water vocabulary water: a liquid earth material


Upload: tristen-houston

Post on 30-Mar-2015




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  • Slide 1

Slide 2 WATER VOCABULARY Slide 3 water: a liquid earth material Slide 4 absorb: to soak up Slide 5 bead up: form a ball shape Slide 6 wet: Water is there. Slide 7 dry: No water is there. Slide 8 properties: characteristics; things that tell what something is like or how something is ; what you observe about something using sight, smell, hearing, tasting or touch. Slide 9 surface tension: when water beads up Slide 10 dome: this shape Slide 11 porous: having holes Slide 12 slope: a slant, like on a hill or ramp Slide 13 gentle slope: steep slope: Slide 14 surface: the top or outside (skin) of something Slide 15 flow: when liquid moves Slide 16 expand: to grow, get bigger, spread out Slide 17 contract: get smaller, pull in, come together Slide 18 sink: fall under the surface and toward the bottom Slide 19 has molecules closer together; takes up less space denser: Slide 20 float: In water, it means to go up toward the surface or stay on the surface. Slide 21 less dense: molecules spread out, need more space Slide 22