water rises, waternyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v225z/data/0147.pdfare free llev. mr. jsu ton wiil preach...

7" cmocmt Prints p-- I PuMkbod hy HASEST, nUQHSS & CO. OfP.wt:ii Side Tlii ml S.wt, hMmwa Market and Je i kmocp axic ::f. for ?nnr.irr cr coi xiv. Lot E. KV.i fcUNDAY M KMXi iCXE 17, l The T.ottino Race. The trotting meet ingat lYooJIawa corr.rrier.ces A largo number of first c'ass Lorsf-- s are on J.iuJ, an 1 'he race vill beeiccicg. Tall poing raty Le espe:;eJ as the purses are of euUicient ioijcnieat to go in tad win There s.rs two rae aunnneed, the first for a. pur?e of ?20, u:il Lea's, lust three in fite, for which there are three entries " b:c Tdrtiia." Wq Wood's "AbVand O. J. Iiniel"g -- Ka'e D." which re all Cinciaiia'i horses. 1 lie s ?eon I race 13 for four year ol l, mile lie:, best three in Eve, for a purae of S25 For this race alo three tutries have been laale S.C.Lewis' bij uiire. A. II. Brands KentucVy Chief, sad Dr. Tnlerwiod Al l.Ion. The two farmer hjr.-e-- ; are owned in Louisville. On Tues.Uy comes r lT the preat match be tweenGen. Singleton;-- , rf Ii:inoi, S.lver Heel co't, and J. R. Cur's, Meabrino colt, for raile hca(( b?stthr, e In five. The secood race U for a1! are?, bast threw in live, fur a j iirao of S3"."'. oxctrt The 8he'it)y toree Methodist Schiol in esd to g'.ve a grand con- cert on Thursday eveuiog next, at the church. As the concert is for the benefit of this Sabbath School, we cannot urge too atrong'y large attendance. Situated as this school it, in a roriioa of the city where such an institution i peculiarly Beaded, and where the benefits which will insure to the classes of persons inhabiting that neighbor hood is so pr.at, this Concert certa.ii.ly pre eents itself as aa ohject most worthy of pat- rorage. We most earnestly tope that the room will be crowded to itb utrn.-s- capacity Ilkviug beard a rehehral one evening last week, we can emfi jc:ly promise the public they will lie folly repaid for their attendance. Tne c lurch is I on Shelby Eire!, be (ween M trice! anl Jefferson. Let every trieadof the S abb ith School eno.se, inde pendent of eectaiianijin, go to this delight ful concert. Svaoe Dog An incident occurred yee- - terdiy, thowicg the crintinaUly of keeping a lavage d g. A Urge bulLiog, owned by a Jrayuan up town, gjt loose and pan upon a man who worked for his owner, and was tearing him horribly. Mr. J. F. C untie observing the peril of the man went to his rescue when the furious animal turned upon him and irjCtete.1 serious injuries upon him before he cor.ld overcome the beast. Mr. GanLle's leg, arm, groLa, and throat were torn by the dig's teeiii. Fiuaiiy, Mr. Gnn-kl- by a blow with an as, knocked the dog powerless, but fainted before he could dis patch Lici Wifo the owner of the dog found that hi? pet had been put hori it com- - hoi, he was an;ry, and enquired what legal remedy he had aj'.inst Mr. Gur.kle. The An anil hia if (hat im fvni ,m . . ' iu::y cmtai. Sr"Tke following were the proceeding before ne ro'ies Court yesterday: Cora'th by John Lawsoa ts. John Albert, &c, peace warrant. Bond required in lo0 each to keep she peace and answer Monday mora- - tng. Com'th by John Lawson ts. John Albert, wtrr.ar.t fir assiu'.t and battery Continued. George HiiL alias Conney Hill, alias George Sayder, maliciously stabbing Nicholas Mosler. Required to give security to answer a misdemeanor. Catharine Willie so far forgot herself as to become drunk and disorderly, ani finally in viola' ion cf her conjugal vows to break the wasLboard over ter huabaai's head. Discharged George Eeimick charged with burglary. Case con tinued to Monday. Ja.k Armstrong, carry- ing concealed weapoa. Bail ia SSO to i?A your;: nd pretty, but unfortunate girl, Maria Cassi.iy, hung herself witli her ratter in one of the cells of thetstation house ishviile on Wednesday. Lvuitxidt Democrat, Altrjre'her mistaken, ro fr as the Nash Tilie jtirt is eonc'rnel. The beautiful but I unfortunate female who male such poor ue I i.y." Here that chanaind hne; v eary trticle of ieciie attire ie generally wrra I vaere 11 propel blong, and never em-- ployed as a means cf strangulation. ,,'athuillc Gitctte. Wc beg Maria's pardon. But, Bell, you fteem to know too much. tsywio woli Lot have their rooms fur- - shed when tbev can elect from a stock of ovtrfCAHiO worth of farniiure. of the rv best workmanship and cf the latest styles, and at their own price By amending that sale which takes llace to mnrr- n- morninc at tea o'clock, at L Kahn L Co.' CoraniisfcLn House, 491 Main street, snch artieies as are necessary for housekeeping I purposes can be obtained. The I auctioneer, I. Grauman, will d his 4uty by J -- ii . . 1 r j.articu.i.r. ree aertiSemeni. tK-I- n order to facilitate tLtr.mpn.meal 01 poitsge on ieuers surtsici to Ijreiga I countries, and to ar,ii the necessity of I aSxiag thereto a larira x.umber of Btamns. ' men rouli, in eoma instances, increase I the weight so e.3 to tu' ject the letters to ad ditiooai postage the Department Las order-e- l the issuing of new sUmps of the denom inations of twenty-fou- r, thirty and ninety Cents respectively. The twenty-fou- r cent tamps wiil bs ready for diatribui ion next week t.he thirty cent stamps soon there after, and the ninety cent stamps as eocn as I ther can be nroeu-- e 1. I ' I 1 i 1'hiscb AtBEar is to.MtS j :Tae citizens or Loouviue will ts glad to lsara that the I Prt., ;; Tiaii -;, nn h;. , ,.r ,w,.,.i. the eotiiitry. l.x:eaB.ve preparations ere be.ng made everywhere to receive him. but I we are fare he wia ait be received with . I ... ...v..,. Wv..,v.l.c.., who livor iiittn wna a can. luey are now manarcturing ires railings, Teraudhs, 4o , I .t .a .t.r. r. . . " ,. o . ' ' I th6 Customhoasc. I Eeucxoce Nonet Methodist ministers riu preacu a: 11 o cioca, a. St., sol L ui'el I Baptist miniates f.t 4 o'clock, P. :t , eveiy I 2 .Sunday at We'.bura Chapel, on Hancock street, between Madison and Chesnot streets, and a Cuion Sunday echovl will be held there at 24 o'clock, r. every Sunday. Seats are free llev. Mr. JSu ton wiil preach to- - dy at 11 o'clock, and Rev. Mr. Atlcn, the pastor of the Walnut street Baptist Church, will preach to dj at 1 "c!ck. E.5A Louisville correspondent of Gree ley's Tribune has made a remarkab'e politi- - l discovery, which Le hastened to imuart I to a grateful country. The discovery is no more nor less than that the Repubdcans hold the balance of power ia this county. " I Does the cigjr party of Kentucky intend I branch barefacel lioa a, that In impress. ou iai iare are uepuoiicans I enojgh ia thij county td load & clam boat ? I J. Tut Gttat Lxsnna rot Ntw Yoei There seems to to 1.9 doubt that tho Great Eastern ii now cn ! er pigssge. he u advertised to Icive Soaihampton for New York on Saturday, 0th of Jane, ia charge of Capi. J. Yiaa II ill. Tiie a Jvc:tisiaett ttitss her al i,0M toes register. aeWL.1' evenmg two yenBg c:en wre arreeled as Hcifi in tie shooting aud I T- - ini eff.i.ir t.i x rei h .fe.r' fiiJeii i K'. W.I.rr.;.',! Tl.-- .... T. I... mux.) . 'larnii,, are out v I WocM-iirj- i EACL-.-W- e are rented to . . I sy that a reaiar eic 01 uou wi.i ne;a at the Louisville Hotel, every moruiuar and I ton eninif, darinir th troi'iai racei. com I "ie ttencicj Monday). KIL. "Aliaost liviLg, eouoter- - Ul lue v r Deuiiful an ivorytjpwi are r Lg more und more I tig?" We do not remember when we have been mora highly entertained than on Fri day night the oecahion being the com mencement exercises by the scholars of as Mrs. Noli, cottier of Guthrie und Thiid streets. At a rery early hcur the boue we filed to its utmost capacity with the beauty and fashion of our city. At eight o'clock about fortv cr more mi.-se-s, of T rarious aee.s, bat, of course, equally beau, d tiful, moved in uron the stage like so many fairies. Wc wete much impressed with lite orderly, dignified manner in which they MSUmed their respective places, and all eeeuiingly without Laving undergone the same diily evolutions to produce ctfect. It appeared rather the result of a proper con- ception of true dignity thn of late practice.. We regret we have no' tltae to notice in full detail the exercises of the evening. Tie principal feature of the fn'ertainmeiit was the reading of the compositions by the four "Old Times," by Miss Lizzie R., was a subject finely handled, and teeming with practical sense and happy suggestions to rising "Young America;" os also "The Best You Can," by Mis Kite 11. "Soc- rates, Chelsea, Byron and Lsfayttte," the four shining stars, from the ready pen of Miss JuliaB., wasgivcuusinmoit unexceptionable style, and was indeed as Cue a piece of com- position, and the delivery of same not in- ferior to anything we have ever heard on a similar occasion; while "The contributing of the fine arts neceasary to the enjoyments of society," by Miss Fannie N., received its just reward in a full round of applause and a complete shower of bouquets. Indeed, we cannot here exf rcss the glow of admiration we felt at the result reflecting unlimited credit upon both pupils and teachers. With such schools at home we can see no apology for the practice of setting instruction awsy. It is apparent that under the care of Mrs. Xold, the mini not. onlv receiving its full attention, but also tho&e other matters, with- out which a lady is unprepared to launch forth into the observing and critical world. We must again say, we never left a room more fatly impressed with a feeling of satis-- f ution on our part, and with a greater buzz of admiration around u", than on Friday Bight. The exercises were interspersed with some 15 ae duets and solos by the pupils of our estimable Mr. E. W. Gunter, and the whole closed with the presentation of some splen. did silver to the teachers. We shall long- ingly await a return of another such treat. KtitTrCKT MlMTART Instititk. The commencement exercises ol this well known and popular institution of learning took place at Uarrodsburg, on Wednesday last, and attracted a verylarge crowd of spectators Not less than a thousand persons, a consid arable portion of whom were ladies, were as sembled upon the occasion; all of whom must have been convinced then, if not before, of the great advantages offered by the institution, and the thoroughness of education attained by its graduates. The addresses were in the following or der: Orti..n- -" rohslbl to Alt." By C. I.. U jI- - tf in. .Ir, M :i.ii. ltnl., f Addisonian KocHv. Oratioii " Itri'iiMii n arid Mo:nn tiul (invermncnt C om mrted." Hv t it ferry, of t'urt CaJ'io. Texas. IWp. of KUli itu. ro.i iv. Ora-- BtJ. W.8brew5bury,M.tlii.Iiia Rmi. at Addtuuin v. t(ri!" co- rnment." By J. II. Morgan, Horn I jtf V . nf i'hil .mrtlu in tv. I'r g. nia:i m f ).; ft C'aixain Henry Mirston. Jr.. .'f Clint in, LoulMitna, nn b h.t)( 01 Company II, lv U Wviin. of Co MiSNisnrl.i.' ol lot 'air. John H VrV.cn! t tlf of C mivaiiv C. bv A. O. lltchiBiiii. "f Ma llfou. Ind, lraUou " ilutatiou.'" by J. H. HtUr, of Cuiiiilie, iratlin " K'nttii-ity'- i I luitrlmis D.aJ." By II. ParLer. of Brandon Mi I urait.m -- TUeMiii-l c: nifnw" By W. F. Miller, Ln'.!t.v;i. rt ;on Italy.'' By J. IS. Standi.-- uf Bia. xJIav Mis. i iTHil'.n " irKinta. By A. W. Mac in. of Sak M- i-. rat ..11 ' Ruin of iplrc-.- " By I. Jf Jr., Mis. rtiou " Til Pat A m..rabl By MrrOni. Jr.. of Clinton. Ij. Ht1r.n A.lIo K:iTon l.va of Lau ', l.'O'lly and I LWV . sunai. v, ,i u;ao nawii, jih. Lorv A ltit- - Ry C. L. Martin. 01 Mapiball. TifXaa. A .1 m ot Ictali ol tUe Alumni By C.pt. W. Gregory, ..ftLe Insiiiuf. AOdre lo ihe Literarr !fie'r JJy Gen. I)gTies By hb Exoellvncy. thellovernot The graduates were Messrs. J. II. Weler, II. M. Parker, W. F. Miller, J. S. St&ndley A. W. Maclin, I. K. Davis, Jr., II. Marston Jr., 0. W. Standiey, and C. L. Martin. The exercises of the day commenced with salute of artillery, and cioeed with a review inspection, and drill of infantry, the latter eliciting the admiration of all tha spectators and reHeciiog the greatest credit upon ofS cers and men. Horse Fair Last Day- - The clesing day of the Horse Fair was encouraging. Our citiitns attended greater cumbers than on either of the for mer days, manifesting an interest that wil Lave the eneet of insuring future fairs and a. creator .,.. ; ..t:,,i , i. thIs h" Pro- - tte whole, the gentle mcn arranged this fair have dune them selves credit. They have given it their close attention, and the arrangements were eatis factory alike to exhibitors and to spectators We trus. that the managers will not relax their efforts to have a fine show in the fall x?An interesting exhibition was made ia tbe Amphitheater yesterday by Mr LoTfc1.1, ?U bfou8ht tia great Australian oesr lal ae rlD' ana maJe L,m perform ra""ao lr,c" 01 '"ining. ur. J.oveil nas, b' coug i!l, made tbe monster quite trac'bl- - iPS-cc- sacrilegious thief, last ednes night, robbed the Synagogue's poor box sale of Mr. V.arCeld a Stock took r,lr nr, Tl.nrsdn v. ai d tha at.,,onn . Wee. Tbe number cf strangers fron.Mb.V present at tbe several cattle sales '"'3 wet was nought to be greater than on ""f "c.c."1n. oes to iveniucsy uiooa etocK is in le mand Thp frJlAwin,-i- c .1.0 1:- .1. i Cunt Adrine, red and white, ralve.l Jan. 1 A IVo". W. Hunt, of ClarV. m f.o Amie Snath, red and white, calved Oo tot:er ie, isol. tea Warfield, S1G0. Miss Magfe. red and white, calved Jan 29, 1802. J. Cunningham, Bourbon. S150 Jiary uewees, roan, calved October if. 1951. J.N Conkwright, of Clark, $127 50 Luclty dJ, roan, calved Nov. t, 185-1- J Curd, cf Fayette, $C Lucay 4td, iieht roan, calved Pent. II VI. IT. .... ao n. i. nuuson, .asnvuie. Tenn ,S0 l'uillis, roan, calved 152. E. Lewis of a1- - ciw. enoa. light roan, calved lS5o. W. B Mary Beatty, roan, calved in 185' Judge Bust, of Clara, S42 L'i. ,L' T0,Uei ia Wm- - Dunn, 01 arrara, joj. Helen, rcan, calved ia 1857. J. M. Row- - an, ct Missouri, $12 SO. role fcusau od. red and white, calved in the 8I rlaS f J . . Hunt, of Clarke Ashland Belle, ltjrht roan, caived in 1S55, I0i.s. Cherry 11th. roan, calved Mit r. m.r.r, rortia whil' caiveJ j 2 18r. uucn. or Uarrard, fi7 5, 11 flake, white, calved Aug . 1 h. L. Lewis, .f Clarke. S.17 .10 tne l.or.e, rea ana white, calved June ;":0. ipo.i. no, mornton. or noodfoni. S14 r.ti Hagar. red and white, calve! Jiine 185'j. Wm. Thornton. Woodford, sr.7 f.fi Mi-- s Dill.ird, red and white, calved isro- - ''."""i ivn. "111. 11 til ueiU, f I'J. I'atience, light roan, calved April 17. 1M50. Mr. Freston, of Mason, !2j(). and Jenette, red and white, calved October II). IhoS. J. M Rowan, of Missouri. Sin. plan Purity, white, calved Aueust 20. 18.19 Mr. Owen, of Mason, ?27 5a fcdith, light roan, calved May '., 1850. J. w Fwan, Misrouri, $10, V , ?- - e' cMTed June 10. ly. ioj.i. Jonn nmtetiaes, ot tJlark. $ 5. Olympia, light ran, calved June 13, 1859, I" Tarlton, of Fayette. $81. .u Lillian, light roau, calved June, 1857. ae " . "r, f u. rose, white, calved March 1. 1850. Wm WarBeld, $20. Kite, red and white, calved Oct. 1, 1858 W Hut,t of Clarke. 35. Iwl.bon oth, red roan, calved ADril icoif. wr. ihornton, or Woodford. $10 Fnncees Duke, red, calved Nov. 18. 1859. Mr. Cornell, of New York, t"S. Lubt. Rubicund, red, calved March 30, 185r- - Albe-- t Wilson, of Fayette, $37 10. lup, rcl, caived September 25, lilU. Mr. Ileame, of Fayette. $15 led and white, calve I October 2D, idJ. . I. Kmiti). ;t Scott. ST't TL'I Northman, roin, calved May, 1857. W 01 Uesrne, cf Fayelte, S'M o: lir 1.UJJOEKI AVI, ATTEMPT TO LoXMir hfl Jeiu rson coun'y, Ind., was robbed on Monday ON last. li lcka iurf. r.r ten hniKun. ,l,,ll.r ao 1 "rwr'1 V0 .u; anum for the pur pose of cotuiaitiinif suicide. It arrrai' thai after ftrriing L inquired at the WoshinK Hilch Iloiel for a room, to tike a sleep before leu. lid was accordingly ma iviiia auu 1111 aeieep. ju waning; nn iV he found that h't pocket had been cut and llor whb the poCftet-boo- k eeDtaininir the moner ab CM'iea afrarte.l H then Kent mil tf.,e l.nl. Tue j l00k a lar e dope. Some of his friends o clock caving opp'irluneiy hig oondiiinn. . . ., iiinr.. .nr. ii, t. .icuinty, the BhenU or i f b , vr iiiiieaa iinysic.aa aca eavei iis life. . T? ft? c2 3? p f 4 f Dramatic and Musical. The theater Las been doing a fair busi- ness during the past week, with Mr. Sothern the star. The play to morrow night are "The Hidden Ilaud," aa l f ., or The Man aud the tirer." Mile Brunette, from the Grand Opera, Faris, has made her first appearance o Itnr r.iteir' TJ'.rater. as .uil. in Verdi's " Ripoleito." She 13 pro nounced by the critics a v;ry fine vocalist, and an equally talented artiste. The New York correspondent of the PIul- - dclphia Fress says Carlotta Fatti, a sister of Adeliua, and a year or two her senior in uhnnt f.i i:.v-- a miblio diliit at a "i concert to bo trivou in New York next week. The correspondent, "from personal knowl- - edge," pronounces lier qitite superior flsa i.Iauist and vccalit. A p'tv-iT-- l inErniiy wi'.lalwsys prev.jul 'ier uppearaiice ;a oprra. aeisacham.iugguV.ndgre..-,yeemeJ- ! for her intelligence, modesty and talent. Mr. Charles M. Barras, late manager of Fik's Opera House, i".irc'uHS-.- a villa and grounds ia Siuttu Island, where he is residing Fortunate Barras. A piece called "Oar Japanese Embassy" has been produced at Laura Kecue's. It is pronounced coarse and vular. Miss Julia Dean is about crossirg the Atlantic to fulull enajmenta in Lou- don. Our wishes fur her eucecss accompnuy her. The ld Bowery is:o rent. A number of nati.es of passable managers are mentioned. uuimiic itu'iuii.niii.i, jn, in" 1.11,1 ij"j means to try a gutumer Keasou there. Maggie Mitchtll is playitg in Troy. Cooke's lloynl Circus Corcpsny is ai the Walnut street, I'hilade'p'iia: the husinrps is not large as wa ripe:tc.l. The Moiri Brothers Mit-- s relr. are playing to poor houses, at the Arch. Madame Toitrniaire, the celebrated eques- trienne, is married to an Enjlisl-.m-i- "of the name of Brown." John Brougham is playing at the Howard Athenenra, Boston. Mr. J. B. Booth ia expected to arrive from California shortly, having decided to leave that State. Miss Moubray came in the last steamer. The Cooper, otherwise "Anglo American" opera troupe, will perform in Boston next month. The prima donna, Annie Miluer, is one of the sweetest sopranos that ever! appeared in this country he was a pupil of the celebrated Mrs. Wood. The theatrical season ia Memphis will commence on the 1st of September. The Continental vocalists are giving con- certs in Cleveland. The Richmond, Virginia, Theater opened on the 14th icst., under the management of Kunkel & Moxley. On May 18, Lyster's Bew opera troupe made their first appearance ia California. "Lucia de Lammermoor" was announced for that evening, in Sin Francisco. It was to be given in Italian Miss Escott, Mr. Squires, Mr. Leach and Mr. B. Haja sits tained the principal characters. The Alleghanians, a troupe of whii-- Miss Hiftert is prima donna, have been playing at Rorotonga, Sandwich Islands. The "cir- culating medium" of the place being "pro- duce," the prices of admission were adults, two chickens and one pig; children half price. The ladies of Rorotonga are always in full dress, viz : a bandanna handkerchief and a shell necklace. They wear nothing else. foreign. Ths Boston Saturday Express compiles the following interesting suuniar;-- ; The idyllic contests of brass bauds, at Sydenham, is to commence on the 10th of July. Sixty bands have already entered for the first day, and a yet larger number for the lecond. "II Trovatore" was sune at Her Majesty's lately, with Alboni as Atucena, M. Giulini as Manrico, Aldigheri as Di Ltma, and M lie Tientiens as Leonora; a most powerful cast Mr. Wallace's benefit concert, at the Crys- tal Palace, was a oou.plete success. Mario Daret was playing at Cork, Ire land, at last dates. