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  • 8/22/2019 Water Chemistry Book





    SERIESThe chemistry behind water

    quality testing

    Prepared byStephanie Degens

  • 8/22/2019 Water Chemistry Book



  • 8/22/2019 Water Chemistry Book



    Editor/compiler Stephanie Degens. Community Monitoring and Environmental Officer

    Ribbons of Blue/Waterwatch WA

    Laboratory exercises author Allan Knight


    Ribbons of Blue/Waterwatch WA Regional Coordinators and their TEE chemistry

    teachers: For reading draft documents and trialing them with students.

    Staff from the Water and Rivers Commission. For comments on the draft documents.

    Water and Rivers Commission, Swan-Canning Cleanup Program and Swan River Trust:

    For support of the Ribbons of Blue/Waterwatch WA program.

    For more information contact:

    State Facilitator Ribbons of Blue/Waterwatch WA

    on 9278 0300 or visit our web site www.wrc.wa.gov.au/ribbons

    ISBN: 0-7309-7593-2

  • 8/22/2019 Water Chemistry Book



  • 8/22/2019 Water Chemistry Book




    Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions Electrical Conductivity in Aquatic Systems 1

    Measuring Conductivity Background 3

    Experimental 5

    Processing of results, and questions 5

    Dissolved Oxygen Oxygen in Aquatic Systems 7

    The analysis of Dissolved Oxygen in Water

    Background 9


    Preparation of primary potassium bi-iodate solution 10 Preparation and standardisation of a sodium thiosulfate solution 11

    Processing of results, and questions 12

    Analysis of dissolved oxygen in a natural water sample 13

    Processing of results, and questions 14

    Biological Oxygen Demand 14

    Considerations 15

    pH and Aquatic Systems pH Buffering of Aquatic Systems 17

    Factors Affecting pH of Aqueous Systems 18 pH Measurement

    Background 19

    Experimental 20

    Processing of results, and questions 20

    Plant Nutrients - Nitrogen Nitrogen in water 23

    Nitrogen cycle 23

    Analysis of nitrate/nitrite in a natural water sample

    Background 26

    Experimental 28

    Processing of results, and questions 28

    Plant Nutrients Phosphorus Phosphorus in water 30

    Analysis of phosphate in a natural water sample

    Background 32

    Experimental 34

    Processing of results, and questions 34

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    TEE Year Subject Objectives fromChemistry Syllabus (2000-2001)11 1.38, 1.49, 1.L.6,


    12 1.2, 2.L.1,

    Electrical Conductivity in Aquatic Systems

    The electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions is dependent upon the ion

    concentration of the solution. Ions are free to move within the body of water and thus

    are capable of carrying a current. The greater the ion concentration the higher the

    conductivity. Note: Conductivity also increases with temperature.

    Conductivity is used as a measure of salinity, the salt content of the water. Sodium

    chloride is the main contributor to water salinity but other salts present may include

    calcium carbonate (limestone) and other calcium and magnesium salts. The

    conductivity/salinity can fluctuate naturally, especially in estuarine systems, however

    it can be abnormally increased by human activity in a range of ways.

    Overuse of fertilisers, causing leaching from the soil, can lead to an increase in the

    concentration of phosphate, nitrate and ammonium ions (and their associated

    cations/anions) thus leading to increased conductivity.

    Excessive removal of native deep-rooted vegetation is of major concern in Western

    Australia (as well as other parts of Australia). Removal of vegetation has caused a

    rise in the level of underground water tables in many areas. As the water table rises it

    dissolves salt that was previously held in the soil and brings it closer to the surface. If

    the watertable rises to such an extent that it comes into contact with surface water the

    salt can eventually enter rivers and streams and increase their salinity. That is reduce

    the freshness of the water. This is termed as dryland salinity. This can have adverse

    effects on the organisms depending upon this water for their well-being. The rising

    water table can also cause an increase in bore water salinity.

    The salinity of the Swan-Canning River system varies from fresh-to-brackish

    conditions in the winter and spring to salty during the summer and autumn. When

    river flow declines at the end of winter, sea water moves progressively up the estuary

    reaching the upper Swan Maylands area and the Kent Street Weir in spring to early

    summer. (In low rainfall years significant quantities of salty water often remains in

    the system over winter.) The salt water flows in as a wedge beneath the less dense

    fresh water (see figure 1). This layering process is called stratification.

    The difference in densities reduces mixing of surface and bottom waters thus

    preventing oxygen replenishment of the bottom waters. The oxygen concentration in

    the bottom waters is further lowered as decomposition of organic matter consumesremaining oxygen. (This then causes the release of nutrients, such as nitrate and

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    phosphate, stored in the sediments. This occurs because the solubilities of these

    parameters tend to be higher in water with low oxygen concentration. These

    dissolved nutrients accumulate in the stagnant salty waters at the bottom.)

    Figure 1. Salt wedge in the Swan River (Swan-Canning Cleanup Program Action

    Plan, 1999 11)

    Every spring a dense wedge of salty water moves upstream while lighter fresh water

    flows over the top as the summer progresses. The wedge moves upstream accordingto tidal and barometric influences, and freshwater flows reduce. The leading edge of

    the salt wedge often has very low oxygen and high nutrient levels. (Swan-Canning

    Cleanup Program Action Plan, 1999 11)

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    Measuring Conductivity


    Conductivity can be measured relatively accurately with a conductivity meter. The

    instruments measure the amount of electrical charge passing between two metalelectrodes 1 cm apart.

    The units of salinity/conductivity can be expressed as microsiemens per centimetre

    (S/cm), millisiemens per centimetre (mS/cm) or millisiemens per metre (mS/m). Be

    aware of the units in which your instrument displays its readings. The total soluble

    salts, expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/L), can be calculated from the following

    standard conversion between different units:

    Electrical conductivity (S/cm) 0.55 = total soluble salts (mg/L)

    Electrical conductivity (mS/cm) 550 = total soluble salts (mg/L)

    Electrical conductivity (mS/m) 5.5 = total soluble salts (mg/L)

    As conductivity increases with temperature, it is necessary to compensate for

    temperature variations between measurements.

