wbi message broker

WBI Message Broker Unzip Plug-In Version 1.0 6 th August, 2004 Arjan van Vught e-business Hosting Services David Ricardostraat 2-4 1066 JS Amsterdam The Netherlands [email protected] Property of IBM

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Page 1: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker Unzip Plug-In

Version 1.0

6th August, 2004

Arjan van Vught e-business Hosting Services

David Ricardostraat 2-4 1066 JS Amsterdam

The Netherlands

[email protected]

Property of IBM

Page 2: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Take Note!

Before using this report be sure to read the general information under "Notices".

First Edition, August 2004

This edition applies to Version 1.0 of WBI Message Broker - Unzip Plug-In and to all subsequent releases and modifications unless otherwise indicated in new editions.

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004. All rights reserved. Note to US Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule contract with IBM Corp.


Page 3: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Table of Contents Notices....................................................................................................................................... iv


Summary of Amendments .........................................................................................................vi

Preface ..................................................................................................................................... vii

Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. viii

Installing the plug-in node.......................................................................................................... 1

SupportPac contents.............................................................................................................. 1

Prerequisites .......................................................................................................................... 2

Supported Platforms .............................................................................................................. 2

Installing the plug-in node on broker system ......................................................................... 2

Integrating the plug-in node into the Workspace ................................................................... 2

Using the plug-in node............................................................................................................... 3

Description ............................................................................................................................. 3

Plug-in node terminals ........................................................................................................... 3

Plug-in node properties.......................................................................................................... 3

Compiling the plug-in node........................................................................................................ 4

Windows 2000........................................................................................................................ 4

AIX ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Linux86................................................................................................................................... 5

Example using the plug-in node ................................................................................................ 6

Appendix A. ............................................................................................................................. 12


Page 4: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Notices The following paragraph does not apply in any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law.


Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore this statement may not apply to you.

References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates.

Any reference to an IBM licensed program or other IBM product in this publication is not intended to state or imply that only IBM's program or other product may be used. Any functionally equivalent program that does not infringe any of the intellectual property rights may be used instead of the IBM product.

Evaluation and verification of operation in conjunction with other products, except those expressly designated by IBM, is the user's responsibility.

IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to the IBM Director of Licensing, IBM Corporation, 500 Columbus Avenue, Thornwood, New York 10594, USA.

The information contained in this document has not be submitted to any formal IBM test and is distributed AS-IS. The use of the information or the implementation of any of these techniques is a customer responsibility and depends on the customer's ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer's operational environment. While each item has been reviewed by IBM for accuracy in a specific situation, there is no guarantee that the same or similar results will be obtained elsewhere. Customers attempting to adapt these techniques to their own environments do so at their own risk.

Trademarks and service marks The following terms, used in this publication, are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both:



WebSphere MQ (WMQ)

WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker (WBI MB)

Exchange for WebSphere MQ (xWMQ)

The following terms are trademarks of other companies:

• Windows 2000 Microsoft Corporation

• Linux Developed under the GNU General Public License


Page 5: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Acknowledgments The uncompressing engine used in the plug-in is the zlib library and the unzip.c source. Used in accordance with the terms in zlib and unzip.c source. They are reproduced here for convenience. If the text here differs with that in zlib.h and unzip.h, the text in zlib.h and unzip.h stands. /* zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library version 1.2.1, November 17th, 2003 Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. Jean-loup Gailly Mark Adler [email protected] [email protected] The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt (zlib format), rfc1951.txt (deflate format) and rfc1952.txt (gzip format). */ /* unzip.h -- IO for uncompress .zip files using zlib Version 1.01, May 8th, 2004 Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Gilles Vollant This unzip package allow extract file from .ZIP file, compatible with PKZip 2.04g WinZip, InfoZip tools and compatible. Encryption and multi volume ZipFile (span) are not supported. Old compressions used by old PKZip 1.x are not supported I WAIT FEEDBACK at mail [email protected] Visit also http://www.winimage.com/zLibDll/unzip.htm for evolution Condition of use and distribution are the same than zlib : This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software. Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions: 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required. 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software. 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */


Page 6: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Summary of Amendments

