way to nibbana through vipassana meditation

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  • 8/11/2019 Way to Nibbana Through Vipassana Meditation


    Way to Nibbana throughVipassana Meditation

    MONDAY, 16 MARCH 2009 18:20

    Vipassana Meditation - THE METHOD IN BRIEF (B M!H!"I"!!D!W#

    Way to Nibbana

    In spite of his endeavo! to "onte#p$ate %ithot a &!ea' to &e a&$e to note the pheno#ena not $ess than

    on"e in eve!( se"ond, a novi"e in the p!a"ti"e of #editation is apt to fo!)et to o&se!ve *ite a n#&e! of

    &odi$( &ehavio!s and #enta$ a"tivities+ As pointed ot in the se"tion on a#atha Meditation, the!e %i$$ &e

    #an( nivaranas%hi"h "ase the #ind to %ande! to othe! o&-e"ts+

    .hat is i#po!tant is that in p!a"tisin) a#atha #editation, the!e is no need to "onte#p$ate on the #ind that

    fo!)ets to o&se!ve, and the %ande!in) #ind, and that it is on$( ne"essa!( to !e"apit$ate the o!i)ina$

    /sa#atha/ "onte#p$ation+

    Ho%eve!, in the "ase of ipassana #editation the #ind that fo!)ets to o&se!ve and the #ind that %ande!s

    sho$d &e "onte#p$ated+ On$( afte! s"h "onte#p$ation %ith a%a!eness, it sho$d &e !eve!ted to the

    "onte#p$ation of the !isin) and fa$$in) of the a&do#en and the a!isin) of othe! pheno#ena+ his is one of the

    points %hi"h essentia$$( diffe!s in dispe$$in) nivaranasfive hind!an"es3 &et%een the p!a"ti"e of samatha-

    bhvanand that of vipassana-bhvan+

    In the "ase of samatha-bhvan, one has to "onte#p$ate "ontinos$( on the o&-e"t of sa#atha so that the

    #ind is fi4ed on one sin)$e o&-e"t on$(+ It is not ne"essa!( to o&se!ve an( othe! ph(si"a$ o! #enta$

    pheno#enon+ he!efo!e, the!e is no need to "onte#p$ate on hind!an"es s"h as tho)hts and i#a)ination

    %hi"h a!ise o""asiona$$(+ It is on$( ne"essa!( to dispe$ the# as and %hen the( o""!+

    In vipassana-bhvan, ho%eve!, as the "onte#p$ation is to &e #ade on a$$ ph(si"a$ and #enta$ pheno#ena

    a!isin) at the si4 sense5doo!s+ the poppin) p of nivaranass"h as desi!es, )!eed, p$eas!a&$e fee$in)s and

    %ande!in) tho)hts %hi"h so#eti#es es"ape the #editato!/s noti"e, #st &e o&se!ved and "onte#p$ated+ If

    not so "onte#p$ated, the #ind %i$$ have its atta"h#ent to these nivaranas%ith a %!on) vie% that the( a!e

    pe!#anent, p$eas!a&$e and /atta/ e$f3+ o, %hen s"h #enta$ fo!#ations a!ise, it is not -st eno)h to

    #e!e$( dis!e)a!d the# as in the "ase of sa#atha+

    Mo!e "onvin"in)$(, it #a( &e stated that the tas' of vipassana p!a"ti"e %i$$ &e a""o#p$ished on$( if

    "onte#p$ation is a$so #ade on the# so as to 'no% "o!!e"t$( the !ea$ nat!e %ith thei! nat!a$ and sa$

    "ha!a"te!isti"s and to )et deta"hed f!o# the#+ .hen !epeated "onte#p$ation is #ade #an( ti#es in the

    #anne! des"!i&ed a&ove, the %ande!in) #ind %i$$ a$#ost enti!e$( disappea! and %ith its disappea!an"e, the#ind %i$$ &e f!ee f!o# hind!an"es+ If the #ind f$its a%a( f!o# the o&-e"t of "onte#p$ation, it "an at on" e &e

    noti"ed and "onte#p$ated, and &( doin) so the #ind %i$$ i##ediate$( "ease to %ande!+

    ven at ti#es %hen the #ind tends to $eave its "onte#p$ated o&-e"t, it "an i##ediate$( &e o&se!ved and