    Table 1 shows ranges of water electrical conductivity (EC) and restrictions that EC

    places on water use.

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    Table 1. Electrical conductivity ranges


    conductivity (EC)

    Characteristics of the water EC ranges, restrictions for

    usage and specific ECs.

    0 - 800 S/cmor

    0 - 440 mg/LFresh

    Good drinking water for humans.

    Generally good for irrigation, though above 300 S/cm somecare must be taken if using overhead spraying of salt sensitive

    plants.Suitable for all livestock.

    Distilled water 0 S/cm.

    Rain water 66 S/cm.

    800 2 500 S/cm


    440 1 375 mg/L


    erateBrackish Can be consumed by humans, though most would prefer water

    in the lower half of this range.

    When used for irrigation it requires special managementincluding suitable soils, good drainage and consideration of salttolerance of plants.Suitable for all livestock.

    Tap water 400 S/cm.Maximum for hot water systems 1 600 S/cm.

    Maximum for human drinking water 2 500 S/cm.

    2 500 10 000



    1 375 5 500




    Not recommended for human consumption although water of up

    to 3 000 S/cm could be drunk if nothing else was available.Not normally suitable for irrigation, though water of up to 6 000

    S/cm can be used on very salt tolerant crops with special

    management. Over 6 000 S/cm, occasional emergencyirrigation may be possible with care.

    When used for drinking water by poultry and pigs, the electrical

    conductivity should be limited to about 6 000 S/cm.

    Most other livestock can drink up to 10 000 S/cm.

    Over 10 000S/cm


    over 5 500 mg/L


    Not suitable for human consumption or irrigation.Not suitable for poultry, pigs or lactating animals, but beef

    cattle can use water up to 17 000 S/cm and adult sheep on dry

    feed can tolerate 23 000 S/cm. However chemical analysisshould be considered before using high electrical conductivitywater for stock.

    Water up to 50 000 S/cm (the salinity of the sea) can be used(i) to flush toilets provided corrosion in the cistern can be

    controlled and (ii) for making concrete, provided thereinforcement is well covered.

    Pacific Ocean 58 000 S/cm.

    Dead Sea 550 000 S/cm.

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    Water sample(s)Thermometer (or temperature probe)

    Conductivity meter


    Note: The conductivity can be measured in the field or water samples collected and

    measurements made in the laboratory.

    1. Your Ribbons of Blue/Waterwatch WA Regional Coordinator will support you

    with information on water sampling techniques and help you to use the method

    appropriate for your water-body to collect a sample(s).

    2. Calibrate your conductivity meter as described in the instructions supplied with

    your meter or by your Regional Coordinator.

    3. Test and record the EC of the Mystery Solution supplied by Ribbons of Blue, to

    ensure the equipment is working accurately.

    4. Measure and record the conductivity of the water sample(s).

    Processing of results, and questions

    1. Calculate the total soluble salts (mg/L) using the conversion factors provided on

    page 3.

    2. Assess the water quality based on salinity using the information provided in

    Table 1.

    3. Suggest the ion species most likely to be responsible for the electrical conductivity

    of your water sample.

    4. At what time of year would you expect the salinity of your waterbody to belowest? Why?

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  • 8/22/2019 Water Chemistry Book




    TEE Year Subject Objectives from

    Chemistry Syllabus (2000-2001)

    11 1.44,12 2.48, 2.60, 2.61, 2.62, 2.63, 2.72, 2.73,

    5.2, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, 5.35, 5.36, 5.37, 5.39,

    Oxygen in Aquatic Systems

    The solubility of gases in liquids can be studied in the context of oxygen in natural

    and man made waterbodies (lakes, rivers, streams, drains etc.). Factors affecting the

    solubility of oxygen in water include:

    Temperature increasing solubility with decreasing temperature

    Atmospheric pressure (altitude) the greater the pressure the higher the solubility

    Salt concentration the lower the salt concentration the higher the oxygen


    The sources and consumption of oxygen in water bodies also influence the amount of

    dissolved oxygen. The sources are:

    Absorption There is continuous exchange of oxygen between water and the

    surrounding air. The greater the contact between the water and the air the more

    oxygen that can dissolve, thus a turbulent stream will tend to have a higher oxygen

    concentration than a still body of water.

    Photosynthesis This redox process carried out by aquatic (and land) plants

    results in oxygen directly entering the water. Those things that reduce the amountof sunlight able to penetrate the water (e.g. suspended solids) will lower the rate of

    photosynthesis and hence lower oxygen concentration. As photosynthesis takes

    place only during the day, the concentration of dissolved oxygen will vary over

    the 24-hour daily cycle. Levels peak early afternoon and are lowest just before


    Oxygen is consumed by:

    Respiration all organisms (aquatic or terrestrial) consume oxygen during


    Decomposition the decomposition of plant and animal waste (whether from

    living or dead organisms) is carried out by bacteria and other micro-organismsthat use oxygen to oxidise the organic matter.

    The level of organic wastes present in a water sample can be estimated by measuring

    oxygen consumption in the water. The biological oxygen demand (BOD) provides a

    measure of the amount of oxygen consumed by a sample of water under standard

    conditions. The oxygen concentration in the water is measured immediately on

    collection and again after the sample has been incubated at 20C for 5 days. The

    difference in oxygen concentrations is given in units of milligrams per litre (mg/L) or

    parts per million (ppm) and is an indication of the quantity of organic wastes in the


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    The low solubility of oxygen in water can be explained by the nature of the solvent

    and solute. Water has a polar molecule whilst the oxygen molecule is non-polar. The

    predominant type of molecular interactions between water molecules is hydrogen

    bonding and between oxygen molecules are dispersion forces. Thus there will be

    little interaction between water molecules and oxygen molecules, and so the solubility

    of oxygen in water is low.