Date Changes

2 August 2004 Initial release


Page 7: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Preface This SupportPac supplies a WBI Message Broker plug-in node that constructs a new message and inserts an UNZIP branch. The Unzip node takes a BLOB input stream and produces a content list or produces an uncompressed representation of the data. Versions are supplied for use in the Microsoft Windows 2000, AIX and Linux86 environments along with source code and documentation


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Bibliography Installation 674 KB March 2004

Message Flows 5.20 MB March 2004

User-defined Extensions 1.26 MB March 2004

IBM exchange for WebSphere MQ Administration and Application Development Guide

0.86 MB June 2003


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Installing the plug-in node SupportPac contents The supplied zip file should be unzipped in a temporary directory. The following files and sub-directories will be created:


UnZipPlugIn.c UnZipPlugIn.h unzip_list.c unzip_list.h ioapi.c ioapi.h ioapi_mem.c unzip.c unzip.h fnmatch.c (needed on Windows only) fnmatch.h (needed on Windows only) /NT

UnZipPlugIn.lil zlib1.dll SupportPacs.zip

/Debug UnZipPlugIn.lil


UnZipPlugIn.lil makefile.unzip makefile.unzip.debug

/Debug UnZipPlugIn.lil


UnZipPlugIn.lil makefile.unzip makefile.unzip.debug

/Debug UnZipPlugIn.lil

License2.txt IA99.pdf CustomNodesFlows.zip

Note: the plug-in version in the directory /Debug generates multiple debug files in the directory /tmp. Please make sure that this directory exists on same volume where the plug-in is installed.


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Prerequisites This SupportPac provides a plug-in node to be used with the IBM WBI Message Broker version 5.0 and above. Required software:

• zlib – runtime environment 1 If any changes are to be made to the plug-in node on Windows, AIX, and Linux, an appropriate C compiler is required together with the zlib development environment available at: http://www.gzip.org/zlib/

Supported Platforms This SupportPac has been developed and tested in a Microsoft Windows 2000, AIX and Linux86 environment.

Installing the plug-in node on broker system

The plug-in ‘lil’ file can be installed by copying or moving the appropriate file to the following directory:

<WBIMB-root>\bin (Windows)

<WBIMB-root>/lil (AIX)

<WBIMB-root>/lil (Linux86)

You must stop and restart the broker to enable it to detect the existence of the new ‘lil’.

Integrating the plug-in node into the Workspace

The necessary files for integrating the plug-in into the Workspace are provided in the /NT directory. The tooling plugin is in the SupportPacs zip. You need to put the contents of SupportPacs.zip (a directory called "SupportPacs") into <WBIMB-root>/eclipse/plugins or <WBIMB-root>/ibtoolkit/eclipse/plugins.

1 The run-time dll for Windows is included in the zipfile. The zlib1.dll can be installed in <WBIMB-root>\bin.


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Using the plug-in node Description The plug-in node constructs a new message and adds an UNZIP branch within the existing message.

Plug-in node terminals

Terminal Description

In The input terminal that accepts a message for processing by the node

Out The output terminal that outputs the new message with the UNZIP branch.

Failure The output terminal which the message is routed if failure is detected. For example, if there is no InputRoot.BLOB.

Plug-in node properties Mode

Valid values are:


List the contents of the zip data.


Uncompress the zip data.

The default value is “Unzip”.


Specifies the filename within the BLOB to unzip. The default value is “*”.

Copy input Blob

If this value is selected, the InputRoot.BLOB is copied to the OutputRoot.BLOB. By default, this value is not selected.


The zip file password (optional). The default value is “”.


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Compiling the plug-in node Windows 2000

cl /VERBOSE /LD /MT /I. UnZipPlugIn.c BipSampPluginUtil.c unzip_list.c ioapi.c ioapi_mem.c unzip.c fnmatch.c -link /DLL imbdfplg.lib zdll.lib /OUT: UnZipPlugIn.lil



