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way is theHealthy Way

www.bantee.co.zaFor a Low Carb, High Fat Lifestyle

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1. Banting - Why all the banter? 4

2. Are you truly able to read that label? 17

3. The not-so-sweet on sugars 20

4. The bare bones of your body 27

5. Get your balance back with Bantee 49

6. The proof is in the pudding 56

7. A few recipes to tantalise the taste buds 59

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The Banting diet has taken the South Africa culinary world by storm, where advocates

of the diet have serious beef with modern-day consumption of carbohydrates and

sugars. Restaurants are proudly boasting Banting-friendly meal options, from

cauliflower pizza bases to sizzling, carb-free breakfast fry-ups. Men and women

countrywide have turned to the diet in the hopes of shedding a few kilograms, where

chatter around the braai and at the dinner table frequently turns to this fresh and

revolutionary diet. While going Banting might be the latest fad in the South African diet

world, the question remains: how did it all start? For the answer, we have to travel

back in time to the nineteenth century, where we will meet an English undertaker and

coffin maker, a portly fellow named William Banting.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak

Banting - Why all the banter?

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In 1862, William Banting, a man standing at five

feet five inches, weighed 91 kilograms. Perhaps it

was his profession, but Banting agonised over his

health, worrying ceaselessly about what he

termed his “corpulence”. He claimed to be an

active man, who slid into podginess not as a result

of idleness or excessive eating, but rather

because he enjoyed a few too many naughty

treats, such as bread, beer, sugar, and potatoes.

While Banting was not tremendously obese, he admitted that he had trouble with day-

to-day living, including the inability to tie his own shoelaces and having to walk down

a staircase backwards so as to avoid injuring himself. He was also subjected to hurtful

remarks by his peers about his weight, which, try as he might, did affect his self-

esteem. But such evils paled in comparison to his health ailments, which included

boils, carbuncles, a slight umbilical rupture and failing eyesight and hearing. He tried

everything – Turkish baths, daily walking, various medicines prescribed by doctors –

to no avail.

Then one glorious day, his knight in shining armour, in the form of physician William

Harvey, rescued him from his despair, recommending a diet which radically altered

Banting’s life. In little over a year, Banting had shed 16 kilograms, weighing 75

kilograms, as a direct result of this diet. He considered his transformation to be almost

“miraculous” and, in an effort to share what he termed his “humble knowledge and

experience”, Banting wrote his Letter on Corpulence in December 1863, outlining his

Source: Bantee Facebook page

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struggles and subsequent recovery from obesity. While his full letter is certainly worth

a read, ultimately, much to his relief, Banting stated that his “personal appearance is

greatly improved” and that he seemed to bear “the stamp of good health”. In the end,

Banting felt that he had been “restored to health”.

For those who enjoy a good, old-fashioned tale of man overcoming a seemingly

insurmountable obstacle, have a peek at Banting’s letter online:


So, what was the secret to Banting’s success? His diet, which can be considered the

first real diet, primarily consisted of limiting his intake of carbohydrates and sugar.

Banting went right ahead and had his four meals a day, but instead of spooning

another helping of potatoes onto his plate, he cut down on starches. Instead of

grabbing another glass of beer, he opted for wine. His focus was on boosting his

protein intake, where he was still able to enjoy his favourite meats, such as chicken

and fish, with every meal. Banting did not, however, turn into a carnivore overnight.

The diet was also about fruits and vegetables, especially those leafy greens. In the

end, he found that limiting sugars, carbohydrates, beer, milk and butter was the key to

his weight loss success. Rather than keeping his secrets to himself, Banting choose

to share his knowledge with his community, and so the Banting diet was born.

Over the years, however, as people slowly started adding kilogram upon kilogram to

their bodies, talk of the Banting diet faded. Since Banting’s day, not only has global

food consumption rocketed, but communities the world over have become increasingly

confused about what to eat, as different diets give significantly different advice. In

1974, the world witnessed the emergence of the food pyramid, a nutritional guide

which most of us schooled in the South African educational system have seen before.

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While there are a number of variations of this pyramid, the majority resemble the

pyramid that follows.

The food pyramid

Can you see what the problem is? The food pyramid blatantly encourages the

excessive consumption of carbohydrates. While certainly, carbohydrates can be

beneficial and there is such a thing as a good carbohydrate, unfortunately there are

also too many bad or ‘empty’ carbohydrates, such as potato chips, which do the body

no good at all. To add to that, while the food pyramid does not encourage those wicked

little snacks, such as milk chocolate or jelly beans, the point of the triangle includes

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_pyramid_(nutrition)


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such nibbles, in its allowance for sweets and sugars. However, the food pyramid alone

certainly cannot be blamed for the rapid rise in obesity rates which have occurred over

the last century. One has only to walk into a grocery store to see where the majority

of the blame lies. Consider the microwave meals, the processed foods, the snack

aisles boasting a colourful array of sweets and chocolates, the bakeries where the

smell of freshly made croissants permeates the air. In the name of both convenience

and pleasure, the food industry has altered the face of the planet, encouraging people

to give in to temptation only this one time, despite the growing size of their waistlines.

Switch on a television, open up a magazine, and images of delectable foods swamped

in carbohydrates or coated in syrups and chocolates abound. The consumption of

food, in fact, involves complex psychological feelings, which advertisements play on

in order to get you buying their products. Think about the associations you make with

chocolate and a movie on the couch, or ice cream and a hot summer’s day. Food has

become a source of comfort and affiliated with certain activities, as a result of the

feelings which are evoked when we watch advertisements on the television or open

up a magazine or newspaper. While food is certainly to be enjoyed with family and

friends, and is an essential element in achieving the quality of life which we all deserve,

there is also a limit to how much the body can handle. The problem is that, for those

who battle with their weight, food not only becomes a source of comfort, but also a

source of guilt. Eating the wrong foods becomes a vicious cycle, where sugary foods

give people the short-lived satisfaction and relief which they crave, but this is soon

followed by feelings of guilt and a lack of self-worth. In turn, comfort is sought in the

arms of a bowl of ice cream or a packet of chips. As with any addiction, the cycle needs

to be broken.

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Of course, efforts have been made worldwide to become ‘healthier’, with the

introduction of low-fat foods being one dieting fad which has been heavily marketed to

the consumer. Women around the globe, in particular, have been filling their trolleys

and baskets with low-fat products for years, in the hope of dropping a dress size and

feeding their children the right sort of snacks. The problem is that when one lowers the

fat content in a product, one diminishes the flavour. Considering that no one wishes to

eat flavourless food, there seemed to be only one solution: toss in the sugar. And toss

it in they did, resulting in a product which is not only worse for one’s health, but which

fuels the global sugar addiction.

The World Obesity Federation, an organisation committed to reducing, preventing and

treating the global obesity epidemic, recognises the severity of the health crisis which

we face today. According to their 2012 data on our own country, 39.2% of women in

South Africa are classified as obese, while 10.6% of men suffer from the condition.

Perhaps even more frightening is the fact that 23.6% of girls and 16.2% of boys in our

country are considered overweight.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/remove-overweight-children-adults-1050369/

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Sadly, when a country sees a rise in childhood obesity, one has to ask: why are

parents neglecting their duties to their children’s health? The answer, to a certain

extent, lies in the fact that people are not sure what to feed themselves or their children

anymore. Which snacks are considered healthy? Should one eat carbohydrates at all

anymore? These are the issues which we aim to address in The Bantee Way is the

Healthy Way.

If you are interested in learning more about worldwide obesity statistics and policies,

visit the World Obesity Federation’s website at http://www.worldobesity.org/.