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean were at Man- chester on the 27th ult.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Matthews were also in the company. A new farce, by Mr. Nurton, has been produced at the Ilaymarket, entitled "The ii zsmMties of Fiiismy'he Hall " A Madame Fame is charming the critics in French opera at the Lyceum theater, London. Tho great Russian musical amateur, Prince Constamine Cr:or-ki- , is dead. A new opera ;n one at, emi'led "L'Hubit de Milurd," Las been brought out at the Upera l.oratqu". IMns, with success. M. O Ganbatu: not the patriot, but the cciineut flu' ist. h;s crested a great tensa-tio- t among the ddittanii of Brussels. Mrs. William Leiuau lU-J- (lite Miss Cooke) relict of tho Tell koown dramatist, and for many the lead r.g actress iu the Bath. Birminn'iam eni the aters, has been t reseuted with a.i annuity ot 150by QueiMi Victoria, ou the rec jnimecda-tio- n of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytiou. Whoso Duty i It ? I For the L' I.aiorat ilesra. tttSMf, Hf aii Co.: GtntlemtH : Will you kindly permit us to call the attention of the proper cfiicer3, if there are any, to the condition of the gutter, wsy on the north eide of Jefferson strec, from Third street west to tho pump. It is stated that an ordinance was passed months ago to correct the abtte but it has not been done. The Street Iaspector says it is not his duty the Street Commissioner eives us the usee answer we cannot get any satis faction froiii the Street Committee of the Council now, whoe duty is it ? If we clean out the gutter to diy, it will be full of stag nam, ofiensive water and ee the heated term " is on us, something must be done. Will ths Mayor see to it or the Citv Engineer, or the Uoard of Health ? Will any of the ci'y officials ? hy not at once nave the street re cratlcd and bowldered T It would be cbeantr in the long run, and be an immense benefit to MAW CiriZEN'g. C? Quilp and his wife had a bit of con tention the other day. I oivn you have more brilliancy than I." said tho woman, 'but 1 hive the better ju lifnio.it. ''les," said Quilp, "our choice in marriage shows that!" Quilp was informed that he was a bruto. Court of Appeals. Fsv.Miroar, Juce H, IMo" carers itn.tr. VoKer.r.ev v Tavlor, Iripir: . Ilu. , Co. v. Hie ei a!, tin Che; alrnicd. I.i ai.a , i;o Mtinned. Mccjaery vs T .:.i; u d AriiiMroiif vg Arm.'rfr.i's ajiu'r. Tod.!; elfirmej. ttra.u'oid, MolVhvrt- -i Co, va Keautdj-- . To id, re- - !!ao I' a liu'r, iiU; r.v'i. oHrtu. J ae rtl.e. 15 s'!. twU'-l- Ciel sppillint. giid r iurc.i.1 t j3j'1. .!jv ..I term lo e! wby til- - ruled.s'ii'.. g l't appeai !. JI C.J 1.0 so! a. M.Ryt.,,is : Talbj.t, LvJ C... irratited. llles VS bet r. L cf ,i:ui : rew appeal maut. j.pi -t I'uMti app.ar.m.e. isavk.rv, ivwt-p- , riensi!;,;; CMiimi: lt.berts.m'. alui'r vs B .y i, Fieiuiuj llnrtley v, Hartley, ' i'.lu; l... stet al vs ilaiib .ri, I ie.u -i I.e. vs M illerct al .ere e'd! lVtlc I on Tl.ls tay Court .. Appeal, un ip s n.i of Inch Is or:..-...- i 'i l.e nt iidd and is !u Hiea.- - n j.,;.. The Clerk ! thisC-jur- nhs'l L..t L i!l r p!lKS ppeal u;..ju loe docie', until a rii:n; tiatwrtpt o'f cur I. I:i ti.e m-- e in v. :ii..u tae ti; ! at'a.ii't. il I... m bis .nce. Notice to Bailders- $ .Soa'c l proposi's wiil be received a', the office of the undersigned till Monday, July ip r.i, to i j o cioci m., to erect a tuarkot- - house on Market Birou', between Siileenth Seventeenth strceis, ia accor J.tuce wiih and (specifications as tied iu tlngiueer'b cuice. t ir riitvv..rn Mv ') Crivi., June I SCO. '" '.i " DIED, Ky., Kev. Jamu Au.ltu:, lu the 6t,h year of l.i ai ni resi.ien-.-e- in u nt'.n r a..m.,. .t - ....... -- uu.s u. cjji, ioriu:iy i i. j..lsv jvv- .'a yeaib. Ult.VU'lNi is )I'- - ft Dc!aa-- u Lo'teriea. deciding (OLLKiC LOTTEKV, OF KV, CLASS Glh, lij. 30 ;ifj lit 49 - t::i 10 II -- d 26 If) CijA?8 ICth, lad 73 39 -- 3 U 31 11 11 .1 .1 46 10 i D. ELLIS. AisM for IVaiue. Kroa ItHfiits a Co.. .111 Ma'n vrm I. i. v. , Kv IiOXXEaV I T A M'krf.-- ! nr St.- - !:i..ic-HF- j-ti iit;u:kt laii. arid .. u.ar ;d..- i ablocuii bad T M rt'rt MILi.HV (U.LLlt.V. I.UTU.HY riK KiX. ltyand ciun'r. 1:. ii.i.. in i..k,- .j, w txl a tbe .,uie. All 4..Mi:)n..i( ,.tl 1.1 t.y iiuii. Lauded, or wUl receive plunvt 'tei.ti.j.. ti. J. i: h,i;k 4 diy Lost. LAST EVEMVO. Ei r .VI.KN FIRST AND .11, a 1.1 .(, ai,t ":;., ,; A ft il.L - Under In rewur.ie bv ' .ei7 FOR Cow, Stook Cattle, EeaperB, Tiirefhing' Machiaes, Etc , TTHK ARM OF JFHAKII U BAi'F., iCTjera on WKIiLlAT. Ji Xkl.i .in. SVva ' lot Cows an i 8 or C ttie. taiii r Ttf$ aome lie p.ra aui TaietU lj "Ii n M JU ea w'.:1 ha to the highest on i montiu' re liu tale wlj coiuai u.e m'u 1 a. M j 17 dl I t SVMMEK CAI"i AS .iTHEK INVi.Hl. fiF NEW P, I'l.'. the tbiug fvr Qigotand st 1 fi jl A. CBAlO S. Ivj Railroad Jatters. UirlUi'Ut o TUAlNs. JLrrnONViTLL' UJlLKUaD ;at;cu e.(0 i. 11. liviu.llnl'vii.'i Cvh.Ii!!.-- -- t I.- liH, ' u:t0i: u - - LOnSYILLE. .NEW ALBANY AND CHICA I KAVK NKW AI.IiA.V V. On r..t ifterT'l.-May- , M.iy at. lt., ln-- ,,.4,.e Sew Ailjjnyas fjllis: i"i.!ou;;oaua !. LouU Mall at Ti " U T..U ,!....' ' x'.w'ieW Aceon,uiojat'oa t .".3.V2:tip v AhKivc AC xnv Albany. "r ' " .'. ' v:""" 7.fca.. UilCMSO Clu CluCK.baii Mai: at ti p. x. Sl. LuU.. Malut 00 r. t. LOUISV1LLL AND, LEXINGTON B. 11 t'H...uKl T'..!n Xn. 1 at M Xo. s at ti-.r.- Accon.m 'ail.ui i j j., . AND NA'SHVJLLJi U. R. U:i I'mio Su - Sin. L;.iesa Tral Xo.3 ( :.Uy, rxecpt..-.!- 0: t K wbuiin L.p'.-- : (S i ui s IXC j.tc J) A. M tbancc Ad jLirao.;- - ju :i.;.iyb c 2.40 f. M. KAIU'.'.MD sTTI.-TI- i MATXTfl'Dd OF IM hl'.L TS INM I.V The Ilailroal ll '. ord of l t week has an article upon this sulj- - t, in which it is stated that there nte now ia operation in tno l tuieil bates near tim-t- tAt.uaanJ milct I I . Tl,,. .... 1: I: r .. vi lamuw 1 ii" pyevuiai inns men IOI.OW are of latere-;!- , uiiJ we tberetore give them a place iu cur cV.utnus, as follows: Let us tate out a few elementary facts tins ust mA'bintry. V. e cannot arrive at exactness, cut navuig t lie im.-- ot oerlaiu of im uiosi uuperiaui roitus 01 tne cottntrr, we may safaly take them us t.ic lasia for tl whole: Whnl Taking these aggregate, wo have some curious consequences: 1. The eapu.il employed ia railroads is hb-- ut ft.7.,V that of all the incorporated Dunks ot the C ruled states. 2. The receipts rn railroads is goij I deal more tbau the iiicme (or piohtsi-- l of all t!ie i).:nks 3. But when we compare the operations of the two ra..c!.ims we find this iruoortant difference, that the cost t f onrraLn. the banks is vory unall, while the cost of op rating the railroads is very grcit. lu one case enpita' on.y is bandied, while in tbe latter, net only capital, but a vast r,nd cum brous machinery of meti, velno.es and road 4 1 fee number ot locomotives is rft lsi 1,01 it), or, one to ench five mileu. Tia,;uj into view the uew roads and the repairs, we may assume that one fifth of the.se (1,2 must be renewed each year, which at an average cost cf (M)0 en 'Ii, amounts to an expenditure of teu millions a year for loco- motives alone. Fasseuger and freight cars will be five millions more, aud thus wc have fiftien million per a.iuutn paid for niakiug carriages only lor the use of railroads. 5. The S!,i)()D employees we may put down at a dollar per day, although that must be too lo the officers' salaries being generally high. Ibis is tirtnty ftur millions per annum. C. For labor andmster!nl, railroads pay at lea-- t forty mi'dwnt per annum independ- ent of the iron superstructure. 7. Let us now u gardthis as rn economi- cal clement in thi country, aa it regards other vocations. We may regard 100,000 men as the vnd, furnished by railroads to be supplied with food from the agricultural resources of the nation. The rtlitivt pro- portion, in families, show that each d man is equivalent to a population of four limes the number. Wo have, then, 400,000 persons, puhsiiting upon the re- ceipts of railroads, to fie supplied with food. Taking meat and bread alone, this will re- quire 4,000 lbs of et'.ch per day e rtlal in value to Iwelt'e nii!ltu.s per annum. In the two artieles nf meat and bread he railroads pay farmers this great sum of money. We ueed not pursue the inquiry in detail any further. It is obvious that for tjir.ber, ircn, paints, mechanical aid, &c, ih? roads mu.t pay millions' more, which go into the pock- ets cf farmers and mechanics and thus many more laborers are employed, and great sums of money thuf circul ited through the country. As au economical machine, the railroad is of immense value to the country. Here we may compare it with the banks, which hive no connection with the labor of the country whatever. The banks reap the largest profit for themselves but the railroads aee of much the greatest value to tha Doiii.. 8. Another e ement of irreat imnortanoe islhfcnsnmi.'i ,., nf won. I nr fo-- 1 Sun Dosintr it t,. be wood aloneas it is mainl- v- it. a, r.t c,,i , , j ,,.,. , . 0 rt. vo.u, .a isiuiwi unn,.. a biso, is mamiy pain to larmers. u me wo.'a averages titty corda per acre, it will renutre Mi.:i(f itiouaan.1 acres oj t tanit to supply I the probably SO taticili per (Hire t Tbe fct;i!i:,i.;j thow that f .rtti two rf putitfjti passover road your. If so, each one of the whole Ameri-cn- fiopuitiiinn would avera-j- one and a half tr r- But ss li'i'if of th nation do not rn ,vo on railrna'U tit all, it ia cviJ-- that the to jiniercl.il and wealthy iiortions of the tieo- - j.le must travel a great deal. Indeed, this c"e '. irious pnenoineoa ot our run- - itoiya.) get tinie to travel bo miicu: it is twen ;e. not only or treat cor.i i.trcitt ac;ivity, but Of great wealth and activi!3' ot mind. The Tennessee anl Alabama Railrond Cuinpiuy Li'Id meeting at Franklin on Tuesday, to consider the necessity of es. tend;ng their to a connection with the Mobile ani Ohio and ths New Orleans, Jack son and Great Norihern roads. The pro- - nosed extension will ho. we l.nrn. aliout 87A miles, and require J'lOO.OO.) to grade it. I Of this amount the Tennesen and Alabama Company agree to $J0o,00o. The remaining $3o0,000 can be raised in the counties ulong the line and elsewhere. The extension will be t Recced liy a new com pany m wmmv. SUMMER SEASON!! TNVOICE OF M;v ANJ I.I.I.OAM LA.Ct CTR- - X tJlllS l'ia!i! i! wMths Sa-;-t ; Linens;.. Ctt. u M- i;lto Net; 11 an 1nen tiue.iin; T.H.le and T .,i'.-- i I..., ens Vt hitt u'ju n M.itt'rir: iO0.l'AVV ; Cho e It Pr rl t; lio!ce .les.j. In la,.vsirv Kms-ei- s .in; A Kvery vjtl ly ol Two aud Hite & Small, 4ll A I N BTKKE T 409 THIUD IJ!l V. L. T OF BANK 0" LOUISVILLE, i.ri4vii.i1F', kt. GOOCH&NOBLE. i MAN U I'ACT Li; U US rj OABKXAG-ES- ! M JefTerson Streot, s. BET. THIUI9 A.D TOI RT1I, (SEAH THE UNITED STATjES HOTEL'1 In LOriSVILtE, KL .!.' I I a'X uams-jrruu.- P0M3IADE 1K iCONCGMBRES! r K LF.M VINO F1U .CUI.f ,TA.SI NilVSV X etc.. end ..r . j .;. .t !..u ol i'l m PLUS nn, l.Hll'iliiSs ON 1111. luis ' Is me best tbil - .iium ii. 1'jej.i.re.i i.iiu t.,r 'lll.'s. L. JKNKINS A O..Ch'-0ilsta- Jcl7 Cotni-- cl Tulr.l aud Waiout M recti. ISSBMKJaEjrafcT T .b .c o; O Is- T.bac ; A i n' i'.rawi.:-:-- y 'fol-t- MJ bu-- i JuM ric .1'. 'VS. WICKS ,t 1. ALT.OWAY TO'l J. box.-- Ma,-t- i 74 b .x !lb .St Jj.1 Oi.X- T Vrvic. WICKS cn VATT cTARC'l -- So B XKS M I'L- - hewn perl. tttirch, COiU aud Wh.at, lu efjre and lor .1 J W:i,L FAY CVSH r -- r; 10 TO Tihiiois or "ireisr It. i t r. l,i .. t t,i; All.M.I. Cjvll'llll, !. I F..AIN ANO FANCY UUOOMA i .l:l.! BKl.U.-'iM- llDAD tt ILO,B, 111 Main si. VJ A it. c L 1. It Ulrl fAI.K, HV -- "J I'l' O lIll.t.EX.SibMiln t .need Iclti "AKS AsAI'UiMTA K lil SALE I1Y el. H'v D l lol'KH, 41 Main st f RrihS LtMI'BI.ACK nut su.r HY Uj l7 KUII' D WILDER. 418 Main st 9- .BnW ENGLISH VFITM Rn) FOR KALE BY 1 i 1' Ell l t H,Hi:it i Bros tf ANisn 'iii.iwv k k sh.k hy ' I 'f FIivv ! sVILl'ER. 414 MjIo tt. 1 B"t.S iPANI;!I Will TIMS I'OH SALE BY jel7 MOV D WII.DBR. 411 Main m. H OtSKS fcAL. SOIM V.ilt U K Ky J KDWD Wn.l'KH. Mali ?t, CASKS YELWVV Oi'.iitK vn:t SALE bX la SDW D WII.D4U, lis .Ma mt, 13 Uavles' Tetter Ointment. I1.1s.l01 otral yean, been trteteJ Iu dtsoasca of tha a'ain, soil la no doubt oue ot m,),t vuiuat.le TKTTtK, Babbtp.s' Ircn, aad old ulcers ever Ula overetl. It has u.-- I l.y a uinater of our cll.'z:n with great and ibey spi hlglily lu It praise. I l ' T'ler, No. 71 "ojrth street, Main and Market, ara ageuta tor the city. Price, Jl (.0 per box. J1'1' d2aw4weowlnalia WHY (!HIsrAleatOS KXL'tLSIOR DYE" present stron-M- claims to public conttlence iha.ii any other luilr-Iy- In tilsu-u.- : BLC.VfSK t li the only oue that tas ever b:en au jlywi ad put- - Ik ; proved by the hbitn-s- t chtwlcal aathorhy. AI.B1J, rr reason that uo other Dye has ever teen ub-- kcti J to chf m'.csil anaiyula at all. MiKlEOVtll. Belies bri"' ire iruiu every l.l.ioSa liuTwtltnt.lt . 5 a tint r blaikor lrwii, and lu a shorter j.ai ol lliiir, thaa juv otaer Ilyu In tue woil 1. sold e t ry here a:.d applied by a'l rHTAIXJI'.tt. Xo. ( Aor Uou. Ji. T Wilder, lis Main (.treet, and Mra Q. Nn holaa. K. Koiirth airent. Aeenta. jel7 JAwlio Tour 1't-ai- Experience With HAIR RESTORATIVES ! Tttrt following U'lic: fioiu a n ntleman lonu and fav .r-- :iOu lu U!u anl viUulty.aho lias ha-- most favorable s of l.nonj ol what he wrlUi, w.'.l, ar r.ii. , sat:.,ty th mo-- lncrednkaia: WaLTH.tx, M 14., J.m. 20 J. tsr-- . ir f. irmtl ( -,- h ,: ll:lvM Ir; " i.ti.niUU.r Hmu KEStoaaa.-.-a- l rilTi-- r f.,ar mi it und cs 1 !av.- led vanoiH o?'.fr am :u the market ira?-- s. . ai. iv , 0.11 s. .), but yours l.aa li. uuioiiK ineiM a. I. 1 Uavo be l a id to t.oiinieu It l..r ..it II ruliu to ,10. ; erd iu .!! ol ur t ' ii. no t ail u.anr.yjulit kmr r rril i. ari. have laid H asi.i... an I at u.v.e a r. 'l a..'' li.ntn.ivi neai 11 na;r 01 urti;innl sh"iif i". 't, , i.ro luci-- bv us.iu two or tUre bou!.- of v ari i n a lien l y some Ihey have h- t'n In- - ilncel I" try paiiue.l upon tbm a- - r1r, tiwy nave aiino.t i ,r..:,;.,i.lj re:urn-- d 10 I.e. y..ni ila.f ..rti aain, m the only wttrUn. n 'iil'. t r.;i'He uru ir in as a loi'.' urU- :. n .L- -i a. any ol me li.ur tMui or U a hea with ol " !i tn inaiK f is no.vie.1. Iain yours very truly, S. B. EMMONS Ii iiniiioer lual t.iee t.iii.rau.l.a were t y HKIMSTKEETd m. .'("',,, the wiyiU'-'-I anrf nulj n ''ul.le article In i.so. Sd t jrywtiere prlc Joe. arid $1 a bottle. W. K. U.Vi AN i CO., Proprietors, Tror. N. Y li' Soi l wto.ale and rtll by KAYMOND and all the p lncipal Ilrux and Perfumery Stores the?ite. Ji;I7 deodweoIy DEAD SHOT 'I'llfc NEiTKST AND MOST j A liable Faiih- - Bbl'a iSl . ruily applied, tt reui.il i.i one yrar a trap ready et lot facta noxious tormentor ot eur uiM'y TftTKt79 FI.IE3 INSTANT Ml'IIIT.MMJ Xt y. Kery Sheet wl.l a ri, -- HI l.l.Klt. u'isrt. Commence early, and tha boci- - may bo kepi clear uf Files all n miner. Both artklra for ale by Iiruypists everywhere. Send for a ainp:e thet. b. L. EUTTHLP. k RON. r. El. Altais. Vermont. V Sold by al! good Druclst. J17 dim Amorican "Watches WADE BY TfJK ADIERICAr? WATCH COHPANY AT WALT HAM, MAMS. TO T II C TUB LIC. Is luvlied to the following statement of fact in regard to these watches, an Is me consideration why they hould be preferred to those of foreign matin- fictnre: Their a'e has Lspp custautiy on the tcrreve ever since the business w as couiuieuced, thus provli.x that th. y hare, yrumn into pipulir favor through thrir in- triruicauriU. As an evidence of the extent to wLUh they havit received the Indorsement of the pubiic, w UT state, iht npwarda of Thirty Thousand of them ;ire now ia dully ne In the Cults I Siatea, givlns perfect satK'actlon to their owners. This result has been e ff.ted In the teeth of the most determined and violet t opposliionfrcm the (treater part of those In the Watch Importing Trade in the lare dt les, wt, have systematically used all their Influence ith t heir customers, to d:c nrage their dealing In an ar ticle wt,lch thiee.Lei.t J, t ylts j'ipenor't,to foteign w.ilch to a very iar extent. Many of Jew tiers and iVatchn.a... rs of tho li.terlr Seconded tbe ef- f e.ts of Watch laipirtirs, t. In peis iaded by their couutfls, and misled t.y a contracted and imperfect view of their own interest by the f. r of loss on their stock of imported watches, and th- - at prbens'on that Ihelr profits t bt dluiui.iied tnrotigb competition in a well kaown Uumestlc article, w th other groundltrs pr.judlc.ii arisii! fioui a s ipei li. Ul Ir.in'ry Into the f object. Not Ulis. ai.dmi this, however, the watehf have steady iu the t nution of I he peopl theret illers have been coustralmd to keep them to thj, ... by deiire-..- , we are happy to a!d, their prclu and j'arais are being dlssl-- ited. Onr peruliir st ii of nnkhislhe . rcnt parti of each wan h the eTict cotr.t. rp.irt of every other wa'ch of th? same serli s, leads 10 a uniformity In quality width can ne'.e- - b al al ted by the f. .re' pro.esi. li one ol i n.' wunii is 4. od ad are aoud, tiereas each foretifri waUb - only a pruba'il'lty t.y f, liUi' upon the skill aud C.UUtv of the woiki;;au whoniay hai p u to be eiu;. oyet upo.11 tl. I addhlou to that priiujry cn ililons of slice ss, every watch Is Mud by the Company is ma le ui the most cUjIco aud enduriui mten.l-- , caieful.y ttolslii.t by the various pro- cesses 10 h:i.h hey are suLj cie l. an I then tut to- gether, anl s ve:-l- y eil by best work-iiu- in th ! .'actory. guch has care with a Licit these variu-j- du:!es have been :.erloimed, Ih it onto! I the laiae nuiu'erot wati hesso'd.not more. hau a doiu lwJ "v? returned to Company for ex muiKe.uoiu auy ru,e wnatever v..a hwwiii i umfair ti h km uM- - ' watche, of ue mus, inferior deacrip- - I hod, are onenu(ty puawntt'tt by their luakera, whom I Ilia impo.