    "onte#p$ated+ he #ind %i$$ then "ease to %ande! #a'in) it possi&$e to p!o"eed %ith the sa$

    "onte#p$ation %ithot inte!!ption+ At this $eve$ of the "onte#p$ation, the "onte#p$atin) #ind a$%a(s "$ose$(

    fits in fi4ed$( %ith its o&-e"t of "onte#p$ation+ his fi4edness of #ind sa#adhi3 is ipassana5

    'hani'asa#adhi #o#enta!( "on"ent!ation of insi)ht3+

  • 8/11/2019 Way to Nibbana Through Vipassana Meditation


    he #ind no% &ein) f!ee f!o# nivaranass"h askamma cchanda sensos $st3 is, the!efo!e, on e*a$

    footin) %ith upacara-samadhip!o4i#ate "on"ent!ation3 in the path of samatha-bhvan+ As the #ind is no

    $on)e! #i4ed p %ith an( hind!an"es that "ase the #ind to %ande!, and &ein) p!ified fo!#in) a "ontinos

    "hain of identi"a$ tho)hts deep in one5pointedness of the #ind in the a"t of "onte#p$ation, it is "a$$ed Citta-

    Visuddhi7!it( of #ind3+ hen the #ate!ia$ o! ph(si"a$ pheno#ena s"h as, !isin) and fa$$in) of the

    a&do#en3 et"+, %hi"h a!e &ein) o&se!ved and noted, a!e pe!"eived at eve!( #o#ent of "onte#p$ationdistin"tive$( %ithot #i4in) p %ith the 'no%in) #ind na#a3 and othe! #ate!ia$ o&-e"ts !pa3+

    "tages o$ Insight-%no&'edge

    A$so, the #enta$ pheno#ena s"h as the a"t of "onte#p$atin), "ons"iosness of tho)hts, a"t of seein),

    et"+, a!e a$so pe!"eived at eve!( #o#ent of "onte#p$ation as distin)ished f!o# #ate!ia$ pheno#ena and

    othe! #enta$ pheno#ena+ ven at eve!( #o#ent of &!eathin), the &od( that is 'no%n and the 'no%in) #ind

    a!e o&se!ved and noted %ith "$ea! distin"tion+ his 'no%$ed)e of dis"e!n#ent distin)ishin) &et%een #ind

    and #atte! is 'no%n as na#a!pa5pa!i""heda ana+ .hen this insi)ht5'no%$ed)e has &een deve$oped

    #an( a ti#e, the 'no%n #ate!ia$ o&-e"t s"h as the pheno#ena of /!isin) and fa$$in)/ and the 'no%in) #ind

    %hi"h !ea$ies the a"t of seein), 'no%in), et"+, a!e "$ea!$( nde!stood as &ein) on$( rupa#atte! that has no

    sensitivit( of 'no%in) thin)s3 and /na#a/ #ind %hi"h has the po%e! o! sense of 'no%in), seein) o! fee$in)

    the #ate!ia$ o&-e"ts and #enta$ a"tivities3 %hi"h in fa"t "onstitte the t%o #ain fa"to!s of this &odi$(


    Apa!t f!o# these t%o "onstitents of $ife e4isten"e, the!e is no /atta,/ o! e$f, and 'no%in) this %e$$ one

    &e"o#es e$ated+ his !ea$iation of 'no%$ed)e in the "o!se of "onte#p$ation is "a$$ed Ditthi5 isddhi

    7!it( of ie%3+ On p!o"eedin) f!the! %ith the "onte#p$ation, it %i$$ &e app!e"iated fo! havin) pe!"eived

    that the #ate!ia$ and #enta$ pheno#ena that a!e a!isin) in the &od( a!e the !es$ts of "ase and effe"t+

    ;o! i$$st!ation: he dis"ip$e is p$eased fo! havin) pe!"eived the fa"t that &e"ase of the #ind intendin) to

    &end o! st!et"h o! #ove o! "han)e the post!e, the!e a!ise the a"tion of &endin), st!et"hin), #ovin)< o!