With the rise in global obesity rates, diets have certainly not become a thing of the

past. In fact, quite the opposite is true, with weight loss programs ranging from liquids

only to Mediterranean diets to raw foods diets. Perhaps, amidst all the noise in the

nutrition world, you have heard of the Atkins diet. If not, let us enlighten you. In the

1960s, an American physician and cardiologist, Robert Atkins, decided, much like

William Banting, that it was time to address his weight issues. Akin to Banting’s own

diet, Atkins advocated a limited consumption of carbohydrates and sugars, while

ensuring a high consumption of proteins and fats. As can be expected, this diet raised

contention in the medical world, where the lifestyle was initially dismissed as risky by

the medical fraternity. Yet, over the years, much to the dismay of those big

corporations involved in the sale of processed and junk foods, the Atkins diet gained

popularity, with those following the diet enjoying smaller and smaller clothing sizes.

Now, you may be asking: what does the Atkins diet have to do with the Banting diet?

The answer is simple: they are essentially the same thing. So it was that, in the second

half of the twentieth century, one hundred years after his Letter on Corpulence, William

Banting’s diet was being promoted once more, albeit under a different name. The point

is that the Banting diet is not new and, more importantly for our purposes, the Banting

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diet is not synonymous with the diet supported by Professor Tim Noakes. Rather, the

Banting diet, in the truest sense of the word, can be aligned with what is known as the

Atkins diet today and was initially advocated by William Banting all those years ago.

Anyone who has been involved in heated nutritional debates in the kitchen or around

the fire in South Africa over the last few years has heard of Tim Noakes. Noakes’s

book, The Real Meal Revolution, has sold like hot cakes in recent years, with its

promise of rapid weight loss, improved athletic performance and mental focus,

enhanced health benefits and, more importantly for eager dieters, no more hunger and

reduced cravings. We at Bantee have the deepest respect for the nutritional advances

made by Noakes to the field of health, especially his contribution to the scientific world

in terms of proving that carbohydrates and sugars ought to be avoided. Instead,

Noakes recommends a high intake of protein and fat. However, it is important to

understand that what Noakes suggests and what William Banting suggested in the

nineteenth century are two different nutritional strategies. In other words, Noakes’s

diet is not the same thing as the original Banting diet. While the original Banting diet

was about achieving a healthy, moderate, convenient and affordable lifestyle, the

modern ‘Banting’ diet which Noakes champions is far more rigorous and radical. At

Bantee, while we admire Noakes and his nutritional findings, we recommend the

Banting diet – the original, that is. The table which follows should make clear why we

at Bantee support this diet, in that it affords the opportunity for a balanced, well-

rounded lifestyle, while still resulting in unprecedented levels of weight loss and

improved health all round.

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Foodstuff Modern ‘Banting’ diet Original Banting diet

Refined starches None allowed Up to 4 slices of toast per

day allowed

Rice None allowed Plain boiled rice allowed

Sugar None allowed Approximately 16g per

day allowed

Total daily carb intake Less than 20g Approximately 100g

Protein intake Moderate protein intake High protein intake

Alcohol None allowed Approximately 7 units of

alcohol per day

Meat intake Pork and salmon allowed Pork and salmon not


Dairy Moderate dairy intake No dairy, except a little


Egg Allowed Only soft boiled eggs


Underground starches None allowed None allowed

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It should be clear at this stage that while the original Banting diet allows for a moderate

intake of carbohydrates, the modern diet does not. While consuming absolutely no

carbohydrates might be conducive towards speedy weight loss in the short run, is such

an approach sustainable? It is likely that over the last few years, as a South African

you have known a family member or friend who has been on the radical, modern

‘Banting’ diet, or indeed, you have been on it yourself. How successful has this diet

proved in the long run? There seem to be too many stories of people falling short of

the demanding and often unrealistic objectives which this diet sets. Instead, at Bantee,

we understand that while health matters, so too does the lifestyle which you live. With

this in mind, the Bantee way of life is all about maintaining a sustainable lifestyle,

where, if you are craving a piece of soft bread with warm butter layered on it, you can

go right ahead and eat it. Life is to be enjoyed, after all, and so moderation is the key

to a healthy body and mind.

The Bantee lifestyle is not about adopting the modern ‘Banting’ diet, but rather is about

adjusting your lifestyle in a manageable, affordable and convenient way, as William

Banting did when he first began his quest to lose weight way back in Victorian England.

However, while Banting himself avoided most dairy products, various forms of cooked

eggs and pork, at Bantee we consider that such food items are important in

maintaining a well-balanced diet. Our recommendations therefore do differ slightly

from Banting’s original guidelines, but the gist of the diet remains the same. As avid

believers in healthy living, Bantee is here to offer you advice, as we seek to improve

the lives of millions of South Africans countrywide. It is for this reason that we have

compiled a list of Banting dos and don’ts.

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Start your day off with high protein and high fat foods. Fry up some bacon, egg

and sausage or coat your cereal in full cream or double thick natural Greek

yoghurt with a sprinkling of berries on top.

Fat is not your enemy. Go ahead and enjoy it!

Fry your food in butter, taking advantage of the natural goodness in fats.

Eat eggs for a healthy, satisfying and delicious snack or meal.

Try to eat food which has been subjected to as little processing as possible.

Processing entails chemicals, which can be harmful to your health. The best

food to eat is that which comes straight off the tree or out of the ground and

onto your plate.

When you are hungry – eat; when you are full – stop!

Limit your intake of fruit juice. Remember that fruit juices contain sugars and so

if you must drink them, dilute them with water to reduce your sugar


Drink plenty of water. It helps to carry a water bottle with you, so as to prevent

the impulsive buying of a quick soda when you are thirsty.

Avoid shopping when you are hungry, as this leads to purchasing the wrong

snacks and sweets.

Try not to eat when you are not hungry, even if this means skipping a meal.

But, by all means, do eat when you are hungry!

Toss out the snacks in your cupboard and at your desk at work.



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Steer clear of sugar as much as you possibly can.

Limit your intake of fruit, as fruit contains high volumes of sugar.

Say no to ‘empty’ carbohydrates, such as pizza, rusks and baked treats.

Ignore the labels which say ‘low-fat’ as these are packed with sugars.

Throw sodas in the bin, so as to escape those sugars and ‘empty’


Avoid alcohol as much as possible, except for the consumption of white wine.

At Bantee, we recognise that following an ultra-low carbohydrate diet in the long run

is an arduous undertaking indeed. Not only do people feel that they are missing out

on some of their favourite snacks, but such diets are also time-consuming, where food

preparation times are typically longer than the standard ‘Western’ meal. Given the

price of meat, the cost of maintaining an ultra-low carbohydrate diet can be taxing, as

committed dieters seek the best cuts of meat for every meal. Moreover, society today

is about convenience and such a strict diet also implies that people on the move cannot

gain easy access to the right sorts of food. In the end, what usually happens is that

modern ‘Banting’ dieters suffer from ‘Banting fatigue’, where they can no longer be

bothered to adhere to the diet. In such cases, more often than not, the diet is simply

given up entirely and people resume eating ‘normally’. Sadly, eating ‘normally’ in

today’s society frequently entails a high intake of sugar and dejected dieters find that

the kilograms heap up once more. It is not so much carbohydrates that are the enemy,

given that these are the right carbohydrates, but it is instead sugar which should be

avoided like the plague! Not only does Bantee aim to provide consumers with a tasty,

yet healthy and convenient snack or meal replacement, in the form of our shakes and

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bars, but we are also here to give South Africans advice on eating the right food.