-ibl-e to call to account under any clrcuin- - I Uat.-- . American Watches come to the consumer unburdened by the various expenses an omnia utioa-t- he total of which. Including custom-hous- du ro; M. r'iou or ltae.t sbould decide the qatstlon In oar ItVOI, Every dollar diverted from the purcba.se of foreign watt.ies Is o much saved to the Country; so mncU en- couraifeuient to home Industry, and so much added the public wealth. We do not ask a preference cn these gruun Is If oar w alclies are not ier for the money, than the loreigo. To couclude we claim that our watche are the best toJ KMt JUHbie tlull:.keeprij tne worI , bejljM ,U3 ,Ue cheapest; an.l t that . ,! of w.tchea was never ma le that wouid show so little averwe vari- at:u fnin true time as those we have isueJ. In luUi vMnaj inum-e- their perfuruninca baa been unsur- passe-- by anything recorded In the history of hoeolopy A descriptive pamphlet containing full linorui.itiou and numerous certificates from well know n Individuals, may be had on appllcat ion to the undersigned. Liixui. as our waicn is now extcnaive y counter feit-i- by furehrn manufacturers, we hare to inform the puolic that no watch ia of our production which Is by a certificate of genulaeueaa, bearing tne number or the watch, and sknei by onr Treasurer, K.r.. ,.oBbis, or by our predecessors, Appleton, Tracy iliroHi,uut the Liiion. we do not aolicit or.ler. loralngle Foi the Anierlcia Watch Company. BOBBINS & APPLETON. WUOLKdALK AOKNT3. inITdeodtf No. ltfi Broadway. New York. COl'ARTNKltSHll'S. MR. THOM AS M. FI.KTC.IER. ho has been In the the last ten years.ls admitted ij. a rart- - le ol (tie new r.roj will be LL 4 FLtTl Kit. an in .law t.om Jnnaaivlst. May U, la. mylj dlf SAMIKL L. LKK. Dissolntion. 'PHK PARTNERSHIP HiCKhTuCORK EXISTIN'O a under the ot ol CASsfcUAlf 4 ll'O'KlNa Is this mutual consent. Lltber lurtv autnorize.1 to settle tbe buaineas of the old Arm. ni. l.L CA."tDAY, levitsvllle, Kt., Jannarv 1, 1A. Copartnership notice. TUE UNI JKKMUNKD HAVK FOhMKD A COPART-- iiershlp, under tbe stv e of s Ast liA v jk s..s .hi conutiue tne Dusiness ol uWi ll,,ni eoni-r- and dealers In E.V W ARK, OLAS CHINA. LTLKRYaml PI.aTkhu auk nh. . fully solicit a continuance oi tue lavore exlauued to ihelr i'ivi?iw .or iuriy-jtv- t at.tr P.tllKb CASKDAr, BEN. CASfU.AY, ... H. Alii'liO.N CAssEDAY, ir'ju.sviiie, Jannary I, em. jaT CASH IOWDEUKD liC N'T I'MBKK FOR 8AI K bt "'i fUWll lLOt:R, IS Maui it lDEi'd LADY'S BJK FOR FLUUI AIIY, IsSI, AT I'll I I. A KICK'S. VIEWS. VIEWS A0 LA.-- .l rrrsat i CHIlKfj. I)!IUTUV.AITES R K T lltii P KC T A VALUABLE lei: CLARKE a HI. CK LKTTEIl ALPHABtTA. - BKAUI'IFULLY i '.iira.r .... k I Iel7 IXtKliK'.s. A CIIKCKKlt. DOMINOr.S. HICK .. , at ijei71 CLAItlvE'S. YIW i;;KtK?.-T- II! LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF . tue o.iy as aon as i.'ii.iimh-- i. at J.i. W.C'i.AoKK'S. Mozart Hall. 5"J hli.ls prime New Otie m us&r; utore and lor sale by MAKFIIAI.L HALBrRT GO. A0I.AeSK?- .- ru uu:s prime Mohuuu-- MARSHALL IIAI.IIKTtT CSt. ClOFFFK -- Uil HAGS TiUME 1.10 COFFKE I.N STOHK sale ly Iei7 II ALI, 1IA1.FKRT A CO. COAP- .- ta Jjll lX.s bar) Soap; t"l is)xes .einiiU uo; i b 'Xes Palm do; .'.) OSes I .U1CT riu: ? bus's Shavintr do; In store and for sa'e bj CTARCIl - bo I...K.S Fox's Starch; Lancaster d: In st..re an for aale bT UAI.Ill.KV a CO. 'ptA- .- ; ) pkqs Oiinpow Tea; aJ ha.: c!i sis Biaci di; In store and Ibr sale bv I7 VAllSIIAI L IIALBKIIT Ol.. 310 Mam M. DRKSM STYIK LKOWN AND DI1AB and liiaid Hals, liie bct l:l lilaH.-t- , at o A. I KA10 8. Ht! HATS -- OCR SHELVLs ARE CONSTAVT-X- J Iv ill e I v lib the v. rv .,t i k, IHJCk. Dr ib, and I t i s !m. hlai k. Era!., and iVIute U,airr cod a id Dr lb Otter Hats .11 our own manufacture I lie UI. it aud n.ot fuib onaL.o .ivies. A. CRAM. A!u: constantly j;eclim. mw t'.'b-- ..f Ilats ts.tn i nr.waiei soil I r.n hau l lug ner;i;un ie;l. 'l ue tteat atylas arealways ! i.V 10 A CP lu'S. MWEit .EV FOR YOUNG ui P. very .l...t. .o and coiuloUable, lo be had .inly A.4KOOS 'MA llO'j-- l! I1AE A FEW SlSk JAN- -i liats le.l. Call ajva al A CR A Ill's. ail .T'iltAr lILOL'Cll.i.N IN bTllAW O ol f.is ae tu! ibe cl.s- - of the w,ll ii the of our s'.law aud suiuuier stocks at gl. ally re-- urices. A. VIVAIU, Cornercf Fom (h and .Mu'n of e c.inslgu- - . n. ii iirvr. at tu. stiwt. b t M.iii and River. can KT..-- .H CASKS PRIME KICE LANDINU FROM siouuc-- J. U. lord aud al- bv RAWON, TODD A CO. r.BI.S. IN IM1IME OKDER. FOB .i, i.y lniv:ii.wj .1. S. M.iKhl A SONS. AND OLASKWAKE. QCI.esrlWAr.K IJuc. usaaie; V I.' c;isi.9 E.ig;l-- h tblna; lei liAl b".s Uia .warei i'.vreanl sale by t KL lClISft McCRRADY. ' ti luvvit Ut.w Lvullit Jlvlal. je 1 11s uem'iuj per aouiim. 11 prooaoiy re ties, more tban doubles prime cot of the wau-- n.or; fi.r the yield is not I fore it gets to the pocket of the ultimate owner. This the enuh a road subscribe M Si;iN. 4s t l? ths the the the tbe the we mr ( we lor A AIM US EM ENTS. Louisville Theater. UIICTON Si Tlti; ilPIHM Il. Leader. JOHN T. UKT V . M, V,il. ti TKLXl-UOtl- t iaLaatata. C11ANOK OK TIMK.-- ln lutuf liie will oienat . ... mo uriain win rise M a u cmj precisely. P&r The Hidden Hand ! ON MONHAY KVKMNU, JCNE WILL UK ih rouiaiiil.- Urchin, in rive a. I, eilil ie.l 111K 111U1E (4 jII up.in tlie wmer, aiteruards au heir as f in IIVl-- limine). Mis. K.ite leu!'i ity!.; W.t (a mr, old lli.roeana'a ser.anii, Mr ru Ka; Marjh KiKk, Mrj. Elmore; .Major lta V.'a. Deld tcTimoulT eall-- d ' M l HurrUane"j. Mr. D .nald Baynn tor Black .n.il.i. ice cutliTv) Mr. tiu.'.re To with tha Fare of l". f.J or Tut Mam and T;.. fx hub Buck-ki- Mr ltyau. Pllir-E- OP ADMMION'.-D- re Circle and Pareuette. 74 ceo.!.; , 3i rents; Tulrj r. lJce,ul I'nvate B'.xes, 15, CoioreU Boxen, U col.1; Colored Gallery, li cents. open from 9 a. V. tl!! 5 T. where ats ce awnrfi i.,r any iiunt .luring lli wek. Woodlawn Race Course, KAK LOLlSlLLE, Kl, Spring T10UI114 aud l'ac!nT Itacesi for IsOO. FIK?T DAY Mou lay, June Id. First A l nze;. mile beats, best three lu nve, lor horses tha never went lor m .u. y iu pm.lic. rurse. ... jjO ENTHIES. Jainn Korkey, of Cincinnati, enters b. 1. D'cX Turp'.n. tin vt uo.is, u i,c:nn.i:l, ente.s i. m. A'Xy. A. J. llal.ieK, of linciiiiiii'i. tillers g. ui. Hale 1). Second R;i mile h 'ts for !s, 'I e iu . Purse $0 ENTRIES. M. Tt. TwU, of enter b. Til. A. It Itran l. 01 hexian n, eiivi j b. ti. KeiilneVv Cbtf. I'r. U. Lu lei w.xl.ol Lex u 1101. enters b. h. Aib.on. It ace 10 commen.-- preets-l- T .it S'i o'clock T. H. Cars wlli I"mv the .ip t lor lue Ka-- Course at 1?. a and i o'c'oc, an f tvmaia at tha Co.r until tue es are over. Pa .aier car- - reserved for ladea. PHICi;S Or AOMliStOS. a.Rttt.. free of charge. Tt. keis to t(nartr St and rui.ilc Man-- SI i". Kalln.u I ll.ke K..lihd 'i'rip. Tl.kets P,r C ored Persona. I. ceuM. aTTIrk-i- s lor Sal at the 1:ki aa al the altj oa ur round. No money received at the irit-.- . Members are re iT'.es e i to trurivi.-- thlr Bi as it ia positn .ly lol.iilve of the ruira of tha Associa tion. for 1 Puraea wilt el at th Judges' sua I every evenira uume.ii ,teiv ail-- r met ear" I' v 14 lorealeat the Cialt House every evening aou loo GiU. KACE3. First Ka-- Match betaeen Gtn. J. W. Slmtetoi 'a. cf Hiiiucy, 111. Oliver ll.'els ,o:i. an' lion. i. B. U Lexington, Ky.. M mbrlno call, for t4,0i'. Mile heats, th-- e test III live. cond Kace Mile heats, all aie. beat three In (lv Purse SVTu Joif XVIADAXVXE ZSAHNUIVZ THIS CELEBRATED aCANlSIl Astrologist, CI air voy ante and Fe male Doctress, WOCTD RESPECTFrtLY ANSCtNCK TO TI1: t clilaens of Loulaililr, tlia rhe ha.s lu- arrtve.1 In the cliy. and cu be on ad matters per- - lainine i.'o, euiier east, tut. ire, rj. ;i the line of Hie from lufuwy to old ace rnic slariilr.f ea h event lu reira'.dt l!'..uess, I ove, M .rraKe, Couri-sb'- p Losses, Law Matt ts, and SicBesa 01 helativea and Friends at a Tbe Madam- - will show her vb'.tora a rcpre-- aeniA iou 01 meir rutnre Unsbaacls zad Wives ! The Madame !!! furnish medicine tor all disease. lor grown persons, nia:e or lemaie, ana chiiaren. No. 7iM MsrW't st.. three doors below mvSdAwtf north side. loilsv'.Ue: Ky. C .A. K I3 ET S! Another Supply Just Ueftlved MARSHALL CICKIMOH'S No. 217 FQURTU STUEET. TB HAVE SEVERAL NEW SET3 OF1IANDSOMB Velvet and llru.aela Carp-t- s, to which we roapet Invite the ot purchasers. We he a!so on band a spien l'd stock 01 Curtain Uoo.'m L ice and Mu.lln Curtains; Cornices a"d Ban.ta. Kua and Mat 4 .ind - white and cheek Mjttlng; snd C mi An: And every article in the House Furn'shln lire, fo aa. very low. MARSHALL A D CKINO.N. Jeio N. 27 Fourth street. b t. M.nn aiel Ma.ket ARRIVAL.-- ' FRF.4H b..X'aI'aiian M i nl; 1" boxes Vernili-tf'll- : 1J l ov a Niw York Crear Cl kr u, W b.xes li'lry ' 3i) N.,-- .S.ifmu ilo; i boxes Ho 'an. I ll.l; li bor.e Htnespple ,1.,; 5 boi s Sa. ,1; In tufts fresli Ialry Butttr; 2 Its Sni. -l II . l bi;:; KO fta Snioke.1 Saliiu-B- Fre.h t'ovf ttvji-r- s. iiesa Ptnion. nsh I'icltit L'.' a er., .r.liiiea, 4ncho- an l frefrrveU :nit ol ail Ktn Hut ret r , -- rn ! to, aa: A. F'lVl) t'U Kinillv ttd Fni'.rth sire'. tst M irket an I il rxm. Female High School. EXAMINATION OF Al'l'I.ICANTS. rpiir; FXAH4TI(iN OF APl'l li'ANT ' F'R A D-- a. iiiissi.n to t'ii. nitii nnis! piy at ihe ii uuis eiiue irorner oi wu..ni an) t enter sti lor c.ir ls of tJuilskion ou the 1Mb ami Mth of the pres- - 1h ex.iinlfn'l.in will take pl.ice on Monl.iy, the I or .Hire, al a ciccii, i. n., an, i (Met nuc tw Ap; licanu will be Iroui botli puolic aiel prl Aipotaius w'li be e xaiy:r,U ,n lao tallowing atu.nea: Orarnnia.; Oeiraj-bv- Kevi ii.-- , ,lnnz. an I ?e lllng. JeU.lj noTics. ryilE KAMTXATIO OF 1UV. PUBLIC PCH.luLS J. win lane piace in the several ards as f.jllows lrt Ward and Fulton street ie. lio...s Monday. lh. mn. e. in. s lay, w.n, an.l ll.u'-la- y, .. June, betfiniiine Isth Inst., with t.raojiuar Depanmeul, Fulton street scrj.sil. Second Ward School Monday. 21th. Tuesday. 26ih. Third Ward Scluol Mondav, 75th, JKth, W edlltJi.lv. Tth. and Tlmrs lav ?s. h Jimp. Fourth W ard Schn.1 Thursday, 21M, and Fndav, 12 I Htth Ward Sell Muud.iv, ish. June, examination .iiate tiraminiir li...iirtii.-nt- Tnesd iy, t!i, xaiiiliiatl..n .iie u.i r"bi,.l.- rnn.ary n. part in. nl: eliies.lav, 20th, Slst, examiiiJiio i Feniaie Mrr.jii,.arv (lav, evainiiiail.in Female (Irammar K.'p.irtineul; .Monday. 2.1th. examination !' et .Vie. ..I. Sevenih Ward Sclio.,1 Wedm-lav- , uutli, Ihurs-iay- . t. and Fri lay. fcl June. Klirbth Ward 2.1th, Ttiursdav, iisi. rn riT. iiiin.ia'-.7ij.i- , and liicsday. itn June. .lon.iH. , JOlie. t &cho.l Tu.-- lav, I9'h June. Portland School W'e.liea lav. 2oth June. The puhlicare ii.Mted to attend the cx amiu.iti' n. By i,Mer of the Tnisi- -j of the a vera! W ards. MIU Sachem's Head Hotel, UU1LFOKD, CONN. rpHE PROPRIETOR OF THIS N 1. bummer House wouM In ortti its tornier natrons and Ihe nubile generally. that he has built oil three hundred Pel this si.r making seveniy-fm- r ne be new dining room forty oy one hundred, aud new parlor forty bv seTeulv. Every room In the house Is newly turn shed with run CuriHtt and new Ct.ttaj.-- Furultnre. The Hole! la of modern construction, built on an extensive scale, with accommodations for four hundred nets; beailtllully b.caled on Loiiff Hjiund. fourteen mila m. or New Haven, on the New I. n.ton and Stoulnatoo Rail- road; new billiard roam, wltu three new t ibles, two new alleys at a convenient dl Unre from the n Mise.anil twelve nw balblmt bouses. Iishl'ia Is not surpasse-- l on the Sound. A new yacht of fortv-dv- e tuna, an t several small will be conataally on hand, ready fur Darliea. Ooliia from New York to Sachem's Head, take the S A. n. iraln and 3T X. train; check and U.k.t to Sachem'a Heat direct. ChanInn cars at .New Haven lime iniuusn, no irs. from New Haven to tbe Ileal at a. x , 11 i M an I f r. time, forty minute.. the Sachem's H. ad depot will le found one ol Cook s besi omnibuses, uew and clean, lo carry yon direct to the house. A new barn, one hundred bv feet, has been built this spring, which will accoiamodate titty huraea. Eight acre uf laud have been tu.loaod ana Dded with oriiaiceniai ami run lie. a, waiks, Ac. Ihe hou-- will be onene-- tor the rectf..n of com pany on the 2i)tti day of June, uud.-- r the immedi ate uperintendence ot the owuer. iN. B. Musquuoea ar never wm al th Uead. Tontine Hotel, NEW HAVEN, CONN. THE HAS REFl'RMSULDTIIIS .nab'.e drst...la- - Iloiel entire tb'a surma-- nniodeled the old . aided a new la.. lies- ordinary, au.1 oul In comuiete order h!a biuJ au.i oa1 u rooiiia. families call have aultes of rooms at either hotiaa a. low at- at any s h.juse lu trie count rv. aMers ran ao tl anl from tne Till II NR to the lla.Ali, three time a day, by rail, and take their meals I eiiber house, wunou' extra charge. HavliiK t urchaael aud Htovk-- d a lanre Farm at aebemsllead ihn aohiia. taa iw-- i bouses will be fur- - n'sbed wilb meats, pnuPrv. u.:!k. butter, veaelabies i.i iruit. uui:y, tro'u tne iarui A leierai h Unit has : ut ud at krhrm'i Heajt an al the Tontine, at the propih-tor'- uwn expenae. c jnnecu wnu ait tne liu m in. UMiie i Matea. JelU.llitw II. LEK SCKANTO.M. The Bedford Springs, TRIMBLE COUNTY, KY., 4 RR NOW OPEN FoR THE RWETTION OF VICIT. a"V ore. The proprietors, thaukful 'or the liberal Dat-- ronagewhu h has beeu bestowed tbe urereoiim .r je- -i j .siiue.1 ,u as inai innititea ,n searcn OI a neeltnv .t pleasant summer rt tre .t will aud at the hEDhiihD i ni.ius an tne aavama e. wh cn can Le lonn.i t ui siu.i in in tue We t. Among tha imorovem-iti- s m.e durtmr last Tear are a row of new Cottage, containing a m.uiber ot large a.rj uniiij r The orourlelon SekiNui, greater varlet :!V?V'-'-- - The Springs, wbhh o many aovan-- lagrs.sucu asperiec.lv neauny locaip n, bauii:ul seem rv, e.)i hit xoratlng air c..ar already so wed kuowa iu..t it is uuuece ai v to sy more In their favar. The proprietors, however, wid asu-- e their patrons that bey will en leavor to gt a'l their vhdtors full atl- aciioo, an.l win lei t.i, to the taole with all ie tiotn minis a bl.h the surrounding cotiflry ailords. Fersons coins by Lonisvil.e an Iriukiort R..lroa.i win always ui.u at jericuo cyin eyan-- " tu t s..ni;gs. I' A Kb. ft A Pniprletora. GRAYSON SPRINGS. GRA rSO.V CO UXTV, KY. t THF INTEKFfTOFDAViDKFRNnoNINia I this propei ty b.s beu trau-- b ire i lo K. E. E4 I tes. and having mad-- un nrrangenient wan J. F. Harks .n to in.i.ase Ills one third interest, we are cut ting th entire lu order fr tbe receiition of by the of June, and are ready to uter-- n invan is at an units. The nud rsigin-,- re determlne.1 fat nothing shall be int'tig ou their part to ii.ake the entertainment at iiyson not only teu.a.l.il to Invalids, but agreeable ti pleasant to tnose iu searcn oi pleasure. reacu i.raysi.n ?pniii;s. ra-- ngeni wiil leave Lou. Isvi.l by tba Loulsvilie and N Kalln.ad for Utisbethto n, where Ihey a i I cud g.xel hotel a. lailoi a, and M. Aill.iu a c a. he- -, with good aud arelul drivera. wiil le readiness to convey ia-- s. li ters i any nuiiiDer-- , uaiiy, tooiays-n- t.y way ot uisn- tbe ui. n s, over a goou country roiu. FOARD1NO. Per day ... 12 00 Per week ... o( Per Uionih - 35 VU and Chii.neuaud Servants hull price. Hordes per day 7S .11. I I.S.KN3JS, I )e9 dAwtsel R F. YTKS. A Bluo Lick Springs. fpnii N AND CELEBK ATED WATtR- - . lue Place, a lew bus travel by ral road and lse- - acn ut.:svu e. Cincinnati. j.exiii'jtu .. a.,j Maysvltie, hiiviu teu i.urcliayed by a tonpany 1. now ui:deigoi''K tni.rougn reoalrs. and Is ie rehitel and lelura siied thro. liout. and w.ll be opeu tne reception ol v.ailors ou llta nr day one. ISoO. Ii Iu the mansgement ati control if tba f'ibMshient ie sub crllr wl l be &r ste.l bv s.eral g. nlle:: long an.l favorably kuon lu tne tuslne-s- . an I by a full urps ol ein .i. in and a.trti'lve au I. as It I. tne oi tr.e .ouii-an- to mate tne u:ue i.kk riir'ngs 01 s pl.e ol summer rrs .it for - vulldi and ollo-r- ricieatlon for pb avure. n.i pa'us nor exiec. will be spv-- to make it come up lu Its appuiiiiuivbla aud to Ibeh'gUc.-- t mark ex.eilente Ol ihe bea thful Watlon of this Walerlng Piace, Pa iHnllful di ives. the he.l'ug aud li.. meipclnal qoaiiileeof Ps mineral wat r.,andthe beauty O Its and vailed scenery. It Is de. med untie. and unapproacusd oy auy other a eriug I If In the Union. I - Conu-ue- d with tho Hotel la a Livery Sub'.e, whera j.:l horses, ougia... backs and omoibus. a ol tue beat uaillj always JilllN IR'OUES, Proprietor. P.lue L'ck F (it Inn. Ky, Ap l'. losj. el dawif Jl PHkTHF.H A HMlTH. 41 Mala OUL AND FEE THE NEW STYLE (TRAW 1IAT li.troduced br I PRATTIF.R SMITH. 429 Main at. I eu par ttcatuer Frd aud lor a. bT MISCELLANEOUS. Water rises, Hydrants. Bath Tubs, Wa.htands, Water Closets, and Cuia IZoss. UA3 l'IFi..-- ; CIlA.NDEHEli. BHACKETS; FEXDAM3; OI.A5S AND I'APEK fUArKt. ITCHNlsnED AND PIT LP a cvprniniL vi. 1 ner t y tho very tr t of workmen, iteui.cg aud Uulvaali'.ug a abort notice. A u,.wiy of URAS3 COCK"'; FORCE, LIFT AND ALE I'CMl'S; LEAD AND IKON FIFE; Slitrr LKAD: BK.V.-- J WIRE; WIEET BRASS AND I)KA"!i CAR FCUNIoUINuaa way on hab l; tKDA STANDS. BAC3ITT MK TAU IIPtLLh S PAT- - NT METAL AND EKA W CAdTIMIS furuL-he- to! orler.br R. BIUO.i. M Fitlh illJli If WALL PAPE8S! Larcro, ISTev.r rnrt'ii vt i n i.- - v.. c r. a i ma Luni.ri ri.n r.a Al WM. F". WOOD'S.! l 111 1. 1 rir.l.t!, r..l! MAIN COACHES! SIX SEAT ROCK A WAY a; FOUR SEAT r.OCXAV.AVS; SHIFTIXQ TOP BUGGIES-SLID- SEAT BUGGIES; TROTTING BUGGIES; SULKIES, 4c, 4o. flSS A WORTH UNT FR SAIK CHEAP AT Bin R, II IG HT &. 'WH EELCR S OrPOSITS TUE GALT HOUSE, LOCISY1U.E, KT. PirtS uViiw CAR R I AC ES! I. F. STONE & CO. $Z HATB ON HAND T1IK LARGEST and BEST ASSORTMENT OF CABEIAGES IN . L.OUISVII.LB! 4GOOD AKTIlLi: AT A TAIR PRICE! HUGH MARTIN, CARRIAGE MAKER, l AND sIXllI fTatKTS.' " fr-- LOUISVILLE, nv. JaU rtCra Looking-Glassc- s, Portraits Picture Frames G. S. COOPER, No. Oo Third Street, between Maiiiet anl Jeroa, feat s'. le. Ji ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND OF Hilt V! bn. of the various ..t.'e. f..r hfUteiw b.isiii.