DEFINES = -DAIX -qcpluscmt CC = xlc_r MQSIROOT = /usr/opt/wmqi MQSIINCLUDE = -I$(MQSIROOT)/include -I$(MQSIROOT)/include/plugin -I$(MQSISAMPLE) MQSISAMPLE = $(MQSIROOT)/sample/extensions/nodes HOMEDIR = /home/mqmdvl all: UnZipPlugIn.lil UnZipPlugIn.o: UnZipPlugIn.c UnZipPlugIn.h $(CC) -I. $(MQSIINCLUDE) -c UnZipPlugIn.c $(DEFINES) unzip_list.o: unzip_list.c unzip_list.h $(CC) -I. $(MQSIINCLUDE) -c unzip_list.c $(DEFINES) ioapi.o: ioapi.c ioapi.h $(CC) -I. -c ioapi.c $(DEFINES) ioapi_mem.o: ioapi_mem.c $(CC) -I. -c ioapi_mem.c $(DEFINES) unzip.o: unzip.c unzip.h $(CC) -I. -c unzip.c $(DEFINES) BipSampPluginUtil.o: $(MQSISAMPLE)/BipSampPluginUtil.c $(MQSISAMPLE)/BipSampPluginUtil.h $(CC) -I. $(MQSIINCLUDE) -c $(MQSISAMPLE)/BipSampPluginUtil.c $(DEFINES) UnZipPlugIn.lil: UnZipPlugIn.o BipSampPluginUtil.o unzip_list.o ioapi.o ioapi_mem.o unzip.o $(CC) -bM:SRE -bexpall -bnoentry -o UnZipPlugIn.lil UnZipPlugIn.o BipSampPluginUtil.o unzip_list.o ioapi.o ioapi_mem.o unzip.o -L$(MQSIROOT)/lib -l imbdfplg -l z


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Linux86 Makefile:

DEFINES = -DLINUX CC = gcc MQSIROOT = /opt/mqsi MQSISAMPLE = $(MQSIROOT)/sample/extensions/nodes MQSIINCLUDE = -I$(MQSIROOT)/include -I$(MQSIROOT)/include/plugin -I$(MQSISAMPLE) HOMEDIR = /home/mqmdvl all: UnZipPlugIn.lil UnZipPlugIn.o: UnZipPlugIn.c UnZipPlugIn.h $(CC) -I. $(MQSIINCLUDE) -c UnZipPlugIn.c $(DEFINES) unzip_list.o: unzip_list.c unzip_list.h $(CC) -I. $(MQSIINCLUDE) -c unzip_list.c $(DEFINES) ioapi.o: ioapi.c ioapi.h $(CC) -I. -c ioapi.c $(DEFINES) ioapi_mem.o: ioapi_mem.c $(CC) -I. -c ioapi_mem.c $(DEFINES) unzip.o: unzip.c unzip.h $(CC) -I. -c unzip.c $(DEFINES) BipSampPluginUtil.o: $(MQSISAMPLE)/BipSampPluginUtil.c $(MQSISAMPLE)/BipSampPluginUtil.h $(CC) -I. $(MQSIINCLUDE) -c $(MQSISAMPLE)/BipSampPluginUtil.c $(DEFINES) UnZipPlugIn.lil: UnZipPlugIn.o BipSampPluginUtil.o unzip_list.o ioapi.o ioapi_mem.o unzip.o ld -shared -o UnZipPlugIn.lil UnZipPlugIn.o BipSampPluginUtil.o unzip_list.o ioapi.o ioapi_mem.o unzip.o -L$(MQSIROOT)/lib -l imbdfplg -l z


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

Example using the plug-in node This example shows a possible use of the node. A SMTP message with a zip-file attached is received using Exchange for WebSphere MQ 2.

Message flow

ESQL Compute Node CREATE COMPUTE MODULE UnzipPlugInTest_Compute CREATE FUNCTION Main() RETURNS BOOLEAN BEGIN CALL CopyMessageHeaders(); SET OutputRoot.MQMD.Format = 'MQSTR'; SET OutputRoot.MQSIE = NULL; SET OutputRoot.BLOB.BLOB = InputRoot.UNZIP.File.Blob; RETURN TRUE; END; CREATE PROCEDURE CopyMessageHeaders() BEGIN DECLARE I INTEGER 1; DECLARE J INTEGER CARDINALITY(InputRoot.*[]); WHILE I < J DO SET OutputRoot.*[I] = InputRoot.*[I]; SET I = I + 1; END WHILE; END; CREATE PROCEDURE CopyEntireMessage() BEGIN SET OutputRoot = InputRoot; END;