Nutrition is our passion and we want to see all South Africans living their best possible

lives, where they grow to understand their bodies and how best to meet their nutrition


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In order to adhere to South African legislation, all processed food and drink items are

required to include a label, indicating not only the ingredients from which the product

is made, but also the nutrition facts regarding the item. Yet, the problem is that most

consumers are not actually sure what on earth the label is saying. We have not been

taught to read labels sufficiently, which implies that we have not been empowered to

make the right choices about what we consume. At Bantee, we are concerned about

the state of health in South Africa, where the obesity statistics give an indication of the

dire health consequences which many South Africans can expect to face in future. In

an effort to combat these health concerns, we seek to empower our citizens, where

the first step in this process is learning to read a label correctly.

Let us have a look at a milk chocolate bar label in order to highlight the key factors

which you should be looking out for when you check what food you are purchasing for

your family and loved ones.

Source: Bantee Facebook page

Are you truly able to read that label?

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From the above milk chocolate label, it should be clear that when looking at the

nutritional value of a product, one of the key factors to consider is the sugar content in

grams. Remember, five grams is the same as one teaspoon of sugar, so you can

always ascertain how many teaspoons of sugar you are eating in a processed item of

food. It is also essential to take into account the carbohydrate content in grams, as this

is ultimately converted to sugar by the body and, if unused, is stored as fat. Bearing

this in mind, it is time to take stock of how much sugar we eat every single day.

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In the modern world, sugar is sprinkled unsuspectingly into just about every processed

food. Open up your fridge or grocery cupboard and read the labels on your food items.

You will be surprised at what you find. Tomato sauce, mayonnaise, salad dressing,

low-fat and flavoured yoghurt, fruit juice, granola bars, bread, canned foods – you

name it, they’ve got it. The problem is that, given the bad press which sugar has

received over the last few decades, food corporations have taken to using alternatives,

in an attempt to disguise the sugar injected into our foods. One such alternative is

high-fructose corn syrup, which has been scientifically proven to be radically worse for

us than regular sugar. Yet, it is still pumped into foods, without people having sufficient

knowledge or power to just say no. At Bantee, we stand by consumers in the fight

against sugar and so want to encourage South Africans to be on the lookout for

disguised sugars. Fructose, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners – these are serious ‘no-

nos’ in nutritional circles.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/eat-sugar-calories-food-sweet-567454/

The not-so-sweet on sugars

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At this point, you might be asking: so what’s the big deal about sugar anyway? Sugar,

of course, gives the body energy, which is certainly something which we all need.

However, it is essential to understand that there is a difference between natural sugars

and processed sugars. Natural sugars are found in natural, unprocessed foods, such

as fruits, vegetables and dairy. While it is still recommended to limit the intake of

natural sugars, such as not eating more than one item of fruit per day, such sugars

are still good for the body. However, the problem starts when sugars are removed

from their natural source and added to our food. For instance, ordinary sugar is

produced from sugar cane or sugar beet and, while the plant itself has nutrients, the

refining process strips the sugar of any nutrients, while still keeping all the calories. So

how does this affect us? While sugar provides short-lived energy, it lacks any

nutritional value and, in fact, is highly toxic for our bodies. Here are some of the

adverse effects of consuming too much sugar:

Sugar highs and sugar lows

Sugar addiction

Interference with brain activity, as the brain is unable to determine when your

body has eaten enough

Weight gain and obesity

High blood pressure

Metabolic syndrome

Type 2 diabetes

Heart disease

Liver and kidney disease

Enough for you?

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If you would like more information on the evils of sugar, watch Sugar is Killing Us on

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yda8RtOcVFU.

So what do we do about all this? Bantee recommends that all South Africans limit their

daily intake of sugar, where we promote a low sugar lifestyle. Be wary of those

disguised sugars too, such as fructose and corn syrup. Unfortunately, there are far too

many names for sugar, according to Dr Robert Lustig, a professor of pediatrics in the

division of endocrinology at the University of California in San Francisco. At the James

Beard Foundation Food Conference in 2014, Dr Lustig presented the following slide,

available to us courtesy of the magazine Women’s Health, in an effort to highlight the

manner in which sugar is disguised in our food. At Bantee, it is our intention to

empower consumers, where the aim is to ensure that you know what to be on the

lookout for.

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Source: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/food/different-names-for-sugar

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So, the question remains: how many teaspoons of sugar do you eat on a daily basis?

Why not calculate your daily intake of sugar, by reading the labels on the products

which you consume? This will certainly be a rough calculation, but we at Bantee feel

that it is important for South Africans to gauge their daily sugar consumption in an

effort to wage war against the excessive intake of refined sugar. Go ahead and fill in

the table which follows, carefully considering every morsel which you put into your


Source: https://pixabay.com/en/sugar-brown-sugar-healthy-brown-973899/


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Food and Drink Teaspoons of sugar


Coffee or tea – how many teaspoons of sugar do you add? Cereal – how many teaspoons of sugar are snuck into your favourite cereal or yoghurt? How many teaspoons of sugar do you add?

Toast with spread – how many teaspoons of sugar are tucked away into your bread and spreads?

Mid-morning snack:

Coffee or tea – how many teaspoons of sugar do you add? Biscuits or rusks – how many teaspoons of sugar are loaded into those tasty biscuits and rusks?


Sandwich – how many teaspoons of sugar are in those spreads and slices of bread?

Winter soups – how many teaspoons of sugar are dissolved in those warm canned soups?

Salad – so you have decided to be healthy. What about the teaspoons of sugar in your salad dressings and sauces?

Last night’s leftovers – how many teaspoons of sugar are in those canned foods, sauces and processed starches?

Coffee or tea – how many teaspoons of sugar do you add?

Mid-afternoon snack:

Coffee or tea – how many teaspoons of sugar do you add? More biscuits or rusks – have you checked on those sugars?


Pasta sauces, canned goods, processed starches, microwave meals – how many teaspoons of sugar are hidden away in your last meal before bed?

Dessert – ice cream, chocolates, sweets – how many teaspoons of sugar are thrown into those treats?

Drinks – alcohol, sodas – how many teaspoons of sugar are in those naughty, sugary drinks?



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As you can see, it all adds up, which is why Bantee strives to educate South Africans

on their sugar intake, in an effort to curb the rising sugar addiction in our country. Of

course, Bantee is also about moderation and, as we have mentioned, if you are craving

that slice of white bread with butter, by all means, have it. However, while we offer

advice, we also offer fantastic products designed to get you living the healthy,

affordable, convenient and tasty nutritional lifestyle which you deserve. Instead of

those mueslis and flavoured yoghurts which are packed with sugar, why not have a

Bantee shake for breakfast? As a meal replacement, Bantee shakes promise to keep

you going all morning, while ensuring that you only swallow one teeny teaspoon of

sugar. Vanilla Chai, Choc Fudge, Mint Choc Sundae or Strawberry Smoothie – have

your pick with our Bantee shakes. Or what about replacing your mid-morning snack

with a delicious and nutritious Bantee bar, which is high in protein, high in fat, high in

fibre and low in carbohydrates? Our 33g bars are convenient snacks for people on the

go and come in five fabulous flavours: Cappuccino, Vanilla Chai, Choc Fudge, Mint

Choc Sundae and Strawberry Smoothie. But, before we get carried away telling you

all about our products, let us spend some time getting into the nitty-gritty of our bodies.

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What’s the deal with carbs?

Anyone who has ever wanted to lose weight has heard the story about carbohydrates:

They’re bad for you. Don’t eat them. Carbohydrates, such as potatoes and bread, are

broken down by your body into glucose, which fuels the body by providing energy.