-- - Car.is. c. c PartW. in waul of such woul I ila weli to ca" befor? purcbasinic !! Jtf Fourth rtreet, bet. b re en aud Waluut. MODES SE TAXIS. nkw in t:Tiox. LE CHAPEAU VALISE h'atem'ed.) DATF.NT RIOHT IR SHLF APPLY TO MAPM I A. IIK.NK1. Vll'lner, I' ea it b street, betaeen u.eell an.l Walnut. LuiiisvlPe. Kv NOTICS. COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE BXIsTtNO TIIE Ihe uuderaii(ne.1. und :r tbe styi o:' WRMIIT BRIlX.KPORi). Is this dav dissolved by mutual consent I'avlJ rrniirawini; tr..in tne concern. Ti e business will be continued bv JAMES BRIDOE- - FOKD. under the style of James Brldnrcford & Co. Parties tndebtefl to the. late nrm. whoe accoon's are ow due. will please cad au settle, and those havin : claims against them wlii send them In rr psvtnut. I'M ll v nn. nr. JAMkS BKIDOKFOKD. Lon'.svil'e. Ky, May 13th. I mn. Jel utf nanlstoMii llailroad ! Special Arrangement from Jnne 18th to Jane 30th, inclusive. FIR TI1F. ACCOM MOD tTION OF PERSONS r of attending the Kx'n.nat:..rs at Na and the Hantstowu Train w ti ae tne lvp. punctual!" al 4.1 ell. in. arrive at I ar'.wwn a' 9: Hi A. M. KetnruliK leave Bar .a own al J0 t. xt. an.l ar- rive In Louie, ille at ni S r JOHN B. ANIERON. Sno t. A. J. Fmb, Oeneral iet5.iii- - 0 jxo. a. 3iili7ek7 jSTo. 306 Fourth Street (OLD M' .MB Ell 9V, his stock of rtrh DRESS OUODi lu HA K Mi E KOKK- -; BAKEOE ANULAIS ROBES; OKOASIiY do; Fiifc.NCH OKO INDIES: JACONr.TS ANI) ML'aLINS, PLAIN BAH U.K. PR1NTEO do; VALNM'14 LACE SETS; :M KKi il DKK K.S, Ac. Ac I. MARK .O. F. CJW SS T ECEIVED THIS DAT. A SMALL LOT OF VERY Ay desirable e SSXSS OOODS! Such aa Orera.ltne Robes; EiitfttsB Bare.-- Kobe; Thn-a- and French Lace Points; Point l.ace Seta, Cellars and Oieevea. Plain Repl il.ks in colora; A fi w Onnn ly Rooe ; A lew organdies, in piece Marabout and other Fai.a; Black Orenad ne Haree: Five to nine voiante Baivire Rcear All of which wiil be sold at prices s,.tsiartirr to the bnyer. Im2?l MAKK A OilWNS. '.71 Valn-- t. Violin Stolen. It.EN, FROM TUB DEMOCRAT OFFICE, A VIO-U- A go Mi re m a d 1H be wive a. ai.d ou iiurstiuii aak- -i. If returued to ihla office. ,'e!3 g. PHILLIPS. Dissolution. TIK OPARTXEilaillP llaRETOFiRE 'I a between m liili & Pchwtng. Is tri's day dls,lved by UlUt lal 0Usrlil. V. A. M Ulil colilluu- - li ik iu lb bu ln.sa al tne old mi I. .HuiiL a wruvrryo. I.oulsvPle. Mi II. ei lel W For Kent. 'PUB LAROK WAREIIorE- - A now ocuplel bv J .hu White O. ou the . I "rth stle of Main street, bttweir. TMrd aielJlLJi Fourth. Posaeaslon glveu i.Vh Autu-i- . isrio. lo eid3 Ll VltrlN BKllO r.R a I O. 8 LADY'S BOOK FOR JILT. PETERS-lV- F .Msa.i:ine lor July, and a larg" s .rinirnt of Suri. onnet Suta. F. MAM'K.N S lelo HI Tbirrt st . I..H No. 971. OLtTtk B. SlkAlTO. O. Ok LAV. STRATTOn St 02 LEY, ' OPPOSITE THE VOSTOFFICE. PayalrlauV Prcarriptiviia Acearntely (oni. oumleJ t all liaara. ciuslvelv. itb fresh and pure sirups. A we,U lecied aasoriment of Perfumers., Tsl's4 VT Brul;.-s- , 10 wutch we .uvl; A CARD. ' "ow.;: FLEiE -- NOTICB" i tte arret t Iji iier on MjIu, opposite ihe Natioatl, "bas re the Piles' u h i ,1. .m m.a- - ot "XTT TC?-- ) tULLl "FaOS"' ' -- - ' CLOTHING-- ! His stock of Summer Coihtnr !alme. em! rn. laj all I QUalUles and size., lor Men a Youth.'. B.,.,' an.l IU. ilreos H" ar " Call and get a handsome outEt for a very l'tila j -i sTotice. THE FIRM HI RFTirORE EMfflVI! rNfFR TOT ot II U H UiNuS to. is this ay lernni.at.d byu.iitualcoiis.nl. K.ta-- r p.ixiy alii use the name ol Arm aa cj.se may req uire. I. Ill TC1U N.:s leu uj J1I1IT 4, Mll.lO.1, K ECEIVED THIS M0RV!Nt PER EXPRKSS.Tk' some of tbe nneat fOFr I1AIS ever brought i..S IMS market; i.!.n. t luini a id lists. .,r a, an lo PRATULR A SMITH, t Main street. iv m loiirth and Fuih. KESS HATS FuR THE FIXEST AN D LIOUT IB est Molvsaln an.l Casslru. re li it., call u saa t bo.xea Sjair. ) N.xes .sermall e'o; si iNsfri ; Foi's l"ear lo; 10 bbl. B'la Tarle Sail; ho kegs Nails lu S .ten A!e; 10 bb s U n ion Porter, st e an I lor sil - bv W. a IL RURKIIARDT. F rlLli AND CV-i-- dltl. l. sumlucr .IV can o. L. I ihe Ihe niauu'actur- rs. Its jei riiAlM' H A .'IlITTt. 4 'e't tl. 1ITS TIN A NTT. luony, and Pia Lead In s i.ie sr. .r biw '''."I W. B HI I.K NAP CI Cll'.lNO A.ND AM.Ki. A SL I'thlOK AKTICLB IN stoi a and r aiiM h leld W. H. BE! KAP CO. 1 '"""'slll,'"i.''-,ii,'Wi- IV aua vooper. n.vvia ivV asia tv VV. K. BVI.KNAP A CiV F a a Fa's ov do; bs jd and for ia.a at tba ..im a tun r's j p;.iv Vi. B. BKI KNAP A Ok, MACKERKI, No. 1. t AND S wACKKRKL. BY kiit. r . Ivd .n fr s.; Ky W. A II. tlL'KHII t Kor, 417 !ar'-.- tt 4 K"B1N -- ' B.'XE3 No. 1 Mt,KL V "frTlUa to tiv. end fors-- h W H. Bl il K II t RDT. 417 V irtei t. and v a. lair a. ways n hsnd at ja FiiATlLSit A fXITU a, C3 Mala li. Man wm. ruAiitfcK... MISCKLL PRATHER Si.' SIIuKALL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS. IX Tils tiCJbrZr RK 1.1.1 OLE CA3U ASETi. ETKA IXSTJSASCE C03TPA1YY, of Hartford. Cczia. cas COMMERCIAL TIES IS3USAKCE C0MPA5Y. of Xcw York. AMr3ICAN kAGz'tl'ilSc6?n. of 2Tew Yor?" GIEAHD LIPL ANNUITY A1MD TSUST COMPANY Philad.lrhia 0, SFEXT1VG AX AGGREGATE FOUR MILLION COLLARS! 0f Lt'S.-E- AritiTi.D AND PAID tf HI fW, munn & Co.'s Southwestern Agricultural Works. t URR OF EIVHTR GKMy Jrii T loriSTILlK, KT. it- - acminrai zrrtjiements Four-IIon- e Threber and Cleaner. 'E V? Arn"!;!i'l TARirTT OF MACULS.COV-- TtVJ O- F- l'vVnu'-l- 111 ;t;lti:Ks AMU.AMtks,.!U Uvr H It AM) TW-- H..H-- HON TnRKa-iKRa- . do o2 p '. ir ir-- i f. cn;: l WJttSi ir-.tx4- - V FRKsSZd; IdMi-!L- lllD-i'WK- !., ,io-- TKI.K..RU-I- F H'DI STR L"l4itaa.i.D Cii.J5ilLt an l PRK wlb ER. TO . apt dlrsteit CORNER jF altiUiU A.ND URisN afSKETjl. LiA.lv! ILLS, k T, n Tbe fireil br.rrttor of the Household. Sf. P. STSWAHI'S AND A.li wLIati Air-Tig- ht Cook Stovo! FOR WOOD OR COAL, lnyraveJ la '39 with saw St tra large Flaea. 'rilK T'lLLOWINO IS A SkitT tl'MMAST Of a. in pe-- -- :'. Jil.ea The Stewart Stove: Ui. winrui.:TT. It taj been la aa In uacv &m! lies to J) yean. 1. i ru U or.l culinary nprratu-n- t avty - .am a - a::h'imf In evl.lenc. of wbali: will aceonr-iti- w. ailiele u th fan lAt. ou KasU oi a. a iJtw Aja tM Uisl m '..vi iri'i a sHr 3u. KcOt.i.--- ' i Fai o to Its eons traction. iti bm. V taft J. ei . i m (; or Utrrrn ira. t)i. rf lis k tf.d.:o-xj- j and wrlU an. I ma h re,;a.aie.l al piea:v u o UKa lry.prrtr r.7:"t ii K.'ir in On , w.i.iout a,ierter- - eo. . Hh the uuaun- - j The steivail Stove Ilaatfce fcio.- pertectiy Tent::ale l Uvea of Stove u w ture-l- . eu;.i,... Wa'.-- t.r bathing parpoaa cere aroieMi ira ,y than any C- amic Raliue. U sol ; b all wjebta ou a i.i. v. .in muutba. Tbe Stewart Stole . '.U1 'il' sin the I'nion. ?ma'.l Vv!i ;re per iuail ot. aptbc-t- . r; t ve PaaiphL U er t fre on ai plearb.n to I? TT CI 1? irT T A AT aa - M. v a a v a a a. & .n W.COr.NER RlMt AND CIIKT?rT : Jeffemonvillr, Indiana, A LA RO K VARIETY OF IMPROVED STYLES . CAllSWARi:, CUTTaTRY, MECHANICS' TOOL,3 AND ADTSTABLE HANDLE D HAW 1.1 u E..11VtS. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes; COW BELLS. PLANTATIOS BELLS. OIL FT0N14 C3RH HUSKER$, Jir.kTORD'S PATENT, whkh are perfed'T anccewfots rj, by ll..r-- e or Hand P..w. r lllrstf are beueveit W the only aitccesstal l'r9 Hussers eter d. U s bo..abla4afa J once.J Grates and il ant els, Zuajneled and Plain, PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES; Chain Pucp, Iron Pumps, Thimbl Skeins, Burning FluiJ; ?TRAWOCTTER sND OTHFR AiiKICCLTTRAL IMPLEMENTS; Japanned and Pressed Tinware; Stoneware, Yellowwre and Glau Fruit Jirt. MANI FUTTRER AOFNT for the sale of many kinas Ol Oovia lb the cU-s- aouve en urueraiaU, eic XAMirCTlBAa c Superior Tinware, EXCELSIOR rSUIT-Cail.- Ac f Prices ai low a can be fbnnl In th Metal F...iln and other Job Work done In the best maim- - r. IHces low in proportion to th ajuaUuy. lal dAaHni'ns .'I K IMil.N ll SIM tKK. llmsi, ILiiift. f. tuivr and Inuwtr of tbe Bra .le pebWe !l'FtTACLFS. an-- l ail knvlsm Malhraunic Optical and l"hrs.. .1 Instr jnwi.ls Siwsrtaslea warm- fe. su t in a.l ca a oiace Ma.n slresit, under UV H .ci. IDt Spring 1850. Styles. No. 100 TonrthSt., XIo.100 LOUISVILLE. KY. Mrs. J. A. BEATTIE INFORMS her TUB LADIES THAT SILK IS IX SPRING STOCK OT TAWS MILLINERY! COMPIIsixo .a, rri.L AJSi.RTMSNT "F ALL ARIlJL..s AIPElliAlNlNO TO IdaTRALE. Ladies' Dress Hats rnada ta order nirvdlT .Hrw. J. A. KKATT1K. REMOVAL! 3randeis fc Cra,vford,f l GRAIN DEALERS. t M price Pw ail kind store or at any good shippun 7'V1VWI"H " BR NDEt? A CTAWFORP. wIEAM. CuMMUMCATIUN WEEM.Y BE TWEEN NEW Y0?:K AND IRELAND. Gl A Z. fjJa.VCi ASD GSM MA .vr. Heda.iloa of Faro! Throavili Tlekota ! ! ' 1 nvr. ITV i.K Ktl lii.WV. V. tt ui.' tt Asiiiv .inN. rr of man HfTi.;.EDlN:l-:'.iI- . KtM. VK.s 1.1. Asi. VV au-- l li.i. w. l i.l Ll ERi1i.il, a g at C"itK to l iad aud revelvo Maial e.e.y sAiUil.l I .Jii 's ..und wtA enoseo! pnievtioiti), scw Turk to Cork or Liverpool j IO Uamo'irv. H.a;.ii, A tp or Rot- - .' .' ' " "" .'".! ." """".'.' iwoa.1- - w'. w totk. J.U. AIAI E. Mo..t " r on Ltu.Ki.iu, Nn. 1131 Ms.a l..,.'.vi tTlTaftt, DThl Euiluid. IreiaJld an.1 01 m i, so t ;.y we'.Q ig. af.T I Quinine Sal.titute er Xfrre Ionic, In JIOSS EI FECTUAL THAN iiCININR. And Fr from all its Evil. HAV1NO MADE ARRANUEMKNT9 WITH Till f.r ihe sale of tins popular remedy, w. eiw -- 10 s iu,,y 11 in an .inani it and warrant it .ia- iri T:i Ague aud a I .Nervous Lueeaaea. llbei.; 't,...u;il u;a-- lo tbe fa.e. m2s.lAw .1 M. in HIS A SON. S w!r . Barkeepers andGroceia ANYBODY ELiS WUJ MAY SK LX WAT1 x ?mm COPPER WHISKY 13 tl.J Ctr. W:U dO tt" tO CAil .J II1AM I.a. ?iithis & nrxcivs stock. Oi .Vdrl-- f ttreet, I'tvt'.n Fl. t and Second. T"T ?. ea 51 taf 'i feom one to Bt veart okl, from rei t s 'iiw.ti t.ic Ktte. t an leianiliie ' s'.s t. - - ui ,. ir M v ea.nsaiiytaaiTa so ss t. s . !. r V. i.i... c .0 I. ar.;a y. a. s- - aa - m W.T. a. i'Hti T. Mcivait & Barter. of A PHeOUCEPaCYISlGNBHCXEHS. It LOUISVILLE, KY. 1 ITKr.ENCE.-- M AKT1N t CO, U.CI3TTLLH, KT. am H;chai-- t Ats'oa.n. n. J. A.'aiaa. sJsk Hewnt, a to.. .Na X) iea A Cov,rkn A Co, Otw"B;'; Vi w. PoaeU, Jr, J. Kins head A Co, Nanw: Usjaa A s,. Vn. Nrveil Hoone Co, do: Uala A BrouAar, w m jb o. .re woou ivi. ao; Zled Cedar Chests. FCRTlUtt 8rPPLYFTHHr.FFCL ARTTCLK 'u ',m.e ktfil'!g. now In aiore, nia-l- of wil net wool. l:ilo uf th(e.!ar A.s la a'l nasecta. these Cue-i- s arc itiv.luaD.e .ar pacaiM aw Man-- auma ts, wo.. ten clo'u-- s, Tu-- , hue b us .es. and ali art k let lUi'ttolsi ry a. No lime Is to be eat s ias 101 sale s ti.e Wuodenware atora. No. ata 4V, sir , Vtwea Tblri ab4 keurtn. A N EO U S. ASD West. ,X. tS,iUkL 4"M.i.w;., - J, fOJtr.l.VIES: 94sl4lt -- t,l5s4il fl'SD TO JHET LOSSE CF OVE.1 FUHK. are sntrtcd to call at oarractor MEDICAL 1X c Zi 25 A N' S STRENGTHENING C03DML -- AND a 6M J U a If Ikiort tiLirs, iilft UaiDZ. BLOOD PTJUiriER!! Tails tDRLIAL IS DlsTlLLklD Ikuli A t.ZB1 only to ujvii.ei c..eu.ica.: si wttA ot the nio- -l vaiuaMe naedicioai roots, uvr ija mn.1 bare- - known to '.he ii.ii.d oi u,au. via; iiiwijurowa, W lia t tierrv Ba . keUuw Daca. l...le.lvcx sax aapaisila. E !er F,..wers, a 'in ... n.v nrwiuclti IM ms tulaslibia Piuiesiy :or la resturu;::. ui ea.ta evet kuowu. It is Nrri'a ?i KmT. enntg dtseas bT ia, oraiuas. 1 :ien Uiieli. us bea.:-- ind ieiMe U Hut conrsine through rein ha bo.i v, yurln big and accelerating l He van u.atl..i. oi tbe beji. It outra.:-- " any U.::. as. iter .a tbe stoma 1, ana st . rg u.oa tit w -- ie w iisl. aliun. MtLnsn's l wll etfectnally ewre user CJ.il M..L.C. ii.siycpMa, us.e. u.rv.u.c vf ei'J. Ijern ity, ut tne s, ai d l. A.".! UJ fioiU u!si lereu lever or Ilea lnwarl Plje, or ?ktjesM..i t.ie Muu,.-- . ol Bl.u.1 IO Uc It. .U. t i'a.u "I Il.,n In Heat!. Pa v'.ia;t u ol le.e !.; er Ii t ie Ii. Soi.r k.i:..;aXKJU.. Olio or ?uccatlt; -- e.Uii: a n iing Owwr.. r . uvs-- , vt ta. ulaul triCi paeaiA, lawir-- i e.:s. Pain U t!)e Ulll of the back. Ct..-- or Md. U .den F o: Ileal, iepivniou ui Frui.iu.1 Lanauoe or ay N rv.i s,u;e Ui '.Ua, and IVv and y" cuiiia ano It :s . ire oi t:ie B aiuer aa. Wm'j. such a esramuj Wea.nar. Incoi.tiuelice t nue, StraiigUarr, nn .mtuai.on or Weaiirsa ol ui tvtil or b ...er. W ..pea. ac IUlHb. IS .N. AB"IT IT. This corn uu wiil uever lad oi- - i.y ol tae abov tixeii -r . '.ioua ou eacn Potue. lu Uet luAu, i n i M.H 'ULF A MILLION VV U ive Ireu i.l iiinn; ine past six nj..iii., ju-- a I.M.altce b. t in al iu .u- re sail- - Whs- , will silver we.kness or Ivtd'.pv abeu .McLkA.1 MAXSOTriAM.'.. L'.r - i r,ir .,., In Ilia LAUla.- -. Do eon w'sh to be and strong? ta a once arai i iue ai u. Lei a Mreoiueniug talia l. w' i aiel .muTtie your l.Kja tu ns.w. tl.ruun eveiy sem. an. the ncn l.-- y a, of beat lo w.x.ni lo . our etc. a aganu averv btua warrai.;. to give aati.tactlsj't. M FOR CHILPP.KN. We sa to f arrnt-- . n i.,rrt iirii are s'cklT, pon oe a.b'nte.1 wit'i ti.; sim. pr v,eut ji:..i.a cldUirer lv tnem a smaii .;csi. n'y ol MetVan's and will iua.se Ihm .at au4 MU.L Detay nuk moment trv it, aim t,,u ai'l IT Ls DtLiCi'-'- 3 Titxa. Every country n.ercHant sir n i ;s tbecrtv we til he has orocu-c- J a uppl- ui AtcLeaur jtrengti.eaui lsro!aL It sr.. ra,.:..lv. beeause .ujva. noerai acouut wu. be u.ao lo uivse auia buy ta ar BKain. cAl TION Beware of or da-'- e try to paim up- u y .u ome nu'.er wr twUlch loey caji buy Abeap. bv a. n u. h men. a lor McLEA.N a .' i j.k...llIE l.Nii CtiKDlAL." ai.i take not n ng It is the on ti.al will iiiini. ti.e l..uw, luorouiitu. and at u. Minis, linhi. rei.gu.n tbe ... uai- - tie lak.-i- . y n. mtng. tf'lng ceiciu orvveutai r c hoe .a, 1 1... aua Fever.- - low fever, oral, ntvvai e. J Price only tl per ooiiie, VC MA Boltlea r 15. J. U. M. l.F1 Sole of tho Cordial abo. ile Lea s oAcan Oil Lri.iinnt. aT Pnmipal Depot on I ha corner ot Thl.-- d aaai Pin J striii. -- c u.uii. Mo. For sale ia Louisvhie by Raymond A Tyler; Beli, McLean Volcanic Oil Lin I awn I! The be- -t Liniment In tbe warM for man or bets. Auoiijer reina; jb.e .uis- - ; u.e-- i i,y McLean's To auiic tai Linjnent. Kea.1 for yaurseivts. in.'Diaa .ii. a blJcslll::,:, :;v;;;g near t'a--a avenae a irsin uel, na.1 a B.wrn.e runit; .,). on taia KMJS He ipe--l va- -. us Moves, a. .. t.ni mual da l aw good. He oi ever being able Pi wora at hi. uaie asin arvau-- c i.e could uot any wigm aa hi fo.; aiJ by one ssuad M I V. Vva.aa.ic Ol LMiuneol be b n...w pereet.v cur.. Rneuuiat siu, Pnr.;.'s'a, Neura gia, Jpralns Stllluesa in tr Jo., iu. 'rs, ;ig .re I l.oal Earache. I.ioi!i.h. ij..u:i.K kri. i ;we. bura. Scaeia. Paiui, Ac, jieei lis lua iua.x iu due oca o tins wonderful Mnini-n- k, Foi Horses and tail e, lt 's an Iti'ai'iW- - remx-- Uia e. Oa.la, Strah ',e, ta aesl !"", Aweeny. 3;...i.t, k'srfu.a. se.:ingI W I.IU.1S, Kaitiei.iu.te Bit. s, ant vsr...-i- ou.er .l:saT hick auiiwarf ai nabs u. riaaa injuries or a. c.Vuia, I tvarr CO'liitrv Mer.a.1.1 s,.,.na oota.ti a supt..y ,1 i. Lean a oai.K. iu It arda rapkL,. ba mre ii alwa.a cures. 1 A I beral dtovoajit w 01 ba aatW to mere bants who bay sTlor sale ba J. IL M. LEAN. rorsar Tli.r--l aud Flna aLreets, Su Lou W A.-- i a i ahova. GALEII'S HEAD DISPrHaSAHY,! ESTABLISHES For the rare of ail rrhale 9easet. XaXSSZCJLX. S.S7CB.T, (ksMoiam rvafp-..-j fluAs awa lfrw,no c. 1W AsUun aioa i 'Amimj f iht ArajJ Or- - fans, m a f ' tl6: aaJ fiwasr. f, fJfl'kflVirrrvrivTj I sT Sent frea of p.s,ug ia c p.m.. U the Ciusa.-a4- n ON AN.v ME. lit D. FlKKAt' 1"J Svph.lla, ..oil. a. . ?evil lui. olIM-. . i uie reon'-i- eti- es iea o. u..it sexes, the I :m mi ties u vocin ano 1.1 . ..I ... ar.s rvm ' '. e mj. i.':t-- af ... a tu: rails .a o. a. i4kJt NA L A k N t.i, it j, oi.r.iK. onae.ur ia.ee noon t.,e n jat s V J.IV. . ,,i.u4 ovl .!M- ...l.i Ol i..-.- c .. ... oi.iv taii. J.i a. .,..e. i n., . cure, a howa b tba renortui neeiwus. A trwa- - ui a.iv er i iba WArrai, ana i - . .i.iempsai.n, m who enter au .o'.lt I t .e c.a.l, lion, to ane ad es ja a a :as o. r an ia It . Dl ol TkN 4 KN T. T1hxs w',a have rontrartsl a t esae. an I es,c lolv, ;.-- a uo .. toi-- e th mseivea bv rets n secret na dt.. as s al. t'Lk AO' D and L Mb a I iiu ....!. y aud losaol Pwer, ii. re app t'.aae .a. ar ireaioient, atuiuja art re .4 th - m.ai V. DR. DkWi'U' kaMAI.B M41MTTILT k ICLATvR. A sale ande-- r a'a reuie-l- y t..r lrreaalar- - urs, . , ami laikeaaiv rettaata preveiiiive of t,reg- - aani-v,- warrame t not io H'Iiiisi '.be hea ta. t'ALTl.'.N t ba a. I rfoa fm-'- . aa mia Aivoi wmn ba the result. i.e.gh ..-- ,. ksaint.eaa PVe tl per N. and V aeot bv nia.L The aitwr uiav II '. e r- - e or be leter. on aa ? 1. .llseases of .i; a,, a iedi ea se it tu - li prts ol tlic o a 1: cm. ws tus'ru. t us for set; rr.at sent, se. e .i. . r Al.ir-- s U.; r . cLro.s Consul!. ng S i.a.'el"s Beji .i.inaa'v. itt atS-e- t LrtWrsrn JtaTawt aaal Js'Mr-- .' J, It,. EIOW TOT DR. J. H. McCAN!f W BN BL D TO VKTKCT TO cerlaii is i. true rx:u..r a.. tu. a. ty of leaii.l fl.- I. e bo... w.lbyait nsBlu 1 -'' J laes'.ioi.a. saoaa peoMaio - the. are ,arettl to aydi s..iue lr.;ii, a orn-- w an a 1 aa h loe uiseas- -. w e da r l.iug or taat a.ja VAj.NaULrAriuNo b .vajaNatiom3 FREE GF CHARGE Dlseaeea of tho Trst an l Lunca trecarl y 5jr.f1, Inbalatlon and eonstaatioaai tria..., w tat m Nrurai.'.a. t ascent. Hup lore, iwovsa. rv - - as ine aye and kUi, a A maiai I s a..-.- . . Female Diseases !nch as atippres-ioT- i. Lucorrh-- e ar Whitea. Falling af th Turn..-- , of an. ki. aa. rrUw.rr Nervous K . n p,i,i'.,i ,.r la.'aiav'i Ms4mi,iv,B, Ac, will ae aoessl! rure-- i wiUiout lha uae oi ooiaotioua dntaa ao4 iniuiloaa ii,,.. iin. .11. K, li... aa oe.kace ca. iu. no .inlerence wnai your trous-- s aiav ba. X lo not expect oa to !' yoar.i Bieier bit treat-t- liona atrVtly Latn a.l.lrea-e- to of-Vg- 'nc' smg a stamp, wi receive prompt si'entlot, tk. Th. on First atreat, iburin d. aoe Mar set UvnisTli'.e, Er. cMce Uvurs iro-- o saw. tin tea. Aloreaa IfcUdAwtl J. IL k C'11. M. Dl H NERV. ra DERIMTY OR PFRM A TOR. Illl.t 'KA jDiI ). J, d., wssj MJ tiw beware cf p rua coving Biy au- - Tertlaeme'.ta. Tnero H no 9rn aivertialiia Foim r -- u fiT." ac . a u . has wo nurhMu-s- i p. trora my i.a rsv. au I crcutara, wb le ihey aeiibrr inosa Sow. aoe ctiea to cavre vm. eeoiit.iivii'4 av tieatnsen, ararw hw tha writer ca, eo. kMnaae. and tor... oel.l.y. AaJ4frrrj (O Usee.. a1- - .! e- -a a aupafacr.oea tnior to Boa tlis lestow... VU-- paa aAw Jau at cost: at cost:: KL SOOTS, SZ0H3 and OAZTZa&s. CtiN.iEQlINCB OF TUB CHANG INJ titb llrtw. ww Win cuaiaescs anm oil o..r a. . Bwola, shoe a. hi tiaiurs al co't, a Monday, Maj 1 Ith. la not only o:m of loe lar, but tt lt ijockio l.oa.eve.eomprhdu, evary ua bVi m a c at Sooe Hon a. Li. a A F LETCH k. South vl V Xarkf SEW STOCK OP CHINA, GIAS3 St UTJISITSWalSj j FROM ItHOPl PJIST new and Urr- - ... . r4aa3l . CT ".' ueS,int 4Cl eunimua Ooo.ts. American aivt avi u.L'.l'l"' "4 srel sil.eru.aieu . - Wallers. Umn. at 12 'V" arl, to the TraTa. F UoT.hkh at lower price, tuaa ta.aW., Wti Jl kXl UI rotUsitaX'iU . JO

