waukesha county request for proposal forms/rfp_stoploss...wells fargo insurance services waukesha...

Wells Fargo Insurance Services Waukesha County Request for Proposal September, 2008 Prepared by Wells Fargo Insurance Services 100 E. Wisconsin Avenue Suite 1680 Milwaukee, WI 53202

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Wells Fargo Insurance Services

Waukesha County

Request for Proposal

September, 2008

Prepared by

Wells Fargo Insurance Services 100 E. Wisconsin Avenue

Suite 1680 Milwaukee, WI 53202

Executive Summary

On behalf of Waukesha County, Wells Fargo Insurance Services is requesting proposals for stop loss coverage for the County's self-funded medical program.

Organization Information

Waukesha County 515 W. Moreland Blvd. Waukesha, WI 53188 www.waukeshacounty.gov

Additional information is provided in this RFP.

Broker Information

David Wierkiewicz Vice President, Director Wells Fargo Insurance Services 100 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1680 Milwaukee, WI 53202 T: 414.224.7172 F: 414.224.7194

Email: david wierkiewicz@wellsfargo is.colll

Do not contact Waukesha County directly. All questions or requests for additional information should be directed to Wells Fargo InsUl'ance Services.

Any direct contact with Waukesha County will result in disqualification.

Provide three copies of your organization's response and any supporting documentation, marketing materials, etc. by the due date. Deliver responses to Wells Fargo Insurance Services.

RFI Timeline

Week of 9/29108 10/17/08 10/20108-10/24/08 Week of 10/27 Week ofll/3/08 November 2008 1/1109

Release RFP RFI Responses due Compile and present carrier responses Finalist presentation, if desired Choose carrier partner Finalize pricing Effective date of coverage

General Information

I. Please complete the table below.

Name of Organization


City, State, Zip

Telephone Number

Fax Number


Sales Executive

Contact Information

2. Please indicate any relationships- parent, subsidiary, sibling companies below.

Organization Name Relationship Type o Parent o Subsidiary o Sibling o Parent o Subsidiary

_ _____ _______ ___ ____ _____ 0 Sibling o Parent o Subsidiaty

_______ ___ ___ _______ ___ 0 Sibling o Parent o Subsidiary

_ ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ __ 0 Sibling o Parent o Subsidiary

_ _ ___ ___ _______ _______ _ 0 Sibling o Parent o Subsidiary

____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ____ 0 Sibling o Parent o Subsidiary

___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___ __ 0 Sibling

3. Date of initial operation (yyyy):

4. Where is your organization headquatiered?

City State

5. Please provide the total number of employees for this organization.

6. What is your organization's financial rating?

Rating BUl'eau 2006 2007 CUl'I'ent

7. Please provide the total number of claims processing/customer service locations for this organization.

8. Please provide the locations of the claims processing/customer service offices in order of lat'gest to smallest by viltue of claim processing and customer service staffing levels.

Office City Office State

9. Please provide the number of commercial employer groups for which this organization provides stop loss coverage.

Number of Employer Groups

2005 2006 2007 7/1/08

10. We would like to understand which markets your organization predominately serves. Please indicate the group size your organization prefers to administer. Also provide the number of clients your organization has in each of the following categories.

o Under 100 employees/subscribers o 101 - 500 employees/subscribers o 50 I - 1,000 employees/subscribers o 1,00 I - 2,000 employees/subscribers o 2,001 - 5,000 employees/subscribers o 5,001 - 10,000 employees/subscribers o 10,001 - 20,000 employees/subscribers o Over 20,000 employees/subscribers

Numbel' of Clients Served

11. Please provide the number of your organization's clients that utilize UnitedHealthcare as their third pruty administrator.

12. Does your organization have liability coverage for your organization's errors and omissions?

D Yes 0 No

If yes, specify amOlmt

$ $

Aggregate Per occurrence

13. Carrier Website

Customer Self-Service

a. b.

Can employers access on-line reports? Can employers check the status of claims on-line?

D Yes D Yes

o No o No

14. Please list the team members who would interface with Waukesha County and their roles.

Team Member Role

15. Please describe the interface process with the County's other vendors (e.g. TPA and PBM).

16. Please describe the annual renewal process including key dates

17. Does your organization require utilization of specialized networks (e.g. transplant network) or other vendors?

D Yes 0 No

If yes, please list required networks or vendors

18. Please describe your reimbursement policy including timing.

19. Does your organization have internal goals and standards for processing stop loss claims?

20. Please indicate the percentage of your organization's offices that have consistently met your organization' s internal standards for the past 12 months?


21. Does your organization conduct customer service satisfaction surveys? DYes 0 No

22. In your organization' s most recent customer service satisfaction survey, what percentage of respondents indicated they were satisfied with the service provided by your organization?


23. How long has your organization's current claim processing system been in use?

24. How often are upgrades to the claim processing system performed?

25. When was the last claim processing system upgrade?

26. Are there plans for significant claim processing system enhancements within the next 3 years?

D Yes 0 No

27. Are there plans to replace the claim processing system within the next 3 years? D Yes 0 No