Energy is vital for healthy living. In fact, energy is vital for life itself. But what happens

when instead of going for a walk or a run after eating, we sit at our desks or on the

couch? The extra energy or glucose which is circulating in the bloodstream is stored

as fat. That’s right – too many carbohydrates and not enough exercise implies weight

gain, which is why so many diets restrict the intake of carbohydrates. However, not all

carbohydrates are equal, where food items such as healthy grains, beans, quinoa and

flax seeds, when eaten in limited portions, can be beneficial carbohydrates which are

packed with fibre. If you wish to consume some carbohydrates as part of your dieting

plan, the trick is to find the right carbohydrates. Bad or ‘empty’ carbohydrates are those

which are low in nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, but high in calories. What

happens in your body is that these foods are broken down and absorbed too quickly

by the bloodstream, resulting in sugar highs and lows. At Bantee, we recommend a

low carbohydrate intake, but recognise that abstaining from all carbohydrates can be

difficult in the long run. If you simply cannot start your day without that piece of toast,

why not try whole wheat bread instead of white bread? Most importantly, avoid those

‘empty’ carbohydrates as part of a healthy eating plan. Have a look at our list and the

next time you are tempted, just be strong and say no.

The bare bones of your body

What’s the deal with carbs?

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Bad or ‘empty’ carbohydrates:

Fast foods and ‘instant’ meals

Potato chips and pretzels




Fruit juice, flavoured water, sodas and alcohol

Canned foods

Most cereals

Sweets and chocolate

And many, many more!

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/brain-mind-obsession-food-snacks-954821

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Why all the gabbing about going gluten-free?

One of the latest fads when it

comes to food is going gluten-free.

Gluten, of course, is nothing new

and has been around since time

began. In fact, gluten is a protein

which consists of glutelin and

gliadin and is to be found in grains,

such as wheat, rye and barley.

However, more and more today,

we are hearing about gluten

sensitivity, ranging from discomfort, bloating and flatulence, to Celiac Disease where

the small intestine can be severely damaged when gluten is ingested. While food

corporations have certainly cottoned on to this trend, with gluten-free options lining the

shelves in stores, the question one has to ask is: why is the world witnessing a rise in

gluten sensitivity? For the answer, we should look to our crops and the latest

technological advancements. Genetically modified organisms have set the scientific

world ablaze, with food corporations tinkering with their crops like never before. In a

nutshell, genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are organisms whose genetics

have been altered by genetic engineering. When it comes to your food, crops are

modified on a genetic level, partially in order to boost resistance to pathogens or

disease and herbicides. Certainly, GMO crops are effective from a profit perspective,

where farmers are likely to see fewer crop failures. However, how healthy are these

GMOs which we are unsuspectingly popping into our mouths? According to Jeffrey

Smith, who has written two books on genetically engineered food and who is a public

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/wheat-gluten-allergy-food-allergen-995055/

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activist against the consumption of GMOs, such food items ought to be avoided. His

report, available online courtesy of Institute for Responsible Technology, states that:

A clear explanation for the rising rate of gluten-related disorders remains elusive.

Multiple factors interact, with no clear or original cause. But genetically modified foods

and their primary chemical residue, glyphosate, may be an important piece of the

puzzle. Whether GMOs are indeed a causative factor in the escalating trend of gluten

sensitivity or merely an obstacle to cure is yet to be determined.

Many clinicians already prescribe non-GMO diets for their gluten-sensitive patients.

Physicians and patients have reported improvement in their symptoms after

eliminating GMOs from their diets. Internist, Emily Linder MD, says, “Based on my

clinical experience, when I remove genetically modified foods as part of the treatment

for gluten sensitivity, recovery is faster and more complete. I believe that GMOs in our

diet contribute to the rise in gluten sensitivity in the U.S. population.”

For more information on this report, visit:


While gluten sensitivity might have various causal factors, Smith considers GMOs to

be a crucial element which is leading to the rise in gluten-related health issues. He

advocates a GMO-free food chain – something which we at Bantee support

wholeheartedly and want to see come to pass. The first step for South Africans is to

read the labels on our food products and say no to GMO!

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Fat – to eat or not to eat?

Ask anyone on a diet a decade or two ago about how to deal with fats and the answer

would remain the same. Don’t go near them. And especially don’t touch butter. They’re

bad for you. They make you put on weight. They give you heart diseases. However,

in recent years, this reputation has changed, with the fatty food group regaining its

placement as foods which are, in fact, good for the body. Firstly, it is important to

understand that there are different types of fat. Saturated fats, which remain solid at

room temperature, are mostly found in animal products, such as meat, cheese, butter

and milk. Plant products, such as coconut oil, however, also contain saturated fats.

Unsaturated fats, alternatively, are liquids at room temperature and are obtained from

plant matter, such as peanut oil and olive oil. While saturated and unsaturated fats are

important for our health, the real issue with fats is what is known as trans fat. Basically,

trans fats, or trans-fatty acids are those fats which are produced by hydrogenating oils,

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/bake-butter-flour-mountain-pile-599521/

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or by adding hydrogen to vegetable oils. The result is a highly detrimental product,

which is related to the increase of ‘bad’ cholesterol and the reduction of ‘good’

cholesterol, obesity, heart disease and strokes. Trans fats, sadly, are stuffed into a

wide variety of processed foods in order to prolong the shelf life of a product and

bolster the flavours which consumers have been taught to enjoy. The problem is that,

without us being the slightest bit aware, we are poisoning our bodies by eating large

volumes of ‘bad’ fats which have no nutritional value. Margarines, deep-fried foods,

cooking oils, crackers, biscuits, cakes, pancake mixes, microwave popcorn – these

foods are high in trans fats and should be avoided at all costs!

At this point, you might be asking: yes, but isn’t fat supposed to be good for me? In

this regard, it is crucial to understand that there are ‘good’ fats and ‘bad’ fats. Trans

fat is a bad fat, where, in fact, it is recommended that we eat as little trans fat as we

possibly can in our daily diets. Good fats, on the other hand, are essential elements in

the maintenance of a healthy diet and are recommended by Bantee as part of a high

protein, high fat, low carbohydrate and low sugar diet. Here are some ideas as to how

to incorporate good fats into your diet:

Grab your frying pan and fry up some fatty fish, such as salmon, in a blob of

butter, which is wonderful with vegetables or as part of a salad.

Enjoy fatty cuts of meat, such as lamb chops, when you head off to that braai

on a Saturday afternoon.

Eat a handful of nuts before supper, instead of opening that packet of pretzels

or chips.

Pack your salads with avocado or enjoy guacamole as a dip for your celery.

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Use olive oil as a healthy fatty alternative on your salads, instead of salad

dressing, which is loaded with sugar.

Enjoy your cereals with full-fat milk and yogurt, instead of low-fat products which

are crammed with sugar.

Take advantage of the benefits of dairy by frying your food in butter or adding

cream to your coffee.

Snack on full-fat cheeses or add them to your hot and cold salads.

Enjoy an egg a day. Boiled, fried, scrambled – they are wonderful sources of


Eat coconuts, either on their own or as part of a healthy oil alternative when

cooking, as coconut oil is safe when heated on the stove.

By now, we have established that there are good and bad fats, and, of course, bad

fats ought to be avoided if we wish to maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle. However, we

have not delved into why it is that fats are good for our bodies. Let us share some of

the health benefits of fat, according to Dr William Sears, paediatrician and author of

numerous parenting books, available on his website Ask Dr Sears:

Fats provide our bodies with energy. In fact, fats provide more energy than

carbohydrates and proteins.

Fats build up our brains.

Fats keep our skin healthy and help to insulate our bodies from the cold.

Fats help to protect the internal organs, such as the kidneys and hearts, by

encasing the organs in a layer of fat.

Fats assist in the production of hormones, such as the sex hormones.