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Page 1: Water rises, Waternyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7hqb9v225z/data/0147.pdfare free llev. Mr. JSu ton wiil preach to--dy at 11 o'clock, and Rev. Mr. Atlcn, the pastor of the Walnut street Baptist



Prints p-- I PuMkbod hyHASEST, nUQHSS & CO.

OfP.wt:ii Side Tlii ml S.wt, hMmwaMarket and Je

i kmocp axic ::f. for ?nnr.irr crcoi xiv.

Lot E. KV.ifcUNDAY M KMXi iCXE 17, l

The T.ottino Race. The trotting meet

ingat lYooJIawa corr.rrier.ces Alargo number of first c'ass Lorsf-- s are on

J.iuJ, an 1 'he race vill beeiccicg. Tallpoing raty Le espe:;eJ as the purses are ofeuUicient ioijcnieat to go in tad winThere s.rs two rae aunnneed, the first fora. pur?e of ?20, u:il Lea's, lust three infite, for which there are three entries

" b:c Tdrtiia." Wq Wood's

"AbVand O. J. Iiniel"g -- Ka'e D." whichre all Cinciaiia'i horses.

1 lie s ?eon I race 13 for four year ol l, milelie:, best three in Eve, for a purae of S25For this race alo three tutries have beenlaale S.C.Lewis' bij uiire. A. II. BrandsKentucVy Chief, sad Dr. Tnlerwiod All.Ion. The two farmer hjr.-e-- ; are owned inLouisville.

On Tues.Uy comes r lT the preat match betweenGen. Singleton;-- , rf Ii:inoi, S.lverHeel co't, and J. R. Cur's, Meabrino colt,for raile hca(( b?stthr, e In five. Thesecood race U for a1! are?, bast threw inlive, fur a j iirao of S3"."'.

oxctrt The 8he'it)y toree MethodistSchiol in esd to g'.ve a grand con-

cert on Thursday eveuiog next, at thechurch. As the concert is for the benefit ofthis Sabbath School, we cannot urge tooatrong'y large attendance. Situated asthis school it, in a roriioa of the city wheresuch an institution i peculiarly Beaded, andwhere the benefits which will insure to theclasses of persons inhabiting that neighborhood is so pr.at, this Concert certa.ii.ly preeents itself as aa ohject most worthy of pat-rorage. We most earnestly tope that theroom will be crowded to itb utrn.-s- capacityIlkviug beard a rehehral one evening lastweek, we can emfi jc:ly promise the publicthey will lie folly repaid for their attendance.Tne c lurch is I on Shelby Eire!, be(ween M trice! anl Jefferson. Let everytrieadof the S abb ith School eno.se, independent of eectaiianijin, go to this delightful concert.

Svaoe Dog An incident occurred yee- -

terdiy, thowicg the crintinaUly of keepinga lavage d g. A Urge bulLiog, owned by aJrayuan up town, gjt loose and pan upona man who worked for his owner, and was

tearing him horribly. Mr. J. F. C untieobserving the peril of the man went to hisrescue when the furious animal turned uponhim and irjCtete.1 serious injuries upon himbefore he cor.ld overcome the beast. Mr.GanLle's leg, arm, groLa, and throat weretorn by the dig's teeiii. Fiuaiiy, Mr. Gnn-kl-

by a blow with an as, knocked the dogpowerless, but fainted before he could dispatch Lici Wifo the owner of the dogfound that hi? pet had been put hori it com- -

hoi, he was an;ry, and enquired what legalremedy he had aj'.inst Mr. Gur.kle. TheAn anil hia if (hat im fvni ,m

. . 'iu::y cmtai.

Sr"Tke following were the proceedingbefore ne ro'ies Court yesterday: Cora'thby John Lawsoa ts. John Albert, &c, peacewarrant. Bond required in lo0 each tokeep she peace and answer Monday mora- -

tng. Com'th by John Lawson ts. JohnAlbert, wtrr.ar.t fir assiu'.t and batteryContinued. George HiiL alias Conney Hill,alias George Sayder, maliciously stabbingNicholas Mosler. Required to give securityto answer a misdemeanor. Catharine Willieso far forgot herself as to become drunk anddisorderly, ani finally in viola' ion cf herconjugal vows to break the wasLboard overter huabaai's head. Discharged GeorgeEeimick charged with burglary. Case continued to Monday. Ja.k Armstrong, carry-ing concealed weapoa. Bail ia SSO to

i?A your;: nd pretty, but unfortunategirl, Maria Cassi.iy, hung herself witli herratter in one of the cells of thetstation house

ishviile on Wednesday.Lvuitxidt Democrat,

Altrjre'her mistaken, ro fr as the NashTilie jtirt is eonc'rnel. The beautiful but I

unfortunate female who male such poor ue I

i.y." Here that chanaind hne;v eary trticle of ieciie attire ie generally wrra I

vaere 11 propel blong, and never em--

ployed as a means cf strangulation.,,'athuillc Gitctte.

Wc beg Maria's pardon. But, Bell, youfteem to know too much.

tsywio woli Lot have their rooms fur- -

shed when tbev can elect from a stock ofovtrfCAHiO worth of farniiure. of the rvbest workmanship and cf the latest styles,and at their own price By amending that

sale which takes llace to mnrr- n-

morninc at tea o'clock, at L Kahn L Co.'CoraniisfcLn House, 491 Main street, snchartieies as are necessary for housekeeping I

purposes can be obtained. The I

auctioneer, I. Grauman, will d his 4uty by J

-- ii . . 1

r j.articu.i.r. ree aertiSemeni.

tK-I-n order to facilitate tLtr.mpn.meal01 poitsge on ieuers surtsici to Ijreiga I

countries, and to ar,ii the necessity of I

aSxiag thereto a larira x.umber of Btamns. 'men rouli, in eoma instances, increase I

the weight so e.3 to tu' ject the letters to additiooai postage the Department Las order-e- l

the issuing of new sUmps of the denominations of twenty-fou- r, thirty and ninetyCents respectively. The twenty-fou- r centtamps wiil bs ready for diatribui ion next

week t.he thirty cent stamps soon thereafter, and the ninety cent stamps as eocn as I

ther can be nroeu-- e 1. I' I

1 i1'hiscb AtBEar is to.MtS j :Tae citizens

or Loouviue will ts glad to lsara that the I

Prt., ;; Tiaii -;, nn h;. , ,.r ,w,.,.i.the eotiiitry. l.x:eaB.ve preparations erebe.ng made everywhere to receive him. but I

we are fare he wia ait be received with. I......v..,. Wv..,v.l.c..,

who livor iiittn wna a can. luey are now

manarcturing ires railings, Teraudhs, 4o , I

.t .a .t.r.r. . . " ,.

o . ' ' I

th6 Customhoasc. I

Eeucxoce Nonet Methodist ministersriu preacu a: 11 o cioca, a. St., sol L ui'el I

Baptist miniates f.t 4 o'clock, P. :t , eveiy I

2.Sunday at We'.bura Chapel, on Hancockstreet, between Madison and Chesnot streets,and a Cuion Sunday echovl will be held thereat 24 o'clock, r. every Sunday. Seatsare free llev. Mr. JSu ton wiil preach to- -

dy at 11 o'clock, and Rev. Mr. Atlcn, thepastor of the Walnut street Baptist Church,will preach to dj at 1 "c!ck.

E.5A Louisville correspondent of Greeley's Tribune has made a remarkab'e politi- -

l discovery, which Le hastened to imuart I

to a grateful country. The discovery is nomore nor less than that the Repubdcanshold the balance of power ia this county. " I

Does the cigjr party of Kentucky intend I

branch barefacel lioa a, that In

impress. ou iai iare are uepuoiicans I

enojgh ia thij county td load & clam boat ? I

J.Tut Gttat Lxsnna rot Ntw Yoei

There seems to to 1.9 doubt that tho GreatEastern ii now cn ! er pigssge. he uadvertised to Icive Soaihampton for NewYork on Saturday, 0th of Jane, ia charge ofCapi. J. Yiaa II ill. Tiie a Jvc:tisiaettttitss her al i,0M toes register.

aeWL.1' evenmg two yenBg c:en wrearreeled as Hcifi in tie shooting aud I T- -

ini eff.i.ir t.i x rei h .fe.r' fiiJeii i

K'. W.I.rr.;.',! Tl.-- .... T. I...

mux.) . 'larnii,, are outv I


EACL-.-W- e are rented to. . I

sy that a reaiar eic 01 uou wi.i ne;aat the Louisville Hotel, every moruiuar and I ton

eninif, darinir th troi'iai racei. com I "ie

ttencicj Monday).

KIL. "Aliaost liviLg, eouoter- -

Ul lue v r Deuiiful anivorytjpwi are r Lg more und more I

tig?" We do not remember when we havebeen mora highly entertained than on Friday night the oecahion being the com

mencement exercises by the scholars of asMrs. Noli, cottier of Guthrie und Thiidstreets. At a rery early hcur the bouewe filed to its utmost capacity with thebeauty and fashion of our city. At eighto'clock about fortv cr more mi.-se-s, of T

rarious aee.s, bat, of course, equally beau, d

tiful, moved in uron the stage like so manyfairies. Wc wete much impressed with liteorderly, dignified manner in which theyMSUmed their respective places, and alleeeuiingly without Laving undergone the

same diily evolutions to produce ctfect. Itappeared rather the result of a proper con-

ception of true dignity thn of late practice..

We regret we have no' tltae to notice in full

detail the exercises of the evening. Tieprincipal feature of the fn'ertainmeiit was

the reading of the compositions by the four"Old Times," by Miss Lizzie R.,

was a subject finely handled, and teeming

with practical sense and happy suggestions

to rising "Young America;" os also "The

Best You Can," by Mis Kite 11. "Soc-

rates, Chelsea, Byron and Lsfayttte," the

four shining stars, from the ready pen of Miss

JuliaB., wasgivcuusinmoit unexceptionable

style, and was indeed as Cue a piece of com-

position, and the delivery of same not in-

ferior to anything we have ever heard on a

similar occasion; while "The contributing

of the fine arts neceasary to the enjoymentsof society," by Miss Fannie N., received itsjust reward in a full round of applause anda complete shower of bouquets. Indeed, we

cannot here exf rcss the glow of admirationwe felt at the result reflecting unlimitedcredit upon both pupils and teachers. With

such schools at home we can see no apologyfor the practice of setting instruction awsy.It is apparent that under the care of Mrs.

Xold, the mini not. onlv receiving its fullattention, but also tho&e other matters, with-

out which a lady is unprepared to launchforth into the observing and critical world.We must again say, we never left a room

more fatly impressed with a feeling of satis-- f

ution on our part, and with a greater buzz

of admiration around u", than on FridayBight.

The exercises were interspersed with some15 ae duets and solos by the pupils of ourestimable Mr. E. W. Gunter, and the whole

closed with the presentation of some splen.did silver to the teachers. We shall long-

ingly await a return of another such treat.

KtitTrCKT MlMTART Instititk. Thecommencement exercises ol this well knownand popular institution of learning tookplace at Uarrodsburg, on Wednesday last,and attracted a verylarge crowd of spectatorsNot less than a thousand persons, a considarable portion of whom were ladies, were assembled upon the occasion; all of whom musthave been convinced then, if not before, of thegreat advantages offered by the institution,and the thoroughness of education attainedby its graduates.

The addresses were in the following order:

Orti..n- -" rohslbl to Alt." By C. I.. U jI--

tf in. .Ir, M :i.ii. ltnl., f Addisonian KocHv.Oratioii " Itri'iiMii n arid Mo:nn tiul (invermncnt

C om mrted." Hv t it ferry, of t'urt CaJ'io. Texas. IWp.of KUli itu. ro.i iv.

Ora-- BtJ. W.8brew5bury,M.tlii.IiiaRmi. at Addtuuin v.

t(ri!" co- rnment." By J. II. Morgan, HornI jtf V . nf i'hil .mrtlu in tv.

I'r g. nia:i m f ).; ft C'aixain Henry Mirston. Jr...'f Clint in, LoulMitna, nn b h.t)( 01 Company II, lv UWviin. of Co MiSNisnrl.i.'

ol lot 'air. John H VrV.cn!t tlf of C mivaiiv C. bv A. O. lltchiBiiii. "f Ma llfou. Ind,lraUou " ilutatiou.'" by J. H. HtUr, of Cuiiiilie,

iratlin " K'nttii-ity'- i I luitrlmis D.aJ." By II.ParLer. of Brandon Mi

I urait.m -- TUeMiii-l c: nifnw" By W. F. Miller,Ln'.!t.v;i.

rt ;on Italy.'' By J. IS. Standi.-- uf Bia. xJIavMis.

i iTHil'.n " irKinta. By A. W. Mac in. of SakM- i-.

rat ..11 ' Ruin of iplrc-.- " By I. Jf Jr.,Mis.

rtiou " Til Pat A m..rabl ByMrrOni. Jr.. of Clinton. Ij.

Ht1r.n A.lIo K:iTon l.va of Lau ', l.'O'lly andI LWV . sunai. v, ,i u;ao nawii, jih.

Lorv A ltit- - Ry C. L. Martin. 01 Mapiball.TifXaa.

A .1 m ot Ictali ol tUe Alumni By C.pt. W.Gregory, ..ftLe Insiiiuf.

AOdre lo ihe Literarr !fie'r JJy Gen.

I)gTies By hb Exoellvncy. thellovernot

The graduates were Messrs. J. II. Weler,

II. M. Parker, W. F. Miller, J. S. St&ndleyA. W. Maclin, I. K. Davis, Jr., II. MarstonJr., 0. W. Standiey, and C. L. Martin.

The exercises of the day commenced withsalute of artillery, and cioeed with a reviewinspection, and drill of infantry, the lattereliciting the admiration of all tha spectatorsand reHeciiog the greatest credit upon ofS

cers and men.

Horse Fair Last Day- -

The clesing day of the Horse Fair was

encouraging. Our citiitns attendedgreater cumbers than on either of the former days, manifesting an interest that wilLave the eneet of insuring future fairs anda. creator .,.. ; ..t:,,i , i.

thIs h" Pro- - tte whole, the gentlemcn arranged this fair have dune themselves credit. They have given it their close

attention, and the arrangements were eatisfactory alike to exhibitors and to spectatorsWe trus. that the managers will not relaxtheir efforts to have a fine show in the fall

x?An interesting exhibition was madeia tbe Amphitheater yesterday by MrLoTfc1.1, ?U bfou8ht tia great Australianoesr lal ae rlD' ana maJe L,m perform

ra""ao lr,c" 01 '"ining. ur. J.oveil nas,

b' coug i!l, made tbe monster quitetrac'bl- -

iPS-cc- sacrilegious thief, last ednesnight, robbed the Synagogue's poor box

sale of Mr. V.arCeld a Stock took r,lr nr,Tl.nrsdn v. ai d tha at.,,onn .Wee. Tbe number cf strangers fron.Mb.V

present at tbe several cattle sales'"'3 wet was nought to be greater than on

""f "c.c."1n. oes toiveniucsy uiooa etocK is in le

mand Thp frJlAwin,-i- c .1.0 1:- .1. iCunt Adrine, red and white, ralve.l

Jan. 1 A IVo". W. Hunt, of ClarV. m f.oAmie Snath, red and white, calved Oo

tot:er ie, isol. tea Warfield, S1G0.Miss Magfe. red and white, calved Jan

29, 1802. J. Cunningham, Bourbon. S150Jiary uewees, roan, calved October if.

1951. J.N Conkwright, of Clark, $127 50Luclty dJ, roan, calved Nov. t, 185-1- J

Curd, cf Fayette, $C

Lucay 4td, iieht roan, calved Pent. IIVI. IT. ....ao n. i. nuuson, .asnvuie. Tenn ,S0

l'uillis, roan, calved 152. E. Lewis ofa1- - ciw.

enoa. light roan, calved lS5o. W. B

Mary Beatty, roan, calved in 185' JudgeBust, of Clara, S42 L'i.

,L' T0,Uei ia Wm- - Dunn,01 arrara, joj.

Helen, rcan, calved ia 1857. J. M. Row- -an, ct Missouri, $12 SO. role

fcusau od. red and white, calved in the8I rlaS f J . . Hunt, of Clarke

Ashland Belle, ltjrht roan, caived in 1S55,I0i.s.

Cherry 11th. roan, calved Mit r. m.r.r,

rortia whil' caiveJ j 2 18r.uucn. or Uarrard, fi7 5,

11 flake, white, calved Aug. 1 h. L. Lewis, .f Clarke. S.17 .10

tnel.or.e, rea ana white, calved June ;":0.

ipo.i. no, mornton. or noodfoni. S14 r.tiHagar. red and white, calve! Jiine

185'j. Wm. Thornton. Woodford, sr.7 f.fiMi-- s Dill.ird, red and white, calved isro- -

''."""i ivn. "111. 11 til ueiU, f I'J.I'atience, light roan, calved April 17. 1M50.

Mr. Freston, of Mason, !2j().andJenette, red and white, calved October II).

IhoS. J. M Rowan, of Missouri. Sin. planPurity, white, calved Aueust 20. 18.19

Mr. Owen, of Mason, ?27 5afcdith, light roan, calved May '., 1850. J.w Fwan, Misrouri, $10,

V , ?-- e' cMTed June 10. ly.ioj.i. Jonn nmtetiaes, ot tJlark. $ 5.

Olympia, light ran, calved June 13, 1859,I" Tarlton, of Fayette. $81. .u

Lillian, light roau, calved June, 1857.ae

" . "r, f u.rose, white, calved March 1. 1850. Wm

WarBeld, $20.Kite, red and white, calved Oct. 1, 1858W Hut,t of Clarke. 35.Iwl.bon oth, red roan, calved ADril

icoif. wr. ihornton, or Woodford. $10Fnncees Duke, red, calved Nov. 18. 1859.

Mr. Cornell, of New York, t"S.Lubt. Rubicund, red, calved March 30,

185r- - Albe-- t Wilson, of Fayette, $37 10.lup, rcl, caived September 25, lilU. Mr.

Ileame, of Fayette. $15led and white, calve I October 2D,

idJ. . I. Kmiti). ;t Scott. ST'tTL'INorthman, roin, calved May, 1857. W 01

Uesrne, cf Fayelte, S'M o: lir


Jeiu rson coun'y, Ind., was robbed on Monday ONlast. l i lcka iurf. r.r ten hniKun. ,l,,ll.rao 1 "rwr'1 V0 .u; anum for the purpose of cotuiaitiinif suicide. It arrrai' thaiafter ftrriing L inquired at the WoshinK HilchIloiel for a room, to tike a sleep before

leu. lid was accordinglyma iviiia auu 1111 aeieep. ju waning; nn iVhe found that h't pocket had been cut and llor

whbthe poCftet-boo- k eeDtaininir the moner ab CM'ieaafrarte.l H then Kent mil tf.,e l.nl. Tue

j l00k a lar e dope. Some of his friends o clockcaving opp'irluneiy hig oondiiinn.

. . ., iiinr.. .nr. ii, t. .icuinty, the BhenU or




, vr iiiiieaa iinysic.aa aca eavei iis life.

. T? ft? c2 3?p f 4 fDramatic and Musical.

The theater Las been doing a fair busi-

ness during the past week, with Mr. Sothern

the star. The play to morrow night are

"The Hidden Ilaud," aa l f ., or The

Man aud the tirer."Mile Brunette, from the Grand Opera,

Faris, has made her first appearanceo Itnr r.iteir' TJ'.rater. as .uil.

in Verdi's " Ripoleito." She 13 pro

nounced by the critics a v;ry fine vocalist,

and an equally talented artiste.The New York correspondent of the PIul- -

dclphia Fress says Carlotta Fatti, a sister

of Adeliua, and a year or two her senior inuhnnt f.i i:.v-- a miblio diliit at a

"iconcert to bo trivou in New York next week.

The correspondent, "from personal knowl- -

edge," pronounces lier qitite superior flsai.Iauist and vccalit. A p'tv-iT-- l inErniiywi'.lalwsys prev.jul 'ier uppearaiice ;a oprra.

aeisacham.iugguV.ndgre..-,yeemeJ- !

for her intelligence, modesty and talent.Mr. Charles M. Barras, late manager of

Fik's Opera House, i".irc'uHS-.- a villa

and grounds ia Siuttu Island, where he is

residing Fortunate Barras.A piece called "Oar Japanese Embassy"

has been produced at Laura Kecue's. It is

pronounced coarse and vular.Miss Julia Dean is about crossirg

the Atlantic to fulull enajmenta in Lou-

don. Our wishes fur her eucecss accompnuyher.

The ld Bowery is:o rent. A number of

nati.es of passable managers are mentioned.

uuimiic itu'iuii.niii.i, jn, in" 1.11,1 ij"jmeans to try a gutumer Keasou there.

Maggie Mitchtll is playitg in Troy.Cooke's lloynl Circus Corcpsny is ai the

Walnut street, I'hilade'p'iia: the husinrps is

not large as wa ripe:tc.l.The Moiri Brothers Mit-- s relr. are playing

to poor houses, at the Arch.Madame Toitrniaire, the celebrated eques-

trienne, is married to an Enjlisl-.m-i- "of thename of Brown."

John Brougham is playing at the HowardAthenenra, Boston.

Mr. J. B. Booth ia expected to arrive fromCalifornia shortly, having decided to leavethat State. Miss Moubray came in the laststeamer.

The Cooper, otherwise "Anglo American"opera troupe, will perform in Boston nextmonth. The prima donna, Annie Miluer,is one of the sweetest sopranos that ever!appeared in this country he was a pupilof the celebrated Mrs. Wood.

The theatrical season ia Memphis will

commence on the 1st of September.The Continental vocalists are giving con-

certs in Cleveland.The Richmond, Virginia, Theater opened

on the 14th icst., under the management ofKunkel & Moxley.

On May 18, Lyster's Bew opera troupemade their first appearance ia California."Lucia de Lammermoor" was announcedfor that evening, in Sin Francisco. It was

to be given in Italian Miss Escott, Mr.

