second techniques provide user control over intrusive timed events.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

Doesn’t Exist 1.4.2 A mechanism is provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust

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To meet level A perceivableGuideline 1.4 Distinguishable

volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds.

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

1.4.2 Audio Control. Users must be able to shut off or control the volume of a sound that lasts more than 3 seconds.

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

See How to Meet 1.4.2.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

Doesn’t ExistTo meet level A operable:Guideline 2.4 Navigable

See 2.4.2 above

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

2.4.2 Page Titles. Surprisingly 508 does not require page titles. Frame titles are only implied by their use in grouping repeated links

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective

Doesn’t Support

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Access:Use, How to Meet 2.4.2 for techniques.

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

Doesn’t Exist

To meet level A understandableGuideline 3.1 Readable

3.1.1 The language of the page is identified using the HTML lang attribute (<html lang="en">, for example).

Not Applicable

Need: Success Criteria: Supports with Exceptions

3.1.1 Language of the Page

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:

Doesn’t Support

The default human language of each web page should be programmatically determined. Use, How to Meet 3.1.1

Statement (508 Wording):

WCAG 1 CheckpointWCAG 2 PrincipalWCAG 2 Guideline

Success Criteria Detail

What we Support

Site or Screen Specific

Doesn’t ExistTo meet level A robustGuideline 4.1

See 4.1.1 above

Need: Success Criteria: Not Applicable

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Compatible, 4.1.1 Parsing: In content implemented using markup languages, elements have complete start and end tags, elements are nested according to their specifications, elements do not contain duplicate attributes, and any IDs are unique, except where the specifications allow these features.

Supports with Exceptions

Doesn’t Support

Goal For Equally Effective Access:

Techniques for Equally Effective Access:This really says follow standards, and don't use silly shortcuts. See Understanding 4.1.1.

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Supporting Information for this VPAT

A. Section 1194.31 Functional Performance Criteria

Table 4: Functional Performance Criteria508 Clause Criteria Supporting

FeaturesRemarks and Explanations

1194.31(a) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user vision shall be provided, or support for Assistive Technology used by people who are blind or visually impaired shall be provided.

1194.31(b) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require visual acuity greater than 20/70 shall be provided in audio and enlarged print output working together or independently, or support for Assistive Technology used by people who are visually impaired shall be provided.

1194.31(c) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user hearing shall be provided, or support for Assistive Technology used by people who are deaf or hard of hearing shall be provided

1194.31(d) Where audio information is important for the use of a product, at least one mode of operation and information retrieval shall be provided in an enhanced auditory fashion, or support for assistive hearing devices shall be provided.

1194.31(e) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require user speech shall be provided, or support for Assistive Technology used by people with disabilities shall be provided.

1194.31(f) At least one mode of operation and information retrieval that does not require fine motor control or

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Supporting Information for this VPAT

simultaneous actions and that is operable with limited reach and strength shall be provided.

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Supporting Information for this VPAT

B. Section 1194.41 Product Information, Documentation and Support

Web application help is available online within the web application using direct links on all pages. In addition to the online help, the following is available on request:

Table 5: Product Help and SupportCriteria Supporting

FeaturesRemarks and Explanations

(a) Product support documentation provided to end-users shall be made available in alternate formats upon request, at no additional charge

(b) End-users shall have access to a description of the accessibility and compatibility features of products in alternate formats or alternate methods upon request, at no additional charge.

(c) Support services for products shall accommodate the communication needs of end users with disabilities.

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Supporting Information for this VPAT

C. Supporting Information for this VPATThe following documents contain information used to create this VPAT and to understand 508 and the 508/255 Refresh:

"Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0)" W3C Recommendation 11 December 2008, available at http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/

“How to Meet WCAG 2.0" reference document, which contain suggested techniques for each Success Criteria, available at http://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/quickref/

"Understanding WCAG 2.0", available at http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/

"Understanding Accessibility Support", available at http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/conformance.html#uc-accessibility-support-head

“Official 508”, available at http://www.section508.gov/index.cfm?fuseAction=stdsdoc

“Equally Effective Access: Mapping 508 to WACG 2.0”, from http://www.csulb.edu/~wed/public/EqEffAcc/index.html

“The 508-255 Refresh (ANPRM) Analysis and Comment”, http://508-255-refresh.trace.wisc.edu/

“Plain(er) Language Version of 508-255 ANPRM”, http://508-255-refresh.trace.wisc.edu/content/plainer-language-version-508-255-anprm

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