    Oxygen is essential for the survival of aquatic organisms, and a shortage of dissolved

    oxygen is not only a sign of pollution, it is harmful to fish. The sensitivity of aquatic

    species to oxygen depletion varies, but some general guidelines to consider when

    analysing test results are:

    5 6 ppm Sufficient for most species

    < 4 ppm Stressful to most aquatic species

    < 2 ppm Fatal to most species

    Work by the Waters and Rivers Commission to increase the oxygen concentration in

    the Canning River has included an oxygenation technique involving the injection of

    oxygen rich water into the colder deeper water (see Figure 2).

    Figure 2. Oxygenation plant on the Canning River (Swan Canning Cleanup Program

    Action Plan, 1999 53)

    The purpose of oxygenation is to pump low-oxygen water from the bottom of the river

    to a mixing plant to increase oxygen content and then return the treated water.

    Oxygenation thus specifically targets the low-oxygen layer of the river and does not

    interrupt natural layering caused by salinity and temperature differences. BOC gases

    donated material and expertise for a trial conducted on the Canning River in 1997-

    98. In the Thames River (London), authorities utilise a barge that injects oxygen

    directly to the bottom of the river to solve the problem of poor water quality followingstorm and pollution events. (Swan Canning Cleanup Program Action Plan, 1999 53)

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    The analysis of dissolved oxygen in water


    The analysis of natural water samples for dissolved oxygen can be done using a redox

    titration known as the Winkler method. In this procedure, the water sample is firsttreated with an excess of manganese II, potassium iodide and sodium hydroxide. The

    white manganese II hydroxide that initially precipitates is oxidised readily by

    dissolved oxygen to give the brown manganese III hydroxide. The reactions are

    Mn2+(aq) + 2OH-(aq) Mn(OH)2(S)

    4Mn(OH)2(S) + O2 + 2H2O 4Mn(OH)3(S)

    When acidified, the manganese III hydroxide dissolves and the freed manganese III

    ion oxidises iodide to iodine.

    Mn(OH)3(S) + 3H+

    (aq) Mn3+

    (aq) + 3H2O(l)

    2Mn3+(aq) + 2I- I2 + 2Mn


    The liberated iodine can then be titrated with thiosulfate (S2O32-).

    2 S2O32-

    (aq) + I2(aq) S4O62-

    (aq) + 2I-(aq)

    The sequence of laboratory activities involved in the Winkler analysis is as follows:

    I. Preparation of potassium bi-iodate solution as a primary standardII. Preparation and standardisation of a sodium thiosulfate solution

    III. Analysis of the dissolved oxygen in a natural water sample

    Table 2 gives an indication of what your dissolved oxygen results mean for the

    waterbody sampled.

    Table 2. Rating of dissolved oxygen ranges in natural waterbodies

    DISSOLVED OXYGEN (percent saturation)

    in standing or flowing water

    Normal Some




    80 120 120 135


    55 80

    > 135


    < 55

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    Preparation of primary potassium bi-iodate solution


    Drying oven

    Beaker (250 mL)



    Volumetric flask (1.00 L)

    Wash bottle

    Storage bottle (1.00 L, dark glass)

    Deionised water

    Primary standard potassium bi-iodate [KH(IO3)2]


    1. Calculate the mass of anhydrous KH(IO3)2 needed to make up 1.00 L of

    approximately 8.35 10-4 mol/L solution.

    2. Place a little more than this calculated mass in an oven at 105 C for 1 hour. After

    drying place the KH(IO3)2 in a desiccator to cool.

    3. Accurately weigh out into a beaker a mass of KH(IO3)2 approximately equal to

    that calculated in step 1.

    4. Dissolve the solid in about 100 mL of water and then transfer the solution to the

    volumetric flask and make up to the graduated mark. Stopper the flask and mix

    the solution thoroughly.

    5. Transfer the solution to the clean dark glass storage bottle and store in a dark

    cupboard until required.

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    Preparation and standardisation of a sodium thiosulfate solution


    Bottle (250 mL)

    Beaker (250 mL)Volumetric flask (1.00 L)

    Conical flask (250 mL)

    Graduated cylinders (10 mL and 100 mL)

    Burette and stand


    Pipette (10 mL)

    Pipette filler

    Deionized water

    Alkaline-iodide-azide reagent (1.0 mL)

    Concentrated sulfuric acid [H2SO4] (1.0 mL)

    Starch indicator solution (usually VITEX in deionized water)Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate [Na2S2O3.5H2O] (~5 g)

    Sodium carbonate [Na2CO3] (0.1 g)

    Manganese II sulfate solution (1.0 mL)

    Alkaline-iodide-azide Reagent

    The alkaline-iodide-azide reagent is prepared as follows (probably best done by the

    laboratory technician prior to the laboratory activity):

    1. Dissolve, in small increments, 400 g of sodium hydroxide pellets in 500 mL of

    freshly boiled deionized water.

    2. Add 900 g of sodium iodide while the solution is still hot.

    3. Dissolve 10 g of sodium azide, NaN3, in 40 mL of deionized water.

    4. Add the sodium azide solution to the first solution (step 2) and make up to 1.0 L.

    Manganese II sulfate solution

    The manganese II sulfate solution is prepared as follows (probably best done by the

    laboratory technician prior to the laboratory activity):

    1. Dissolve 365 g of manganese II sulfatemonohydrate, MnSO4.H2O, in freshly

    boiled deionized water and dilute to 1.00 L.

    Note: Manganese II sulfatedihydrate (400 g) or tetrahydrate (480 g) can be used.


    1. Dissolve approximately 4.8 g of Na2S2O3.5H2O and 0.1 g of Na2CO3 in about 100

    mL of deionized water in a beaker.

    2. Transfer to a 1.00 L volumetric flask and make up to the graduated mark. Mix thesolution thoroughly.

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    3. Fill a 250 mL bottle with deionized water (NOT chlorinated tap water). To this

    add, mixing after each addition,

    1.0 mL alkaline-iodide-azide reagent,

    1.0 mL concentrated sulfuric acid, and

    1.0 mL manganese II sulfate solution.

    4. Transfer 100 mL of this solution to a conical flask and pipette a 10 mL aliquot of

    the potassium bi-iodate solution into the flask.