2 For parsing the MQSIE header, SupportPac IA0D must be installed also.


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

XWMQ.IN.txt ( (0x01000000):Properties = ( (0x03000000):MessageSet = '' (0x03000000):MessageType = '' (0x03000000):MessageFormat = '' (0x03000000):Encoding = 785 (0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 437 (0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE (0x03000000):Persistence = TRUE (0x03000000):CreationTime = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-07-21 18:56:18' (0x03000000):ExpirationTime = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-08-20 18:54:42.807622' (0x03000000):Priority = 0 (0x03000000):ReplyIdentifier = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):ReplyProtocol = 'MQ' (0x03000000):Topic = NULL ) (0x01000000):MQMD = ( (0x03000000):SourceQueue = 'XWMQ.IN' (0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE (0x03000000):Encoding = 785 (0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 437 (0x03000000):Format = 'MQSIE ' (0x03000000):Version = 2 (0x03000000):Report = 2099648 (0x03000000):MsgType = 8 (0x03000000):Expiry = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-08-20 18:54:42.807622' (0x03000000):Feedback = 0 (0x03000000):Priority = 0 (0x03000000):Persistence = 1 (0x03000000):MsgId = X'665fc70bf38cbbd7f4d5d3c5f9f8f8f4f9bb8cf3de0ce047' (0x03000000):CorrelId = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):BackoutCount = 0 (0x03000000):ReplyToQ = 'EUR.NLEBCC.NLEBC002 ' (0x03000000):ReplyToQMgr = 'MQ31 ' (0x03000000):UserIdentifier = 'nl91551 ' (0x03000000):AccountingToken = X'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):ApplIdentityData = ' ' (0x03000000):PutApplType = 1 (0x03000000):PutApplName = ' ' (0x03000000):PutDate = DATE '2004-07-21' (0x03000000):PutTime = GMTTIME '18:56:18' (0x03000000):ApplOriginData = ' ' (0x03000000):GroupId = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):MsgSeqNumber = 1 (0x03000000):Offset = 0 (0x03000000):MsgFlags = 0 (0x03000000):OriginalLength = -1 ) (0x01000000):MQSIE = ( (0x03000000):MSGNAME = 'BINARY ' (0x03000000):MSGSEQNO = '00001' (0x03000000):DATATYPE = 'B' (0x03000000):DESCRIPTION = 'A zipped text document attached' (0x03000000):CLASS = 'SMTPMSG ' (0x03000000):RECDLM = 'N' (0x03000000):FROM = 'EUR.NLEBCC.NLEBC002' (0x03000000):UNIQUEID = 'WWT70FVD' ) (0x01000000):BLOB = ( (0x03000000):UnknownParserName = 'SMTPMSG ' (0x03000000):BLOB = X'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' ) )