    "han)in)< &e"ase of the f$"tations of te#pe!at!e, "ondition in the ph(si"a$ &od( "han)es eithe! &( &ein)

    hot o! "o$d< and &e"ase of the pa!ta'in) of food the!e a!ises fo!#ations of the ph(si"a$ ene!)(+ A)ain he

    pe!"eives %ith satisfa"tion that &e"ase of the p!esen"e of the e(e and visa$ o&-e"t, ea! and sond, et"+,the a"t of seein), hea!in) et"+, has o""!!ed< and &e"ase of the vo$itiona$ attentiveness, the #ind !ea"hes

    its sense5o&-e"t+ A)ain, he pe!"eives %ith enti!e satisfa"tion that &e"ase of /Avi--a/ i)no!an"e o! de$sion3

    thin)s appea! as &ein) fine and p$eas!a&$e< &e"ase of /tanha/ "!avin)s3 a$$ 'inds of deeds a!e pe!fo!#ed

    afte! p!e#editation, &ein) %i$$in) to )et &ette!5off and de$i)hted o! o&tain satisfa"tion: and &e"ase of

    atta"h#ent to s"h a"tions, tho)hts and pe!fo!#an"es the!e a!ise af!esh /viana/ "ons"iosness3: and

    that the pheno#enon of death is nothin) &t the eventa$ passin) a%a( o! disappea!an"e of s"h

    "ons"iosness< and that the ne% $ife e4isten"e anothe! &i!th3 is the !es!)en"e of s"h #enta$

    "ons"iosness to)ethe! %ith the ne% "o!po!ea$ &od( to &e depended pon, and so fo!th+

    his distin)ishin) 'no%$ed)e of Dependant O!i)ination of "ase and effe"t is 'no%n as

    pa""a(apa!i))ahaa na the 'no%$ed)e that distin)ishes &et%een "ase and effe"t3+ .hen it is !ea$ied

    that this p!o"ess of Dependent O!i)ination is !es$t of the !e$ativit( of "ase and effe"t, he &e"o#es a%a!e of

    the fa"t that #atte! and #ind !pa and na#a3 had a$so a!isen in the past and that in ft!e a$so si#i$a!

    o""!!en"es of #atte! and #ind %i$$ a)ain ta'e p$a"e+ "h !ea$iation of 'no%$ed)e %ith inne! satisfa"tion is

    "a$$ed /=an'ha5ita!ana5isddhi/ p!it( a!isin) f!o# havin) ove!"o#e do&ts3+

    >efo!e the !ea$iation of the !i)ht 'no%$ed)e of !pa and na#a as &ein) ta'in) p$a"e %ithin the $a% of "ase

    and effe"t, #an( s"epti"a$ do&ts "o$d have a!isen as to %hethe! the!e %as s"h a thin) as I o! atta o!

    e$f in the past fa$se$( vie%in) !pa and na#a as /atta/ and a $ivin) entit(? And that do&ts #a( a!ise

  • 8/11/2019 Way to Nibbana Through Vipassana Meditation


    %hethe! I "o#e into e4isten"e on$( no% and %hethe! I in the sense of e$f %i$$ e4ist he!eafte!, afte!

    death@ No% that these s"epti"a$ do&ts "annot possi&$( a!ise+ It #eans that s"h do&ts have &een

    ove!"o#e+ On p!o"eedin) f!the! %ith the "onte#p$ation it %i$$ &e o&se!ved that a$$ !pa and na#a a!ise and

    pass a%a( at eve!( #o#ent of "onte#p$ation+

    ;o! this !eason the pheno#e na$ nat!e of thei! i#pe!#anen"e %i$$ &e 'no%n and app!e"iated+ his is

    Ani""a5sa##asana5ana+ Insi)ht into the i#pe!#anent nat!e of pheno#ena3+ It %i$$ a$so &e o&se!vedand pe!"eived that the nat!a$ pheno#ena of !pa and na#a a!e "onstant$( ta'in) p$a"e and that this a!isin)

    and passin) a%a( of #atte! and #ind have in"essant$( "ased sffe!in)s, and the!efo!e, the( a!e neithe!