    5. Allow the mixture to stand for 2 minutes in the dark and then titrate the liberated

    iodine with thiosulfate solution until a very pale straw colour develops in the

    solution. Add four drops of starch indicator solution and continue titrating until

    the blue colour just disappears.

    Processing of results, and questions

    1. In the preparations of the alkaline-iodide-azide reagent and manganese II sulfate

    solution why is it necessary to use boiled deionized water?

    2. From the volume of thiosulfate solution used, calculate its concentration.

    3. Why is it not acceptable to use the sodium thiosulfate as a primary standard?

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    Analysis of dissolved oxygen in a natural water sample


    Biological Oxygen Demand Bottle or ordinary glass stoppered bottle (250 mL)

    Conical flask (250 mL)Graduated cylinder (10 mL)

    Burette and stand


    Pipette (20 mL)

    Pipette filler

    Deionized water

    Manganese II sulfate solution (1.0 mL)

    Alkaline-iodide-azide reagent (1.0 mL)

    Concentrated sulfuric acid [H2SO4] (1.0 mL)

    Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate [Na2S2O3.5H2O] (~5 g)

    Starch indicator solution (usually VITEX in deionized water)

    Note: If you wish to carry out a BOD measurement collect sufficient water to obtain

    two sets of results 5 days apart.


    Note:When adding solutions to the water sample place all pipettes below the water

    surface to avoid agitation.

    1. Collect your water sample(s). To avoid contamination, thoroughly rinse the

    collection bottle with sample water. It is important to avoid trapping air bubbles

    in the bottle. Tightly cap the bottle and submerge to the desired depth. Remove

    the cap to fill the bottle to the top and then stopper or seal it whilst still

    submerged. Once the sample is collected the bottle should only be opened when

    the sample is to be analysed.

    2. To the collected natural water sample, add 1.0 mL of manganese II sulfate

    solution followed immediately by 1.0 mL of alkaline-iodide-azide reagent. (Some

    overflow of water will occur.) Re-stopper the bottle at once, ensure no air is

    trapped, and shake vigorously for at least 20 seconds or until the precipitatedmanganese II and manganese III hydroxide is evenly distributed.

    3. Let the bottle stand for 2 3 minutes and then shake again.

    4. Allow the precipitate in the bottle to settle by at least 1/3 (10 20 minutes).

    5. Add 1.0 mL of concentrated, reagent grade H2SO4 well below the surface. (The

    overflow will be alkaline so avoid contact with your skin.) Re-stopper the flask

    and shake gently until dissolution of the precipitate.

    6. Using a pipette, transfer 100 mL of the solution to a conical flask.

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    7. Titrate at once with the previously standardised thiosulfate solution until a very

    pale straw colour appears.

    8. Add 4 drops of starch indicator solution, and continue the titration until the blue

    colour just disappears.

    Processing of results, and questions

    1. When collecting the water sample why is it important to ensure that no air is

    trapped in the bottle?

    2. Which ion species in this process reacts directly with any oxygen dissolved in the


    3. Suggest a reason why it is necessary to shake the bottle in step 1 of the procedure

    and then allow it to stand for 2 3 minutes as stated in step 2?

    4. Calculate the number of moles of thiosulfate used in the titration?

    5. What is the mole relationship between the thiosulfate and the oxygen?

    6. How many moles of oxygen are present in 100 mL of your water sample?

    7. What is the concentration of your dissolved oxygen in mg/L and ppm?

    8. What volume of oxygen would this be at S.T.P.?

    9. Rate the health of the water source from which your sample was taken.

    10. Why would the accuracy of this technique for measuring dissolved oxygen be

    reduced by the presence of iron II (Fe2+) in the water sample?

    Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD)

    To obtain an indication of the amount of organic waste in your water sample by the

    BOD measurement, store your water sample at 20C for 5 days and then analyse for

    oxygen as described above. The difference between your two measurements is the 5

    day BOD of your water. The oxygen consumed during this 5 day period has beenused by bacteria and other micro-organisms in the oxidation of organic wastes in the


    Note: If you are unable to store the water sample at 20C, it can be kept at ambient

    temperature and the BOD measured for this temperature.

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    This method is not applicable under the following conditions:

    1. Samples containing more than 1 mg/L of iron II. This can be overcome by the

    addition of potassium fluoride solution prior to acidification. Potassium fluoridesolution is made by dissolving 40g of KF.2H2O in distilled water and diluting to

    100 mL.

    2. Samples containing sulfite, thiosulfite, free chlorine or hypochlorite.

    3. Samples with high concentrations of suspended solids. Filtration can remedy this.

    4. Samples containing other oxidising or reducing ion species.

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    TEE Year Subject Objectives from

    Chemistry Syllabus (2000-2001)

    11 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.12, 4.17,12 3.17, 3.18, 3.21, 3.L.2,

    4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.9, 4.13, 4.19.

    pH Buffering of Aquatic Systems

    The pH of natural fresh waters is usually about 7 but values may vary from ~5.0 8.5

    depending upon factors such as soil type, geology and vegetation. Marine waters

    have a pH close to 8.2. Control of pH in many waters is achieved by the carbonate

    hydrogencarbonate buffer system. A buffer solution is one that maintains the

    approximate pH of a solution when a small amount of an acid or a base is added to the

    solution. A buffer solutions function is an application of the equilibrium principles as

    expressed in Le Chateliers Principle.

    The buffering of natural waters by the carbonate hydrogencarbonate system initially

    involves the dissolution of atmospheric carbon dioxide (or CO2 released by aquatic

    organisms into the water) to give carbonic acid. The reaction for this can be

    represented as

    H2O(l) + CO2(aq) H2CO3(aq)

    The carbonic acid will ionize to a small extent to give hydronium andhydrogencarbonate ions:

    H2O(l) + H2CO3(aq) H3O+

    (aq) + HCO3-(aq)

    The hydrogencarbonate ion will then hydrolyse as represented below:

    H2O(l) + HCO3-(aq) H3O

    +(aq) + CO3


    Addition of acid to the water results in an increase in hydronium ion concentration

    and as predicted by Le Chateliers principle the reaction favours the reverse direction.