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

UnzipPlugIn_Out.txt ( (0x01000000):Properties = ( (0x03000000):MessageSet = '' (0x03000000):MessageType = '' (0x03000000):MessageFormat = '' (0x03000000):Encoding = 785 (0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 437 (0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE (0x03000000):Persistence = TRUE (0x03000000):CreationTime = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-07-21 18:56:18' (0x03000000):ExpirationTime = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-08-20 19:17:12.517622' (0x03000000):Priority = 0 (0x03000000):ReplyIdentifier = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):ReplyProtocol = 'MQ' (0x03000000):Topic = NULL ) (0x01000000):MQMD = ( (0x03000000):SourceQueue = 'XWMQ.IN' (0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE (0x03000000):Encoding = 785 (0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 437 (0x03000000):Format = 'MQSIE ' (0x03000000):Version = 2 (0x03000000):Report = 2099648 (0x03000000):MsgType = 8 (0x03000000):Expiry = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-08-20 19:17:12.517622' (0x03000000):Feedback = 0 (0x03000000):Priority = 0 (0x03000000):Persistence = 1 (0x03000000):MsgId = X'665fc70bf38cbbd7f4d5d3c5f9f8f8f4f9bb8cf3de0ce047' (0x03000000):CorrelId = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):BackoutCount = 0 (0x03000000):ReplyToQ = 'EUR.NLEBCC.NLEBC002 ' (0x03000000):ReplyToQMgr = 'MQ31 ' (0x03000000):UserIdentifier = 'nl91551 ' (0x03000000):AccountingToken = X'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):ApplIdentityData = ' ' (0x03000000):PutApplType = 1 (0x03000000):PutApplName = ' ' (0x03000000):PutDate = DATE '2004-07-21' (0x03000000):PutTime = GMTTIME '18:56:18' (0x03000000):ApplOriginData = ' ' (0x03000000):GroupId = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):MsgSeqNumber = 1 (0x03000000):Offset = 0 (0x03000000):MsgFlags = 0 (0x03000000):OriginalLength = -1 ) (0x01000000):MQSIE = ( (0x03000000):MSGNAME = 'BINARY ' (0x03000000):MSGSEQNO = '00001' (0x03000000):DATATYPE = 'B' (0x03000000):DESCRIPTION = 'A zipped text document attached' (0x03000000):CLASS = 'SMTPMSG ' (0x03000000):RECDLM = 'N' (0x03000000):FROM = 'EUR.NLEBCC.NLEBC002' (0x03000000):UNIQUEID = 'WWT70FVD' ) (0x01000000):UNZIP = ( (0x01000000):File = ( (0x03000000):Name = 'xWMQ.txt' (0x03000000):Length = 158 (0x03000000):Ratio = 76 (0x03000000):Size = 207 (0x03000000):Method = 'Defl:X' (0x03000000):Date = DATE '2004-07-21' (0x03000000):Time = TIME '20:41:26' (0x03000000):Blob = X'78574d512070726f766964657320612042324220687562207769746820612076617269657479206f6620636f6e6e656374696f6e206d656368616e69736d733b20576562537068657265204d512028574d51292c20


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534d54502c20582e3430302c20496e666f726d6174696f6e2045786368616e676520284945292c204544492056414eb4732c20485454502f454449494e54204153322c2048545450532f454449494e54204153322c20534d54502f454449494e5420415331204654502f532c2046545020616e64204f4654502e' ) (0x01000000):Return = ( (0x03000000):Code = 0 (0x03000000):Description = 'Ok' ) ) )


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

UNZIP.OUT.txt ( (0x01000000):Properties = ( (0x03000000):MessageSet = '' (0x03000000):MessageType = '' (0x03000000):MessageFormat = '' (0x03000000):Encoding = 785 (0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 437 (0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE (0x03000000):Persistence = TRUE (0x03000000):CreationTime = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-07-21 18:56:18' (0x03000000):ExpirationTime = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-08-20 18:54:42.807622' (0x03000000):Priority = 0 (0x03000000):ReplyIdentifier = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):ReplyProtocol = 'MQ' (0x03000000):Topic = NULL ) (0x01000000):MQMD = ( (0x03000000):SourceQueue = 'XWMQ.IN' (0x03000000):Transactional = TRUE (0x03000000):Encoding = 785 (0x03000000):CodedCharSetId = 437 (0x03000000):Format = 'MQSTR' (0x03000000):Version = 2 (0x03000000):Report = 2099648 (0x03000000):MsgType = 8 (0x03000000):Expiry = GMTTIMESTAMP '2004-08-20 18:54:42.807622' (0x03000000):Feedback = 0 (0x03000000):Priority = 0 (0x03000000):Persistence = 1 (0x03000000):MsgId = X'665fc70bf38cbbd7f4d5d3c5f9f8f8f4f9bb8cf3de0ce047' (0x03000000):CorrelId = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):BackoutCount = 0 (0x03000000):ReplyToQ = 'EUR.NLEBCC.NLEBC002 ' (0x03000000):ReplyToQMgr = 'MQ31 ' (0x03000000):UserIdentifier = 'nl91551 ' (0x03000000):AccountingToken = X'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):ApplIdentityData = ' ' (0x03000000):PutApplType = 1 (0x03000000):PutApplName = ' ' (0x03000000):PutDate = DATE '2004-07-21' (0x03000000):PutTime = GMTTIME '18:56:18' (0x03000000):ApplOriginData = ' ' (0x03000000):GroupId = X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (0x03000000):MsgSeqNumber = 1 (0x03000000):Offset = 0 (0x03000000):MsgFlags = 0 (0x03000000):OriginalLength = -1 ) (0x01000000):BLOB = ( (0x03000000):BLOB = X'78574d512070726f766964657320612042324220687562207769746820612076617269657479206f6620636f6e6e656374696f6e206d656368616e69736d733b20576562537068657265204d512028574d51292c20534d54502c20582e3430302c20496e666f726d6174696f6e2045786368616e676520284945292c204544492056414eb4732c20485454502f454449494e54204153322c2048545450532f454449494e54204153322c20534d54502f454449494e5420415331204654502f532c2046545020616e64204f4654502e' ) )