    p$easant no! !e$ia&$e, and a!e te!!i&$( #ise!a&$e and dist!essin)+ his is D''ha5sa##asana5ana Insi)ht

    into i$$5"ondition3+ Rea$iin) the fa"t that these "onditioned thin)s a!e happenin) on thei! o%n vo$ition and

    that thei! pheno#ena$ o""!!en"es do not fo$$o% the di"tates of one /s o%n %i$$, the( a!e o&se!ved and

    pe!"eived as neithe! atta no! e$f &t #e!e$( anatta Not5se$f3+ his is Anatta5sa##asanaa na

    Insi)ht into non5atta o! non5se$f3+ Afte! havin) #ade an ana$(ti"a$ o&se!vation and !ef$e"tion on these fa"ts

    %ith enti!e satisfa"tion, the dis"ip$e p!o"eed %ith his "onte#p$ation as sa$ %ithot f!the! !ef$e"tion+ At this

    sta)e, he %i$$ "$ea!$( pe!"eive the &e)innin) of the a!isin) of sensation to%a!ds the sense5o&-e"t at eve!(

    #o#ent of his "onte#p$ation+ He %i$$ a$so pe!"eive the "o#in) to an end of this sensation %hi"h is

    "o#p$ete$( seve!ed+ At this -n"t!e the!e #a( a!ise #an( othe! st!an)e happenin)s, s"h as:

    Ten Imperfections of Insight

    13 #enta$ visions of &!i$$iant o! &!i)ht $i)ht

    23 a!isin) of !apt!os fee$in)s

    3 a!isin) of fee$in)s of "a$#ness

    B3 st!on) devotiona$ fee$in)s !e$atin) to>ddhaandDha##a

    3 )!eat enthsias# to "a!!( ot the p!a"ti"e of #editation

    63 -o(f$ fee$in)s

    3 e4t!e#e$( !apid, "$ea! and p!ified pe!"eption of senseo&-e"ts

    83 the "apa&i$it( of p!a"tisin) #indf$ness %ithot #issin) to note an( sensation that needs &e


    93 the "apa&i$it( to "onte#p$ate ato#ati"a$$( %ithot #a'in) pa!ti"$a! effo!t+

    103 fee$in) of s&t$e p$eas!e in the "onte#p$ation+

    he #editato! dis"ip$e3 is so #"h en"o!a)ed and e$ated that he "annot !e#ain #te and "annot he$p

    !e"ontin) his e4pe!ien"es+ his is -st an initia$ o! i##at!e sta)e of Eda(a&&ha(a5ana and a

    #is"on"eption of #a))aana+ In fa"t, it is on$( th!o)h the 'no%$ed)ea&$e e4pe!ien"e of the s"!ipt!a$

    te4ts o! the inst!"tions of the #editation tea"he! that de"ision sho$d &e a!!ived at %ith faith %hethe! s"hvision of &!i$$iant $i)ht, et"+, a!e not the t!e n$i)hten#ent and that spi!ita$ en$i)hten#ent "an &e a"hieved

    on$( &( "onte#p$atin) "ontinos$( on a$$ #ate!ia$ and #enta$ pheno#ena that a!ise, th!o)h the p!a"ti"e of


    he #a'in) of s"h a de"ision is 'no%n as Ma))a#a))a5anadassana5 visddhi 7!it( of insi)ht into !i)ht

    and %!on) paths3+ Afte! havin) "o#e to this de"ision if the "onte#p$ation is "a!!ied on in "ontinit(, those

    fee$in)s of "ontent#ent and satisfa"tion and #enta$ visions of $i)ht %i$$ )!ada$$( de"!ease, and the

    pe!"eption of the o&-e"ts %i$$ &e"o#e "$ea!e! and "$ea!e! %ith a%a!eness+

  • 8/11/2019 Way to Nibbana Through Vipassana Meditation


    he )!ada$ a!isin) and disso$tion of n#e!os pheno#ena %ith a$$ thei! #ove#ents ta'in) p$a"e at a snai$