    Conversely, the addition of a base would result in a reduction of hydronium ionconcentration and so the reaction will shift to the products.

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    Factors Affecting pH of Aqueous Systems

    Many manufacturing and chemical industries release waste water into ground or

    surface waters in the environment at some stage of their process. The pH of this

    wastewater should, ideally, be the same as the pH of the natural water system into

    which it is being released.

    The presence of certain salts can influence the pH of aqueous systems. Some of these

    are present naturally in water but others are pollutants. Salts that are naturally present

    can have an unwanted effect on pH if their concentrations are increased by the actions

    of people. Hydrolysis of ionic compounds to give either hydronium ions or hydroxide

    ions can alter the normal pH of a natural aquatic system. People using inorganic

    phosphate fertilisers or the release of phosphate containing detergents can increase

    phosphate concentrations in waterbodies near to farming or residential areas. The

    hydrolysis of phosphate ion can increase the pH of the water as illustrated below:

    H2O(l) + PO43-(aq) HPO42-(aq) + OH-(aq)

    The pH can also be increased by the presence of ammonia.

    H2O(l) + NH3(aq) NH4+

    (aq) + OH-(aq)

    The application of ammonium based fertilisers can lead to a decrease in pH due to

    hydrolysis of the ammonium ion.

    H2O(l) + NH4+

    (aq) NH3(aq) + H3O+


    Table 3 gives an indication of what your pH results mean for the waterbody sampled.

    Table 3. Rating of pH ranges for natural waterbodies

    pHin standing or flowing water

    Normal May be




    5.0 7.0 (no


    7.0-8.5 (limestone)

    8.5 9.0


    4.0 5.0

    < 4


    > 9

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    pH Measurement


    The pH of an aqueous solution can be measured with the use of pH paper, acid-base

    indicators, such as universal indicator, or pH meters or scans. In this activity, the pHof a natural water sample will be measured using a pH meter.

    When using a pH meter it is first necessary to calibrate the meter. Calibration

    involves placing the pH probe into a buffer solution of known pH to ensure the meter

    is reading values accurately. Conventionally two buffer solutions are chosen such that

    their pH values span the pH range of interest. For example, if the test sample were

    thought to have a pH of about 6, typical buffer solutions used for calibration would

    have values of, say, pH 4 and 9. The pH meter would be placed in the pH 4 buffer

    solution and, if necessary, the reading on the meter would be adjusted to 4. The pH

    probe would then be similarly placed in pH 9 buffer solution and the reading adjusted

    if required.

    A typical pH 4 buffer is a 0.05 mol/L solution of potassium hydrogenphthalate

    [KHO2CC6H4CO2 ] (A salt of an aromatic carboxylic acid. See Figure 3 below.) A

    typical pH 9 buffer is sodium tetraborate (borax) [Na2B4O7.10H20].

    Figure 3: Potassium hydrogenphthalate


    C OH

    C OK


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    pH meter

    pH buffer solutions (pH 4 and 9)2 beakers (100 mL)

    bottle (250 mL)

    water samples from your local environment


    Note: Remember to rinse the pH electrodes with distilled water before each


    1. Calibrate your pH meter as follows:

    I. Rinse a clean beaker with a small quantity of the pH 4 buffer solution.

    II. Pour sufficient pH 4 buffer solution into the beaker to cover the glass electrode

    of the meter to the correct depth. (Your teacher will show you this.)

    III. Rinse the pH probe with pH 4 buffer solution and then place the electrode into

    the buffer solution and check the reading on the meter. If necessary adjust

    the reading to a value of 4.

    IV. Repeat steps I III for the pH 9 buffer solution.

    2. Rinse a clean beaker with a small quantity of your water sample and then pour in

    sufficient quantity of your water sample to cover the glass electrode to the correct

    depth. Rinse the pH probe with sample water and then place it into the water,

    measure and record the pH value.

    3. Repeat step 2 until you have measured the pH for all your water samples.

    Processing of results, and questions

    1. Write the hydrolysis equation for the phthalate ion, HO2CC6H4CO2-, in the pH 4

    buffer solution (Hint: Remember the solution is acidic.) Using the appropriatechemical principles, explain why the addition of a small quantity of acid or base to

    this solution should not greatly alter its pH.

    2. Write the hydrolysis equation for the tetraborate ion, B4O72-, from the pH 9

    solution. Using the appropriate chemical principles, explain why the addition of a

    small quantity of acid or base to this solution should not greatly alter its pH.

    Note: The following questions can probably only be answered if students have access

    to any long term results of pH measurements made of waterbodies in their local

    environment or they have made measurements of phosphate, ammonia or ammonium

    levels in the water samples.

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    3. Try to account for any variations in the pH of your water samples. Use

    appropriate equations to explain any of your results.

    4. Assess the quality of your water sample based on pH using the information

    provided in Table 3.

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    TEE Year Subject Objectives from

    Chemistry Syllabus (2000-2001)

    11 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6,12 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7,

    6.5, 6.14

    Nitrogen in water

    Nitrogen is a part of living organisms in their protein, DNA and other components. It

    is released naturally into water with the decay of dead organisms and their wastes and

    through the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. Humans introduce nitrogen into

    waterbodies through a number of sources including:


    plant and animal wastes

    rural and urban run-off

    sewage effluent

    industrial discharges

    The total nitrogen present in the water at any given time is composed of organic

    nitrogen and inorganic nitrogen. Organic nitrogen is often associated with biological

    material and is not soluble and consequently is less mobile that inorganic nitrogen.

    Inorganic nitrogen is made up of dissolved or particulate nitrate, nitrite and

    ammonium. The majority of nitrate occurs in dissolved form due to the high

    solubility of nitrate compounds. This contrasts to the phosphates that have lowsolubility and so often occur in a particulate form.