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For more information on the benefits of fats, visit:



At this stage, we understand what fats to avoid, what fats to consume and why. Now

it is time to add one more surprise about the consumption of fats. Eating the right fatty

foods will help you to shed those extra kilograms. That’s right! Not only is fat good for

our bodies, but it actually assists in weight loss, on one level, through helping our

bodies to feel satisfied following a meal. Think about it this way – when you eat that

wicked packet of fried chips, how often do they keep you feeling full well into the rest

of the day? Such ‘empty’ carbohydrates, as we have discussed, do not nutritionally

satisfy the body in any way and so we crave food soon after eating such items. Healthy

fatty foods, conversely, help our bodies to maintain that feeling of satisfaction following

a meal, resulting in fewer trips to the refrigerator or grocery cupboard as the day moves


Let us dig deeper into the issue of which fatty foods will assist in keeping you lean,

according to Mike Geary, certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist, as well as

author of the best-selling books The Fat Burning Kitchen and The Top 101 Foods that

FIGHT Aging.

Enjoy dark chocolate consisting of at least 72% cacao. If you have a sweet

tooth and crave a little something after dinner, dark chocolate is a good

substitute, as it has fewer calories and sugar than other treats, while often

containing fairly high quantities of fibre. Of course, you could also grab a Bantee

bar, which is low in sugar and carbohydrates and high in protein and fat.

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Use coconut products, such as coconut milk and oil, as these are easily

converted into energy by the body and are less likely to be stored as body fat

in comparison to other types of fats.

Spread butter not margarine. Butter has been proven to have numerous health

benefits and, in fact, can help your body to burn abdominal fat and build lean

muscle, satisfy your appetite and maintain your blood sugar level.

Grass-fed meat from healthy cattle is an excellent source of protein, assisting

your body in burning fat and building muscle.

Avocados are not only delicious, but nutritious, containing antioxidants,

vitamins and minerals. As if that is not enough, avocados help to keep your

body satisfied, so as to avoid those nasty food cravings, as well as maintaining

hormone balances that control weight management.

Snack on nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, instead of chips and biscuits.

Nuts are a valuable source of fibre and protein, which aid weight loss, while

also serving to control fat burning hormones and cravings.

If you wish to read up more on healthy fatty foods which will help you lose those

centimetres, have a look at: http://www.truthaboutabs.com/flat-belly-foods.html.

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Why all the fuss about fibre?

We have all heard that fibre is good for our bodies, but do we really know why this is

so? What’s more, do we really know what the best sources of fibre are? Dietary fibre

is essentially plant matter, obtained from foods such as fruit, vegetables and whole

grains, which the body cannot digest. This is unlike food compounds such as fats and

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/granola-breakfast-blueberries-787997/

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/tape-notices-pen-diet-fat-health-403593/

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carbohydrates, which the body can certainly digest and absorb. You might be

wondering why on earth we need to eat something which we cannot even digest and

which passes through the body relatively unbroken, without being absorbed for its

nutrients. The answer, of course, is that fibre is crucial for a healthy digestive system.

Fibre is what prevents constipation and allows the body to maintain regular bowel

movements and rid the digestive system of harmful carcinogens. Digestion, in turn, is

intricately related to the size of our bodies, where sluggish digestion can result in

weight gain.

According to Mayo Clinic, a non-profit medical practice and research group, fibre has

a number of unforeseen advantages and, considering our focus on healthy living at

Bantee, we cannot resist but share them.

Fibre allows the body to maintain regular bowel movements, by adding bulk to

the stool.

Eating foods which are rich in fibre can reduce your chances of developing

haemorrhoids and small pouches in your colon.

Fibrous foods assist in lowering your cholesterol by reducing the bad

cholesterol in your body.

Fibre is also healthy for the heart as it serves to reduce blood pressure.

Eating plenty of fibre also helps to improve blood sugar levels and diminish your

risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Last, but certainly not least, fibre is essential in weight management, as fibrous

foods are generally more filling, take longer to eat and contain fewer calories

than foods which are low in fibre.

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For more information on fibre, visit: http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-


At this point, you are likely thinking: Where do I sign up?

The trick is finding foods which you enjoy that are high in fibre. While broccoli and

cauliflower are indeed high in fibre, they are often not overly flavoursome to eat on

their own. As Bantee is all about striking a balance between healthy eating and

delightful flavours, we have a few suggestions for you to make sure that you get your

daily dose of fibre.

Broccoli is a fantastic source of fibre, but it is usually the vegetable which your

kids pull a face at over their dinner plates. Why not try a broccoli salad by adding

some bacon and an assortment of cheeses, to get your kids and even yourself

eating those fibrous greens?

Quinoa is high in fibre and a delicious, wholesome grain which can be eaten

both hot and cold. Add a few nuts, such as cashews or walnuts, some feta and

mushrooms for a filling lunch or supper that will get your family’s mouths


Lentils are also a wonderful source of fibre, which are high in protein and low in

calories. The issue is that on their own, they are not especially tasty. Add a

dash of butter if you are using lentils as a side dish or throw in some feta and a

few slices of raw peppers for a scrumptious meal on its own.

Fortunately, avocado is high in fibre, which is good news as most of us in South

Africa enjoy a ripe avo. Black beans are also rich in fibre, so why not try a

Mexican dish by enjoying black beans with guacamole, sour cream and salsa?

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For breakfasts, bran flakes are a good idea if you are looking for fibre. Drizzle

your cereal with full-fat yoghurt and honey for a hearty, healthy start to the day.

Alternatively, you could find your fibres in fruits, such as mangos and paw paws

and berries, such as raspberries and blackberries. Enjoy a fibrous Bantee

shake for lunch by giving our shakes at the back of the book a try. The Power

Detox with our Bantee Vanilla Chai Shake is packed with mangoes, while the

Choc Fudge Berry Blaze with our Bantee Choc Fudge Shake is crammed with

strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Of course, you could always snack on a Bantee bar during those periods in the

day where you need to fill a gap, as they are high in fibre, while simultaneously

being high in protein, high in fat and low in carbohydrates.

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Healthy gut, healthy life?

There has been a great deal of talk over the past

few years in South Africa about probiotics in

food, with yoghurts in particular proudly

advertising their products as containing this

magical property. However, once again, most of

us are not really sure what is so special about

probiotics and why our bodies need them.

Basically, we have all heard of bacteria and most

of us associate this with ill health. For instance,

we have been told to wash our hands because

we need to steer clear of those creepy-crawlies

and harmful bacteria. However, did you know that our bodies contain both good and

bad bacteria? Probiotics are the good guys, in that they are bacteria which are

beneficial to the gut and serve to restore the balance of bacteria in the body. On the

other hand, prebiotics are to be found in fibres, which we have just discussed, and

they are crucial for stimulating the growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. In

other words, prebiotics are basically food for probiotics, where the intake of both

prebiotics and probiotics is essential in order to facilitate the smooth running of the


Let us take a closer look at some of the benefits of probiotics, courtesy of Dr Julian

Whitaker, the founder of the Whitaker Wellness Institute in the United States:

Ensuring that you get your dose of probiotics daily is a fantastic way to boost

your immune system. Probiotics, as good bacteria, effectively scare off the bad

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/breakfast-healthy-yogurt-mason-jar-655894/

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bacteria, restoring balance to your system and ensuring that you are less likely

to catch a cold.

Probiotics are essential for a healthy gut, in that they reduce the effects of

diarrhoea and constipation for those who suffer from bowel instability and


If you are looking to lose a few centimetres, research indicates that probiotics

are useful in that beneficial bacteria assist in reducing the symptoms of obesity.