    pa"e %i$$ &e "$ea!$( pe!"eived f!a)#ent &( f!a)#ent, in the "o!se of a sin)$e a"t of &endin) o! st!et"hin) the

    a!# o! the $e) o! of ta'in) a step, &efo!e it even !ea"hes f!o# one sta)e of a se!ies of #ove#ent to anothe!,

    that is, %ithot !ea"hin) the end of a "hain in the "onse"tive #ove#ents of the $i#& f!o# one position to

    anothe!+ his 'no%$ed)e is the #at!e fo!# of Eda(a&&ha(a5ana, f$a%$ess$( f!ee f!o# /Epa''i$esa/

    i#p!ities3+ .hen this /ana/ has )ained #o!e st!en)th, the pe!"eption of the pheno#ena$ sense5o&-e"ts&e"o#es a""e$e!ated+ he!efo!e, the end5vanishin) of the sense5 fee$in)s is #o!e "$ea!$( #anifested and

    &e"o#es #o!e noti"ea&$e than the &e)innin) of thei! a!isin)+

    hen, a$$ sense5o&-e"ts %o$d appea! as if the( have a$!ead( vanished+ ;o!#s and shapes of hand, $e),

    head, &od(, et"+, a!e no $on)e! pe!"eived and a!e fond to &e fadin) a%a( fo$$o%ed &( disso$tion eve!( ti#e

    "onte#p$ation is #ade+ It is a$so pe!"eived %ith a%a!eness that even the "onte#p$atin) #ind a$on) %ith its

    o&-e"ts of "onte#p$ation vanishes one afte! the othe! i##ediate$( in s""ession+ his 'no%$ed)e and

    a%a!eness of the p!o"ess of vanishin) in pai!s of the sense5o&-e"t and the 'no%in) #ind at eve!( #o#ent

    of "onte#p$ation is "a$$ed >han)a5ana Insi)ht into the disso$tion of thin)s3+

    Havin) pe!"eived that &oth the 'no%in) #ind and the pheno#ena$ sense5o&-e"ts a!e "onstant$( passin)

    a%a(, the!e a!ises the 'no%$ed)e that the( a!e !ea$$( f!i)htf$+ his 'no%$ed)e is, ho%eve!, vie%ed %ith

    p$eas!e+ his is >a(a5ana A%a!eness of f!i)htf$ "ondition3+ hen the!e a!ises the !ea$iation of the fa"t

    that these ps("ho5ph(si"a$ pheno#ena so !apid$( disso$vin) a!e ndesi!a&$e &ein) fa$t( and defe"tive in

    nat!e+ his is Adinava5 ana Insi)ht into nsatisfa"to!( "ondition3+ On p!o"eedin) %ith the "onte#p$ation,

    a%a!eness of the natt!a"tive and &o!in) nat!e of thin)s ta'es p$a"e+

    his is Ni&&ida5 ana Insi)ht into %ea!iso#e "ondition3+ hen, 'no%$ed)e o! a%a!eness a$so o""!s

    $oo'in) fo!%a!d to es"ape f!o# the #ise!( and sffe!in)s &!o)ht a&ot &( those pheno#ena of a!isin) and

    passin) a%a( of !pas and na#as, and thin'in) at the sa#e ti#e that it %o$d &e &ette! if these ph(si"a$ and

    #enta$ pheno#ena "ease to e4ist a$to)ethe!+ his 'no%$ed)e is M""it5'a#(ata5 ana =no%$ed)e o!

    insi)ht a!isin) f!o# desi!e to es"ape3+

    At this sta)e, as "onte#p$ation is "a!!ied on %ith #ost an4iosness fo! an es"ape de$ive!an"e3, a "$ea!

    pe!"eption of /ani""a,/ /d''ha/ and /anatta/ %o$d a!ise+ In pa!ti"$a!, the nat!e of d''ha, sffe!in)s, #a(&e pe!"eived ve!( "onvin"in)$(+ his is 7atisan'ha5 ana Insi)ht a!isin) ot of f!the! "onte#p$ation3+