    Nitrogen cycle

    A large amount of nitrogen enters the Swan-Canning system in dissolved form. This

    provides nutrients for spring algal blooms that take up the nitrate and convert it to

    organic nitrogen as algal cells. After spring these algae die and fall to the sediment on

    the river floor. In the sediment, decomposition by microbes converts the nitrogen to

    ammonia and then nitrate. This ammonia and nitrate is now available for uptake by

    more algae in the summer, which subsequently die, fall to the bottom and decompose.

    This cycle continues throughout summer.

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    Figure 4. Nitrogen cycle in a freshwater system

    Biodegradation of organic nitrogen compounds produces ammonium ion as the first

    inorganic species. Nitrificationis a two-stage redoxprocess in which micro-

    organisms convert ammonium ion to nitrate ion. In the first stage the ammonium is

    oxidised to nitrite ion.


    (aq) + 3O2(g) 2NO2-(aq) + 4H

    +(aq) + 2H2O(l)

    The nitrite ion is then oxidised to nitrate:

    2NO2-(aq) + O2(g) 2NO3


    This process uses considerable quantities of oxygen and contributes significantly to

    reducing the amount of oxygen available to other aquatic organisms.

    Nitrate concentration can also increase in summer. The incoming salt wedge reduces

    the amount of dissolved oxygen in bottom waters. Microbes release nitrogencompounds under these conditions.

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    Nitrogen can only be lost from a water system in the following ways:

    denitrification, - where nitrate is reduced to N2 which then escapes into the


    uptake by living organisms

    burial in sediments

    export to the ocean

    Denitrification is when bacterial enzymes catalyse the reduction of nitrate to nitrogen

    gas by a reducing agent such as carbohydrate (Sugars, such as glucose [C6H12O6], are

    an example of carbohydrates.):

    24NO3-(aq) + 5 C6H12O6(aq) + 24H

    +(aq) 12N2(g) + 30CO2(g) + 42H2O(l)

    The nitrogen gas can then escape to the atmosphere.

    The processes of nitrification and denitrification as well as movement of nitrogen

    through a freshwater system are illustrated in Figure 4.

    Nitrogen is also found in groundwater. It percolates through the soil and collects in

    aquifers, most commonly as nitrate. Some stream systems and wetlands are

    groundwater fed. Groundwater nitrogen can therefore enter the surface water system.

    Table 4 gives an indication of what your nitrate results mean for the waterbody


    Table 4. Rating of nitrate content in waterbodies

    Nitrate Content in milligrams per litre (mg/L)Water Type

    Low Medium HighSTANDING 0 0.025 0.025 0.25 > 0.25

    FLOWING 0 0.05 0.05 0.4 > 0.4

    TANNIN 0 0.25 0.25 1.5 > 1.5

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    Analysis of nitrate/nitrite in a natural water sample


    The free (dissolved) nitrate tests used in water testing kits today are based on a

    method developed in the late 1800s. The concentration of free nitrate in a watersample can be determined via a colorimetric technique. This technique involves

    converting colourless nitrate to a pink coloured compound by reacting a series of

    chemicals with a filtered water sample. The intensity of colour produced is directly

    proportional to the amount of free nitrate in the water sample. The colour of the

    tested water sample can be compared to a set of known colour standards and thus the

    concentration of the nitrate estimated. Alternatively, the amount of nitrate in a sample

    can be determine using a photometer and comparing light transmittance to a

    calibration chart.

    Free nitrate tests should be carried out on the filtrate from water samples passed

    through 0.45 m filter paper. However, due to costs, Ribbons of Blue uses GFC filter

    papers which filter out particles greater than 1.2 m

    Note: The test described below actually measures both the nitrate and nitrite in the

    sample but the nitrite is usually at such a low concentration that the results are fairly

    accurate. The combination of the nitrate and nitrite is known as the total oxidised

    nitrogen (TON).

    The first step in the process is the reduction of nitrate ion to nitrite by the addition of

    cadmium or zinc to the water sample. Below is the reaction for cadmium with nitrate.

    NO3-(aq) + Cd(s) + 2H

    +(aq) NO2

    -(aq) + Cd

    2+(aq) + H2O(l)

    Palintest Kit uses Nitratest Powder containing 70% zinc as the reducing agent.

    The LaMotte Kit uses Nitrate Reducing Agent that contains 7% Cadmium, which is added

    after the Mixed Acid Reagent.

    The nitrite produced thus is determined by a diazotisation reaction. In acid solution,

    nitrite ions and aromatic amines react to form diazonium salts.

    aromatic amine diazonium salt

    In the Palintest Kit, sulfanilic acid, contained in the Nitricol Tablets acts as the aromatic amine.

    The acid solution is provided by the ammonium chloride, from the Nitratest Tablets, whichdissociates to form a weak acid, and the sulfanilic acid.

    The LaMotte Kit method has already acidified the water sample by adding the Mixed Acid

    Reagent containing Citric and Acetic Acid. The aromatic amine is sulfanilamide contained in the

    Nitrate Reducing Powder.

    NH2HO3S + NO2 + 2H+ N2+HO3S + 2H2O

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    The diazonium salts can then in turn react with diaromatic amines to form intensely

    colouredazo compounds. (Aromatic compounds are those that contain a benzene ring

    and amines are characterised by the functional group NH2.) For example:

    diaromatic aromatic azo compound

    amine (highly colouredred in this case)

    The Palintest Kit uses the diaromatic amine N-1-napthlethylene diamine dihydrochloride

    contained in the Nitricol Tablet to form the azo-compound.

    The LaMotte Kit also uses the diaromatic amine N-1-napthlethylene diamine dihydrochloride

    contained in the Nitrate Reducing Agent to form the azo-compound.


    + NH2R NH2RN2HO3S + H


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    Water sample(s)

    Palintest Kit or other Nitrate testing kit


    Note:If you wish to measure the nitrite and nitrate concentrations separately you can

    do so by omitting the addition of the nitrate reducing reagent to a sample of water.

    Add only the second reagent to give the colour. An estimate of the nitrite

    concentration can then be made by obtaining a percent transmission reading and

    reading from the table of values. The nitrate concentration can then be obtained by

    carrying out the full test as outlined in the test kit and subtracting the nitrite

    concentration from this second value.