Squires, Mr. Leach and Mr. B. Haja sits

tained the principal characters.The Alleghanians, a troupe of whii-- Miss

Hiftert is prima donna, have been playingat Rorotonga, Sandwich Islands. The "cir-

culating medium" of the place being "pro-

duce," the prices of admission were adults,two chickens and one pig; children halfprice. The ladies of Rorotonga are alwaysin full dress, viz : a bandanna handkerchiefand a shell necklace. They wear nothingelse.

foreign.Ths Boston Saturday Express compiles

the following interesting suuniar;-- ;

The idyllic contests of brass bauds, atSydenham, is to commence on the 10th ofJuly. Sixty bands have already entered forthe first day, and a yet larger number forthe lecond.

"II Trovatore" was sune at Her Majesty'slately, with Alboni as Atucena, M. Giulinias Manrico, Aldigheri as Di Ltma, and M lieTientiens as Leonora; a most powerful cast

Mr. Wallace's benefit concert, at the Crys-tal Palace, was a oou.plete success.

Mario Daret was playing at Cork, Ireland, at last dates.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean were at Man-

chester on the 27th ult.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Matthews were also in the company.

A new farce, by Mr. Nurton, has beenproduced at the Ilaymarket, entitled "Theii zsmMties of Fiiismy'he Hall "

A Madame Fame is charming the criticsin French opera at the Lyceum theater,London.

Tho great Russian musical amateur,Prince Constamine Cr:or-ki- , is dead.

A new opera ;n one at, emi'led "L'Hubitde Milurd," Las been brought out at theUpera l.oratqu". IMns, with success.

M. O Ganbatu: not the patriot, but thecciineut flu' ist. h;s crested a great tensa-tio- t

among the ddittanii of Brussels.Mrs. William Leiuau lU-J- (lite Miss

Cooke) relict of tho Tell koown dramatist,and for many the lead r.g actress iuthe Bath. Birminn'iam eni theaters, has been t reseuted with a.i annuity ot

150by QueiMi Victoria, ou the rec jnimecda-tio- n

of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytiou.

Whoso Duty i It ?

I For the L' I.aioratilesra. tttSMf, Hf aii Co.:

GtntlemtH : Will you kindly permit us tocall the attention of the proper cfiicer3, ifthere are any, to the condition of the gutter,wsy on the north eide of Jefferson strec,from Third street west to tho pump. It isstated that an ordinance was passed monthsago to correct the abtte but it has not beendone. The Street Iaspector says it is nothis duty the Street Commissioner eives usthe usee answer we cannot get any satisfaction froiii the Street Committee of theCouncil now, whoe duty is it ? If we cleanout the gutter to diy, it will be full of stagnam, ofiensive water and ee the

heated term " is on us, something must bedone. Will ths Mayor see to it or the CitvEngineer, or the Uoard of Health ? Willany of the ci'y officials ?

hy not at once nave the street re cratlcdand bowldered T It would be cbeantr in thelong run, and be an immense benefit to

MAW CiriZEN'g.

C? Quilp and his wife had a bit of contention the other day. I oivn you havemore brilliancy than I." said tho woman,'but 1 hive the better ju lifnio.it. ''les,"

said Quilp, "our choice in marriage showsthat!" Quilp was informed that he was abruto.

Court of Appeals.Fsv.Miroar, Juce H, IMo"

carers itn.tr.VoKer.r.ev v Tavlor, Iripir: .Ilu. , Co. v. Hie ei a!, tin Che; alrnicd.I.i ai.a , i;o Mtinned.Mccjaery vs T .:.i; u dAriiiMroiif vg Arm.'rfr.i's ajiu'r. Tod.!; elfirmej.ttra.u'oid, MolVhvrt- -i Co, va Keautdj-- . To id, re- -

!!ao I' a liu'r, iiU; r.v'i.oHrtu.

J ae rtl.e. 15 s'!. twU'-l- Ciel sppillint. giidr iurc.i.1 t j3j'1. .!jv ..I term lo e! wby

til- - ruled.s'ii'.. g l't appeai !. JI C.J 1.0 so! a.M.Ryt.,,is : Talbj.t, LvJ C...irratited.

llles VS bet r. L cf,i:ui : rew appeal maut.

j.pi -t I'uMti app.ar.m.e.isavk.rv, ivwt-p- , riensi!;,;; CMiimi:lt.berts.m'. alui'r vs B .y i, Fieiuiujllnrtley v, Hartley, ' i'.lu;l... stet al vs ilaiib .ri, I ie.u -iI.e. vs M illerct al .ere e'd! lVtlc I onTl.ls tay Court .. Appeal, un ip s n.i ofInch Is or:..-...- i 'i l.e nt iidd and is !u Hiea.- - n j.,;..The Clerk ! thisC-jur- nhs'l L..t L i!l r p!lKS

ppeal u;..ju loe docie', until a rii:n; tiatwrtpt o'fcur I. I:i ti.e m-- e in v. :ii..u tae ti; ! at'a.ii't.

il I... m bis .nce.

Notice to Bailders-$

.Soa'c l proposi's wiil be received a', theoffice of the undersigned till Monday, July

ip r.i, to i j o cioci m., to erect a tuarkot- -

house on Market Birou', between SiileenthSeventeenth strceis, ia accor J.tuce wiihand (specifications as tied iu tlngiueer'b

cuice. t ir riitvv..rnMv ') Crivi., June I SCO. '" '.i


Ky., Kev. Jamu Au.ltu:, lu the 6t,h year of l.i

ai ni resi.ien-.-e- in u nt'.n r a..m.,. .t -....... -- uu.s u. cjji, ioriu:iy i i. j..lsv jvv-

.'a yeaib.

Ult.VU'lNi is )I'--

ftDc!aa-- u Lo'teriea. deciding(OLLKiC LOTTEKV, OF KV,CLASS Glh, lij.

30 ;ifj lit 49 - t::i 10 II -- d 26 If)CijA?8 ICth, lad

73 39 -- 3 U 31 11 11 .1 .1 46 10i D. ELLIS. AisM for IVaiue. Kroa ItHfiits a Co..

.111 Ma'n vrm I. i. v. , Kv


M'krf.--! nr St.-- !:i..ic-HF- j-ti iit;u:kt

laii. arid .. u.ar ;d..- i ablocuiibad T M rt'rt

MILi.HV (U.LLlt.V. I.UTU.HY riK KiX.ltyand ciun'r. 1:. ii.i.. in i..k,- .j, w txl atbe .,uie. All 4..Mi:)n..i( ,.tl 1.1 t.y iiuii. Lauded, or

wUl receive plunvt 'tei.ti.j..ti. J. i: h,i;k

4 diy


.11, a 1.1 .(, ai,t ":;., ,; A ft il.L- Under In rewur.ie bv'.ei7

FORCow, Stook Cattle, EeaperB,

Tiirefhing' Machiaes, Etc ,TTHK ARM OF JFHAKII U BAi'F., iCTjeraon WKIiLlAT. Ji Xkl.i .in. SVva 'lot Cows an i 8 or C ttie. taiii r Ttf$aome lie p.ra aui TaietU lj "Ii n M

JUea w'.:1 ha to the higheston i montiu' re liu tale wlj coiuai u.e m'u 1

a. M j 17 dl I tSVMMEK CAI"i AS .iTHEK INVi.Hl. fiF NEW

P, I'l.'. the tbiug fvr Qigotand st 1 fijl A. CBAlO S. Ivj

Railroad Jatters.UirlUi'Ut o TUAlNs.


;at;cu e.(0 i. 11.liviu.llnl'vii.'i Cvh.Ii!!.---- t I.- liH, ' u:t0i: u

- -


I KAVK NKW AI.IiA.V V.On r..t ifterT'l.-May- , M.iy at. lt., ln-- ,,.4,.e

Sew Ailjjnyas fjllis:i"i.!ou;;oaua !. LouU Mall at Ti "U T..U ,!....' '

x'.w'ieW Aceon,uiojat'oa t .".3.V2:tip vAhKivc AC xnv Albany.

"r ' " .'. ' v:""" 7.fca..UilCMSO Clu CluCK.baii Mai: at ti p. x.Sl. LuU.. Malut 00 r. t.


t'H...uKl T'..!n Xn. 1 atM

Xo. s at ti-.r.-

Accon.m 'ail.ui i j j.,.AND NA'SHVJLLJi U. R.

U:i I'mio Su - Sin.L;.iesa Tral Xo.3 ( :.Uy, rxecpt..-.!- 0: t Kwbuiin L.p'.--: (S i ui s IXC j.tc J) A. M

tbancc Ad jLirao.;- - ju :i.;.iyb c 2.40 f. M.


The Ilailroal ll '. ord of l t week has anarticle upon this sulj- - t, in which it isstated that there nte now ia operation intno l tuieil bates near tim-t- tAt.uaanJ milct

I I. Tl,,. .... 1: I : r ..vi lamuw 1 ii" pyevuiai inns men IOI.OW

are of latere-;!- , uiiJ we tberetore give thema place iu cur cV.utnus, as follows:

Let us tate out a few elementary factstins ust mA'bintry. V. e cannot arrive atexactness, cut navuig t lie im.-- ot oerlaiu of

im uiosi uuperiaui roitus 01 tne cottntrr, wemay safaly take them us t.ic lasia for tlwhole:Whnl

Taking these aggregate, wo have somecurious consequences:

1. The eapu.il employed ia railroads ishb--ut ft.7.,V that of all the incorporatedDunks ot the C ruled states.

2. The receipts rn railroads isgoij I deal more tbau the iiicme (or piohtsi-- lof all t!ie i).:nks

3. But when we compare the operationsof the two ra..c!.ims we find this iruoortantdifference, that the cost t f onrraLn. thebanks is vory unall, while the cost of oprating the railroads is very grcit. lu onecase enpita' on.y is bandied, while in tbelatter, net only capital, but a vast r,nd cumbrous machinery of meti, velno.es and road

4 1 fee number ot locomotives is rft lsi1,01 it), or, one to ench five mileu. Tia,;ujinto view the uew roads and the repairs, wemay assume that one fifth of the.se (1,2must be renewed each year, which at anaverage cost cf (M)0 en 'Ii, amounts to anexpenditure of teu millions a year for loco-

motives alone. Fasseuger and freight carswill be five millions more, aud thus wc havefiftien million per a.iuutn paid for niakiugcarriages only lor the use of railroads.

5. The S!,i)()D employees we may putdown at a dollar per day, although thatmust be too lo the officers' salaries beinggenerally high. Ibis is tirtnty ftur millionsper annum.

C. For labor andmster!nl, railroads payat lea-- t forty mi'dwnt per annum independ-ent of the iron superstructure.

7. Let us now u gardthis as rn economi-cal clement in thi country, aa it regardsother vocations. We may regard 100,000men as the vnd, furnished by railroads tobe supplied with food from the agriculturalresources of the nation. The rtlitivt pro-

portion, in families, show that each d

man is equivalent to a population offour limes the number. Wo have, then,400,000 persons, puhsiiting upon the re-

ceipts of railroads, to fie supplied with food.Taking meat and bread alone, this will re-

quire 4,000 lbs of et'.ch per day e rtlal invalue to Iwelt'e nii!ltu.s per annum. In thetwo artieles nf meat and bread he railroadspay farmers this great sum of money. Weueed not pursue the inquiry in detail anyfurther. It is obvious that for tjir.ber, ircn,paints, mechanical aid, &c, ih? roads mu.tpay millions' more, which go into the pock-

ets cf farmers and mechanics and thusmany more laborers are employed, andgreat sums of money thuf circul ited throughthe country. As au economical machine,the railroad is of immense value to thecountry. Here we may compare it with thebanks, which hive no connection with thelabor of the country whatever. The banksreap the largest profit for themselves butthe railroads aee of much the greatestvalue to tha Doiii..

8. Another e ement of irreat imnortanoeislhfcnsnmi.'i ,., nf won. I nr fo-- 1 SunDosintr it t,. be wood aloneas it is mainl- v-it. a, r.t c,,i , , j ,,.,.

, . 0rt. vo.u, .a isiuiwi unn,.. a

biso, is mamiy pain to larmers. u me wo.'aaverages titty corda per acre, it will renutreMi.:i(f itiouaan.1 acres oj t tanit to supply

I theprobably SO

taticili per (Hiret Tbe fct;i!i:,i.;j thow that f .rtti two

rf putitfjti passover roadyour. If so, each one of the whole Ameri-cn-

fiopuitiiinn would avera-j- one and a halftr r- But ss li'i'if of th nation do not rn ,voon railrna'U tit all, it ia cviJ-- that theto jiniercl.il and wealthy iiortions of the tieo- -

j.le must travel a great deal. Indeed, thisc"e '. irious pnenoineoa ot our run- -

itoiya.) get tinie to travel bomiicu: it is twen ;e. not only or treatcor.i i.trcitt ac;ivity, but Of great wealth andactivi!3' ot mind.

The Tennessee anl Alabama RailrondCuinpiuy Li'Id meeting at Franklin on

Tuesday, to consider the necessity of es.tend;ng their to a connection with theMobile ani Ohio and ths New Orleans, Jackson and Great Norihern roads. The pro- -

nosed extension will ho. we l.nrn. aliout 87A

miles, and require J'lOO.OO.) to grade it. I

Of this amount the Tennesen and AlabamaCompany agree to $J0o,00o. Theremaining $3o0,000 can be raised in thecounties ulong the line and elsewhere. The

extension will be t Recced liy a new com



X tJlllSl'ia!i! i! wMths Sa-;-t ;

Linens;.. Ctt. u M- i;lto Net;11 an 1nen tiue.iin;

T.H.le and T .,i'.-- i I..., ensVt hitt u'ju n M.itt'rir:

iO0.l'AVV ;

Cho e It Pr rl t;

lio!ce .les.j. In la,.vsirv Kms-ei- s .in; AKvery vjtl ly ol Two aud

Hite & Small,4ll A I N BTKKE T 409


i.ri4vii.i1F', kt.GOOCH&NOBLE. i




JefTerson Streot,s.



LOriSVILtE, KL.!.' I

I a'Xuams-jrruu.-


iCONCGMBRES!r K LF.M VINO F1U .CUI.f ,TA.SI NilVSVX etc.. end ..r . j .;. .t !..u ol i'l m PLUS nn,l.Hll'iliiSs ON 1111. luis '

Is me best tbil - .iium ii.1'jej.i.re.i i.iiu t.,r

'lll.'s. L. JKNKINS A O..Ch'-0ilsta-

Jcl7 Cotni-- cl Tulr.l aud Waiout M recti.ISSBMKJaEjrafcT

T .b .c o; OIs- T.bac ;

A i n' i'.rawi.:-:-- y 'fol-t-

MJ bu-- i

JuM ric .1'.

'VS. WICKS ,t 1.

ALT.OWAY TO'l J.box.-- Ma,-t- i

74 b .x!lb .StJj.1 Oi.X-

TVrvic. WICKS cn

VATT cTARC'l -- So B XKS M I'L- - hewnperl. tttirch, COiU aud Wh.at, lu efjre and lor .1


W:i,L FAY CVSH r -- r; 10 TO Tihiiois or"ireisr It. i t r. l,i .. t t,i;

All.M.I. Cjvll'llll, !.



i .l:l.! BKl.U.-'iM-

llDAD tt ILO,B, 111 Main si.VJ

A it. c L 1. It Ulrl fAI.K, HV--"J I'l' O lIll.t.EX.SibMiln t .need

Iclti"AKS AsAI'UiMTA K lil SALE I1Yel. H'v D l lol'KH, 41 Main st

f RrihS LtMI'BI.ACK nut su.r HYUj l7 KUII' D WILDER. 418 Main st

9- .BnW ENGLISH VFITM Rn) FOR KALE BY 1i 1' Ell l t H,Hi:it iBros tf ANisn 'iii.iwv k k sh.k hy' I 'f FIivv ! sVILl'ER. 414 MjIo tt.

1B"t.S iPANI;!I Will TIMS I'OH SALE BYjel7 MOV D WII.DBR. 411 Main m.

H OtSKS fcAL. SOIM V.ilt U K KyJ KDWD Wn.l'KH. Mali ?t,

CASKS YELWVV Oi'.iitK vn:t SALE bX laSDW D WII.D4U, lis .Ma mt, 13

Uavles' Tetter Ointment.I1.1s.l01 otral yean, been

trteteJ Iu dtsoasca of tha a'ain, soil la no doubt oue otm,),t vuiuat.le TKTTtK,

Babbtp.s' Ircn, aad old ulcers ever Ula overetl. It hasu.-- I l.y a uinater of our cll.'z:n with greatand ibey spi hlglily lu It praise.

I l ' T'ler, No. 71 "ojrth street,Main and Market, ara ageuta tor the city. Price, Jl (.0

per box. J1'1' d2aw4weowlnalia

WHY(!HIsrAleatOS KXL'tLSIOR DYE" present

stron-M- claims to public conttlence iha.ii any otherluilr-Iy- In tilsu-u.- :

BLC.VfSKt li the only oue that tas ever b:en au jlywi ad put- -

Ik ; proved by the hbitn-s- t chtwlcal aathorhy.AI.B1J,

rr reason that uo other Dye has ever teen ub--

kcti J to chf m'.csil anaiyula at all.MiKlEOVtll.

Belies bri"' ire iruiu every l.l.ioSa liuTwtltnt.lt. 5 a tint r blaikor lrwii, and lu a shorter j.ai ol

lliiir, thaa juv otaer Ilyu In tue woil 1.

sold e t ry here a:.d applied by a'lrHTAIXJI'.tt. Xo. ( Aor Uou. Ji. T

Wilder, lis Main (.treet, and Mra Q.Nn holaa. K. Koiirth airent. Aeenta. jel7 JAwlio

Tour 1't-ai- Experience WithHAIR RESTORATIVES !

Tttrt following U'lic: fioiu a n ntleman lonu and fav .r--

:iOu lu U!u anl viUulty.aho lias ha-- mostfavorable s of l.nonj ol what he wrlUi,w.'.l, ar r.ii. , sat:.,ty th mo-- lncrednkaia:

WaLTH.tx, M 14., J.m. 20J. tsr-- . ir f. irmtl ( -,- h ,: ll:lvM

Ir; " i.ti.niUU.r Hmu KEStoaaa.-.-a-

l rilTi-- r f.,ar mi it undcs 1 !av.- led vanoiH o?'.fr am :u the marketira?-- s. . ai. iv , 0.11 s. .), but yours l.aali. uuioiiK ineiM a. I. 1 Uavobe l a id to t.oiinieu It l..r ..it II ruliu to ,10. ;erd iu .!! ol ur t ' ii. no t ail u.anr.yjulit kmr

r rril i. ari. have laid H asi.i... an I at u.v.e ar. 'l a..'' li.ntn.ivi neai 11 na;r 01 urti;innl sh"iif

i". 't, , i.ro luci-- bv us.iu two or tUre bou!.- of v

ari i n a lien l y some Ihey have h- t'n In- -ilncel I" try paiiue.l upon tbm a- -

r1r, tiwy nave aiino.t i ,r..:,;.,i.lj re:urn-- d 10I.e. y..ni ila.f ..rti aain, m the only wttrUn.n 'iil'. t r.;i'He uru ir in as a loi'.'urU- :. n .L- -i a. any ol me li.ur tMui or U a hea withol " !i tn inaiK f is no.vie.1.

Iain yours very truly, S. B. EMMONSIi iiniiioer lual t.iee t.iii.rau.l.a were

t y HKIMSTKEETd m. .'("',,, the wiyiU'-'-I anrfnulj n ''ul.le article In i.so.

Sd t jrywtiere prlc Joe. arid $1 a bottle.W. K. U.Vi AN i CO., Proprietors, Tror. N. Y

li' Soi l wto.ale and rtll by KAYMONDand all the p lncipal Ilrux and Perfumery Stores

the?ite. Ji;I7 deodweoIy

DEAD SHOT 'I'llfc NEiTKST AND MOSTj A liable Faiih- -

Bbl'a iSl . ruily applied, tt reui.il i.i one yrar atrap ready et lot facta noxious tormentor ot euruiM'y

TftTKt79 FI.IE3 INSTANTMl'IIIT.MMJ Xt y. Kery Sheet wl.l ari, -- H I l.l.Klt. u'isrt. Commence early, and tha

boci- - may bo kepi clear uf Files all n miner.Both artklra for ale by Iiruypists everywhere. Send

for a ainp:e thet.b. L. EUTTHLP. k RON. r.

El. Altais. Vermont.

V Sold by al! good Druclst. J17 dim

Amorican "WatchesWADE BY TfJK


TO T II C TUB LIC.Is luvlied to the following statement of fact

in regard to these watches, an Is me considerationwhy they hould be preferred to those of foreign matin-fictnre:

Their a'e has Lspp custautiy on the tcrreve eversince the business w as couiuieuced, thus provli.x thatth. y hare, yrumn into pipulir favor through thrir in-

triruicauriU. As an evidence of the extent to wLUhthey havit received the Indorsement of the pubiic, w

UT state, iht npwarda of Thirty Thousand of them;ire now ia dully ne In the Cults I Siatea, givlns perfectsatK'actlon to their owners.

This result has been e ff.ted In the teeth of the mostdetermined and violet t opposliionfrcm the (treater partof those In the Watch Importing Trade in the lare dtles, wt, have systematically used all their Influence

ith t heir customers, to d:c nrage their dealing In an article wt,lch thiee.Lei.t J, t ylts j'ipenor't,tofoteign w.ilch to a very iar extent. Many of Jewtiers and iVatchn.a... rs of tho li.terlr Seconded tbe ef-

f e.ts of Watch laipirtirs, t. In peis iaded by theircouutfls, and misled t.y a contracted and imperfect viewof their own interest by the f. r of loss on their stockof imported watches, and th- - at prbens'on that Ihelrprofits t bt dluiui.iied tnrotigb competition ina well kaown Uumestlc article, w th other groundltrspr.judlc.ii arisii! fioui a s ipei li. Ul Ir.in'ry Into thefobject. Not Ulis. ai.dmi this, however, the watehfhave steady iu the t nution of I he peopltheret illers have been coustralmd to keep them to

thj, ... by deiire-..-, we are happy to a!d,

their prclu and j'arais are being dlssl-- ited.Onr peruliir st ii of nnkhislhe . rcnt parti of

each wan h the eTict cotr.t. rp.irt of every other wa'chof th? same serli s, leads 10 a uniformity In qualitywidth can ne'.e- - b al al ted by the f. .re' pro.esi. lione ol i n.' wunii is 4. od ad are aoud, tiereas eachforetifri waUb - only a pruba'il'lty t.y f, liUi'upon the skill aud C.UUtv of the woiki;;auwhoniay hai p u to be eiu;. oyet upo.11 tl. I addhlouto that priiujry cn ililons of slice ss, every watch IsMud by the Company is ma le ui the most cUjIco audenduriui mten.l-- , caieful.y ttolslii.t by the various pro-cesses 10 h:i.h hey are suLj cie l. an I then tut to-

gether, anl s ve:-l- y eil by best work-iiu-

in th ! .'actory. guch has care with a Licitthese variu-j- du:!es have been :.erloimed, Ih it onto!

I the laiae nuiu'erot wati hesso'd.not more. hau a doiulwJ "v? returned to Company for ex

muiKe.uoiu auy ru,e wnateverv..a hwwiii i umfair ti h km

uM- - ' watche, of ue mus, inferior deacrip--I hod, are onenu(ty puawntt'tt by their luakera, whomI Ilia impo.-ibl-e to call to account under any clrcuin- -

I Uat.-- .

American Watches come to the consumer unburdenedby the various expenses an omniautioa-t- he total of which. Including custom-hous- du

ro; M. r'iou or ltae.t sbould decide the qatstlon In oarItVOI,

Every dollar diverted from the purcba.se of foreignwatt.ies Is o much saved to the Country; so mncU en-

couraifeuient to home Industry, and so much addedthe public wealth. We do not ask a preference cn thesegruun Is If oar w alclies are not ier for the money, thanthe loreigo.

To couclude we claim that our watche are the besttoJ KMt JUHbie tlull:.keeprij tne worI , bejljM,U3 ,Ue cheapest; an.l t that . ,! of w.tcheawas never ma le that wouid show so little averwe vari-

at:u fnin true time as those we have isueJ. In luUivMnaj inum-e- their perfuruninca baa been unsur-passe-- by anything recorded In the history of hoeolopy

A descriptive pamphlet containing full linorui.itiouand numerous certificates from well know n Individuals,may be had on appllcat ion to the undersigned.