    .hen this /7atisan'ha5 ana/ is f$$( st!en)thened, "onte#p$ation and a%a!eness &e"o#e ato#ati" and

    p!o"eed on its o%n $i'e the #a"hine of a "$o"'+ It p!o"eeds "onte#p$atin) on o&-e"ts %ith e*ani#it(, i+e+,

    spe!fi"ia$$( ta'in) noti"e of the#, and avoidin) to p!se the a!isin) of )ood o! &ad sensations+ It is so ve!(

    de$i"ate and )ent$e+ "h "onte#p$ation #a( )o on ato#ati"a$$( %ith a%a!eness as it )ains #o#ent# fo!

    one ho!, t%o ho !s o! th!ee ho!s+

    ven tho)h it #a( $ast so $on), the!e %i$$ &e no ti!edness o! e4hastion+ he !ea$iation of the t!e nat!e of

    the o&-e"ts of "onte#p$ation %ithot e4e!tion and %ithot p!sin) )ood o! &ad sensations in the "o!se of

    the "onte#p$ation %hi"h $asts fo! a $on) ti#e is an'ha!pe''ha5 ana =no%$ed)e o! insi)ht a!isin) f!o#

    vie%in) thin)s %ith e*ani#it(3+ .hi$e s"h !ea$iation is )oin) on ato#ati"a$$(, e4t!e#e$( fast and a"tive

    'no%$ed)e !eappea!s and this 'no%$ed)e %hi"h advan"es %ith a &i) !sh to%a!ds a no&$e path 'no%n as

    tthana5 #a))a is "a$$ed tthana5)a#ini+ vipassana5 ana Insi)ht $eadin) to e$evation3+ hat spe"ia$

    'no%$ed)e appea!s %ith the !ea$iation that ph(si"a$ and #enta$ pheno#ena %hi"h o""! at the si4 sense5

    doo!s #o#enta!i$( a!e i#pe!#anent, sffe!in) and /not5se$f/ anatta3+ he 'no%$ed)e that a!ises at the $ast

    #o#ent is An$o#a5 ana =no%$ed)e of adaptation3 %hi"h "onsists of th!ee /-avanas,/ i#p$se #o#ents,

    "a$$ed /7a!i'a##a/ p!epa!ation3, /Epa"a!a/ app!oa"h3 and /An$o#a/ adaptation3+

  • 8/11/2019 Way to Nibbana Through Vipassana Meditation


    his is the Fana that is )ained in "onsonan"e o! in ha!#on( %ith the p!e"edin) ei)ht ipassana5 ana

    and s&se*ent Ma))a5 ana =no%$ed)e of the 7ath3+ Insi)hts f!o# the #at!e Eda(a&&a(a5ana to

    the An$o#a5ana tota$$in) nine in n#&e! a!e "o$$e"tive$( 'no%n as 7atipada5ana5dassana5visddhi

    7!it( of 'no%$ed)e and insi)ht a!isin) f!o# havin) fo$$o%ed the "o!se of p!a"ti"e3+ Afte! /An$o#a5ana,/

    the!e a!ises Got!a&h5ana =no%$ed)e ove!#aste!in) 'inship3 %hi"h )!asps the sensation to%a!ds

    Ni&&ana %he!e the #ise!ies and sffe!in)s "onne"ted %ith !pa and na#a enti!e$( "ease+ his is the'no%$ed)e %hi"h seve!s the $inea)e of /pth--anas/ %o!$d$in)s3 and ente!s the $inea)e of the /A!i(as/ No&$e



    hen, the!e a!ise sotapatti Ma))a and 7ha$a Fana Insi)ht %isdo# a!isin) f!o# the No&$e 7ath of t!ea#5

    %innin) and its ;!ition3 %hi"h !ea$ises Ni&&ana+ he /Ma))aana/ is "a$$ed Fanadassana5 visddhi 7!it(

    of insi)ht3+ he #o#ent of a!isin) of the /#a))a and 7ha$a Fana/ does not $ast even fo! a se"ond+ hen

    !et!ospe"tive !ef$e"tion of the pe"$ia! e4pe!ien"es of the Ma))a, 7ha$a and Ni&&ana ta'es p$a"e+ his is