    1. Collect your water sample(s). Be sure to rinse your bottles with the water to be

    collected before obtaining your sample. Record the site(s) from which your

    sample is taken. If possible also record the depth and temperature from which you

    obtained your water.

    2. Read the instructions in the test kit to determine the nitrate content of your water

    sample. If possible test a number of samples at different sites of the waterbody

    (this may be done as a class) to ascertain a profile of the waterbody.

    Processing of results, and questions

    1. Using the outlined procedure in your kit, state the concentration of the nitrate in

    your water sample(s). Rate the concentration(s) using information from Table 4.

    2. Suggest likely sources of nitrate for the waterbody you have tested.

    3. What is the oxidation state of the nitrogen before and after reaction with the zinc

    (or cadmium)? (The Palintest uses zinc as the nitrate reducing agent.)

    4. Write a balanced redox equation for the reaction between zinc and nitrate ion.

    5. One of the ingredients used in the reagent tablets for this test is an acid. Suggest a

    reason for its inclusion?

    6. Based on the value for the nitrate concentration you determined, calculate the

    mass of zinc (or cadmium, as appropriate to the test kit used) needed to react with

    this quantity of nitrate. Is the quantity of zinc (or cadmium) added to your water

    sample likely to be more or less than your calculated value? Why?

    7. In the nitrification process, ammonium ion is converted to nitrite ion, which in

    turn is converted to nitrate. What are the oxidation states of the nitrogen in these

    three species? Explain why it is possible for nitrogen to have this range ofoxidation states. (Hint: Consider the electron configuration of nitrogen.)

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    8. In the denitrification process, nitrate is converted to nitrogen gas. Write a

    balanced redox equation for this conversion where sucrose, C12H22O11, is the

    reducing agent. (Assume the sucrose is oxidised to carbon dioxide.)

    9. Why does most of the nitrogen gas produced in denitrification escape to theatmosphere rather than dissolve in the water?

  • 8/22/2019 Water Chemistry Book




    TEE Year Subject Objectives from

    Chemistry Syllabus (2000-2001)

    11 1.36, 1.49,5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6

    12 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.L.2,

    5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6,

    7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.14

    Phosphorus in water

    The total phosphorus content of a waterbody consists of three components.

    Phosphorus can occur in the form of phosphate bound up in the organic matter

    (organic phosphate), as dissolved phosphate free in the water (known as reactive

    phosphate) or as particulate phosphate bound to clay or insoluble metal phosphatecompounds (particularly iron and aluminium oxides).

    Phosphorus is one of the principal plant nutrients entering the Swan-Canning river

    system. In most natural systems phosphorus is present as either organic or inorganic

    phosphate. As no simple method exists for measuring phosphorus content, and it is

    rare in its pure form, the following method is for analysis of dissolved phosphate.

    This procedure will identify the amount of phosphorus in the water sample that exists

    as phosphate ions (PO43-). Compounds such as calcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) will

    have dissociated in the sample after the addition of acid so this phosphate will also be

    detected. We commonly work out phosphorus content by working out how much

    phosphate occurs in a sample and then calculating how much of this is phosphorus

    (since the phosphorus content of phosphate is always constant).

    Natural sources of phosphate in an undisturbed system include weathering of rocks

    and decomposition of organic matter. These natural sources lead to a low phosphate

    concentration in the water. Human activity significantly increases the concentration

    of phosphate. Human activities that cause phosphate to enter waterbodies include:

    application of inorganic fertilisers, both on home gardens and agricultural lands

    use of detergents organic wastes (ie. from garden, agricultural wastes and animal effluent)

    sewage effluent

    industrial discharges

    The major problem that can arise from an excess of phosphates (and other plant

    nutrients) in water is eutrophication. This is the process whereby the excess plant

    nutrients cause an explosion in the algal population in a waterbody. When the algae

    die it is decomposed by micro-organisms which consume much of the oxygen from

    the water. This reduces the oxygen concentration to a level where fish and otheraquatic organisms have insufficient for their survival.

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    (Some of the algae species present can have adverse health effects on humans. The

    extent of these species is not a major threat in the Swan-Canning system as yet but

    there have been occasions during the summer when health authorities have advised

    against swimming in parts of the river where blooms have been present.)

    Phosphate applied as fertiliser is usually soluble and it is as a result of fertiliser usethat most phosphate enters the Swan River. In most soils the phosphate is

    immobilised by reacting with iron, manganese, calcium and aluminium ions to form

    less soluble compounds (refer to Solubility Rules) or by being adsorbed onto the

    surfaces of clay and silt particles. It is then said to be bound and so much less

    mobile. Bound phosphate only enters waterbodies as part of soil carried into the

    waterbodies. However, the sandy soils of the Swan Coastal Plain contain few binding

    metals and little clay or silt. This results in a high concentration of dissolved

    phosphate entering ground and surface waters.

    Phosphate concentration is also influenced by the quantity of dissolved oxygen.

    Under oxygenated conditions, phosphorus can be retained in sediment by theformation of iron, manganese, aluminium and calcium compounds. The lower

    oxygen concentrations during summer caused by the salt wedge moving up the Swan

    River (and generally higher temperatures and reduced flow rates) can result in release

    of phosphate into the water column.

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    Analysis of phosphate in a natural water sample


    The measurement of total phosphate content in the water requires the conversion of

    the particulate forms into the dissolved reactive form. The conversion can be carriedout by acid hydrolysis at boiling water temperature. Acid hydrolysis involves mixing

    concentrated acid with the water sample to react with the particulate forms of

    phosphorus. For example, if there were suspended particles of calcium phosphate in

    the water, reaction with concentrated acid would produce the soluble calcium

    hydrogenphosphate. This is an equilibrium process whereby the hydrogen ions

    initially react with free phosphate to give hydrogenphosphate:

    H+(aq) + PO43-

    (aq) HPO42-


    This reaction results in a lowering of the free phosphate ion concentration thus units

    of the particulate phosphates, such as calcium phosphate, will dissolve:

    Ca3(PO4)2(s) 3Ca2+

    (aq) + 2PO43-


    Note: When we say that an ionic compound is insoluble, as in the Solubility Rules,

    this is not strictly accurate. Those that we say are insoluble should more accurately be

    described as having very low solubility. For any ionic compound in water some

    dissociation will take place. An equilibrium is established between the solid and the

    dissociated ions. Hence by adding excess acid to an insoluble phosphate, the

    concentration of phosphate ions is reduced and the equilibrium is altered in such a

    way as to cause the solid to dissolve.