Probiotics can boost your mood! That’s right. Probiotics are linked to decreased

rates of depression and anxiety.

Finally, probiotics are said to assist with bad breath and improve oral hygiene

and health.

If you are interested in reading up more on Dr Whitaker’s probiotic advice, have a look

at his website: http://www.drwhitaker.com/little-known-health-benefits-of-probiotics/.

Now that we understand what a probiotic is and why they are so important to

maintaining a healthy lifestyle, it is time to find these good bacteria and make sure that

they are getting into our digestive systems. While yoghurt is often cited as a source of

probiotics, there are also other foods which you can look out for:

Sour pickles are a fantastic source of probiotics and are great to eat as a snack

when you are feeling peckish, instead of opting for a packet of biscuits or chips.

Green peas also contain probiotics, so pile them onto your plate for dinner

beside your meat or pop them into a fresh summer salad.

Probiotics have been found in some soft cheeses, so we encourage you to toss

a pack of Gouda into your shopping basket to enjoy as a snack or to add to

your fried bacon for breakfast.

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Bananas are a good option if you are on the hunt for probiotics. These fibrous

fruits can be added to your cereal and yogurt in the mornings to give you the

extra boost of energy you need to start the day.

Finally, raw honey contains probiotics and is a healthy substitute for refined

sugar. Trickle honey over your full-fat plain yoghurt in the mornings to add

flavour to your meals and give your gut the probiotics it needs to function as it


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My body has a pH?

Most of us, when we think back to those

science lessons at school, should be

able to recall the pH scale, which is a

scale from 0 to 14.0 measuring whether

something is an acid or an alkaline.

Anything which has a pH below 7.0 is an

acid, while anything with a pH above 7.0

is an alkaline. The body, too, has a pH,

where a healthy body should not be too acidic. In fact, research indicates that diseases

such as cancer thrive in acidic environments, implying that the body should not have

a pH which is too low. Instead, the body should be slightly more alkaline to foster a

healthy environment, which requires eating the right alkaline foods.

If you are interested in reading up more on cancer and alternative healing methods,

have a look at the following article: http://www.vita-aid.co.za/health-articles/.

In 1931, a German physiologist and medical doctor

named Dr Otto Heinrich Warburg was awarded the

Nobel Prize for his research into cancer cells and

their reproduction. According to the website, Living

Traditionally, Dr Warburg’s hypothesis was as


Oxygen deficiency leads to an acidic state in the

human body. Dr. Warburg also found that cancer

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PH

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Heinrich_Warb


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cells are anaerobic (do not breathe oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high

levels of oxygen, as found in an alkaline state.

Our diet plays a vital role in maintaining proper pH levels in the body. PH balance is

the balance of acid and alkaline in all fluids and cells throughout your body. Your body

must balance the blood’s pH levels at a slightly alkaline level of 7.365 in order to

survive. Unfortunately, the typical American diet consists primarily of toxic and acid-

forming foods like processed sugars, refined grains, genetically modified organisms,

and etc. This leads to unhealthy acidic pH. An imbalanced pH can interrupt cellular

activities and functions.

For more information, see: http://livingtraditionally.com/body-acidic-need-1/.

Over the last twenty years, American couple Dr Robert O. Young and Shelley Redford

Young, have made great strides in their research into alkaline-based diets, with the

introduction of their product pH Miracle. Their research indicates that “the over-

acidification of the body is the single underlying cause of all disease”. Here is a piece

from their website:

The pH level (the acid-alkaline measurement) of our internal fluids affects every cell in

our bodies. Extended acid imbalances of any kind are not well tolerated by the body.

Indeed, the entire metabolic process depends on a balanced internal alkaline

environment. A chronically over-acidic pH corrodes body tissue, slowly eating into the

60,000 miles of veins and arteries like acid eating into marble. If left unchecked, it will

interrupt all cellular activities and functions, from the beating of your heart to the neural

firing of your brain. In summary, over-acidification interferes with life itself leading to

all sickness and disease!

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If you would like to read up more on their research, take a look at their website:


The problem is that acidic foods are far too prevalent in modern society, with most

people’s daily diets consisting of too many acidic foods, rather than a balanced,

healthy diet which includes the regular intake of alkaline foods. Have a look at the

chart which follows, courtesy of Healthy Food Team. Are you eating too many acidic


Source: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-an-all-alkaline-diet-with-comprehensive-list-of-top-74-alkaline-foods/#arvlbdata

As you can see from the chart, acidic foods include many of the naughty foods,

although not all acidic foods are bad for you. Meat is an example of an acidic food

which we at Bantee certainly recommend as part of a healthy, high protein diet.

However, alkaline foods include many of the greens, fruits and vegetables which we

all know can be difficult to swallow when tempted with a packet of fried chips or sweets.

Yet, alkaline foods are absolutely essential for the healthy functioning of your body,

where a body which is too acidic implies a breeding ground for disease. Where do you

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and your family fit in on the scale? Do you think your body might be too acidic? Why

not try to eat more alkaline foods, such as asparagus, broccoli, leafy greens, onions,

peas and peppers? A comparison can be made to a swimming pool. Consider what

happens when a swimming pool becomes too acidic. It turns a rather alarming shade

of green, which is a welcoming environment for the creepy-crawlies we all love to hate.

The same is true for your bodies. Too many acidic foods result in an unbalanced pH

in your body, where your body effectively becomes that green swimming pool in that

it welcomes the one thing our bodies hate – disease. Bearing this dire consequence

in mind, Bantee would like to challenge all South Africans to eat more alkaline foods

for a healthier, happier lifestyle. If you are concerned about the acidity of your body,

try Vita-Aid pH 7.45, which offers a natural solution to

your body’s acidity problem, by balancing the body’s pH,

in an effort to reduce the cycle of acid build-up and

combat disease. Get started today and take control of

the acidity in your body as you journey towards a well-

balanced, healthier tomorrow.

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Should I be adding salt to my food?

While salt is certainly

delicious in that it adds

flavour to food, it is also

extremely dangerous if

consumed in high volumes.

Our bodies require salt to

function correctly, but the

problem is that modern

society is consuming far too much refined salt, with the result being that our bodies

are suffering. Refined salt, or salt which has been chemically processed, is added to

just about every processed food, which is why it is so essential to check the sodium

content of your product before you make your purchasing decision. Have a look at

some of the issues which can arise as a result of overindulging in salty snacks,

courtesy of Consensus Action on Salt and Health:

High blood pressure


Heart failure and heart attack

Stomach cancer



Kidney stones and kidney disease

Vascular dementia

Water retention

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/salt-shaker-bamboo-mat-mata-bamboo-188532/

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If you are eager to learn more about salt and its costs to our health, have a look at

Consensus Action on Salt and Health’s website:


So, should we be eating any salt at all? The answer is that salt should be avoided as

much as possible, although you should certainly eat some salt on a daily basis. Try to

eat that mielie without packing on the salt or taste your supper first before automatically

reaching for the salt cellar. It is also essential to recognise the difference between

refined and unrefined salt, where unrefined salt has not been treated chemically.

Refined salt is problematic, as during the treatment process the product is chemically

altered, resulting in harmful and toxic effects for your body, included in the list above.

Instead, opt for salt that has not been treated, such as Himalayan Salt, Kalahari Salt

or any other raw salt crystals that have not been subjected to the refinery process.