    7a""ava''hana5ana Insi)ht of !et!ospe"tion3+ One %ho has a"*i!ed 'no%$ed)e p to the sta)e of

    /pa""ava''hana5ana/ se!iati# to the p!o"ed!e ot$ined a&ove, is a otapanna t!ea#5.inne!3+ A

    otapanna is f!ee f!o# the fo$$o%in) th!ee /a#(o -anas/ fette!s3:

    13 a''a(a5ditthi5!!oneos vie% of #atte! and #ind !pa and na#a3 as a $ivin) s&stan"e, e)o o! /se$f,/

    i+e+, 7e!sona$it( >e$ief+

    23 i"i'i""ha5Do&t o! n"e!taint( of the &e$ief a&ot the >ddha, Dha##a, an)ha, and the dis"ip$ine,

    and a&ot the p!a"ti"e of #o!a$ities+

    3 i$a&&ata5pa!a#asa5>e$ief in !ita$is#< %!on) &e$ief that #ethods othe! then that of "$tivatin) the

    e*a$ities of the i)htfo$d3 A!i(a5#a))a No&$e 7ath3 and deve$opin) vipassana insi)ht %i$$ $ead to Ni&&ana+

    te!na$ 7ea"e< Ind$)en"e in %!on)f$ !ites and "e!e#onies+

    ;!the!#o!e, in the "ase of a otapanna, his o&se!van"e of the five p!e"epts, #o!a$it(, !e#ains p!e and

    npo$$ted as a #atte! of "o!se+ ;o! these !easons, a otapanna is $i&e!ated f!o# the fo! Nethe! .o!$ds

    and afte! &ein) !e&o!n in the %o!$d of h#an &ein)s anddevasfo! seven e4isten"es at the #ost he %i$$

    attain A!ahatship in his $ast seventh e4isten"e and pass into Ni&&ana+ If a otapanna p!a"tises vipassana

    #editation %ith a vie% to )ettin) to the state of pha$a, %hi"h he has on"e a"*i!ed, he %i$$ !ea"h /pha$a5

    sa##apatti/ and !e#ain in that state fo! a d!ation of five o! ten #intes o! ha$f an ho! o! one ho! as he

    #a( p!edete!#ine+ If he is an adept in his p!a"ti"e of /pha$a5sa##apatti,/ he "an easi$( )et hi#se$f a&so!&ed

    in that state fo! a %ho$e da( o! a %ho$e ni)ht o! $on)e!+

    If he "a!!ies ot the "onte#p$ation of Epadana''handhas in the sa#e #anne! ai#in) to !ea$ie the hi)he!

    states of #a))a5pha$a to %hi"h he has not (et !ea"hed, vipassana5anas %i$$ &e deve$oped f!o# the sta)e

    of Eda(a&&a(a5ana in the se!ia$ o!de! as &efo!e, and on f$$ #at!it(, he %i$$ !ea$ie Ni&&ana %ith the

    insi)ht5'no%$ed)e of a'ada)a#i5#a))a5pha$a 7ath and f!ition $eadin) to the state of the On"e5

    Ret!ne!3, and &e"o#e a a'ada)a#i+ On"e5Ret!ne!3+ A a'ada)a#i is f!ee f!o# "oa!se sensos

    "!avin)s 'a#a!a)a3 and "oa!se &(apada/ i$$%i$$3+

    he!efo!e, a a'ada)a#i %i$$ attain a!ahatship and ente! Ni&&ana on$( afte! t%o e4isten"es at the #ost, in

    the %o!$d of h#an &ein)s and devas+ .hen a a'ada)a#i "a!!ies ot the p!a"ti"e of /vipassana/ %ith

    intention to !ea"h the state of /#a))a and pha$a/ %hi"h he has on"e a""o#p$ished, he %i$$ a"hieve that state

    and if the p!a"ti"e of vipassana #editation is p!o"eeded %ith in the sa#e #anne! so as to !ea$ie the hi)he!

    state of #a))a5pha$a, he %i$$ attain Ni&&ana %ith the insi)ht of Ana)a#i5#a))a5pha$a 7ath and f!ition