    It is not practical or safe to measure the total phosphate content in a water sample out

    in the field. Therefore, Ribbons of Blue/Waterwatch WA only analyses for dissolved

    phosphate. Acid hydrolysis is carried out at room temperature.

    The dissolved phosphate tests used to analysis water samples are based on the

    Ascorbic Acid Method. The concentration of dissolved phosphate in a water sample

    can be determined via a colorimetric technique. This technique involves converting

    colourless phosphate to a blue coloured compound by reacting a series of chemicals

    with a filtered water sample. The intensity of colour produced is directly proportional

    to the amount of dissolved phosphate in the water sample. The colour of the testedwater sample can be compared to a set of known colour standards and thus the

    concentration of the phosphate estimated. Alternatively, the amount of phosphate in a

    sample can be determine using a photometer and comparing light transmittance to a

    calibration chart.

    Dissolved phosphate tests should be carried out on the filtrate from water samples

    passed through 0.45 m filter paper. However, due to costs, Ribbons of

    Blue/Waterwatch WA uses GFC filter papers which filter out particles greater than

    1.2 m

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    The two acid hydrolysis reactions can be represented in one step as:

    Ca3(PO4)2(s) + 2H+

    (aq) 3Ca2+

    (aq) + 2HPO42-


    The Palintest Kit uses potassium hydrogen sulphate from the Palintest Phosphate No 1 LR

    tablet to acidify the water sample.

    The LaMotte Kit uses sulphuric acid from the Phosphate Acid Reagent to acidify the watersample.

    The concentration of phosphate in a filtered water sample can be determined via a

    colorimetric technique. The colorimetric technique involves the reaction of the

    hydrogenphosphate ion, in the presence of acid, with ammonium molybdate,

    (NH4)6Mo7O24, to form ammonium molybdophosphate, (NH4)3[P(Mo3O10)4]. This is

    a complex reaction and may be represented as follows (This is not a balanced



    (aq) + HPO42-

    (aq) [P(Mo3O10)4]3-


    The Palintest Kit uses Ammonium Molybdate from the Palintest Phosphate No 2 LR tablet tofacilitate the above reaction.

    The LaMotte Kit uses Ammonium Molybdate from the Phosphate Acid Reagent to facilitatethe above reaction.

    The molybdophosphate ion, [P(Mo3O10)4]3-, can then be reduced with a species such

    as acidified tin II or ascorbic acid (also known as vitamin C), molecular formula

    C6H8O6. This reduction reaction produces the intensely blue-coloured phosphorus

    molybdenum blue, (MoO2.4MoO3)2. H3PO4. The exhibiting of colour is a property

    typical of many transition metal compounds. The reduction using tin II is represented

    by the following equation:

    [P(Mo3O10)4]3- + 11H+ + 4Sn2+

    (MoO2.4MoO3)2. H3PO4 + 2MoO2 + 4Sn4+ + 4H2O

    The intensity of the blue colour is proportional to the concentration of phosphate in

    the filtered water sample.

    Palintest Kit reduces the molybdophosphate ion using sodium metabisulphate from the Palintest

    Phosphate No 2 LR tablet.

    LaMotte Kit reduces the molybdophosphate ion using Ascorbic acid from the Phosphate

    Reducing Agent.

    Table 5 gives an indication of what your phosphate results mean for the waterbody


    Table 5. Rating of phosphate content in waterbodies

    Phosphate Content in milligrams per litre (mg/L)Water Type

    Low Medium HighSTANDING 0 0.005 0.005 0.05 > 0.05

    FLOWING 0 0.01 0.01 0.1 > 0.1

    TANNIN 0 0.05 0.05 0.2 > 0.2

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    Water sample(s)

    Palintest Kit or other Phosphate testing kit


    Note: If you wish to test for reactive phosphate separately from total phosphorus your

    water sample must first be filtered. Standard chemical methods require a 0.45 m

    cellulose nitrate filter paper, however due to the expense of these filter papers

    Ribbons of Blue groups use 1.2 m GFC filter papers.

    1. Collect your water sample(s). Be sure to rinse your bottles with the water to be

    collected before obtaining your sample. Record the site(s) from which your

    sample is taken. If possible also record the depth and temperature from which you

    obtained your water.

    2. Read the instructions in the test kit on how to determine the phosphate content of

    your water sample. If possible test a number of samples at different sites of the

    water-body (this may be done as a class) to ascertain a profile of the waterbody.

    Processing of results, and questions

    1. Using the outlined procedure in your kit, state the concentration of the phosphorus

    in your water sample(s). Rate the concentration(s) using information from Table


    2. Suggest likely sources of phosphate for the waterbody you have tested.

    3. The formation of the blue colour depends upon a redox reaction. Give the

    oxidation states of the molybdenum before and after reaction with the

    hydrogenphosphate. Write a balanced half equation for the reduction of the

    molybdophosphate ion to the phosphorus molybdenum blue.

    4. Assuming the ascorbic acid is oxidised completely to carbon dioxide write the half

    equation for its oxidation. Note: Some kits do not use ascorbic acid.

    5. Combine the two half equations to give the redox equation for the reaction

    between the molybdophosphate ion and the ascorbic acid solution (or other

    reducing agent).

    6. Which of the reagents in the reaction between the molybdophosphate ion and the

    ascorbic acid would you expect to be the limiting reagent? Explain why this is

    necessary to the success of the test.

    7. Explain why most phosphate occurs in particulate form.

    8. What effect(s) can the water temperature have on the concentration of phosphate?