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Vita-Aid, a South African company located in Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, was

established in 2005. Given the rising health concerns within our nation and indeed

worldwide, Vita-Aid entered the market where our aim has always been to help people

like you live healthier lives. With this in mind, our offering consists of specifically

formulated products made from the very best in herbal and natural ingredients. Your

health is our primary concern and so we believe it essential that every one of our

products is formulated together with a team of doctors and pharmacists to ensure that

we meet all your health needs. Our range includes health offerings, such as Vita-Aid

Sugar Balance and Vita-Aid pH 7.45, and slimming products, such as Vita-Aid Apple

Cider and Vita-Aid Raspberry Ketones. As a product designed to help you shed those

excess kilograms, Bantee is also one of Vita-Aid’s products, where our pledge is that

you will see the results we promise.

Get your balance back with Bantee

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The formulator of Vita-Aid is Dr Frank Muller, popularly known

as Doc Frank, a medical doctor and pharmacologist who has

extensive research experience, including the publication of a

range of peer-reviewed articles. Doc Frank has a particular

interest in Western and African herbal remedies and is a

specialist in the formulation of effective and therapeutic

natural remedies. He is passionate about health in South Africa and as a result

founded Integrow Health Pty (Ltd), an online wellness company, and is the designer

of the highly successful Herbex range, along with numerous other wellness products.

Doc Frank is included in the laudable list of the "2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the

21st Century" and is also recorded in the "Who's Who in the World". He writes for the

South African Journal of Natural Medicine, as well as various other popular health

magazines. Doc Frank has also been a guest lecturer in Community Health at the

University of Stellenbosch since 2005.

Given his experience, renown and authority in the field of wellness, it is a privilege to

have Doc Frank on our team, where he is the advisor and formulator for all of our new

Vita-Aid lifestyle and slimming products, including Bantee.

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At this point, it is time to get down to the nitty-gritty of what Bantee is all about. We

have told you that we offer fabulous Bantee shakes and bars, designed to help you

lose weight as part of a low carbohydrate, low sugar, high protein and high fat diet.

But perhaps you are asking: how do our products do this? What is the secret to

Bantee’s success? Let us enlighten you.

Bantee bars and shakes are delicious, convenient snacks and meal replacements

which strictly adhere to a low carbohydrate, high protein, high fat and high fibre diet.

They are specially formulated to contain very few kilojoules, while still satisfying you

without leading to an excessive intake of sugar and carbohydrates. Bantee 33g bars

come in five delectable flavours: Cappuccino, Vanilla Chai, Choc Fudge, Mint Choc

Sundae and Strawberry Smoothie, and are available as single bars or in packs of

twenty four. Bantee shakes, available as Vanilla Chai, Choc Fudge, Mint Choc Sundae

or Strawberry Smoothie, are 450g shakes, suitable as meal replacements or for a

quick snack. Bantee is currently being sold nationwide through the following outlets:

Dischem, Clicks, Makro, Medirite and Pick n Pay. The secret to Bantee products,

approved by the South African National Halaal Authority, lies in our use of Trisynex™

and VitaFiber™ to ensure that you and your family meet your weight loss needs in a

healthy, sustainable way.

By now, you are surely asking: whatever is Trisynex™ and VitaFiber™? Trisynex™ is

an all-natural GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) proprietary formula which targets

the hormones responsible for weight control. Trisynex™ has two United States patents

and one World Intellectual Property Organization patent and has undergone three

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clinical trials and four published reviews. It consists of a blend of three viscosities of

plant fibre and cetylated fatty acids and is clinically proven to regulate the hormones

Leptin and Adiponectin. Basically, these hormones are key to weight management in

that they control the body’s satiety and fat storage. It is up to the hormone Leptin to

control hunger and satiety and so, for those seeking to lose weight, this hormone plays

an essential role. Generally, a person who is overweight will have a high level of Leptin

in the body. The protein hormone Adiponectin, on the other hand, is crucial for the

regulation of glucose levels in the body, as well as the control of fatty acid breakdown.

In a nutshell, in order to lose weight effectively, a person would want to reduce their

level of Leptin and boost their level of Adiponectin – and that is exactly what Trisynex™

does. Trisynex™ was patented at the University of Minnesota in the United States and

was researched and developed over a period of ten years. Clinical studies show that

people consuming Trisynex™ will see an average weight loss of just over one kilogram

per week. The clinical summary of the research conducted at the University of

Connecticut in the United States is as follows:

Trisynex™ Placebo Total weight loss 9.18 kg 4.18 kg Average weight loss per week 1.14 kg 0.54 kg Reduction in Serum Leptin 43% 32% Increase in Serum Adiponectin 116% 73% Waist loss 9.75 cm 5.0 cm

What you really need to know is that, when compared to the placebo response,

Trisynex™ results in two times the weight loss, two times the fat loss and nearly two

times the waist loss. In the end, those who consume Trisynex™ can expect to have

the effect of their diet and exercise program doubled! The good news is that Trisynex™

is contained in each and every Bantee bar and shake, resulting in you exceeding even

your own weight loss expectations.

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VitaFiber™, on the other

hand, provides three-in-

one functionality, in that it

acts as a soluble dietary fibre, a prebiotic and a low calorie sweetener. It is rich in

dietary fibre, containing 90% fibre made from natural sources, and has a mild, sweet

flavour, while still containing very few calories. The health benefits of VitaFiber™







Free of artificial ingredients

Processed naturally from starch sources

VitaFiber™ not only tastes great, but contains ample fibre for your body’s nutritional

needs and digestive health. It is not just your sweet tooth which will be tickled, as

VitaFiber™ also has satiety and bulking effects, ensuring that your waistline is trimmed

in the process, as you feel fuller for longer.

If you are interested in learning more about VitaFiber™, visit:


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Now that you understand just how Bantee will ensure that you shed that extra weight,

why not give us a try? Our range of Bantee shakes tastes just as good as your favourite

milkshake, without doing the damage to your body that results when those horrid little

sugars begin to creep around your bloodstream. Bantee shakes can be used as meal

replacements, where you can consume one to two shakes a day, alternating between

the four flavours or just sticking to your very best one. Try our shakes after you work

out or sneak one in between meetings for lunch. Simple add cold water or milk, shake

it up and enjoy a tasty treat that is low in calories, high in protein, high in oils and high

in fibre. Why not get the kids in on the Bantee lifestyle too? Instead of giving in to their

pleas for chocolate or sweets after school, whip them up a Bantee shake, for a

delicious, healthy treat. On those hot summer days, when the kids are in the garden

playing, pop a Bantee shake into ice lolly moulds and prepare a fabulous snack which

will give them the sustained energy they need, without the fatiguing sugar highs and

lows. You can even sprinkle our Bantee shakes over your family’s cereal in the

mornings, for an additional boost to kick start the day. Bantee bars are just as versatile

to fill the gap between meals, being high in protein, high in fat and low in

carbohydrates. Tuck a Bantee bar into your bag when you travel. Rather than a

chocolate or a packet of sweets, which only result in fostering dangerous sugar

addictions, slip a Bantee bar into your child’s lunchbox for school. The list is endless.

Considering that we at Bantee pride ourselves not only on our world-class products,

but also on our nutritional advice, here is an example of a weekday meal chart to get

you thinking about your family’s diet and the changes which you might want to make

to ensure a healthier lifestyle.