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WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In

amqsbcg UNZIP.OUT AMQSBCG0 - starts here ********************** MQOPEN - 'UNZIP.OUT' MQGET of message number 1 ****Message descriptor**** StrucId : 'MD ' Version : 2 Report : 2099648 MsgType : 8 Expiry : 25916684 Feedback : 0 Encoding : 785 CodedCharSetId : 437 Format : 'MQSTR ' Priority : 0 Persistence : 1 MsgId : X'665FC70BF38CBBD7F4D5D3C5F9F8F8F4F9BB8CF3DE0CE047' CorrelId : X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' BackoutCount : 0 ReplyToQ : 'EUR.NLEBCC.NLEBC002 ' ReplyToQMgr : 'MQ31 ' ** Identity Context UserIdentifier : 'nl91551 ' AccountingToken : X'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' ApplIdentityData : ' ' ** Origin Context PutApplType : '1' PutApplName : ' ' PutDate : '20040721' PutTime : '18561800' ApplOriginData : ' ' GroupId : X'000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' MsgSeqNumber : '1' Offset : '0' MsgFlags : '0' OriginalLength : '-1' **** Message **** length - 207 bytes 00000000: 7857 4D51 2070 726F 7669 6465 7320 6120 'xWMQ provides a ' 00000010: 4232 4220 6875 6220 7769 7468 2061 2076 'B2B hub with a v' 00000020: 6172 6965 7479 206F 6620 636F 6E6E 6563 'ariety of connec' 00000030: 7469 6F6E 206D 6563 6861 6E69 736D 733B 'tion mechanisms;' 00000040: 2057 6562 5370 6865 7265 204D 5120 2857 ' WebSphere MQ (W' 00000050: 4D51 292C 2053 4D54 502C 2058 2E34 3030 'MQ), SMTP, X.400' 00000060: 2C20 496E 666F 726D 6174 696F 6E20 4578 ', Information Ex' 00000070: 6368 616E 6765 2028 4945 292C 2045 4449 'change (IE), EDI' 00000080: 2056 414E B473 2C20 4854 5450 2F45 4449 ' VAN´s, HTTP/EDI' 00000090: 494E 5420 4153 322C 2048 5454 5053 2F45 'INT AS2, HTTPS/E' 000000A0: 4449 494E 5420 4153 322C 2053 4D54 502F 'DIINT AS2, SMTP/' 000000B0: 4544 4949 4E54 2041 5331 2046 5450 2F53 'EDIINT AS1 FTP/S' 000000C0: 2C20 4654 5020 616E 6420 4F46 5450 2E ', FTP and OFTP. ' No more messages MQCLOSE MQDISC


Page 20: WBI Message Broker

WBI Message Broker – Unzip Plug-In


Appendix A. IBM Exchange for WebSphere MQ provides the network, protocol conversion, message routing, and storage to support secured transaction processing among WebSphere MQ and EDI trading partners. A single wide area networking or remote access connection to the service eliminates the need to connect individually with trading partners, while providing a security buffer from them. Transactions can be routed immediately or saved for later retrieval. A Java-based administration tool is provided for enhanced management of queues and trading partner definitions.

xWMQ provides a B2B hub with a variety of connection mechanisms; WebSphere MQ (WMQ), SMTP, X.400, Information Exchange (IE), EDI VAN´s, HTTP/EDIINT AS2, HTTPS/EDIINT AS2, SMTP/EDIINT AS1 FTP/S, FTP and OFTP:

Pros outsourced B2B hub:

• Plug-and-play solution • IBM has got a lot of experience - fast, reliable implementation • Fast and easy trading partner rollout • No skills needed in-house • Concentrate on core business • Reduce errors • Benefit from IBM's backup and test environments • IBM Call Management Center - 24*7 coverage

For further information: http://edi.services.ibm.com/mqseries/spec_sheets.shtml

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