Liixui. as our waicn is now extcnaive y counterfeit-i- by furehrn manufacturers, we hare to inform thepuolic that no watch ia of our production which Is

by a certificate of genulaeueaa, bearingtne number or the watch, and sknei by onr Treasurer,K.r.. ,.oBbis, or by our predecessors, Appleton, Tracy

iliroHi,uut the Liiion. we do not aolicit or.ler. loralngle

Foi the Anierlcia Watch Company.BOBBINS & APPLETON.

WUOLKdALK AOKNT3.inITdeodtf No. ltfi Broadway. New York.


MR. THOM AS M. FI.KTC.IER. ho has been In thethe last ten years.ls admitted ij. a rart- -

le ol (tie new r.roj will be LL 4 FLtTlKit. an in .law t.om Jnnaaivlst.May U, la. mylj dlf SAMIKL L. LKK.

Dissolntion.'PHK PARTNERSHIP HiCKhTuCORK EXISTIN'Oa under the ot ol CASsfcUAlf 4 ll'O'KlNa Is this

mutual consent. Lltber lurtvautnorize.1 to settle tbe buaineas of the old Arm.

ni. l.L CA."tDAY,levitsvllle, Kt., Jannarv 1, 1A.


iiershlp, under tbe stv e of s Ast liA v jk s..s.hi conutiue tne Dusiness ol uWi ll,,ni

eoni-r- and dealers In E.V W ARK, OLASCHINA. LTLKRYaml PI.aTkhu a u k nh. .fully solicit a continuance oi tue lavore exlauued to ihelri'ivi?iw .or iuriy-jtv- t at.tr

P.tllKb CASKDAr,BEN. CASfU.AY,... H. Alii'liO.N CAssEDAY,

ir'ju.sviiie, Jannary I, em. jaT




lei: CLARKE a

HI. CK LKTTEIl ALPHABtTA. - BKAUI'IFULLYi '.iira.r .... k I Iel7 IXtKliK'.s.

A CIIKCKKlt. DOMINOr.S. HICK.. , at ijei71 CLAItlvE'S.

YIW i;;KtK?.-T- II! LATEST PUBLICATIONS OF. tue o.iy as aon as i.'ii.iimh-- i. atJ.i. W.C'i.AoKK'S. Mozart Hall.

5"J hli.ls prime New Otie m us&r;

utore and lor sale byMAKFIIAI.L HALBrRT GO.

A0I.AeSK?- .-ru uu:s prime Mohuuu--




COAP- .- taJjll lX.s bar) Soap;t"l is)xes .einiiU uo;

i b 'Xes Palm do;.'.) OSes I .U1CT riu:? bus's Shavintr do; In store and for sa'e bj

CTARCIl -bo I...K.S Fox's Starch;

Lancaster d: In st..re an for aale bTUAI.Ill.KV a CO.

'ptA- .-; ) pkqs Oiinpow Tea;aJ ha.: c!i sis Biaci di; In store and Ibr sale bv


DRKSM STYIK LKOWN AND DI1ABand liiaid Hals, liie bct l:l lilaH.-t- , at

o A. I KA10 8.

Ht! HATS -- OCR SHELVLs ARE CONSTAVT-X- JIv ill e I v lib the v. rv .,t i k, IHJCk. Dr ib, andI t i s !m. hlai k. Era!., and iVIute U,airr cod

a id Dr lb Otter Hats .11 our own manufactureI lie UI. it aud n.ot fuib onaL.o .ivies.


A!u: constantly j;eclim. mwt'.'b-- ..f Ilats ts.tn i nr.waiei soil I r.n hau l lug

ner;i;un ie;l. 'l ue tteat atylas arealways !

i.V 10 A CP lu'S.MWEit .EV FOR YOUNG

ui P. very .l...t. .o and coiuloUable, lo be had .inlyA.4KOOS

'MA llO'j-- l! I1AE A FEW SlSk JAN- -iliats le.l. Call ajva al

A CR A Ill's.ail

.T'iltAr lILOL'Cll.i.N IN bTllAW O olf.is ae tu! ibe cl.s- - of the w,ll ii the

of our s'.law aud suiuuier stocks at gl. ally re--urices. A. VIVAIU,

Cornercf Fom (h and .Mu'n of

e c.inslgu- -. n. ii iirvr. at tu.

stiwt. b t M.iii and River.can

KT..-- .H CASKS PRIME KICE LANDINU FROMsiouuc-- J. U. lord aud al- bv


r.BI.S. IN IM1IME OKDER. FOB.i, i.y lniv:ii.wj .1. S. M.iKhl A SONS.

AND OLASKWAKE.QCI.esrlWAr.K IJuc. usaaie; VI.' c;isi.9 E.ig;l-- h tblna; lei

liAl b".s Uia .wareii'.vreanl sale by

t KL lClISft McCRRADY. '

ti luvvit Ut.w Lvullit Jlvlal. je

1 11s uem'iuj per aouiim. 11 prooaoiy re ties, more tban doubles prime cot of the wau--

n.or; fi.r the yield is not I fore it gets to the pocket of the ultimate owner. This

the enuh






4s t














Louisville Theater.UIICTON Si Tlti; ilPIHM Il. Leader.JOHN T. UKT V . M,V,il. ti TKLXl-UOtl- t iaLaatata.C11ANOK OK TIMK.-- ln lutuf liie will oienat. ... mo uriain win rise M a u cmj precisely.

P&r The Hidden Hand !

ON MONHAY KVKMNU, JCNE WILL UKih rouiaiiil.- Urchin, in rive a. I,eilil ie.l 111K 111U1E (4 jII

up.in tlie wmer, aiteruards au heir as f in IIVl--

limine). Mis. K.ite leu!'i ity!.; W.t (a mr,old lli.roeana'a ser.anii, Mr ru Ka; MarjhKiKk, Mrj. Elmore; .Major lta V.'a. Deld tcTimoulTeall-- d ' M l HurrUane"j. Mr. D .nald Baynntor Black .n.il.i. ice cutliTv) Mr. tiu.'.re To

with tha Fare of l". f.J orTut Mam and T;.. fx hub Buck-ki- Mr ltyau.

Pllir-E- OP ADMMION'.-D- re Circle and Pareuette.74 ceo.!.; , 3i rents; Tulrj r. lJce,ulI'nvate B'.xes, 15, CoioreU Boxen, U col.1; ColoredGallery, li cents.

open from 9 a. V. tl!! 5 T. where atsce awnrfi i.,r any iiunt .luring lli wek.

Woodlawn Race Course,KAK LOLlSlLLE, Kl,

Spring T10UI114 aud l'ac!nTItacesi for IsOO.

FIK?T DAY Mou lay, June Id.

First A l nze;. mile beats, best threelu nve, lor horses tha never went lor m .u. y iu pm.lic.

rurse. ... jjOENTHIES.

Jainn Korkey, of Cincinnati, enters b. 1. D'cX Turp'.n.tin vt uo.is, u i,c:nn.i:l, ente.s i. m. A'Xy.

A. J. llal.ieK, of linciiiiiii'i. tillers g. ui. Hale 1).

Second R;i mile h 'ts for !s,'I e iu .

Purse $0ENTRIES.

M. Tt. TwU, of enter b. Til.A. It Itran l. 01 hexian n, eiivi j b. ti. KeiilneVv Cbtf.I'r. U. L u lei w.xl.ol Lex u 1101. enters b. h. Aib.on.

It ace 10 commen.-- preets-l- T .it S'i o'clock T. H.Cars wlli I"mv the .ip t lor lue Ka-- Course at 1?.a and i o'c'oc, an f tvmaia at tha Co.r until tue

es are over.Pa .aier car- - reserved for ladea.

PHICi;S Or AOMliStOS.a.Rttt.. free of charge. Tt. keis to t(nartr

St and rui.ilc Man-- SI i". Kalln.u I ll.keK..lihd 'i'rip. Tl.kets P,r C ored Persona. I.ceuM.

aTTIrk-i- s lor Sal at the 1:ki aa al the altj oaur round.

No money received at the irit-.- .

Members are re iT'.es e i to trurivi.-- thlr Bias it ia positn .ly lol.iilve of the ruira of tha Association.

for 1 Puraea wilt el at th Judges' sua Ievery evenira uume.ii ,teiv ail-- r met

ear" I' v 14 lorealeat the Cialt House every eveningaou loo GiU.

KACE3.First Ka-- Match betaeen Gtn. J. W. Slmtetoi 'a. cf

Hiiiucy, 111. Oliver ll.'els ,o:i. an' lion. i. B. ULexington, Ky.. M mbrlno call, for t4,0i'. Mile heats,th-- e test III live.

cond Kace Mile heats, all aie. beat three In (lvPurse SVTu



Astrologist, CI air voy ante and Female Doctress,

WOCTD RESPECTFrtLY ANSCtNCK TO TI1:t clilaens of Loulaililr, tlia rhe ha.s lu- arrtve.1

In the cliy. and cu be on ad matters per- -

lainine i.'o, euiier east, tut. ire, rj. ;ithe line of Hie from lufuwy to old ace rnic slariilr.fea h event lu reira'.dt l!'..uess, I ove, M .rraKe, Couri-sb'- p

Losses, Law Matt ts, and SicBesa 01 helativeaand Friends at a

Tbe Madam- - will show her vb'.tora a rcpre--aeniA iou 01 meir

rutnre Unsbaacls zad Wives !

The Madame !!! furnish medicine tor all disease.lor grown persons, nia:e or lemaie, ana chiiaren.

No. 7iM MsrW't st.. three doors belowmvSdAwtf north side. loilsv'.Ue: Ky.

C .A. K I3 ET S!Another Supply Just Ueftlved


TB HAVE SEVERAL NEW SET3 OF1IANDSOMBVelvet and llru.aela Carp-t- s, to which we roapet

Invite the ot purchasers. We he a!soon band a spien l'd stock 01

Curtain Uoo.'m L ice and Mu.lln Curtains;Cornices a"d Ban.ta. Kua and Mat

4 .ind - white and cheek Mjttlng;snd C mi An:

And every article in the House Furn'shln lire, fo aa.very low. MARSHALL A D CKINO.N.

Jeio N. 27 Fourth street. b t. M.nn aiel Ma.ketARRIVAL.-- '

FRF.4H b..X'aI'aiian M i nl;1" boxes Vernili-tf'll- :

1J l ov a Niw York Crear Cl kr u,W b.xes li'lry '3i) N.,-- .S.ifmu ilo;i boxes Ho 'an. I ll.l;li bor.e Htnespple ,1.,;5 boi s Sa. ,1;

In tufts fresli Ialry Butttr;2 Its Sni. -l II . l bi;:;KO fta Snioke.1 Saliiu-B-

Fre.h t'ovf ttvji-r- s. iiesa Ptnion. nshI'icltit L'.' a er., .r.liiiea, 4ncho- an l frefrrveU:nit ol ail Ktn Hut ret r , -- rn ! to, aa:

A. F'lVl) t'U Kinillvttd Fni'.rth sire'. tst M irket an I il rxm.

Female High School.EXAMINATION OF Al'l'I.ICANTS.

rpiir; FXAH4TI(iN OF APl'l li'ANT ' F'R A D--a. iiiissi.n to t'ii. nitii nnis! piy at iheii uuis eiiue irorner oi wu..ni an) t enter sti

lor c.ir ls of tJuilskion ou the 1Mb ami Mth of the pres- -

1 h ex.iinlfn'l.in will take pl.ice on Monl.iy, the I

or .Hire, al a ciccii, i. n., an, i (Met nuc twAp; licanu will be Iroui botli puolic aiel prl

Aipotaius w'li be e xaiy:r,U ,n lao tallowing atu.nea:

Orarnnia.;Oeiraj-bv-Kevi ii.--

, ,lnnz. an I ?e lllng. JeU.lj

noTics.ryilE KAMTXATIO OF 1UV. PUBLIC PCH.luLSJ. win lane piace in the several ards as f.jllows

lrt Ward and Fulton street ie. lio...s Monday. lh.mn. e. in. s lay, w.n, an.l ll.u'-la- y, ..June, betfiniiine Isth Inst., with t.raojiuar Depanmeul,Fulton street scrj.sil.

Second Ward School Monday. 21th. Tuesday. 26ih.

Third Ward Scluol Mondav, 75th, JKth,W edlltJi.lv. Tth. and Tlmrs lav ?s. h Jimp.

Fourth W ard Schn.1 Thursday, 21M, and Fndav, 12 I

Htth Ward Sell Muud.iv, ish. June, examination.iiate tiraminiir li...iirtii.-nt- Tnesd iy, t!i, xaiiiliiatl..n.iie u.i r"bi,.l.- rnn.ary n. part in. nl: eliies.lav, 20th,

Slst, examiiiJiio i Feniaie Mrr.jii,.arv(lav, evainiiiail.in Female (Irammar K.'p.irtineul;.Monday. 2.1th. examination !' et .Vie. ..I.

Sevenih Ward Sclio.,1 Wedm-lav- , uutli, Ihurs-iay- .

t. and Fri lay. fcl June.Klirbth Ward 2.1th, Ttiursdav,

iisi. rn riT. iiiin.ia'-.7ij.i-, and liicsday. itn June.

.lon.iH. , JOlie.t &cho.l Tu.-- lav, I9'h June.

Portland School W'e.liea lav. 2oth June.The puhlicare ii.Mted to attend the cx

amiu.iti' n.By i,Mer of the Tnisi- -j of the a vera! W ards.MIU

Sachem's Head Hotel,UU1LFOKD, CONN.

rpHE PROPRIETOR OF THIS N1. bummer House wouM

In ortti its tornier natrons and Ihe nubile generally.that he has built oil three hundred Pel this si.rmaking seveniy-fm- r ne be new dining roomforty oy one hundred, aud new parlor forty bv seTeulv.Every room In the house Is newly turn shed with runCuriHtt and new Ct.ttaj.-- Furultnre. The Hole! la ofmodern construction, built on an extensive scale, withaccommodations for four hundred nets; beailtllullyb.caled on Loiiff Hjiund. fourteen mila m. orNew Haven, on the New I. n.ton and Stoulnatoo Rail-road; new billiard roam, wltu three new t ibles, twonew alleys at a convenient dl Unre from then Mise.anil twelve nw balblmt bouses. Iishl'ia Is notsurpasse-- l on the Sound. A new yacht of fortv-dv- e

tuna, an t several small will be conataally onhand, ready fur Darliea.

Ooliia from New York to Sachem's Head, take the SA. n. iraln and 3 T X. train; check and U.k.t to Sachem'aHeat direct. ChanInn cars at .New Haven limeiniuusn, no irs. from New Haven to tbe Ileal at

a. x , 11 i M an I f r. time, forty minute..the Sachem's H. ad depot will le found one ol Cook sbesi omnibuses, uew and clean, lo carry yondirect to the house.

A new barn, one hundred bv feet, has beenbuilt this spring, which will accoiamodate titty huraea.Eight acre uf laud have been tu.loaod ana Dded withoriiaiceniai ami run lie. a, waiks, Ac.

Ihe hou-- will be onene-- tor the rectf..n of company on the 2i)tti day of June, uud.-- r the immediate uperintendence ot the owuer.

iN. B. Musquuoea ar never wm al th Uead.

Tontine Hotel,NEW HAVEN, CONN.

THE HAS REFl'RMSULDTIIIS.nab'.e drst...la- - Iloiel entire tb'a surma--

nniodeled the old . aided a new la..lies- ordinary, au.1 oul In comuiete order h!a biuJ

au.i oa1 u rooiiia.families call have aultes of rooms at either hotiaa a.

low at- at any s h.juse lu trie count rv.aMers ran ao tl anl from tne Till II NR to the

lla.Ali, three time a day, by rail, and take their mealsI eiiber house, wunou' extra charge.HavliiK t urchaael aud Htovk-- d a lanre Farm at

aebemsllead ihn aohiia. taa iw-- i bouses will be fur- -n'sbed wilb meats, pnuPrv. u.:!k. butter, veaelabies

i.i iruit. uui:y, tro'u tne iaruiA leierai h Unit has : ut ud at krhrm'i Heajt

an al the Tontine, at the propih-tor'- uwn expenae.c jnnecu wnu ait tne liu m in. UMiie i Matea.


The Bedford Springs,TRIMBLE COUNTY, KY.,

4 RR NOW OPEN FoR THE RWETTION OF VICIT.a"V ore. The proprietors, thaukful 'or the liberal Dat--ronagewhu h has beeu bestowed tbe urereoiim .rje- -i j .siiue.1 ,u as inai innititea ,n searcn OI a neeltnv

.t pleasant summer rt tre .t will aud at the hEDhiihDi ni.ius an tne aavama e. wh cn can Le lonn.i t uisiu.i in in tue We t.Among tha imorovem-iti- s m.e durtmr last Tear are

a row of new Cottage, containing a m.uiber ot largea.rj uniiij r

The orourlelonSekiNui,

greater varlet :!V?V'-'-- -The Springs, wbhh o many aovan--

lagrs.sucu asperiec.lv neauny locaip n, bauii:ul seemrv, e.)i hit xoratlng air c..ar already so wed kuowaiu..t it is uuuece ai v to sy more In their favar. Theproprietors, however, wid asu-- e their patrons thatbey will en leavor to gt a'l their vhdtors full atl-aciioo, an.l win lei t.i, to the taole with allie tiotn minis a bl.h the surrounding cotiflry ailords.Fersons coins by Lonisvil.e an Iriukiort R..lroa.i

win always ui.u at jericuo cyin eyan-- " tu t s..ni;gs.I' A Kb. ft A



THF INTEKFfTOFDAViDKFRNnoNINiaI this propei ty b.s beu trau-- b ire i lo K. E. E4 Ites. and having mad-- un nrrangenient wan J. F.

Harks .n to in.i.ase Ills one third interest, we are cutting th entire lu order fr tbe receiitionof by the of June, and are ready to uter--

n invan is at an units.The nud rsigin-,- re determlne.1 fat nothing shall beint'tig ou their part to ii.ake the entertainment atiiyson not only teu.a.l.il to Invalids, but agreeable

ti pleasant to tnose iu searcn oi pleasure.reacu i.raysi.n ?pniii;s. ra-- ngeni wiil leave Lou.

Isvi.l by tba Loulsvilie and N Kalln.ad forUtisbethto n, where Ihey a i I cud g.xel hotel a.

lailoi a, and M. Aill.iu a c a. he- -, with good audarelul drivera. wiil le readiness to convey ia-- s. li

ters i any nuiiiDer-- , uaiiy, tooiays-n- t.y way ot uisn- tbeui. n s, over a goou country roiu.

FOARD1NO.Per day ... 12 00Per week ... o (Per Uionih - 35 VU and

Chii.neuaud Servants hull price.Hordes per day 7S

.11. I I.S.KN3JS, I)e9 dAwtsel R F. YTKS. A

Bluo Lick Springs.fpnii N AND CELEBK ATED WATtR- -

. lue Place, a lew bus travel by ral road and lse- -acn ut.:svu e. Cincinnati. j.exiii'jtu .. a.,j

Maysvltie, hiiviu teu i.urcliayed by a tonpany1. now ui:deigoi''K tni.rougn reoalrs. and Is ie

rehitel and lelura siied thro. liout. and w.ll beopeu tne reception ol v.ailors ou llta nr day

one. ISoO. IiIu the mansgement ati control i f tba f'ibMshientie sub crllr wl l be &r ste.l bv s.eral g. nlle::

long an.l favorably kuon lu tne tuslne-s- . an I by a fullurps ol ein .i. in and a.trti'lve au I. as It I. tne

oi tr.e .ouii-an- to mate tne u:ue i.kk riir'ngs 01s pl.e ol summer rrs .it for -

vulldi and ollo-r- ricieatlon for pb avure. n.ipa'us nor exiec. will be spv-- to make it come up lu

Its appuiiiiuivbla aud to Ibeh'gUc.-- t markex.eilente

Ol ihe bea thful Watlon of this WalerlngPiace, Pa iHnllful di ives. the he.l'ug aud li..meipclnal qoaiiileeof Ps mineral wat r.,andthe beauty O

Its and vailed scenery. It Is de. med untie.

and unapproacusd oy auy other a eriug I IfIn the Union. I -

Conu-ue- d with tho Hotel la a Livery Sub'.e, whera j.:lhorses, ougia... backs and omoibus. a ol tue beat uaillj

alwaysJilllN IR'OUES, Proprietor.

P.lue L'ck F (it Inn. Ky, Ap l'. losj. el dawif Jl

PHkTHF.H A HMlTH. 41 Mala


PRATTIF.R SMITH. 429 Main at. I

eu par ttcatuer Frd aud lor a. bT

MISCELLANEOUS.Water rises, Hydrants. Bath

Tubs, Wa.htands, WaterClosets, and Cuia IZoss.

UA3 l'IFi..--;



ITCHNlsnED AND PIT L P a cvprniniL vi.1 ner t y tho very tr t of workmen, iteui.cg audUulvaali'.ug a abort notice. A u,.wiy ofURAS3 COCK"';


Slitrr LKAD:BK.V.-- J WIRE;



NT METAL AND EKA W CAdTIMIS furuL-he- to!orler.br R. BIUO.i. M Fitlh


Larcro, ISTev.r

rnrt'ii vt i n i.--

v.. c r. a i ma Luni.ri ri.n r.a Al

WM. F". WOOD'S.!l 111 1. 1 rir.l.t!, r..l! MAIN








LOCISY1U.E, KT.PirtS uViiw








l AND sIXllI fTatKTS.' " fr--


Looking-Glassc- s,

Portraits Picture FramesG. S. COOPER,

No. Oo Third Street, between Maiiiet anlJeroa, feat s'. le.

Ji ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND OFHilt V! bn. of the various ..t.'e. f..r hfUteiw

b.isiii.-- - Car.is. c. cPartW. in waul of such woul I ila weli to ca" befor?

purcbasinic !! Jtf

Fourth rtreet, bet. b re en aud Waluut.MODES SE TAXIS.


h'atem'ed.)DATF.NT RIOHT IR SHLF APPLY TO MAPMI A. IIK.NK1. Vll'lner, I' ea it b street, betaeen u.eellan.l Walnut. LuiiisvlPe. Kv

NOTICS.COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE BXIsTtNOTIIE Ihe uuderaii(ne.1. und :r tbe styi o:'

WRMIIT BRIlX.KPORi).Is this dav dissolved by mutual consent I'avlJrrniirawini; tr..in tne concern.Ti e business will be continued bv JAMES BRIDOE- -

FOKD. under the style of

James Brldnrcford & Co.Parties tndebtefl to the. late nrm. whoe accoon's are

ow due. will please cad au settle, and those havin :

claims against them wlii send them In r r psvtnut.I'M ll v nn. nr.JAMkS BKIDOKFOKD.

Lon'.svil'e. Ky, May 13th. I mn. Jel utf

nanlstoMii llailroad !

Special Arrangement from Jnne18th to Jane 30th, inclusive.

FIR TI1F. ACCOM MOD tTION OF PERSONS rof attending the Kx'n.nat:..rs at Na and

the Hantstowu Train w ti ae tne lvp.punctual!" al 4.1 ell. in. arrive at I ar'.wwn a' 9: HiA. M. KetnruliK leave Bar .a own al J0 t. xt. an.l ar-rive In Louie, ille at ni S r

JOHN B. ANIERON. Sno t.A. J. Fmb, Oeneral iet5.iii- - 0

jxo. a. 3iili7ek7jSTo. 306 Fourth Street

(OLD M' .MB Ell 9V,

his stock of rtrh DRESS OUODi luHA K Mi E KOKK- -;


:M KKi il DKK K.S, Ac. Ac


SSXSS OOODS!Such aa Orera.ltne Robes;

EiitfttsB Bare.-- Kobe;Thn-a- and French Lace Points;Point l.ace Seta, Cellars and Oieevea.Plain Repl il.ks in colora;A fi w Onnn ly Rooe ;A lew organdies, in pieceMarabout and other Fai.a;Black Orenad ne Haree:Five to nine voiante Baivire Rcear

All of which wiil be sold at prices s,.tsiartirr to thebnyer. Im2?l MAKK A OilWNS. '.71 Valn-- t.