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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Breakfast Ham, mascarpone and asparagus omelette

Breakfast muffin with cheese and fried tomatoes

Frittata 2 boiled eggs, 3 rashers of lean bacon, 2 slices of cheese

Mini quiches

Mid-morning snack

Bantee bar Bantee bar Bantee bar Bantee bar Bantee bar

Lunch Bantee Strawberry Coconut Smoothie (see recipe which follows)

Bantee Choc Fudge Shake

Bantee Vanilla Chai Shake

Bantee Mint Choc Sundae Shake

Bantee Strawberry Smoothie Shake

Mid-afternoon snack

Bantee bar Bantee bar Bantee bar Bantee bar Bantee bar

Dinner Chicken stir-fry with broccoli, mushrooms and bacon

Salmon and avocado salad

Beef patties, salad with peppers and capers

Bobotie Pork chops with mushrooms and cheese

Dessert Bantee Shake Smoothie (see recipes which follow)

Strawberries dipped in yogurt (frozen)

Bantee Shake Smoothie (see recipes which follow)

Bantee Shake Ice Lollies

Bantee Shake Smoothie (see recipes which follow)

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There is a saying that goes: the proof is in the pudding. No product should offer

promises without some sort of proof that they actually work. We live in an age where

the market is flooded with such empty promises, with products offering miraculous

results with little in the way of any evidence. At Bantee, we believe in evidence and

refuse to simply supply our products to South Africans without feedback from our loyal

customers. In fact, we want to hear from each one of you, because we wish to share

in your successes as you change your lifestyle and adopt our fantastic range of

products to trim your waistline. So, let us show you the proof in our pudding, where

the saying is rather appropriate given that our shakes and bars are so delicious that

they could well be mistaken for pudding!

Meet Johan Kitzinger

I kept struggling again and again to lose weight. After having done some research on

weight loss products that have results I found Bantee Shakes. This sparked some

interest in me as I saw what the ingredients and the shakes had to offer, coupled with

the clinical tests, so I decided to give it a try. I got onto a high protein eating plan with

The proof is in the pudding

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low carbs and low sugars, recommended by Bantee, and I used the Bantee Shakes

regularly while following the instructions.

I drank two shakes a day and felt quite satisfied each time. It is filling and tastes great!

For a snack, in between my meals, I then tried the Bantee Bars which, in my opinion,

are the best protein bars I’ve ever tasted.

I used Bantee products for 6 weeks and as a result I lost 8 kg, and still going strong.

Bantee has changed my whole lifestyle. It has become a daily routine for me now and

I recommend this product to anybody to use. You won’t regret it!

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/scale-diet-fat-health-tape-weight-403585/

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Because Bantee is part of the Vita-Aid team, we thought we would add one more

testimonial related to some of our other products. If you would like to find out more

about Vita-Aid’s beneficial range of slimming products which are sure to help get the

job done, visit: http://www.vita-aid.co.za/slimming/.

Meet Ilse Byrne

Hi Everyone, I just want to thank the Vita-AID team for creating such a fantastic brand

of weight-loss support products. Truly been the turning point in my weight-loss journey.

I have been living & breathing a LCHF regime for 4 months, but initially my loss was

very slow. Then I tried your Vita-AID Ketones simultaneously with your Garcinia

Cambogia....and BOOM! The weight is shedding from my body on a weekly basis. I

even blogged about it on my weight-loss blog because the results were (and are)

amazing. I started at 121kg and am currently 106kg - 15kg down! I still have 40kg to

go before I get to a healthy BMI again, but I am with Vita-AID all the way and thereafter

because I honestly feel that your brand is with us, for us. THANK YOU!

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Mozzarella, Mushroom and Spinach Omelette


1. Heat the butter in a pan.

2. Add the sliced mushrooms and onion and sauté until soft.

3. Add the yogurt and mix through.

4. Simmer for 5 minutes.

5. Remove from the pan and let it cool.

6. Heat the rest of the butter and oil.

7. Add the whisked eggs and chopped spinach, leaving it until bubbly.

8. Flip the mixture over and turn the heat down.

9. Add salt and pepper to taste.

10. Add the cheese and mushroom mixture on one side of the omelette and

gently fold the opposite side over.

11. Garnish with mixed herbs.

Source: Bantee website

A few recipes to tantalise the taste buds

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Beef Kebabs


1. Whisk together the olive oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt, pepper and

mixed herbs.

2. Thread the beef cubes and vegetables onto the skewers.

3. Lightly oil the grill.

4. Place the skewers on the grill.

5. Cook for 15-20 minutes, until the beef juice runs clear.

6. Turn and brush with the olive oil mixture.

Source: Bantee website

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Smoked Trout and Avo Salad


1. Place the sliced celery, cucumber, radish and smoked trout into a salad bowl

and toss.

2. Garnish with sliced avocado and drizzle over the olive oil and lemon juice.

3. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Source: Bantee website

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Strawberry Coconut Smoothie

30g Bantee Strawberry Smoothie Shake

50ml coconut milk

50ml full-fat plain yogurt

150ml water

20g strawberries, frozen


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: Bantee website

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Strawberry & Avo Smoothie

30g Bantee Strawberry Smoothie Shake

250ml full-fat milk / water

½ avocado, pulped

20g strawberries, frozen


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/avocado-vegetable-cut-half-pit-933060/

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Strawberry Crunch

30g Bantee Strawberry Smoothie Shake

1 cup full-fat yogurt

½ cup coconut milk

½ cup oats

½ cup berries, frozen

1 tsp honey

2 tbs Macadamia nuts, crushed


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/macadamia-nuts-nut-protein-1098170

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Chocolate Butter Smoothie

30g Bantee Choc Fudge Shake

200ml water / full-fat milk

1 tbs butter

50ml cream


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/walnut-fudge-candy-milk-cold-672976/

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Choc Berry Smoothie

30g Bantee Choc Fudge Shake

250ml water / full-fat milk

30g raspberries, frozen

1 ts cocoa powder


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/raspberries-berry-fruits-food-red-215858/

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Choc Fudge Berry Blaze

30g Bantee Choc Fudge Shake

½ cup strawberries, frozen

½ cup blueberries and blackberries

1 cup almond milk

½ carrot, grated

½ cup pomegranate juice


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/berries-blueberries-blackberries-839977/

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Peach Surprise

30g Bantee Choc Fudge Shake

1 cup full cream milk

½ cup peach, frozen

½ cup cashew nuts

1 ts honey


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/peach-fruit-mature-846962/

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Vanilla Chai Smoothie

30g Bantee Vanilla Chai Shake

200ml water / full-fat milk

50ml full-fat yogurt

2 tbs honey

1 tbs oats

Pinch of cinnamon


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/vanilla-food-organic-spice-589820/

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Power Detox

30g Bantee Vanilla Chai Shake

½ cup mango, frozen

2 cups coconut milk

1 cup watercress

2 small lemongrass stalks, chopped, frozen

1 tbs coriander seeds


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/mango-tropical-fruit-juicy-sweet-642957/

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Energy Booster

30g Bantee Vanilla Chai Shake

2 tbs crunchy peanut butter, unsalted

½ cup dates, frozen

100ml fresh cream

½ cup banana, frozen

200ml coconut milk

½ cup pecan nuts, chopped


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/peanut-butter-breakfast-food-dinner-350099/

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Choc Mint Smoothie

30g Bantee Mint Choc Sundae Shake

200ml water / full-fat milk

50ml full-fat yogurt

1 mint leaf, crushed

1 ts vanilla essence


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/mint-fresh-leaves-green-1003459/

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Peppermint Surprise

30g Bantee Mint Choc Sundae Shake

½ cup coconut milk

½ cup full cream milk

3 mint leaves, crushed

½ cup cherries, frozen


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.

Source: https://pixabay.com/en/mint-tee-charries-cherry-leaves-792060/

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Seed sensation

30g Bantee Mint Choc Sundae Shake

1 tbs flax seed oil

2 tbs sour cream

2 ts pumpkin seeds, crushed

1 ts sesame seeds

1 peeled apple, chopped, frozen

1 cup milk


Add all the ingredients to your blender and blend together on full power until smooth.

Serve and enjoy.


Source: https://pixabay.com/en/sesame-seed-white-close-up-316590/

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