    $eadin) to the state of /Neve!5Ret!ne!/ and &e"o#e an Ana)a#i+ An Ana)a#i is a&so$te$( f!ee f!o#

  • 8/11/2019 Way to Nibbana Through Vipassana Meditation


    /'a#a!a)a/ and /&(apada/ and %i$$ neve! &e !e&o!n in the %o!$d of h#an &ein)s o! of devas, &t on$( in

    >!ah#a .o!$d of ;o!# o! ;o!#$ess phe!e f!o# %hi"h he %i$$ attain Ni&&ana afte! &e"o#in) an A!ahat+

    If an Ana)a#i %ishes to )et to the state of pha$a5sa##apatti and "a!!ies ot the p!a"ti"e of vipassana, he

    %i$$ !ea"h his o&-e"tive+ If he "ontines vipassana #editation %ith a vie% to attainin) hi)he! states of #a))a5

    pha$a, the ipassana5ana/ %i$$ &e"o#e deve$oped sta)e &( sta)e to the e4tent of a"hievin) the !ea$iation

    of Ni&&ana and %i$$ attain A!ahatship+ An A!ahat is a&so$te$( f!ee f!o# the !e#ainin) five /a#(o-anas,/na#e$(:

    13 Rpa5!a)a "!avin) fo! #ate!ia$ e4isten"e3

    23 A!pa5!a)a "!avin) fo! i##ate!ia$ e4isten"e3

    3 Mana "on"eit3

    B3 Eddha""a !est$essness3

    3 Avi--a i)no!an"e o! de$sion to)ethe! %ith a$$ /'i$esas,/ defi$e#ents3

    he!efo!e, an a!ahat %i$$ neve! &e !e&o!n in a ne% e4isten"e+ At the end of the $ife5span in this e4isten"e he

    %i$$ ente! into pa!i ni&&na + As the!e is no #o!e !e&i!th fo! hi# afte! the pa!ini&&na, he %i$$ es"ape f!o#a$$ #ise!ies and sffe!in)s of o$d a)e, si"'ness, death et"+, et"+ It is %ith this o&-e"tive to )et the &enefit of

    &ein) $i&e!ated f!o# these #ise!ies and sffe!in)s, that the fo$$o%in) *estion has &een !aised and ans%e!

    )iven to it at the ve!( otset of this t!eatise+ + .h( sho$d #editation #editation &e p!a"tised@ A+ #editation

    #editation sho$d &e p!a"tised so as to !ea"h Ni&&ana, the!e&( es"apin) f!o# a$$ 'inds of #ise!(, s"h as

    o$d a)e, death, et"+ Ma( a$$ those %ho ea!nest$( %ish to )et $i&e!ated f!o# o$d a)e, death and othe! 'inds of

    #ise!( th!o)h !ea$iation of Ni&&ana &e a&$e to p!a"tise #editation as d$( inst!"ted he!ein and speedi$(

    attain the te!na$ 7ea"e of Ni&&ana+

    reser)e this Website


    Hat!ed is, indeed, neve! appeased &( hat!ed in this %o!$d+ It is appeased on$( &( $ovin)5'indness+ his is

    an an"ient Ja%+

    he Dha##apada

    "o+ia' Boo,ar,

    e''o& Robe Ne&s'etter65#ai$

    Tags .'oud

    Di)ha Ni'a(a Ma--hi#a Ni'a(a a!ahant a!ahantsattain ni&&ana &o)s #on's&oo's &ddha&ddhist "o!!pted#on's"on"i$ "on"i$s dha##afive a))!e)ates he$d he!eti"

    #on's int!od"tion-hana'a##a #ahasi#ahasi sa(ada%#aha(ana "anon #a--hi#a

  • 8/11/2019 Way to Nibbana Through Vipassana Meditation


    ni'a(a #editation#indf$ness ni&&ananon5se$f pa$i pa$i"anon pati#o'a p!a"ti"e!eade! !e&i!th sa(ada%si$ananda ta$'s tipita'avina(a pita'a vipassana(e$$o%!o&e