A go Mi re m a d 1H be wive a. ai.d ou iiurstiuiiaak- -i. If returued to ihla office.

,'e!3 g. PHILLIPS.

Dissolution.TIK OPARTXEilaillP llaRETOFiRE 'Ia between m liili & Pchwtng. Is tri'sday dls,lved by UlUt lal 0Usrlil. V. A. M Ulil colilluu- -

li ik iu lb bu ln.sa al tne old mi I.

.HuiiL a wruvrryo.I.oulsvPle. Mi II. ei lel W

For Kent.'PUB LAROK WAREIIorE- -A now ocuplel bv J .hu White O. ou the . I

"rth stle of Main street, bttweir. TMrd aielJlLJiFourth. Posaeaslon glveu i.Vh Autu-i- . isrio. loeid3 Ll VltrlN BKllO r.R a I O.


F .Msa.i:ine lor July, and a larg" s .rinirnt of Suri.onnet Suta. F. MAM'K.N Slelo HI Tbirrt st . I..H No. 971.

OLtTtk B. SlkAlTO. O. Ok LAV.



PayalrlauV Prcarriptiviia Acearntely (oni.oumleJ t all liaara.

ciuslvelv. itb fresh and pure sirups.A we,U lecied aasoriment of Perfumers., Tsl's4 VT

Brul;.-s- , 10 wutch we .uvl;

A CARD. '"ow.;:FLEiE -- NOTICB" itte arret t Iji iier onMjIu, opposite ihe Natioatl, "bas re the Piles'

u h i ,1. .m m.a- - ot

"XTT TC?-- ) tULLl "FaOS"' '-- - '


His stock of Summer Coihtnr !alme. em! rn. laj all I

QUalUles and size., lor Men a Youth.'. B.,.,' an.l IU.ilreos H" ar "

Call and get a handsome outEt for a very l'tila j



ot II U H UiNuS to. is this ay lernni.at.dbyu.iitualcoiis.nl. K.ta-- r p.ixiy alii use the name olArm aa cj.se may req uire. I. Ill TC1U N.:s

leu uj J1I1IT 4, Mll.lO.1,

K ECEIVED THIS M0RV!Nt PER EXPRKSS.Tk'some of tbe nneat fOFr I1AIS ever brought i..S

IMS market; i.!.n. t luini a id lists. .,r a, an loPRATULR A SMITH, t Main street.iv m loiirth and Fuih.

KESS HATS FuR THE FIXEST AN D LIOUT IBest Molvsaln an.l Casslru. re li it., call u saa

t bo.xea Sjair.) N.xes .sermall e'o;

si iNsfri; Foi's l"ear lo;10 bbl. B'la Tarle Sail;

ho kegs Nailslu S .ten A!e;10 bb s U n ion Porter,

st e an I lor sil - bvW. a IL RURKIIARDT.

F rlLli AND CV-i-- dltl.l. sumlucr .IV can o. L. I ihe

Ihe niauu'actur- rs. Itsjei riiAlM' H A .'IlITTt. 4 'e't tl.

1ITS TIN A NTT.luony, and Pia Lead In s i.ie sr. .r biw


stoi a and r aiiM hleld W. H. BE! KAP CO.

1'"""'slll,'"i.''-,ii,'Wi- IVaua vooper. n.vvia ivV asia tvVV. K. BVI.KNAP A CiV

F a a Fa's ov do;bs jd and for ia.a at tba ..im a tun r's j p;.iv


MACKERKI, No. 1. t AND S wACKKRKL. BYkiit. r . Ivd .n f r s.; Ky

W. A II. tlL'KHII t Kor, 417 !ar'-.- tt 4

K"B1N -- ' B.'XE3 No. 1 Mt,KL V

"frTlUa to tiv. end fors-- hW H. Bl il K II t RDT. 417 V irtei t. and

v a. lair a. ways n hsnd atja FiiATlLSit A fXITU a, C3 Mala li. Man

wm. ruAiitfcK...




IX TilstiCJbrZr RK 1.1.1 OLE


cas COMMERCIAL TIES IS3USAKCE C0MPA5Y. of Xcw York.AMr3ICAN kAGz'tl'ilSc6?n. of 2Tew Yor?"




tf HI fW,

munn & Co.'s Southwestern Agricultural Works.t URR OF EIVHTR GKMy Jrii T loriSTILlK, KT.

it- - acminrai zrrtjiements

Four-IIon- e Threber and Cleaner.'E V? Arn"!;!i'l TARirTT OF MACULS.COV-- TtVJ O-F-l'vVnu'-l- 111 ;t;lti:Ks AMU.AMtks,.!U UvrH It AM) TW-- H..H-- HON TnRKa-iKRa- . do o2

p '. ir ir-- i f. cn;: l WJttSi ir-.tx4- -

V FRKsSZd;IdMi-!L- lllD-i'WK- !., ,io--

TKI.K..RU-I- F H'DI STRL"l4itaa.i.D Cii.J5ilLt an l PRK wlb ER. TO .apt dlrsteit CORNER jF altiUiU A.ND URisN afSKETjl. LiA.lv! ILLS, k T,

nTbe fireil br.rrttor of the Household.


A.li wLIatiAir-Tig- ht Cook Stovo!


lnyraveJ la '39 with saw St tra largeFlaea.

'rilK T'lLLOWINO IS A SkitT tl'MMAST Ofa. in pe-- -- :'. Jil.ea

The Stewart Stove:Ui. winrui.:TT. It taj been la aa In uacv &m!

lies to J) yean.1. i ru U or.l culinary nprratu-n- t avty

- .am a - a::h'imf In evl.lenc. of wbali:will aceonr-iti- w. ailiele u th fan lAt. ou KasU oi

a. a iJtw Aja tM Uisl m'..vi iri'i a sHr

3u. KcOt.i.--- ' i Fai o to Its eons traction.iti bm. V taft J. ei . i m (; or Utrrrn ira.

t)i. rf lis k tf.d.:o-xj- j and wrlU an. I mah re,;a.aie.l al piea:v u o UKa lry.prrtrr.7:"t ii K.'ir in On , w.i.iout a,ierter- -eo. . Hh the uuaun- -

j The steivail StoveIlaatfce fcio.- pertectiy Tent::ale l Uvea of Stoveu w ture-l- .

eu;.i,... Wa'.-- t.r bathing parpoaa cerearoieMi ira ,y than any C- amic Raliue.

U sol ; b all wjebta ou a i.i. v. .in muutba.

Tbe Stewart Stole.'.U1 'il' sin the I'nion. ?ma'.l

Vv!i;re per iuail ot. aptbc-t-

. r; t ve PaaiphL U er t fre on ai plearb.n to

I? TT CI 1? irT T A ATaa - M. v a a v a a a. & .nW.COr.NER RlMt AND CIIKT?rT :

Jeffemonvillr, Indiana,



D HAW 1.1 u E..11VtS.

Fire and Burglar Proof Safes;COW BELLS. PLANTATIOS BELLS. OIL FT0N14

C3RH HUSKER$,Jir.kTORD'S PATENT, whkh are perfed'T anccewfots

rj, by ll..r-- e or Hand P..w. rlllrstf are beueveit W the only aitccesstal l'r9Hussers eter d. U s bo..abla4afa J once.J

Grates and ilant els, Zuajneled andPlain,


Chain Pucp, Iron Pumps, ThimblSkeins, Burning FluiJ;


Japanned and Pressed Tinware;Stoneware, Yellowwre and Glau Fruit Jirt.

MANI FUTTRER AOFNT for the sale of manykinas Ol Oovia lb the cU-s- aouve en urueraiaU, eic


Superior Tinware,EXCELSIOR rSUIT-Cail.- Acf Prices ai low a can be fbnnl In th

Metal F...iln and other Job Work done In thebest maim- - r. IHces low in proportion to th ajuaUuy.

lal dAaHni'ns

.'I K IMil.N ll SIM tKK. llmsi, ILiiift.f. tuivr and Inuwtr of tbe Bra .lepebWe !l'FtTACLFS. an-- l ail knvlsm MalhraunicOptical and l"hrs.. .1 Instr jnwi.ls Siwsrtaslea warm- fe.

su t in a.l ca a oiace Ma.n slresit, under UVH .ci. IDt

Spring 1850. Styles.No. 100 TonrthSt., XIo.100






Ladies' Dress Hats rnada ta ordernirvdlT .Hrw. J. A. KKATT1K.

REMOVAL!3randeis fc Cra,vford,f


GRAIN DEALERS.t M price Pw ail kind

store or at any good shippun




Heda.iloa of Faro! Throavili Tlekota ! ! '1 nvr. ITV i.K Ktl lii.WV. V. tt

ui.' tt Asiiiv .inN. rr of manHfTi.;.EDlN:l-:'.iI- . KtM. VK.s

1.1. Asi. VV au-- l li.i. w. l i.lLl ERi1i.il, a g at C"itK to l iad aud revelvo Maial

e.e.y sAiUil.lI .Jii 's ..und wtA enoseo! pnievtioiti),

scw Turk to Cork or Liverpool j

IO Uamo'irv. H.a;.ii, A tp or Rot- -

.' .' ' " ""

.'".! ." """".'.' iwoa.1- -

w'. w totk. J.U. AIAI E. Mo..t" r on Ltu.Ki.iu,Nn. 1131 Ms.a l..,.'.vitTlTaftt, DThl Euiluid. IreiaJld an.101 m i, so t ;.y we'.Q ig. af.T I

Quinine Sal.titute er Xfrre Ionic,InJIOSS EI FECTUAL THAN iiCININR.

And Fr from all its Evil.HAV1NO MADE ARRANUEMKNT9 WITH Till

f.r ihe sale of tins popular remedy, w.eiw -- 10 s iu,,y 11 in an .inani it and warrant it

.ia- iri T:i Ague aud a I .Nervous Lueeaaea.llbei.; 't,...u;il u;a-- lo tbe fa.e.

m2s.lAw .1 M. in HIS A SON. S w!r .

Barkeepers andGroceiaANYBODY ELiS WUJ MAY SK LX WAT1 x

?mm COPPER WHISKY13 tl.J Ctr. W:U dO tt" tO CAil .J II1AM I.a.

?iithis & nrxcivs stock.Oi .Vdrl-- f ttreet, I'tvt'.n Fl. t and Second.

T"T ?. ea 51 taf 'i feom one to Bt veart okl, fromrei t s 'iiw.ti t.ic Ktte. t an leianiliie' s'.s t. - - ui ,. ir M v ea.nsaiiytaaiTa

so ss t. s . !. r V. i.i... c .0 I. ar.;a

y. a. s-- aa -m W.T. a. i'Hti T.

Mcivait & Barter. ofA



H;chai-- t Ats'oa.n. n. J. A.'aiaa. sJsk Hewnt,a to.. .Na X) iea A Cov,rkn

A Co, Otw"B;'; Vi w. PoaeU, Jr,J. Kins head A Co, Nanw: Usjaa A s,. Vn.Nrveil Hoone Co, do: Uala A BrouAar, wm jb o. .re woou ivi. ao;

Zled Cedar Chests.FCRTlUtt 8rPPLYFTHHr.FFCL ARTTCLK'u ',m.e ktfil'!g. now In aiore, nia-l- of wilnet wool. l:ilo uf th(e.!ar A.s la a'l nasecta.these Cue-i- s arc itiv.luaD.e .ar pacaiM aw Man-- aumats, wo.. ten clo'u-- s, Tu-- , hue b us .es. and ali art k letlUi'ttolsi ry a. No lime Is to be eat

s ias 101 sale s ti.e Wuodenware atora. No. ata 4V,sir , Vtwea Tblri ab4 keurtn.




,X. tS,iUkL

4"M.i.w;., - J,fOJtr.l.VIES:


-- t,l5s4ilfl'SD TO JHET LOSSE CF OVE.1


are sntrtcd to call at oarractor

MEDICAL1X c Zi 25 A N' S


a 6MJ U a

IfIkiort tiLirs, iilft UaiDZ.

BLOOD PTJUiriER!!Tails tDRLIAL IS DlsTlLLklD Ikuli A t.ZB1

only to ujvii.ei c..eu.ica.: si wttAot the nio- -l vaiuaMe naedicioai roots, uvr ija mn.1

bare- - known to '.he ii.ii.d oi u,au. via; iiiwijurowa,W lia t tierrv Ba . keUuw Daca. l...le.lvcx sax

aapaisila. E !er F,..wers, a 'in ... n.v nrwiuclti IMms tulaslibia Piuiesiy :or la resturu;::. ui ea.ta evetkuowu.

It is Nrri'a ?i KmT. enntg dtseas bT ia,oraiuas. 1 :ien Uiieli. us bea.:-- ind ieiMe U Hutconrsine through rein ha bo.i v, yurln big andaccelerating l He van u.atl..i. oi tbe beji. It outra.:-- "any U.::. as. iter .a tbe stoma 1, ana st . rg u.oa titw -- ie w iisl. aliun.

MtLnsn's l wll etfectnally ewreuser CJ.il M..L.C. ii.siycpMa, us.e. u.rv.u.c vfei'J. Ijern ity, ut tne s, ai d l.A.".! UJ fioiU u!si lereu lever or Ilealnwarl Plje, or ?ktjesM..i t.ie Muu,.-- .

ol Bl.u.1 IO Uc It. .U. t i'a.u "I Il.,n InHeat!. Pa v'.ia;t u ol le.e !.; er Iit ie Ii. Soi.r k.i:..;aXKJU.. Olio or ?uccatlt;

--e.Uii: a n iing Owwr.. r . uvs-- , vt ta.ulaul triCi paeaiA, lawir-- i e.:s. Pain Ut!)e Ulll of the back. Ct..-- or Md. U .den F o:Ileal, iepivniou ui Frui.iu.1 Lanauoe

or ay N rv.i s,u;eUi '.Ua, and IVv and y" cuiiia ano

It :s . ire oi t:ie B aiuer aa.Wm'j. such a esramuj Wea.nar. Incoi.tiuelicet nue, StraiigUarr, nn .mtuai.on or Weaiirsa ol uitvtil or b ...er. W ..pea. ac

IUlHb. IS .N. AB"IT IT.This corn uu wiil uever lad oi- - i.y ol tae abov

tixeii -r . '.ioua ou eacn Potue. lu UetluAu, i n i

M.H 'ULF A MILLION VVU ive Ireu i.l iiinn; ine past six nj..iii., ju-- aI.M.altce b. t in al iu .u- re sail- - Whs-

, will silver we.kness or Ivtd'.pv abeu .McLkA.1MAXSOTriAM.'.. L'.r - i r,ir .,.,

In Ilia LAUla.- -.

Do eon w'sh to be and strong? ta aonce arai i iue ai u. Lei a Mreoiueniug talial. w' i aiel .muTtie your l.Kja tu ns.w.tl.ruun eveiy sem. an. the ncn l.-- y a, of beatlo w.x.ni lo . our etc. a aganu averv btua warrai.;.to give aati.tactlsj't. M

FOR CHILPP.KN.We sa to f arrnt-- . n i.,rrt iirii are s'cklT, pon

oe a.b'nte.1 wit'i ti.; sim. pr v,eut ji:..i.a cldUirerlv tnem a smaii .;csi. n'y ol MetVan's and

will iua.se Ihm .at au4 MU.L Detay nukmoment trv it, aim t,,u ai'l

IT Ls DtLiCi'-'- 3 Titxa.Every country n.ercHant sir n i ;s tbecrtv we

til he has orocu-c- J a uppl- ui AtcLeaur jtrengti.eauilsro!aL It sr.. ra,.:..lv. beeause .ujva.noerai acouut wu. be u.ao lo uivse auia buy ta arBKain.

cAl TION Beware of or da-'- etry to paim up- u y .u ome nu'.er wrtwUlch loey caji buy Abeap. bv a. n

u. h men. a lor McLEA.N a .' i j.k...llIEl.Nii CtiKDlAL." ai.i take not n ng It is the on

ti.al will iiiini. ti.e l..uw, luorouiitu. and at u.Minis, linhi. rei.gu.n tbe ... uai- -

tie lak.-i- . y n. mtng. tf'lngceiciu orvveutai r c hoe .a, 1 1... aua Fever.- -

low fever, oral, ntvvai e. JPrice only tl per ooiiie, VC MA Boltlea r 15.J. U. M. l.F1

Sole of tho Cordial abo. ile Lea s oAcanOil Lri.iinnt.

aT Pnmipal Depot on I ha corner ot Thl.--d aaai Pin Jstriii. -- c u.uii. Mo.

For sale ia Louisvhie by Raymond A Tyler; Beli,

McLean Volcanic Oil Lin I awn I!The be- -t Liniment In tbe warM for man or bets.Auoiijer reina; jb.e .uis- - ; u.e-- i i,y McLean's To

auiic tai Linjnent. Kea.1 for yaurseivts.in.'Diaa .ii. a blJcslll::,:, :;v;;;g near t'a--a avenaea irsin uel, na.1 a B.wrn.e runit; .,). on taia KMJS

He ipe--l va--. us Moves, a. .. t.ni mual da law good. He oi ever being able Pi wora at hi.uaie asin arvau-- c i.e could uot any wigm aa hifo.; aiJ by one ssuad M I V. Vva.aa.ic OlLMiuneol be b n...w pereet.v cur..

Rneuuiat siu, Pnr.;.'s'a, Neura gia, JpralnsStllluesa in tr Jo., iu. 'rs, ;ig .re I l.oalEarache. I.ioi!i.h. ij..u:i.K kri. i ;we. bura.Scaeia. Paiui, Ac, jieei lis lua iua.x iu due oca otins wonderful Mnini-n- k,

Foi Horses and tail e, lt 's an Iti'ai'iW-- remx--Uia e. Oa.la, Strah ',e, ta aesl!"", Aweeny. 3;...i.t, k'srfu.a. se.:ingI

W I.IU.1S, Kaitiei.iu.te Bit. s, ant vsr...-i- ou.er .l:saThick auiiwarf ai nabs u. riaaa injuries or a. c.Vuia, Itvarr CO'liitrv Mer.a.1.1 s,.,.na oota.ti a supt..y ,1i. Lean a oai.K. iu It arda rapkL,. bamre ii alwa.a cures. 1A I beral dtovoajit w 01 ba aatW to mere bants who bay

sTlor sale ba J. IL M. LEAN. rorsarTli.r--l aud Flna aLreets, Su Lou W A.-- i a iahova.


For the rare of ail rrhale 9easet.XaXSSZCJLX. S.S7CB.T,

(ksMoiam rvafp-..-j fluAs awa lfrw,no c.1W AsUun aioa i 'Amimj f iht ArajJ Or- -

fans, m a f ' tl6: aaJ fiwasr. f,fJfl'kflVirrrvrivTj IsT Sent frea of p.s,ug ia c p.m.. U the Ciusa.-a4- n

ON AN.v ME. lit D. FlKKAt'1"J Svph.lla, ..oil. a.

. ?evil lui. olIM-.

. i uie reon'-i- eti- e s iea o. u..itsexes, the I :m mi ties u vocin ano1.1 . ..I ... ar.s rvm ' '. e mj.i.':t-- af ... a tu:

rails .a o. a. i4kJtN A L A k N t.i, it j, oi.r.iK.onae.ur ia.ee noon t.,e n jat s VJ.IV. . ,,i.u4 ovl .!M- ...l.i

Ol i..-.- c .. ... oi.iv taii. J.i a. .,..e. i n., .cure, a howa b tba renortui neeiwus. A trwa- -ui a.iv er i iba WArrai, ana i - . .i.iempsai.n,m who enter a u .o'.lt I t .e c.a.l,lion, to ane ad es ja a a :as o. r an iaIt . Dl ol TkN 4 KN T.

T1hxs w',a have rontrartsl a tesae. an I es,c lolv, ;.-- a uo .. toi-- e

th mseivea bv rets n secret na dt.. as s al. t'LkAO' D and L Mb a I iiu ....!. y aud losaolPwer, ii. re app t'.aae .a. ar ireaioient, atuiujaart re .4 th - m.ai V.

DR. DkWi'U' kaMAI.B M41MTTILT k ICLATvR.A sale ande-- r a'a reuie-l- y t..r lrreaalar- -urs, . , ami laikeaaiv rettaata preveiiiive of t,reg- -

aani-v,- warrame t not io H'Iiiisi '.be hea ta. t'ALTl.'.Nt ba a. I rfoa fm-'- . aa miaAivoi wmn ba the result. i.e.gh ..-- ,. ksaint.eaa

PVe tl per N. and V aeot bv nia.LThe aitwr uiav II '. e r-- e or be

leter. on aa ? 1. .llseases of .i; a,, aiedi ea se it tu - li prts ol tlic o a 1: cm. ws

tus'ru. t us for set; rr.at sent, se. e .i. . rAl.ir-- s U.; r . cLro.s

Consul!. ng S i.a.'el"s Beji .i.inaa'v. ittatS-e- t LrtWrsrn JtaTawt aaal Js'Mr-- .' J, It,.


cerlaii is i. true rx:u..r a.. tu. a. ty ofleaii.l fl.- I. e bo... w.lbyait nsBlu

1 -'' J laes'.ioi.a. saoaa peoMaio - the.are ,arettl to aydi s..iue lr.;ii, a orn-- wan a 1 aa h loe uiseas- -. w e da r l.iug or taat a.ja

VAj.NaULrAriuNo b .vajaNatiom3FREE GF CHARGE

Dlseaeea of tho Trst an l Lunca trecarl y 5jr.f1,Inbalatlon and eonstaatioaai tria..., w

tat m Nrurai.'.a. t ascent. Hup lore, iwovsa. rv - -as ine aye and kUi, a A maiai I s a..-.- . .

Female Diseases!nch as atippres-ioT- i. Lucorrh-- e arWhitea. Falling af th Turn..-- , of an. ki. aa.rrUw.rr Nervous K . n p,i,i'.,i ,.r la.'aiav'iMs4mi,iv,B, Ac, will ae aoessl! rure-- iwiUiout lha uae oi ooiaotioua dntaa ao4 iniuiloaaii,,.. iin. .11. K, li... aa oe.kaceca. iu. no .inlerence wnai your trous-- s aiav ba. X

lo not expect oa to !' yoar.i Bieier bit treat-t-

liona atrVtly Latn a.l.lrea-e- to of-Vg-

'nc' smg a stamp, wi receive prompt si'entlot,tk. Th. on First atreat, iburin d. aoe Mar

set UvnisTli'.e, Er. cMce Uvurs iro-- o saw. tin tea.Aloreaa IfcUdAwtl J. IL k C'11. M. Dl

H NERV. ra DERIMTY OR PFRM A TOR.Illl.t 'KA jDiI ). J, d., wssj MJ tiw

beware cf p rua coving Biy au- -Tertlaeme'.ta. Tnero H no 9rn aivertialiia

Foim r -- u fiT." ac . a u . has wo nurhMu-s- i p.trora my i.a rsv. au I crcutara, wb le ihey aeiibrr inosaSow. aoe ctiea to cavre vm. eeoiit.iivii'4 avtieatnsen, ararw h w tha writer ca, eo. kMnaae. andtor... oel.l.y. AaJ4frrrj (O Usee..

a1- - .! e- -a a aupafacr.oea tnior to Boatlis lestow... VU-- paa aAw Jau

at cost: at cost::KL

SOOTS, SZ0H3 and OAZTZa&s.CtiN.iEQlINCB OF TUB CHANG INJ titbllrtw. ww Win cuaiaescs anm oil o..r a. .

Bwola, shoe a.hi tiaiurs al co't, aMonday, Maj 1 Ith.

la not only o:m of loe lar, but tt ltijockio l.oa.eve.eomprhdu, evary ua bVi m ac at Sooe Hon a.Li. a A F LETCH k. South vl V Xarkf


FROM ItHOPlPJIST new and Urr- - ... . r4aa3l

. CT ".' ueS,int 4Cleunimua Ooo.ts. American aivt avi u.L'.l'l"' "4srel sil.eru.aieu .-

Wallers. Umn. at 12 'V"arl, to the TraTa. F UoT.hkhat lower price, tuaa ta.aW.,Wti Jl kXl UI rotUsitaX'iU

. JO